Ravin says: August 13, 2018 at 5:04 am
Iam Indian Hindu boy and my girlfriend from Indonesian Muslim girl…. Can we get married without changing our religion if it if possible so what document required -Ravin
More information: Malaysia Marriage laws, Sharia, Singapore marriage laws, Koran on Hindus?
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Love is between 2 souls.u cant judge them by logic.it happens when it happens.
I m dating my man fr 3 yrs.I dnt think abt future whn i m wid him bcz it gives me happiness.this stupid thinking i m hindu he is muslm higher caste lower caste nonsense never crossed in our mind fr 1 time.
ppl shd understand the meaning of true love nd stop bringing religion politix btwn thm.bcz true love cant be separatd whr god himself is the matchmaker Hw can u separt thm using religious excuse?
love frm bottom of <3 , leave everything to God
Reply at https://interfaithshaadi.org/?p=13783
There are scores of Hindu girls who value their life and their country as well as culture and decided not go with Muslim. Muslim wants to spread their population and destroy hinduism.You are one of the culprit to destroy Hindustan.
if you believe in god you must respect religions you can break the red lines of religions ..just like that
Indonesia is very strict regarding this.I doubt girl’s family will agree with this.
Here many people are more learned than me about these situations.But according to my personal experience on interfaith relation that involves muslim,you will have to convert unless the girl is totally non-religious and ready to leave home.
We agree 100% for this ” interfaith relation that involves muslim,you will have to convert”. See our videos…
I know sir.This has been norms from my experience.
Thanks for the videos sir.Will watch it.
Have you ever been in a relationship with a Muslim?
Hi Ruchika,
From your statement, shall we assume that you converted to islam from Hinduism? Can you confirm us
Hi Ravin,
We have change your name for your privacy, use this name on this site.
Read marriage laws here and here. Also read these. It appears you must convert to Islam, are you okay with it? Are her parents ready to let her marry to a Hindu without conversion (meaning no Nikaah)? This is the most critical question so get back to us. We will get more information getting married later.