HRS to save my life

Aisha says: May 9, 2013 at 6:42 pm

I am twenty two years old Muslim I live in Canada and I am from Somalia, I am going to have hymen repair surgery tommorow and i am so scared i paid 3100 Canadian dollar

i lost my virginity when i was 19 with my Muslim Somali boyfriend we were arranging to get married but he went back to Somalia and he got killed by Muslim extremist :’( that was 2 years ago.

Now my family arranged this marriage for me and i accepted but i am not virgin and i was panicking about it i recently found out about this hymen repair surgery (HRS) and i decided to do it to save my family from shame and and off course to save my life because my father is very strong Muslim he is imaam at the mosque,

i feel guilty and i know it’s against Islamic rule but that’s the only way i can save my self. I wish Allah will forgive me. When i read there is alot of muslim girls around the world who got the same problem i feel sad because i know what they going through may Allah help muslim youth and guide them to the right path. -Aisha

Admin says:

Allah has made you smart, educated and now have put you in Canada. After Allah did so much for you, now do you want Allah to come and spoon-feed you every day? Wake up, you have to take change of your own life. If you do that is good as per basic human decency, Allah will surely help you.

Good luck with your surgery tomorrow. Allah must love those non-Muslim surgeons who are making millions of dollars out of poor Muslim girls out to have HRS. Muhammad’s teaching is certainly a blessings for them, if not to Muslim girls.

You had pre-marital sex and that is sin. Now you are going to lie to your husband that you were virgin, again a second lie. So how many lies you will keep doing to please your Islamic society? If you believe in Muhammad, Koran and Islamic teachings, you will surely get Hell Fire on the Judgment Day, no other option for you.

Well, if we have to make a judgment with our logical mind, we will say you are a poor innocent girl. You are not a sinner but you are a victim of Islamic society. You should not feel guilty at all and do that you must. We hope all will work out for your marriage.

Let us know what are you getting out of your society? Your first boy friend was killed by Islamist. Now, you may be killed if they find out about your HRS. Your father is an Imam, does that means he must have put on lots of restrictions on you for all your life? How is your dad treating your mother? Do you wish your husband turn out EXACTLY like you dad? Let us know.

We hope your Muslim fiancée does not believe in displaying bloody bed-sheet, beating wife and talaak. We hope that guy is equally educated and competent like you. After marriage, if you find out that your husband is harassing you or not keeping you with love and dignity, just walk away from that relationship. We are waiting to hear from you. Best wishes. -Admin

Salma Agha says: May 10, 2013 at 12:51 am


Movie star Salma Agha
Dont worry. You are not guilty at all. It is the social evil prevailing in islamic community. Why males are not required to be virgin? why only female need to be virgin and prove the same on the wedding night and blood stained bed sheet is displayed as honour of the family. Is it honour, honour should be in real sense that male is also virgin.

Male allowed to keep wives and every time only virgin wife is needed.

So far as pre marital sex is concerned, it is all sitautional factors that lead to such act, may be ignorantly or emotinally or believing on some one. Muslim community is full of evils against females in the name of religion. HRS has become a routine matter even in hard core islamic countries where this business is flourishing. In other communities it is not the system to display bed sheets on the morning of wedding night.

Dont worry, every thing will be ok. There are artificial hymen kit, which is cheap but it needs to be used very tactfully on the wedding night.

Wishing you all the best. -Salma Agha
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  • May 16, 2013 9:16 am

    Hey Shehzadi,

    What are you dreaming? Zahid will marry you………?

    He himself believes in sodomy by Maulvi or Imam since childhood.
    Forget his advice. He is POMM, dont you know?

    Take judicious decision and become financially independent. Some like minded person shall come in your life to accept as it is.

  • May 16, 2013 4:21 am

    Thanks a lot Mr.Zahid?

    You appear to be a broad minded, realizing the mental agony of a muslim girl. If it is so, can you marry me? if yes, we can share views and other relavant points together for everlasting relations?

    If other muslim guys agree with your views, no need of HRS for muslim girls. You know how tactfully, our own close relatives, like cousins, nephew, uncle and even brothers including Imams trap girls for sexual favour and later breaking the relations. Then really trauma of wedding night haunts girls having lost virginity and this is the reason that HRS has become a very profitable business in muslim countries.

    Reply at

  • May 15, 2013 10:33 am

    Hi Sister,

    I am 23 years old muslim girl in UK and I lost my virginity with my cousin who forced me to have sex with him. Later after few months he parted and indulged in another girl of our community.

    How was your HRS? I wish to do the same. My friends have done this surgery and some have used artificial hymen kit which is very tricky for me. In England the cost of the HRS is about 1500 pounds.

    Please share your experience.

    Reply at

    • zahid
      May 15, 2013 10:57 pm

      There is no need to prove virginity in islam it is pre islamic cultural practice in some countries in which virginity of females was called family honour. It has no relation with islam

      Reply at

      • May 16, 2013 1:37 am

        Would you marry a girl who is not virgin?

        • zahid
          May 17, 2013 10:20 am

          I will marry what my parents choose for me

          • May 18, 2013 10:39 am

            Can you ask your parents to help this girl out?

      • truth
        May 16, 2013 4:43 am

        Why are you so idiot? I understand you are zahid, soo you would be idiot to an extent, but this is too much dude. You seem to generate new Islamic guidelines, that right was exclusively for your Mohammed,who despite being godly died, what a fake.

  • May 15, 2013 3:33 am

    Hello sister Aisha,

    Has HRS been done. Hope it would have been fine and must be recovering fast.

    God bless you always.

  • May 14, 2013 12:01 pm

    Muslim girls becoming virgins again with hymen replacement surgery

    Aisha Salim,a Muslim graduate from a family who moved to England from Pakistan two generations back slept with several boyfriends and had to be virgin again with a hymen replacement operation to show her husband virginity blood at the wedding night back in 2007.she said.‘If my husband could not prove to his family that I was a virgin i would be ostracised and sent home in disgrace.’My father who is a devout Muslim would regard it as the ultimate shame.‘The entire family could be cast out from their friends and society, and one of my cousins or uncles might kill me to purge them of my sins.’

    At that time that was one of the rare cases but now this kind of surgeries are gatting more ad more popular and there were 116 hymen replacement operations which took place between 2005 and 2009 in England only.According to some private clinics back than they use to get clients of this procedure once or twice a weeks but now they are getting 3 to 4 or sometimes even more in a day and most of them are young muslim girls who are about to get married.

    This procedure is called Hymenoplasty and it hardly takes half an hour so but it costs around $7000.During the hymenoplasty procedure viewed by some as invasive and degrading the hymen is stitchedor reconstructed so that it will tear again and bleed on the woman’s wedding night.
    In some cases, the vaginal lining can be used to create a false hymen. A blood capsule can then be inserted into the lining to ensure realistic blood flow when the membrane is broken.

    It is more cultural than religious,if the bride is not virgin and doesn’t bleed at the night of wedding she brings a very big shame to her family or sometimes even could get honour killed in some extreme cases.

  • zahid
    May 14, 2013 10:16 am

    All the liars about anal sex homosexuality againest islam is exposed on. They should refrain telling lies

  • May 14, 2013 9:14 am


    Fatwa Permitting ‘Jihad Sodomy’ for the Victory of Islam – The Question Homosexuality in Islam

    Wednesday, 25 July 2012 03:58 Alamgir Hussain

    Recently an al-Qaeda cleric’s fatwa appeared in a video, which said: if a Jihadi is needed to be sodomized to widen his anus for inserting bombs into his rectum for jihad operations, it is permitted to do so in Islam. Because “Jihad is the pinnacle of Islam” and anything goes for its sake.


    Fatwa permitting sodomy for Jihad

    In 2009, al-Qaeda Jihadi Abdullah Hassan al-Asiri made a false repentation for his Jihadi activity, so that he could have a meeting with Saudi Prince Muhammad bin Nayef and killed him. So, before going for the meeting, he hid a bomb inside his rectum, which he wanted to explode while having the meeting with Prince Nayef. Al-Qaeda clerics had declared Prince Nayef an infidel for alliance with the West against al-Qaeda. But unfortunately for Asiri, he pushed the button a bit too early and as a result, although he earned Jihad martyrdom, but failed to kill the prince.

    What happened is: although Asiri had repented, he remained in touch with al-Qaeda. One al-Qaeda cleric, named Abu al-Dema al-Qasab, had suggested jihadis of an “innovative and unprecedented way to execute martyrdom operations: place explosive capsules in your anus.”

    Asiri and probably also others wanted to apply this new innovative Jihad technique. However, in order to insert a bomb through anus, the willing Jihadis needed to be sodomized repeatedly over a period of time to make their anus wide enough for the bomb to go in. One Jihadi, probably Asiri himself, asked an al-Qaeda cleric: “Is it permissible for me to let one of the jihadi brothers sodomize me to widen my anus if the intention is good?”

    ‘Yes’ was the answer of the cleric, as he declared the following fatwa (see the video for original in Arabic). He said, although sodomy is forbidden in Islam,

    …jihad comes first, for it is the pinnacle of Islam, and if the pinnacle of Islam can only be achieved through sodomy, then there is no wrong in it. For the overarching rule of [Islamic] jurisprudence asserts that “necessity makes permissible the prohibited.” And if obligatory matters can only be achieved by performing the prohibited, then it becomes obligatory to perform the prohibited, and there is no greater duty than jihad. After he sodomizes you, you must ask Allah for forgiveness and praise him all the more. And know that Allah will reward the jihadis on the Day of Resurrection, according to their intentions—and your intention, Allah willing, is for the victory of Islam, and we ask that Allah accept it of you.

    This issue brings the question of homosexuality in Islam, about which there is much confusion. Some moderate Muslims would say the Quran does not say anything about punishing homosexuals, while others would say punishment for homosexuality in Islam is death by stoning. At this opportune moment, let us examine what Islam truly says about homosexuality.

    What Islam says about homosexuality?

    Homosexual sex amongst men in Islam has been widely prevalent in history, especially at the highest levels of society. Even today in Islamic boarding schools, called Madrassas, around the world, which are all-male Islamic education schools, homosexual activity is highly prevalent among students, even involving Imams. Multiple reports have come out in the media in recent that Madrassa Imams have abused their young male-students by sodomizing them.

    Muslim rulers, generals and nobles throughout history used to keep hundred to thousands of castrated slaves-boys. The handsome young ones were used their master for carnal indulgence. They were called ghilman. They used to wear rich and attractive uniforms and often beautified and perfumed their bodies like women. The concept of ghilman originated in Islam from following verses of the Quran, which talks about pearl-like young male-attendants (ghilman), who would serve blessed Muslims in paradise:
    ‘Round about them will serve, (devoted) to them, young male servants (handsome) as Pearls well-guarded.’ [Quran 52:24]
    ‘There wait on them immortal youths, with bowls and ewers and a cup from a pure spring.’ [Quran 56:17–18]

    Wrote Professor Hitti, ‘We read of ghilman in the reign of al-Rashid; but it was evidently the Caliph al-Amin, who, following Persian precedent, established in the Arab world the ghilman institution for the practice of sexual relations. A judge of whom there is record used four hundred such youths. Poets did not disdain to give public expression to their perverted passions and to address amorous pieces of their compositions to beardless young boys.’[1]

    Caliph al-Muqtadir (r. 908–937) had some 11,000 eunuchs – 7,000 Blacks and 4,000 Whites (Greek) – in his Baghdad palace.[2] In India, Said Khan Chaghtai, a noble of Emperor Jahangir (r. 1605-27), owned 1,200 eunuchs. Sultan Alauddin Khilji had 50,000 young boys in his personal services, while Muhammad Tughlaq had 20,000 and Firoz Tughlaq 40,000. Most of these slave-boys were castrated. Malik Kafur, Alauddin’s famous commander, was a eunuch; so was Khusrau Khan, Sultan Kutbuddin Mubarak Khilji’s favorite commander. Sikandar Lodi had once boasted, ‘If I order one of my slaves to be seated in a palanquin, the entire body of nobility would carry him on their shoulders at my bidding.’[3] Sultan Mahmud had infatuation toward charming Tilak the Hindu, his favorite commander.[4]

    While this has been the historical reality in the Muslim world, the Quran nonetheless has a rather mixed message about homosexuality. It is especially stern against homosexuality amongst women, and rather soft toward male homosexuality. Homosexuality-related Quranic verses can be divided as 1) condemnatory, and 2) punitive.

    Condemnatory verses. The following verse of the Quran condemns homosexuality as an act of transgression:
    1.”Will ye commit abomination such as no creature ever did before you?” [Qur’an 7:81]

    According to this verse, homosexuality is an abomination, which no other creature engage in, meaning it is the ‘worst sin’.
    1.”Of all the creatures in the world, will ye approach males, And leave those whom Allah has created for you to be your mates? Nay, ye are a people transgressing” [Qur’an 26:165-166]

    In this verse, Allah says that amongst all creatures, only men may approach other men for sexual gratification, ignoring the females, whom Allah has created as men’s sexual partner. And He calls this a transgression against Allah.

    Punitive verses. So, what will be the punishment for the ‘worst sin’ and ‘transgression against Allah’ that homosexuality is? The following verses tell us about the punishments.
    1.”…For ye practice your lusts on men in preference to women: ye are indeed a people transgressing beyond bounds…. And we rained down on them a shower (of brimstone)” [Qur’an 7:80-84, also see Qur’an 27:54]

    In this verse, Allah condemns homosexuality as the transgression against Him beyond all limits. He also gave an example of how He punished such transgressors of olden days, namely the people of Sodom, whom he annihilated by “showering rains of stones”. In accordance with this Godly punishment of the homosexual people of the Biblical Sodom, Muslim scholars have rightly prescribed “stoning to death” as the deserving punishment for homosexuals, which is practiced by some Muslim countries even today.
    1.”If two men among you are guilty of lewdness, punish them both. If they repent and amend, Leave them alone.” [Qur’an 4:16]

    In this verse, Allah recommends punishing Muslim men, if they engage in homosexual acts, but they should be pardoned if the repent. That is, by repenting, Muslim men can save themselves from punishment for homosexuality. But how the female homosexuals have to be dealt with is commanded in the previous verses.
    1.“If any of your women are guilty of lewdness, Take the evidence of four (Reliable) witnesses from amongst you against them; and if they testify, confine them to houses until death do claim them, or Allah ordain for them some (other) way.” [Quran 4:15]

    In this verse, Allah commands that if Muslim women are found guilty of homosexuality, they must be punished with eventual death. So, the difference is punishments for male homosexuals and female homosexuals are starkly different. Men can be given just any form of punishment and let go. They can even be let go without suffering any punishment, if they just repent. But for women homosexuals, there is no such option. Punishment for them would be such that it would eventually cause their death, nothing less.

    From the Hadith: From the Quran, Allah seems to have been muddle-headed about dealing with the homosexuals, as its verses recommend punishing them with stoning to death to letting them go scot-free by simply repenting if they are male, or killing them if they are female. But in certain Hadiths, Prophet Muhammad commanded for summary execution of the homosexuals. For example,
    1.The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said, “Whoever you find doing the action of the people of Loot, execute the one who does it and the one to whom it is done.” [Abu Dawud 4462]
    2.”If unmarried man is seized committing sodomy, he will be stoned to death.” [Abu Dawud 4448]

  • May 13, 2013 10:42 am

    I have seen at various places that Zahid is a product of Mutta marriage. Is it reality?
    Is it not a social problem to carry the name of the father?
    Can some one elaborate it?

    • GodIsGreat
      May 19, 2013 7:25 am

      This is the height, faking another persons id, wow really atleast try and copy the Id properly… Its GodIsGreat not God is great…hahahaha keep it up

  • truth
    May 12, 2013 11:20 pm

    So Delhi bus case 5th rapist was a Muslim, he raped the Hindu Damini, the desperation was such that he raped her twice, even when that girl was rendered unconscious. So you be the judges, and judge weather you want to know what Islam is based on what Muslims do, or based on reading text.

    • May 12, 2013 11:51 pm

      Thank you for sharing.

  • truth
    May 12, 2013 10:50 pm

    @god is great( funny name, but god is Jesus,Buddha,Shiva and others but def not alla)

    Few facts –

    1- Christianity is the fastest growing religion. 1000’s of Muslim convert every year.
    2- Those who convert to Islam, either- leave Islam and revert back to there original faith Or convert> get the price money ( yes Arab countries offers money if non Muslim converts) so in essence that is buying idiots, which is good!

    3- the link sent is from marketing Islam site, obviously Muslims wouldn’t show all the reality, no one can guarantee the authenticity of those information. And yes Muslim sites are known to “make” facts and rely on defaming other religion. So in short your sites are useless as they are not truth. Show some independent source.

    4- you didn’t really answer the question asked, did you! So we assume that you and your Islam has no justification, which means cause of all the issue is core Islam.

    5- why are all your answers non sense? when someone asks you name- you reply your favorite food, – is that on purpose or you are just a genius in writing non-sense?

  • May 12, 2013 2:01 am


    If you are really a female, you must understand what miserable condition a muslim girl has to face. Even if you deny it means that your mind set is different than a normal lady.

    How can you deny the evils of Mutta marriage,Halala, (you must have been victim), burqa? How many mothers you have more than 4 atleast? male is allowed.

    Or even then you dont accept, it means you are also dreaming to enjoy with 72 virgin males in the heaven?


    • GodIsGreat
      May 12, 2013 2:34 am

      Hi Veena,
      I don’t know what made you think I am not normal.Do I have to publish it in newspaper to make you believe I am living a good life.
      And the evils that you are talking about might just be in your head because really I haven’t faced any of it and I have many muslim friends who are girls and who are living absolutely happy liberal lives and till now I personally haven’t heard of any muslim male who has married more than once according to Islamic idealogy even when its legal for them
      Also I am perfectly happy to wear the burqa, humans are weak, most of the times they don’t understand whats good for them, but frankly I am obliged to wear the burqa and I understand its for my benefit only
      And no thanks I don’t need 72 virgin males, my life is perfectly happy and Allah has blessed me with everything and inshaAllah I will end up with my loving partner in heaven because thats what one would get for their good deeds not virgins like you claim.


      • truth
        May 12, 2013 4:53 am

        All we heard was blah blah blah, what country are you from? I will tell you the Muslims female crime. Try me!

  • truth
    May 11, 2013 11:16 pm

    @god is great – do you have any proof to what ever you say? Why shouldn’t people look at Muslims to see what there religion is all about. When a child mis behaves, people look upto his parents for what they teach to the kid, Islam is what Muslims do. Your idiot logic doesn’t work you see! Plus why are you frustrated with your Islam, is no one joining you folks, why don’t you become.a Christian, a Jew or Buddhist or Hindu? Look at those people , they are far more intelligent than Muslims, work hard, better looking. So in short. You are total ignorant to say whatever you write. Plus Islam is not submission to god, its to your Muslims god Allah. Plus ideally you don’t submit to god, you believe in god, submission is like a an evil forcing you to worship by force. I think you peaceful Allah doesn’t like people leaving Islam isn’t it, why don’t you tell us what sharia law says for those people leaving Islam ?

    • GodIsGreat
      May 12, 2013 1:40 am

      We are not little kids that our parents or our religion or our race should be blamed for whatever we do and secondly Islam is the one of the fastest growing religion in the world as in the conversions that take place every year (and ofcourse they are not forced conversions because thats haraam)so that alone tells how many people are finding peace and also truth in islam. Why should I be frustrated, that’s a funny question to ask and this kind of religion bashing won’t affect Islam because God will always be guiding whom he wants to guide
      Religion is not a buffet dinner that you pick whatever you like and leave what you dont, do you have to be made to believe that 2+2 is 4. Ofcourse there is just one answer. Ofcourse there is just one God, There are signs in every aspect of life. The concept of God is like maths in every religion but in Islam it goes a step further in that its like algebra. Submission just means that the creator of this world The Almighty should be your ultimate refuge, you should turn to Him in your every hardship and he will definetly ease it because simple, He is the almighty!!!
      From your replies I can see you don’t know much about Islam. Really, it won’t hurt you to study Islam more closely, I advice you because you seem intellectual and like many others are in ignorance

      • GodIsGreat
        May 12, 2013 1:45 am

        The second link will show you why really people convert to Islam. It reflects on many of converts lives like me. I advice you to just read it once rather than creating and meddling with stereotypes and cliches. I can really relate with you because I myself have previously rejected the idea but inshaAllah God guides everyone like he guided me

  • truth
    May 11, 2013 4:04 am

    here are the proofs why true Muslims and secular people wouldn’t agree with you, plus you actually did not reply why you always lie about Islam, or better put hide true reality of Islam.

    you said – ” may be lie for you but for we muslims it is truth . Islam is peacefull religion for thouse who live peacefully with muslims”

    when you say peaceful, do you KNOW what peace is, do you know that Muslims only wish peace for other Muslims and not for non Muslims, by secular standards Islam is violent. Muslims who find true peace in Christianity, Sikhism,Hinduism and other truly peaceful religion,YOU Muslims kill those people, they kill that person coz its sharia rule, sharia is based on Qur’an and other trusted Muslim sources. please explain on what standards. Muslims kill Christians by bombing, beheading, hostages, kidnapping etc ,examples include- 9/11, 7/11, Madrid bombing, Mumbai bombing, Moscow theatre scene, munich episode, Israeli bombing, Daniel pearl beheading and all other things done by ONLY MUSLIMS, in the name of Islam, so plz explain how is Islam peaceful.

    then you say- Qur’an says xyz. So your point intact is unreliable, coz all religions says what you showed, there is nothing special about that. Meaning instead of showing what Muslims actually do you divert the topic on what one should do. That my friend no longer works, why don’t you show some evidence that Muslims have done something good? Can you find just one example? Before doing al-taqiya.


    • GodIsGreat
      May 11, 2013 6:09 am


      We are a community of teetotalers and our combined charity effort is the largest in the world. Thats because its one of the five pillars of Islam to give zakat(charity) to the poor. This simply proves the fact that Islam is a peaceful religion.
      And the way you talk about crimes as if every crime in this world that has ever taken place has been done by a muslim.
      There are many crimes happening against muslims too like the Burma killings where innocent muslims were beheaded and murdered and made to stand on their countries border and told to get lost.
      Gujarat pogrom, Post-independent riots, Kashmir genocides, Post-Babari riots, Bomabay riots, Bengal riots, Bhagalpur riots, Assam Bodo carnage and many more examples are there. My only request is please dont take a one sided approach

      • truth
        May 11, 2013 11:08 pm

        @god is great ( what a deceiving name btw)

        so instead of proving facts and truth and evidence you Muslims are excellent in “generating bull shit” comments, which doesn’t make sense :). Anyways truth truth, I will still show the real islam.

        Its strange that none of that money reaches non Muslim counties for non Muslims where as non Muslim countries help tremendously by far greater amount, that itself proves the secular value of us non Muslims.

        your comment on crime is lame, from your standards crime is in every religion, but we non Muslims do not do harm to others in name of religion, Muslims do harm to others in name of Islam, thats what is fundamental problem. And compare the size, you Muslims amont to 95% of world crime, ready of other non Muslim crime put together is around 5%. So there is obviously something wrong about Islam.

    • zahid
      May 12, 2013 11:57 am

      What non muslim hav e done for muslim by creating wars in muslim countries,by creating terrorist organisations(taliban and alqueda) which are killing thousands of muslims in muslims how many non muslims these terrorist organisation are killing. Do you know who is responsible for creation of these terrorist organisation vist
      how muslims were treated through history by these secular nations

      how treated today

  • May 11, 2013 1:26 am

    Dear god is great,

    Jo bole so nihal,
    satsri akal.

    Why dont you accept realties of evils in islam. Other religions have changed after passage of time, but in your religion new senseless practices are emerging like SEX WITH DEAD WIFE, FEMALE GENITAL MUTILIATION AND 72 VIRGINS FOR TERRORISTS AFTER DEATH?


    • GodIsGreat
      May 11, 2013 5:44 am

      Dear Harnam,

      I cannot accept alleged realties you people are talking about Islam simply because I am a female who is living a reality far different than what you all have in your minds like the new unheard of practices you are talking about.
      As for changing with passage of time, a thing that is already perfect cannot be changed. God himself has taken the responsibility to keep the Quran away from any alterations. Humans can only change that which they have created and Islam isn’t human made

      • truth
        May 13, 2013 5:33 am

        Devils advocates don’t see truth. That’s what you are

        • GodIsGreat
          May 19, 2013 7:21 am

          Whether I see truth or not, I hope God makes you see the truth

  • May 11, 2013 1:20 am

    God is great, really God is great that is why shaitan like you are still on this earth, who do not realize the cruelties muslim women face for thousands of years.

    I am a muslim also and I know how many rapes, crimes and murders in Pakistan particularly in Madrasas are taking place, but becuase of bindings on the media nothing comes out. Most corrupt and culprit are Imams and Maulvies who are the agents involved sexual crimes. No madrasa is free from sexual abuse. Maulvies and Imams work for Shaikhs of Gulf countries to arrange mutta marriage for 2/3 days and getting lucrative prices and also encouraging girls to have hymen repair surgery or use artificial hymen kit. This is a big nexus of Imams and politicians. You will realize when your own daughter has to undergo hymen repair surgery before wedding night to show bleeding.

    • GodIsGreat
      May 11, 2013 5:53 am

      Dear Nargis,

      First of all no matter who you are you have no right to talk about anyone’s daughter like that.
      Secondly I am a girl and like many other blessed girls having a very loving muslim partner who doesn’t give a damn about my past and you talk as if you have figures to prove that only muslim girls undergo hymen repair surgeries and only muslim girls are subjected to cruelty if they are not virgins. Male chauvinism is a feature of a typical male more so in India, irregardless of religion or caste.

  • May 11, 2013 1:06 am


    You dont know any thing about Azad Kashmir. There are many ethenic groups and tribes speaking Pahari, Gojri, Dogri, Potohari, Urdu, Kashmiri, Pashto, and Punjabi languages.

    Your family is lucky that you are in Indian Kashmir enjoying all sorts of facilities and privileges. Had you been here, either you have been a terrorist or all females would have been abused by sexually by the militants or foreigners working for Pakistan.

    I have seen your texts, all negative, far away from realities, always hiding truths and praising Muhammad, who was nothing but a terrorist
    and rapist to murder innocent girls, men and women.The islam teaches violence, hatred, rape, blasts and so many evils.

    The worst position of the women in the world is from muslim community for thousands of years.

    It is a known fact that innocent boys are being lured to involve in terrorist activities in the name of islam and enjoy sexual pleasure of 72 virgin in the heaven if they die.

    Why dont you accept this reality?

    You have no courage, you dont want to go into the realities, perhaps may be from militant group you too.

  • truth
    May 10, 2013 8:38 pm


    Here comes lie coated in sugar, that too from religion of peace messengers ( that’s not true ofcourse). Ok dude why don’t you list out all the things once and for all that is culture driven and what is religion driven ? I ( like many others) have noticed what you Muslims say is different, what you do is totally opposite, what you preach is again totally different than actuals. Like you said about virginity thing in Kashmir, you say is culture driven, implying its ok for Muslims to be non virgin in Kashmir. But should you see the ground reality, Kashmiri /iranian/Kuwaiti/all Muslim countries girls get killed/ divorced
    if they are found to be non virgin on wedding nite, I have proof too.

    Islam is violent religion, and no one can deny that. Don’t manipulate facts from ideal world facts, which does not happen. And just incase you didn’t notice, was per human rights, Muslims countries top women abuse.

    • zahid
      May 11, 2013 12:46 am

      This may be lie for you but for we muslims it is truth . Islam is peacefull religion for thouse who live peacefully with muslims. For thouse who attacks muslim for them it is hell. To know more about it vist
      There is not ayah in quran that supports proving of virginity there is hadith againest it
      The Hadith in Sahih Muslim:
      “ Verily among the worst people before Allāh on the Day of Judgement is a man who approaches his wife sexually and she responds and then he spreads her secrets. “ it was pre islamic idol worshipers concept in some muslim countries that exist even today to know more vist

  • May 10, 2013 10:59 am

    Hi readers,

    I am from Mirpur Azad Kashmir, speaking dogri language. Really girls are victim of several evils in the name of islamic practices. There are training camps and forces outposts and these locations are used for minor boys to learn gurilla warefare, Jihad etc. Girls from different parts of Azad kashmir are brought for sexual abuse including some innocent boys are used for anal sex. A women activists raised concerned but there were brutaully crushed and nothing came out. The authorities cricize Indian side of Kashmir, but those who returned from there, have disclosed that part is well prosperous, human rights are applicable.

    Regarding Hymen repair surgery, though it is banned, but practically all gynecological centers in Pakistan and Azad Kashmir are doing it, as 90% girls are raped by their own relatives, terrorists, security forces and it is mandatory for them to be virgin on the wedding night.

    Islam is really an evil mind set against female community world wide.

    • zahid
      May 10, 2013 11:09 am

      Dogri is not language of kashmir it is language of jammu.

  • May 10, 2013 10:41 am

    Zahid, you belong to which part of Kashmir, Indian Kashmir or Pakistani Kashmir.

    In Pakistani Kashmir, the position of girls is worst. Terrorists camp are functioning all around, chinese engineers and technicians including some americans are posted. They are being provided Kashmiri girls to keep them pleased and get political favours by the Leaders of Pakistani Govt. Even Pakistani army and para medical troops are sexually assaulting kashmiri girls.

    In Muzaffarbad, several agents are working for foreigners are busy in this dirty gameMostly the agents are Imams and Maulvies agains whom people afraid to speak as they have political cover.

    Muslim religion says some thing and practices entirely different things.

    • zahid
      May 10, 2013 11:06 am

      I am from indian kashmir

      • truth
        May 10, 2013 8:28 pm

        Indian side of kashmir sounds interesting. So you must be aware that Islam CLAIMS to give respect to other religions ?

        • GodIsGreat
          May 11, 2013 6:56 am

          Yes @truth Islam doesn’t just claims but asks every muslim to give respect to other religion as in we cannot follow other religions ideals but we have to respect their rituals, social functions and festival.
          The logic behind it is that if a muslim disrespects anothers religion that person will blame Allah and Islam for propogating disrespect (Though on this site thats unnecessary)
          And Allah will not forgive the muslim for the disrespect because what the other person is doing (the blaming) is doing so in ignorance (exactly like most people here) So no matter what we cannot be disrespectful. Hope that answers you

    • zahid
      May 10, 2013 11:20 am

      Why r u providing fake information about kashmir

  • May 10, 2013 9:27 am

    Hello terrorist (God is great),

    You are the support of rapist and murderer Muhammad who claimed to be messenger of Allah?

    Can you marry your 6 years old daughter or sister to male of 59 year old like Muhammad did?How many girls he raped, murdered, tortured?


    • GodIsGreat
      May 10, 2013 11:17 am


      If you are in touch with the reality today then do you see the rapes happening all over the country nowadays and who is responsible for them?
      I just want to say stop your recurring record about Islam and go and do some intelligent research.

  • zahid
    May 10, 2013 9:26 am

    There is no need to prove virginity in islam. In kashmir girls are not asked to prove virginity. It is your cultural practice to prove virginity

    • truth
      May 10, 2013 10:16 am

      Here comes lie coated in sugar, that too from religion of peace messengers ( that’s not true ofcourse). Ok dude why don’t you list out all the things once and for all that is culture driven and what is religion driven ? I ( like many others) have noticed what you Muslims say is different, what you do is totally opposite, what you preach is again totally different than actuals. Like you said about virginity thing in Kashmir, you say is culture driven, implying its ok for Muslims to be non virgin in Kashmir. But should you see the ground reality, Kashmiri /iranian/Kuwaiti/all Muslim countries girls get killed/ divorced
      if they are found to be non virgin on wedding nite, I have proof too.

      Islam is violent religion, and no one can deny that. Don’t manipulate facts from ideal world facts, which does not happen. And just incase you didn’t notice, was per human rights, Muslims countries top women abuse.

  • May 10, 2013 9:17 am

    Hello so called God is great,

    Why are you not accepting realities of evils in your society.
    Is there any other society where:-

    (i) women is kept in burqa, no freedom in personal life,
    (ii) male is allowed to keep 4 wives,
    (iii) female is needed virgin all the time, why male is not
    needed to be virgin,
    (iv) why 72 virgins in the heaven for males,
    (v) why female genital mutiliation,
    (vi) why mutta marriages are held just to promote prostitution,
    (vii)why sex with dead wife is preached,
    (viii)why women are treated just a sex doll,
    (ix) why triple talak practice is adopted,
    (x) why women are needed to prove rape by 4 witnesses,
    (xi) why stoning to death,are resorted,
    (xii) why terrorist activities are conducted around the world in the name of religion
    (xiii) why fatwa, jihad like anti human activities are promoted,
    (xiv) why madarasas are used like terrorists camps,
    (XV) why blood stained bed sheets are displayed on the morning of wedding night to prove virginity of girl,

    Perhaps you are also terrorist, rapist and enemy of humanity?

    • GodIsGreat
      May 10, 2013 11:12 am

      This above is a great example, they don’t even need a reason to paste their same old Islam bashing responses everywhere.

      • truth
        May 10, 2013 8:31 pm

        So why don’t you answer it dude, since Islam is there since age old times, so are above problems.

        • GodIsGreat
          May 11, 2013 6:35 am

          Because Islam doesn’t need justification, plus if a person really cares to have the answer to the above question they will go to unbiased sources and not create stories just for the sake of bashing religion
          most people have a wrong impression about Islam and only those who truly understand will not only get all the answers but will start having respect for Islam. Most people only choose to see the bad in everything

  • GodIsGreat
    May 10, 2013 6:17 am


    Why most of the posts on this site are pertaining or look like “muslim damsels in distress” needing to be saved from satan himself.
    Are there no non-muslim girls who have problems marrying into another caste or religions?
    Are all non-muslim girls virgin?
    Do all non-muslim guys happily oblige to marry a girl who is not a virgin?
    Why are most of advice given by admins biased to the point that they bash Islam?
    Are all non muslim families liberal and open minded? (I hardly think so)
    Please stop this religion bashing. It makes the site seem biased

    • suma
      May 10, 2013 3:11 pm

      @ GodIsGreat ( says: May 10, 2013 at 6:17 am. Admin,Why most of the posts on this site are pertaining or look like “muslim damsels in distress” needing to be saved from satan himself.)

      Well that is very easy to answer-
      Q: ‘ why non-muslim girls don’t have any problems’.
      The issue is not the ‘problems’. Hindu , Christian, buddhist girls do have marital problems. The difference is that their problems are not related to or based on religion. Not arising from religion. Not supported and sanctioned by religion. The muslims women are told, ‘ you cant go to a shop alone, it is forbidden in Islam(Saudi Arabia)’ makes a good example. you cant go to school says Taliban citing Islam. You cant have 4 husbands but I can have 4 wives, because Islam said so. You cant show your elbows and knees because Islam said so. I can divorce you by just saying divorce thrice and paying the written alimony (in the marriage contract), but then you cant have divorce from me that easily. I can go on and on but there is no point, muslims don’t accept that there are too many problems with their faith. So go read,, ayaan hirsi alil, wafa sultan, nonie darwish etc etc muslim run blogs, and watch youtube clips etc and get enlightened yourself. Muslims are bombing all in the name of faith but not not from political ideology. For them religion and poiltics are same.

    • truth
      May 10, 2013 8:37 pm

      Mr god is great,

      first of all why all Muslims turn around and say this, religion bashing. Have you seen Muslim website, they are full of Christian,Jew,Hindus bashing. You muslims don’t say one word there, when someone raises a valid concern which technically is not bashing, you cry. What’s your problem?

      • GodIsGreat
        May 11, 2013 6:48 am

        Mr truth,

        I have seen many islamic websites, more than you can imagine and all of the responses on those site are peaceful. And there no question of not saying anything anywhere because muslims have the most imaan in their religion, for one simple reason Islam is such that you naturally aquire imaan. You simply cannot argue with a muslim over religion because its the truth Islam is the most perfect and logical religion.

        I used to be a Hindu girl and I know for a fact that even many non muslim girls have marital problem which are religion based. As for you talking about veiling or burqa, I personally don’t know any muslim who actually dislikes wearing a burqa. The logic? It saves them from eve teasing and molestation that happens in public places like trains, buses etc, which is exactly why burqa is mandatory. And as for the problems you are talking, those are the work of extremists and conspirators to say the least, they are not muslims but hypocrites

    • May 12, 2013 12:50 am

      Dear GIG,

      First, we are thankful to you for your excellent contributions. Agree that there are lots of anti-Islam talk on this site, but glad that you are balancing it. We are surprise why other Muslim intellectuals are shy to speak out on this forum.

      Q: Are there no non-muslim girls who have problems marrying into another caste or religions? A: There are Christian-Dharmic marriages but to very less extend. Unfortunately we do not have any good Jew-Hindu marriage to share.

      Q: Why are most of advice given by admins biased to the point that they bash Islam? A: Can you be more specific? We like to hear your guidance to all these HIndu-Muslim youths in love, lets talk there.

      Q: Please stop this religion bashing. It makes the site seem biased. A: Agree, but intellectuals like you are speaking out. Hang on here, we need you!

  • May 10, 2013 2:02 am

    Hi sister,

    Dont worry about HRS, every thing will be ok. I also got done this surgery about 6 years back to please by husband.But unfortunately, inspite of that I could pull on with him respectfully, as he was
    having already 2 wives, which was not disclosed to me earlier.

    Later, I got separated from him and married a Tamil Hindu boy, who was
    cooperative and good person when we met first time in a train in London.
    Our friendship grew and ultimately one day married about 1 year back. I have a loving son from him now and working in his office, as assistant.
    What I have observed that muslim husand treat their wife just as a sex toy both vaginal and anal sex. That ex husband was interested in oral and anal sex which I used to disobey and he feeling very bad and insulting since Koran says women are like fields to be ploughed like any thing.

    Good day.

    Reply at

  • May 10, 2013 12:51 am


    Dont worry. You are not guilty atall. It is the social evil prevailing in islamic community. Why males are not required to be virgin? why only female need to be virgin and prove the same on the wedding night and blood stained bed sheet is displayed as honour of the family. Is it honour, honour should be in real sense that male is also virgin.

    Male allowed to keep wives and even time only virgin wife is needed.
    So far as pre marital sex is concerned, it is all sitautional factors that lead to such act, may be ignorantly or emotinally or believing on some one. Muslim community is full of evils against females in the name of religion. HRS has become a routine matter even in hard core islamic countries where this business is flourishing. In other communities it is not the system to display bed sheets on the morning of wedding night.

    Dont worry, every thing will be ok. There are artificial hymen kit, which is cheap but it needs to be used very tactfully on the wedding night.

    Wishing you all the best.

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