In Islam beating of wife is not allowed

Here, Junaid, a Muslim male from Muslim majority country, is giving his explanations about Islam on: Koran on wife beating, rape in Islam, what it means that Muslim woman has to produce 4 witnesses to prove rape, education in Islam and why 9/11 and Kashmir issues are present today. Enjoy this enlightening document from an Islamic scholar.

Junaid says: March 15, 2013 at 12:31 am

visit to know postion of women in islam it is opened by muslim sisters yes there is so many things written in quran how to treat women but oppossite of it in afghanistan pakistan iraq only.

In islam beating of wife is not allowed at all. According to quran if a women is wicked and do some wicked things it asks to husbend that first taught your wives that you are doing wrongthings and if she do not come to right path after some weeks then do not sleep with them and if again they do not come to right path after some weaks and is doing wicked things again then beat them lightly with brush stick (beating shouldnot left any mark on body) if they come to right way do not go against them now

Coming to rape cases the countries which you think women gets high freedom maximum rape cases are found in that countries like Swedan, America and European countries and women is maximum sexually exploited. In muslim countries if women is raped in that case man who raped a women is stoned to death and raped women must get four witness and she can get it easly for e.g a doctor may witness by carring some tests on raped women that she is raped, her parents can also witness that she is raped similarly other person by looking at the condition of raped women can wittness that that she is raped. It is misconciption that a women actually needs four male wittness who actually saw the rape only can witness that she is raped actually it says that four persons should say she is raped and after that man is punished to death.

Now comming to the education i am living in muslim majority country and i do not find any restriction on education of women

you are correct that in afghanistan and pakistan and Iraq women do not get education and if women goes for education she is killed it is due to terrorist organisations al queda taliban etc which are the creation of America and their place is hell as quran said that those who kills a believer or unbeliever which are not wrongdoers Allah will cast hell fire on them. In Iran, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Malaysia, Egypt etc women gets easily education.

Now 9/11 you can vist answering-Christianity you will get your answer who actually do it. Why muslims carry terrorist actuties it is actually due to West who donot want peace in muslim countries and want to creat unrest in muslim countries. They created Israel and removed 9 lakh Arabs in 1947 from their homelands creat conflict in Kashmir etc this is big reason for terrorism in muslim countries.


Junaid, this is your home page. Please come here to guide other Muslim women. Please encourage other Muslim guys to come and educate others on this page.

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  • final truth
    April 19, 2013 11:21 pm

    @Junaid – All your statements are misleading
    “First islam did not create sects it is people who created sects”- which people are, Christians, Jews, Hindus etc did not created sects, so which religion people are you talking about? I guess that all that you write is not what world wants to know. Its your Muslim people who created sects based on your Muslim leaders orders, there are division of Muslims, Arabs would marry Pakistani Muslims girl, but will never allow Arab girl to marry to any Asian Muslim, this because they are true Muslim, Arabs are the first class Muslims. 2nd Qur’an says contradictory things, there is nothing new what your Qur’an says- killing innocents etc, diffence is your Muslims do not follow your Qur’an, your Qur’an differentiate non Muslims and Muslims, non Muslims are enemy in Islam so Osama is a true Muslim, as he is following true Qur’an. All you are saying is just common know general things which all religion says. Just in case you did not notice, Osama killing was not celebrated by muslim countries, Muslims protected Osama, so where is your “innocent killing” statement from Qur’an, point is you Muslims kill non Muslims, or convert non muslim coz you want everyone to be muslim. Secular world can’t tolerate that. When your muslim countries do not allow secular govt, why your muslim countries not allow other religion, your Qur’an says religious freedom isn’t it. In short all you says is blah blah blah, Qur’an says this that etc, but in reality you Muslims are all ready violence.

    when your Palestine’s muslim terrorist killed innocent Israeli athletes, hijacked Christians airlines etc where is your Qur’an thing now…Israel only know how to protect itself, why your peaceful brothers rocket isreal? Your qurans says to attack in self defense, so does our common sense, we need not study that in religion book. Why you Muslims have problem with western counties, why you Muslims got to west then, why don’t you settle in your Muslims counties? Is it because Arabs don’t treat you well, if so where is your Qur’an tought equality?

    give some sensible answer instead of what your Qur’an says, my religion says so many things , here conversation is about what Muslims do to non Muslims in real life

  • junaid
    March 20, 2013 1:26 pm

    First all the bastards(islamic haters) listen i had already given explanation that islam did not permit to beat wife. These bastards are using the quran passage that quran allows man to have 4 wives while not for women. Yes It is given bastards but it depends upon women whether she allows man to have four wives or not. If a woman knows that a man is already married what is the reason she marries a man who is already married. Now who is responsible for polygamy of man it is only women who wants to become 2nd 3rd or 4th wife of a man who is already married.
    These bastards are saying that islam encourages mutta marriage but these bastards do not know that this marriage is already banned in islam. Ok if mutta marriage is happned in some parts of islamic countries but who is responsible. If a women knows that this marriage will last for 4 months or more why she do this marriage and then start saying that islam oppress women. These bastards are saying that muslim girls are not allowed to get education. Bastards tell me where it is written in quran that women should not get education. Instead of it it is given in hadith that it is duty of every muslims to get educated. Now if women are not allowed to get education why you bastards are blaming islam it is there culture not islam. Women do not get education in afghantstan due to terrorist organisation taliban which is creation of america.
    Then start saying islam did not allow women to get educated.
    Bastards are blaming islam that women is sexiual object and she should fill sexiual desire of husband at any condition while there is no need of husband to fill sexiual desires of wife but these bastards forget
    …And Women Shall Have Rights Over MenSimilar To Those For Men Over Women.
    ( Surah 2: Ayah 228). If this is allowed what is the need of above ayah in quran. Above ayah of quran gives that rights of women to demand sex from husband as it is given to husband to demand sex from wife.
    Bastards are blaming islam on FGM but these bastards did not that FGM IS NOT ISLAMIC CONCEPT BUT IT IS CULTURE vist
    this site will show that fgm is not islamic

    • junaid
      March 20, 2013 1:36 pm

      Collecting news againest muslims did not mean that islam allows killing of women instead of this quran says Allah will cast hell fire on thouse who kills innocents. I can also collect this type of news againest non muslims it does not mean that i have proved non muslim are very bad

      • Chahaat
        July 20, 2013 6:38 pm

        There are sects in all religions…as far as Hinduism is concerned they consider their religion the oldest in the world and that all people are descendants of Hindus…so in Hindus there are more sects and divisions than any where else….so why pin point it to Islam only…..yes we have sects and caste system in Islam but don all religions? I.e Protestants and Catholics in Christianity? Jewish Orthodox Jews and non orthodox….In Hinduism there are many different systems similar o the islamic caste systems….so cut you rubbish out and all of you non Muslims please look at your own religions and caste soupy stems before pointing a finger at us…….for every finger you point at us you have three pointing back to you…

  • March 20, 2013 8:43 am

    Kot Chuttha police have arrested a man who has admitted to killing his wife, Samina, her sister (his brother’s wife) and their mother in collusion with his brother in a Dera Ghazi Khan village.
    Talking to The Express Tribune at the police station, Ismaeel said he did not believe he had committed a crime. “My wife and her sister (his brother’s wife) had loose morals. They deserved death. I can’t let my wife talk to other men,” he said. He said he had caught Samina (his wife) talking to a man over cell phone.
    The suspect said he and his brother, Imran, had shot and killed Samina and Zarmina, their wives, and their mother, Kulsoom, on Friday night. “Their mother was to blame for it. She had failed to raise her daughters in accordance with our traditions. I had warned her (mother-in-law) several times to control her daughters,” he said.
    According to the FIR registered on a complaint filed by the father of the deceased sisters, Mukhtar, the suspects had came to his house on Friday night to ask their wives to return home with them.
    Mukhtar said Samina and Zarmina had left their husbands’ home a week ago and had been living at their parents’ house in Basti Damraywala. He said his daughters had married the suspects about six months ago. He said whenever the deceased visited him they complained about their husbands’ behaviour. “They would always complain about their husbands beating them and quarreling with them,” he said.
    During Friday’s visit, Mukhtar said, the suspects had started quarrelling with his daughters and their mother over their refusal to accompany them back home. “I was in a room next door and could hear the arguments,” he said.
    Suddenly, he said, he heard gunshots and the women’s cries. “They had killed my daughters and wife. There was no way I could defend myself against them so I thought the best course was to escape and report the matter to the police,” he said. “I rushed out of the house by jumping over the back wall to escape,” he said.
    Talking to the Tribune, several residents of Basti Damraywala said whenever the suspects came to visit their in-laws they would complain about their wives’ conduct.
    SHO Malik Ramazan said a police team had caught Ismael on Saturday while he was trying to escape to the Tribal Area adjacent to Dera Ghazi Khan.
    He said two police teams were raiding the nearby villages to arrest his brother.
    The SHO said an FIR had been registered against the suspects under Section 302 of the PPC.



  • March 20, 2013 2:01 am

    Despite some good teachings, there are attrocities on females in muslim community all over the world.These poor females have to lead a very miserable and tortuous life. It is all due to maulvies and imams who misinterpret the teachings for their own gains and sexual attitude.
    About 90% imams and mullas are involved in sexual games through madras teachings, mutta marriages, female genital mutiliations.

    They are the real enemies of the female community. They creat terrorists in the name of jihad, fatwa and lure them by 72 virgin concepts.

  • March 20, 2013 1:56 am

    Many of the countries most notorious for honour killing are Arab or Muslim countries; Pakistan, Turkey, Iraq, Jordan and Palestine. This feeds a general impression that honour killing is somehow related to Islam, which feeds into a general xenophobia against Muslims; and the phenomenon is used by racists and xenophobes as yet another stick with which to beat Muslims, attempting to characterise these murders as a ‘pious act’, approved by Islam.

    There is, however, no single text in the Quran that justifies these crimes. By contrast, in the Bible, Numbers 26:6-8 show God approving Phineas’s public murder of a couple who marry outside tribal boundaries. Most Muslims reject honour killing as a brutal distortion of Islam; discussions of this in terms of the spiritual texts of Islam can be found at the Muslim Women’s League, by Dr Mohammed Fadel and at alt.muslim, amongst many others. Many Muslim scholars and clerics have condemned such crimes as a vile and backward distortion of their faith.

    Like all other religions, Islam strictly prohibits murder and killing without legal justification. Allah, Most High, says, “Whoso slayeth a believer of set purpose, his reward is Hell for ever. Allah is wroth against him and He hath cursed him and prepared for him an awful doom.” (An-Nisa’: 93) The so-called “honor killing” is based on ignorance and disregard of morals and laws, which cannot be abolished except by disciplinary punishments. Sheikh `Atiyyah Saqr former head of Al-Azhar Fatwa Committee

    Moreover, the custom predates the Islamic faith, and is by no means unique to Muslim cultures; also, there is little evidence of honour crime occurring in other Muslim countries such as Indonesia. The extent of cultures following the ‘honour ethic’ is more geographical than ideological, comprising the Indian subcontinent, the Middle East, Eastern Europe and the Mediterranean regions.

    Even within the Middle East, honour killing is not restricted to Muslims. In Yemen, a Jewish father killed his daughter after a rebuke from the rabbi for her extra-marital pregnancy, and in Palestine, in 2005, Faten Habash was beaten to death with an iron bar, wielded by her Christian father because she wanted to marry her Muslim boyfriend.

    While there is no Quranic justification for honour killing, it is unfortunately true that many of the perpetrators believe themselves justified by their faith. All religions are influenced by the patriarchal culture under which they were created and so codify some of the oppressive practises of their time. All religions are interpreted by reactionary elements who wish to defend and retain patriarchal dominance. It is in the name of Christianity that reactionary elements in some American states and European countries restrict abortion rights; it was in the name of Islam that reactionary elements in Jordan and Pakistan blocked legal amendments which would have closed loopholes that allow honour killers to escape with token punishment. As Nilofar Bakhtiar, adviser to Pakistan’s prime minister on Women’s’ Development says, men find it “very convenient to say that what they don’t want to do is against Islam and what they want to do is in the name of Islam.”

  • March 20, 2013 1:30 am

    Temporary marriage was not banned at the beginning just as alcohol or slavery was not banned. So if a man came to town where he has no acquaintances, so he ‘marries’ for a fixed time depending on his stay in the town, the woman looks after his provisions and prepares his food, until the verse was revealed: “If you are in desperation and cannot afford a wife then marry a slave as you are all equal in the eys of God. But it is better that you have patience.” 4:25
    [edit]Shia view
    Shi’a believe that Umar ibn al-Khattab abolished it, not the Prophet of Islam.He is accused of publicly confessing to challenging the Prophet by saying: “I forbid you mutah which the Prophet allowed!” [1]
    He did it during the third year of his reign, 15 ah (637 CE), 6 year after the revelation of verse 4:24, in the Hadith of Umar’s speech of forbidding Mut’ah, but since he, according to them, had no authority to do so, Umar’s prohibition seems to have been temporary and applicable to one place, hence must be ignored (Muslim 2801 1, 2).
    However, like with so many narrations there are different versions and so to deduce which narration is closer to the truth, the facts surrounding the incidents need to be considered. Here are some relevant facts regarding the report that Umar removed mutah and publicly accepted to going against the Prophet Muhammad.
    The man who was doing mutah at the time of Umar was Ibn Harith. Ibn Harith was known for the lies he said and was caught lying when he denied making a young slave girl pregnant and then refused to accept the child. When Umar caught him he said that the Prophet had allowed such things.
    When Umar asked for collaboration of what he claimed then both Sunni and Shia sources say that Ali stood on the side against mutah saying: “It was forbidden many times like eating the meat of the donkey!”
    There were no children being born of mutah in the time of the Prophet in Medina once the Nikkah laws were established. As in Arab culture a child is named after the father we dont see any examples of boys who carried the names of their ‘temporary fathers.’ The only one which is mentioned is Zubair and he remained ashamed of it as his conception happened in Mecca when pagan laws were still followed by new converts.
    The Prophet never did it in Mecca or Medina despite facing so many circumstances in which it could have been justified for him to do so.
    When Umar stamped it out there was no opposition. The caliphs to follow did not reinstate it – nor Ali brought it back during his rule as forth caliph. However, when Umar tried to put a maximum ceiling on how much a woman can charge as dowry for marriage then every woman in Medina spoke against him and he had to remove his law.
    Abdullah bin Abbas who came to support Ibn Harith also changed his mind and said it was only allowed by the Prophet in desperation during the transitions from jaliliya to Islam. He compared mutah to eating pig in desperation.
    The story that says that two men were desperate for sex while travelling in the desert wanted to castrate themselves and so the Prophet allowed them to seek a woman for mutah. This story has too many gaps for it to be taken seriously as the story relies on the possibility of finding a young slender beautiful woman sitting along the desert and then agreeing to having sex for an old blanket.
    [edit]formula of al mutah

    The formula for solemnizing the permanent marriage is as follows: The woman says to the man: “Zawwaj-tuka nafsi bi mahrin qadruhu x — I give myself to you in marriage for the marriage gift which is x.” (In place of “x” mention the agreed marriage dowry [mahr].) The man immediately says, “Qabiltut tazweej — I accept the marriage.” The formula for solemnizing the temporary marriage is as follows: The woman says to the man: ““Zawwaj-tuka nafsi bi mahrin qadruhu (x) li muddati (x) — I give myself to you in marriage for the dowry of (x) for the time period (x).” (In place of first “x” mention the agreed mahr and in place of the second “x” mention the agreed time.) The man immediately says, “Qabiltut tazweej — I accept the marriage.
    [edit]The Conditions of Temporary marriage

    The woman has to say that I have wedded you myself and she must state the time period and the dowry. The man has to say that he accepted the marriage. The time period and the dowry have to be defined. the woman whose marriage was consummated (sexually) must finish her Iddat (period in which the woman can not remarry); in case she wants to marry another person. Its Iddat finishes in two menstrual periods. Therefore, she is legitimately prohibited to remarry before the termination of Iddat. Whereas, if her marriage was not consummated (sexually), she will not observe an Iddat and she has the right to conclude immediately a marriage contract with another man The woman has to be either Muslim or from the People of the Book (Christian or Jew).
    It is allowed to conclude a temporary marriage with a virgin (never married) if she is an adult, since she has the right to wed herself without the permission of her guardian, but other considerations should be taken into account – like bad reputation the girl might acquire or that she might put herself in a dangerous situation, since it is illegal to endanger oneself in Islamic law even if it were in marriage.

    The Nikah al-Mut‘ah is used various ways:
    It is used in modern times when people move from one place to another, such as from one country to another. Thus students, workers, scholars may enter into a contractual marriage under the verse of the Qur’an which allows ones emotional needs and human needs to be fulfilled if they are in another country. It always lead to permanent marriage afterwards.
    It may be used to become mahram (unmarriable) with somebody with whom they do not intend to cohabit or have a married relationship, but with whom they spend a lot of time (for example, share a house). In order to ease the hijab “modest dress” rules, they engage in a nikah al-Mut‘ah, specifying in the marriage contract that no physical contact is allowed.
    Two people who live under the same roof but are not mahram (unmarriable) and must observe hijab may engage in a symbolic nikah al-mut‘ah with the others’ offspring for a few minutes. The Nikahu’l-Mut‘ah does not need to have any practical consequence, but it will make the parent and the offspring’s husband or wife permanently mahram to each other, and thus no longer obliged to observe hijab rules.
    Young unmarried couples may decide to use nikahu l-Mut‘ah as a permissible alternative to entering into a relationship on the premise of future permanent marriage.
    It might also be seen as a cover for legalized prostitution, as the nikahu l-Mut’ah can last for as little as half an hour, and the woman receives financial compensation. In accordance with the Quran she must wait three months (iddah) before the next contract.[2]

    Nikah al-Mut‘ah resembles an ordinary conventional marriage in many, but not all, aspects. It commences in the same way as a Nikah except that a date of expiration for the marriage is added to the marriage contract and the wife’s rights are restricted to some extent. The duration is decided by the couple involved. There are no restrictions on minimum and maximum duration. If the period is longer than what can be reasonably expected to be a lifetime, it will transform into a nikah.
    During the period of the marriage, the couple are considered husband and wife, just as in a permanent marriage. At the expiration, the marriage is voided without undergoing a talaq (divorce). In case of sexual intercourse, the woman must observe the iddah (waiting period) before she can marry anyone else.
    [edit]Differences from permanent marriage
    Nikah Mut’a is referred to as a marriage but since it has no divorce it means that it was more of a contract that dissolves rather than a marriage where divorce tries to deal with issues like children’s welfare, legalities if cruelty or unfairness has happened,possibility of reconciliation etc
    The contract is agreed to be voided after a pre-set time. Hence there are no expectations on either side of any continuation of the relationship.
    The husband may void the Nikahu l-Mut‘ah earlier than agreed. A wife can’t.If he does and they have had sexual intercourse, he must give her full mahr “bride gift”. If they have not had intercourse, he must give her half that amount, though the recommended precaution is that he should give her full mahr. A distinction between a talaq (divorce) in a nikah and voiding a nikahu l-mut‘ah is made in a conversation reported in a hadith collection.[3]
    The couple do not inherit from each other. Since the marriage is not permanent, the couple is not considered a single, merged unit.
    The husband is financially responsible for any children resulting from the marriage. As it is believed that a woman should not be burdened with the responsibility of providing for a family, she is allowed to work and spend her money as she chooses.Hence it is not an equal partnership
    The wife may go out of her home against her husband’s will.In a permanent marriage a wife needs to get approval of the husband.
    The husband need not pay for the wife’s expenses. This complements the above point.
    It is permitted to marry a woman from Ahl al-Kitab “People of the Book” (followers of monotheistic religions). The difference in jurisprudence between different religions is overcome by this rule. It is understood that the Shia Nikah does not have an equivalent form among the People of the Book. Therefore, women who are of the People of the Book are unaccustomed to the special rules of Nikah, for example, the husband’s responsibility for the wife’s expenses or the wife’s not leaving her house against the husband’s wishes. These difference in religious laws make it desirable to wait with the higher level of commitment that Nikah requires until they are overcome, in order to minimize potential friction in family life.
    The wives are not counted toward the maximum of four. Since the husband is not required to support the wife, and the marriage is not permanent, the circumstances leading to the restriction of having no more than four wives does not apply.
    If a child is born then the man has a last say to accept the child to be his or not. If he refuses to acknowledge the child then his word will count and the woman will be lashed 70 times for fornication

  • March 19, 2013 9:17 am


    Why are you blaming non-muslims. The texts posted by intellectural muslim females truely depict the pathetic condition of females in the islam.
    Are you blind? Why dont you accept reality?

  • March 19, 2013 9:14 am

    Hi Admn.

    Domestic violence is considered by many to be a problem in Muslim-majority cultures, but because women hide their bruises and don’t report domestic abuse to authorities, the incidence in many Muslim-majority countries is uncertain, but believed to be great by Muslim feminists.[35] According to Pamela K. Taylor, co-founder of Muslims for Progressive Values, such violence is not part of the religion, but rather more of a cultural aspect. In the academic publication Honour, Violence, Women and Islam edited by Mohammad Mazher Idriss and Tahir Abbas, it is said that there is no authority in the Qur’an for the type of regular and frequent acts of violence that women experience from their abusive husbands. Furthermore, the actions of many Muslim husbands lack the expected level of control in two elements from the verse, admonishment and separation. The separation dictates not only the physical separation, but also abstinence from marital sex.
    Nation Information on Incidence
    Bangladesh Statistics from four United Nations studies show that 16-19% of the women (age less than 50) were victims of domestic abuse within the previous 12 month period. 40-47% of the women had been subject to domestic violence during some period of their life. The studies were performed in villages (1992, 1993), Dhaka (2002) and Matlab (2002).
    Since the majority of women in Bangladesh are practicing Muslims, this indicates that many Muslim women are victims of physical domestic violence in this country.[39] From a World Health Organization (WHO) study, of which Bangladesh was 1 of 10 participating countries, it was found that less than 2% of domestic abuse victims seek support from the community to resolve abusive situations, primarily because they know that they won’t receive the support they need to remedy the issue.
    Naved and Perrson write in their article “Factors Associated with Physical Spousal Abuse of Women During Pregnancy in Bangladesh” that women who are pregnant are more likely to be abused. A study on Pakistan Rural Access and Mobility Study (PRAMS) data showed that 67% of perpetrators were husbands or partners”. Bangladesh was found to be one of the countries with a high rate of domestic violence resulting in death during pregnancy by a United Nations study.
    Egypt From a United Nations national study in 1995, 13% of the women (age 15-49) were victims of domestic abuse within the previous 12 month period. 34% of the women had been subject to domestic violence during some period of their life. In a 2004 study of pregnant women in El-Sheik Zayed 11% of the women (age 15-49) studied were victims of domestic abuse within the previous 12 month period and, also, during some period of their life.[
    Indonesia From a United Nations study of Central Java, 2% of the women (age 15-49) were victims of domestic abuse within the previous 12 month period. 11% of the women had been subject to domestic violence during some period of their life.
    Main article: Domestic violence in Iran
    In Iran the nature of domestic violence is complicated by both a national culture and authoritative state that support control, oppression and violence against women.
    A World Health Organization (WHO) study in Babol found that within the previous year 15.0% of wives had been physically abused, 42.4% had been sexually abused and 81.5% had been psychologically abused (to various degrees) by their husbands, blaming low income, young age, unemployment and low education.
    In 2004 a study of domestic violence was undertaken by the Women’s Center for Presidential Advisory, Ministry of Higher Education and The Interior Ministry of capital cities in Iran’s 28 provinces. 66% married women in Iran are subjected to some kind of domestic violence in the first year of their marriage, either by their husbands or by their in-laws. All married women who were participants in this study in Iran have experienced 7.4% of the 9 categories of abuse. The likelihood of being subject to violence varied: The more children in a family or the more rural the family lived, the greater the likelihood of domestic violence; Educated and career women were less likely to be victims of abuse. 9.63% of women in the study reported wishing their husbands would die, as a result of the abuse they have experienced.
    The prevalence of domestic violence has been cited as a cause of high rates of suicide, mostly through self-immolation, among Kurdish women in Iran.
    Morocco In Morocco, the most common reason women seek to end a marriage is to extricate themselves from a situation in which they are vulnerable to domestic violence, as 28,000 acts of domestic violence was reported between 1984 and 1998.
    Pakistan A 1987 study conducted by the Women’s Division and another study by the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan in 1996 suggested that domestic violence takes place in approximately 80% of the households in the country. In Pakistan, domestic violence occurs in forms of beatings, sexual violence, torture, mutilation, acid attacks and burning the victim alive (bride burning).
    According to the Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences in 2002, over 90% of married Pakistani women surveyed reported being kicked, slapped, beaten or sexually abused when husbands were dissatisfied by their cooking or cleaning, when the women failed to bear a child, had given birth to a girl instead of a boy, or had an illicit affair.
    Between 1998 and 2003 there were more than 2,666 women killed in honor killings by a family member, twice the number of men killed during that period.
    Palestine In one study, half of 120 women interviewed in the Gaza Strip had been the victims of domestic violence.
    Saudi Arabia In some recent high-profile cases such as that of Rania al-Baz, Muslim women have publicized their mistreatment at the hands of their husbands, in hopes that public condemnation of wife-beating will end toleration of the practice.
    Syria One recent study, in Syria, found that 25% of the married women surveyed said that they had been beaten by their husbands. Another study found that 21.8% of women have experienced some form of domestic violence; 48% of the women who experienced some form of violence had been beaten.]
    Turkey From a United Nations study in East and South-East Anatolia in 1998, 58% of the women (age 14-75) had been subject to domestic violence during some period of their life; some of the women in the sampling had never been in a relationship which might have otherwise resulted in a higher statistic.

  • March 19, 2013 9:01 am

    Hello dear muslim sister,

    “I wish my husband dies,” as my deep desire, which I think will end my miserable marital situation. I am married to a Moroccan man and has been abused throughout my married life.

    Myabusive relationship has brought her to the point of wishing his husband’s death, but I am unwilling to get out of the marriage for only one reason: financial instability.My husband is the breadwinner since I married him. If I leave the marriage,I will not have anyone to support me ormy children.

    My another sister is in a worse situation; her husband not only verbally abuses her, but also suffers a anal sexual addiction. She also remains in her marriage because she is unable to financially support herself and her children. She says if anyone from her family could buy her an accommodation she would leave her husband the same day.

    When it comes to domestic violence or abusive relationships, the issues of shame and dishonor have often been addressed. However, there are other reasons why women endure:

    Financial Support

    Many Muslim women endure domestic violence because they do not have the financial means to support themselves or their children. In most cases, husbands are the sole breadwinner and the wife becomes highly dependent on him for financial support. She would rather take the abuse than try to become financially independent.

    Lack of Academic Education

    Even in current times, many parents continue to put more emphasis on their sons’ education and undermine that of their daughters. As soon as a good suitor approaches, parents marry their daughters off without taking any future commitments to the completion of her education.

    Complications in Remarrying

    It is a well-known fact that divorced Muslim women have a hard time remarrying, especially if they have children. The fear of living a life without a husband seems more difficult than having one who is abusive.


    Sometimes women with education and financial stability tolerate domestic violence just to maintain the image of being in a stable relationship. In their minds, an unsuccessful marriage is conceived as a failure on their part. Their ego stops them from being known as the “victims” of domestic violence.

    For the Children’s Sake

    At other times women drag along their relationship just so that their children don’t have to grow up in broken homes. They believe a family with a mother and father is better than one with a single parent.

    Should Women Endure?

    No matter what the reason may be, there is no excuse for enduring injustice. Unfortunately, in many cultures, there is so much negativity associated with seeking help through a third party and/or pursuing a divorce, that many women willingly endure domestic violence rather than protect their rights.

    1. Seek Help

    First, let us realize that not every case of domestic violence has to end in divorce. True, there are cases that definitely require a divorce, but there are other cases that can be sorted out without one. One may never know until they seek professional help.

    2. Your Marriage is not SOLELY your Responsibility

    Do not be deceived into thinking that you are the one responsible for disclosing the “secrets” of your marriage by seeking help. You need help, your spouse needs help and your marriage needs help. If your spouse was sick, would you not go to the doctor to help explain his/her situation? Only selective people need to know what is happening in your marriage. Seek help though a professional and through close family members and friends whom you can trust.

    3. Evil Effects on Children

    You will not be putting your children though any “embarrassing” situation should you seek help though a third party. They will, in fact, appreciate any help you can get to resolve the issue, rather than growing up watching their mother being abused by their father.

    In case the solution is a divorce, again it is better for the children to grow up in an outwardly broken home rather than growing up, emotionally traumatized, in an internally broken home, trying to keep it a secret.

    Complications of Remarriage, Financial Instability, and the Muslim Community:

    In cases where the solution is divorce from an abusive relationship, the quandaries of remarriage and financial support need answers. We are not living in the time of the ṣaḥābah, where divorced/widowed women had no difficulty in remarrying. It is not practical for women to live a single life. Even when offering polygamy as a solution, hardly any brothers are willing to marry a divorcee with children.

    Neither are we living in ‘Umar ‘s time, who had set up an excellent support system for single women with no male family member to support them. Many sisters in the US do not work, and solely rely upon the husband for financial support.

    Please do not misunderstand me. I am not suggesting that due to these challenges a destructive marriage needs to drag, rather I am encouraging the Muslim communities to think of solutions for these issues.

    “He [Allāh] will make for him of his matter ease.”

    While we find the practical solutions, let me remind my sisters and brothers who want to leave an abusive marriage to put their trust in Allāh as He instructed us.

    “And whoever fears Allāh – He will make for him a way out And will provide for him from where he does not expect. And whoever relies upon Allāh – then He is sufficient for him.” (Al-Ṭalāq: 2-3)

    It is interesting that Sūrat’l-Ṭalāq (divorce) is full of verses reminding us about putting tawakkul in Allāh and solely relying on Him for support. There are several reminders in this surah that Allāh will bring ease and Allāh will not overburden a soul, subhanAllāh.

    Tie your Camel

    When a family member was getting married, her husband-to-be, who is a very practicing brother māshā’Allāh, did not deem it necessary for his wife to complete her education. Though her parents wanted her to, they didn’t want to miss the good proposal either. The suitor promised that he will provide his best for her as long as he lives, and in case anything was to happen to him, then his wife should put tawakkul in Allāh and make the best of her situation.

    Alhamdullilah the need never arose and the parents didn’t have to regret their decision. But, there are other cases where the husband turns out to be a very different person than what he had appeared initially. Daughters have to make the “best of their situation”.

    I believe the necessity of educating our daughters (not to mention the importance of education itself) is vital, especially in our times. I am a proponent of early marriages, but I also believe that a higher education for our daughters is “tying your camel’s rope”. Allāh knows best.

    Parents will have to come up with ways to support both early marriage and education without one becoming a hindrance to the other.

    May Allāh protect Muslim families, bless their marriages with love and harmony, and protect our children and bless them with salih spouses, āmīn ya rabb.

    Despite know all these facts, still indecisive to leave such cruel husbands? Please suggest and guide.

    Reply at

  • March 19, 2013 8:51 am

    In Arab and Islamic countries, domestic violence is not yet considered a major concern despite its increasing frequency and serious consequences. Surveys in Egypt, Palestine, Israel and Tunisia show that at least one out of three women is beaten by her husband. The indifference to this type of violence stems from attitudes that domestic violence is a private matter and, usually, a justifiable response to misbehaviour on the part of the wife. Selective excerpts from the Koran are used to prove that men who beat their wives are following God’s commandments. These religious justifications, plus the importance of preserving the honour of the family, lead abusers, victims, police and health care professionals to join in a conspiracy of silence rather than disclosing these offences. However, a fair reading of the Koran shows that wife abuse, like genital mutilation and “honour killings” are a result of culture rather than religion.

  • March 19, 2013 8:49 am

    It is the extreme, sensational cases that make it to the front pages of the newspaper. We were all horrified when we heard of Nazish Noorani, a young mother killed by her abusive husband. What we don’t hear are the voices of the abused behind the closed doors of many homes across social, economic, ethnic, racial and gender lines. They exist in our community just as they exist in the non-Muslim communities. We see these men in our masjids, their wives suffering in silence at our picnics and our dinner parties. Domestic violence is, again, a human problem, much like sexual harassment.

    By definition, domestic violence is a pattern of abuse – physical, sexual, financial, spiritual, emotional and verbal, including disparagement, blame, being ostracized, isolated and condemned. Domestic violence can be defined as a pattern of behavior in any relationship that is used to gain or maintain power and control over an intimate partner. Not one incident but a pattern. Men are victims too, 835,000 a year in the US alone, of physical, emotional and financial abuse.

    Many cultures think it is the man’s God-given right to hit a woman. According to Change from within: Muslim perspectives about Domestic Violence, even the term Domestic Violence is looked upon as suspect by many Muslims because it is reminiscent of “western feminists ideals and doesn’t occur in traditional Islamic texts”. Another reason that many do not publicly bring this issue up is because it re-enforces the stereotype that Islam is a violent religion. Others do not want to pry into ‘private lives’ except to tsk tsk over the plight of another.

    In abusive situations where women are the victims, the ones who do gather the courage to tell are told by their families to go back to their abusers for the sake of family, honor, name, children, to be patient and forgive her spouse after the abuse. Cultural narratives often define why many women do not seek help – i.e. thinking that your husband is Majazi Khuda, a metaphorical God – especially in the South Asian culture. What is that? That is not Islam. That is Jahiliyyah (ignorance). Growing up, I heard that term, on the television as well as socially, enough times to think that it was a part of the dīn. So to me, it is not surprising that 85% of the women who did seek shelter in the U.S. from abusive marriages were immigrants (according to a survey of shelters by Peaceful Families project.) But this could also be because they could not afford to fly back to their countries of origin or did not have the same support system that indigenous Muslims may have.

    Not all Muslim men who abuse their wives do it because they believe it is their Islamic right – many are not religious nor do they think religion is part of the equation. What is especially troubling is when men who are aspiring to piety and learning about the dīn, engage in violence at home and think it is justified in the religion. These attitudes are disseminated by preachers who spew misogynistic statements like some women can only be controlled through striking or telling men that their wives are dirty beings from the dunya. They make religion hell for women and anyone who speaks out against this is deemed anti-Islamic. How do you think a man will act when he goes home after listening to one of these sermons? We need to think. People are leaving the religion because of how some Muslims treat women, using ‘Islam’ as a weapon.

    Have you ever heard in the sīrah of the Prophet (ṣallallāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam), the Mercy to the World, that he ever struck anyone, wife, child, servant, ever? If you aspire to follow his Sunnah, be a husband like him. He was the living embodiment of the Qur’ān. We also know that this issue is dealt in Islam under the broader umbrella of prohibition of oppression and abuse. Allāh hates oppression, so we should hold on to our spouses in goodness, lifting each other spiritually or let them go.

    We learn from our shuyūkh, who learned from scholars who have given up their lives for the dīn, sacrificing 20 or more years before making tafsīr of the Qur’ān, that laymen, both Muslim and non-Muslim, who bring up the verses in the Qur’ān suggesting that Islam condones domestic violence, need a reality check. Ibn Ashur, the Grand Mufti of the Zaytuna in Tunisia in his tafsīr (Tafsīr al-Tahrir wa al-Tanwir) says that men should be punished by authorities when they have lost control of their hawwas and hit their wives, when they commit domestic violence, when they use a verse from the Qur’ān as a means to justify their anger, their rage. According to Ibn Ashur, it is the greatest irony that the verse in the Qur’ān which came down to eliminate domestic violence is used to propagate domestic violence.

    Renowned scholars say that any woman who is suffering from domestic abuse should go to the proper authorities and report her husband because he is committing a sin. If the Muslims won’t help her then she can go to anybody else who will grant her sanctuary. In our dīn, even animals have rights and no one can humiliate or torture them so what about the daughters of Adam, the best of creation?

    What should we do as a community?

    We need to ask ourselves: do we know what to do if we are faced with such a situation?

    What would we do personally if someone who was in an abusive relationship ever approached us for help? How can we be resources to our abused sisters? One of the many things that you can do is join our Khutbah about Domestic Violence Drive – commit your local masjid or mussalla Friday khuṭbah to this topic to spread awareness and start discussions in our communities. Conversations need to take place at the community level urging counseling, psychological and spiritual, for abusers and the abused.

    We need to ask ourselves: do our masājid have counselors or ties to domestic violence shelters? For example, in a survey conducted by Peaceful Families most DV shelters have on average 35 mosques in the vicinity but only 12% have any ties to the shelter. Only 6% of imams have any domestic violence training.

    We need preachers like imām Khalid Latif, Shaykh Hamza Yusuf, Shaykh Yasir Qadhi, imām Zaid Shakir, Maulana Tariq Jameel, and Shaykh Abdullah Hasan, Brother Dawud Walid who frequently speak about this topic and have the knowledge to address this issue. Our own Shaykh Yahya has a post coming soon on the Sunnahs of Love. (Click on the links to hear their views on domestic violence and how to treat your spouses).

    We need parents who raise sons who know how to treat women like the Prophet Muḥammad (ṣallallāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam) treated the women in his family and teach our daughters to model that tranquility in their own relationships. We need teachers and counselors who can talk to young men and women about how to manage their relationships in ways that please our Creator and who teach young women to respect themselves and recognize signs of abuse. We need doctors and lawyers in our communities who can speak and educate their patients and clients. We need safe homes in our communities where victims/survivors can go. We need unique solutions that include community-based accountability because we cannot always rely on the police because of the anti-immigrant, anti-Muslim and racist policies practiced by the authorities.

    We cannot let traumatized men and women suffer in silence wondering: Who would speak to me, for me? This is our tradition; this our duty.

  • March 19, 2013 8:46 am

    The Muslim Wheel of Domestic Violence

    Using Isolation

    husband says that as the “qawwamun” (manager) of his wife, he has the God-given right to control her every movement, who she sees and talks to, what she thinks, what she reads

    wives are made to get permission to use the telephone, go grocery shopping, visit parents

    even if marriage contract gives her full mobility, husband ignores it

    Minimizing, Denying, Blaming

    directing children to lie about/trivializing the abuse

    denying the abuse by calling it “discipline”

    saying the wife caused the abuse

    tells wife that divulging episodes of abuse equals violation of her Islamic responsibility to respect her husband’s privacy and God will condemn her for it

    Using Children

    children told they are being beaten to prevent becoming too “American”

    father threatens to get custody from Islamic court, send children overseas, marry them off young or kidnap them

    children’s trauma symptoms used as excuse to batter wife

    father encourages children to insult, disrespect mother

    husband says he has to abuse mother to stop child abuse

    Using Male Privilege

    husband’s dominance and inflexibility extolled as Qu’ranically mandated requiring obedience in all matters

    wife’s opinions, aspirations, plans considered as “Western” and un-Islamic

    children verbally/physically abused as “right” of Muslim father

    wife encouraged to fear husband

    repeats bogus Hadith [religious text] about women bowing to men

    Using Economic Abuse

    refusing to allow wife to get education or training

    refusing to let her get a job

    demanding she quit a job

    taking her entire paycheck while Islam allows her to keep it all

    hiding family income

    Using Coercion and Threats

    threatening to marry another wife

    threatening “God-ordained” wife beating (Qu’ran 4:34)

    threatening to leave her without money

    threatening to spread the word that she is an adulteress

    making her drop charges to preserve extended family’s reputation

    Using Intimidation

    grossly dirtying her kitchen several times a day

    having the local Imam [clergyman] tell the wife that the abuse is her fault

    customs are disguised as religion

    hiding/destroying important documents

    taking all her jewelry and selling it

    apologizing to others for her disobedience

    collecting, displaying weapons


    Using Emotional Abuse

    belittling/calling wife unfit Muslim mother

    making fun of her inadequate Islamic knowledge

    calling her names/calling her crazy

    making her believe she is incapable of directing her own life

    telling abused women they must be quiet, docile, obedient to uphold family honor

    lying to her extended family in letters

    • junaid
      March 18, 2013 1:51 pm

      All the non muslims in this site is trying to degrade the position of islam as they think they now islam better than muslims as it is there foolishness. You cannnot ask the islamic hater to give knowledge about islam as they will always give wrong information about islam. Here islamic haters always go antiislamic site and copy what is written againest islam and try to paste all that crap here. If someone wants to know about islam it is better to go islamic source and find the true nature of islam. Ibn ishaqs work on biography on prophet is always criticised as he did same in collecting the biography of prophet he collected biography of prophet from jewish sources which from the first day oppossed the prophet and want to end the life of even even ibn ishaq in his work said wether they(jews islamic hater) tells right or wrong god knows better so its biography on prophet cannot be accurate.

  • March 18, 2013 9:12 am

    Hello sisters

    To demonstrate how domestic violence is embedded in the Quran, this article follows a specific method of exegesis (detailed analysis of a text) in four stages. First, translations from Muslim scholars are offered, so that they, not Westerners, speak for their own sacred text. Second, the historical context and the literary context of the targeted verse are explained, so the life of Muhammad and the early Muslim community can shed some light on the dubious practice. Besides clarifying the verse, this stage is also designed to prevent the standard, reflexive “out of context” defense from Muslim apologists. Third, we allow Muslims themselves to interpret the content of the Quranic verse. This stage is subdivided between the early traditions and four modern commentators, including Hathout. Finally, we ask a few questions about Islam and the possibility of reform, pointing out that Christians are allowed to doubt whether God would send down such a verse, especially when Islam claims to fulfill Christianity.

    Translations of Sura 4:34

    The first stage gives three Muslim translations of Sura 4:34, which should be read carefully in order to understand the Muslims’ interpretation at the fourth stage.

    Egyptian-born M.A.S. Abdel Haleem, educated at Al-Azhar University, Cairo, and Cambridge University and now professor of Islamic Studies at the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, translates for Oxford University Press (2004), as follows:

    4:34 Husbands should take full care of their wives, with [the bounties] God has given to some more than others and with what they spend out of their own money. Righteous wives are devout and guard what God would have them guard in the husbands’ absence. If you fear high-handedness from your wives, remind them [of the teaching of God], then ignore them when you go to bed, then hit them. If they obey you, you have no right to act against them. God is most high and great.

    Abdullah Yusuf Ali, a scholar working out of Lahore, Punjab, E. Pakistan, began his translation in 1934 and revised it a third time by 1938. He notes in parenthesis, not original to the Arabic, the sequence of steps and the implied soft meaning of “beat them (lightly)”:

    4:34 … As to those women on whose part ye fear disloyalty and ill-conduct, admonish them (first), (next), refuse to share their beds, (and last) beat them (lightly) …

    This sequence in Yusuf Ali’s translation is important for the Muslims’ interpretation, below, so readers should zero in on them now.

    Ahmed Ali was an author of fiction, and he translates the relevant line for Princeton University Press (1984, rev. 1986), adding parenthetic glosses not originally found in Arabic:

    4:34 As for women you feel are averse, talk to them suasively; then leave them alone in bed (without molesting them) and go to bed with them (when they are willing).

    This translation flatly contradicts the two others cited here and many others: “beat” (Fakhry); “scourge” (Pickthall); “beat” (Dawood); “beat (lightly)” (Hilali and Khan); “chastise” (Maulana); “chastise” (Khan); “beat” (Maududi); “beat” (Salahi and Shamis, Muslim translators of Sayyid Qutb); “beat” (Committee of Muslim translators of Ibn Kathir); “beat” (Shakir); “chastise” (Khalifa); “beat” (Sher Ali); and “beat” (Asad, whom Hathout quotes in her article).*

    In contrast, Ali’s wording, which the activist and attorney Hathout latches on to despite the numerous translators who disagree with Ali and her, reverses the plain meaning of the words by a clever linguistic sleight-of-hand. We allow reputable Muslim scholars to challenge this misinterpretation in the fourth stage, below. But for now it shows how far some (not all) Muslim apologists (defenders of Islam) will go to iron out the harsh words in the Quran.

    Historical and literary contexts of Sura 4:34

    The second stage in our exegetical method is to establish the historical and literary contexts of Sura 4:34.

    Sayyid A’La Abul Maududi (d. 1979) was an Indo-Pakistani who worked hard at establishing a theocracy in Pakistan through the Jamaat-i-Islami. He is highly respected traditional commentator who says that this sura, itself titled “Women,” was revealed at different times, but still in the timeframe of AD 625 to 626. Muhammad is establishing his Muslim community in Medina in the face of opposition and adverse circumstances, though Islam manages to overcome them. Verse 34 fits into the framework of vv. 1-35, which sees the specific establishment of rules for the family. For instance, in the aftermath of the Battle of Uhud in 625, in which the Muslims lost a lot of men, Muhammad says that orphans should be given their property and not to replace their good things with bad, which means to deal fairly and wisely with their assets (vv. 1-6). Also, he discusses the rules for inheriting property, such as one son having the share equal to two daughters or that a husband should inherent half of his wife’s property, unless they have children, in which case he inherits one-fourth (vv. 11-14). Then, if women or men in a segment of Muslim society commit lewd acts, they should be punished, unless they repent (vv. 15-18). Next, a large section deals with marriage rules, like not marrying mothers, daughters, sisters and so on (vv. 19-28). Finally, he lays down rules against greed and murder, and again returns to a law of inheritance (vv. 29-33).

    Thus, it is in this family environment that the targeted v. 34 is located, and Muhammad lays out yet one more rule in v. 34 – how to deal with an unruly or rebellious wife (The Meaning of the Qur’an, vol. 1, pp. 297-303).

    Interpretations of Sura 4:34

    The third stage is to interpret Sura 4:34, but we should let Muslims speak for themselves about the troublesome verse, beginning with the earliest traditions and ending with the modern era.

    Early traditions

    The early traditions confirm that hitting wives actually happened and was sanctioned in Muhammad’s day and in his community. Domestic violence runs deeply and early in Islam, contrary to Hathout’s apologetics (defense).

    Ibn Ishaq (c. 704-768), a biographer of Muhammad, who is considered mostly reliable by modern historians (except for the miracles and some chronology), summarizes this part of Muhammad’s sermon, which was delivered during his last pilgrimage to Mecca and heard by thousands:

    You have rights over your wives and they have rights over you. You have the right that they should not defile your bed and that they should not behave with open unseemliness. If they do, God allows you to put them in separate rooms and to beat them but not with severity. If they refrain from these things, they have the right to their food and clothing with kindness. Lay injunctions on women kindly, for they are prisoners with you having no control of their own persons. (Guillaume’s translation, p. 651)

    This passage reveals that Muhammad sees the hitting of wives only in egregious circumstances, like “open unseemliness.” It also repeats the counsel that husbands should at first separate from such wives and only afterwards apply physical force. Thus, the sequence in Ibn Ishaq’s account and in Sura 4:34 overlap somewhat.

    Bukhari (810-870) and Muslim (817-875) are two collectors and editors of hadith (saying and deeds of Muhammad outside of the Quran) and are considered completely reliable. They record this troubling pronouncement:

    Narrated Abdallah b. Zama: “None of you must flog his wife as as he flogs a slave, and then have sexual intercourse with her in the last part of the day.” A version has, “One of you has recourse to whipping his wife as a slave and perhaps he lies with her at the end of the day.” (Mishkat, trans. James Robson, vol. 1, p. 688 or Marriage, chapter XI)

    Does this hadith give permission or not? Is the husband allowed to whip her, except not as severely as a slave is whipped because a man’s wife lives and has sex with him? Or does it prohibit whipping altogether? In any case, it does not disconfirm, that hitting – if not whipping – is permitted.

    Bukhari reports this incident about the wives in the early Muslim community in the context of marital confusion and an odd remarriage law:

    Rifa’a divorced his wife whereupon ‘AbdurRahman bin Az-Zubair Al-Qurazi married her. ‘Aisha said that the lady (came), wearing a green veil (and complained to her (Aisha) of her husband and showed her a green spot on her skin caused by beating). It was the habit of ladies to support each other, so when Allah’s Apostle came, ‘Aisha said, “I have not seen any woman suffering as much as the believing women. Look! Her skin is greener than her clothes!”

    No one should doubt that this reflects the lives of many women in this foundational religious community. How could it be otherwise when Allah permits husbands to beat their wives? Would the true God allow such a thing even when the Old Testament does not?

    Another collector and editor of hadith, Tirmidhi (821-894), a student of Bukhari, though not having as high a status as his teacher, records this tradition:

    You have a right in the matter of your wives that they do not allow anyone whom you do not like to come into your houses; if they do this, chastise them in such a manner that it should not leave an impression.

    The following report is narrated by Aisha, Muhammad’s favorite young wife, whom he married when he was in his fifties and she was around nine or ten years old (they were betrothed when she was six, see this article for details). The context of the line shows Muhammad sneaking out of the house, to visit a graveyard and pray over the dead. Aisha followed him. She returned just before he did, but he noticed she was out of breath and he asked her why. She told him, and apparently fearing for his life as he saw her in the shadows, he punished her. Says Aisha: “He struck me on the chest which caused me pain” (Muslim, vol. 2, no. 2127). So Muhammad committed domestic violence on his young wife.

    The hadith collection Sunan Abu Dawud is also considered reliable. This passage records Muhammad first saying that husbands should not beat their wives (vol. 2, nos. 2139 and 2141), but Umar, one of his chief companions, informed him that the wives were becoming “emboldened towards their husbands.” So now Muhammad changed his mind: … “[H]e (the Prophet) gave permission to beat them.” However, the women complained to Muhammad’s family, but he retorted: “Many women have gone round Muhammad’s family complaining against their husbands. They are not the best among you” (vol. 2, no. 2141).

  • junaid
    March 18, 2013 4:38 am

    There is no need to preach other religion beside islam in islamic countries as islam is only true religion in the world Now comming this that quran teaches to kill thouse who leave islam first it is not written in quran but it is hadith which may be true or wrong as they have been written centuries after death of prophet. People kill because they fallow hadith not quran.

  • idiotmuslimtroll
    March 18, 2013 1:55 am

    First explain why you explain why your “truthful” and peaceful Qur’an says to kill anyone who leave Islam, you may comeback, Qur’an never says so, then I will show you proof that Muslims kill/severely injure ( as good as killed) anyone who leaves Islam.
    2nd Muslims is not the fastest growing only 3rd class Muslims countries, in the west Muslims have 10 children so they are outnumbering locals, strangely enough, Muslims population in Muslim counties is not more as Muslims know what non Muslim land is free.

    your peaceful truthful Muslims behead preaching their religion in your Muslim counties and you enjoy the freedom to preach your religion in western counties, you Muslims get your finance from Saudi and use tricky and rape and circumstances to convert people from other faith, but have you seen why many people in the west who convert to Islam, revert back to their original faith because they realize that they can’t kill there parents as you later tell them in mosque sessions, those who convert are anyways unsure about there life, Islam takes advantage of it.

    so in short you are losing again, fyi there are many Muslims who leave Islam, you can’t touch them, as they won’t publicly declare they converted to Christianity, as usual you Muslims will not let them live.

    I think now you know the truth! Your truth seems more like what you think, my truth is what happens in reality. So go to sleep you madarasa trained propaganda machine, you can’t win with fake stories.

  • junaid
    March 17, 2013 11:51 am

    it is the foolishness of Idiotmuslimtroll that he did not want to accept the truth of islam. I already given website that gives the information that women is maximum raped in western countries. He did not want to accept the truth of islam as he thinks that muslim did not know anything written in islam and only non muslims, islamic haters, christian websites know about truth about islam. I want to tell him that muslim know better islam than islamic haters. He says that is due to muslim immigration that rape crime in west is increasing if muslim rape women why west in west is converting to islam perheps idiot will surprise to know that if there are four converts in west three are women having age between 28 to 30 years.

    • junaid
      March 17, 2013 11:55 am

      He must get death sentence as he killed a women

  • March 17, 2013 2:42 am

    Hi Admn. and muslim sisters,

    Egyptian Muslim butcher slaughtered his wife, skinned and deboned her, then chopped her up in pieces that he sold in his store for $62/pound.

    The man even advertised the ‘daily special’ as ‘homegrown goat meat’. An Egyptian butcher loved his trade so much he chopped up his wife, rolled up her meat in neat hand-sized portions and sold those over the counter to his unsuspecting ‘endearing’ customers. A horrible fight between the butcher and his wife led to the man committing this most gruesome act. But one customer with a more ‘refined’ set of taste buds wasn’t convinced it was goat meat he was eating at dinner time. The man notified local police who had the meat examined at a laboratory where it was concluded that meat in question didn’t come from a goat but was in fact human flesh.

    The butcher was arrested. He confessed to killing and butchering his wife. An investigation of his shop led police to the cooler, where they found one of the women’s hips and what was left of the ‘roulades’. As his defense, the Butcher told authorities that he had killed his wife because she refused to listen to him.

  • March 17, 2013 2:35 am

    Hi Admn and sisters,

    I know who is Zunaid and where he lives, including his past life.
    He is a son of a poor lady, who had to undergo 5 times under muta marriages with different males,arranged by one notorious maulvi.
    He is the son of the last husband and he knows how mercilessly his mother was beaten up by his father including fracturing her hip joints.
    He used to kick Zunaid also during his childhood. Even then Zunaid does not accept the cruel practicies of Islam. He is really bastard.

    Writing in the Koran has nothing to do with realiies of the evils in muslim community.It is the worst religion for women in the world.

    • Chahaat
      July 20, 2013 6:57 pm

      Ashen you are a disgusting human being….why insult his mother? This shows that all you women are not Muslims but stupid immature people with no morals and pretending to be Muslims and trying to convince others that Islam is a terrible religion with terrible people following it. Your all wrong…..India…a child aged nine was raped on a train by three young men…many witnesses but no me came forward…the girl died a few days later….lady travelling on bus in India raped by fellow passengers and driver…she also died…….a young girl raped in public in front of hundreds of people but not a single witness comes forward….seven surrounding villages in India, all female babies aborted leaving no females for them to marry, all men single young and old….a doctor kicked and punched in the stomach for carrying a baby girl….a woman’s face bitten off like a dog because she was pregnant with a girl….a women was made to abort six pregnancies because they were all girls….a women burned by her in laws in Jaipur for less dowry, no case lodged, girls sold in India everyday in the name of love….a man beat his wife o death for infertility in India…..a woman raped by over a hundred men n matter of days, in the name is caste, because they were a higher caste and she was a low caste and did not deserve to be treated like a human being ( poolan Devi )…..a child aged seven years old raped and abused for days on end in India when police found her…..the list is endless for India….this was just a handful of examples but there are millions of cases like that in India….with a population of over a billion how does India manage to pass atrocities like this and why don’t you speak about them…..stop pointing your dirty filthy fingers at us but instead look at the three pointing back at you…

  • March 16, 2013 9:44 am

    According to Kuran,men are the maintainers of women because Allah has made some of them to excel others

    This means that men are in charge of their wives in leadership and discipline, because of paying them the dowry; spending their money on them; and providing for their needs. That’s how Allah chooses to excel men over them. That’s what the commentators have agreed on.

    Ibn Abbas said {Men are the maintainers of women} means that the woman has to obey her man in all of what Allah has commanded her, this includes the kind treatment of his family, the protection of his money.

    Al Dhahaak said: the man is the maintainer of his wife by ordering her to obey Allah. If she refused; then he can beat her not severely.

    It was said that this verse was revealed because a man hit his wife on her face, so she came to the prophet (saw). The prophet then wanted to judge in her favor. But Allah revealed { Men are the maintainers of women because Allah has made some of them to excel others}. Then the prophet called on the man and recited this verse to him and said: “I wanted one thing, but Allah wanted another”.

    Al Zahry said: if a man hit his wife or wounded her, he is not to be charged, unless he kills her, then he shall be killed for murdering her.

  • March 16, 2013 9:39 am

    “The Islamic system for wife beating is perfect, the real problem is that the guidelines for wife beating are followed by the Muslim men to dominate females. It is done according to the rules for ego defence of male community.”

    The “Islamic guidelines” stipulate that the beating is painful and allows her to be bruised. When beating her in such a manner, an accident could happen, and the man could break a bone or scar the wife unintentionally. Or the man may not intend initially to injure his wife but once the beating begins an angry husband could take it too far. In both cases the wife is damaged severely, and the mental scars remain after the body heals. The man says “Malish” (sorry), and the woman is left to deal with the pain. These so-called “Islamic guidelines” are a coward’s way for dealing with normal marriage difficulties. “Spousal abuse” by any other name should still be as cruel.


  • March 16, 2013 8:27 am

    gyptian Cleric Abd Al-Rahman Mansour: “Islam instructs a man to beat his wife as a last resort before divorce, so that she will mend her ways, treat him with kindness and respect, and know that her husband has a higher status than her. I say to every husband: Do not rush to beat her whenever a problem arises. Oh servant of Allah, Allah said: ‘Admonish those of them on whose part your fear disobedience, refuse to share their beds, and beat them.’ One should not beat out of anger. This you must know: If the wife utters the name of God, the beating must stop… When ‘Aisha thought ill of the Prophet Mohammed, believing that he did not treat her the same as his other wives, and that when he left her room, he would go to another wife, she followed him and spied on him. Aisha said that when the Prophet found out about this, ‘He gave me a shove that was painful.’ This was done in order to discipline her, not because the Prophet enjoyed beating or inflicting bodily harm. The Prophet did this in order to discipline the woman… A good woman, even if beaten by her husband, puts her hand in his and says: ‘I will not rest until you are pleased with me.’ This [is] how the Prophet Mohammed taught his women to be.”

    Beating a wife is a divine therapye in in the interest of the female community itself to avoid hell fire.

  • March 16, 2013 8:23 am

    A. Man’s Supreme Authority

    The Quran gives a man complete authority in marriage: “Men stand superior to women…” (Q 4.34). The Quran justifies giving this authority to the man for the following reasons:

    First, preference is given to him by the nature of his physical ability: “God hath preferred some of them over others…” (Q 4.34).

    Second, preference is given to him by reason of his financial ability: “and in that they expend of their wealth…” (Q 4.34).

    Apparently this higher position of man does not change even if “a woman has enough money to support herself without needing him to spend money on her, or even if she has so much money that she can spend it on him.”15 This preference is because a man has authority over a woman according to the Quran, the ultimate source of Sharia Law, regardless of his or her economic situation.

    The leading authorities of Islam state that this ruling of the Quran is an everlasting one as reported by al-Aqqad:

    “It precedes the development of civilizations and general legislations and remains past them.”

    B. Wife’s Relationship to Husband

    In Islam, the wife is a slave to her husband. The Islamic traditions stress that a woman should obey her husband’s commands. The story is told of a man who ordered his wife not to leave the house while he was traveling. During his absence, her father became ill, so she sent to the prophet of Islam asking for permission to go to her father. The response she received was: “Obey your husband.” Her father died, so she then requested permission to go see her father’s body before burial. Again the response was: “Obey your husband.” When her father was buried, the prophet sent her a message saying, “Allah [god] has forgiven her father because of her obedience to her husband.” In other words, once married, the woman’s complete emotional and intellectual abilities belong to her husband.

    In addition to absolute obedience, a woman should revere her husband because Islam teaches that, “If a woman knew the right of a husband, she would not sit at his lunch and supper time until he finishes.” One time, a woman came to the prophet of Islam to ask about her obligations to her husband. He said, “If he had pus from his hair part to his foot [from head to toe] and you licked him, you would not have shown him enough gratitude.”

    Obedience and reverence towards her husband are two of the wife’s duties. These duties form an element of worship for her. As the prophet of Islam once said, “If a woman prays her five prayers, fasts the month of fasting, keeps her chastity, and obeys her husband, she will enter the paradise of her Lord.” In addition, Allah will not accept the prayer of a woman if her husband is angry with her.

    C. Husband’s Right to Punish His Wife

    The Quran gives the husband the right to punish his wife if she goes outside the parameters that he draws for her. It provides men with instructions: “But those whose perverseness ye fear, admonish them and remove them into bed-chambers and beat them; but if they submit to you, then do not seek a way against them…” (Q 4.34).

    In fact, in reading the verse above one will notice that these instructions were given to the husband concerning a wife whom he ONLY fears disloyalty, not a wife that actually committed a disloyal act. These instructions include the following step-by-step process:

    1. Instructing

    At the beginning of marriage, a husband reminds his wife about the rights that are given to him by Sharia Law. He can say to her, “Fear Allah! I have rights due to me from you. Repent from what you are doing. Know that obedience to me is one of your obligations.” If the wife refuses to fulfill the sexual desires of her husband, then he should remind her of his rights over her body.

    2. Sexual Abandonment

    The Arabic word used in the verse to describe abandonment (hajr) on the part of the husband can carry multiple meanings:

    • Desertion

    If a wife remains “disobedient,” her husband should ignore her. This means he abstains from sexual intercourse with her as part of this phase of punishment.

    • Forced Sexual Intercourse (“tightening the bindings”)

    While the word hajr is interpreted to mean “to refuse to share their beds,” the word hajr has several meanings. One of these meanings indicates the hajr of the camel when the owner binds the animal with a hijar, or rope. This disturbing interpretation means that the term used in Q 4.34 (“refuse to share their beds”) can actually mean to bind the wife and force her to have sexual intercourse.

    This meaning is the adopted view of al-Tabari, a renowned classical Islamic commentator. Other scholars, who also support this interpretation, state “it means to tie them up and force them to have [sexual] intercourse.”

    The Quranic principle of a man’s right to a woman’s body is not open for discussion. Regardless of her psychological or physical state, she has to obey the man’s command to lie in bed and have sexual relations with him. After all, the prophet of Islam repeatedly made statements advocating this view:

    “If a man calls his woman to his bed, and she does not come, and then he goes to bed angry at her, the angels will curse her until the morning.”

    3. Beating

    If the previous methods, including instruction and verbal abuse, fail to correct a wife’s behavior, then a husband is given the right to beat his wife. Even though verse Q 4.34 does not specify the mode or limit of the beating, it is believed that the prophet of Islam put a condition on the beating, classifying it as “not excessive.” As a result, when interpreting the phrase “not excessive beating,” scholars offer the following guidelines:

    • Avoid hitting the wife’s face.

    • Do not break any of the wife’s bones.

    • Use nonfatal implements or physical force:

    ° Such as the use of al-siwak (a twig of the Salvadora persica tree), or shoe laces, etc.

    ° and the use of hand, etc. [hitting, slapping, punching the neck and chest, etc.]

    The wife may receive a beating for every behavior that incites the anger of her husband or for every act that her husband does not like. Current Islamic literature supports the legitimacy of beating and its benefit for “upbringing.”

    For example, the Egyptian scholar Muhammad Mitwalli al-Sha‘rawi (AD 1911-1998), who was considered among the top Muslim thinkers in the twentieth century, records his position:

    Beating is not a sign of hatred. It could be a sign of love. As long as it is not excessive, it would only cause a small amount of pain. A person might resort to lightly beating the loved one due to desiring what is in the person’s [best] interests and due to caring about the person. A woman, by her very nature, understands that, coming from her husband. She knows that his anger at her and his punishing her…will soon pass away and with its passing, its causes will pass. Therefore, they remain in their relationship as if nothing happened.


    Ironically, Islamic literature claims that Islam as a religion has improved the position of women and is the only religious doctrine that honors women. History shows that Islam did accomplish some limited advancement in the position of women during the seventh century in certain aspects such as, limiting the number of wives to four in comparison to the practices during that era in the Arabian Peninsula. Conversely, many of the changes implemented by Islam were not positive. The Quran permits men to beat their wives, making domestic abuse a divinely permissible act rather than just an individual behavior.

  • March 16, 2013 8:17 am

    What the Hadith says about wife beating:

    “A women complained to Muhammad that her husband slapped her on the face, (which was still marked by the slap). At first the prophet said to her: “Get even with him”, but then added: “Wait until I think about it”. Later on, Allah supposedly revealed 4:34 to Muhammad, after which the prophet said: “We wanted one thing but Allah wanted another, and what Allah wanted is best”. [To beat your wife is best.] (“At-Tafsir al-Kabir” on 4:34, Razi (Quoted in “Beyond the Veil, Razi is one of the greatest Muslim scholars)
    “Narrated Ikrima: ‘Rifaa divorced his wife whereupon Abdur-Rahman married her. Aisha said that the lady came wearing a green veil and complained to her (Aisha) and showed her a green spot on her skin caused by beating. It was the habit of ladies to support each other, so when Allah’s messenger came, Aisha said, “I have not seen any woman suffering as much as the believing women. Look! Her skin is greener than her clothes! When Abdur-Rahman heard that his wife had gone to the prophet, he came with his two sons from another wife. She said, “By Allah! I have done no wrong to him, but he is impotent and is as useless to me as this,” holding and showing the fringe of her garment. Abdur-Rahman said, “By Allah, O Allah’s messenger! She has told a lie. I am very strong and can satisfy her, but she is disobedient and wants to go back to Rifaa.” Allah’s messenger said to her, “If that is your intention, then know that it is unlawful for you to remarry Rifaa unless Abdur-Rahman has had sexual intercourse with you.” The prophet saw two boys with Abdur-Rahman and asked (him), “Are these your sons?” On that Abdur-Rahman said, “Yes.” The prophet said, “You claim what you claim (that he is impotent)? But by Allah, these boys resemble him as a crow resembles a crow.”” (Hadith, Bukhari, vol. 7, # 715)
    “Iyas Dhubab reported the apostle of Allah as saying: “Do not beat Allah’s handmaidens”, but when Umar came to the apostle of Allah and said: “Women have become emboldened towards their husbands”, he (the prophet), gave permission to beat them. Then many women came round the family of the apostle of Allah complaining against their husbands. So the apostle of Allah said, “Many women have gone round Muhammad’s family complaining against their husbands. They are not the best among you”. (Hadith Of The Sunan Of Abu Dawud, Chapter 709 – On Beating Women, #2141)
    “Umar reported the prophet as saying: “A man will not be asked as to why he beat his wife”. (Hadith Of The Sunan Of Abu Dawud, Chapter 709 – On Beating Women, #2142)
    “This shows that wives should obey their husbands…”. On 2142: “This means that a man tries his best to correct his wife, but he fails to do so, he is allowed to beat her as a last resort. This tradition never means that a husband should beat his wife without any valid reason”. (Abu Dawud’s notes on Hadith Of The Sunan Of Abu Dawud, Chapter 709 – On Beating Women, #2141)
    Jabir b. ‘Abdullah reported: Abu Bakr came and sought permission to see Allah’s Messenger. He found people sitting at his door and none amongst them had been granted permission, but it was granted to Abu Bakr and he went in. Then came ‘Umar and he sought permission and it was granted to him, and he found Allah’s Apostle sitting sad and silent with his wives around him. He (Hadrat ‘Umar) said: I would say something which would make the Holy Prophet laugh, so he said: Messenger of Allah, I wish you had seen (the treatment meted out to) the daughter of Kharija when she asked me some money, and I got up and slapped her on her neck. Allah’s Messenger laughed and said: They are around me as you see, asking for extra money. Abu Bakr then got up went to ‘Aisha and slapped her on the neck, and ‘Umar stood up before Hafsa and slapped her saying: You ask Allah’s Messenger which he does not possess. They said: By Allah, we do not ask Allah’s Messenger for anything he does not possess.” (Hadith, Sahih Muslim, Book 009, #3506, Muhammad doesn’t slap his wives, but laughed at hearing about his friend Umar slapping his wife when they asked for more money. Muhammad’s wife was slapped by her father upon hearing she too had been asking for more money.)
    “You have rights over your wives, and they have rights over you. You have the right that they should not defile your bed and that they should not behave with open unseemliness. If they do, God allows you to put them in separate rooms and to beat them, but not with severity. If they refrain from these things and obey you, they have right to their food and clothing with kindness. Lay injunctions on women kindly, for they are your wards having no control of their persons.” (Muhammad’s Farewell Address, Ibn Ishaq’s “Sirat Rasulallah”, Guillaume’s translation, page 651)

  • March 16, 2013 8:12 am

    Men are superior to women on account of the qualities with which God has gifted the one above the other, and on account of the outlay they make from their substance for them. Virtuous women are obedient, careful, during the husband’s absence, because God has of them been careful. But chide those for whose refractoriness you have cause to fear; remove them into beds apart, and scourge them: but if they are obedient to you, then seek not occasion against them: verily, God is High, Great! Rodwell[1]

    [‘Refractoriness’ means hard or impossible to manage, stubbornly disobedient’].

    Men have authority over women because God has made the one superior to the other, and because they spend their wealth to maintain them. Good women are obedient. They guard their unseen parts because God has guarded them. As for those from whom you fear disobedience, admonish them and send them to beds apart and beat them. Then if they obey you, take no further action against them. Surely God is high, supreme. Dawood[2]

    Men are in charge of women, because Allah has made the one of them to excel the other, and because they spend of their property (for the support of women). So good women are the obedient, guarding in secret that which Allah has guarded. As for those from whom you fear rebellion, admonish them and banish them to beds apart, and scourge them. Then if they obey you, seek not a way against them. Lo! Allah is ever High Exalted, Great. Pickthall[3]

    Men are the managers of the affairs of women for that God has preferred in bounty one of them over another, and for that they have expended of their property. Righteous women are therefore obedient, guarding the secret for God’s guarding. And those you fear may be rebellious admonish; banish them to their couches, and beat them. If they then obey you, look not for any way against them; God is All high, All great. Arberry[4]

    Men are the maintainers of women because Allah has made some of them to excel others and because they spend out of their property; the good women are therefore obedient, guarding the unseen as Allah has guarded; and (as to) those on whose part you fear desertion, admonish them, and leave them alone in their sleeping places and beat them; then if they obey you, do not seek a way against them; surely Allah is High, Great. Shakir[5]

    Men are the protectors and maintainers of women, because Allah has given the one more (strength) than the other, and because they support them from their means. Therefore the righteous women are devoutly obedient, and guard in (the husband’s) absence what Allah would have them guard. As to those women on whom part you fear disloyalty and ill conduct, admonish them (first), (next), refuse to share their beds, (and last) beat them (lightly); but if they return to obedience, seek not against them means (of annoyance) for Allah is Most High, Great (above you all). Ali[6]

    COMMENT ON 4:34

    The introduction emphasized the husband’s superiority over the wife. 4:34 starts by establishing that precedent. The beginning states: men are “superior”, men have “authority”, men are “in charge”, etc. Muhammad placed the man over the wife; he is her custodian and she obeys him. Then the Quran proceeds to lay out their respective roles, then lists a progression of steps to be followed when dealing with a rebellious wife:

    admonish them: The husband is to verbally admonish her
    send them to beds apart: If that fails the husband is to sexually desert his wife
    beat them: If both measures above fail the husband is commanded to beat his wife.
    The husband, as the manager, increases the pressure on his wife to bring her into obedience to him. If beating her doesn’t work they will move towards divorce. (Note that obedience to her husband is not required if he orders her to do something sinful, causes her physical pain, or something she is incapable of doing).

    [NOTE: I placed Ali’s version last because I comment on his, (and Muhammad Asad’s) translation and editing of the Quran in Appendix 1].


    The reason (asbab al-nuzul) behind the “revelation” is detailed by various Muslim scholars. The quote below comes from Razi’s commentary, “At-Tafsir al-Kabir,” on 4:34

    “A women complained to Muhammad that her husband slapped her on the face, (which was still marked by the slap). At first the prophet said to her: “Get even with him”, but then added: “Wait until I think about it”. Later on, Allah supposedly revealed 4:34 to Muhammad, after which the prophet said: “We wanted one thing but Allah wanted another, and what Allah wanted is best.”[7]



    The Hadith contains more information on wife beating in the early Islamic community. The Hadith illustrate facets of the husband & wife relationship and mention or depict physical violence against the wife. I will quote several of these to demonstrate the wife’s lower position in the marriage and the exact type of wife beating that occurred in Muhammad’s time, with his approval. In some cases due to the length I will only quote relevant portions of a hadith.

    Here is a Hadith from Bukhari[8], vol. 7, # 715, that details Islamic wife beating:

    “Narrated Ikrima: ‘Rifaa divorced his wife whereupon Abdur-Rahman married her. Aisha said that the lady came wearing a green veil and complained to her (Aisha) and showed her a green spot on her skin caused by beating. It was the habit of ladies to support each other, so when Allah’s messenger came, Aisha said, “I have not seen any woman suffering as much as the believing women. Look! Her skin is greener than her clothes! When Abdur-Rahman heard that his wife had gone to the prophet, he came with his two sons from another wife. She said, “By Allah! I have done no wrong to him, but he is impotent and is as useless to me as this,” holding and showing the fringe of her garment. Abdur-Rahman said, “By Allah, O Allah’s messenger! She has told a lie. I am very strong and can satisfy her, but she is disobedient and wants to go back to Rifaa.” Allah’s messenger said to her, “If that is your intention, then know that it is unlawful for you to remarry Rifaa unless Abdur-Rahman has had sexual intercourse with you.” The prophet saw two boys with Abdur-Rahman and asked (him), “Are these your sons?” On that Abdur-Rahman said, “Yes.” The prophet said, “You claim what you claim (that he is impotent)? But by Allah, these boys resemble him as a crow resembles a crow.””

    Let’s note several items from this Hadith.

    1) A woman was beaten by her husband because of marriage discord. The women did not commit any illegal sexual act. She was beaten and bruised because her husband said she was “disobedient” and he thought she wanted to go back to her former husband.

    2) Aisha said, “I have not seen any woman suffering as much as the believing women. Look! Her skin is greener than her clothes!

    The woman was badly bruised. Her skin was green. Aisha acknowledged that the Muslim women were suffering (from being beaten) more than the non-Muslim women. Muslims today proclaim that Islam gave women rights but Aisha, the “mother of the believers” said otherwise! She said that the Pagan women were treated better!

    3) Muhammad did not rebuke the man for beating his wife. In fact, he reproached the women for saying Rahman was impotent. Even though she was hurt Muhammad accepted her bruises and beating because to Muhammad it was not abuse. In Muhammad’s eyes she deserved the beat

  • March 16, 2013 8:10 am

    One of the more controversial issues in Islam is the Quran’s authorization for husbands to beat disobedient wives. This is found in chapter 4, verse 34. Additional references on wife beating are found in Muhammad’s traditions (hadith), and biographical material (sira). Many people have criticized Islam because of this harsh sanction and many Muslims have written articles seeking to mollify or defend it.

    In review of the actual teachings of the Quran, hadith, and sira, Islam is rightly criticized. This command is not only a harsh way to treat one’s wife, it portrays the degraded position of married women in Islam. It will be shown from the Quran, Hadith, Sira, and other Islamic writings that this “Islamic” wife beating is physical and painful.

    Before we discuss wife beating, we must review Islam’s viewpoint of women and comprehend the position, or standing, it places her in with respect to her husband. This is fundamental in understanding the command to beat the disobedient wife. Islam views the woman as inferior to the man and as such, places her in a subservient and subordinate position in the marriage relationship. The man is allowed to discipline his wife because he is her superior and responsible for her. He has the authority to beat his wife if he feels she is being disobedient. Wife beating is merely the bad fruit of a bad theological root.

  • junaid
    March 16, 2013 5:40 am
    • idiotmuslimtroll
      March 16, 2013 5:52 pm

      Lol your another propaganda site, how many of these do you have anyways? So looks like your cheap site list is back in action, de mystifing every Muslim crime as illusion, hahahahah…joke of century. Ok looks like most of the muslims ladies are against you dude…are you going to kill them. Please don’t. May be you can come out with another site ? ? You are one useless creature.

  • junaid
    March 16, 2013 5:35 am gives you rape statics in world western countries occupy first countries now see truth yourself and it is least in muslim countries

    • idiotmuslimtroll
      March 16, 2013 5:23 pm

      Dude, can I show that non Muslim countries rape cases are high due to Muslim immigrants raping native women, reason they give in court that, non Muslim girls are worth rape…your cruel religion is center of every crime. Chekc Britain, Denmark Norway Sweden Germany news for it.

  • idiotmuslimtroll
    March 15, 2013 11:51 pm

    Dude you are just so irritating – did you see who get caught in rape cases in UK Sweden, Denmark, Norway, in any developed country- you Muslims get caught, you idiot before you comment just verify you idiotic 5the standard kid. You Muslims are rat, multiply in non Muslims country, plus will shout for Muslim country, but immigrate to non Muslim country, why the fuck, why don’t you go to your Muslims country, you Asian Muslims are ” 3rd class” “mawali” Muslims in front of Arabs, Arab kidnap’s and fucks you Asians mawali Muslims sister and daughters, and you in turn marry that victim lady to that Arab, such a pity on you, higher class Arabs will never give there sisters or daughter to you mawali Asian 3rd grade Muslims. You are just showing colorful picture when truth is just out…fucking idiot propaganda man- junaid, who pays you to write all this, some Islam brotherhood org, coz you got terrorists funding from there other brother, its high time we need EDL everywhere in all country, Britain is fed up with you, so is the rest of earth.

    • Chahaat
      July 20, 2013 7:13 pm

      Actually your wrong…..a lot ofArab men are married to Hindu women who converted for the sake of their money and a better life in the Arab world…so get your facts right….most of these Hindu women were sold by their families. Arab men….but that’s okay isn’t it as Long as they are Hindus….we are not third grade people….we are the same as every other person who is passionate about their religion….so if we promote our religion we become terrorists but if you guys do that it’s called patriotism…..why all this abuse? What has a Muslim done to each of you personally? Do you guys just enjoy spreading hatred for Muslims ? Is that what is important in your lives? If you have nothing better to do in your miserable existences then go and take therapy lessons or go and do some charity work to take your minds off about our religion…such hatred is not good for your health….you will make your selfs sick….and all this for Muslims? Lol ….you people are just absolutely pathetic….but amusing in a funny way…such hatred for Muslims and yet you spend your whole life times spending it writing about Islam and Muslims….lol

  • junaid
    March 15, 2013 2:35 pm is a link to know the position of women in islam in history. It is neutral source and learn truth about islam

    • idiotmuslimtroll
      March 15, 2013 11:40 pm

      Wikipedia is not a neutral source dude, i think you are just not ready to accept any truth, show a news website, preferably a “Known” one rather than any random site, or your own Muslim sites. Dude you need some serious internet education.

  • junaid
    March 15, 2013 2:34 pm is a link to know the position of women in islam in history. It is neutral source

  • junaid
    March 15, 2013 11:53 am

    I am not islamic scholar and i want to say all the people that if you think postively about islam you will get postive interpretion of islam and if you think negative about islam may be due to creat hatred againest islam you will get negative interpretion about islam and it is law of world that hatred produces hatred and nothing else.

    • March 15, 2013 10:48 pm

      Same for other faiths like Christianity and Hinduism. Junaid, if you start thinking positive about Jesus or Krishna, you will start getting positive vibrations about it.

      We do agree to you that “it is law of world that hatred produces hatred and nothing else”, so today go visit a Church, a Gurudwara and a Hindu temple.

      If you are not an Islamic scholar, that is good. Other Muslim girls will teach you how to be a good human being. So hand on right here.

      Your problem is you are surrounded by all like minded Muslim guys from an Islamic country. This internet is helping others to educate people like you. You are “a frog in your well”, now jump out of it and see how the other big world is like.

      You are a good man, hang on here and get educated.

    • idiotmuslimtroll
      March 15, 2013 11:57 pm

      Its strange when the whole world try thinking positive, you Muslim brothers kills some positive ” non Muslims” its strange isn’t it? You moron you are such a liar and story maker, oh i forgot your Qur’an says to to tell lie if lied for conversion of non Muslim to Muslim, so yes you just want to influence others by showing positive side of Islam, which does not exist! You lose at you own game.

  • March 15, 2013 10:33 am


    Qur’an 33:51
    “You may have whomever you desire; there is no blame.”

    Tabari VIII:187
    “The [sixty-two-year old] Messenger of Allah married Mulaykah. She was young and beautiful. One of the Prophet’s wives came to her and said, ‘Are you not ashamed to marry a man who killed your father during the day he conquered Mecca?” She therefore took refuge from him.”

    Qur’an 66:1
    “O Prophet! Why forbid yourself that which Allah has made lawful to you? You seek to please your consorts.”

    Qur’an 66:4
    “If you (women) turn in repentance to him, it would be better. Your hearts have been impaired, for you desired (the ban) [on how many girls Muhammad could play with at a time]. But if you back each other up against (Muhammad), truly Allah is his protector, and Gabriel, and everyone who believes – and furthermore, the angels will back (him) up.”

    Qur’an 66:5
    “Maybe, if he divorces you (all), Allah will give him in exchange consorts better than you – submissive, faithful, obedient, adorers who worship, who travel, and are inclined to fasting – previously married or virgins.”

    Tabari VIII:117
    “Dihyah had asked the Messenger for Safiyah when the Prophet chose her for himself. Muhammad gave Dihyah her two cousins instead.” Ishaq:511 “When he protested, wanting to keep Safiyah for himself, the Apostle traded for Safiyah by giving Dihyah her two cousins. The women of Khaybar were distributed among the Muslims.”

    “The Muslims said among themselves, ‘Will Safiyah be one of the Prophet’s wives or just a lady captive and one of his possessions?'”

    Tabari VIII:110
    “When Abu Sufyan learned that the Prophet had taken her, he said, ‘That stallion’s nose is not to be restrained!'”

    “When we reached Khaybar, Muhammad said that Allah had enabled him to conquer them. It was then that the beauty of Safiyah was described to him. Her husband had been killed [by Muhammad], so Allah’s Apostle selected her for himself. He took her along with him till we reached a place where her menses were over and he took her for his wife, consummating his marriage to her, and forcing her to wear the veil.'”

    Tabari VIII:122
    “Muhammad commanded that Safiyah should be kept behind him and he threw his cloak over her. Thus the Muslims knew that he had chosen her for himself.”

    “When the Apostle took Safiyah on his way out of town, she was beautified and combed, putting her in a fitting state for the Messenger. The Apostle passed the night with her in his tent. Abu Ayyub, girt with his sword, guarded the Apostle, going round the tent until he saw him emerge in the morning. Abu said, ‘I was afraid for you with this woman for you have killed her father, her husband, and her people.”

    Qur’an 33:30
    “O Consorts of the Prophet! If…any of you are devout, obedient, and submissive in the service to Allah and His Messenger, and does good, to her shall We grant her reward twice. We have prepared for her a generously rich provision.”

    Tabari IX:126
    “The Messenger of Allah married fifteen women. He combined eleven at a time and left behind nine.”

    “The Apostle saw Ummu’l when she was a baby crawling before his feet and said, ‘If she grows up, I will marry her.’ But he died before he was able to do so.”

    Tabari VII:7
    “The Prophet married Aisha in Mecca three years before the Hijrah, after the death of Khadija. At the time she was six.” Ishaq:281 “When the Apostle came to Medina he was fifty-three.”

    Tabari IX:128
    “When the Prophet married Aisha she very young and not yet ready for consummation.”

    “Allah’s Apostle told Aisha, ‘You were shown to me twice in my dreams [a.k.a. sexual fantasies]. I beheld a man or angel carrying you in a silken cloth. He said to me, “She is yours, so uncover her.” And behold, it was you. I would then say to myself, “If this is from Allah, then it must happen.”‘”

    Tabari IX:131
    “My mother came to me while I was being swung on a swing between two branches and got me down. My nurse wiped my face with some water and started leading me. When I was at the door she stopped so I could catch my breath. I was then brought in while the Messenger was sitting on a bed in our house. My mother made me sit on his lap. Then the men and women got up and left. The Prophet consummated his marriage with me in my house when I was nine years old.”

    Tabari IX:133
    “Juwayriyyah was chosen by the Messenger for himself on the day of the Muraysi raid from the captives.” “Muhammad married Umm, who had embraced Christianity.”

    Tabari IX:134
    “Muhammad took Zaynab [his daughter-in-law] but Allah did not find any fault in the [incestuous] relationship and ordered the marriage.”

    Tabari IX:135
    “When the Prophet scrutinized the captives on the day of Khaybar, he threw his cloak over Safayah. Thus she was his chosen one.” Tabari IX:139 “The Messenger married Ghaziyyah after the news of her beauty and skill had reached him.”

    Tabari IX:137
    “Allah granted Rayhanah of the [Jewish] Qurayza to His Messenger as booty [but only after she had been forced to watch him decapitate her father and brother, seen her mother hauled off to be raped, and her sisters sold into slavery].”

    Tabari IX:137
    “Mariyah, a Copt slave, was presented to the Prophet. She was given to him by Muqawqis, the ruler of Alexandria.”

    Tabari IX:138
    “The Prophet married Aliyyah, a Bakr woman. He gave her gifts for divorce and left her. He also married Qutaylah, but he died before he could consummate the marriage.”

    Tabari IX:139
    “Layla approached the Prophet while his back was to the sun and clapped him on his shoulder. He asked her who it was and she replied, ‘I am the daughter of one who competes with the wind. I am Layla. I have come to offer myself to you.’ He replied, ‘I accept.'” [Layla shared her story with her parents.] “They said, ‘What a bad thing you have done! You are a self-respecting girl, but the Prophet is a womanizer.'”

    Tabari IX:147
    “A eunuch named Mubur was presented to Muhammad along with two slave girls. One he took as a concubine, the other he gave to Haasn.”

    “He took me into Paradise and there I saw a damsel with dark red lips. I asked her to whom she belonged, for she pleased me much when I saw her.”

    “I participated in a Ghazwa [raid] with the Prophet. I said, ‘Apostle, I am a bridegroom.’ He asked me whether I had married a virgin or matron. I answered, ‘A matron.’ He said, ‘Why not a virgin who would have played with you? Then you could have played with her.’ ‘Apostle! My father was martyred and I have some young sisters, so I felt it not proper that I should marry a young girl as young as them.'”

    Tabari VIII:100
    “The Messenger sent Hatib to Muqawqis, the ruler of Alexandria. Hatib delivered the letter of the Prophet, and Muqawqis gave Allah’s Apostle four slave girls.”

    “The Prophet said, ‘A virgin should not be married till she is asked for her consent.’ ‘O Apostle! How will the virgin express her consent?’ He said, ‘By remaining silent.'”

    “Umar said, ‘When my daughter Hafsa lost her husband in the battle of Badr, Allah’s Apostle demanded her hand in marriage and I married her to him.'”

    Tabari VIII:1
    “In this year the Messenger married Zaynab bt. Jahsh [a first cousin: Allah’s Messenger came to the house of Zayd bin [son of] Muhammad. Perhaps the Messenger missed him at that moment. Zaynab, Zayd’s wife, rose to meet him. She was dressed only in a shift…. She jumped up eagerly and excited the admiration of Allah’s Messenger, so that he turned away murmuring something that could scarcely be understood. However, he did say overtly, ‘Glory be to Allah Almighty, who causes hearts to turn!’ So Zayd went to Muhammad. ‘Prophet, I have heard that you came to my house. Why didn’t you go in? [Dad,] Perhaps Zaynab has excited your admiration, so I will leave her.'”

    Tabari VIII:4
    “One day Muhammad went out looking for Zayd. Now there was a covering of haircloth over the doorway, but the wind had lifted the covering so that the doorway was uncovered. Zaynab was in her chamber, undressed, and admiration for her entered the heart of the Prophet. After that Allah made her unattractive to Zayd.'”

    Tabari VIII:3
    “Zayd left her, and she became free. While the Messenger of Allah was talking with Aisha, a fainting overcame him. When he was released from it, he smiled and said, ‘Who will go to Zaynab to tell her the good news? Allah has married her to me.’ Then the Prophet recited [Qur’an 33] to the end of the passage. Aisha said, ‘I became very uneasy because of what we heard about her beauty and another thing, the loftiest of matters, what Allah had done for her by personally giving her to him in marriage. I said that she would boast of it over us.'”

    Qur’an 33:4
    “Allah has not made your wives whom you divorce your mothers: nor has He made your adopted sons your sons. Such is (only) your (manner of) speech by your mouths.”

    Qur’an 33:6
    “The Prophet has a greater claim on the faithful than they have on themselves, and his wives are their mothers…. This is written in the Book.”

    Qur’an 33:37
    “You hid in your mind and your heart that which Allah was about to manifest: you feared the people, but it is more fitting that thou shouldst fear Allah. Then when Zayd had dissolved (his marriage) with her, with the necessary (formality), We gave her to you, joining her in marriage to you: in order that there may be no difficulty or sin for the Believers in the wives of their adopted sons, when the latter have dissolved with the necessary (formality) (their marriage) with them. And Allah’s command must be fulfilled.”

    Qur’an 33:38
    “There can be no difficulty, harm, or reproach to the Prophet in doing what Allah has ordained to him as a duty. It was the practice (approved) of Allah amongst those of old that have passed away. And the commandment of Allah is a decree determined. (It is the practice of those) who deliver the Messages of Allah, and fear Him. Allah keeps good account. Muhammad is not the father of any of your men, but (he is) the Messenger of Allah, and the Last of the Prophets with the Seal: and Allah has full knowledge of all things.”

    Qur’an 33:48
    “And obey not (the behests) of the Unbelievers and the Hypocrites. Disregard their noxious talk and heed not their annoyances, but put thy trust in Allah. For enough is Allah as a Disposer of affairs.”

    Qur’an 33:50
    “O Prophet! We have made lawful to you all the wives to whom you have paid dowers; and those whom your hands possess out of the prisoners of war spoils whom Allah has assigned to you; and daughters of your paternal uncles and aunts, and daughters of your uncles and aunts, who migrated with you; and any believing woman if the Prophet wishes her; this is a privilege for you only, and not for the rest of the Believers; We know what We have appointed for them as to their wives and the captives whom they possess; in order that there should be no difficulty for you and that you should be free from blame.”

    Qur’an 33:51
    “You may put off whom you please, and you may take to you whomever you desire. You may defer any of them you please, and you may have whomever you desire; there is no blame on you if you invite one who you had set aside. It is no sin.”

    Qur’an 33:28
    “O Prophet, say to your wives and consorts: ‘If you desire this world’s life and its glittering adornment, then come! I will provide them for your enjoyment and set you free in a handsome manner. And if you desire Allah and His Messenger and the latter abode, then lo! Allah hath prepared for the good-doers an immense reward.”

    Qur’an 33:30
    “O Consorts of the Prophet! If any of you are guilty of unseemly conduct, shamelessness, or lewdness, the punishment will be doubled, and that is easy for Allah. But any of you that is devout, obedient, and submissive in the service to Allah and His Messenger, and does good, to her shall We grant her reward twice. We have prepared for her a generously rich provision.”

    Qur’an 33:32
    “Consorts of the Prophet! You are not like any of the (other) women. Fear and keep your duty, lest one in whose heart is a disease should be moved with desire. Stay quietly in your apartment. Make not a dazzling display like that of the former times of Ignorance. Perform the devotion, pay the zakat; and obey Allah and His Messenger. And Allah wishes to cleanse you with a thorough cleansing. And bear in mind that which is recited in your houses of the revelations of Allah and the wisdom.”

    Qur’an 33:36
    “It is not fitting for a Muslim man or woman to have any choice in their affairs when a matter has been decided for them by Allah and His Messenger. They have no option. If any one disobeys Allah and His Messenger, he is indeed on a wrong Path.”

    Qur’an 4:23
    “Prohibited to you are: your mothers, daughters, sisters…. Also (prohibited are) women already married, except slaves who are captives.” [Rape is okay with Team Islam.]

    “I entered the Mosque, saw Abu, sat beside him and asked about sex. Abu Said said, ‘We went out with Allah’s Apostle and we received female slaves from among the captives. We desired women and we loved to do coitus interruptus.'”

  • March 15, 2013 10:30 am

    Hello Zunaid,

    You are illegal son of Osama .Read the following text.


    Islamic way of beating or flogging wives is striking at their padded areas to avoid breaking any bones. Here is an example how considerate our prophet was when he beat his wives on their padded parts.

    Muslim Book 004, Number 2127:
    Ayesha narrated. “He struck me on the chest which caused me pain. ”

    (However if your wife is breast feeding , prefer to strike on her buttocks


    In those days it was customary to cut the external female genitalia completely when circumcising women. The Prophet instructed to do cutting in moderation. That showed his kindness and concern for women’s pleasure in love making.

    Sunan Abu Dawud Book 41, Number 5251:

    Narrated Umm Atiyyah al-Ansariyyah:

    A woman used to perform circumcision in Medina. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said to her: Do not cut severely as that is better for a woman and more desirable for a husband.


    One night stands were free for Prophet Mohammed and were part of prophetic perks.

    33.50 Mohammed, any woman who offered herself to you is halal for you.

    Obligation to practice this aya made logistics a big problem for Muhammad who already had nine wives , his concubines , and a regular supply of captured women from jihadi raids. But Allah’s wishes had to be carried out.

    Bukhari,Volume 7, Book 62, Number 24:
    A woman came to Allah’s Apostle and said, “O Allah’s Apostle! I have come to give you myself.

    Bukhari,Volume 7, Book 62, Number 48:
    Narrated Hisham’s father:
    Khaula bint Hakim was one of those ladies who presented themselves to the Prophet. ‘Aisha said, “Doesn’t a lady feel ashamed for presenting herself to a man?”

    Bukhari,Volume 7, Book 62, Number 53:
    Narrated Thabit Al-Banani:
    “A woman came to Allah’s Apostle and presented herself to him, saying, ‘O Allah’s Apostle, have you any need for me?’ “Thereupon Anas’s daughter said, “What a shameless lady she was! Shame! Shame!” Anas said, “She was better than you; she had a liking for the Prophet.

    These are called in Islam the “golden rights and provisions for all Muslim women:”

    The right to be treated as diseased and as sex toys

    The Qur’an – 2:222; Sahahi Bukhari -3.31.172

    The right to be used as a sowing field

    The Qur’an – 2:223

    The right to enjoy another husband after the third divorce from the previous husband (hilla marriage)
    The Qur’an – 2:230; Sahih Bukhari – 8.73.107; Sahih Bukhari – 7.63.187

    The right to engage in Islamic prostitution through Mut’a marriage
    The Qur’an – 4:24;Sahih Bukhari – 8.3246, 3247, 3248;
    Sahih Muslim – 8:3252, 8:3253, 8:3258

    The right to be treated as impure or as a drunkard
    The Qur’an – 4:32; The Qur’an – 16:92

    To uphold the inalienable superiority of men over women and the right to be beaten by husbands—no questions asked
    The Qur’an – 16:92; Sunaan Abu Dawad – 11.2142; Abdur Rahman – 1 DOI, the recognized authority on Sharia in his book, Women in Society”

    To uphold the right of the husband to have four wives at any time and any number sex-slaves for all times; in case of objection by any wife, the husband can beat her
    The Qur’an – 4:3; Sunan Abu Dawad – 30.2.13; The Qur’an – 23:5-6, 70:29-30

    The right to be treated as a dog, a pig, a monkey, or an ass
    Sahih Bukhari – 1.9.490, 493, 498 Sahih Muslim – 4.1039;
    Sunaan Abu Dawud – 11.2155; Mishkat ul-Masabih – vol 2, p.114, Hadis no. 789

    The right of ordinary women to be treated as crows
    Ghazali – vol 2, p. 34

    The right of a Muslimah to be stupid and to become a servant
    Sahih Bukhari – 1.6.301; Ghazali – vol 2, p. 34

    Muslim women forfeit their right to travel alone
    Sahih Bukhari – 2.20.192, 193; Sahih Bukhari – 3.29.85, 4.52.250
    Abdur Rahman 1 Doi, the recognized authority on Sharia in his book, “Women in Society

    Women must keep their sexual organs ready at all times for the husband to enjoy them unhindered at any time—night or day
    Sahih Bukhari – 4.54.460, 7.62.81; Sahih Muslim – 8.3367, 3368;
    Ghazali – vol 2, p. 43

    Women have the right to breast-feed an unrelated bearded man to make him haram (forbidden to her in marriage)
    Sahih Muslim – 8.3424, 3425, 3426, 3427, 3428

    Women are slaves (prisoners) and men are their masters (owners)
    Ghazali – vol 2, p. 33; Hedaya – p. 47

    Islamic marriage is about sex for money (prostitution)
    Sunaan Abu Dawud – 11.2105, 2.11,2106; Milik’s Muwatta – 28.4.12;
    Sunaan Abu Dawud – 11.2126; Hedaya – p. 44

    If a woman wishes to get rid of her tyrannical husband she must refund the ‘sex money’ (Mahr) she received from him during marriage
    Sahih Muslim – 7.63.197, 198, 199; Sunaan Abu Dawud – 12,2220;
    Malik’s Muwatta – 29.10.32

    Women have the right to undergo female circumcision (FGM)
    Sunaan Abu Dawud – 41.5251

    Women are slaves and infidels—they are not fit to join the moral police force
    Ghazali – vol 2, p.186

    A husband has the right to have sex with his wife by force (the right to rape)
    Hedaya – p. 141

    Women are cheap—you can have sex with a woman by simply teaching her how to recite a few verses from the Qur’an
    Sahih Buhkari – 6.61.547, 548; Ghazali – vol 2, 31

    Barren women should be confined at home—they are fit only to be in the house-prison
    Ghazali – vol 2, p. 24; Sunaan Abu Dawud – 3.29.3911

    A woman has no say when her husband decides to add more wives in his harem; she can’t even ask her husband to divorce her
    Sahih Bukhari – p. 141

    A wife has the right to decorate her husband when he goes out to have sex with his other wives
    Sahih Bukhari – 1.5.270

    A woman should never be selected or elected as a ruler
    Sahih Bukhari – 5.59.709; Ghazali – vol 2, p. 34

    Muslim women uphold the right of Islamic Jihadists to rape captive women right in front of their vanquished husbands
    The Qur’an – 4:24; Sahih Muslim – 8.3371, 3373, 3374, 3377;
    Sunaan Abu Dawud – 2.11.2150, 8.77.598

    Women are devils; they are as dirty and filthy as private parts are
    Sahih Muslim – 8.3240, 3242; Ghazali – vol 2, p. 26, vol 2, p. 43

    Fear the company of women—they bring bad luck
    Sahih Bukhari – 7.62.30, 31; Bukhari – 4.52.110, 111;
    Malik’s Muwatta – 54.821, 22; Sahih Muslim – 36.6603. 6604;
    Ghazali – vol 3, p. 86, 87

    Women have very little intelligence—their own testimony is inadmissible in rape cases; in other matters their testimony is half to that of a man
    The Qur’an – 4:14, 2:282; Sunaan Abu Dawud – 3.40.4662

    Women are less human—they get one-third of blood money, no booty (for Jihad) for them
    Malik’s Muwatta – 43.64b; Sahih Muslim – 19.4458

    Women are worse than dead persons—they cannot follow a bier
    Sahih Muslim – 4.2039

    Men should always oppose women
    Ghazali – vol 2, p. 34

    Women are easily expendable—a divorced woman gets no maintenance or alimony from her ex-husband
    Sahih Muslim – 9.3519, 3522

    A woman has the right to stay at home solely to provide sex to her husband
    Hedaya – p. 54

    A woman becomes a harlot when she wears perfume
    Mishkat al-Masabih – vol 2, p. 255

  • March 15, 2013 10:23 am

    Maududi’s hesitations and qualifications about women attitude, he opines that “all most all women do not mend their ways without a beating.” So he is not entirely reluctant, after all. Surely it is this archaic idea about women that permeates the Muslim world. However, even if devout Muslims today do not go as far as Maududi, how can they deny this verse as written, especially since they believe that God through Gabriel brought down the Quran?

    What do two Muslim women interpreters think about this verse? Amina Wadud, Islamic Studies Professor in the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies at Virginia Commonwealth University, in her book Qur’an and Woman: Reading the Sacred Text from a Woman’s Perspective (Oxford UP, 1999), offers her viewpoint.

    Unwilling to deny the validity of such a dubious revelation as Sura 4:34, she stretches credulity to get around the difficulties. She simply looks up in an Arabic lexicon the word Daraba* used in the verse, which means “to strike,” and finds a context that suits her. So “to strike” does not always signify a physical hit, but may also mean “to strike out” on a journey (p. 76). However, this is a misuse of language, for the context and the intent, when they are as straightforward as those in Sura 4:34, must determine the meaning of a word. Thus, when the context clearly says that husbands may “strike” wives, it does not mean husbands may “strike out on a journey.” Ockham’s razor, which says that the simplest and plainest explanation is better than a convoluted one, applies to Sura 4:34, and that is why numerous translators cited above disagree with Wadud.

    Hence, Wadud’s doubtful interpretation indicates that she too, more so than Maududi, fluctuates between holding on to Sura 4:34 and dispensing with it. Her agenda guides her, rather than staying with the clear and plain meaning when the context and intent are straightforward.

    Hathout is the second female commentator, but first we must challenge Ahmed Ali’s odd translation, since it serves as the background to her misinterpretation. He bases his clause “and go to bed with them (if they are willing)” instead of the more accurate “hit them” on the same shaky reasoning that Wadud uses. He too goes to a dictionary and picks out a context that suits him, noting that Daraba metaphorically (key word) means to have intercourse, as in his example “the stud camel covered [darab] the she-camel.” To back up this interpretation, he cites the ambiguous hadith by Bukhari and Muslim (see above) that questions whether a husband should hit his wife, but he fails to cite other clear hadiths, such as the ones by Muslim and by Abu Dawud (see above). Thus, reliable hadiths in fact support hitting wives, contrary to Ali’s assertion in his notes.

    Moreover, Ali’s translation does not fit the clear meaning of the rest of the verse, and this is why he must supply a false addition in parenthesis: “(if they are willing).” But this confuses the sequence in 4:34 itself: admonition, no sex, hitting. In Ali’s sequence, in contrast, a husband goes from ignoring his wife in bed one moment, to having sex without her repentance (admonition, no sex, sex). Rather, sexual relations happen only after the successful three-step process of dealing with a rebellious wife and her repentance: admonition, no sex, hitting, repentance, sex. No reputable scholar denies this sequence and the remedial purpose behind it; hence the many translators cited above disagree with Ali, whose translation mixes up the order. Thus, like Wadud, he stretches credulity, for the clear and non-metaphorical meaning of Daraba in this verse – not in other verses in the Quran nor in written records about the sexual habits of camels in seventh-century Arabia – is “to hit” or “to strike” wives. His agenda guides him.

    With Ali’s mistranslation as the background, Hathout latches on to his apologetics because it suits her ideology, even though many translators disagree with Ali and her. Revealingly, she quotes him without the parenthesis around the added words “if they are willing.” Her omission misleads the unsuspecting reader that the clause is original, whereas it is actually supplied by Ali in order to smooth over his jarring mistranslation. As noted, according to the clear and straightforward three-step process in Sura 4:34, Daraba does not mean metaphorically “to have sex,” but literally “to strike” or “to hit.” Ockham’s razor should again cut away convoluted misinterpretations.

    Hathout presents Islam only in the best possible light to Americans, even though this entails breaking down the natural interpretation of Sura 4:34, and even though numerous other translations by Muslim scholars, hadiths, and commentators contradict Ali’s and her misinterpretation. Her agenda guides her. Contrary to her thesis that domestic violence emerged outside of Islam as a struggle of the power elites to control things, seeds of violence have been planted in the very heart and core of the Quran and Muhammad himself. These seeds have grown up within Islam; they have not been transplanted to it.

    Haleem, whose translation we used above in our first stage, is the last of our modern Muslim scholars to interpret Sura 4:34 in his Understanding the Quran (2001), pp. 46-55. Unlike Wadud, Ali, and Hathout, he analyzes the verse head on without forcing the natural meaning into an artificial or convoluted one. After elaborating on the three-step process found in Sura 4:34 itself (admonition, no sex, hitting), he concludes that husbands should not hit their wives for any ad hoc reason, according to the husbands’ whim or angry outburst, but only for the wives’ outright unseemly, lewd behavior (the first part of v. 34). And hitting should be used only after the first two remedial steps have been tried and only once, lightly.

    Despite Haleem’s excellent exegetical method that reaches an honest but troubling conclusion (unlike Hathout’s weak exegesis and whitewashed conclusion), we may ask the same question that many Muslim scholars ask rhetorically, according to his quotation of them: “if the Quranic teaching in this matter is not fair and sensible, then what are the alternatives?” (p. 55). This is indeed the right question, but Haleem’s answer falls short of the mark:

    Surely it is better to remind the wife of her duty, or sulk for a while, or even strike her lightly, and then bring in arbiters who could, if all attempts at reconciliation fail, rule in favor of divorce [in Sura 4:35]. (p. 55)

    However, a more acceptable alternative runs as follows: the first step (admonition) is a sound one; the second step (no sex) may be sound, if the wives are indeed committing sexual acts outside of the marriage; yet the third step (hitting) is completely wrong and immoral in all cases, no matter how lightly administered, so it can be omitted; and the fourth and fifth steps in v. 35 (arbitration and maybe divorce as a last resort) are sound, though the divorce would be sad. This is the alternative that Haleem and the Muslim scholars are looking for: husbands should never hit their wives for any reason; they should take out the third step.

    Omitting the third step of hitting is doubly important when Sura 4:34 says that husbands may hit their wives if they fear “open unseemliness” and “high-handedness,” quite apart from whether these two character flaws are actually in their wives. This places the interpretation of the wives’ character flaws in the hands of their husbands, even if an objective observer may clarify that he or she sees no flaw in the wives. Sura 4:34, then, opens the door to abuse of the worst kind.


    We now reach the fourth and final stage in our exegetical method, applying the issue of domestic violence in Islam to today.

    Are Muslims willing to take out the third step (hitting) when it is explicit in the Quran?

    Haleem and his quoted Muslim scholars, like Maududi, Wadud, Ali, and Hathout, are reluctant to question the validity of this Quranic revelation. As Hathout notes in her article, Muslims believe that Allah through Gabriel brought down the eternal Quran to Muhammad; it is a blessing to all societies today, for its many verses reflect Allah’s universal truths. Therefore, Muslim scholars are unwilling not only to deny the inspiration of such verses as 4:34, but also to interpret them as fitting only within seventh century Arabia and hence as irrelevant for today. Apparently, with such a rigid, absolutist, and unrealistically high view of Quranic inspiration, this would create too much cognitive dissonance or mental shock for Muslims with an agenda.

    To reform, however, one must confront problems head on, not pretend that they do not exist, or explain them away. But if these scholars are reluctant and even defend or explain away sacred verses by unnatural linguistic contortions, what about ordinary Muslims, and especially what about fanatics? Surely they too would be hesitant. The twisted theology of the Islamic scholar holding up sample rods is the inevitable result for fanatics, and divinely endorsed domestic violence is the inevitable result in the average household.

    However, if Muslims are reluctant to reform or to deny passages in the Quran, they must avoid a dubious approach to uninformed Westerners: they must never soft-sell or whitewash domestic violence and other violence in the origins and core of their religion, some of which, like jihad, Muhammad himself engaged in – not in the periphery of their religion, as Hathout and Ahmed Ali inaccurately assert or imply. An agenda to make Islam – flaws and all – seem acceptable to Westerners is wrong.

    And Muslims should not be surprised if Christians challenge the claim that Islam and the Quran complete and fulfill Christianity and the New Testament. Christians are allowed to ask, without undergoing the accusation of being “misguided, misinformed or malevolent” (Hathout’s words), whether God would send down a revelation that promotes domestic violence in a later sacred text, when their own New Testament rightly and justly omits this.

    Therefore, hitting or beating wives in Sura 4:34 is a gigantic social and cultural step backwards and challenges whether God through Gabriel brought down the Quran in the first place so late in history, after the love of God was shown through Christ. He never said that husbands should hit their wives, and neither did the New Testament authors.

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