I respect you (stone murti) as Allah has made you

Shreya Kapoor says: February 19, 2013 at 12:00 am

Sir, My brother Ved married a Muslim lady Ayesha. Both highly educated and very blessed human beings under special marriage act. NO CONVERSIONS. My brother and ayesha both really adjusted well.

People who say hindus is idol worship is wrong they never knew hinduism see “BRAHMAN”. A hindu boy is a muslim as well. My brother is able to follow all requirements of Islam my bhabhi Ayesha is wonderful human being if ever she came in front of Idol she will close her eyes and Tell her self “Even though i know you are a stone i respect you as Allah has made you””….Problem solved isn’t it..

They are the Happiest Educated People of Modern India…Icing on cake is they have 2 sons Vikram and Azad..They gave them freedom to choose there faith Vikram became Hindu and Azad choose Islam…

Lastly My Parents and Ayesha’s Parents are happiest in world..I am not writing in detail but all is Well if your heart and Soul is well… -Shreya Kapoor


Admin says:


Absolutely beautiful. This is the way ALL Hindu-Muslim marriages should be. This is… our dream (IM-WE: Interfaith Marriage With Equality) come true!

If any interfaith dating couple is dreaming of this type of happy marriage, it must start with an agreement, … in your words, “NO CONVERSIONS” or … in our words, “NO BBS“. Simple! Problem solved! Isn’t it?

Ask them to come here and guide other youths. -Admin


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  • March 10, 2013 11:56 am

    Hi readers,

    My husband and i married in love marriage, we are both british born asians, he is pakistani, while i am bengali muslim.

    My husband is very religious, and even though before marriage i did not wear hijab, he asked me to wear one after marriage and i happily did so. i will admit before marriage i did not practice my faith much, but i was a virgin before marriage,

    He has helped me become a better muslim, he teaches me about islam, and he explains to me alot of what i do not understand. But he is a bit more extreme when it comes to things like clothing, he does not like me wearing sari which is very commen in bengali culture for us women to wear. he thinks the revealing flesh around the midriff is haram. i have explained to him that i can conceal such an area with my sari (which is what most bengali girls do anyway) and i have even demonstrated it to him, but he still says it is not right and does not permit me to wear one outside of our home.

    But the part that really confuses me, is that when we are having intercourse he wants me to do things that i am not so sure about. im really embarressed to say this, but he will ask me to peform oral sex on him, and has even suggested anal sex to me. he has hinted several times during intercourse that he wants to have sex toys and wants to do roleplay. I have so far told him that i am not interested in such things and when i would i would tell him. but he tries to convince me to change my mind. I know he was sexually active before we began dating.

    Outside of the bedroom, he is very religious and we both pray five times a day. and he is very strict at what i wear and the other day to day things. which i have no problem about. but why does he have this side to him in the bedroom? surely he should realise that oral sex is haram etc. how do i explain my confusion to my husband without sounding like i am trying to brand him a hypocrit.

    What is option for me?

    Reply at https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=4699

    • salih
      February 4, 2014 4:15 pm

      i can see that you are very stupid … do not listen to this people what they say about you and your husband .. those are some kuffar devils who want to make you and your husband have worst life .. and if you complain to police .. which police ? the sharia law or the british police who are the worst of people .. islam does not make oral sex haram how ever you can explain to him if you do not like it .. the anal sex is 100% haram .. the prophet sa said who ever have anal sex is not from my umma .. all other things are ok if do not go extreme all positions are allowed in islam .. my advice to you do not listen those kuffar who are enemies of islam ..they know nothing about islam .. and they have sex worse than animals they do every act of filth as you see if you are in britain

  • February 24, 2013 9:22 am

    I lost my virginity a year ago , I had sex with my bf. I’m sexually active since then.Myself 25 years old from Riyadh and parents insisting for marriage with a Saudi guy.

    My BF is a black Christian from Uganda.

    What should I do?
    I don’t think surgery is an option.

    How can I fake it?

    Please don’t talk about my morals because none of you know what happened. I’m asking for help and you only should be helpful and nothing else. If you can’t help then don’t answer.


    Reply to Mahajabeen at https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=4553

  • Satyen
    February 22, 2013 3:52 pm

    Whatever may be the short term solutions of interfaith marriages involving Islam, sooner or latter, humanity will have to get rid of Muhammad. The patch up work will not last long. Many people from centuries have tried to put some adhesives between Islam and humanity but has miserably failed. Ganshijee is the recent and well known personality who tried to befriend the Muhammad followers and even gave them upper hand compared to the Hindus, he never won their confidence and had the Muslim following in name only. Ultimately, he had to eat his own words and accepted the existence of Pakistan. Similarly, the western hemisphere specially, Europe, is bearing the brunt of treating all the religions equal that includes Islam. Now, they are slowly realizing the malpractices and negative impact of Islam on the society.

    So, only solution of all the marriages involving Muslims is to ensure that the Muslim partner doesn’t believe in Muhammad or his fabricated notions of Heaven, Hell fire and other concocted stories of divinity.

    I ask a simple question? Is there any assurance that the Muslim son of an interfaith marriage will not accept sharia law? Once he follows the sharia law, all the malpractices will come back to the half family and unfortunately, the Muslim relatives of the Muslim mother will in the most likelihood will side with the Muslim son. So, ultimately, the situation comes to square one.

    To summarize, remaining in Islam with unshaken faith in Muhammad is not at all a feasible solution in interfaith marriages and it will have loopholes for the present Muslim practices against the Muslim women.It will turn for the worse if one of the two siblings accepts Islamic practices, as he will consider his/her own sibling as a kafir, a sure candidate for the hell fire. Similarly, both will diverge against each other and the interfaith parents will remain a mute spectator.

    So, no patch up solution except to relinquish Muhammad can be a permanent solution of interfaith marriages involving Muslims.

  • Satyen
    February 22, 2013 3:07 pm

    BTW, Hindus don’t worship the idol but to the God the idol represent. Analogically, it’s like garlanding one’s mother’s picture when she is away from home. Does it mean the son/daughter is respecting the picture of his/her mother? In fact the son/daughter remembers his/her mother when he/she is in front of the picture of his/her mother who is different from the picture but the photo helps one remember the entity, the photo represents. Another example is the photo of lord Shiva. Though the idol of Shiva could be anywhere and is worshiped there, it represents Shiva who is believed to reside in Kailash in Tibbet, fro from the idol! However, the Shiva idol helps the devotee to think of lord Shiva. Moreover, Hindus even worship formless God and are not required to pray the idol only.

    In the present case, the children should be allowed to attain the age of maturity before electing the religion as it requires to have some basic canonical information before any decision could be taken.

  • rinku
    February 21, 2013 12:33 pm

    hi shreya,
    i had read your brother`s life story .
    this is good news for humanity.

    lots of blessing to u n ur family

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