I can’t prefer my love over my (Islam) religion

Firooza says: August 11, 2012 at 5:14 am

I’m also Muslim. I met a guy – he is from a mixed family – mom is Muslim, father Hindu. We want to marry – I asked him to convert to Islam – because he is from a mixed family and it’s difficult for him to understand who is he. He accepted. But then problems started. His father was against it, he was in a very bad mood, even he (my boyfriend) was ill because of this situation for about 1 year. Then his father saw his situation. He said you can do anything you want. If you want to marry with a Muslim girl and convert to Islam, do it, our family will not be against it.

I love my religion – Islam is everything for me. I love him, but I can’t prefer my love to my religion.

If you have any question, please ask – Firooza.

Admin says:


You have rights to believe in what you want to believe in and do what you wish, however we would like to point you out a few of our concerns.

If “Islam is everything” for you, do not marry outside your faith. This Hindu may fake-convert just to get you, but after marriage he may hurt you in the end (read Madiha, Dee, Nirmla, Anita, Roma Roy, and many more). Listen to a great advise by Mr. Muhammad Mujtaba. Do not try to convert a carnation into rose; instead go for a real rose. If you wish to remain a pure Muslim and please Allah, find a God fearing good Muslim who is praying 5 times a day, plenty around you.

We see many issues with the Hindu boy. First, he has no daring to speak out against his father. This will not change after the marriage. After marriage, are you planning to live independently (we hope you are wealthy), with your parents or (we hope not but) with this Hindu family?

Second, this boy has serious communication issue. Instead of speaking out or expressing himself eye-to-eye, he gets sick!! This is the worst way of communicating. If after marriage, if he remains sick all times, what would you interpret? Does it mean he does not like Islam any more or don’t like you any more?

Third, as you have stated, “difficult for him to understand who is he.” This is another serious matter if he has not grown up yet. If he was a man of high self-esteem, he would have said NO BBS to you a long before. Even after Shahadah conversion to Islam and your Nikaah, what if he goes back to Hinduism (like Vikas) because he realized that Islam is not for him? Easy come; easy go. Know that those who convert easily have not understood Islam well.

You have stated, “I asked him to convert to Islam – because he is from a mixed family”. Irrespective of the situation, you would have converted a non-Muslim to Islam anyways. You don’t have to give explanation that “because he is from a mixed family”, we understand your motive. You are a love-proselytizer, why try to patch up?

We know you love Islam, but you should also know of some other practical considerations. If after conversion to Islam, what if he exercises all new Islamic perks; meaning, what if he lines up 3 other younger girls along with you and later gives you a taalak-taalak-taalak? Instead of that, if you are smart, marry him without converting; so legally a Hindu husband cannot marry to a second girl or give you an easy divorce.

One more question for you. What would you think of the heroine Firooza in a new Bollywood movie with this script?: “Firooza met a Hindu guy and realized that he can be converted to Islam. The guy falls in love. For Firooza, her love for Islam was everything, not love for the guy. Even her lover was sick for one year due to the love, Firooza was stubborn – convert or go to hell now. Finally guy’s Hindu father realized that Firooza wouldn’t care even if the lover dies, and gave in. After their marriage, these couple fought every day of their life in the name of religions, but Firooza kept dreaming of heaven in the after-life. The End.” – Admin.

Readers, what would you say for Firooza’s love?

Also read: Islamic Women Today, Hindu-Muslim marriages, Hindu girl, Muslim girl, Hindu boy, Muslim boy,

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  • January 17, 2024 3:49 am

    Nice information. Thanks for sharing

  • mac
    January 20, 2015 3:19 am

    We know you love Islam, but you should also know of some other practical considerations. If after conversion to Islam, what if he exercises all new Islamic perks; meaning, what if he lines up 3 other younger girls along with you and later gives you a taalak-taalak-taalak? Instead of that, if you are smart, marry him without converting; so legally a Hindu husband cannot marry to a second girl or give you an easy divorce.

    Admin, is it compulsory for Muslim women to take 3 wives beside one????

    Statistics shows us that Hindu men take more wife than Muslim men in India. what is your say???

    Seems like you have misguided lot of Muslim/Hindu youths.

    • shahid
      June 1, 2015 12:11 am

      were is mention in islam there or four wives r compulsory , it is optional not compulsory mind it , if u r not understand islam in the right prospect den plz don’t mention wrong things . islam is the practical religion .

  • believer in God
    September 28, 2012 8:25 am

    so Mr Salim killing innocent people is permitted by ur Allah? treating women like dogs is allowed by Allah? fyi u r born from d womb of a women. if u cant respect her then shit on you. who r u to tell rules for women? God treats men n women at par. U losers think dat u r god in earth n hv every right to torture women? sick animals

    • Amir
      September 28, 2012 8:46 am

      Are you male or female. I don’t understand what bad has happened to you for which you are so cruel toward muslims.
      Please tell me, may be i could help you.
      I am muslim, I treat my sister, mother, and all relatives even Hindu female friends with goodness.

      • September 28, 2012 10:08 am

        Your comment “even Hindu female friends with goodness” …how about Hindu males?
        Why will you talk to idol-worshippers with goodness? Your Allah is not going to be happy, be ready for the Hell Fire!

        Are you married? Dating? Have you ever try to date a Hindu girl?

    • Choice
      December 14, 2012 4:49 pm

      This video I would like to share with u miss Khurshida and all those eho are interested in marrying hindu boys. It is catered mainly to girls willing to marry hindu boys. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xIzKgBxzg-I

    • shahid
      June 1, 2015 12:15 am

      firstly u should read Islam den open ur mouth u people r knowledge less , firstly tell me what is ur religion do u knw that?.

  • Muslimah Umme Romaisa
    September 27, 2012 5:16 pm
  • Muslimah Umme Romaisa
    September 27, 2012 2:51 pm

    At Mr Aryan!….. Im also a Muslim Woman. And im proud to be muslim woman, proud to be a muslim Daughter, proud to be Muslim Wife, proud to be a Muslim Mother. And im thankfull to my Almighty ALLAH to born me in a Healthy & Lively Muslim Family where i can wear good cloths, drive, play sport but in Parda ( HIJAAB )etc.
    so How could you say that islam is a very hard Religion for Women.

    ( Jitni asaaniyan ISLAM ne Women k liye rakhen hain i dnt think so k kisi or religion mn women ko itni respect di jaati ho…. Rahi baat orat k kam aqal hone ki tow yeh sach hy k waqii orat kam qal hy… rahi baat Divorce ki tow for your kind info i want to tell you that Islam ne orat ko bhi Khula(Divorce) ka haq diya hy.. rahi baat yeh k usko apne pehle shohar se shadi krne k liye dosre shohar k sath **** karna parti hy tow yeh ALLAH PAK ne mard k liye saza rakhi hy because ALLAH k nazdeek sabse napasandeeda act hy Divorce so aisaw usne warn krne ke liye hukum rakha hy k agr aisaw karogeey tow uskii saza aise bhugtogey so what???? )

    All fingers are not equal.
    *When she is Daughter,she opens the door of Jannah for her Father
    *when she is Wife,she completes half of a deen(religion) of her Husband
    *When she is a Mother, Jannat lies Under her Feet

    If everyone knows the true status of Nuslim Women even the men would want to be a Muslim Womn ( Jazak ALLAH )

  • Jade
    August 20, 2012 4:43 pm

    You should go to the writings of Ali Sina on his website http://alisina.org/ or http://www.faithfreedom.org

    • Amir
      September 28, 2012 1:56 am

      You must also go for all the rebuttals given by Zakir Naik for the so called ‘blames’ on Quran.
      I found nothing convincing in Ali sina.
      By the way He is atheist?
      What are you theist or atheist?
      If you are theist then we can discuss over your religion as well, if you don’t mind.

  • Aryan
    August 11, 2012 11:55 am

    In hinduism its allowed to marry muslim girls, so there is no problem in it, what else are you talking about. you are welcome in Hinduism visit any arya samaj temple and ask for showings the truth. 100s of muslims are just fed up with islam, its double standard, violence, killing, violence on girls etc, they are accepting the true god in that supreme soul that hindus worship. I guarantee that you will be a lot happy and peaceful once you discover the truth. You can check your life too, is your life full of sadness, no freedom for girls, violence and strict dictatorship by your community? Till what point will you suffer? Think while you have time.

    • waz
      August 27, 2012 10:29 am

      Mr.Aryan you are talking about Islam without knowing about it…Islam is the first religion which gave Women their rights..It treated Man and Women equally..if u want you can Refer Surah Nisa and Surah Noor and many more Ayah from holy quran…Islam says Dont urgue without knowledge…U are inviting a muslim to your temple but you dont allow a Daalit to ur temple whereas in islam everyone is equal..The king and the begger stands side by side and Offer namaz.IT says in front of Allah everyone is equal..Women has right in her father’s property and she has the right to select a person for marry..She has a full right..unlike hinduism if sum1 cmes and focebly tie Taali or sindhur she’ll become his wife.In islam they takes the permission of a girl for 3 times…If u want anything to ask..Im ready to answer

      • Aryan
        August 27, 2012 3:59 pm

        Thanks for your response waz. All that you mentioned about hinduism is a pure ignorant things, please talk with some sense, there is nothing in our religion that stops anyone entering a temple. And as per your islam that gives equal rights- muslims give divorce easily as saying talaq three times. Muslims marry 4 girls, women are only allowed to marry once. According to islam- a muslim women divorced she has to have sex with another man in order to marry back. According to Qur’an, Muslim women are half intelligent as men, so they need two women in court against 1 men.

        Islam asks the victim women to bring 4 witness, if she is raped. Which intelligent species can ask the victim women to bring 4 witness when raped?

        Islam says to stone a girl if she refuses to muslim husbands wishes. Your Islam allows kidnap/ rape and conversion and killing or kafir (non muslim) girls. Islam practices prostitution and sex slave. Islam asks muslims to keep an eye on women and not allow them to study, wear good cloths, drive, play sport etc. Islam permits muslim men to throw acid on muslim girls face. Muslim girls who wants to marry non muslims boys are cut into pieces by muslims. I think now its clear islam treats women as sex object and nothing more. Hinduism does not tolerates any of these Islamic teachings. Please feel free to clarify your islam.

        • Salim
          August 28, 2012 9:23 pm

          We only allow women to do what they are suppose to do. Man earns, women is meant to be safeguard from other mens. Thats why islam is so strict. Any girl who feel Islam is bad we have proper punishment. We don’t unnecessarily punish, we only punish according to sharia so that no one thinks of bad things. killing is not sin for anyone when they follow no rules. Most of haraam things are done by shias and then all of us true muslims suffer.

        • Amir
          September 5, 2012 6:00 am

          Aryan i want to know your email.
          I will be happy to talk with you over religion.
          You seem to have so many doubts.
          Then don’t be afraid to mail me, to know answers for your queries and mis-conceptions.
          mine is shairuf@gmail.com

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