Internet as a weapon to fight evils

Religious and social evils have been going on for thousands of years. A common man/woman had no voice against some of powerful selfish religious and social leaders. Now internet is changing this picture. Now intellectuals have internet as a strong weapon to fight social evils. Please join us in a war to make this World a better place to live for all.

Chand Osmani says: May 8, 2013 at 10:23 am

Really very happy to note the encouraging and educative texts being posted here. No doubt internet has revolutionised the process of awareness among muslim girls too, I never anticipated that our muslim girls will be so intellectural to post and write texts highlighting various burning issues pertaining to islamic evils.

There are some persons like Suhail, Junaid, Zahid, Aamir, who are attempting to sabotage this process by misleading readers but our sisters are wise enough to know the truth. They always point out that the texts are copied and pasted, but they forget to select appropriate material or text even for copy/paste purpose needs skill, research and logical thinking. It is not just pointing out look this site and nothing giving elaboration.

Further our sisters are detective too. How they found that Junaid or Zahid etc. were the product of Mutta marriages, which they not deny. It means there is truth in their real life story. Mutta marriage is common among muslims, thousands of kids were born out of this short term marriages just for sex purpose.

Also greatful for posting chapters like Islamic women, HRS (a burning issue among muslim girls to prove virginity), Mutta marriages, wife beating etc.

May you live long to serve the female community world wide.

With deep regards, -Chand Osmani

Veena Malik says: May 7, 2013 at 3:33 am

Many many thanks for publishing various experiences of daring girls who did not soccum to the pressure of evil customs.

Credit goes to you for enlightening the noble cause in the interest of humanity. God bless you both. -VM

Satyen says: May 7, 2013 at 3:09 pm

The credit goes to the free thinking Muslim women such as you along with a few males who are aware of the repressive cult and its weapon taqia (deceit to propagate Muhammad’s repressive legacy).

Keep up the philanthropic work to make this world a better place to live. -Satyen

Harnam says: May 9, 2013 at 11:16 am

Dear Admn./Satyenji,

Satsriakal, sattinam wahe guru.

Really great site to create awareness and eradicate social evils particularly against women folk even in today’s environment. Internet has made possible to communicate readers sitting thougsands of miles away, share views, news and burning issues.

To be very frank, but not aiming hurting feelings of any community, there is no doubt that muslim women are really subject to various inhuman treatment in the name of religion. All sorts of crimes are committed against them.

Jo bole so nihal, satsriakal -Harnam

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  • May 15, 2013 12:31 pm

    Hi Zahid,

    Surprised to read that you were also sodomised by Imams and Malvies?
    Did you not complain against them?Perhaps you are still habituated of such practices in the name of islam. You have a typical life story.
    It is strange to read that males anus are widened to hide small bombs inside it by Jihadies. What a religion?

    Shame on you.

  • May 14, 2013 12:02 pm

    Muslim girls becoming virgins again with hymen replacement surgery

    Aisha Salim,a Muslim graduate from a family who moved to England from Pakistan two generations back slept with several boyfriends and had to be virgin again with a hymen replacement operation to show her husband virginity blood at the wedding night back in 2007.she said.‘If my husband could not prove to his family that I was a virgin i would be ostracised and sent home in disgrace.’My father who is a devout Muslim would regard it as the ultimate shame.‘The entire family could be cast out from their friends and society, and one of my cousins or uncles might kill me to purge them of my sins.’

    At that time that was one of the rare cases but now this kind of surgeries are gatting more ad more popular and there were 116 hymen replacement operations which took place between 2005 and 2009 in England only.According to some private clinics back than they use to get clients of this procedure once or twice a weeks but now they are getting 3 to 4 or sometimes even more in a day and most of them are young muslim girls who are about to get married.

    This procedure is called Hymenoplasty and it hardly takes half an hour so but it costs around $7000.During the hymenoplasty procedure viewed by some as invasive and degrading the hymen is stitchedor reconstructed so that it will tear again and bleed on the woman’s wedding night.
    In some cases, the vaginal lining can be used to create a false hymen. A blood capsule can then be inserted into the lining to ensure realistic blood flow when the membrane is broken.

    It is more cultural than religious,if the bride is not virgin and doesn’t bleed at the night of wedding she brings a very big shame to her family or sometimes even could get honour killed in some extreme cases.Even

  • May 14, 2013 9:13 am


    Fatwa Permitting ‘Jihad Sodomy’ for the Victory of Islam – The Question Homosexuality in Islam

    Wednesday, 25 July 2012 03:58 Alamgir Hussain

    Recently an al-Qaeda cleric’s fatwa appeared in a video, which said: if a Jihadi is needed to be sodomized to widen his anus for inserting bombs into his rectum for jihad operations, it is permitted to do so in Islam. Because “Jihad is the pinnacle of Islam” and anything goes for its sake.


    Fatwa permitting sodomy for Jihad

    In 2009, al-Qaeda Jihadi Abdullah Hassan al-Asiri made a false repentation for his Jihadi activity, so that he could have a meeting with Saudi Prince Muhammad bin Nayef and killed him. So, before going for the meeting, he hid a bomb inside his rectum, which he wanted to explode while having the meeting with Prince Nayef. Al-Qaeda clerics had declared Prince Nayef an infidel for alliance with the West against al-Qaeda. But unfortunately for Asiri, he pushed the button a bit too early and as a result, although he earned Jihad martyrdom, but failed to kill the prince.

    What happened is: although Asiri had repented, he remained in touch with al-Qaeda. One al-Qaeda cleric, named Abu al-Dema al-Qasab, had suggested jihadis of an “innovative and unprecedented way to execute martyrdom operations: place explosive capsules in your anus.”

    Asiri and probably also others wanted to apply this new innovative Jihad technique. However, in order to insert a bomb through anus, the willing Jihadis needed to be sodomized repeatedly over a period of time to make their anus wide enough for the bomb to go in. One Jihadi, probably Asiri himself, asked an al-Qaeda cleric: “Is it permissible for me to let one of the jihadi brothers sodomize me to widen my anus if the intention is good?”

    ‘Yes’ was the answer of the cleric, as he declared the following fatwa (see the video for original in Arabic). He said, although sodomy is forbidden in Islam,

    …jihad comes first, for it is the pinnacle of Islam, and if the pinnacle of Islam can only be achieved through sodomy, then there is no wrong in it. For the overarching rule of [Islamic] jurisprudence asserts that “necessity makes permissible the prohibited.” And if obligatory matters can only be achieved by performing the prohibited, then it becomes obligatory to perform the prohibited, and there is no greater duty than jihad. After he sodomizes you, you must ask Allah for forgiveness and praise him all the more. And know that Allah will reward the jihadis on the Day of Resurrection, according to their intentions—and your intention, Allah willing, is for the victory of Islam, and we ask that Allah accept it of you.

    This issue brings the question of homosexuality in Islam, about which there is much confusion. Some moderate Muslims would say the Quran does not say anything about punishing homosexuals, while others would say punishment for homosexuality in Islam is death by stoning. At this opportune moment, let us examine what Islam truly says about homosexuality.

    What Islam says about homosexuality?

    Homosexual sex amongst men in Islam has been widely prevalent in history, especially at the highest levels of society. Even today in Islamic boarding schools, called Madrassas, around the world, which are all-male Islamic education schools, homosexual activity is highly prevalent among students, even involving Imams. Multiple reports have come out in the media in recent that Madrassa Imams have abused their young male-students by sodomizing them.

    Muslim rulers, generals and nobles throughout history used to keep hundred to thousands of castrated slaves-boys. The handsome young ones were used their master for carnal indulgence. They were called ghilman. They used to wear rich and attractive uniforms and often beautified and perfumed their bodies like women. The concept of ghilman originated in Islam from following verses of the Quran, which talks about pearl-like young male-attendants (ghilman), who would serve blessed Muslims in paradise:
    ‘Round about them will serve, (devoted) to them, young male servants (handsome) as Pearls well-guarded.’ [Quran 52:24]
    ‘There wait on them immortal youths, with bowls and ewers and a cup from a pure spring.’ [Quran 56:17–18]

    Wrote Professor Hitti, ‘We read of ghilman in the reign of al-Rashid; but it was evidently the Caliph al-Amin, who, following Persian precedent, established in the Arab world the ghilman institution for the practice of sexual relations. A judge of whom there is record used four hundred such youths. Poets did not disdain to give public expression to their perverted passions and to address amorous pieces of their compositions to beardless young boys.’[1]

    Caliph al-Muqtadir (r. 908–937) had some 11,000 eunuchs – 7,000 Blacks and 4,000 Whites (Greek) – in his Baghdad palace.[2] In India, Said Khan Chaghtai, a noble of Emperor Jahangir (r. 1605-27), owned 1,200 eunuchs. Sultan Alauddin Khilji had 50,000 young boys in his personal services, while Muhammad Tughlaq had 20,000 and Firoz Tughlaq 40,000. Most of these slave-boys were castrated. Malik Kafur, Alauddin’s famous commander, was a eunuch; so was Khusrau Khan, Sultan Kutbuddin Mubarak Khilji’s favorite commander. Sikandar Lodi had once boasted, ‘If I order one of my slaves to be seated in a palanquin, the entire body of nobility would carry him on their shoulders at my bidding.’[3] Sultan Mahmud had infatuation toward charming Tilak the Hindu, his favorite commander.[4]

    While this has been the historical reality in the Muslim world, the Quran nonetheless has a rather mixed message about homosexuality. It is especially stern against homosexuality amongst women, and rather soft toward male homosexuality. Homosexuality-related Quranic verses can be divided as 1) condemnatory, and 2) punitive.

    Condemnatory verses. The following verse of the Quran condemns homosexuality as an act of transgression:
    1.”Will ye commit abomination such as no creature ever did before you?” [Qur’an 7:81]

    According to this verse, homosexuality is an abomination, which no other creature engage in, meaning it is the ‘worst sin’.
    1.”Of all the creatures in the world, will ye approach males, And leave those whom Allah has created for you to be your mates? Nay, ye are a people transgressing” [Qur’an 26:165-166]

    In this verse, Allah says that amongst all creatures, only men may approach other men for sexual gratification, ignoring the females, whom Allah has created as men’s sexual partner. And He calls this a transgression against Allah.

    Punitive verses. So, what will be the punishment for the ‘worst sin’ and ‘transgression against Allah’ that homosexuality is? The following verses tell us about the punishments.
    1.”…For ye practice your lusts on men in preference to women: ye are indeed a people transgressing beyond bounds…. And we rained down on them a shower (of brimstone)” [Qur’an 7:80-84, also see Qur’an 27:54]

    In this verse, Allah condemns homosexuality as the transgression against Him beyond all limits. He also gave an example of how He punished such transgressors of olden days, namely the people of Sodom, whom he annihilated by “showering rains of stones”. In accordance with this Godly punishment of the homosexual people of the Biblical Sodom, Muslim scholars have rightly prescribed “stoning to death” as the deserving punishment for homosexuals, which is practiced by some Muslim countries even today.
    1.”If two men among you are guilty of lewdness, punish them both. If they repent and amend, Leave them alone.” [Qur’an 4:16]

    In this verse, Allah recommends punishing Muslim men, if they engage in homosexual acts, but they should be pardoned if the repent. That is, by repenting, Muslim men can save themselves from punishment for homosexuality. But how the female homosexuals have to be dealt with is commanded in the previous verses.
    1.“If any of your women are guilty of lewdness, Take the evidence of four (Reliable) witnesses from amongst you against them; and if they testify, confine them to houses until death do claim them, or Allah ordain for them some (other) way.” [Quran 4:15]

    In this verse, Allah commands that if Muslim women are found guilty of homosexuality, they must be punished with eventual death. So, the difference is punishments for male homosexuals and female homosexuals are starkly different. Men can be given just any form of punishment and let go. They can even be let go without suffering any punishment, if they just repent. But for women homosexuals, there is no such option. Punishment for them would be such that it would eventually cause their death, nothing less.

    From the Hadith: From the Quran, Allah seems to have been muddle-headed about dealing with the homosexuals, as its verses recommend punishing them with stoning to death to letting them go scot-free by simply repenting if they are male, or killing them if they are female. But in certain Hadiths, Prophet Muhammad commanded for summary execution of the homosexuals. For example,
    1.The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said, “Whoever you find doing the action of the people of Loot, execute the one who does it and the one to whom it is done.” [Abu Dawud 4462]
    2.”If unmarried man is seized committing sodomy, he will be stoned to death.” [Abu Dawud 4448]

  • May 9, 2013 11:41 am

    It is only internet that has exposed around the world the rapist and criminal character of so called messenger of the God, Muhmad.

    Islamic women today, Hymen repair surgery, Mutta marriages, female genital mutiliation etc. texts could be possible for readers only through internet and coordinated by Mr.Admn.

    My sincere thanks

    • May 10, 2013 12:36 am

      Paki Girl,
      We sincerely appreciate all your long time contributions. We must work to help deprived women of this world.

  • May 9, 2013 11:37 am

    Hi Every body,

    Thanks a lot Mr. Admn. for introducing another blog for particular issue.

    It is only internet that we could share so much and post educative texts here and highlight various evils of the society. Internet is an itegral part of the life nowa days not only in business activities, online bookings, status, update, date base administration, education, medical but also in eradicating the social evils of societies particularly in muslim communities. IT IS DUE TO INTERNET THAT I AM TODAY SOFTWARE ENGINEER, WHICH I HAVE NEVER THOUGHT DURING MY CHILDHOOD IN MUSLIM FAMILY. IT WAS ONLY INTERNET I COULD MEET MY LIFE PARTNER AND SIMILARLY SO MANY OTHER MUSLIM GIRLS.

    My sincere thanks to Mr. Admn. and Mr. Satyen.

    May I know your exact name Mr. Admn.? If you dont mind?



    • May 10, 2013 12:47 am

      Thanks for your long time support to our Interfaith Family. As we said earlier, we do not have any interest in name, fame or money out of our efforts. Further we are not a part of any organization or group nor we have any agenda against any faith or group. We wish to pose as a neutral person (we hope we are) and thus being anonymous serves good purpose.

      We just wish to see this world a little better place to live for all. We feel pain when religious institutions are misdirecting their devotees to create hell in this world. For this reason we start this web site. Lets unite and fight like we are in an active war. Lets use internet as an atom bomb. We will surely win. Thank you Sabana.

    • Satyen
      May 10, 2013 2:05 pm

      Sabana ji,

      Thanks for guiding many needy visitors to this site and enlightening others in addition. Keep up the philanthro[ic work and encourage others as well to do so.

  • May 9, 2013 11:16 am

    Dear Admn./Satyenji,

    Satsriakal, sattinam wahe guru.

    Really great site to create awareness and eradicate social evils particularly against women folk even in today,s environment.
    Internet has made possible to communicate readers sitting thougsands of miles away, share views, news and burning issues.

    To be very frank, but not aiming hurting feelings of any community, there is no doubt that muslim women are really subject to various inhuman treatment in the name of religion. All sorts of crimes are committed against them.

    Jo bole so nihal,

    • Satyen
      May 9, 2013 3:41 pm

      Respected Harnam ji,

      Satshri Akal, Sattinam wahe guru. I fully endorse you that it’s we all must pay attention to the Muslim women and the handy tool is going to be ‘Internet’. The reason is simple. Islamic Male chauvinism was spread by deceit and force. So, we must spread the truth of Islam in order to emancipate the women living in darkness. They are capable of doing this themselves, we need to help them wake up at the earliest.

      Let’s do it now.

    • May 10, 2013 12:52 am

      Harnam ji,
      Satsriakal, sattinam wahe guru.

      You forgot to thank all those Muslim sisters!

      Thanks for sharing your view, we agree 100%. Welcome to our interfaith family. Please guide to all Sikh boys and girls on this site. Hope to see you again and again.

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