Interfaith Marriage: Share and Respect with Equality

It is our pleasure to announce that InterfaithShaadi will be publishing a book in 3-5 months. We will be covering all that we learned from dating couples. We wish to see people in interfaith love Share and Respect two faiths in one marriage with Equality.

Our objective is always public service and 100% of profit from the book will be used to promote pluralism.

It is our honor to work with some thousands of blogger and millions of readers on this site. We thank you all bloggers for helping us help you. Please keep in touch!

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  • Haroon
    March 18, 2017 6:10 am

    Yeah admin publish this book as i to need this in my home all of three my sisters have done interfaith marriages with their no muslims lovers how can i share these real stories

    • March 18, 2017 11:04 am


      You have to say (to your sisters) “I respect your choices but help me understand what you are getting into. If I see real wish to Share two faiths, real Respect for two faiths and real Equality of two faiths in one marriage (50%-50%) I will be the first to fully support you. If not, explain me (Harmon) why are you submitting to a religious fanatics?”

      Meantime, view these video.
      Let us know what you think of the message into it.

    • Rabia
      March 18, 2017 5:57 pm

      Haroon, I am planning a trilogy (3 books to be written over years, the first one is already in progress and will hopefully be finished in 6 months) so if you have real-life stories to share, I can always use them for the current or future books.

      Please feel free to email me at – I have interviewed many people for my book and when using their stories, I have changed everyone’s names and sometimes even nationalities (to ensure they stay anonymous).

  • Rabia
    March 17, 2017 6:28 am

    Best of luck, Admin, and I am sure many followers, visitors & regulars of this site cannot wait to read your book as well. You should create a Facebook page and promote it there as well.

    Whether one agrees or disagrees with what you write, I am sure the book will teach everyone a lot about the interfaith experiences of couples – there are so many examples on this website of successful and unsuccessful marriages/relationships. It’s great to see it all compiled into a book.

    Please do let us know how to get it once it’s published.

    • March 17, 2017 6:59 am

      Rabia, thank you for great interactions here. We truly Respect each others and Share knowledge but clash on the definition of religious Equality (or one’s rights of in-Equality and supremacy). We wish you best for your upcoming book: Infidel’s Diary. If you want us to make a post like this, let us know (and that you can always modify routinely).

    • March 18, 2017 11:45 am

      On identity and money issue:

      Only reason we are going by “Admin” is to pose as a neutral organization/forum and will help readersgers that way. After the book, it will change and hope the forum doesn’t turned to one-man/woman’s show.

      On money, we run our life with the objective of doing good karma without expectation of fruits of it. In childhood, were walking 3-5 miles to school in hot baking sun with broken flip-flops or in pouring rain had no plastic cover to protect books (never heard of back-pack!). Still never asked God a working flip-flop nor dreamt of a bike.

      Unlike you (a Muslim), we have no desire to go to heaven! Actually, Hell is the first preference for Admin so we can help others enlighten during their bad days. Our flip-flop days were not at all hell; life was full of fun then! We are very curious how the hell will be.

      InterfaithShaadi is a shire for us and not a place to make money. It gives us an opportunity to do thank-less job; that gives us joy. Even we make millions of dollars selling this book, we will not keep a penny for personal gain.

      We are just happy working today without dreaming something better for tomorrow. Life is so much fun to live when one doesn’t have any desire for better or more.

      • Rabia
        March 18, 2017 5:45 pm


        You write: “we run our life with the objective of doing good karma without expectation of fruits of it. In childhood, were walking 3-5 miles to school in hot baking sun… Still never asked God a working flip-flop nor dreamt of a bike.” – why didn’t you ask? I firmly believe that the Universe – or God, if you believe him as I do – gives you whatever you ask for, and sometimes doesn’t (which is for your own good then). Why didn’t you ask God, I’m just curious. I firmly believe it’s best to always be thankful no matter how little or how much you have been give. – attitude of gratitude is a must if one wants to be happy and content. But this doesn’t mean you can’t ask for more – whether it’s health, wealthy, love, or whatever your hear needs to be happy.

        You also wrote: “Unlike you, we have no desire to go to Heaven”. Admin, my main goal in life is to try & make this world / my own little world a heaven for myself and my loves ones and hopefully to never hurt someone in the process. Karma exists so whatever good we do we will receive as good in return, and whatever bad we do will also come and affect us sooner or later. So I’m honestly not obsessed by the idea of going to heaven or avoiding hell, I think that’s but beyond our control as mere mortals. This life itself is filled with Heaven-like or hell-like experiences, first let’s try to make our existing life a heaven before we worry about the rest. It doesn’t mean I don’t believe in a Hereafter – I do. But I can’t control it and haven’t experienced it so it’s foolish to claim to know what happens when I die.

        Religions seek to answer this for us, in a way, but even if someone doesn’t have any religion and doesnt believe in any god, they should try their best to not harm others in action or words. (Which makes others’ lives hell at times)

        it’s best to live a good, moral life filled with good deeds and then let the Creator decide your fate after you die. None of us have seen this heaven and hell, that’s why I kept quoting Rabia Basri and her famous words about how people need to stop focusing so much on heaven and hellfire and do good for the sake of doing good.

        A lot ot people come and comment on multiple threads in this forum so I doubt it will turn into a one-person show. That being said, I have been commenting too much so perhaps time to go on a sabbatical again to avoid what you said…

        • March 18, 2017 6:05 pm

          Please don’t take sabbatical. We love intellectual interaction with you.

          On “why didn’t you ask?” For some reason, never learned to ask for personal gain. If it has to come, it will come. And if not, so be it!

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