Iranian Girl: I am married with a Hindu

Afreen says: October 13, 2012 at 1:56 am

Hi, I am Afreen, an iranian girl, postgraduated in abroad, in journalism and public relations. I am deeply touched the various inhuman treatment meted out to the female community in Islam, like
(i) ten operessive rules of Quran against women
(ii) Rapist and murderer treated as prophet, messenger of Lord
(iii) circumcision of females brutually
(iv) two witnesses needed by a female to seek justice
(v) Imams and Maulvies using islam for sexual assualt against females
(vi) 72 virgins for males in Jannat etc. What is this all nonsense?

My life story is that I am married with a Hindu Nepali boy, settled in Kathmandu, maintaining my religion but not that way, also visiting Hindu temples, like Pashupati Nath etc.

I am glad that our muslim sisters are raising their voices against discrimination and brutuality in the name of islam. – Afreen.

Afreen says: October 24, 2012 at 2:40 am

Dear Suma,
How nice to see your comments? There is nothing of difference between me and my Hindu husband. He is caring and supportive too in all respects. Very sincere, hardworker and dedicated, respecting my sentiments, searching through good things about iranian culture and encouraging me to follow. I too take interest in Hindu religion, learn about god/goddesses. Feel very happy to know so many things about Hindu Religion, which is one of the oldest religions in the world, so sicientific about stars, planets, astrology, horoscope and different forms/avtar of God. Recently my husband has been promoted to the senior management level, high profile job, feel myself proud and ever thankful to the almighty for blessings in future too. -Afreen.


Also read: Hindu girl, Muslim girl, Hindu boy, Muslim boy,

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  • Jayanta Roy
    April 29, 2019 3:48 am

    There is no hatred between the all mighty god which each religion follows. The all mighty is one and same for all. The pioneers and upper section of all religions discover all these and create discrimination among innocent people of different community. Love is immortal, nothing is pious than that. Everything is fair in love and war. Love is based on the foundation of best understanding, trust and confidence among each other. Religion can’t be a barrier for the holy effort to execute, when two adorable and affectionate lives from two different section of the pole wants to give their life a new shape and dimension. Conversion of religion can’t be mandate to get married and lead a happy life ever after.

  • June 13, 2018 4:16 am

    Hi I’m about 30 yrs old and in love with a hindu boy. We love each other so much and wanna marry. Our relationship is more than one yr, but only online. During this time i have talked to his mom several times through video call and to his sister by msg only. His family doesn’t have any problem with me or my religion. But my family doesn’t want to accepthim. Even they don’t wanna meet him. He is ready to convert to islam, but can’t change his name cuz of his business and family. I also accepted it. He believes in humanity, honesty, etc. first, then religion. I can say he is like me abt religion. He doesn’t believe in many gods. He and his family eat meat too. Mostly non_veg. Day by day my love is increasing for him and his behaviour. They are just waiting for me to finish my MA studies. I don’t know how to convince my family. He wants to come here in few months and meet my parents. His family also knows abt it. I don’t know if my family doesn’t accept him under any condition wt we should do. As I’m a girl and single, i can’t get visa or leave my country without dad’s permission and his signature to get married in India. Also i don’t know if it’s possible to register marriage in iran without dad permission through court or not. I need help… Plz

    Reply at

    • Guest
      April 12, 2019 7:58 am

      I think you shouldn’t convert him to islam. Why take a step backward? Learn more about hinduism. Good luck!

      • Adam
        September 16, 2019 1:24 am

        Hindu dharm soar dharm

  • kishan rathaur
    June 26, 2017 3:45 am

    Hi I am kishan I want to know than in Iran Hindu religion are living there or not ? and Hindi they speak or not? My contract no xxxx

    • June 26, 2017 10:48 pm

      Are you in love with a Muslim? Are you willing to convert to Islam?
      Yes, there are a few Hindus living there, why are you asking?

      • Guest
        April 12, 2019 8:01 am

        I don’t think he needs to convert to islam. That would be taking a step backwards. Good luck!

  • Bala
    June 22, 2017 3:34 pm

    Any idea how to approach an Iranian woman…like are there cultural things I Shud be aware before striking up a conversation with her….

    Like do’s and don’ts?

    • June 23, 2017 8:55 pm

      Are you ready to convert to Islam and be a true Muslim (0% Hindu)?

      • Guest
        April 12, 2019 8:00 am

        Why take a step backwards? I don’t think he needs to convert!

    • G.H
      August 26, 2019 9:36 am

      How can I get Afreen’s email address?
      Finally my family accepted my marriage with the hindu boy…
      I’m extremely happy


  • mahesh
    January 1, 2017 6:06 am

    nice post! we should respect all the religions, for example a muslim will pray to allha and Hindu will pray to Goddess durga by chanting durga mantra. As every religions have their own sentiments which we should respect.

  • December 1, 2015 11:18 pm

    okay this is totally not allowed in Islam, if some girl does it and she thinks it is good and permissible she won’t be Muslim anymore.

  • September 11, 2015 10:07 pm

    Fighting in the name of religion that which one is more superior and which is not is a foolishness act in this modern world. I am an Indian Hindu boy married to a Russian Muslim Sunni girl and living happily. Neither I stop her from doing her religious practices nor she. Even we will leave the decision on our kids to select any one religion of their parents and respect the known religions on this planet. Though my father is an Atheist and he taught me one thing from childhood that God is only one. And it’s you. And my wife believe in that too.
    Stop fighting guys and live your life happily.

    Reply at

  • arya
    July 29, 2015 10:16 am

    just follow ur qrn hehe he

    • Mun
      January 31, 2017 5:06 am

      Fuck islam

  • arya
    July 29, 2015 10:11 am

    fatima still u don’t understnd the hinduism so keep quit your tounge quite

  • arya
    July 29, 2015 10:07 am

    fatima if you talking about qrn than you should know that islam alwaysays that kill the murti pujak and keep iaslam no 1

  • arya
    July 29, 2015 9:43 am

    if u don’t realised yur ancient heritage than how will u justify ur present religion

    • arya
      July 29, 2015 9:55 am

      I m not against muslim but I wnt to know that why muslim discrimate always hindus

      • Vishal
        February 3, 2017 11:23 am

        Making a judgment for all the people following one religion based on few of your life experience is not wise. you can always egnore them.

  • July 20, 2015 5:24 am

    Hindu Parents can now choose their Baby names easily as we have categorised Girl baby names and boy baby names separately along with their meanings

    • mac
      July 6, 2015 4:19 am

      hahhaha FI, you are really an entertainer!!!!

      Hindus are those who lived by the side of river Sindhu, how come in the middle of Arab, you have hindu temple?

      And earlier you were boasting about Bengali intellect..LOL 🙂

      BTW you ran away from the post of whether Muslims are majority among Bengali race, hahaha

      • franklyindian
        July 6, 2015 4:33 am

        Dear Mac,

        The entire area was under Samarat Vikramaditya once. That’s why…and yes you ppl have marketed your products really well, made millions of hindus fools by your so called packaging….that’s why now the market is full of pirated versions …and Bengalis Worldwise are known by Amartya Se, Sushmita Sen, Rabindranath Tagore, Satyajit Ray, Swami Vivekanda, Subhash Chandra Bose, and not by any tom-dick and harry….who have changed their Gods, changed their identity but could not change their language……

        • franklyindian
          July 6, 2015 4:35 am

 did not write why your prophet’s name resembles Lord Krishna?
          Please write…

        • mac
          July 6, 2015 5:04 am

          HAHAHHA so if Vikramaditya captures land of other people, then it is brave, if Arab came here and captured this part of the world, then they are cruel. Hypocrisy at its peak, well explained here

          • mac
            July 6, 2015 5:13 am

            ///and Bengalis Worldwise are known by Amartya Se, Sushmita Sen, Rabindranath Tagore, Satyajit Ray, Swami Vivekanda, Subhash Chandra Bose, and not by any tom-dick and harry…////

            That exposed your communal mindset, thank god that i didn`t belong to religion that you practice. Hardly anyone knows who is Vivekananda except some academics, Amartya Sen is not Hindutva like you, he is an atheist, may be beef eater like me, all those above mentioned name are liberal Bengalis whom you earlier said in this website that you hate, like they don`t vote for idiot party like BJP, their son in laws are muslims….BTW who is Sushmita Sen?

            And that Subahs Chandra Bose whom whole world consider as terrorist, an Japanese chamcha,agent

            BTW Rabindranath Tagore was against idol worship, infact he started a new religion which was separate and against Hindu beliefs.

            Your communal mind couldn`t recognize present prime minister of bangladesh, sheikh hasina, very few women leaders are out there in world, and from Indian sub-continent, she is the only women leader, she became prime minister of 3rd time, you couldn`t recognise Md.Younus who won Nobel prize in economics like Amratya Sen, but you only mentioned Amartya Sen not Younus, but both were from same field and have won Noble for same subject, that shows how hateful,communal your mind is, better not to talk with you.

          • franklyindian
            July 6, 2015 5:13 am

            Samrat Vikramadiyta never captured the lands,,,instead he spread his kingdom by way of covenants….later traders & preists went there for livelihood.

          • franklyindian
            July 6, 2015 5:29 am

            Obama Speech On Swami Vivekanand – YouTube

          • mac
            July 6, 2015 5:29 am

            Show me proof he never captured the lands, hehehe

          • franklyindian
            July 6, 2015 5:32 am

            What about Question No 3?

          • mac
            July 6, 2015 5:44 am

            Ya i told you, Swami Vivekananda is not known to common people arounf the world, if you go to brasil and tell any normal brazilian that i am from the same race of vivekananda, then he will laugh at you, that is why i said earlier in my comment, swami vivekananda is dead and is now known among only people dealing with academics not general people, only general Indian people know him

        • nagasai
          August 27, 2016 9:49 am

          idiot shut u r mouth.wht do u know about swami vivekanada.don’t dare to talk about him badly.he was legend.and he was perfect person produced by human race.if u don’t understand about him shut u r mouth.cme 2 india and study swami vivekanada books u can know his greatness if u hve a mind.

      • franklyindian
        July 6, 2015 6:24 am
        • mac
          July 6, 2015 8:37 am

          FI, can you show any paper work on kabaa being Hindu temple?

          • mac
            July 6, 2015 8:38 am

            As I said earlier, you information is based on wordpress and blogspot, not in reality.

          • j.hegde
            May 27, 2016 11:00 pm

            Mac is a bastard. Does not reason. Seems to know only have a foul mindset.
            Yes, there is nore to non Bengali in India than being discussed.

          • mac
            May 28, 2016 10:53 pm

            Thank you.

      • SHYAM
        October 29, 2015 1:37 pm

        Hey i m not anyways concerned who folows what religion, bht get ur history right… There were 800 odd temples with hindu god…. One god with various forms in arab world destroyed over time… i m aure with the current pace like how Indonesia once a strong hinduism community was converted and largest muslim population in the world…. Arab nations were also converted over centuries… Temples were destroyed. Go to library in turkey to see and experience ancient mecca… Or meccadeeshwara… The of aupreme power… One god of Hinduism

      • Shaleen Sharma
        November 16, 2015 1:33 am

        dude its not hinduism actually its sanatan dharma n second thing mughal emperors forced alot of people to convert into islam and have dstryd alot of temples and also killed people including 1 or 2 year infants, ladies , aged men n others. so it has nothing to do with indus its the name gven to us by invaders please do ur homework before commenting on anything. n 1 more thing the language u r using to comment here is also indo-sanskrit language

  • franklyindian
    July 6, 2015 2:19 am


  • abhyudaiy
    June 12, 2015 4:59 am

    hinduism never questions intereligious marriages neither does in intercaste marriages.hinduism gives women equal opportunities to womens as to men.but some people are try to malign it by giving some false statments.hinduism always belives in giving freedom of following ones life in ones belief but only his belief should not bring any tense in society or giving pain to any one.some people say it is a very complex religion,but i say is the easiest belief.hinduism is not a set of rituals to be performed but a platform to bring all goodness and leaving the people can perform rituals which suits them.that is why others say it is complex.hinduism says god is in every particle of even rocks ,trees,animals,divine humans etc .are worshipped here.but it also doesnt says we are says every body who have strived for goodness are divine.well i think it will be very much for a wise person,because for a wise only an indication is enough.

  • abhyudaiy
    June 12, 2015 4:32 am

    my dear friends
    i am hearing a lot of comments ,this &that.
    i am a hindu boy.
    let me first clear some of yours misconceptions about hinduism.
    at first ,unlike other religions hindus did not called themselves hindus.actually we called ourselves the followers of sanatana dharma,meaning ,a form of living a healthy and peaceful life in harmony to every living being.the idol worship was and is performed to give our small brain to able to conceive the idea of the infinte god.the word santana dharma means a duty that should be performed by every mankind regardless to a specific community and any age of time.the person referring to sati pratha in veda should read it more cleary and should understand the meaning of sati and how were they performed in very ancient india regardless to this 19th century sati should not have to be born in a hindu family for being a hindu.the cast system in ancient india was built according to a man doing his work.a kshatriya was becoming sudra according to his work and deed

  • May 20, 2015 11:25 am

    When there is understanding between you and your partner, there is no need to worry.

  • sachin
    April 16, 2015 6:43 am

    Then u hve to accept hinduism wid out any argument.

  • Ishwar Allah
    January 16, 2015 4:19 am

    Marriage is not a matter of religion, it a matter of love and togetherness.

    • mac
      January 16, 2015 6:02 am

      and what about love with god, surly god will not love a girl or a boy who married another girl or boy who doesn`t follow,worship,love that god

    • April 16, 2015 12:04 pm

      Every one prays to God however churches wish to promote baptism and Islam to promote Muhammad. This is all about vote-power, not about Isvar or Allah.

      • Mohammed
        April 16, 2015 3:58 pm

        ha ha ha. .why u doing comedy admin 😀
        Tell frankly that u dont know about the religion. .

        • April 16, 2015 11:03 pm

          …that it is man-made!

  • Ishwar Allah
    January 16, 2015 4:17 am

    All religions are imperfect because no religion can stop hate. every religion tries to supress other. Neither Islam nor Hinduism and not even christian religion is perfect. The perfect religion is within one’s own mind and thought & I bet, I can show the world the mistakes in Quran and all other religious books. Man should follow his / her heart and mind. The meaning of Dharma (Religion) is not religion, it’s mean responsibility of one living entity towards other living or non-living entities and towards the energy that is reason for creation of universe and the life.By Family I am Hindu….. what you can say about my religion.(Name:Ra_ _ B_L_D_)

  • avinashariva
    December 26, 2014 10:39 am

    Hi all hindus sikhs and bhuddism marry to muslim girl we all convert muslim into respective religion so that it will be muslim free nation and we will capture pakistan bangladesh bhutan and nepal

  • avinashariva
    December 26, 2014 10:35 am

    I am and I request hindu boys to marry muslim girl and convert th them to hindu

    • Allama Iqbal
      June 19, 2015 3:57 am

      Is duniya main jahilon ki kami nahi hai ghalib,
      Ek dhundo hazaar milte hain.

  • October 22, 2014 1:43 am

    Joke of the Millenium! hindus living in harmoney and brotherhood among other religeous communities,hahaha,,hindus are divided in class system,such an inhuman act that upper class hindus through away their pots if lower class hindus serve in them,hindus are mastered black magicians,used to burn alive the widows with their dead husbands untill muslim conquerers banned them to do so,hindus spread prostitution confidently thats why bollywood is so famouse,lol,,,,,muslims on the other hand ruled india for 1000 years and never been killed or humiliated but given respect and xgiven authorities and posts in respectable positions in royal cohrtyard,,,after creation of india ,hindus always killedmuslims,sikhs,christians,burnt churches,destroyed mosques and u call muslim terrorists?? you hindus are the biggest allies of terrorist state of isreal,supplying girls to them to make them happy

    • mac
      October 22, 2014 2:19 am

      baloch1 well said, this site has imaginary depection of hinduism and hindus , but in reality truth is in front of you, thnx for exposing the truth, and you will see no hindu will be able to prove your comment wrong instead they will start using slangs against you like criminal,rapist,rape product, bastard, terrorists, etc” but i don1t know about israel issue of supplying girls

      • Ankita
        July 6, 2015 12:23 am

        well .. dont talk as if other religions dont have loopholes.. chill.. i am a hindu officially.. studied in a missionary, always had muslim friends.
        n u talk of killings? lol.. and terrorism?
        people having such sentiments (like you) spread terrorism. learn to respect first.hate later.
        BDW, if u r an indian.. u r lucky.. bcuz India is the only country which is a multi-religious country known to belong to hindus giving QUOTAS to everyone ;unbiased towards them apart from upper caste hindus.. got that?;lol 😀
        just check out the religious distribution in INDIA..
        And a news that broke through ..decline of hindu religion in Bangladesh and PAkistan(wid due respect) from 22% to 10% In pak its around 2% ..well supposedly not the same case over here? yeah? history says … there was a rift between protestant and catholics.. shias and sunnis..still continuing
        so chuck least we dont murder other castes or religions unnecesarily.
        and who says we have not overcome such sentiments of untouchability?
        and moreover neithr did mughals nor british abolished such acts.. its hindus mutual understanding.. get your facts right hehe..
        Poor of you people in a world of Computers and technologies .. sophistication .. u tend to follow such old school drama..
        and moreover .. neva did hindu attack chritianity.. nor did bjp.. nor did catholics or muslims ..
        its people who tend to become masters of your epics (actually havent read a page about ur respectives holy buks, ) master such bullshit discussuions..!!!! haha.. 😀

    • Ricky
      November 1, 2014 1:50 am

      STOP POSTING LIES..Muslims didn’t banned the sati the British banned the sati.We do have a cast system but what about Shia and Sunni.Hindus are terrorist..haha..what dilute minded perverts u Muslims are I guess we all know what the ISI is and what’s going on in Iraq.So according to u Hindus are involved in prostitution what about u Muslims who force young girls into the prostitution in the UK.
      so now a Muslim is telling we are burning churches,mosques..I guess you are talking about your beloved Pakistan..where u kill millions of Hindus and Christian
      and break there temples and churchs..
      STOP POSTING LIES..U were not treated with respect in India people hate u all over the world even your fellow Muslims hate u.u all are parasites..before accusing someone for something,see your own background.

      • mac
        November 2, 2014 1:08 am

        yes, muslims didn`t banned sathi pratha officially as muslims rulers didn`t wanted to hurt hindu religious sentiment, afterall, sathi pratha was sanctioned in vedas. Shia,sunni is a politiacal division, still quran,five pillaras of islam are same, but, dalit can not read vedas, dalit can not enter brahmin`s temple, dalits dark skin poor men cannot marry a higer caste fair brahmin girl, dalits are created from toe of brahma, the creator where as brahmins are created from head of brahma, what is this……..

        Anyway, my point was that the man who was behind banning sathi pratha was a madrasa educated student, he was raja ram mohan roy, he was against idol worship, i think madrasa education in childhood had impact on it.

        Hindu terrorists are every where, the forced a hindu girl who married a muslim men to lie in front of camera, and baised media potrayed it, ya i am talking about meerut gang rape case which the girl later confessed that she was forced to tell lie and her family was given 25,000 INR

        Hindu terrorists are killing,burning christians in india

        A gang of five hindu religious group has been found abducting, outraging modesty of Christian woman

        Unlike you, i am not giving hatesite links like jihad watch,barenakedislam etc, i gave you authentic links which are not hate.

      • mac
        November 2, 2014 4:15 am

        es, muslims didn`t banned sathi pratha officially as muslims rulers didn`t wanted to hurt hindu religious sentiment, afterall, sathi pratha was sanctioned in vedas. Shia,sunni is a politiacal division, still quran,five pillaras of islam are same, but, dalit can not read vedas, dalit can not enter brahmin`s temple, dalits dark skin poor men cannot marry a higer caste fair brahmin girl, dalits are created from toe of brahma, the creator where as brahmins are created from head of brahma, what is this……..

        Anyway, my point was that the man who was behind banning sathi pratha was a madrasa educated student, he was raja ram mohan roy, he was against idol worship, i think madrasa education in childhood had impact on it.

        • mac
          November 2, 2014 4:16 am

          continuation of previous comment…

          Hindu terrorists are every where, the forced a hindu girl who married a muslim men to lie in front of camera, and baised media potrayed it, ya i am talking about meerut gang rape case which the girl later confessed that she was forced to tell lie and her family was given 25,000 INR

          Hindu terrorists are killing,burning christians in india

          A gang of five hindu religious group has been found abducting, outraging modesty of Christian woman

          Unlike you, i am not giving hatesite links like jihad watch,barenakedislam etc, i gave you authentic links which are not hate.

          • Ricky
            November 2, 2014 6:50 am

            well first of all Mac I’m not here to create hate and nor I have anything against the Muslims in General.I just hate lies and plz be honest that u also know that guy lied.well u say Hindus are terrorist yes they are.I agree we even have those naxalaties in our country who oppose their own country,I accept we don’t treat our Christian minority properly but I along with the whole world knows even u know it that Muslims don’t treat their minorities any better either..isn’t.In nowadays as u can see cast discrimination is still alive but now it isn’t as strict as it used to be,now lower cast people are also in many higher positions for eg former chief minister of Uttar Pradesh miss mayawati she is a dalit.u say Shia,Sunni is a political tern then tell me why do they hate each other.if they all are Muslims and this same goes with the Hindus as well.I Say leave all this BS.I have many Muslim friends who identify themselves as Indian first then a Muslim.I’m actually proud of them…and one question are u a moderator..??

          • mac
            November 4, 2014 2:46 am

            well, u r saying u r nt here to spread hate, but ironically you started you first blog with reference from two hate site. just like bjp hates congress, same way, shia-sunni hate….

            anyway, glad that you accepted that hindus don`t treat christians well, you have caste system etc, actually other memebers are in so denial mode that they without replying to the point, they keep on abusing,slang etc, anyway,it was nice to interacting with you

    • user1
      April 10, 2015 12:38 am

      Sathi is started by hindus to avoid capture of islamic invaders (if u hav any doubt u can research)
      2) caste system is based on karma(bt people do it wrngly and it exists in old generation of indians)
      3) hindusim(sanathana dharma is away of life) nt a religion(but consider as a religion) based on karma and dharma
      4 ) it accepts every religion evn athesists it says mother is the first god unlike 160000 god concepts

  • anand
    September 26, 2014 10:25 pm

    dear friends, any religion never tell us to create any kind of nuance, only few people are there to do so because of their unhealthy mental per my opinion respect all those person who are true loving caring and honest to everyone in this world,i like the Iranian culture and woman very much as i have heard that they are very much devotion to their family and every one, if some one has such kind of thoughts or feeling what is the harm? regards

  • Subhradeep
    September 20, 2014 4:06 am

    muslims are the biggest exporter of not oil… but terrorists… look at you self before insulting others by calling them kafir.

  • Subhradeep
    September 20, 2014 4:02 am

    India the nation where Hindus, Sikhs, Jains, Buddhists live together like brothers and call each other Hindus by blood following different ways to reach god and also by considering the river ‘Sindhu’, have also made the Zorastrians our brothers. Zorastrians were people of persia, whom muslims captured and started poaching they came to us and then they became “WE”. Muslims hate us all always call others kafir and thinks whatever they are, they are the best. you muslims insult human beings in the name of allah and call yourselves to be the progressive? what a joke. caste system was there in effect in ancient India. I invite every muslims of other nations to come and see where caste lies today… India has developed way better than you guys. whatever u have achieved it is just for oil. oneday there won’t be any oil to sell… lets see what happens to you guys that day. India is heading to Mars today… and look at yourself arabians and their followers you kill your brothers of your nation in the name of islam. you guys have stained your lands by your own blood… you call us primitive and kafir look at yourself first then you will realize, Who is more barbaric?

    • mac
      September 20, 2014 6:16 am

      what will you do when there will be no oil, back to donkey age then,

      and kafir is not a bad word, it is just a arabic word which means one who hides truth, disbelie, etc , even such words are there in vedas, so if we don`t beileve in vedas we are disbeilever(kafir) of vedas

      hatred is preached in hindu family not muslims

    • mac
      September 20, 2014 6:18 am

      ///have also made the Zorastrians our brothers. Zorastrians were people of persia, whom muslims captured and started poaching they came to us and then they became “WE”. Muslims hate us all always call others kafir and thinks whatever they are, the/// you made a mistake, few peoples who didn`t convert came to india, persian people accepted islam, war was fought between persian kings and arab kings, you people alsways dilute,mixup every thing.

  • June 15, 2014 4:48 am

    wonderful information, I had come to know about your blog from my friend nandu, I have read at least 7 posts of yours by now, and let me tell you, your website gives the best and the most interesting information. This is just the kind of information that i had been looking for, I’m already your rss reader now and i would regularly watch out for the new posts, once again hats off to you! Thanks a ton once again, Regards, Piyush Agrawal

  • June 12, 2014 5:04 am

    Hi, I am a Hindu (Sikh) guy, in india, and i want to marry an Iranian girl. She has come to do her studies in India and she wishes to marry me too, but as the story goes, her parents are against the marriage. I am wondering how shall I go about it!!

    1.Should it be a court marriage, a normal marriage like in Hindus/ Sikhs etc. I would prefer a court marriage, but how?
    2.Would she require any papers from her embassy for the court marriage? Or
    3.Any sort of Information has to be provided to her embassy?
    4.Iranians have a sort of an Association here, can that association put up any hurdles during or later in her marriage/ married life cause these as guys are bloody racists and fanatics.
    5.How long would it take for her to become an Indian national so that she can have an Indian Passport.
    6. Is it possible that she be taken back to Iran forcefully, if not, how? If, yes, what are the measure that need to be taken to stop it from happening?

    Information:- Neither of us want each other to convert.
    Request:- Please try to respond to each query one by one so that things are clear.

    Awaiting a fruitful response.

    Reply at

  • shibu
    May 9, 2014 3:16 pm

    VeryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyY gooooooooooooooooD

  • amit
    February 24, 2014 8:17 am

    hinduism is the most scientific religion . As in education with every academic year the books change hence for people of different standards different books are required to progress further . and the final book is srimad bhagwatam which teaches every soul is manifestation of gods energy . which teaches god is made up of sat(existent ) chit (consciousness ) and anand( bliss) . he has a shape of human body but his body is not made of 5 worldly matter like us . which is earth water fire air ether . how can god who gave shape to everything be so powerless to not be able to give himself a shape . an individual soul is called nara and sum total of all living souls is called narayan . he is called purushottam because he is also best among mens and his energies are in the form of woman called shakti . hence god is revealed by curiosity and interest and with a surrendered attitude towards him and not with a egoistic mindset . hence hinduism encourages curiosity and doesn’t suppress it by showing fear if any uncomfortable question is asked . as the president of india or united states have parliament with ministers taking charge of various dept similarly there are devatas given power by god to manage universes . hence god is called narayan or his avatar ram or krishna .who are same but in different times as per leela or action performed at different times . god is matter of personal research and genuine curiosity and has nothing to do with birth else Ras khan or Haridas thakur wouldn’t be krishna bhaktas . i request my muslim friends who have genuine quest for god to read srimad bhagwatam or go to any vaishnava school to shed false ego of i ,me and mine to get better understanding of god . loving service towards all living beings without discrimination is only accepted as service to god . gratitude towards whoever u take knowledge ,money , food or anything and feeling of indebtedness towards them is hinduism and true religion which teaches us to be grateful to everyone and not backstab or be ungrateful . hence god takes incarnation of krishna to preach people to have gratitude towards cows as our ancestors drank their milk , gratitude towards guru who teaches us spiritual knowledge and gratitude towards anyone who helped us in any way . to turn away from this teaching is to turn away from god . yes if someone comes to kill our cow ,our guru our parents it becomes out duty to repay our debt . my muslim friends god is everywhere not just in mecca or west . he cannot be weaker than human who are every where . he is a subject and object of learning whole life in human birth alone anyone boasting of knowing him in full is simply egoistic and wasting human birth .

  • January 20, 2014 8:09 am

    I am in need of some serious advice here friends – I am a Nepali Hindu girl in love with a Muslim American boy from a Pakistani descent. We both are pretty liberal when it comes to religion and okay with not converting our religion but respecting each other. Both our parents are aware of our relationship..his parents are okay with me as long as I convert but my parents are still in denial about this relationship. We live in US but I just wanted to know if any one has faced similar situation? Any advice on how to move on further?

    Reply at

    • Admin
      January 20, 2014 5:21 pm

      Allah has sent you to this site for help, so first thank Allah for it.

      NEVER fake-convert, it will cost you a lot. Read Koran on Hindu article on this web site and experiences of all Hindu girls. Let us know if you ae not clear.

      Your bf is a con-artist our converting you to Islam. We know you will not believe us. Prove us wrong. Tell your bf and his parents that you are a Hindu and will raise children Hindu (at least 50% and nothing less). Tell them that you will never take the Shahadah because you do not believe in fake-conversion. Get back to us what they says.

      • Common Sense
        February 2, 2014 9:34 pm

        Oh stfu for god please Muslims are the biggest headache this world has ever encountered since the dinosaurs.

    • samvu
      June 15, 2014 8:35 am

      dear sister,
      having bf of gf not a bad thing. but we should cross our limitation. marrying islam boy will force you to follow thier norms and values and covert your religion at the end. islam is not liberal like hinduism. i sugest you to study the cases similar to you on web.

      hope my suggestion makes you clear!

  • fatima
    November 12, 2013 3:28 pm

    What should I learn from hinduism caste system the fact that there is nothing called equality or the fact that dalits are born to be slaves of brahmins or shouod I start idol worshipping and feeding idols milk and honey.

    • Krishna
      November 18, 2013 2:14 pm

      Still better than following a pedophile!!

    • Common Sense
      February 2, 2014 9:44 pm

      Qur’an:9:5 “Fight and kill the disbelievers wherever you find them, take them captive, harass them, lie in wait and ambush them using every stratagem of war.”

      Qur’an:8:12 “I shall terrorize the infidels. So wound their bodies and incapacitate them because they oppose Allah and His Apostle.”

      Ishaq:290 “Some Meccans got up to circumambulate the Ka’aba…. Sitting around the mosque, they wondered why they had allowed this evil rascal to attack their men.”

      …no need for further comment from the “civilized world”..figure it out for wonder y’all believe in heaven or damn, if my holy books had these type of quotes, shit, I’d be an atheist by now!

      • samvu
        June 15, 2014 8:36 am

        dear common sence i deeply agree with you!

    • Shadab
      July 16, 2014 6:24 pm

      Fatima this site is hindu made..and everything in it is wrong and false ..this is lies…..nd the proof is fake aafreen gives 10 points bout quran which is totally india many hindu girls attracted to muslim boys..nd even convert nd marry with muslims..there jealousy is a creation of this fake article.

  • SK
    September 7, 2013 10:10 am

    To all my friends…Men and women..
    Who came first..Humans or religion?
    Let us all suppose we are in era of preIslam and preHinduism what we would have done if heart beated for a Hindu/ Persian-boy or girl. Surely both would have married and settled quitely..

    It is we humans who have made the cultures, religion and boundries. Nothing is more important than love and caring.

    • September 7, 2013 4:14 pm

      Well said!

    • October 15, 2013 9:46 am

      When man goes to sleep, everything imposed on a person , every kind of conditioning , in fact everything attached to his/her mind also go to sleep. In such a state, that person becomes his/her real self without any sort of additions. In such a pure state, everybody irrespective of any creed, any religion, any country , any caste etc. etc. remains simply as a human only. But unfortunately, when a person wakes up , he/she gathers dust again and become full of all kinds of differences. In Hinduism, we call it as a great illusion. In reality, the whole world is under such a great illusion and does not want to discard it easily. This is a wonder !

    • Allah
      April 12, 2014 2:57 pm

      Hinduism is some 50000 years old!!!
      way back than Islam!!!

    • Allah
      April 12, 2014 2:57 pm

      Hinduism is some 50000 years old!!!

  • prakash watts
    September 3, 2013 11:11 pm

    i am hindu i am belive in love when i am bone i dont woh i am my mom is told me abt me my realigin i want to just say in this world very imp is love not realigen love is god & realigind is ……………. i haop your under stand me
    thank you
    prakahs watts
    my face book id is

  • July 29, 2013 10:59 am

    Hi Sandeep and other Indian friends who loves an Iranian girl,
    I am also in love with an Iranian girl and most probably he will come to India next year for doing her higher studies and then we are planning to get marry from here in India. I would like to know whether it is possible to marry her in India ? Any legal problem is there ? I am a christian boy. Please if anyone have the same kind of situation like me please reply and if possible add me as friend. My facebook id is

    Reply at

  • sandeep
    March 28, 2013 4:05 am

    hii afreen,
    i m in love an iranian girl.n i wanna marry her.but she n her family wants me to b muslim coz in iran it is very difficult to marry her.her family likes me but the only problem is that i have to convert to islam to marry her.if i do it i will lose everthing.i just want to ask whether i can marry her in iran or not without doing any paper i need to chage my name or anything in my passport??? just tell me the best way how can i marry her in iran as she is not able to come to india.where n how can we marry in iran without doing any paper work.her dad said that after marriage she cant come back to iran so it mens i have to live in iran n have to show to everyone that i have become muslim.i want to hide it in india.but wht to do.can u pls guide me.n can tell me the best way to marry her.i really cant live without her.plsss help me soon.

    Reply at

    • Kate
      April 3, 2013 5:41 pm

      Hi! If you get any info about getting marry in Iran, please let me know! Coz im going to marry my iranian fiance, but i dont know what/how/when/where should we do… 🙂
      Best regards!

      • April 3, 2013 8:21 pm

        Hi Kate,
        Read Sandeep’s post at indicated URL for details.

        If you love him (and he truly loves you for “what you are”), go marry him. Just make sure there is no Shahadah (religious conversion) for Islamic Nikaah, simple! If he is a love-proselytizer and love Jihadi, now all of a sudden he will start talking about your conversion to Islam (what reason he presents or how ever he explains it to you – is not important, the bottom line “Shahadah” matters). Further tell him no BBS for children, instead children will declare their own faith when they are age 21.

        If you follow the “no BBS” principle, rest will be just fine. Best wishes.

    • May 19, 2013 7:34 am

      hi sandeep.
      yaar dont worry since you said that her parents like you that means you must have been to iran. if yes then you know u can buy every thing there. this is how i did ….i got a shia mulla in india who belonged to iranian embassy to convert me to muslim( shia ) , i was named ali ,then with those papers i went to iran got married no need to covert there or else they might make you cut yrs. best first go to indian embassy in tehran they guide you normally they suggest we get married in india.
      now me and my wife are in india she has her passport iranian and i have mine indian . all i did was just paper work nothing actual.
      and honestly we can do this much for our love.
      IRANIAN GIRLS are loving and caring wives.

      • May 19, 2013 8:58 pm

        Sandeep, don’t convert, period.

      • kk
        October 8, 2013 3:13 am

        Hi Uday,

        I am a hindu marathi boy and in love with iranian girl. she had allready informed her parents about us but her aunt wants me to be converted. we want to get married but its not possible for me to be converted. Is there any way where we can marry each other without each other getting converted

        • October 8, 2013 7:37 am

          Dear KK,
          Which country you are from? How did you met her?

          Bottomline to your question, you MUST convert for Islamic nikaah. There should not be any doubt about it. Do not think you could FAKE-convert for your love. Be prepared for all these …

          • kk
            October 9, 2013 2:04 am

            I m from India i meet her in india as she had came for her post graduate studies in india. I dont want to convert in to muslim but i want to marry her. How can we marry without getting converted

          • October 9, 2013 7:39 pm

            Which country are you writing from today?

            If you wish to marry in India, simply go for a court marriage, meaning Special Marriage Act 1954. There is no need to convert. However, it will be next to impossible that she will come or allowed to come to India for the marriage.

          • kk
            October 9, 2013 10:58 pm

            Thank you for your advice. I would like to know if she comes to India and we marry in India then how can she stay in India permenantly also if she want to go back to Iran for visiting her family then can she go back and can she come back to India? How can she stay in India permenantly through which visa?

          • October 11, 2013 7:34 am

            Once she comes to India and you marry her, now she is your wife. Please check with immigration department for how to apply to change of her status as your wife.

            Yes, she could visit Iran and come back but you cannot visit with her because a Hindu’s marriage with a Muslim girl is not valid there. You must convert to Islam, as far Iranian laws are concerned (so you don’t plan to visit there ever).

            Do not underestimate these religious issues for your married life, even she was from India. Best wishes.

          • kk
            October 15, 2013 5:15 am

            Thanks Admin for your suggestions. Initially I was in a confused state as didnt knew what to be done. Now I got some information of the process. Few questions. 1) When I apply for her passport in India as my wife then her Iranian passport and her residency will be terminated from Iran? 2) Does she need to be converted to Hindu after her marriage with me?

          • October 15, 2013 7:06 am

            When I apply for her passport in India as my wife then her Iranian passport and her residency will be terminated from Iran? -Now as your wife she could be a resident of India but still a citizen of Iran.

            2) Does she need to be converted to Hindu after her marriage with me? No.

    • July 29, 2013 11:07 am

      Hi Sandeep and other Indian friends who loves an Iranian girl,
      I am also in love with an Iranian girl and most probably he will come to India next year for doing her higher studies and then we are planning to get marry from here in India. I would like to know whether it is possible to marry her in India ? Any legal problem is there ? I am a christian boy. Please if anyone have the same kind of situation like me please reply and if possible add me as friend. My facebook id is

      Reply at

  • arpan
    March 9, 2013 3:43 pm

    Hey every body……i wanna tell to somthing abt d religion..we r human being.not we can do marry wit human.not wit animal.if u were did the marry with animal..u were should be search religion.otherwise its not nessearry ok.if u were wana marry with human u should be search suitable heart.which u can get from human ok ?that set…

  • Bishnu
    January 5, 2013 4:59 pm

    I am a Hindu boy and i am going to against my cruel parents …

    According to VEDAS every hindu Boy should do, To becom A Perfact MAN…

    I have to do this for my future …
    1 i will not going to take any dowry.
    2 I will naver going to torture my loving Hindu wife..
    3 i am going to give her suffecient freedom in her marryed life.
    4 I will keep her safe no mater is i m alive or loosing my life…
    5 And I hate “Rape” hate the cowardness…
    6 AND i am going to marry a Hindu GIRL…i also a HINDU boy and love VADIK PHILOSOFY

    i know it will complicated but not Impossible.
    I m ready to proove myself that I m a Hindu MAN…
    hope My every HINDU brotrhers will proving themselves

    A promissss..
    not Joking ..its Seriouss Be HINDU be A MAN…gdbay

    • bakhu
      April 29, 2013 11:14 pm

      Please don’t post if you can’t even spell. People like you who declare themselves, bring a bad name to others in the same Clan.

      God created Earth and all the living, human blood is red, people created religion and caste system/ discrimination.

      Be good, do good. God loves every one equally regardless of religion, skin color, social status,region, ethnicity etc.

      Love ALL! PEACE!!!

      • October 15, 2013 8:21 am

        Wish the whole world dye in the beautiful colour you sprayed on this website. Bakhuji , God is within reach if a person has a such kind of purity in his/her heart but do you find it as common as twisting of all kinds of religiosity prevalent on earth. When I observe tendency of making people divide in the name of sects, caste, religion, colour that you mentioned, I assume other creatures other than humans really blessed by God as they are devoid of hatred, I’ll will, animosity and blind outlook. Instead of unburdening himself/herself with these life-sucking attitude and other soulless paraphernalia, complexities are on the increase. Though people like you are in minority, whenever I occasion to read such rare comments, it gives me a real peace and solace. Thanks, brother, keep up and spread this spirit in every quarter of space.

    • Common Sense
      February 2, 2014 9:49 pm

      Lol..every now and then u encounter a example of one..hmmm what a world would be without these uneducated village mentality can only

  • Shubham
    November 29, 2012 6:19 pm

    Hello Afreen. I am a child born to a Hindu dad and a Muslim Iranian mom. She left Iran before the revolution of 1979 with her family. As far as Islam is concerned, it forms the cultural aspect of my mommy’s life and nothing else. She was fortunate enough to be brought up in western society. She got married to a hindu Marathi (dad’s native language) guy and is leading a very happy life.

    I am a proud Iranian and i love Iran equally as i love India and the same goes with the two religions as well. ( I am sadly not eligible for Iranian citizenship as children inherit nationality from their dad and not from their mom in Iran)

    It was really nice to hear from you and you have a very similar story as that of my mom’s. Remember dear that Love is superior to God/nationality and you have the complete right to live your life your own way.

    Maybe one day your child will turn up to this website and post a comment like me!

    • upendra
      February 19, 2013 5:41 am

      can i have your phone no or email id i want to talk you about my iranian connection. i need your hel please

      • February 19, 2013 9:58 am

        We could help, if you wish. Can you give more details what is your situation?

  • Thomas
    November 18, 2012 11:54 pm

    No religion is good when it goes to extreme. Persian are very open minded people, believe on me I know many Persians, they dont follow any religion, I can say they aren’t Muslim and they aren’t Zoroasterian as well, they are in between…….cheers

    • Bishnu
      January 5, 2013 4:30 pm

      Hey all.
      I also feels proud and glad that i am a HINDU,I also like muslim ladys
      as my closs sister and feels proud for theirs most valuable words just not for the love of Hinduesm just for their voice for live freedom.
      I am also with u all my sisters .I pls dont mind.My wife my lifepartner only will be a HINDU girl.yes i think what i’ll gating from a hindu gils nobody will there still waiting for giving me those things..a hindu girl may be a true friend,a loving wife,a true mother of my child,whatever.if i in trouble she will be a shaddow and alwayes
      be ready to encourage me..thats why as a HUNDU boy i bellive in VADIK
      Pholosofy an like so much HINDU GIRLS…

  • Satyen
    October 26, 2012 8:27 am

    Dear Muslim sisters,

    It’s very true that the Muslim women will have to lead the movement for their emancipation and freeing themselves from the clutches of Muhammad. Take help of those Muslim males who don’t consider Muhammad as their role model. Also take help of the women or males of other community if you consider them to be useful in this movement of freeing the Muslim women. Unity among the Muslim women and understanding the root cause (Muhammad) of their enslavement is key to their success. Believe in merciful Allah who is all powerful and will help you. So, all respects to Allah only, no Muhammad for true Islam.

    May Mata Durga (Goddess of Strength) who killed the demons, give you all strength and manifest her power in the form of unity among the Muslim ladies.

    • Priyo
      February 5, 2013 4:43 pm

      Hi Satyen It’s very true…It’s very sad to know that Muslim women are treated as objects..In Hinduism women are treated as Goddess..I don’t mean that there are no bad Hindus…but Hinduism teaches respect for women…

  • October 26, 2012 7:20 am

    Hello every body,
    I have been reading comments on different blogs on this site and found that Amir, Indian,Srinivas,even Hindu girl, posing different names, disguising their exact identity, are writing all non sense here in favour of cruelty, discrimination, rapist character. Our muslim girls should be aware of these types of persons. Such people are responsible for the worst condition of muslim women in the world.

  • October 25, 2012 6:34 am

    So called disguised Indian, but origianlly a Talibani hard core terrorist. You will understand when your own daughter or sister at the age of 6 years is raped by a shaitan called prophet in the name of Islam or you are born in the muslim family and raped at the age of 6 years by a 56 year old rapist and bleeds throughout the life. Remember that day will come soon in your life too.

    • believer in God
      October 26, 2012 12:42 am

      hello sister.This Indian and amir have no other work.they stay in India where muslim women enjoy they dont know whats going on in Hard core muslim countries.India gives liberty to all.So even muslim women here never wana go to Saudi or other Muslim countries even if their husbands work there.bcoz they know whats the state of women there.i know of a women who couldnt adopt to the lifetsyle there bcoz she had to literally stay behind doors there.even for goin out u need a male guardian.what rubbish is that.Jab aurat ko itna takat diya bhagwan ne k wo bache ko Janam de sake then she cane even move out of the house?how sick is that.Indian government has given right to women in property even though as per books she isnt allowed.With time the orthodox rules change.but outside India it never happens in Saudi etc.they follow old rules even after living in 21st century.that called the sick mentality of people there.Gradually things will change.but u women there have to come together and fight for it.Like saudi is gona give voting rights to women in 2014 polls.thats a landmark for them.So dont expect that the males will change things.Women power has to rise above all.In hindus Goddess Durga,Lakshmi and Sarawati are the three main Goddesses who represent supreme power.Even Lord Shiv got his ‘siddhis’ from Goddess Durga.So that means the ultimate power is women.but Islamic rules like wife beating,treating them like cattle have made life hell for women in Islam.The wake up call should start from u people only.I dont wish any female to marry a hard core Islamist guy who believes in all this rubbish of inferiority of women.thats why its better to warn them.

    • fatima
      November 12, 2013 3:26 pm

      So called farida. I know thats not your real name. Anyways I was bor and brought up in muslim family, am a proud practicing muslim. And nothing of the sort that you say haa ever happened. People like you are just false propogandists who just intend to spread hate and defame islam. Anyways most people on this site are fake. The comments posted are all very similar. A single person has posted comments under various names. But nothing to be surprised. Anti muslim propoganda is their aim. And I’m pretty sure who are behind this.

      • Suhuz
        February 23, 2015 10:16 pm

        Well said……..I Like.

  • October 25, 2012 3:28 am

    You are not an Indian, but Talibani mentality terrorist.
    Dont interfere with our life experience. You are the enemy of
    female community.

  • An Indian
    October 24, 2012 3:52 pm

    This is a Fake Story,
    plz dont believe in this hatred things,

    • believer in God
      October 25, 2012 5:27 am

      @Indian:hatred is what u people spread in the world.dumb asses.uneducated.pyschopaths.u all are like the chained bullocks of a cart.rarely one can find muslims with soft heart.because from child age u r taught violence,hatred and greatfulnes(sic) of ur religion.its purely man made.thats y it has the brains of a human mind like gettn virgins,beating wife and rubbish.tell ur God what is equality and justice and learn it from Lord Vishnu.ur God is peace hater.and believes in killing non believers.thats y rationals like Ali Sina have already left it.but u r moron.u left ur birth religion for actually u r the brainless animal on earth

  • October 24, 2012 2:40 am

    Dear Suma,
    How nice to see your comments?There is nothing of difference between me and my Hindu husband. he is caring and supportive too in all respects.Very sincere, hardworker and dedicated, respecting my sentiments, searching through good things about iranian culture and encouraging me to follow. I too take interest in Hindu religion, learn about god/goddesses. Feel very happy to know so many things about Hindu Religion, which is one of the oldest religions in the world, so sicientific about stars, planets,astrology,horoscope and different forms/avtar of God. Recently my husband has been promoted to the senior management level, high profile job, feel myself proud and ever thankful to the almighty for blessings in future too.

    • October 24, 2012 10:33 pm

      How beautiful!

      This is the way ALL interfaith marriages should be….”There is nothing of difference between me and my Hindu husband.”

      Like Afreen and her husband, interfaith couple have to merge in each other without devision, exclusivity, superiority and religious labelings (BBS). There has to be true respect for each other for what ever they are.

      How beautiful is to visit a Mosque on Friday and a Mandir on Saturday, fast for Puryusan (Jain) and Ramadan, enjoy both (all) religious holidays, read from Koran and Guru Granth Sahib (Sikh), and truly enjoy both (all) faiths. Will not Allah(s) be happy to see these (see video of Gurumaa)?

      We wish to see this World to be pluralist and happy.

      If your lover is opening his/her dirty mouth for religious labeling and fake-conversion business, run aways from him/her!

      • December 8, 2015 8:16 am

        Hi Afreen,

        I need you help, I am indian and i love on iranian girl. she also love me,from my family side my parents is ready to accept her.Her parents likes me as a son.they know me and my gf is very good friend.
        I just want to know what is the procedure to get marry with iranian girl.
        I am hindu.


        Reply at

        • Mohammed
          December 8, 2015 9:28 am

          This Afreen is a fake name bro,

          This is only one person replying with different names, a gang of chand osamani,kartar, etc. . .

  • October 20, 2012 2:56 am

    HI Every one,

    Just used common sense to move away from religion. I was born in a Muslim family, hence I was a Muslim till I became an adult. Had I been born under any other religion, I would’ve been a follower of the same. And all my life I heard that Muslims would have the first right to heaven. That sounded very absurd to me and as my brain opened up i realized it was not my achievement of being born in a Muslim family that I had a birth right to heaven. Surely God cannot be so unfair. Furthermore, the history of Islam is full of bloodshed and war, and the Quran clearly allows jihad on one side and then says all humans are equal. Surely God could not reveal such hypocritical statements and I openly challenge the validity of the book. I am a God fearing human who believes every human is equal, be he/she from any religion, caste or creed. I freely choose not to follow Islam anymore as the concept is against my altruistic views on life, where a persons life and faith should be governed by his/her own free mind and logical reasoning. Not by the way of birth or what the ancestors have always believed in.

    Arsalan Chatha, 24, Pakistan, now an agnostic

    I left Islam. I always thought that Muhammad can not be God’s messenger or a holy man! By looking at his personal affairs, especially with women, I can not follow a man who marries each woman he meets! Also the contradictions in the Quran and the way it was written – in a way that is so difficult to understand, made me believe that this is a man made religion . Also, Islam has NO tolerance for other belief systems, and the argument that Muslims are very lucky that they were born in Muslim countries got me convinced that Muslims are so closed-minded and forgot that there are many wonderful people on this planet who are not Muslims. I think Islam is the worst thing that happened to humanity. It pushes Muslim’s backwards and that is why there is no single Muslim country is advanced or even civilized! Also on the question of prayer, they say if you do not pray 5 times a day you will be burned in hell for ever! I tried prayer of course when I was a Muslim, but I did not feel anything, I felt I am just exercising or in the Gym, I felt I am like a robot. No feeling at all. This is pure brainwashing. Now I am not sure if there is God or Not, the theory of evolution blew my mind and the fact that there are so many religions in the world and so many problems in the world made me believe that Man created God not the other way around.

    Hussein, Egypt, now an agnostic

    9/11 probably opened my eyes. I realized that Islam at its best couldn’t re-invent itself or adapt to the changing world. I realized also, its the reason for all failures of Arabs and Muslims. Yet Islam is apologetic to every medieval notion, the way it treats women, other non-believers and religions, solving simple problems of life other than Halal/Haraam and just branding others as blasphemous. This religion goes against my mind and values, that is why I left it.

    Ahmed BenKerishan, United Arab Emirates,,

    • atul
      October 27, 2012 2:43 am

      Now I am not sure if there is God or Not, the theory of evolution blew my mind and the fact that there are so many religions in the world and so many problems in the world made me believe that Man created God not the other way around.

      that’s it, i don’t believe in any god or prophet or guru whoever dividing ppl .
      your thoughts are so true like a being human, why all cant think like you.
      the 1st religion is the humanity after that all, but we are creating god as a robots and fyting for nothing.

  • October 18, 2012 2:38 am

    How idot is Ansur? Here muslim girls have shared their life experiences based on cruelty and attrocities in the muslim community by males in the name of Islam and also pointed out evil thereof.
    This filthy mind person blaming Indians? No doubt, he is talibani mentality hard core terrorist? Every body is fake for him, except himself? Infact fake is his own identity and fake muslim, just treating females subject to all cruelties. Indian muslims are better than any other muslims of different countries. India is a second largest muslim populated country.Bastard hold your toungue?
    Stop writing all non sense here.

    • fatima
      November 12, 2013 3:33 pm

      This site is run by propogandists with a sike aim to defame islam. The ignorance is visible in the posts. People who havent ever read the quran are commenting on what is written in it. Female circumcision os never mentioned in the quran.many of the oher aspects are also not from the quran.

      • franklyindian
        July 6, 2015 12:57 am

        Dear Fatima,

        Why Prophet Mohammad name resembles Krishna (Hindu God) can you tell me?…

  • Ansur
    October 16, 2012 5:36 pm

    This girl says she is a Muslim yet beleives female circumcission is prescribed in Qu’ran.

    Tut tut tut – yet another fraudulent post to defame Islam and Muslims.

    Amazed at the PROPAGANDA against Islam and Muslim.
    Shows how much of a coward you Idnians really are and your hidden agenda to defame Islam.

    The best and most amusing is how you Indians take on Muslim names to posts to give more weight to your response.

    Very shallow and deceitful people and a reflection that something is missing in your petty life.

    Why Islam will always prevail, what you do today and how you defame Islam and Muslims is no diffrent to the idol worshipping pagan Arabs.

    They got no where and people realised the truth.
    When they do they will appreciate Islam.

    You people are sad, cowardly, deceitful and shameful.

    Its a prize for you to post a Hindu boy marries a Muslim in India because thats the extent of hate you have towards Muslims and based on centuries and centuries of inveriority complex.

    I pity you people truly do.

    • believer in god
      October 16, 2012 6:31 pm

      the truth is always unacceptable for u Muslims.when u r shown the mirror u run of try to break the mirror.spit on u and not dis iranian girls.u all r double standard people idiots on dis earth.u just know to kill,rape,enslave and the name of god u terrorise people.basically all indians r hindus.even indian muslims are hindus.they were converted forcefully to islam by ur bullshit muslim emporers who came to India.they were the worst cowards and humans on earth.because ur islam taught dem all dis.and u are also a part of religion is so inhuman as islam.

    • Aryan
      October 17, 2012 12:39 am

      Did you even read and understand quran, all thats written is by a muslim. You muslims decide if you have 1000 version of quran. But i agree you are pure double standard evil, who knows nothing called as women freedom. Go and ask her why she wrote as she is a Muslim and wrote it you have no choice but to throw confusion and propaganda that’s its fake. I don’t care about your religion and by the way my wife is a muslim and she is much happy with me

      • Amir
        October 17, 2012 12:53 am

        A muslim marrying Hindu is no longer muslim.

        • Aryan
          October 17, 2012 7:43 am

          again my friend you are spreading wrong information. Hinduism is a tolerant religion, jt does not require muslim girl to change her religion, she can be Muslim and married to hindu guy. That’s how it works Aamir, do you want some real examples, i have plenty and some are know to world.

          BTW if you want to still preach she is no longer a Muslim who are you to interfere with others life, what happens if she is not a Muslim?

          • fatima
            November 12, 2013 3:36 pm

            According to hinduism tou have to be born a hindu. You can only marry within your caste or gothra. If hinduism is what you say why is it that tou never see a brahmin marrying a dalit. I forgot there is no equality in hinduism.

  • suma
    October 15, 2012 1:33 pm

    Afreen, you are lucky to leave Iran and live in Nepal. The mullas of Iran have destroyed to social balance of your beautiful country, people are robbed off their self respect and as a result they live in low self esteem.All women must wear a scarf and cant show their elbows (sic).They have resricted women from taking up a list of university courses this year, only men ARE PERMITTED TO TAKE UP THE HIGHER EDUCATION in those areas. No civilized world would permit such discrimination.But Iran is far better than Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, I know. Please be nice to your hindu husband, dont ruin your wonderful opportunity. Also be nice to Zorastrians or Parsis who are originally Iranians; in Iran they persecute their own ancestors, just like in Afghan and Pakistan they persecute hindus and buddhists even today.

  • Ayesha,
    October 14, 2012 10:57 am

    Hi Afreen,

    Please guide our muslim sisters how to break the vicious circle of tortures, cruelty and attrocities in the name of Islam.

    Vow, great, nice to find your happy married life.

    • bakhu
      April 29, 2013 11:22 pm

      Just tell your uneducated and desperate, vulnerable Muslim youth NOT to listen to hate speech, grow some balls and think for themselves. Media Controls everything. WEST is NOT EVIL. It’s people who incite hatred and make brother fight each other that are EVIL.

      Quran was probably written for tribes back in the day (who knows) and the fucked up concept (that some preachers use to instigate hatred/infidelism and 77 virgin-cuntism) does NOT apply in the 21st Century.

      Imagine a whole world that is MUSLIM run by “special interest groups”. No other religion. That world would be full of rapists who would marry their own sisters, rape their mothers,cousins,kill everyone and breed out of sin.

      No women, no cry – It’s the end of the world!! And Mohmd.would not be too happy about it ..would he?

      • ali
        November 12, 2013 3:39 pm

        And hinduism was written for a bunch of nomadic people with no intelligence. Worship idols, caste system, sati, dowry, worship cows and drink cow urine and wonder what else.

        • Krishna
          November 18, 2013 2:37 pm

          Still Hinduism is 1000 times better than Pisslam!
          Whatever u said are tradition and not something prescribed in any of our sacred texts, but its a custom.. Idol worshipping is far better than suicide bombing!

        • Ankita
          July 6, 2015 12:40 am

          lol are u serious?
          what do u know of Hindu epics?
          Mr. Ali…
          talk of loopholes of ur reliogion.. not others.. if u praise of it so much.
          as if talking shit abt other religions is a preaching that your religion teaches you.. yeah??? not surely … it asks you to treat other beings nicely.. luk wat u doin.. fo sure … can say ur religion was written by a bunch of …. bla bla …
          nomads really??? haha… poor reasoning ability
          have some sense and talk of it.. u cant count of loopholes if u dont have other religions that counter yours.
          n cow’s urine is known 2 treat certain disease. check out the fact idiot. haha!!!
          if u r a true muslim.. u wud talk of brotherhood and harmony.. not such things
          sati et cetra.
          well ..Islam is pure religion. people like you worsened it..!
          U r an indian First.. a proud hindu ..or muslim later
          talk of the country that has given you a shelter.

        • j.hegde
          May 27, 2016 11:10 pm

          Remember, many practices that you mention in Hindustan like Sati that existed came into being after Islam came to India. Islam spread fast since you can kidnap and keep women in the name of Islamic jehad. Idol or no idol does not change a thing. You pray 5 times probably you are all insecure all along – for doing wrongs and defending even wrongs of the prophets.
          The culture & ideas of India is what you are practicing today but without any tolerance. Fight & jehad, wives and booty is what the Arabs had practiced in a desert and spread it all over via Islam.
          Please view every one not with Islamic ideas but outside the any religious prism.

      • Ankita
        July 6, 2015 12:44 am

        check if all the women feel the same ..! :/
        try to make earth a peaceful place.. not a place of hatred..!

    • fatima
      November 12, 2013 3:37 pm

      Just follow yhe quran in true spirit. That is enough for the progress of muslim women and ummah.

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