I love my Allah and Islam

Parvez says: July 25, 2013 at 9:09 am

La-ilaha-iLLaLLah- Muhammadur-Rasulullah
La-ilaha-iLLaLLah- Muhammadur-Rasulullah
Hi…I am a Muslim boy (27) and I am in love with a Hindu gal (Kaveri, 22) …
I love her a lot and above all at the same time I love my ALLAH and religion..

I am serious about her..
we are going to marry very soon, but i dont want to run and marry… I am scared of her parents, cant took to them, they are very strict….
what to do? 
please Advice!!! -Parvez

Admin says:

Dear Parvez,

You do not have to be scared of anyone if you are honest and doing right thing in life. Further, we agree that run away is a weakness and should not be considered. Instead, be bold and face consequences. You have fall in love; that does not mean you have not committed a crime.

You live in a free and secular country (we assume you are in India), thank Allah for it. Further, we assume you are educated and working. If you are not financially independent, wait till you are on your own. If you both are making fully “informed” decision, then there is no reason for you not proceed with your plan to marry her. Bottom line, find a good paying job in a big city or out of your small town and go for it.

Now lets focus on your statement, “I love my ALLAH”.

"Okay to bow down before the stone"
Okay to bow down before the stone?
You know that God means Allah in Arabic and Isvara in Sanskrit. Christians call Him Father God and Jews call Him LORD God. No one knows the shape, look or size of God (including Hindus; read Vedas); but different people have different views about Her or Him or It. Muslims pray God only in the direction of Saudi Arabia even God is there every where. Christians look at two pieces of woods and pray to Jesus looking at that cross. Jews go to the Jerusalem Wall to pray to God; but others see Jews praying to a stone-wall. Hindus use different humanly forms to focus on the Isvara. These Kaaba, cross, stonewall and marble statues are not God, but people use them to help focus on the God.

Parvez, do you agree to our above statements?
If not, let us know what you do not agree.
Let us know what do you mean by “MY” Allah?
Do you own an(the) Allah?
Do you have a personal “Allah” that Jews, Christians and Hindus never shared Him?

Further, what do you mean by “I love my religion”?

Do you believe in Koran? Do you know what Koran has to say for Hindus? Do you believe in every thing that Muhammad did and said? Would you ask the Hindu gf to convert to Islam? Would you ask the Hindu gf to stop praying her God(s) and start believing in Muhammad and praying only in the direction of Saudi Arabia? Do you think it is okay for you to have 4 wives, Ok to lightly beat your wives, give them triple talaak to get rid of them, do you believe that Mahatma Gandhiji and Mother Teresa will get Hell Fire on the Judgment Day because they were not Muslims?

Parvez, you have rights to do all that is stated in above paragraph. You are a Muslim and it is normal if you believe in what is stated above. Explain it to us for what do you mean by “I love my religion.” Further, go tell your gf that your first love is your religion and Muhammad and she comes after it. Here, we only request that you go and tell all facts to your gf and her parents.

If you are honest and truthful to your gf, your Allah will be happy. Go tell all facts to your gf’s parents and “your” Allah will help you for the rest.

Let us know if it makes sense what we are saying here. We would love to hear back from you. Thanks. -Admin

Parvez added at different times:

nd c will not convert to islam, because i love her so why there’s a need to change her?
I knw conversion is necessary in islam for anon-muslim but i thing this are all man made things. i blv in allah nd dats enough for me!! Nd c blv in ishwar (both r the same things).
Its not right to kip 4 wives,i dnt agree.they r illiterate jerks.
Islam is not a bad religion my dear frnd,But the people are.
Muslims r destroying islam, no religion is bad.
all my frnds r hindus so my thinking is bit diff frm other’s.
my children will have hindu names with both of our surnames..

Kaveri added: August 10, 2013 at 11:27 am

I left him… :’( -Kaveri

Zara says: August 9, 2013 at 2:49 am
Dear Parvez,

You must be smart enough to know to stay away from any advice which goes as far as degrading someones religion no matter what the religion is.

As a muslim I would only like to advice you one thing, to make your girlfriend understand Islam. Not the Islam that media potrays or people here try to portray.

You say you love Allah and in Islam we are taught that Allah is greatest. The reason is that humans are weak they disappoint you and leave you but Allah will never leave you even if you love someone else more than Him. But really all we need to get through in this life is Allah’s love because its permanent not like human love. Don’t you as a God loving muslim want that your wife should understand your love for God and love God herself as much. We cannot expect non muslims to understand Islam because they are not ready to see beyond their hatred. They extract verses which they think are violent but have you ever seen them extract verses which Allah has clearly ordered muslims to do good to humanity and forgive others irregardless of their religion. No right? And most probably you never will because their hearts are sealed with disbelief and they think this world is end of all and there is no hereafter but Allah is Al Adl He will never let any injustice touch His servants whether muslim or not.

And falling in love is not a crime like admin here said but see what it does when your beloved leaves you and goes their way and you are left alone. It is this heartbreak that God wants to save us from and the only way is to love Allah more than anything. And it is obvious when you love Allah you appreciate and love His creation too and when your wife to be will understand and share this love, you will find a blissful relation which centers around your Creator. Because humans dissappoint us a lot but when you put all your trust in Allah He will takecare to never disappoint you.

Eid Mubarak to all!!! -Zara

Parvez says: September 5, 2013 at 5:59 am
Miss Zara,

My girlfriend is hindu and i am not a muslim like u force any one to follow islam.

She is a strict follower of hinduism and i respect that and i m so in love with her spiritual part.
She will never be happy after accpeting islam, that is very obvious. And do i have the right to bring her to islam, not at all.

I love her devotion towards hindu, c is a born hindu and will remain as a hindu only. And frankly speaking, it will be very hard for me to accept her as a muslimah because i am used to see her as a hindu gal performing hindu rituals.

And i will accpt her as a hindu only, though its against my religion but still i will do this for her. -Parvez

More information: Hindu-Muslim Marriage, Sharia, Muslim-Hindu marriages, Hindu-Muslim lovers’ experiences, Koran on Hindus? Hindu girl-Muslim boy, Marriage & Divorce laws.
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  • December 13, 2013 7:31 am

    Hi Parvez,

    We just heard from Kaveri and glad to hear from you guys.

    What would you tell to Mr. Haque? How are you different Muslim than him?

    As we see it, between two proud Muslims Mr. Haque and SRK, you are more close to SRK.

  • kallyan
    September 5, 2013 3:00 am

    kaveri, don’t do any mistake marrying a muslim. if he converts to hinduism then alter your plan.actually pervez has no adequate knowledge about islam.he thinks his allah and his prophet is as good as others.

    • Proloy
      September 26, 2013 3:36 am

      Kaveri, tell your B/F Parvez to come back to his ancestor,s religion, i.e Hinduism. I think Islam is the religion of uncivilized barbaric tribes of Arabs of 1500 years back which has not been changed with time. Hinduism , the great religion of civilized ancient Indians has made us proud for it’s education, wisdom, philosophy etc.Why few people , just for some personal gain leave such a great religion and embrace Islam, is beyond my perception.

  • Fatimah
    August 15, 2013 7:21 pm

    I just want you people to know… In Islam there is no such thing as intermission.. You either become muslim or non-muslim… If you acknowladge antoher you religion, just by acknowlagding, no need for baptizing, announcing or whatever, you have left the Islam (apostasized).. you have to make shahadah to be a muslim again.. If not you will suffer eternal Hell-fire just like other non-belivers… So if a muslim woman marries a non-muslim, automatically she becomes a non-muslim. A muslim man can marry a woman from the Abrahamic religions, as Christinaty and Judaism, but it is not adviced if the husband can’t make sure that his wife’s religion will effect the kids. A muslim man is not allowed to get married to a woman that belives in another religion than Christianity or Judaism, if he does he becomes a non-muslim according to Islam. So all this talk about half-muslim half-somthing else does’nt apply on Islam… I think this wrong information that is given by the media is disturbing.. If some muslims knew they would have thought one more time before they think about a lover with another faith… Because they risk losing their own faith for another..

  • August 10, 2013 11:42 am

    Dear Parvez,

    We learn of a socking news that you broker up, sorry to hear that.

    We did not wanted to break two people’s love. We just wanted to educate you two for a long lasting happy married life, that’s all.

    So tell us what did she do that you decided to leave her?

    Tell us what did we do that you all of a sudden (less than a month time) change your mind?

    If we did something wrong (bad karma), we hope Allah will forgive us! We are not fearful of the Judgment Day, but we wish to do good karma in this life.

    Parvez, we wish to hear from you after you are out of your current painful condition. At least you have “I love my Allah and Islam”, no body can take away from you. Now don’t bother with Hindu girls, they will take you away from your the first love, Islam.

    We wish you the best and keep in touch! -Admin

    • Parvez
      September 5, 2013 6:08 am

      Its okk
      Actually we broke up because she asked me for a few things which is very hard fr me to do, as a muslim. it was her decision to brkup not mine. but at last a have to bend a bit bfr her demands.
      Thats all

      • September 5, 2013 7:40 pm

        Assume you are married to Kaveri and she remains Hindu in your own Muslim home, how would you manage when your sisters/auntis like Zara and Fatimah try to persuade her to accept Islam? What would you tell to Kaveri or to your sisters?

        • Parvez
          September 10, 2013 3:35 am

          R family is very open minded,not like others. i dnt care about others, its our life not der’s..

  • Zara
    August 9, 2013 2:49 am

    Dear Parvez,

    You must be smart enough to know to stay away from any advice which goes as far as degrading someones religion no matter what the religion is

    As a muslim I would only like to advice you one thing, to make your girlfriend understand Islam. Not the Islam that media potrays or people here try to potray.
    You say you love Allah and in Islam we are taught that Allah is greatest. The reason is that humans are weak they disappoint you and leave you but Allah will never leave you even if you love someone else more than Him. But really all we need to get through in this life is Allah’s love because its permanent not like human love. Don’t you as a God loving muslim want that your wife should understand your love for God and love God herself as much. We cannot expect non muslims to understand Islam because they are not ready to see beyond their hatred. They extract verses which they think are violent but have you ever seen them extract verses which Allah has clearly ordered muslims to do good to humanity and forgive others irregardless of their religion. No right? And most probably you never will because their hearts are sealed with disbelief and they think this world is end of all and there is no hereafter but Allah is Al Adl He will never let any injustice touch His servants whether muslim or not. And falling in love is not a crime like admin here said but see what it does when your beloved leaves you and goes their way and you are left alone. It is this heartbreak that God wants to save us from and the only way is to love Allah more than anything. And it is obvious when you love Allah you appreciate and love His creation too and when your wife to be will understand and share this love, you will find a blissful relation which centers around your Creator. Because humans dissappoint us a lot but when you put all your trust in Allah He will takecare to never disappoint you

    Eid Mubarak to all!!!

    • Parvez
      September 5, 2013 5:59 am

      Miss Zara,

      My girlfriend is hindu and i am not a muslim like u force any1 to follow islam.
      She is a strict follower of hinduism and i respect that and i m so in love with her spiritual part.
      She will never be happy after accpeting islam, that is very obvious.
      And do i have the right to bring her to islam, not at all.
      I love her devotion towards hindu, c is a born hindu and will remain as a hindu only.
      And frankly speaking, It will be very hard for me to accept her as a muslimah because i am used to see her as a hindu gal performing hindu rituals.
      And i will accpt her as a hindu only,though its against my religion but still i will do this for her.

  • Satyen
    August 3, 2013 9:53 am

    All the readers,

    Thanks to the Admin for presenting the facts in an orderly way for the couples intending to undergo interfaith marriages. I request other readers to post similar facts over here so that these can help the interfaith marriage aspirants in taking an informed decision and they won’t repent in future if they take decision based on reason (not under the influence of emotion).

    Many of the readers have complained about the language of some of the posters who have spoken against Islam. I both agree and disagree. I am totally against the use of abusive language and using expletives. Please guard your language and personal attack to any of the persons. It will bring the important issues for the discussion. If you use vulgar words, the important issues go in the background and they don’t get the attention they deserve. So, if you want your points to be heard , make your language dignified.

    However, this does not mean, we should shy away from presenting the facts and truths born out of history and reasoning. In fact it’s our commitment to make the readers aware of those facts which are good for the human civilization. The human beings have suffered a lot from the hypocrisy and must this practice be discontinued. Many of the cruel and superstitious practices have been continued for centuries and have inflicted untold miseries on the human beings specially the women. The women have been the symbol of human suffering.

    Now the question is what’s the reason for the above miseries? Ignorance caused by unawareness, improper way of thinking and the snares created by the people of vested interests. Our job is to make the society free from these ills. Internet is the blessing in this case and we should make use of it.

    Some of the readers say that all the religions are good and we must respect them. They further add that we should never say any thing against them as all the religions are equal! In fact, this has never been said before the last 50 years or so by any religious people, except the followers of Indian religions! How can the religions be equal if they don’t say so. Does Islam or Christianity say that all religions are the same? If not, why this hypocrisy? I request the Admin to start this important discussion among the readers to clarify this important issue for for the guidance of those who are planning to have interfaith marriages.

  • Satyen
    August 1, 2013 9:30 pm

    This site is for the marriages with equality. The Admin is the right person to clarify it. But what I have understood from it is to provide the correct information to the readers so that there is no inequality of information/understanding among them. It will bring them on level playing field and will minimize the possibility of cheating of one partner by another due to the knowledge differential between them. That’s why people of various backgrounds are welcomed to participate over here in a friendly way without pointing fingers at others.

    However, sometimes a few participants become abusive and others become emotional due to various reasons. Though the first type of person cannot be considered as part of a civil society. The second part of people many times may have reasons to become emotional as it’s a human nature. Some are here trying to defend their religion/prophet against logic. Others feel that somebody id going to fall into a trap due to ignorance and unawareness of the predators. Also there may be some kind people who are able to see through the stratagem of the predators who snare the victim by the hollow promises for the blissful life. It should be noted that one can only be cheated by someone who is trusted! You cannot be cheated by someone who you don’t trust. So the seasoned cheaters are trained to how they can look goody goody while trapping somebody.

    Many of the posters are those kind people and are trying to save somebody by bringing the right information. In fact they are working in line with the intention of the Admin to minimize the information differential.

    • Satyen
      August 2, 2013 4:36 pm

      Just an addendum to the above post. Equality with marriage must also mean – equality between the bride and the groom with respect to their social and financial status for the rest of their life.

  • July 31, 2013 9:50 am

    Hello Kavery,

    Why did you get upset over the points raised by Tamanna and Reshma,?
    Why did you not refuted with logics, as they stated in respect of you?

    Why dont you try to meet Reshma who happens to be in the same locality of yours?

    Inspite of so many religious evils in the islam, what made you determined to marry in such a religion?

  • ana
    July 29, 2013 7:56 pm

    dear admin
    thnxs 4 rmvng dt degrtng cmment dt reshma postd…hope u guys vl cary on wd dz wrk..bst of luck

    • July 30, 2013 10:35 am

      You said, “hope u guys vl cary on wd dz wrk”, but don’t leave us alone!! It is not a job of one person or organization. We wish all of you join hands.

  • ana
    July 29, 2013 2:11 pm

    4ur kind info m nt pokng ma nose in2 ur mttr..m least bothr abt ur isus..n dt post ws nt meant 4u..i postd dt cz evry1 ovr here jst syng bd thng abt ech othr rlgn..n in ma post I hv nt mentn ur mttr..(whch m nt atal intrstd)…if u wn2 judge ny1 jst c dt u hv suficnt info abt dm..n 2 judge sm1 is rly bad…if u hv so much ego n attitde so kp it wd urslf..cz I hv ma own..so stp critzng othr;-)

    • Kaveri
      July 29, 2013 3:01 pm

      I was not telling u nething,my post was fr that gal named Reshma…nt u……
      C was poking her nose into my matter not u….
      u hv misundrstd my post!!! Bye

  • ana
    July 28, 2013 7:02 am

    I tot dz site z 2 gve advce on intrfth coupls..bt here evry1 is provng ech othr wrng.,.evry1 z thrwng shit on ech othr rlgn..c guys v dnt hv ny rght 2 sy false n bad wrds 2 sm1 rlgn..v shud hlp dos coupls who nd hlp neithr sy bd thngs 2 rlgn..relgn is vry beautfl thng..bt ppl r nt..evry rlgn iz gud..if v look colsly..m a muslm grl n my bf z hndu..bt I nvr heard ny bulsht thngs abt our rlgn 4rm ech othr or 4rm our frndz..its ppl who mke rlgn thng dificlt..n jst cz in sm rlgn sm ppl r bad..it doesnt mean dt dt rlgn z bad..guys v r nt a smal kid..who jst provng ech othr wrng..v shud b the role model of our cming genrtn..so tht dy dnt fght wd ech othr in the name of rlgn…in islm if one wishs 2gt cnvrt in islam dy r mst wlcm..thr z no cmpulsn or frcng 1 to do..i knw ppl ovr here ri8 various degrotng comments on muhammad..bt he ws a true gntlmen..v cnt judge ny1 if v dnt knw thr histry persnly…n y 2 wrte doz degrotng coments?v r here 2 hlp dos coupls who nd a urgnt hlp..nt here 2 wr8 dgrtng cmmnts..i wud lyk 2 sy 2 admin dt dy shud stp publsng doz cmments..guys plz u shud stp shwng ny rlgus dgrtng cmments..hpe u wud think on dz..n lst n mst imp..IF U WN2 MARY SM1..GO TO DT PERSN WHO GENUNLY GVE U BST ADCVE..DNT GO TO DT PERSN OR SEEK ADVC WHO JST SAY BAD THNGS ABT OTHER RELGN…CZ DZ KIND OF PPL JST WN2 SPREAD HATRED AMNG ECH OTHR..thnxs..

    • July 28, 2013 10:54 am

      We are with you. We wish people present here facts and limit criticizing other faiths. Lay all facts in front of an interfaith couple and they will make “informed” decision for their life. Ana, please come by again and again.

  • Kaveri
    July 28, 2013 5:25 am

    Dear Admin,
    This page is about ”Interfaith Relationships with EQUALITY”
    Dan where is equality??????????????
    U people r encouraging muslim girls to get convert to hinduism nd raise their children in hinduism nd hindu gals to raise their childrn again in hinduism… i am not finding any equality here…. just because i m telling the truth here, people are pointing me out as fake nd wrng, nd every1 is blaming me… u knw wot i dnt care…

    This is not equality…. my name is Kaveri Das frm guwahati…u can find me on facebook also… m not a muslim gal trying to display anything wrng abt hinduism or good abt islam…got it!!!

    i thot i shd share my feelings here… i am very happy wid him… i was in 2 relationshps wid 2 hindu guys earlier nd i dint gt nething expct cheat frm them..

    But u knw wot,i dint thot u people are so communal.
    all muslims are not same,nd mine one is very different. i want to express this feeling. here i am not finding any difference between Communal muslims(terrorist) nd you people…..

    This website is against islam, i also dnt like the teachings of muhammad.. There r some other websites also which r against hinduism… i thot r hindu brothers r not like muslims bt u people proved me wrng….
    I will never visit this page again….

    Nd yes 1 more thing i am not aware of any parrie wariie…… i dnt knw y c is replying on my thread, bt thats not my concern….. Good bye!!!

    • July 28, 2013 11:26 am

      Sorry for many negative comments by people. Try to take that is relevant and ignore others.

      If you do marry to Parvez, people like these will always throw dirt at you. Why you will get upset if you are pure?

      We read Parvez‘s comments and he certainly seems to be a nice guy.

      If you marry Parvez without conversion and raise children in both faiths (not what Pravez said, “He said that our children will strictly follow islam”), that is EQUALITY. Do you agree?

      We will be here and please keep in touch and update us about your life. With your good experience, we hope to teach to other youths.

      • December 25, 2014 2:35 am

        Dear admin, I.was in a relationship with a Muslim for 12 year’s. I’m catholic and we have 4 beautiful son’s together. I personally didn’t convert as he himself was only Muslim by name and not practice. I found that (not his family) but the wider Muslim community didn’t accept or approve of our relationship. My son’s are raised Muslim and will continue to be. The way I see it is that it’s not the religious beliefs of a person that makes a relationship work, it’s the heart of the person. So even after my own bad experience I say if you find someone honest, kind and respectful… Go for it, no matter of there or your religion

        Reply at https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=8940

  • July 28, 2013 1:41 am

    One more thing,

    Boys and girls while teaching Koran in Madarasas are sodomized and raped by Imams,

    Is it a relgion?

  • July 28, 2013 1:35 am

    Thanks Satyen sir.

    Parvej, is there any religion in the world that:-

    (i) practices female genital mutiliation,
    (ii) sex with dead wife,
    (iii) males allowed to keep 4wives,
    (iv) female needed to be virgin and bleed on the wedding night,
    displaying bed sheets before family members
    (v)Mutta marriages,
    (vi) Halala and tripple talak,
    (vii) 4 witnesses needed to seek justice by a female in the event of rape against her,
    (viii) females treated as whors, sex dolls and field to be ploughed like any thing,
    (ix) has any prophet 0f 59 years old raped 9 years old girl, married and raped hundred of girls? and claiming to be messnger of God.
    Did Allah find this rapist his messenger, no one was available for preaching noble things to the mankind?
    (x) any religion preaching killing non-muslims?
    (xi) any religion luring terrorists by false propaganda of 72 virgins for sex in the heaven, those killed as terrorists?

    Shame on you and other propagators of climinal idelogy of islam.

    • Parvez
      July 28, 2013 5:05 am

      Shame on me? what have i done? you want me to get convert to hinduism?
      listen gal, you want to get convert,you are free to do so. u hate islam,u hate muhammad,u hate allah, that is yours personal opinion.
      I m a muslim,i love my god,i love my religion. nd i am not ashmed of being a muslim.
      I have never killed any non muslim,i m not married to 4 women nd moreover, i have never cheatd on her,i have never forced my gf to do anything or to get convert, so why shd i feel guilty of anything.
      Islam never taught us to force any1 to get convert,bt muslim people are aggresive they do so in the name of allah. Allah will do the justice,i have nothing to say about you or other muslims.
      Nd by the way you have no right to talk to me like this. i am asking suggestions frm the admins not you.

      • July 28, 2013 11:39 am

        You seems to be a good guy. People are stereotyping you without knowing you. You seems to be different.

        In your married life, you will also face stereotyping by people surrounding you, but you have to trust yourself and do that is right to do.

        We will be glad if you marry to Kaveri without Islamic conversion and raise children in BOTH faiths. This is EQUALITY of two faiths. Is this fair?

        • Proloy
          September 26, 2013 4:04 am

          Parvez, Hinduism is the great religion of your great forefathers. There is nothing on your part to come back to the original home. Islam is not the religion of the soil but the religion of uncivilized barbaric Arabian tribes which was introduced 1500 years back and has not changed with time. Don’t be biased. Accept the reality.

  • Satyen
    July 27, 2013 5:40 pm

    Hindu and Muslims girls must know it that the so called muslims follow Muhammad in the name of Allah. If not, why do they follow Quran which is given to them by Muhammad? Why do they believe in everything mentioned by Muhammad regarding Allah? All the Muslim laws and customes have been shaped by Muhammad. If the Muslims want to quit Muhammad, they must quit Quran and the customs such as sunnat(circumcision), burqa, talak, halal and halala, qurbani, hizab, Makka etc.

    Most importantly, why Muhammad is required to be named in Shahada? True Islam is following Allah in your own way, not the way Muhammad has told you.

    • Parvez
      July 28, 2013 5:09 am

      Allah is my malik,
      i am here to do good deeds. i do not know anything accept that.
      la ilaha illallah muhammadur rasulullah…

      • July 30, 2013 10:25 am

        You made two statements, the first “la ilaha illallah” and followed by “muhammadur rasulullah…”.

        Your girl friend Hindu Kaveri already said, “Even i dont like Muhammad at all….. Muhammad was a bad man and he has taught bad things to u people”

        So Parvez, in your married life, are you ready to settle for only “la ilaha illallah”? Or are you planning to fix Kaveri’s head after marriage to make her accept “and we bear witness that Muhammad(saws) is His Messengers (muhammadur rasululla)”?

        • Parvez
          September 5, 2013 6:05 am

          We are togthr again by the way,by God’s grace.
          Well i have to say 1 thing that what she thinks about islam is her personal choice what can i do in that. I knw for a hindu girl its not easy to marry a muslim, i respect her sacrifice fr me and at the same time i also have some responsibilities towards her.
          i will never force her for doing anything,trust me!
          You know, She is almost 5 yrs junior to me but still used to dominate me all the time.
          Do u think i can fix up her mind? Lol

          • September 5, 2013 7:45 pm

            Answer to this question, “Do u think i can fix up her mind?”, Kaveri would feel piece of mind by no BBS (do not label children, have names from both faiths and no circumcision). Is not that equality of two faiths?

            If you are asking “Do u think i can fix up her mind?” to accept “and we bear witness that Muhammad(saws) is His Messengers (muhammadur rasululla)”, humm, we are not sure, ask her. Kaveri can you answer?

  • Satyen
    July 27, 2013 5:02 pm

    Many times we are told that Islam is good but the Muslims are giving it a bad name. They feel that as leading lifestyle according to Islamic way or in other words following Muhammad will be the utopian way of living. This feeling comes out of the fact that Muhammad lived his life that is perfect and every Muslim must live according to Muhammad.

    If that be the true, Muhammad never married any woman without converting her. So, all the Muslims who think that Muslims are bad but Islam is perfect, should never think of marrying any non-Mualism girl without converting her as it will be against Muhammad and his way of living called Islam i.e. surrender to Muhammad in the name of Allah!

    In fact, an average Muslim specially living in India is better than what he could have been following Muhammad in true senses. In fact the Muslim terrorists are following Muhammad more closely! The average Indian Muslim is a better human being due to their residual ancestral heritage and the vast majority og the Hindus. Thst’s why, there are a few broad minded Muslims such as Abdul Kalam, exist in India.

    Problem is not Allah, the real problem is Muhammad and the so called Islam is nothing but a medley of Arabian culture and Muhammad’s superstitions along with his machinations designed to expand his socio political empire in which the women folk will be used to the hilt for two priomary purposes – giving carnal pleasure to the males and producing male Islamic warriors to expand the Islamic empire .

    To summarize, the non-Muslim women can marry with a Muslim man with the condition that she will not convert to Islam and with a oath by the husband that her children will be raised secular with permission to follow the Hindu customs including but not limited to studying Hindu religious books, celebrating the Hindu festivals, worshiping the deities, visiting the temples etc.

  • July 27, 2013 9:52 am

    Hi I am Tamanna, muslim girl age24 years,from an asian country, in love with a Hindu boy, age 25 years working as civil engineer and myself also a draftsman.I got associated with him during the course of our job, found him very noble, honest, sincere and loving. My parents wanted me to marry my own cousin, which I did not like at all. He had already divorced his wife and was eager to marry me. Before that I would like to disclosed that real maternal uncle attempted to rape me. Seen so many evil practices against girls, I decided not marry in muslim religion.
    Before any thing could prevent me from marrying my Hindu BF, I married him in the court and got marriage registered.

    There is no doubt that muslim relgion is the worst religion against females. Muslim girls must rise to the occasion and should not marry in such a criminal religion.

    • Satyen
      July 27, 2013 5:11 pm

      Dear Tamanna,

      Congratulations to taking a right decision of your life with determination and returning to your ancestral home i.e. Hinduism. Also thanks for shelving away the Arabian culture and adopting the logical and free thinking attitude. You are the role model for the next generation girls who have been suppressed for so many centuries in the name of religion which puts much more emphasis on Arabian culture and Muhammad’s lifestyles in the name of Allah. I love Allah and consider myself His servant. However, I don’t see Allah through the eyes of Muhammad and his superstitious and repressive views called Quran! My love for Allah is just between me and Him along with his creation! I feel myself submerrged in his love as he is all around me in every beautiful form that I can think of.

      Live your life to its fullest thinking that Allah has given you hidayat to choose the right path. I pray Allah to give hidayat to both Muslim and Hindu girls to protect themselves from the trappings of the Muhammad’s followers.

  • Parvez
    July 27, 2013 4:34 am

    my children will have hindu names with both of our surnames..

  • Parvez
    July 27, 2013 4:17 am

    Obviously, god is above my gf,c knws that. I dnt have ne connection wid other muslims, i love my religion,My GOD.
    nd c will not convert to islam, because i love her so why there’s a need to change her.?
    I knw conversion is necessary in islam for anon-muslim but i thing this are all man made things. i blv in allah nd dats enough for me!! Nd c blv in ishwar (both r the same things) i have nothing to do wid conversion and all.
    Its not right to kip 4 wives,i dnt agree.they r illiterate jerks.i dnt hv nething to say abt them. What is wrng is all,i will never follow that.
    Islam is not a bad religion my dear frnd,But the people are.
    Muslims r destroying islam,no religion is bad.
    all my frnds r hindus so my thinking is bit diff frm other’s .

    • July 28, 2013 12:55 am

      Is there any relationship to Parvez and Pariie?

      • Parvez
        July 28, 2013 4:56 am

        Who is parie? i am Kaveri’s bf, she told me abt this website so i came here.

        • July 28, 2013 11:09 am

          Parvez, thank you for sharing your thoughts on religions and Islam. We are glad you are not what others are stereotyping you.

          Do not get discouraged by what some people say, but keep doing that is right to do.

          We wish you the best. Please keep in touch!

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