I am in Pakistan and he is in India

Maryam says: April 5, 2013 at 5:35 am

I’m a Muslim girl
I’m in love with a Hindu boy
But no one understands my feelings
Which are at it extreme
I’m in Pakistan
And he’s in India
What can happen ???
I wish you’ll have happy ending
And mine too 🙁 -Maryam

Admin says:


Do not run your life on “wishes and hopes”. Do not expect others to do work for you. Do not expect your parents to be anything different than what they are. Do not expect Allah to work for you, He has made you educated and smart, now you have to do your own karma for fruits.

Before asking others to understand your feelings, first take time to understand who you are. Are you claiming yourself believer in Koran and Muhammad? Do you believe in the Judgment Day? Are you expecting your Hindu bf to convert to Islam for your Islamic Nikaah? Are you an exclusivist or a pluralist? Can you be any close to SRK? Please read Muslim girl and later get back to us for tips on how to deal with your parents. We are waiting. best wishes. -Admin.

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  • April 6, 2013 11:25 am

    Dear Satyen,

    Really thankful to you for the above blog exclusively to englighten muslim girls. Aamir, Zunaid, Zahid are doing their level best to distort the facts and realities and sabotage the basic purpose of this site.

    My sincere thanks to Admn.also.
    God bless you both.

    • Satyen
      April 6, 2013 5:56 pm


      Thanks for your blessings. Propagatethe the message all around you.

      • junaid
        April 10, 2013 9:37 am

        Sex with death wife is not allowed in islam and the hadith which report prophet is considered unauthunatic as this hadith contridicts with teaching of quran.

        • Satyen
          April 13, 2013 5:51 pm

          You should inform the Egyptian rulers regarding this.

  • April 6, 2013 12:25 am

    Hi Satyen,

    Nice to see your rational comments. I feel at times disturbed to see various evil texts in islamic relgion, like the following one:-


    Muhammad had sex with a dead woman to qualify her for the perks of a prophetic wife.

    According to Hadiths and Sayings of Prophet on issues of women in “Al-Jami Al-Saghir” written by Jalal ul-Din Al-Suyuti.

    Narrated by Ibn Abbas: “I (Muhammad) put on her my shirt that she may wear the clothes of heaven, and SLEPT with her in her coffin.”

    The prophet was referring to Fatima, the mother of Ali, his son-in-law. Commentators have offered differing views about the significance of Muhammad’s sleeping with the dead-body of Fatimah in her coffin, some emphasizing that it had no sexual side. But Arabic scholar Demetrius explains that to express Muhammad sleeping inside Fatima’s coffin with her dead-body, “The Arabic word used here is “Id’tajat”, which literally means “lay down to have sex.”

    Muhammad is also understood to have said that because he slept with her, she has become like a wife to his; so she will be considered like “mother of the believers”.

    After Muhammad slept with her and “consummated”, Medina women routinely offered themselves to Mohammad for sex so that the holy fluid of the prophet released into them will qualify them for paradise. Here is a hadith.

    • Satyen
      April 6, 2013 5:58 pm


      Thanks for your appreciation to my tiny efforts to propagate the message of freedom among the Muslim mothers/sisters/daughters.
      Please help propagate this message of women’s emancipation.

  • Satyen
    April 5, 2013 4:12 pm

    A call to Muslim women/girls

    Understand Islam to rescue yourself and others from the slavery of Muhammad. Many of Muslim zealots have expressed their opinions on Islam and have cursed others for showing them the mirror. One may wonder, why the Muslim zealots react so emotionally and aggressively, usually abusing and using filthy language against anyone who is in disagreement with them. I have frequently seen them using expletive words instead of logical arguments to prove their point. After some deliberations, I have tried to put the reasons behind their immature behaviour. I would like to share with the interfaith family members.

    First let’s have scan the usual arguments of Muhammad followers against those who criticize them. I have enumerated some of the common objection they put forth:

    1. As they are non-Muslims, they speak against Islam.

    2. The non-Muslims don’t understand what Islam is. They should read Quraan/Hadiths and tafseers to know the truth.

    3. You are quoting from the anti Muslim sites.

    4. Only Allah knows the truth.

    5. The terrorists don’t represent the real Islam.

    6. Islam is a peaceful religion and has been propagated by peaceful means. Killing even a single innocent is like killing the whole humanity.Islam respects women.

    I fully agree that there could be some amount for truth in their argument that non-Muslims are anti-Muslims or they don’t understand what Islam is. So, let’s discard the non-Muslims altogether and devise a way to know Islam that is impeccable and no body except the brainwashed ones, could doubt it. Also agreed that only the Muslims can be true interpreters of Islam.

    The acceptance of the fact that only the Muslims are the true interpreters of Islam poses a new difficulty and makes the situation even confounded. The reason is there are 73 sects in Islamand all of them interprete it differently. Nay, they all claim that only their sect is the true representative of Islam and all others are mistaken i.e a candidate of hell fire! So, all of the sects of Islam are exclusive to one another. That means, if you pick any one of them, for example Shias, they will claim sole to be the true interpreters of Islam and any other interpretation by other sects of Islam will be wrong. Opposing their claim, there will be 72 other sects of Islam who will counter argument tooth and nail and will claim the Shias to be greatly mistaken. Even they won’t shy to call the Shias, Kafirs and a candidate of Hell fire. Similar is the case with the Sunnis, Ahmadias and Sufis and so forth.

    To summarize, for every interpretation of Islam, there are 72 counter interpretation of the same Islam by the Muslims themselves! The moot question is which of the sects represent the true Muslims? Well, everybody should think nowwhy there is so much confusion about a so called holy book propagated by the so called the best of the persons ever walked on the face of the earth. All the Muslims believe in the Muhammad’s prophet-hood and the divinity of the Quraan and still unsure about the true message? Where lies the problem. There is hardly so much hullabaloo about any religious book than Quraan, so much so that most of the Muslims killed so far has been killed by none other than the Muslims themselves! What an evil cycle of puzzle comes one after another in solving one!

    To resolve the conundrum, let’s have a bird’s eye view of Islam with an objective mindset i.e. as a curious observer. The key to Islam is the word ‘ISLAM’ itself. Islam in Arabic means ‘Surrender’. So every true Islamic follower must surrender to Allah. Once they surrendered, they become a follower of Allah as there is no room for logic or rationality for those who surrender. Hence, thinking and surrendering are more or less antithesis to each other.

    But this is the half of the story though. Further curiosity puts another query – is it really Allah whom the Muslims surrender? In response to this question all the Muslims will say instantly that Muslims surrender to Allah alone. So far so good. However, how can one surrender to Allah without any communication with Allah? Has any Muslim communicated Allah, or at least is there any possibility that any Muslim will be able to establish sort of communication with Allah in his/her life time? The answer to this question is an emphatic ‘No’. Only exception is Muhammad who could have not only communicated or had a glimpse of Allah but also he had a detailed conversation with Allah face to face. Not only that, Muhammad received instruction from Allah for approximately 22 last years of his life and served as the interface between the Muslims and the Allah!

    Reply at https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=5070

    • Satyen
      April 5, 2013 4:59 pm

      So, only way to communicate with Allah is by means of Muhammad. Even Allah has to work in favour of Muhammad’s recommendation in alloting paradise to the believers. So much so is the authority of Muhammad that even Allah cannot go against Muhammad, what to talk about a simpleton Muslim going agains the prophet! Therefore, though explicitly not mentioned but implied intention of Quraan is loud and clear – surrender to Muhammad and go to the paradise as Allah will be pleased with you. So surrendering Allah means actually surrendering to the words of Muhammad as Allah is only accessible through Muhammad.

      The above discussion clarifies that in fact Islam means surrendering to Muhammad as it’s impossible surrendering to Allah in one’s lifetime. This is one of the very fundamental and unique characteristic of Islam and is generally overlooked by even the evry careful observer of Islam.

      Having established the above mentioned basic charateristic of Islam that it’s for surrendering to Muhammad’s words, let’s analyze the implications of this complete surrender to the prophet. In fact the implications have been proved to be far reaching. As we have seen earlier, that the word ‘Surrender’ doesn’t leave any scope for logical or rational discussion/thinking but implies only blindly following. Therefore, surrendering to Muhammad means no questioning to Muhammad or his words, just blindly following him. This fact implies that Muslims drifted away from rational and objective thinking and adopted the attitude of slavishly following to whoever they surrendered. They became dumb and deaf followers of their sect’s interpretation of Muhammad’s words. They discarded all the counter arguments and followed their sect only. Ultimately this gave rise to ideological petrification immune to other’s arguments/comments. This is the primary reason why the Muslim sects don’t listen not only to one another but also to non-Muslims. They just thrust their words upon others. The Muslims don’t argue anybody to arrive at the conclusive truth, but to prove their sect’s interpretation right and supreme.
      There is no scope of objectivity and hence it leads to vituperative language and demeaning others. This explains their typical lines as given below:

      1. You are foolish and you don’t have brain.
      2. You don’t know anything about Islam
      3. Read Quraan/Hadith and tafseers.
      4. You will go to hell fire
      5. Your religion is the worst and your God is fake.
      6. You are idolators and believe in many gods.
      7. You are dirty, ugly, black dwarfs and checken hearted

      In short, the Muslims are unable to comprehend and consequently accept even the logical and rational counter arguments that are supported with facts and illustrations.

      The implications of the Muslim psyche as presented above has been catastrophic, especially for the women folk and the non Muslims. To understand it fully, a brief critical analysis of Islamic tenet will be helpful.

      To be continued ……….

      Reply at https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=5070

      • Veena Malik
        April 6, 2013 11:25 am

        Dear Satyen,

        Really thankful to you for the above blog exclusively to englighten muslim girls. Aamir, Zunaid, Zahid are doing their level best to distort the facts and realities and sabotage the basic purpose of this site.

        My sincere thanks to Admn also.
        God bless you both.

        • Satyen
          April 6, 2013 6:08 pm


          Thanks for your blessings. Propagatethe the message all around you.

          Now worries about others who are here just to protect their interests. Best thing is to ignore them as they are saying what we have been hearing for the last 1400 years!

  • April 5, 2013 10:05 am

    Dear Maryam,

    Unless you meet him personally in India, there is no hope for you. Islamic relgion is very cruel and has no value of emotions and attachment.

    Muhammad did not sacrifice himself. He launched 87 or 88 raids in the last ten years of his life, never taking part in person to person combat. He never fought in any battle personally. He would wear two coats of mail (chain link armor), one on top of the other, protected by his bodyguards while shouting and encouraging his followers to hasten to their deaths for the rewards that awaited them in the other world.

    He massacred thousands of innocent people in his life and after him; his successors killed hundreds of thousands. This number eventually reached to hundreds of millions and counting.

    Muhammad resembles Hitler, not Jesus. This is a clear clue to know that he was not a true prophet, but an impostor. If I have a vision to become rich and sacrifice others to achieve my goal I can’t be a good person, let alone a holy person.

    Now, let us talk about the vision. The vision of Jesus for man-kind was liberation, freedom, salvation. These are all synonymous words. Freedom from what? Freedom from false beliefs, false religion, rigid rules, arbitrary authority, etc. This is, what is called “liberation discourse.” This freedom is the essence of Jesus’s vision for mankind. You can summarize Christianity in five words: “Truth will set you free.” Jesus sacrificed himself for this vision so others can be free.

    Muhammad also had a vision. His vision was slavery of man. He said this slavery is to God. However, the god he was talking about was his own alter-ego, a tool to make people do what he wanted. The slavery was to him. Allah was a fictitious being, without whom he could not achieve his vision of domination and mastery over others. Why would anyone want to fight and sacrifice his life for someone else? But if you can convince them that they are not fighting for you, but for God and that they will be rewarded, in this world and the next, they may do anything for you. They may kill for you, plunder for you and allow you to have sex with their underage daughter.

    I am not a Christian. I don’t believe in God. In my opinion Jesus is a composite myth. I am mentioning him only for the sake of comparison. My point is that IF God existed and IF He wanted to send someone to guide mankind, he would send a holy soul like Jesus and not a despicable thug like Muhammad.

    Millions of Germans committed unthinkable atrocities. These were ordinary people. They fought a bloody war. Many of them sacrificed themselves heroically, not for Hitler, but for the “cause” that he sold them. The cause was only an excuse. Hitler was not after racial or national superiority, he was after personal superiority. He used these as pretexts.

    All cult leaders have a cause. They never promote themselves directly, because it will never be accepted. You will have no one following you if you promote yourself. But if you promote a cause, and convince others that this cause is important and you are pivotal and indispensable for its success, you can have many followers. Hitler chose nationalism and restoring the German pride as his cause. Stalin chose proletariat and class struggle as his cause. Jim Jones chose social justice as his cause. Charles Manson chose preservation of air, trees, water and animals (ATWA) as his cause. Shoko Asahara chose the end of perpetual suffering through rebirth as his cause, and so on and so forth. Muhammad chose the worship of God and monotheism as his cause.

    All these causes sound noble. You have to give people a worthy cause, if you want them to sacrifice themselves for you and commit atrocities at your behest. If your cause is worldly, you can’t expect anyone to sacrifice himself for it. Let us say your cause is to make a lot of money. If you have a good plan many people will work with you to achieve your vision, as long as they get a piece of the pie at the end. But no one will be willing to sacrifice his life for it. Whereas, people cheerfully lay their lives for a lofty cause, such as God, country, justice, etc.

    The cult leader makes himself inseparable from his cause. The success of the cause depends on him and him alone. Without him there will be no cause and disaster will ensue. He must be perceived as the only person who can bring mankind to his vision of the promised land. That is the key. There are many causes that are important, but they are not cult because their success does not depend on any single person. Let us take the example of fighting Islam. In my opinion this is the most important cause today. The survival of our civilization and millions of lives depend on the success of this cause. But it does not rely on any single person. Millions of enlightened people are fighting against Islam and thousands more are joining every day. A cult is a cause that hinges on one person. Muhammad made himself inseparable from his cause. You cannot believe in Allah without believing in Muhammad. He was the linchpin of his message. Allah and Muhammad are twins, joined in their hips. One is hidden, the other is manifest. They are inseparable partners, promoting each other. All cults share this characteristic. Anytime a cause and a human become inseparable you have a cult.

    The cause per se is irrelevant. Narcissists are not committed to any cause. They pick a cause that they think can attract followers and will abandon it and champion another one if the latter proves to be more effective. When Muhammad started his prophetic career, he had no cause other than the claim that he was a prophet and that people had to believe in him, love him and follow him. That was his message and his cause. But that was a very shallow cause with little appeal. He then adopted monotheism as his cause and started insulting the religion of the Quraish. This strategy proved more successful as it generated controversy and raffled some feathers. As advertisers say today there is no such thing as negative advertising. Any advertising attracts interest. It dose not matter what you preach; there will be always someone who will follow you. But Muhammad wanted more. When he faced resistance and saw that his religion is not growing, he conceded that Lat, Uzza and Manat, the three daughters of allah Hubaal are also worthy of worship. This made people happy and the animosity ended. But it did not gain him new followers. In fact it made his religion indistinguishable from the paganism of the Quraish. After a few months he realized his miscalculation and retracted his words saying Gabriel came to him and admonished him for saying something he (Gabriel) had not said. He said those verses were Satanic verses that the Devil had put them in his tongue without him noticing it. The narcissist, needs enemies. He needs to stir disunity and discord. It’s by dividing that he can rule. So Muhammad switched back to monotheism and resumed insulting the religion of the Quriash. There is more of this kind of flip flopping in the life of Muhammad. His message kept changing according to the response he was getting.

    Narcissist cult leaders want total control over the lives of others. This can be attained only by selling them a noble cause – a cause so lofty and so inspiring for which they may want to sacrifice themselves. The cause does not have to be true. It just has to be perceived as the ultimate truth. In fact, as Hitler used to say, a bigger lie is more believable than smaller lies. We should believe him. He was an expert in lies.

    Do you really believe that Muhammad designed Islam as a timeless religion for billions of people just to fulfill narcissistic ambitions in his short 22 year career?

    Yes! That is how narcissist cult leaders devise their causes. Their causes are always transcendental, cosmic, encompassing, unrivaled and divine. The cause is the source of their power. The loftier and the more awe inspiring it is the more powerful they become. Will you kill your father, your mother or children for money or for any trivial cause? No sane person will commit such crime for any mundane gain. However, if I elevate the cause. make it sound more important than your life and the lives of everyone, you will do it. There are many stories like that in early Islam. You can find them in my book and you will see them in my movie. Even today, Muslims kill their children because they violate some Islamic rule or apostatize. That is because for them Islam is more important that the lives of all mankind. When you become this brainwashed, you become very dangerous.

    Does a narcissist obligate people to feed the poor, give charity, look after orphans?

    Yes, 0f course! The narcissist will have to first convince you of his legitimacy and for that he will tell you things that you can readily recognize as good. Will anyone follow someone who spews only evil teachings? The narcissist’s only tool is deception. He also uses fear, but that too is administered through deception. He can control you as long as you believe in him. Therefore, he must portray a holy image of himself. It is that image that hooks you. If the mask is removed he will lose all his credibility and power. For the narcissist, the image is everything. Therefore his words are always lofty and deceiving.

    So how can you distinguish a true leader from an impostor charlatan? You can recognize them by their fruits. Don’t pay attention to what they say. Words are used to deceive. Pay attention to how they live. Compare their words with their deeds. They often don’t match. If someone does not walk his own talk it is a clear sign that he is an impostor and not true spiritual leader. Muslims only quote Muhammad’s words to show that he was a holy man. Words are misleading. Look at his life instead, if you want to learn the truth about him.

    It’s worth repeating: for the narcissist the image is everything. He feeds off other people who hurl back at him an image that he projects. That is the main difference between a narcissist and a sociopath. The sociopath does not care about his image. He wants to control his victims physically through fear. Both sociopath and narcissist use fear as the a tool of domination. The former uses fear physically, such as threatening his victims with maiming them or killing them. The latter uses it psychologically, such as threatening them with Hellfire. The narcissist resorts to violence through his followers, when he comes to power. He doesn’t generally soil his hands with blood. His minions will do all his dirty work for him. The aura of holiness for a narcissist is a sine qua non. All cult leaders, without exception, are “holy people.” They want to be admired as holy men and they brag about their holiness while feigning modesty.

    At-Tirmidhi quotes a hadith that is typical narcissistic talk. “The Prophet said, I myself am the Beloved of Allâh (habibullah) and I say this without pride, and I carry the flag of glory (liwa ul-hamd) on the Day of Judgment, and am the first intercessor and the first whose intercession is accepted, and the first to stir the circles of Paradise so that Allâh will open it for me and I shall enter it together with the poor among my Community, and I say this without pride. I am the most honored of the First and the Last, and I say this without pride.”

    Now compare this pompous bragging with his actions. He lived like a thug. He was the head of a gang of bandits who raided innocent people, ruthlessly massacred unarmed men, took their wives and children as slaves and sold them or raped them. He assassinated his critics, tortured his prisoners to death to make them reveal where they had hidden their money, and had sex with a child. He actually went after two other children but the girls were afraid of him and cried out “I take refuge in Allah from you” and he desisted. One was Jauniyah from Bani Jaun and the other was Fatima bt. Zahhak from the Hawazin tribe.

    If I do any of the things Muhammad did, you would not hesitate to call me a criminal and would rejoice in hearing my execution by lethal injection. I confess that I become very happy when a despicable criminal is removed from the society for good. Yet you have no problem believing that Muhammad was a holy man, the best specimen that human race can produce and justify all his crimes. Can you explain that? This is cultic thinking. The fact that Islam is spread widely and now 1.5 billion benighted souls believe in it, doesn’t make it a true religion. It is still a cult.

    Jesus lived a holy life. He never committed any of the crimes that Muhammad committed, and yet, when someone called him good master he objected and said the only good is my Father who is in Heaven. Do you see the difference? A man who lived like a monster, claimed to be the most prefect man and the most immaculate man refused to be called good.

    Did Muhammad feed the poor and the orphan? No! He raided, looted people and reduced thousands into poverty. He made thousands of children orphan. There is a famous story of a certain Oqba, a man he captured in the battle of Badr and decided to decapitate him because he had spat at him in Mecca, some years earlier. Oqba cried, “And who will take care of my children?” Muhammad responded, “Hell.”

    Muhammad did not help the poor. He only helped those who had migrated to Medina with the money that he had stolen in his raids, with their help. Any gangster will show generosity to his gang. This is done to buy their loyalty. Did you see the movie Godfather? Wasn’t Don’t Corleone, the head of the family, generous and helpful to people who came to him for help? They wanted to pay him for his services, but he was offended and refused to get their money. Why? Because he wanted to gain their loyalty so in future they may return the favor. Muhammad did not help any orphan. He only gave lip service to it to feign piety. Up to this day you quote his deceptive words, even though you can’t provide any example of his generosity to the poor and the orphan. That is why he said them. Without these words would you or anyone follow him? You are deceived by these sugary words. To undeceive yourself you have to ignore his words and look at his deeds. Know them by their fruits.

    Does a narcissist say that animals live in communities like us and should be respected?

    First of all animals don’t live in communities like us. Only chimpanzees and other big apes that are very close to us have societies that barely resemble that of primitive human societies. Even then their “society” is more similar to lion prides than to human societies. So this claim is scientifically wrong.

    Furthermore, this verse does not imply that animals should be respected. This is your interpretation. Muslims are fond of interpreting the asinine verses of the Quran to find something meaningful or even miraculous in them. The biggest festivity in Islam is Eid Ul Azha when countless animals are slaughtered. Muslims also sacrifice animals when they go to pilgrimage. Until not long ago the carcasses of these animals were buried. There is no prohibition of cruelty to animals in Islam. Other people consume meet but they do their best to reduce the suffering of the animal. Muslims don’t consume meet unless the animals has been killed cruely. Halal meet means animal torture. I encourage people to boycott stores that sell halal food.

    Does a narcissist say that you should never go to sleep full when your neighbour is hungry?

    Yes! The narcissist is full of lofty teachings for others. His entire plot is to deceive others that he is a holy person. But in practice, he gives a damn about the poor and the hungry. Read the story of Banu Qainuqa and Banu Nadir. Muhammad invented false excuses to expel them from their ancestral homes and took everything they owned. Many of them died with hunger in the desert, something Muslim historians gloated about. The charges against them were all fabricated, but assuming they were true, were all of them guilty, including the children?

    Does a narcissist love his wife as much as Muhammad loved and cried over Khadijah?

    You need to read my book. I have explained the symbiotic relationship between the narcissist Muhammad and the co-dependent Khadijah. Both these individuals were sick. They needed each other. He was a child to her to take care of and she was a mother to him, to exploit. They both enjoyed this sadomasochist relationship. As a psychiatrist you know the symbiotic relationship between a narcissist and a co-dependent. It works, but it is not love. Please read my book.

    • April 5, 2013 11:47 am


      And thanks too.

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