I am a Hindu and my ex-boyfriend Christian

Diva says:

This is really a very cruical topic ..I am a Hindu and my ex boyfriend Christian. We were madly in love & wanted to get married but he said he can marry only if I am able to accept his Christian faith and before marriage I will have to be baptised. I loved him truly and so I studied about it a lot .. prayed a lot .. tried my level best and then said that I will marry and accept his faith but with consent of my parents as running and getting married is against my principles of life. So I spoke at my home and my parents also did not agree for simple reason that if he loves you truly then why he is asking you to change what you are as a person ..He always asked me to talk to parents or go agaisnt and get married. I was confused so much wat to do ..as I loved him so much … however things didn’t work out… My love was as stake for Faith !!!!! and finally it didn’t happen and now he is engaged to a Christian girl 🙁 🙁 :-(((((((

What is all this …I am so messed up now .. what is above Love , I still cant figure out ..why was it necessary to convert or accept any other faith and become Christian!!! Does god accepts this that you fall in love and later don’t agree to marry if the girl doesnt change !!

This is just not justified.

Comment by diva — October 26, 2010 @ 11:02 pm

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  • aryan
    July 26, 2016 9:29 pm

    Dear sir/madam
    Hindu to Christian convert please
    My help me

    • July 27, 2016 7:29 am

      How can we help you?
      We care curious, why did you convert? Is that due to marriage or other reason?
      Please do not display your personal information on such public forum.

  • dora
    September 4, 2014 12:54 am

    hi dear ,

    Everything is for gud.. its a gud thing he has left u and getting married someone from his RELIGION… whereby he wants only his religion.. not u …. im telling from my situation , that ur safe.. and dont worry… move on with ur life


    • September 4, 2014 6:44 am

      what is “im telling from my situation”? Can you tell more?

  • January 25, 2013 8:35 am

    I believe Diva & others who want to marry a person of different Faith are not giving marriage the important thought it deserves. We should love ALL other humans, & romantic attraction is possible with a certain few, but you must guard your heart until it is certain you both are in agreement about the Very Important Issues of Life! This not only includes your God-beliefs, but how you would raise children, handle finances, & run your life-style. Do you realize what the Christian faith is about? It’s about following the example of Jesus, who slept in a cave sometimes. He fasted often & made friendship with ANYONE who would listen to Him the main goal. Christian partners have to SHARE one another with the entire Christian Family! I have not come across any other religion or discipline which is on this Total Agape Love wavelength. When I got a new heart of Love from Jesus, I gave away all my money to the poor & found that it had made my family very angry with me. I would never try to get along with a husband who didn’t agree with me about asking the Lord about everything I decide. We would have to agree in prayer, hearing in the Spirit from God about all things. So I would only make a life-time commitment to a Christian man, & then only if I had prayed & was sure God was telling me this was the right person. Until you have this close relationship with God, being able to hear directly from Him in Spirit communication, you will find it hard to understand, & might even come to think the other person is “crazy!” So are you SURE you really wanted to be married to a man that seems that way to you?

  • gallantgoat
    October 17, 2011 6:06 am

    Hey Diva,
    You seem to be a nice girl and Hindu. My thoughts to you on this issue or these.

    To get over this tragedy remember the following points: (I know what I am saying.)

    1. Don’t marry a person if you have to convert to their christian religion. Basically it will be good at first and become a boring routine. Infact you won’t feel spiritual after a few sundays in church. From then on it will be protecting ‘your faith’ which is christianity against ‘them’, idol worshippers and like. Its not worth it.

    2. From what I have seen Hinduism as a religion gives beauty to woman. They look pretty, they have health, good self esteem, and a creativity that I find is absent in a any practising Christian woman. Christian woman can be creative but thats not because of her christianity. Donot let go of that heritage.

    3. Get married to a proper Hindu ‘Man’. You may come across wussies/boys but get over them. Or even help them get their manfulness/manhood and fall in love with them.

    4. To get over the bad feelings from this disaster, talk to friends, mother, or any other patient woman listeners. Go do something creative and find life :-).

  • jak
    June 18, 2011 9:21 am

    The stupid fucker never loved, just get over him

  • Jay
    November 6, 2010 2:48 pm

    If he loved you he would not force you to convert. He is more interested in adding more followers to his Christian faith, than accepting and loving you as you are. No doubt if you married him he would have shown even less religious tolerance to any children you would have had. It would not have been a marriage of equality. It would not have been a home where the best parts of both your faiths are celebrated and best of both religions shared with your children, but one where who you are as a Hindu is unwelcome and Hinduism for your children is unwelcome, and your parents and other Hindu family members are unwelcome. Christianity and Islam are two Abrahamic faiths that spread by conversion. They are two relatively new faiths so all their followers are converts from other faiths or descended from converts. Old religions like Hinduism and say religions of other indigenous people were developed over time by those people themselves. Same with the oldest of the Abrahamic faiths, Judaism. What is Christianity or Islam but religions that claim to be the updated version of Middle Eastern Judaism. (Christianity is not from Europe but from the Middle East; all Europeans are converts from their own European religions that are now dead and gone)Who is Jesus but a Jew who claimed to be the long awaited Jewish messiah that the Jews have been waiting for? Who is Mohammed but an Arab polytheist who for some reason wanted to be the last prophet of the Jews who were not his people the Qureshi or of his polytheist faith of his own people? From the beginning Jew Jesus and Arab former-polytheist Mohammed had to prove their version of Middle Eastern Judaism is the best updated most accurate version of Middle Eastern Judaism, and had to gain converts from Judaism and other faiths. Your ex is just following his religion to continue converting and spreading Christianity (Jesus’s updated version of Middle Eastern Judaism).

  • funnyboy
    November 2, 2010 5:51 am

    enough crying. Recover now. Forget about the past. You saw only love in other person, where he saw you as a prize jackpot from Hindu community and wanted you to count as his contribution to lord Jesus.

    You need not to hate any religion now. Just stay back with your parents and follow their words.

  • admin
    October 28, 2010 10:31 pm

    Whatever happens, happens for good! Trust God, there is something better God has planned for you. I am proud of you that you stood for what you believe in. I am glad you talked to your parents, rather than running away in hiding. Only cowards run away. You did not tolerate someone’s intolerance for whatever you are (a Hindu). I don’t think you would be happy for your life with that intolerant Christian guy after a religious conversion at a gun point.

    You are a role model for other innocent girls getting trapped by religious fanatics. Shame on those Christians asking Hindus a “dowry” of religious conversion for marriage.

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