Muslim says: June 23, 2013 6:36 PM
I think it’s disgusting how people want to degrade each others religions
All these stories about prophet Mohammed pbuh. People spreading hatred. I was searching online for something that will help me but after reading all this hatred on different websites I really dnt care anymore.
I’m a Muslim woman inlove with a Sikh man and although I feared what would happen and worried how are we going to be together I have now come to the conclusion that I dnt care what the world says, the quran says a Muslim may marry whomever he or she wants to marry providing they are Muslim. I could not ask my love to embrace Islam because I dnt want him to do it for me if he learns about my religion it will help him understand if during this learning he decides to be a muslim then I will thank Allah for giving me this blessing. In turn I am willing to learn and understand his religion too
If we can’t get married and it isn’t in our kismet(fortune) then we won’t marry and may Allah give us the strength to live our lives righteously with each other still a part of our lives, we will never marry any one else
I just pray people stop spreading all this hate and show respect to each other and their religion. -Muslim
More information: Hindu-Muslim Marriage, Sharia, Muslim-Hindu marriages, Hindu-Muslim lovers’ experiences, Koran on Hindus? Hindu girl-Muslim boy, Marriage & Divorce laws.
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Hello readers,
I have been in a relationship with someone that is not only from another country as me; but also from a different religion.
We are very much in love and are very happy together.We met during our business trips in USA. The problems that we are facing is that he is from India and I am not.Two times I have visited India and met him on official trips. So for us to take our relationship to the next level; as in marriage just looks sort of impossible. Even though we want it.
Both our families will not support us and we dont know what to do.
He is Hindu and I am Muslim.
We have accepted each other and if it was just the 2 of us there would be no hurdles. But we have to consider both our families and show the necessary respect not to be hurtful and come across as selfish.
I am ready for the change. Whether it will be moving to India; changing my religion. But it will not be that simple.
Any advice???
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Hi sister,
Dont loose heart. If you both have true love almighty will certainly help you both to get unified for ever.
With best wishes.
Readers, see the following link describing what the Japanese think about Islam and how they treat the Muslims:
Dear Muslim,
In case your love embraces Islam, he may bring another younger girl when you age older. Also, as a Muslim, he may divorce you. Both of these possibilities will be eliminated if he remains a Sikh as a Sikh, he cannot have legally more than two wives and divorce rules are very strict, at least not as easy as saying triple talak. So, it would be in your interest to let him remain a Sikh and you can still pray Allah debunking Muhammad. The whole world is controlled by the compassionate Allah, not by Muhammad who himself married 12 times. He married at the age of 53 with a grand daughter like girl of 6 years! Yould you like this. Is it something that he should be considered a prophet? He even married at the age of 62! At his death, he left behind 9 widows, most of them in their 20-30’s with Aisha just 18 years! Think about those widows. You won’t like your love to do the same. Almost all the Sikh Gurus had only one wife. Forget about what others say as long as you are for the better for your life. The so called Muslims won’t stop your Muslim husband from divorcing you in case it happens as they are guided by Sharia law.
Think about your life and do for your blissful life. May Allah guide you and rescue you from the slavery of Muhammad.
Sikhism only allows one wife. I know where did you get the idea of two wives.
he only married 4 times reading some next websites mate
hi dear
See the difference between love and religion , if you go with your love you can be with your guy …but if you try to impose religion on him there are most chances are of seperation ..anyways Sikh people are very devoted and faithful to their faith
Mostly its love losses when religion tries to intrude ,did your guy asked to revert to sikhism .its better to sort out differences and stay together .I wish you both together and happy and finally decide what’s best for you
God bless you both
salam im an arabic muslim girl n i love a hindian sikh man ;we love echother so much but many problems faced us like distance culture religion…;my family can accepet all but my parent will not allow me to marry with a nonmuslim man
;plz advise me n tell me wht can i do?
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Your parents is always correct. . .dont neglect your parents for your love.,
Love today may come .. Tomorrow may go but your parents not. .
Think about your parents they have embrance you from your child hood…think your child hood days were yur parents had faces the difficulties for you. .
do u want to see their tears for the whole life?
do u want to separate from them bcoz of this love?
Allah says in the Quran :
Surah Baqarah 2:221
“And give not (your daughters) in marriage to Al‑Mushrikoon till they believe (in Allaah Alone) and verily, a believing slave is better than a (free) Mushrik (idolater), even though he pleases you. Those (Al- Mushrikoon) invite you to the Fire, but Allaah invites (you) to Paradise and forgiveness by His Leave, and makes His Ayaat (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) clear to mankind that they may remember”
Therefore your parents here is correct
choose wheather u want your parents and religion or your love
choose you want this world or world hearafter day this world get vanished and Judgement day will come.. how will you face ur lord in the Judgement day if you marry him
Think about it !!
Leave parents aside, what about Allah who made it clear that marrying non-muslim is haram and will take you to hell.
Bena allah k bat nehi manoge?
salam yassu,
hope you have not married a man who does not believe in allah.
do you know what quran says,ALLAH has commanded us (muslim male and female)not marry a non muslim because they have gone far away from truth (HAQ)and what is wrong and shayateen are there if you go against ALLAH then ask yourselves what have you achieved by doing this.Going against ALLAH means you are on the wrong track.hope you understand.salam…
Dear Muslim,
I fully agree with you that there may be many web sites spreading hate against Islam without any foundation. So, the problem is how to verify their allegations against Islam? My suggestion to you is to learn more about Islam from the authentic sources as given below:
1. Reliable English translation of Quran by a Muslim from Saudi Arabia
2. English translation of Respected hadith such as ‘Sahih Bukhari’ by a Muslim from Saudi Arabia
3. English Translation of Sharia law book by a Muslim from Saudi
Also take up the allegations of the anti Muslim sites and check if they have given the correct informations according to the aforementioned reliable sources.
Initially you can start from the Biography of Muhammad as he is considered the role model for the Muslims. Sometimes we don’t understand the books properly and that makes it difficult to put into practice. That’s why the biography of Muhammad will help you to become a reflective practitioner of Islam.
It may take you a good deal of time. Once convinced, enlighten a person like me and others at this site who may have misunderstood Islam. This is the great service to Allah.
By the way, I am a devoutee of Allah and consider myself a proud Muslim but have no respect for Muhammad as a prophet. I believe in complete surrender to Allah but not to Muhammad.
Hello sister,
Are you determined to marry your sikh BF?
Have you confirmed that he is compatible to you in all
respects and loyal and committed for everlasting relations?
Hope to hear from you?
Hello Dear Muslim Girl,
You are most welcome to join sikh family. You will be given due regard, respect, honour in the sikh community.
Wahe guruji fateh, wahe guruji ka khalsa.
May almighty bless you always.