Iranian Girl to Marry an Indian Jain

irani gal says: September 29, 2015 at 2:00 am

hi Afreen, I m also an Iranian girl going to marry an indian jain guy ,but i dont know what it will be as my parents and near ones are so much scolding me and warning me about marriage to foreigners?! -Irani

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  • proud_rajput
    December 17, 2015 11:56 am

    dear iranian sister
    if u regard me as ur genetically related aryan brother(of kshatriya caste)then follow my advice and abandon ur evil islamic faith and revert back to Zoroastrianism, the original religion of great persia. even u could try hinduism, buddhism, jainism,sikhism or remain atheist.
    as far as ur marriage is concerned, i dont know wether they allow u people to marry forigners or not but in india there is no problem. all the dharmic traditions along with parsis live peacefully. ur abandonment of evil islam would bring peace to u and ensure greater integration between u and ur husband.
    all the best

  • October 11, 2015 9:02 am


    your comments dt.4th oct. refers only an isolated incident. What about
    islamic terrorists killed and killing millions in Libya,Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Nigeria, Lebanan, Jordan,Arabia, Turkey,USA, Russia, India, UK, Australia?

  • October 6, 2015 8:51 am

    Hello every one,

    Quran is an evil book which justifies expansion of Islam through:-

    1. Taqiyaa doctrine,
    2. Lying to be used to adopt deceitful tactices,
    3. 72 virgins sexual pleasure for terrorists killed,
    4. trap non muslim girls for multiplication of muslim population,
    5. Mullas and imams brain wash innocents
    6. mutta marriages
    7. Kill non believers
    8. Sex slaves
    9. 4 wives allowed at a time,
    10.Oral tripple talak,
    11. 4 eye witnesses needed to prove rape by the victim,
    12.Shariya laws

  • Kafir
    October 5, 2015 5:07 am

    There are many Muslims who suggest Hindus to read Quran for having a great knowledge. I think why people should read Quran. Followers of Quran are terrorist and made this earth a hell. I am fortunate that I have not read it, otherwise I also would become a terrorist.My Iranian Sister, you people are great Aryans and Indian civilization is also the gift of Aryans. So, don’t hesitate to marry an Indian.He is genetically very nearer to you. I know a Doctor who would work in Iran and married an Iranian girl. They have a son and now living in India . Yes, they follow the great Hinduism.

  • mac
    October 4, 2015 11:33 pm

    Hindu terrorist strikes again, after killing rationalist,professors they now have killed a 52 year old man for alleged eating of beef, if cow of life matter so much that hindu terrorist took life of a innocent human being, but later it was found that they didn`t even have beef, so it was preplanned attack to kill that muslim man in india and BJP MP, the cultural minister of India justified this attack by saying it was an accident, but when it happens with them, they cry terrorism, clear double standard, the cultural minister of india also said the mobs didn`t rape the 17 year muslim girl of that family, so cultural minister knows that the culture of india is to rape women of weaker section, so he is trying to give credit to those boys who didn`t rape the girl, wah and this is 21st century India where people gets killed for eating beef.

    Dadri: Mob kills man, injures son over ‘rumours’ that they ate beef

    Man beaten to death in Dadri: The attack on Akhlaq and his family took place around 10 pm after an announcement about the family consuming beef was allegedly made at a local temple, police said.

    Read details here

  • mac
    October 4, 2015 11:21 pm

    Isn’t it time to STOP HATING Muslims & Christians?

    How many countries Modi visited?
    All Mulla & Missionary Countries:=>Modi begged money, investment, jobs. And signed for “billions” dollar, yes billions.

    One Hindu Country Nepal:=> Modi gave billions.

    Are so proud Hindutva haters can live a “decent” life of dignity independently without help from enemy Mulla & Missionary countries?
    But not a “single” Mulla & Missionary country asked helped from india.

    From where Hindutva terrorists get money to run their terrorist organisation n train rapists & bombers in disguise? These terrorists survive with donations from Hindutva NRIs working in Mullah & Missionary countries. Otherwise 70% of Hindu population is below poverty line, 665 million don’t hv toilet, 42% of world’s poor live in india, world’s most mal-nourished children live in india. Do u see the status of Hindutva?

    Isn’t it time to stop hate n massacre of Muslims & Christians in india & throw ur “false ego of tolerance” in gutter?

    See their training for bombing & terrorism by brainwashing young minds:

  • mac
    October 4, 2015 11:06 pm

    ahaaha admin got afraid, he deleted my comment to hide the truth, is it your dharma?

    • October 8, 2015 6:17 am

      Don’t post the same comment several times, instead use URL to refer to your prior comment.

  • kumar
    October 4, 2015 12:52 am


    Fo ur kind information i didn’t cheat my gal.

    • Mohammed
      October 4, 2015 6:35 am

      why u r telling lie..lier. only told that you will accept islam to your gf after that you told you will not accept..

      • kumar
        October 4, 2015 8:00 am

        where have i told. plz let me kno.

  • kumar
    October 4, 2015 12:51 am

    By the way who told u that Islam take u to heaven?

    • Mohammed
      October 4, 2015 6:38 am

      Read and understand Quran and islam. . then you will know who is heaven , who is hell

  • kumar
    October 3, 2015 2:54 am

    U must marry ur jain boyfriend in order to come out of Hell (islam)

    • Mohammed
      October 3, 2015 3:21 am

      bro kumar,

      First understand islam then tell afterwards. . you already a fraud and a big lier. .

    • Mohammed
      October 3, 2015 3:22 am

      bro kumar,

      First understand islam then tell afterwards. . you already a fraud and a big lier. . who cheat ur girl friend saba.. in the name of love…

      • Mohammed
        October 3, 2015 6:31 am

        leav it bro, a lier and fraud wont understand fact

      • kumar
        October 4, 2015 12:54 am

        All these above points r not followed by Muslims.

        • Mohammed
          October 4, 2015 6:37 am

          Most of the muslims are following all those points which is in quran but hindus are not following their veda just they say veda to be the word of god but not follows

    • November 5, 2016 2:22 am

      Dear kumar let me clear you
      U said islam and “evil” u said quaran is “evil”
      R u a true human being or a physco?? I m muslim n ihave my bf jain we r facing hell to get iur parents convince this religion shits has become a disaster day by day milloms of life has destroy in dis and a hypocrate ppl minds like u are making it a more hell instead of spreading brotherhood good msg and positivity u r saying evil n such stupid things let me remind u islam is a religion who tolerates the most those who says we r terrorist and quran says dis n dat letmme tell u wuran doesnt say such bullshit n crap which has been said by ppl like u n terrorist go in the past history read abt sufi muslims and bhakti sufis ideas n thoughts regarding humanity
      Infact quran says if som1 slaps u give them ur another cheek to dlap again bt dont slap them back if some1 hates u love them so there hatred may convert in love islam says spread love as much as u can and even hate n respect ur enemies do not devalue anyone there is only one god and the parts which has been created by himan beings are all ur brothers n sisters
      We the ppl of india do not consider jihads group or terrorits a “muslim” bcz they dnt have religion they just want to all of us to abide by there rites n rituals n customs. If they were muslims then they wouldnt have killed millions of muslims in blasts in syria palestines afghanistans no quran or bible says to fight n killed people in the name of religion islam says “kurban” urself to help a needy to help ppl muslims are far more difrent frm wat terrorist groups r portraying so plz dnt create this stupidity its creating a hell for us who want to marry out of religion out of caste by the dogma n chaoss u ppl r creating.

      Reply to

      • krish
        March 26, 2018 2:29 am


        Islam is not only evil but also fake. Look around the world and ask yourseld=f about islam. Whole world is suffering due to islam.

  • October 2, 2015 7:38 am

    Hi Iranian Gal

    By the way, may I know, right now where are you living and where your BF? If in India, there is no problem to marry but if in Iran it is next to impossible.Howecver, where is a will there is a way. But you must ensure that your BF is on the good job, and you also need to be financially independent and more over, both of you must committed and loyal to each other with a vision to honour each other,s sentiments.

  • September 30, 2015 8:56 am

    Dear Irani girl,

    Interfaith marriages are always complex and difficult. Both sets of parents will not support. On top, you have also a big cultural difference to settle for. When and where are you going to marry? Are you going to marry by Islamic nikaah or Jain wedding? We hope yours is not an internet love where you have not meet each other yet. It is important to know each other and others culture/religion before jumping into marriage. Get back to us with more details and we could like to talk to you. Thanks.

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