Indian Hindu with Indonesian Muslim Girl

Prashant arora says: January 25, 2017 at 3:23 am
Hi ,

Anyone please help as i need an urgent advive. I am indian Hindu and my girlfriend is Indonesian muslim , we love each other and want to marry.Please guide witg your suggestions. –Prashant

Prashant arora says: January 25, 2017 at 9:23 pm
We got connected on Twitter. We are planning to settle in India and None of us will be converting , we both love our relegion , however i am damn sure that her parents will ask me to embrace Islam which i will refuse anyway , then we can think of some othet way to get married. –Prasant

Sharis Laws that all non-Muslims should know, Malaysia Marriage laws, A Hindu cannot marry a Malaysian Muslim, Singapore marriage laws, Indian marriage laws, DON’T Fake-convert (focus on Malaysia laws), Koran on Hindus?, Islamic Nikaah without conversion is not possible, Malaysia Muslim is not allowed Hindu wedding, InterfaithShaadi does not recommend this: I am in Singapore and married to a Muslim without conversion, Malaysia’s Sharia law costs non-Muslims their kids, Registration of marriage for non-Muslims in Malaysia (note: A confirmation letter from the respective government that the applicant is not a Muslim),
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  • March 1, 2017 3:53 pm

    i am a Sikh from India and decided to settled in Jakarta. i am engaged to Indian girl but after came to Jakarta i met with beautiful Islamic Indonesian girl and hr family i am in love with her and i want to soloum nikha with her and converted to Islam and settled in Jakarta. how i can proceed with immigration and also forgetting my ex India girl.

    Reply at

  • mac
    February 5, 2017 5:54 pm

    Dear Prashant, get yourself converted to Islam and then marry her as per Islamic rules if you really love him, because if you really love him you won’t want him to get hurt, but if she marries a non-muslim, it means you are the reason for her to go towards the path of hell since Islam forbids marriage with non-muslim, but if you leave Hinduism there would be no religious consequences since Hinduism is actually not a religion, in fact there is no procedure to leave Hinduism or convert to Hinduism, basically if any Hindu stops believing in caste differences and accept all human as equal creation of God whether black or white and accept existence of one God and prohet Muhammad PBUH as his messenger and obey the teachings of Islam like no alcohol then that person is a decent Muslim(from Hindu) in Indian context.

    • February 5, 2017 8:07 pm

      We agree to most what you said but wondering why you are associating a human being (“and prohet Muhammad PBUH as his messenger”) with God? Stop idolizing Muhammad and we will be the first to become Muslim! If associating a human being is must for Allah, we love Jesus (based on his life and progressive messages), can we associate Jesus with Allah instead of Muhammad?

      We asked you before also, can you recommend a good movie about Muhammad? We would like to get educated. We are wondering why Muslims idolizing Muhammad so much, we are sure there is a good reason. Excuse our ignorance!

    • Ronita
      August 24, 2017 11:15 am

      Dude it’s exactly because of people like you that I get so creeped out by Islam and it’s followers. You keep hunting every link and ask everyone to convert to Islam. Do you even have a life beyond this. Why is it so important to you?

  • January 25, 2017 8:49 pm

    Hi Prashant,

    Wow, this is great. Congratulations!! It must be exciting to have a girl friend. How did you got connected?

    Tell us where are you planning to settle, India or Indonesia?

    Are you ready to convert to Islam? Is she ready to convert to Hinduism? Or, no one is converting? Get back and lets talk more.

    We assume this is not your true name, hope not.

    • Prashant arora
      January 25, 2017 9:23 pm

      We got connected on Twitter. We are planning to settle in India and None of us will be converting , we both love our relegion , however i am damn sure that her parents will ask me to embrace Islam which i will refuse anyway , then we can think of some othet way to get married.

      • January 25, 2017 10:10 pm

        Hi Prashant,

        We are happy for you and wish you very happy married life for ever. However, there are many issues you may not have thought about. If we say something does not mean we are against your choice, but we simply want to you to know, that all.

        You said, “however i am damn sure that her parents will ask me to embrace Islam,” how about your own parents? She is a Muslim and may wish to wear a burka and perform namaz five times a day, will that be okay with your parents?

      • Rabia
        January 26, 2017 6:37 pm

        Dear Prashant,
        I hope that this forum provides some advice to you and your Indonesian Muslim girlfriend. I will give you some advice based on my own experience (Muslim – Hindu marriage):

        A) Legally, there is nothing preventing you from getting married in India. Not sure about Indonesian laws but in India you can easily get married under the Special Marriage Act by giving one month’s notice to court.

        Non-legally, some important things to think about are will her parents accept you, will your parent accept her? where in India will you live? if it’s a big city like Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore, then it will be easier as there are more and more interfaith marriages nowadays. But small town India is a different reality (my husbands family is from a small town, so I know from personal experience) and in many places there are communal tensions. Will she be able to adjust?

        B) you said “We got connected on Twitter” – for how long have you known each other? Have you ever met face to face? Marriage is not a joke so it shouldn’t be taken lightly.

        C) You said “We are planning to settle in India and None of us will be converting , we both love our relegion , however i am damn sure that her parents will ask me to embrace Islam which i will refuse anyway”,

        I agree that neither of you should force the other to convert, especially if you love and follow your own religion. But you are right about her parents..most likely it will come up whether or not you are Muslim and they will almost certainly want you two to have a Nikkah ceremony.

        If you two will be living in India, her parents and you will not be seeing each other on a regular basis. Would you be open to doing a Nikki’s to make her and her family happy? Before a Nikkah you would have to take the oath of shahadah.
        I know many interfaith couples who agree to do this for their Muslim partner, so if you are comfortable doing it I don’t see why they should be a problem. She will also probably be asked to do a Hindu ceremony by your parents.

        The alternative option is to avoid all religious ceremonies and simply have a registered court marriage. Then nobody has to convert.

        The bigger issue is to make sure that she and you have the same idea about what your future will look like (how will you raise children? Will they learn from both religions and choose their own religion in the future?)

        Have open and honest conversations. Good luck!

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