I’m a Brahmin Girl and I Love a Muslim

Durga says: August 17, 2018 at 9:57 am

I’m a brahmin girl and i love a muslim boy. It is a 4 years love story. My parents did not accept my love. His parents has accepted but with the condition that i should get converted into islam. But I don’t want to get converted. I want to live like the same. I also cannot leave that boy as I’m truly madly and deeply in love with him. -Durga

More information:Brahmin-Muslim Relationships, Hindu-Muslim Marriage, Sharia, Hindu-Muslim marriages, Hindu-Muslim lovers’ experiences, Koran on Hindus? Hindu girl-Muslim boy, Marriage laws
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  • May 13, 2019 12:38 pm

    Dear Admin, I have a question too. Can you post it?
    I am a Hindu girl and I have a Muslim friend. We started interaction from social media. He is from Arabic Muslim. He excites me. I don’t know is it love or just lust. But if it is love, do Arabian Muslim have different rules? Will they accept me?

    Reply at https://interfaithshaadi.org/?p=15261

  • zoya
    March 13, 2019 4:33 am

    I am looking for a guy who is bramhan but converted in islam. because I am also bramhan girl but converted in islam. so if you have any matches so share some matches if you have any matches. 8879780075

    • Bharath
      May 19, 2019 9:37 am

      Hi zoya ,

      I hope you are doing well!

      I saw your message and trust me I was looking someone from a decade who reverted to the faith could you please write me an email to discuss further .


      • May 19, 2019 10:46 am

        Hi Bharath,

        Can you please clarify little on your message?
        Are you talking about a Brahmin-Muslim love relationship?
        “I was looking someone from a decade”–does it mean you are dating/knows someone for a decade?
        “who reverted to the faith”–do you mean your friend is not converted Muslim?
        Please clarify, thanks.

  • Khan Hussain
    January 27, 2019 8:33 am

    Firstly I would like to say that being a human and a muslim too we don’t have any right to call anyone “kafir”
    Secondly this word kafir comes from root “k f r” which means who denies
    So literally kafir basically means a person who denies the existence of the God in any name any language any culture so basically non-muslims are not kafirs they too believe in God we can call non believers to Islam but not kafirs

    • January 27, 2019 4:03 pm

      Hi Khan,
      We love your messages. You have learned something quite different than Haque and mac. Can you answer a few questions for us about your understanding about Islam.

      1) Is Koran 100% truth and Godly words? Are those who do not believe in Koranic teachings are kafir?
      2) If someone is an atheist and lesbian or gay, but that person is absolutely decent person out helping all, is that person hell bound? Is that person kafir?
      3) If Hindus wish to see Allah in different forms like Lord Rama and Krishna, is that idol-worshipping?
      4) If Christians wish to believe Jesus as a Son of Allah (God), is that monstrous falsehood and wrong teachings?
      5) Is Hindu-Muslim marriage possible? Do Hindu have to convert to Islam as per requirement in Koran?

      • January 28, 2019 1:13 am

        Respected administrative i already said that the person who neither believes in any religion nor to any religious book, existence of God is kafir
        Atheist is one who does not believe in existence of God is what we call kafir but no human have the right to call anyone a kafir
        Gays or lesbians good or bad may not come under the category of kafir but yes as per what I understood about nature is men is created for his women/life partner and women is for her men/life partner but not men for men or women for women as it is against nature too
        To think someone as relative of God is shirk a (a type of sin) as per Islam and also to worship God is type of shirk as per Islam because in Islam God is formless without any relatives without any family
        About Hindu Muslim marriage is I can say that as per holy Quran God sent his messengers to every part of world with respective books which today may or may not exist so as per Islam Hindu too come under people of books and marriage to the people of books is possible

        Reply at https://interfaithshaadi.org/?p=15092

  • November 23, 2018 8:44 pm

    Hello Durga

    I patiently read your issue in the beginning and also went through a lot of the comments posted by different people. Folks have quoted holy books and what not. From your name I am assuming you are a bengali female looking to marry into a muslim family. I have seen quite a few such occurrences within my family, my mom married a muslim man few years ago in Kolkata. My cousin living in New York married a muslim guy. Another cousin married a muslim guy and moved to Doha. I have seen a couple of my hindu friends from college also getting married to muslim guys but I am not sure whats going on with them so i wont talk about them much. Also I wont be quoting any religious text but will only talk about my own experience and my opinion.

    If you go ahead with the marriage please keep the following in mind.

    1. Conversion to Islam is mandatory
    Without conversion 99% muslim family wont accept you. As someone mentioned there are cases where hindu girls just get converted for marriage which might be true. In the cases that I have seen closely, my mom and my cousins converted to Islam before getting married. They started to learn and love the religion before the marriage. This in my opinion helped them integrate with the new family quickly.

    2. Adopting a Islamic name
    If your name is anything like Durga, you will probably have to change your name. Start researching early and choose a new name that you and your future husband will like.

    3. Change in dressing style
    I dont know what kind of clothes you normally wear but once you convert to Islam its better you dont wear anything remotely revealing. My mom and my cousins transitioned to wearing hijabs quite early. Normally all of them wore modern clothes, jeans, skirts, tops showing cleavage etc. However all that changed after conversion. My cousins also removed their older social media pictures that they had. Islam is extremely strict about women’s modesty and this should not be taken lightly

    4. Having a large family
    This may vary but most muslim families tend to be quite large. My step dad has 3 wives and has 10 children of his own among them. Actually 9 right now but mom is pregnant. Both my cousins have 3 kids as well. My mom and one of my cousins were pregnant before marriage so that contributed to the large family as well. Another key thing to keep in mind is that any child you have will be muslim as well and will be raised up as such

    5. Food habits
    This is a little controversial and I am sure this differs by family but my mom was expected to cook and eat beef. I am not sure about my cousins so wont guess anything. This is something to keep in mind.

    Reply at https://interfaithshaadi.org/?p=14908

    • August 6, 2019 12:17 pm

      Hii Sudhanshu i read your full story..

      U know what i m also married to a muslim man named Danish Khan, but m Brahmin..
      And we have 4 kids.. sameer,amir,aryan..
      We both firstly met in our clg campus..
      At that time i was 18 year old nd he was 32 years old
      But anyhow we fell in London ve with each other. We dated 2 years then i became pregnant of his child. So we got married..but my parents didn’t allowed to me to marry a muslim guy.but i has fight with them so its happened. but after marreige i didn’t converted in to islam.. and his family accepted me what i was.
      And they treat me like that m their own daughter..
      We celebrated our 8 years of anniversary..
      And i dont wear any hihab or burkha. I wear saree as a hindu women wears.
      But one small thing changed, thats my name to Shreya Danish khan..
      And yes of course after marrieg i also started to eating nonveg daily with all members..
      Yes his family has large no. Of members in that
      And they are loves to increase family, so thats why we have our own 4 childs. Now i m 28 yrs old nd he is 42 hyrs old and he want more childs from me but i said him to no more childs l. But he forces me then i said
      Only 2 extra childs only. So we having hard and rough sex almost everyday. I really enjoying life with him nd so much happy..

      And even his elder brother’s wife is also hindu. And they have already 6 childrens.

      So i dont think whatever u said is important…

      Reply at https://interfaithshaadi.org/?p=15476

  • Hanah Khan
    October 31, 2018 10:45 pm

    The business is unfinished. I need to complete the circle.

    As I’ve already stated, this site is a treasure trove for anyone interested in cult research. It also helps to discover the various latent characteristics of people; how a faith hones an individual’s personality can also be determined by studying the blogs in-depth.
    Right from the beginning when I began my journey in this site, I’ve been highlighting how faiths mould the function of the followers in any society and any land becomes constructive/ destructive depending on which faith is in majority.
    Hanging on to every word of an evil interpreter’s imagination as the path to Paradise is the norm throughout the Muslim world. Read anyone’s post who claims to be a pious Muslim and you’ll know that if you want adhere to ethical code you should pursue a diametrically opposite course.
    I’ve come across so many cult-enslaved individuals and the two Scholar-worshippers in this blog were no different.

    But what sets this blog apart is the sexual bullying which I had never encountered before. What was even more shocking was Admin’s stoic silence when a female member of the site was sexually bullied under his watch. It has proven to be a learning experience as how the society would react if a woman is sexually bullied and the fact that the victim should fight on her own in this cruelly male-chauvinistic world.

    There are four personalities in this specific blog:
    Hanah Khan:
    I’ve persistently argued as how various religions have purged their filth and constantly reforming their religions to ensure a moral, peaceful and prosperous community. I’ve also time and again lamented Saudi’s devilish hold on faith; placed arguments on how Saudi’s proclamation that reformation is forbidden in Islam has destroyed nation after nation and has turned the entire Muslim population into a selfish, savage and sucking fireball.
    As expected, I always look venomous for the cult-addicts of Saudi’s version of faith:

    *If fighting for the elimination of the inhuman interpretation which has pitched Muslims against every other faith and even its own sects and subsects makes me toxic, then I want to be the most toxic person.
    *If raising voice against the crippling of human rights (women, nonbelievers, questioners, critics, apostates, gays…. ) in Islamic jurisprudence makes me venomous, it’s an honour to be the most venomous person.
    *If condemning the barbarities of stone-pelting, stoneage misogyny, outrageously one-sided rules as an appalling mind’s filthy explanation of faith makes me poisonous, it’s a noble award to be the most poisonous person.
    *If being appalled at the reality that Muslims as minorities have been disgracefully programmed to enjoy all the benefits and place ever-increasing demands from non-believing nations while in majority cruelly groomed to suck the souls of the minorities, makes me a lethal person, it’s a mark of distinction to be the most lethal person.
    *If exposing Saudi’s wolfishness in tethering one and a half billion population to its sickening interpretation and mercilessly looking the other way when the followers’ land turn into live hell because of that very philosophy makes me noxious, it is a privilege to be the most noxious person.

    The slaves who hang on to every word of the dreadful interpretation of the so-called ‘scholars’ are God-loving and loved-by-God category while the one who is fighting for equality, liberty and justice is hate-filled and hated-by-God class! Sure! What else can be expected from minds enslaved to a PoliticianGod?

    Senior Scholar-worshipper:
    This Alim had issued death threats, advocated muta marriage and is always known for his venom BUT…… he is a HeavenGoer; so his immoral, thuggish and inhuman stand are perfectly in line with his scholars’ teachings and hence understandable! Only if he were humane and morally upright we need to wonder as how in spite of the barbaric guidance he is such a benevolent human!!

    There is a dedicated blog on him which gives the idea of who this cunning man is! https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=8380
    Those who want to know his character in black and white should read the older blogs.

    Coming to this specific blog, the Alim, who does not have the spine to argue when his philosophy’s barbarity is exposed, indulges in sexual bullying. Addict of a brutal PoliticianGod paraded his cultish ‘piety’! Heaven confirmed for the depravity!!

    The more these leeches try to shut me with their perverted statements on my appearance and throwing disgusting language on my family members, the more they prove that my every single word on this entire site till-date is 100 percent true.

    Junior Scholar-worshipper:
    Alim’s follower and a devoted adherent of Islamic ‘scholars’. In his words. I’m ‘way more toxic’ than the Senior Scholar-worshipper! Another slave!! Another low!!! When your God makes the local politician sound better what sort of superior character can be expected from you?

    For this Nobel Laureate my every post is rant! Agreed, for a person of his standing my posts will only come as rant!
    I’m giving just a minuscule window of the HeavenGoer’s beliefs. Anyone interested in knowing the depth of his reach should read the blog, https://interfaithshaadi.org/?p=13674 in entirety.

    *Humanity: “And stoning is a case for both male and female , same goes for for other punishments it is harsh but as a result of it there is less crime there.” Do also read entire post on Islamic jurisprudence (Gokusan says:July 6, 2018 at 1:24 pm) to grasp how benevolent his faith has groomed him to be!

    *Respect for women: “If mature girls want to marry a man whatever his age may be what is your problem.” “as in the case of rape, the parents, [have to/should, as adoption is unlawful] abort the fetus and thus prevent the disgrace that awaits both mother and child [..]

    *High moral standards: “My forefathers were lower caste hindus who converted because of caste hegemony and oppression and i am proud of them.”
    “Hanah Khan says:August 6, 2018 at 2:16 am
    Speak from ear to ear on caste hegemony in Hinduism but deactivate your critical-thinking and conscience when Islamic scholars inject toxin into your psyche to observe religious and sect apartheid.”
    How you people brazenly question a philosophy which is on the amendment course while cowing spinelessly to a belief-system which thrives by thrashing every moral rule, is a phenomenon that by itself needs a dedicated study!

    *Patriotism: “Our subcontinent was always vilolent when it comes to religion”; “subcontinent was never a rosy place when it comes to religion and they are not as open hearted as now been calimed”
    Hanah Khan says:June 21, 2018 at 11:26 pm
    “India which embraced all faiths with open arms on its soil is not openhearted and I’ve learnt the new lesson: Saudi Arabia and the entire Islamic bloc which never give an inch to other faith-followers are lionhearted!!

    *Highly Conscionable:
    “find me a single verse with context that quran ordered the believers to kill innocent people , women and children, one verse. You did not read that is why your knowledge is lacking.”
    Hanah Khan says:July 3, 2018 at 5:55 am
    “//to kill innocent people , women and children, one verse.//
    See the cunning use of the word ‘innocent’ and that too repeatedly in various posts! Ok! Who will decide who is innocent and who is not? Muslim leaders, right!
    And once these Muslim leaders decide a person is guilty, he should be hanged or stoned!”

    *Critical thinking: “ People like you and stupid clerics are the reason behinf the ignorance both of you people represent two extreme. You people know nothing at all and i do not know if you read any books at all.” “Music which is not accompanied by instruments is not haraam per se, and there is quite an amount of division among scholars some say if the music is promoting good virtues then it is permissible”; “Muslim scholars were urged to make exceptions in the 1990s following rapes of Kuwaiti women by Iraqi soldiers”;

    *Analytical mindset: How many extremely critical and crucial questions he did not answer would need a separate blog by itself! Efficient in nitpicking one or two points and even in those opinions places punctured arguments with some cult links and imagines that the entire world is foolish enough to not to catch his vacuity.

    *Respect for: fundamental human rights; other faiths; nonIslamic nations which give equal rights to people of all faiths (in spite of the fact that Muslim majority nations always make mincemeat of minority rights) — read the blog and you’ll understand this HeavenGoer’s benevolence in toto.

    When such an ‘extremely goodhearted’ person calls you venomous then you can rest assured that God has chosen for you the noble path, and mind you, not his PoliticianGod our OceanHearted One!

    The twist comes here.
    Well, scholar-worshippers are born to be/ (justify) inhuman, depraved and unethical (course) in their hunt for heaven. So nothing good can be expected from the HeavenHunters!
    But when someone who believes in equality of faiths does not believe in equality of genders, that becomes the biggest let down. It took nearly two weeks for me for the reality to sink in that Admin will not even reprimand a sexual bully, forget about tougher measures. When the senior scholar-worshipper could not stand the brutal truth of my arguments, he placed revolting statements on my appearance. As he has himself prided about his cunning nature, he used his fox mentality to deviate from the topic. I opposed vehemently. So next time he cruelly abused: this time my mother was also not spared!
    Admin, the sole administrator of the site waited for two days before finally DELETING it.

    So is it that Admin never warns any one?
    The same Admin had earlier admonished Mac (for directing readers to his FB account); Massey and Chai Paokoda ki party for posting in different names: to permanently ban them from the site.

    When I fought against the dehumanization of the lower grade workers by the senior scholar-worshipper, Admin said that Indian class mentality still lingers on and condemned him.
    But sexual bullying which took place in a site directly under his control does not deserve even a warning!
    Admin, this is also a classic Indian male-chauvinistic mentality. Not a word of condemnation or caution!
    So according to Admin, directing to FB account/ posting in multiple names are more horrible crimes than sexual bullying!
    In a world where the Kavanaughs get raised to be the judge of the Supreme Court of a nation which boasts to be the leader of the world, what justice can be expected for women?

    I even asked if there is a code of conduct for the site or not: no reply. You decided to look the other way when one of the female members of your site was harassed!
    Why did you delete the Senior Scholar-worshipper’s second post? It was an illuminating piece of a ‘pious’ person : Allah is waiting impatiently only to place this ‘extemely honourable’ soul in Paradise!

    His cyber ISISism or his follower’s endorsement to his conduct that the victim is ‘way more toxic’ didn’t stop me! But the site guard’s silence did!

    This blog is an eye-opener as far as women’s rights are concerned: women have to fight it on their own with the head at the helm just turning a blind eye. Thus, as far as stamping of women’s dignity is concerned it’s a complete pact: the committer, the colluder and the facilitator!

    • Rabia
      November 1, 2018 10:30 am

      Hanah, hello! Salaam (if you’ll take my salaam 😉

      I just skimmed through your comments and was shocked to see this: “But what sets this blog apart is the sexual bullying which I had never encountered before. What was even more shocking was Admin’s stoic silence when a female member of the site was sexually bullied under his watch.”

      WHAT HAPPENED??? I was away for many many months and just returned to see all this. Who was sexually bullied by whom?? Admin? Care to explain all this? What’s going on?

      • Gokusan
        November 2, 2018 2:15 am

        Glad to see you back. I was also busy with some work. Good to see you back with your usual rantings though. Anyway Just like Khabib smashed Conor , your argument is just like conor full of rhetoric with no substance and Conor and you have one thing in common. Usual ranting and when getting smashed ideologically foul crying. Just like Khabib we will win and truth will prevail.

        • Rabia
          November 2, 2018 9:14 am

          Salaam/namaste Gokusan,
          Not sure what kind of a name Gokusan is but I assume you are either a Muslim who doesn’t like my arguments for whatever reason, or a Modi bhakt. Or do you work for Zakir Naik, brother? No shame in that. You are still a brother. Very interesting comparison with Conor vs Khabib. I supported Khabib and he won, lost his cool a little but I also
          Tend to do that with the ignoramuses I encounter on this forum… so no shame in that as long as nobody is getting beat up. I don’t know whether you are Muslim or not, you sound Muslim but as MAC once said, one can be a namaziI and still be a fake Muslim. May Allah guide you, and I agree… truth will prevail. Jo na jaane Haqq ki taaqat, Rabb na devey usko himmat!

          • Gokusan
            November 4, 2018 9:29 am


            I guess you are older than me so I am calling you apa ( I am 23 btw). I have not said anything to you, my comment is for Ms. Hanah Khan. Anyways my name is from the famous anime Dragon Ball Z.Anyway I am curious to know about your story since you are a veteran here.

          • November 4, 2018 9:51 am

            Rabia married to a Hindu (details) and lives in the West. She is an author of an upcoming book “An Infidel’s Diary – Memoirs of a Muslim Girl.” She has made about 200 comments at InterfaithShaadi and carries moderate Islamic views.

            Gokusan, since you are a consultant on this web site for a while, we invite you to write something about this for this page https://interfaithshaadi.org/?p=12367. Let us know what would you say for yourself and your post representing you (if not we can create, write a full post about your views on Hindu-Muslim marriages and theme on this web site).

      • November 3, 2018 8:56 am

        Hello Rabia, you have been on this web site for a long time too. We hope we/this site treated you and other ladies/girls well with dignity that a woman deserve; do let us know on or off-line your feedbacks. We hope to learn and improve. Thank you very much. Lets keep up our work to make this world a better place to live for all and eliminate/minimise religious exclisivity/supremacist ideologies from all faiths.

    • November 2, 2018 11:00 pm

      Hello Hanah,
      We feel your frustration. Sorry for we did not protect you from brutal words from Mr. Haque. Delays in deleting comments by two days was not intentional but sometimes we don’t get around working on the web site. As a matter of fact, this time, we have not read all these comments in last two days. Unfortunately this site is not as lucky as Facebook and other well funded web sites; however that should not be an excuse not protecting women/girls on this site. You have been on this web site for a more than 4 years and hope this is not your consistent general observation (affecting you and other women); we hope not. We value your this feedback and look to improve in the future. Thank you.

  • Durgalakshmi
    October 14, 2018 11:16 pm

    Dear admin here is my answer
    1. If he wants to marry a muslim girl then why did he love a brahmin girl. Even at first I did not think about my love or marriage and did not even think that i will be marrying a muslim boy.if that so then even i can tell him to get converted into hindu.
    2. He did ask his parents for me not getting converted into islam but his parents did not accept.

    • October 15, 2018 3:19 pm

      Dear Durga,

      Thank you for getting back. We are happy to hear from you. Please update routinely how it goes. This will also help other sisters. You are already in love for past 4 years, we hope you are not still deciding in year 2022! Put a deadline to make a decision this or that way by the year end, can you?

      You said, “his parents did not accept”, so what is his plan now? Is he going to go against his parents for your love or ultimately dump you? We hope it is the formal, best wishes.

  • Hanah Khan
    August 31, 2018 3:47 am

    Have debated with so many Muslims but had never felt this much disgusted as today. I respected him for his age, addressed him as Mr and what a fourth-rated scoundrel he had turned out to be. The discussion on the forum had always been civil, a war of concepts and beliefs but no one had ever stooped to such rock-bottom level.
    And this cobra has a married daughter also. I pity that pathetic soul.

    When you could not stand the brutal honesty of my arguments you make your evil dance to silence me.
    I very strongly believe in the mantra, ‘No sin goes unpunished’, and I submit your atrocity to the Almighty.

    These cobra Alims will lead you to your Jannah, oh, my pitiable Muslim population! Tragedy of mammoth proportions!

    The more these vipers try to gag me the more they establish the truth that I’ve been right all along.

    When he had given his email id itself I thought why Admin was casually permitting such violation. Shouldn’t you have immediately acted? He will actively convert young Muslims as his hatchlings.
    (Checked now,I understand that you’ve deleted the details but the damage is already done. Anyhow better late than Never)

    Social Media Giants like Facebook and Twitter have grievance cell where if you complain such depravity their account will be permanently closed. Admin, don’t you think after such perverted statements you should suspend him at least for a month, if not forever?

    Do you have code of ethics for the forum or not?

    • Gokusan
      August 31, 2018 6:59 am


      The thing is you are way more toxic than he cause you blabbered things without any backings or weak things which is easily refuted now the irony is you are crying foul. So what if he have given his email it is his personal thing that is exposed not yours. No one is brainwashing others everyone is capable of doing their own research and finding out what is truth. And the thing is you are now calling the almighty while it seems you have much beef against the religion.

      • Hanah Khan
        August 31, 2018 7:44 am

        I understood your comprehension capacity when you keep repeatedly saying, “I’ve given you links”. Again you’ve exposed your grasping ability with your current post. You consider yourself, a vast-read intellectual, anyone reading your posts can arrive at his/ her own conclusion. I leave it at that.

        His words amount to sexual harassment and even that’s not a problem for you. After all, you are someone whose scholars guide you, “the child born of rape, like one born of adultery (walad zina) is a more lowly member of society with regard of the rights he or she is guaranteed and the social status he or she can attain.//
        and you toe them, what character could anyone expect from you?

        Now, this scholar’s fourth-rated statements also you are endorsing, when you didn’t condemn him for the death threats, these are all negligible problems for you. For someone who has such ‘divine’ mentors, I will definitely come as a toxic person. It’s an honour!

        Anyone who places his faith above the nation/ constitution is anti-national and so I will continue to warn Admin not to be the bridge between these negative elements. If it bothers anti-India group, then I need to be more vigilant and report for immediate action.

        Islamic mentality: only their God is God, others should not even utter the word!Keep your supremacy to yourself, HeavenGoer! I didn’t submit to your local, petty politician God, I submitted to my ocean-hearted God!

  • Md.Zia-ul-Haque
    August 28, 2018 1:29 pm

    Admin,your argument is not convincing.What Hanna khan has said about kafir is his own opinion. It is not in the of Holy Quran and Hadith. Please ask him quote to Hadith from where he has seen it. It is also found in Holy Qursn.

    • Hanah Khan
      August 28, 2018 9:37 pm

      I had clearly stated:
      “To hell with the Islamic leaders’ definition of the term ‘Kafir’.
      I shall elucidate the truest meaning of kafir”.

      I hate the cancerous interpretation of your scholars, I reject it in toto.
      The illustration is mine!

      • Md.Zia-ul-Haque
        August 28, 2018 11:16 pm

        Admin, I think rather I am sure that Hannah does not have any knowledge about Islam and so he has said such rubbish thing.Islam is the religion which can not be reformed at all. No can go and express opinion ignoring Holy Quran or Hadith.These uneducated or half educated persons remain in veil suppressing their identity and not like me (only person in the world who is a who is a qualified Moulvi i.e Alim with Degrees in Science and Law)who has given even postal address,phone number etc. Hiwever, I appreciate your knowldge about different religions.I think Hannah is a clerk or peon in private organisation.7

        • Hanah Khan
          August 28, 2018 11:55 pm

          You please continue with the cancerous interpretation of your scholars and enter heaven! I will continue to expose the scourge that’s devastating Islam from within!
          Years back, you had issued death threats on this forum, remember?
          Whatever you say, everyone will leave it as your opinion and you are entitled to do that. But if I give, you’ll instigate your intoxicated mob to ruin me!

          What’s wrong in being a clerk or peon?
          It’s an honour to be an honest clerk/ peon than be a cunning lawyer!

          • Md.Zia-ul-Haque
            August 29, 2018 10:34 am

            Admin, Having been worked as a senior Group A officer I had dealt with many clearks and peons who were bound to be obedient to me and had even worked as my servant at my house.Hannah has admitted that he is a peon or clerk. I think that at the flag end of his life he has been promoted to the post of peon. Does he know that I was a senior officer under Ministry of Commerce, Govt of India and was twice awarded the top Expert award under the category Islam.Every body who hires an advocate expects that he should be cunning. My friends and well wishers feel proud not because I am an Advocate or an ex officer but because of knowlege in Islam.

          • Hanah Khan
            August 29, 2018 9:42 pm

            Every sentence is teeming with pride, position, ego and self-glorification; humiliating lower-grade workers and finding pleasure.
            And you are a religious person? Shows your range of piety in black and white!

            Very haughty of being cunning? How you repay your motherland which has given you honourable positions? Reveals your class!You be happy with your crafty skill!
            If I were a lawyer, I would have fought for the underprivileged, the peon-class in your language and for the righteous things/ one needs sharp intelligence not cunningness for that.

            Anyhow, these moral aspects are all only for ethical people like us, not for the Heaven-Goers like you.

          • August 29, 2018 10:03 pm

            Mr. Haque,
            Humm! The class system is still in blood of Indians (I am peon, I am boss). We believe this is rarely a case in the West.

            We are happy that you are a great accomplished man, as you kept on telling us. Generally we learned that great people don’t self-praise. Have you heard Gandhiji saying how wonderful he was? Well, you have lots of similarity with a new (self-made) great accomplished man, Donald Trump!!

        • Gokusan
          August 29, 2018 12:14 pm

          Brother it is good to see your knowledge on Islam. I have debated with Ms Hanah but she always provide illogical claims to support her stand which can be easily refuted. Also some day I would like to be in the positions you held inshallah. Hope you are doing great. May Allah bless you! Khuda Hafeez.

          • Md.Zia-ul-Haque
            August 29, 2018 1:26 pm

            Gokusan, Salam. Hope you will very soon become an international personality. Please do tell me in case you need my cooperstion in any matter. May Allah(S.W.T) BLESS YOU. WASSALAMS

          • Hanah Khan
            August 29, 2018 10:02 pm

            So another scholar you’ve found now! Congrats!
            Your scholars do us a great favour by exposing their character in black and white. We need to be grateful to them for helping us prove our stand concretely.

            As usual he had all the time to read all the posts and to appreciate his newfound philosopher. I had placed the fact that years back this ‘peaceful’ person had placed death threats on the forum. But the new follower does not have the time to condemn the scholar. Mentality revealed! Hand in glove! Heaven-goers!

            Readers are requested to read, https://interfaithshaadi.org/?p=13674
            to know how he has refuted all my illogical claims deftly and you can arrive at your own solution.

          • Gokusan
            August 30, 2018 9:23 am

            Sister I have gave you all the necessary links and details on topics. Rant all you want but it is useless.

  • Md.Zia-ul-Haque
    August 20, 2018 1:03 pm

    Admin, As you know that a marriage of a Muslim boy with a hindu girl and hindu boy with a Muslim girl is not valid under Shariah or Islamic Law so 99.9% hindu girls revert to Islam only to grab handsome well placed Mudlim boys by uttering Kalima to make the marriage valid but none of them practice or follow Islam. After the marriage the girls remain as hindus or non Muslkms. Let Durga decide whether she will be a true Muslim or remain as hindu even after maraige.Hiwever, I will be happy to help in such a serious matter.

    • August 20, 2018 8:10 pm

      If Durga does not want to convert to Islam, would you support their “Hindu”-Muslim marriage? Alternatively, would you insist Durga should at least fake-convert to Islam for Nikaah?

      On “a Muslim boy with a hindu girl and hindu boy with a Muslim girl is not valid under Shariah or Islamic Law”, as per Koran 24:30, the Muslim boy cannot/should not get in love relationship to start. Ignoring 24:30 but asking conversion for 2:221 is LOVE-JIHAD, and nothing more.

      On “After the marriage the girls remain as hindus or non Muslkms.”, we always say “do not make lies and deception a foundation of your married life”. If Durga don’t want to convert, then the Muslim boy should accept her the way she is, and not look to fake-convert her (unless he is love-Jihadi).

      • Jasbir
        August 26, 2018 8:16 am

        My simple thoughts are that Durga and her love can get married in civil so their is no conversion? And both can share love for each other and live happily! So their is not fake or fake conversions! Love should have no boundaries. But problem is when their are families are involved! It’s their marriage and their life and it should be them to decide, What is right for them! Outside forces should stay out side? It’s just my opinion and not enforcing on any one! Thanks and May God bless everyone!

      • Md.Zia-ul-Haque
        August 30, 2018 2:15 pm

        Admin,I love and respect Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose and that I never humilate anybody unless I am not attacked. This fellow Hannah without having any Islamic knowledge tried his best to condemn me and misguide innocent readers of this blog. Look into the defination given by you about kafir and the defination given by uneducated or half educated Hannah.To keep some spoiled brats mum one needs to be harsh in words.You know Mohammed Ali was a very charming and kind hearted person but to teach lessons to his abusive critics he used to say”I am the greatest” means greatest in the ring of boxing.No doubt he was the greatest in the field of boxing.Ask Hannah to show one person who is a qualified Alim with Degrees in Science and Law. Having lack of knoledge in Islam why does he want to impose his will upon others in the name of Islam? Well admin, is Hannah a male or female and how old he/she is. Hannah should know that I don’t take any money(fees) from any person whose monthly income is less than Rs.10000/-. Hannah’s parents have given him Islamic name but I think he is not a practising Muslim. Being in the army my father had spent best part of his life for the country whereas I had worked little more than 37 years in Govt organisation. What more we can/could do for India.Also helping Indians by giving free legal aid.

        • August 30, 2018 9:51 pm

          More on Hanah here https://interfaithshaadi.org/?p=12392

          On “uneducated or half educated Hannah”, well, Hanah has not self-praised for herself here but we are certainly very impressed by her knowledge, writing style and expression skills. We won’t surprised if she is some high placed professional or author or similar something. We understand if she does not buy in your Mohammedan ideologies and thus you are upset at her.

          On “I never humilate anybody unless I am ..attacked”, we don’t think saying bad words to silence Hanah or self-praising is a good strategy. Any time you self-praise with any one, even to your peon, think what is the difference between you and Donald Trump! We learned in life that empty vessel makes most noise. Only weak person brags.

          • Md.Zia-ul-Haque
            August 30, 2018 10:32 pm

            Admin It is unfortunate that you always take side of the person(s) who critize(s) Islam. Anyway I have just quoted the truth. I have said that I am not proud but I repeat and reiterate that my friends and well wishers feel proud of me because of my knowledge in Islam which is often attacked by the mean minded people like Hannah deviated from the path of Islam. I praise her beauty.In my life I have seen that shch type of women will initially quarl with the men they like but later on try to make them life partners.Hannah may be an exception. Your comments pleae.

      • Md.Zia-ul-Haque
        August 31, 2018 11:23 pm

        Admin, enough is enough. You may kindly remember that some time back I had accepted tha invitation (challenge) of one of your readers to have a debate with one satyapal converted hindu of Lucknow on Islam-vs-Hinduism but the challenge was withdrawn only after some of the leaders of Akhil Bhartiya Vidharti Parishad had enquired about me from certain Advocates of Calcuttta High Court and Supreme Court and were demoalised to know my background and expertise on the subject.Now that I challenge this spoiled brat of this blog to have an open debate with me on the subject she is shamelessly barking.The greatest boxer Mohammed Ali said”I am the greatest”. According to you was he really greatest in the field of boxing, or empty vessel sounds much? Whole world had agreed that he was greatest in boxing field. Am I not the only person in the world who is a qualified Alim with Degrees in Science and Law? Pride for relious persons and knowledge seekers but envy for the crtics of Islam and for the persons deviated from the path of Islam.

  • Md.Zia-ul-Haque
    August 20, 2018 12:17 am

    Admin: Yes those girls had just had uttered Kalima from mouth but not from heart just to grab well placed handsome boys in the name/form of marriage but never practised Islam.They are “Musims” for name sake only and following the religion taught by their parents. Religion is immetarial for a marriage under special marriage act 1954. I got my daughter married under the said act followed by Nikha.

    • August 20, 2018 8:03 pm

      Did your daughter married to a Hindu? If they had the Special Marriage Act 1954 process, why there is a need for Nikaah/conversion? If your daughter did not convert her fiancee, would you still support their love?

      • Md.Zia-ul-Haque
        August 21, 2018 1:39 pm

        Admin, No my convent educated affectionate, obedient and religious daughter did not marry any non Muslim or kafir boy but I got her married with the descendant of Holy Prohet(S.W.A) of Islam.Since I am in legal profession and as the Govt and the Supreme Court desire registration of every marriage so I got her married under special marriage act followed by Nikah.In Islam there is nothing which is called Love Jihad. However, if Durga needs my help and approaches me through you then I will try my best to get her married with the Muslim boy on mutual consent.

        • August 24, 2018 5:49 pm

          Mr. Haque,

          This is a smart strategy as a father, “I got her (my daughter) married under special marriage act followed by Nikah.” Why should you expose your own daughter to a potential danger of talaak and polygamy? We always recommend the Special Marriage Act to protect people.

          A note, you must know that we are a PROUD KAFIR, what an honor to be one!!!!

          • Md.Zia-ul-Haque
            August 25, 2018 1:00 pm

            Admin, I am abiding citizen and a knowledge seeker. You are helping girls and boys giving suggestions in the matter of interfaith marriage. I am also learning some thing from you. Can you give me defination of a kafir?

          • admin
            August 26, 2018 8:03 am

            From Wiki: Kafir (Arabic: كافر‎ kāfir; plural كَافِرُونَ kāfirūna, كفّار kuffār or كَفَرَة kafarah; feminine كافرة kāfirah) is an Arabic term (from the root K-F-R “to cover”) meaning “unbeliever”, or “disbeliever”. The term alludes to a person who rejects or disbelieves in God according to the teachings of the Islamic prophet Muhammad, and denies the dominion and authority of the Islamic god, and thus is often translated as “infidel“. Muhammad Asad held “infidels” to be an erroneous translation of “kafir” made by several scholars and western Quran translations, since it is not synonymous with “non-Muslim”; thus, someone who does good deeds without expectation of worldly rewards would not be a kafir. At the same time, kafir is sometimes used as a derogatory term, particularly by members of political Islam movements. Unbelief is called kufr. Kafir is sometimes used interchangeably with mushrik (مشرك, those who commit polytheism), another type of religious wrongdoer mentioned frequently in the Quran and Islamic works.

            We are infidel, mushrik and unbeliever/disbeliever in Muhammad’s teachings. Further, we honor beliefs of atheists and LGBTs. Now tell us would you considering marrying your daughter off to such a person (on religious points but of course of her age and choice).

          • Hanah Khan
            August 27, 2018 1:21 am

            Big debate on Kafir:
            To hell with the Islamic leaders’ definition of the term ‘Kafir’.
            I shall elucidate the truest meaning of kafir:

            * A rapist is a kafir.
            * A paedophile is a kafir.
            * A politician/ bureaucrat who leeches on public fund is a kafir.
            * A murderer is a kafir.
            * A bomber is a kafir.
            * Anyone who says that only his faith is the truest is a kafir
            * An individual residing and enjoying the benefits in a nation while paying allegiance to another is a kafir.
            * A person who justifies immorality/ barbarity citing tenets is a kafir.
            * Anyone who treats the minorities as second-class citizens is a kafir.
            * An individual who sacrifices animals to enter heaven is a kafir.
            * Anyone who doesn’t use his creative talent citing some moronic interpretation is a kafir.
            * A person who declares that his theology is above constitution is a kafir.
            * Anyone who hates other faith/ sect followers is a kafir.
            * A government which charges tax on nonbelievers is kafir.
            * An administration which declares that only the person from a particular majority can head the nation/ state is kafir.
            * A society which strangulates people for criticizing/ leaving faith is kafir.
            * A populace which vandalizes others’ worshipping places is kafir.
            * A culture which glorifies misogyny is kafir.
            * A population which demands a separate nation once percentage shoots up is kafir.
            * A leadership whose philosophy makes millions refugees is kafir.
            * A doctrine which indoctrinates the followers to adopt inhuman, unethical and depraved path as a course to heaven is kafir!

          • admin
            August 27, 2018 8:27 pm

            Hi Hanah,
            Thank you for defining the kafir. YES, I am not capable of being a Kafir!!

  • August 18, 2018 3:14 pm

    Hi Durga,

    We have modify your name for your privacy.

    We will certainly guide you in details and step wise. To start, please answer two questions:

    1) You said, ” I also cannot leave that boy as I’m truly madly and deeply in love with him”, then why you have reservation converting to Islam to please him? Explain us what are your concerns.

    2) His parents said, “i should get converted into islam”. Did your boy friend fight against his parents since he loved a “Brahmin” girl not a “Muslim” girl. What he has to say? Let us know and then we will get more deep into other points. Thank you.

    • Md.Zia-ul-Haque
      August 19, 2018 10:21 am

      Admin:You don’t have to be worried.Several cousins of mine including my two own brothers got married with non Muslim girls including brahmins but none of them are/were practising Muslims.Normally every non Muslim girl revert to Islam only for name sake and not from heart and Durga, in probality,God forbid; will not be an exception. I will be happy to extend any legal help to Durga and her boy friend to get themselves married under special marriage act or Islamic Law before a Qazi and MMR.g

      • August 19, 2018 4:22 pm

        Mr. Haque, explain us “my two own brothers got married with non Muslim girls including brahmins but none of them are/were practising Muslims.” So, your brothers did converted those Brahmin and non-Muslims to Islam? Why you said they are not practicing Muslims? Are you saying 1) they are no more muslims, 2) atheists or 3) Muslim not as much Muslim you wish them to be?

        Are you recommending Durga to not fake-convert to Islam and go marry by the Special Marriage Act 1954? Let us know what you would recommend based on what she said.

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