I am Hindu and like a Muslim guy

Priya says: January 16, 2013 at 11:43 pm

I am in a similar position! I am Hindu and like a Muslim guy, he is a really decent guy and have known him for ages, we use to be good friends. the only problem about coming out and telling my family is the religion! Just because of the whole thing before in the past, families these days are still restricting their children between the two religions! To be honest you can’t help who you fall in love with. Half of you wants to know that the relationship will be a long term or not but the other half doesn’t want to loose your family over the decision you make.

Dilemma?! -Priya

Admin says:

Adults have to learn to live in a new times. You cannot spend your whole life just to please adults, you will never be able to progress. So make a tough decision, what even if it means going against your parents and upsetting them. Ultimately they will come around.

What ever we said above applies only to a very mature adults and those who are ready to make a fully “informed” decision. Please learn from your adults and others, rather than proving yourself that they were right and destroying your life (like Nirmala and Anita). So, have you read ….
Islamic expectations for you?
Islamic Women Today?
Hindu-Muslim marriages?
Has he read Muslim boy,
Is he willing to live a pluralistic life?

You said, “Just because of the whole thing before in the past”, is not true. There is not much that has change from the past. If your boy friend and his family are expecting Islamic Nikaah, means you have to convert to Islam before your wedding, accept a Muslim name and be ready to raise ONLY Muslim children. Remember, rules will be more strict for a new convert rather than those who are already born as Muslims in their Muslim families. Are you ready to live a Muslim life?

You said, “Dilemma?!”. Dilemma is because you probably have not done your homework and want to blame adults.

We hope we are wrong and he and his family does not believe in “whole thing before in the past”. Let us know how are you going to get married, what will be names of children, do they need circumcision, can you teach them from Geeta as well as Koran and you and your husband will visit Hindu temples as well as mosques? We are waiting to hear from you. Good luck! -Admin


Tabbu says:
Hello Priya,

If you want to jump in to a well, it is your choice and luck.

No Hindu girl can live gracefully with a muslim guy.
• On the wedding night you have to prove your virginity,.i,.e. blood stains on the bed sheets and even then,
• you can be divorced any time, when your husband is not satisfied with you sexually,
• he can marry 4 wives, every time a virgin wife,
• you will be beaten violently,
• you will be forced to use Hijab,
• no freedom to move or meet your relatives,
no job permission,
• just a sex doll and
• even if you die, he will have sex with dead body.
• May be you forced to get mutiliated your genital? …. all sorts of evils in the muslim community.

Right now he may be very polite, after having sex for 2/3 months, you will be ignored or tortured physically. You will have no point to return.

Muslim girl can lead a graceful life with Hindu guy but not a Hindu girl with a muslim guy! -Tabbu


Also read: Islamic Women Today, Inter-race marriages, Hindu-Muslim marriages, Hindu girl, Muslim girl, Hindu boy, Muslim boy, Christian-Muslim marriages, Hymen Repair Surgery,

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  • Samir
    August 8, 2016 2:06 pm

    I am a Hindu guy, age 27 , love all about Muslims, and want to convert to Muslim and marry a Muslim girl, but what is I can get from a Muslim girl? I love there beauty. Can I really marry more than 1??

    • August 9, 2016 6:00 pm

      As per Sharia and Indian laws, a Muslim can have up to 4 wives.

      • salonee misra
        October 23, 2017 2:23 pm

        how is this not prostitution?

  • Ishrat
    March 22, 2016 1:05 am

    The reason why a non muslim or even a muslim female should not marry a muslim man

    Saudi women bear their future guardians: Lubna Al-Khamis, a Saudi woman complains in the Saudi daily Al-Jazirah that “Only in the Kingdom: A Woman Gives Birth to Her Own Guardian.” Excerpts from the article, dated March 3, 2014:

    Image a woman who carries a baby in her womb for nine months, suffers exhausting labor pains, and then nourishes [her baby] with her tears and milk, caring for him through the nights as her best years go by. She teaches him to read and write and plants noble humane values in him, often spending her own savings just to make him smile… And when that [baby] reaches the age of 18, he suddenly becomes her guardian.

    This happens to every woman who suffers the fate of being widowed. Then the ‘guardianship’ passes from her husband to her brother, and later to her son when he reaches the age of 18. When that happens, a woman is forbidden to leave the kingdom without [her son’s] permission or to renew basic state documents, like a passport. Additionally, if her father is deceased, she cannot remarry without [her son’s] blessing. She also cannot be employed in many fields without presenting a signed letter of approval from her son.

    (July 1, 2014)

  • Ishrat
    March 21, 2016 9:41 pm

    Hi This is for all the HINDU girls who want to marry a muslim man

    There are many reasons why a hindu or for that matter of fact all girls hindu muslim sikh christian or any other religion girl should not marry a muslim man

    here are a few hindu girl muslim man marriages that have a typical end

    MUSLIMS CONSIDER WOMEN AS A PROPERTY – THIS VIEW IS universal and does not depend on their education, wealth and health

    • mac
      March 23, 2016 8:31 am

      Dear Ishrat, Your muslim hate is very visible that to justify your muslim bigotry you showed Salman Rushdie, an ex-muslim to crack down on all muslim men, Salman Rushdie left islam, he doesn’t follows islam, so how on world you connect non-muslim person like Salman Rushdie with practicing muslim men around the world? Btw there are instances where hindu women forced their wife to drink his urine, there are examples where hindu men cut their wife into pieces, forced their wife for unnatural anal sex and so on………

      1. Husband forces wife to drink her urine in Bangalore http://www.hindustantimes.com/india/husband-forces-wife-to-drink-her-urine/story-4Jwal73eFDErMfFICpR6LP.html

      2. Software engineer kills wife, chops body into pieces in Dehradun indiatoday.intoday.in/story/software-engineer-kills-wife-chops-body-into-pieces-in-dehradun/1/123059.html

      • salonee misra
        October 23, 2017 2:25 pm

        what you are quoting is incidences but what she is quoting is written in quran

  • Ishrat
    March 21, 2016 9:33 pm

    The worst mistake of your life. The muslim girls are leaving islam after facing discrimination. More and more muslim girls would leave islam if they are allowed to live after leaving. Just because they leave islam the muslim girls are killed. Read this site


  • Only Muslim Dick
    October 17, 2015 4:57 am

    I am an Hindu Girl, and i must admit Muslims are really great peoples, i was born in hindu family, and i fell in love with a muslim guy and later married with him, its been 6 years and we had 2 children’s and living happily without any problem, mostly rumours about muslims spreaded by insecure hindu guys and some hindu fanatic organisations, i am 100% sure only womens are safe in Islam, since i spent entire childhood in hindu family i know the hidden facts about hindus and mostly womens knows, this is the reason mostly hindu ladies in india prefer to marry muslims boys, in search of better life and rights!

    • Admin
      October 17, 2015 8:49 am

      You made some baseless statement that most Hindu girls wish to marry a Muslim guy, this is wrong.
      We have a few questions, can you write us at interfaithshaadi@gmail.com?
      Which country you are currently writing?

    • salonee misra
      October 23, 2017 2:26 pm

      hahaha go prepare bed for your hubby or he might talaaq and marry a 12 year old

  • numan
    April 24, 2015 2:49 am

    muslim husband keep wife as prince so they do all outside work and keep princes happy

  • Sid
    November 17, 2014 5:27 am

    And muslim men love Anal sex. Though it is not allowed as per Quran, still most men are fond of it..

    • Aakash Mallik
      April 24, 2015 3:07 am

      Yeah as if u had a good time experience of anal sex right in ur ass…u jerk…..

    • Rabia
      March 24, 2016 4:50 am

      Sounds like Sid had anal sex with a Muslim guy.

      • mac
        March 24, 2016 8:58 am

        What sid didn’t tell is that Sodomy is allowed in Hinduism.
        Proof: Manusmiriti talks about Ayoni Maithun & Viyoni Maithun. Ayoni Maithun means intercourse through path other than vagina.
        Lord Ayyappa, a hindu god, one of his name is “Ayonijata” which means “the one born non-vaginally”. Kamasutra also speaks about “Adhorata” which means “sex in the nether hole” (think a women lying on her back) In many tantric texts also, anal sex is discussed, not a single islamic discusses anal sex, infact whatever texts are found relating to anal sex in islam, it condems it.
        Since it is allowed in Hinduism, so muslim girl must aware before stepping into relationship with a hindu boy that for them, unnatural anal sex is allowed by their religion and you might be victim of it though there are no such chance with muslim boy, if any muslim boy is ignorant about that particular ruling of islam, then it’s a different topic, but still you have that option of using religion to stop him from sodomising you, though same scope is not there if you are married with a hindu men, so always marry allah fearing muslim men. So the question is why Sid didn’t mention this fact while talking about Anal sex and religious group? Since he mentioned muslim men are fond of Anal sex to prove how bad they are, then by his logic hinduism is bad as it allows anal sex while anal sex is banned in islam, so which religion is better?
        Many muslim girls get sodomised by their hindu husband but they don’t admit it in public nor they file any complain just to show to the world that their relationships are working, and the reason was explained by sister Rabia in another comment that muslim girls are culturally expected to be slave, so imagine doing slavery of kafir guy throughout your life, from allowing your kafir husband to consume alchohol to allowing you to sodomise by him to tolerate shirik(murti-puja) in home.

      • March 24, 2016 10:01 am

        Rabia, Is a future writer making such a public statement? Are you going to include such language in your upcoming book?

        • mac
          March 24, 2016 10:40 am

          Wow admin! U-turn from you, where gone freedom of speech. Btw if Salman Rushdie’s Satanic verses can get Booker award what’s wrong with Rabia then, i am sure you are not against Salman Rushdie’s writing. Btw that guy sid clearly said muslim men like anal sex, though you didn’t confronted him then for that comment, now since Rabia confronted that, you are trying to confront Rabia, that’s always the case with you dear admin, you did same with me everytime.

          • Mohammed
            March 24, 2016 10:53 am

            It’s always policy of admin mac bhai. .if you dont know the answer take the U Turn. . Most people do in most cases

          • admin
            March 24, 2016 10:53 am

            If Rabia was an average ‘Joe’ then we would not say anything. However, if she is inspiring to be a million dollar book author, that comes with lots of additional responsibilities.

            Likewise, mac could write what ever, but one day if he contends for a Chief Minister of a State position, all reporters will ask mac questions from https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=8129.

            We are not against free speech. However, one has to know that this is a ‘public’ forum and one needs to be ready to defend for what one write, that all what we are saying. Best wishes!

          • mac
            March 25, 2016 10:51 am

            Admin, if Salman Rushdie who i guess also a million dollar writter can get most prestigious award by writing bullshits like Satanic verses, then there is nothing wrong with rabia. Also, i am muslim born in india, how can i become CM in intolerant india? Btw if hero of hate modi can become CM and then PM then i am zero of hate compared to modi. If indians can accept modi, they can surely accept me.

        • Rabia
          March 25, 2016 7:00 am

          Dear Admin, I am very far from making such grandoise claims. Mine will most likely be a humble book read by only a handful of people who love me & believe in me. Becoming “a million dollar book author” is a very distant possibility because my husband & in laws expect too much from me at this point 😉 Samjhe? But yes, I think making generalizations such as “All/most Muslim men enjoy x,y,z” is unfair, and as someone who has a lot of Muslim friends (male and female) I cannot tolerate such language. So whoever got offended… Sorry, that’s your problem, not mine.

  • lakshmi
    July 2, 2014 4:36 am

    Dear tabbu
    I appreciate ur openness …
    Itz true …I feel very pity for hindu girls ..most of them donno the dangers after
    conversion …

  • abrar
    June 29, 2013 6:04 am

    all these quotes by stupid girl tabbu and bushra non-muslim in muslim face are false and out of contex islam upleft the womans to get clear answer search dr zakir naik video on youtube womans right in islam. Please see this lecture of dr zakir to knw the truth.

  • Idris
    February 16, 2013 11:17 am


    Islam is peace religion dont litsen what the people says who hate Islam and Muslims need to conform read one and only one HOLY QURAN and you will find the all your answer no need to asked or write any one


  • February 14, 2013 6:19 am

    i am a hindu girl in love with a muslim boy,i love him a lot and i cant think of my life without him. and my parents are orthodox and will never agree. i dont know wat to do.my parents are looking for a husband for me.and me and my boyfriend are not yet settled to tell our parents. i have been a very obedient daughter upto now , i am scared wat my parents will have to go through if i marry him . and he wants me to convert which is also difficult for me. but i cannot stay without him. please help me…

    Reply to Priya at https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=4423

    • suma usa
      February 15, 2013 2:53 pm

      visit the sites like, formermuslimsunited.com, faithfreedom.org.,wafa sultan, ayaan hirsi ali, noni darwish etc etc.,just google them and explore, get wiser.You see, these are all muslims who will tell you the filth in their religion. A guy suddenly remembers his faith before marriage, means he has been cheating you from day one. he knows you are gullible and after having some fun with you he can manipulate and sbuse you. read all the stories many muslim women tell you. after marriagae he will tell you hindus are wrong and bad and you cant meet with them. your parents would feel sa you were ever born.Your bollywood dream has disappeared get better and postpone marriage plans for now.Unless of course you want to be slave of his family.

      • Al Hasnoon
        June 11, 2014 1:24 pm

        Hey Hey Suma from USA, If somebody want to revert on right way why are you working as an evil, If you cant say good so don not say any thing bad of any religion, Prove it by there book.

        I thats why Strongly Recommend you to READ QURAN Please with meaning you will come to know about Great Allah.

        Alhumdulillah I am Muslim.

  • February 6, 2013 5:53 am

    Hello Fathima,

    Seen your advice. What about proving virginity on the wedding night?
    Did you prove your virginity by displaying bed sheets with blood stains to the family members?

    May be you have used fake or artificial hymen kit or got hymen repair surgery?

  • fathima
    February 1, 2013 4:32 pm

    Hello priya
    If you love ur mislim boyfriend go and marry him. Remember islam is the religion of peace. I am sure he will treat you like a princess.islam gives equal rights to men and women. Don’t listen to the hatemongers on this website. They just blindly hate islam. Visit good islamic sites and read good islamic books. I am sure you will realise the right path.
    Allah bless you.

  • paki_girl
    January 19, 2013 9:08 am

    Hello Priya,

    I dont know whether you are virgin or not, but marrying a muslim guy, you should bleed on the wedding night during first sex.

    Chastity can exact a painful price from young Muslim women, forced into lies or surgery to go to the marriage bed as virgins.

    Hymen repair, fake virginity certificates and other deceptions, said to be commonplace in some Muslim countries, are practiced in France and elsewhere in Europe, where Muslim girls are more emancipated but still live under rigid codes of family honor.

    Such ploys have saved many a young woman from scorn and worse. But they also clash with the more liberal social mores of France and Europe, where some decry it as an attack on human rights.

    The procedures are legal but shrouded in silence — “something that passes through nonofficial channels,” via friends or the Internet, said Dr. Nathan Wrobel. “There are circuits that lead women to me.”

    ‘It’s a secret we share’
    Wrobel is one of an unknown number of gynecologists in France who are willing to repair hymens, the membrane usually broken by the first act of sexual intercourse. He was one of the few doctors willing to talk about it.

    Wrobel says women come to him having convinced themselves that the procedure will somehow reverse the irreversible. “They tell me, ‘I’ll be a virgin again. You will make me a virgin,’ which in reality is totally false …. It’s a secret we share.”

    Other doctors issue false virginity certificates or offer such tricks as spilling a vial of blood on the sheets to fool families into believing the bride has passed their purity bar.

    Through the ages, virginity has been prized across religions and cultures, and doctors note that only a few generations back European brides also had to furnish documentary “proof” of chastity.

    Broader question
    In today’s France, with an estimated 5 million Muslims — the largest such population in western Europe — it’s part of the larger question of how to deal with cultural clashes ranging from head scarves in schools to sexual segregation in swimming pools.

    A 2005 government report addressing culture clashes in hospitals, and issued a year after Muslim head scarves were banned from classrooms, briefly mentions the virginity issue, asking doctors to refuse to issue false certificates.

    Isabelle Levy, author of “Religion in the Hospital,” decries both certificates and hymen repair, saying deception “increases the moral suffering.”

    In Islam, virginity is linked to bridal purity and family honor, said Dalil Boubakeur, head of the Paris Mosque.

    He notes that tradition holds that “adre,” virgins, are among the delights of paradise. However, Boubakeur, a doctor and a moderate Muslim, says the Quran does not address premarital virginity, and he is against the deception, counseling bride and bridegroom to confide in each other.

    It is not known how many doctors in France or elsewhere in Europe help Muslim women to fake virginity. But in Germany, Turkish Muslim immigrants are increasingly seeking virginity certificates, said Serap Cileli, who survived a forced marriage and now helps victims.

    German doctors who do hymen repair are easy to find, according to Sibylle Schreiber, who works with a women’s rights group in Tuebingen, but it’s “a taboo topic really only discussed best friend to best friend.”

    Not on the Internet, however, where the desperation in Web forums is palpable. “If you have contacts to help me, I’ll never be able to thank you enough,” writes a woman calling herself Lubna who wants help finding someone to restore her virginity.

    Wrobel, who teaches at the University of Paris, says he and another doctor at his clinic in a Paris suburb stitch up seven to eight hymens a month in a 20- to 30-minute operation under general anesthesia that he likens to plastic surgery. He asked that the clinic not be named.

    The price, $500, is steep for a young woman in a poor family and possibly unemployed. A German doctor advertising on the Internet charges $1,250.

    ‘It’s easy to be like a virgin’
    Dr. Emmanuelle Piet, who heads the family planning clinics in an area north of Paris where many Muslims live, says she has been issuing a half-dozen virginity certificates a year for three decades.

    But instead of hymen repair, she suggests less drastic measures, like spilling blood on the sheet on the wedding night.

    “It’s easy to be like a virgin,” she said.

    It’s deceptive but “it’s one way to help the girls,” said Piet, a veteran women’s rights advocate. “They are stuck in things so terrible.”

    In an interview, a French Muslim woman from the northern Paris suburb of Saint Denis, recounted how she was forced to procure a virginity certificate at age 12 “after my mother surprised me with a friend.” Although nothing had happened between her and the boy, her suspicious brothers beat her up, she said, requesting anonymity.

    By age 19 she had lost her virginity and underwent hymen repair before marrying a man who demanded a virgin.

    “I wanted to leave home. I took the first one who came along,” the woman said. The marriage ended after five years.

    • January 19, 2013 11:20 am

      We will go one step further. Even you are virgin and on the honeymoon night you bleed, you should feel insulted if you husband bend to look if you bleed or not. Why he has to look for blood after having sex? Where is TRUST? What will you do with this guy who do not trust you and looking for proof of your purity?

      Why your love is conditional on having some physical small membrane in your body that has no function? Even you did not bleed, he has to assume that probably you broke your hymen while kicking that winning soccer goal. Thus is called TRUST and respect for who you are.

      • Al Hasnoon
        June 11, 2014 1:31 pm

        Excuse me Priya said she loves him alot it mean don’t need to be virgin they already talk about this all.

        More important I say above comments all hindus says that for marrying muslims need to be virgin. So I have one only Question that is.



        • salonee misra
          October 23, 2017 2:28 pm

          so what? a womam is more than her hymen

  • January 19, 2013 12:56 am

    Hello Priya ,

    Are you mad? Did you not read so many texts from muslim sisters.
    You are being trapped to convert to islam. In islam, lying is permitted to convert a non-muslim into a islamic religion, as the male are promised
    72 virgins, even if they die for the sake of religion.

    Islam is suitable for sexy and horny persons only.

  • Tabbu
    January 18, 2013 2:18 am

    Hello Priya,

    If you want to jump in to a well, it is your choice and luck.

    No Hindu girl can live gracefully with a muslim guy. On the wedding night you have to prove your virginity,.i,.e. blood stains on the bed sheets and even then, you can be divorced any time, when your husband is not satisfied with you sexually, he can marry 4 wives, every time a virgin wife, you will be beaten violently, you will be forced to use Hijab, no freedom to move or meet your relatives, no job permission, just a sex doll and even if you die, he will have sex with dead body.

    May be you forced to get mutiliated your genital? all sorts of evils in the muslim community.

    Right now he may be very polite, after having sex for 2/3 months, you will be ignored or tortured physically. You will have no point to return. Muslim girl can lead a graceful life with Hindu guy but not a Hindu girl with a muslim guy?

  • suma usa
    January 17, 2013 4:56 pm

    Dont think you are a movie star. Be realistic.
    Why muslims are hatemongers and intolerant. There is a lot of truth that they persecute prople whenever they have a chance. Read below.

    Mother and her seven children jailed for 15 years in Egypt after converting back to Christianity from Islam

    •Nadia Mohamed Ali and seven children jailed after converting to Christianity
    •Sentenced to 15 years in jail at a criminal court in Beni Suef, central Egypt
    •Seven others involved in the case sentenced to five years in jail

    By James Rush

    PUBLISHED: 22:48 EST, 16 January 2013 | UPDATED: 04:06 EST, 17 January 2013

    Comments (232)

    Nadia Mohamed Ali and her seven children have been jailed for 15 years in Egypt after converting back to Christianity from Islam

    A mother and her seven children have been jailed for 15 years for converting back to Christianity from Islam in Egypt.Nadia Mohamed Ali was raised a Christian but converted to Islam 23 years ago when she married Mohamed Abdel-Wahhab Mustafa.

    Following his death, she planned to convert back to her original faith, along with the rest of her family.

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