I don’t want to follow Islamic traditions

Sabra says: March 2, 2013 at 10:11 am

Hi every body.

Prompted by various texts here, I wish to narrate my life story.

Myself a muslim girl age 28 years, divorcee by a muslim guy and now working in a state transport company of Dunedin Newzealand and deeply in love with a Hindu guy from Malasiya.

We both are associated with each other, having live in relationship including sexual encounters too. He wants to marry me immediately. My marriage with a muslim guy ended within one years duration because of restrictions on me and he enjoying like any thing, that was the discreminatory attitude.

My BF has no problem if I continue to believe in islamic faith. But I don’t want to follow islamic traditions and wish to follow true path of any religion. Greatly influenced by Hindu religion, reading various texts of Ramayana and Geeta.

Please guide me, if I am correct to marry my Hindu BF?

My parents have no objections to marry my BF. -Sabra


Admin says:


Sorry to hear of your bad experience with the Muslim guy.

You have personally experienced all discrimination against women in Islam. Now you have decided not to follow Islam. You love your boyfriend. Further, he is not asking you to convert and gives you freedom of expression. You parents have no problem. Finally Allah/Isvar decided to turn your fortune, so what are you waiting for?

Don’t have any guilty feeling of marrying a non-Muslim. Love and respect people from all faith. Pray any and all God(s). Read all religious books, including Bible, Geeta, Buddhist books, koran, and take the best from it and leave the rest for others. Now enjoy your new life full of love and respect. Best wishes. -Admin.


More information: Hindu-Muslim Marriage, Sharia, Muslim-Hindu marriages, Hindu-Muslim lovers’ experiences, Koran on Hindus? Hindu girl-Muslim boy, Marriage & Divorce laws.
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  • Satyen
    March 8, 2013 3:51 pm

    Dear Sabra,

    Nice to see you being so matured and having the clarity of thoughts. You have taken the right course to free yourself from the superstition of the prophet hood and now you are going for the spirituality. In fact the Geeta is my favorite book that establishes the direct relationship between the God and His/Her creation. So go with it and turn the whole world into your family.

    I request every body including all the Muslim girls to read the English translation of the Geeta and you will come across that everybody is equal in the eyes of the God. What differentiates one from the other is his/her act.

  • March 8, 2013 8:02 am

    Hi Admn./Satyen,

    Million of thanks for the noble you are striving hard particularly under priviliged and depressed muslim girls.

    Myself in India and going to act in an Indian Punjabi film.

    • Satyen
      March 8, 2013 3:44 pm

      Veena jee,

      Thanks for appreciating my insignificant work and my sincere wishes for your forthcoming Hindi/Punjabi film. I would like to see you reaching at the acme of your success. I will also see the movie when it gets released.

      You have got a beautiful mind along with a beautiful physique. You are helping those who really need help and some day, when you will grow older, may see the fruits of your work.

      The God may bless you.

    • March 8, 2013 10:33 pm

      Congratulations, we hope to see that movie. Let us know that name when get released. Best wishes.

      Thank you for your humanitarian work. Inspire of your busy life, you take time out to help others. That’s Godly work!

  • March 8, 2013 12:33 am


    Regarding the hadith of 72 virgins I found this

    It was mentioned by Daraj Ibn Abi Hatim, that Abu al-Haytham Abdullah Ibn Wahb narrated from Abu Sa’id al-Khudhri, who heard the Prophet Muhammad (Allah’s blessings and peace be upon him) saying: ‘The smallest reward for the people of Heaven is an abode where there are 80,000 servants and 72 wives, over which stands a dome decorated with pearls, aquamarine and ruby, as wide as the distance from al-Jabiyyah(A village in Damascus.) to San’a(Capital city of Yemen.)

    Tirmidhi in “Sunan” (volume IV, chapters on “The Features of Heaven as described by the Messenger of Allah,” Chapter 21: “About the Smallest Reward for the People of Heaven,” hadith 2687).

    Imam Tirmidhi (Rh) has classified this hadith as ” Gharib”.


    Gharib (lit. rare/strange) is an Islamic term used in the science of Hadith.

    Tirmidhi’s understanding of the Gharib Hadith (weak tradition), concurs to a certain extent with that of the other traditionists.

    According to Tirmidhi a Hadith may be classified as Gharib for one of the following three reasons:

    Firstly, a Hadith may be classified as Gharib since it is narrated from one chain only. Tirmidhi mentions as an example a tradition from Hammad b. Salama from Abu ‘Usharai on the authority of his father who enquired from the Prophet (S.A.W.) whether the slaughtering of an animal is confined to the gullet and throat. The Prophet (S.A.W.) replied that stabbing the thigh will also suffice.

    Secondly, a tradition can be classified as Gharib due to an addition in the text, though it will be considered a sound tradition, if that addition is reported by a reliable reporter. The example cited by Tirmidhi is a tradition narrated through the chain of Malik (d. 179 A.H.) from Nafi’ (d. 117 A.H.) on the authority of Ibn ‘Umar (d. 73 A.H.) who stated that the Prophet (S.A.W.) declared alms-giving at the end of Ramadan (month of fasting) obligatory upon every Muslim, male or female, whether a free person or slave from the Muslims. However, this tradition has also been narrated by Ayyub Sakhtiyani and ‘Ubaid Allah b. ‘Umar, without the addition “from the “Muslims”, hence the above mentioned example due to the addition of “from the Muslims” in the text is classified as Gharib.

    Thirdly, a tradition may be declared Gharib since it is narrated through various chains of transmitters but having within one of its chains an addition in the Sanad. According to Tirmidhi, these definitions prove that a Gharib Hadith, does not necessarily mean weak, but it might be Sahih or Hasan, as long as it comes through a single Sanad.[1]

  • March 7, 2013 8:35 am

    Hello Imaan

    How Islam is true religion for females?

    i) Males need not to be prove virginity on wedding night, whereas females has to prove it,
    ii) as per Kuran, females are fields to be ploughed in any way,
    iii)males are allowed to keep 4 wives,
    iv) female if raped has to seek justice by producing minimum 2 witnesses,where from she will produce?
    v)female genital mutiliation, a barbaric practices,
    vi) females to be in burqa even in hot temp.
    vii)females can be beaten if she refuses sex,
    viii) Halala and Mutta marriages to flourish prostitution,

    what nonsense teachings are these?

    How you feel, if your mother and sister including daughters
    face such situation?

  • Imaan
    March 6, 2013 5:37 am


    Islam is the only true religion and Quran is the true word of God. There is only one religion which is called submission to God/Allah
    Your belief in ONE GOD is most important. He is the creator and rest is his creation. Wood, Idol,Stone is his creation and not GOD the creator.

    Muslim do not necessarily represent Islam, neither do culture and traditions. Follow Quran, not Muslims as it is between you and Allah and no one else.Read the Quran and pray to God and i am sure he will guide you.

  • Prithvi
    March 4, 2013 8:19 pm

    dear sabra convert to hinduism , your ancestor malaysians were hindu and buddhist origins

  • March 3, 2013 7:07 am

    Thanks Mr.Admn.

    Really grateful for the wonderful and educative texts available on this
    site by various intellectual females.

    God bless you always.

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