Punjabi Girl Ready to Convert for a Muslim Guy

simran says : March 2, 2015 at 9:45 am

I’m a Punjabi girl who loves a Muslim guy. We both love each other so much. we’ve a close bondin, a good understanding, trust everything is going well. But last November 2014 he lost his mom nd now his family’s condition has totally changed. Nw he is so scared of the future that what will gonna happen now for marriage. As his mom was his only support nd he is soo scared of his father because his father will never agree for this inter religion marriage. And even his sister is also saying that he will marry a khan (girl) only. And will not give any kind of tension to dad.

But i am saying that i’m ready to convert myself into Islam. I’ll be happy to be converted as i dont like Hindu religion. I’m ready to do whatever a Muslim girl do for a marriage. Then whats the problem. Why his family wont allow him to marry a hindu girl.

Right now i’m 20 and he is 24. We’re not marrying now we’ve atleast 5yrs for taking dis step. Today he is in pressure as he lost his mom but after some years he will have to adjust in this situation. But under this pressure he is just saying that he dont want to give any kind of tension to his father. What to do?? Plzzz help me i’m very upse?? Everyday i’m jst crying crying nd crying -simran

Also read: VIDEO: Interfaith Marriage with Equality, Hindu-Muslim Marriage-video, Love-Jihad, Don’t fake-convert, Polygamy and talaak, Akansha unwillingly converted to Nusrat, Hindu-Muslim marriages, Hindu-Muslim lovers’ experiences, Hindu girl-Muslim boy, Idols, pluralism, SRK-can you do it?, Zakir Naik, Christian-Hindu marriages, Jain-Muslim marriages, Brahmin-Muslim marriages, Bollywood and Interfaith Marriages.
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  • muhammed numan
    March 8, 2015 10:31 am

    she becomes a Reasons for her father to enter Paradise.

    she completes the others half of his Religion.

    Paradice will be under her feet.


  • muhammed numan
    March 8, 2015 10:20 am

    dear sister….
    you can convert to islam not for that guy…but for your peace..deffintly you will get peace and can easily live your whole life …

    If ask me about love
    my answer will be its about Allah…..

  • Aakash Mallik
    March 3, 2015 11:37 pm

    Hmmm…Guys…brothers and sisters…i have a very funny deduction to tell u….before i start…let me be very clear…i am strong suporter of Islam and a strong crticiser of terrorism…
    Lets begin…

    We all have heard about ther paris incident…ri8??
    The terrorist did that coz its against religios customs to draw profets pic…ok justified….but at some corner of the world if someone draws some such pic…would i come to knw…no not at all…now a magzine did that…did i come to knw…no not at
    all….they circulated it…did i get to knw…no not all….infact those people got to knw those who dont believe in Islam…ie.French people…now…the terrorists went there….shot 12 people….the news flashes up…and now I knw that there does exist a pic…so now everyone is talking abt that… Everyone saw the pic…may be a few laughed at it too…see the motive of the attack was to prevnt the world from seeing the pic…but because of the attack..everyone saw it…..
    What an illogical attempt….
    Can anyone explain why they did that….??
    Did those 12 really had to die…??
    Talk logic and facts…and not religious texts…coz its 2015 guys….modernization naam ka ek lavz hai…usko dhyaan me rakhke baat krna….

  • cookiee
    March 3, 2015 11:10 pm

    In fact do not ** even pay attention to your Muslim bf and Muslims in general. ..sorry there are spelling errors I was in a hurry

    • Aakash Mallik
      March 3, 2015 11:26 pm

      I agree

  • cookiee
    March 3, 2015 10:29 pm

    Hey Simran, I’m also a girl born in a hindu family in India and wanting to marry a Muslim man and wishing to become muslim..well I feel like aapki life me problem ka time chal ra ha hai and especially in your boyfriend ka life..well, my personal experience tells me that when someone is facing such a big problem like death of close family member,they lose the ability to think clearly..i will advise you to leave the marriage topic wroth him for now and just concentrate on being a supportive partner..he’s already in deep trouble he doesn’t want 1 more problem. .Let things cool down and then slowly start bringing This topic on the table..I feel 90% there is a chance that he will come to his senses and everything will be back to bring good in your relationship and if not, please don’t reduce your self respect by pleading him to be with you..talk it out a couple of times that starts his final decision and then leave it..If he’s a real man he will not act like a bheegi billi in front of his family and be by your side..hoping for the best for you

  • March 3, 2015 10:08 pm

    Dear Simran,

    Have patience. His mom just died and thus do not bring up discussion of marriage for 6 months. You said, “we’ve at least 5yrs for taking dis step” so why to rush? Meantime, keep in touch with us right here; people like Muhammed and others will give you tips for what to do.

    On your point, “I’m ready to do whatever a muslim girl do for a marriage. Then whats the problem. Why his family wont allow him to marry a hindu girl”, his dad knows that Hindu girl “fake-convert” to Islam and later create problems.

    To convince him, start being an obedient Muslim girl right in your parents home (based on what learned from Nusrat).
    Pick an Arabic name for you.
    Give up facebook account now.
    Quit job and stay confined to home. Start helping your mom in kitchen, clean dishes and mop the floor.
    Spend time in an Islamic school. We hope religion and God are your favorite topics.
    Donate all your jeans and fancy cloths now. Start wearing Hijab.
    After marriage you may be allowed to visit your parents once in 9 months, so say goodbye to them!
    Start doing all these now and show that you could be Nusrat. Are you ready?

  • Aakash Mallik
    March 3, 2015 8:03 pm

    Dont cry and be strong…..Hold urself together…
    Now think positively and talk to that guy….wont gv any false hopes…bt ur only shot would be to get converted….i mean reverted…..Talk to ur BF about this…..and one more thing….if he says this “Go and marry someone else and be happy”….then dont look back coz if he is not intrested in ur feelings tgen u should not hand about his neck coz after that u would be much of a noose….i mean to say…have some selfrespect and see to it tgat he also feels strongly for u before u do something….
    Uparwala aapko salamat rakhe…

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