Why Hindus…? Why Muslims…?

sampola says: June 24, 2013 at 6:49 am

Why hindu women are half nude in their dresses?
Why hindus called cow as their mother. I asked this question to my hindu friend he replied she gave them milk. But what Baffalo. it also gives you milk.
Why sushmita beging waseem akram to marry her.
why Gouri became a wife of Sharukh khan? And Rina Roy became a wife of Mohsin Khan?
Why there is casteism in hinduism only?
Why hindu women worship shivling? It seems their hindu men are gay? -Sampola
Why hindu …read Mac.

rangela says: May 18, 2014 at 5:23 am

why suzanne khan married to hrithik roshan?
why muslims take scents whenever go to mosque?
why muslims wear pathan-topi?
why muslims kill people in name of jihad?
why pedophiles are encouraged in muslims?
why muslims have no respect for women?
why muslims patronized prostitution in India?
why muslims want to take away beautiful indian girls?
why muslims worship a mound, it seems their men are LGBTs!?
why muslims give roses to allah? are they gays? roses are sign of romance
why muslims fight fiercely inbetween their faiths of shia and sunni? -Rangela

Also read: Muslim girl, Hindu boy, Shasha, Intolerants, Idols, pluralism, SRK-can you do it? Zakir Naik, Can Allah be the Father God? Hindu-Christian Married Life in America, Christian-Hindu marriages, Hindu-Jew marriages, Jain-Muslim marriages, Sikh-Muslim marriages, Brahmin-Muslim marriages, Hindu-Muslim marriages, Inter-race-Inter-faith marriages, Jew-Muslim marriages, Christian-Muslim marriages, Who is God?, Bollywood and Interfaith Marriages.
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  • June 11, 2014 5:01 am

    Dear readers

    There is a gigantic tie for the ten most evil teaching. There are 3,990 teachings of the Quran that are equally evil. All these teachings are immoral depravity. Not being words/teachings of Moral Perfection – the Quran is not Moral Perfection and therefore not from God, therefore Allah is not God but the AntiGod and Muhammad is no prophet. Following is a very small sample of further Quranic depravity.


    Quran 22:19-22: “fight and slay the Pagans, seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem” “for them (the unbelievers) garments of fire shall be cut and there shall be poured over their heads boiling water whereby whatever is in their bowels and skin shall be dissolved and they will be punished with hooked iron rods”


    Quran 2.178: “O you who believe! retaliation is prescribed for you in the matter of the slain, the free for the free, and the slave for the slave, and the female for the female, but if any remission is made to any one by his (aggrieved) brother, then prosecution (for the bloodwit) should be made according to usage, and payment should be made to him in a good manner; this is an alleviation from your Lord and a mercy; so whoever exceeds the limit after this he shall have a painful chastisement.”

    You kill one of my slaves, females or free man and I’ll kill one of your slaves, females or free man.


    Quran 5:38: “Cut off the hands of thieves, whether they are male or female, as punishment for what they have done-a deterrent from God: God is almighty and wise.” 39 “But if anyone repents after his wrongdoing and makes amends, God will accept his repentance: God is most forgiving and merciful.”


    Quran 5:45: “And We prescribed for them therein: The life for the life, and the eye for the eye, and the nose for the nose, and the ear for the ear, and the tooth for the tooth, and for wounds retaliation. But whoso forgoeth it (in the way of charity) it shall be expiation for him. Whoso judgeth not by that which Allah hath revealed such as wrong-doers.”


    Quran 8.12: “Remember thy Lord inspired the angels (with the message): “I am with you: give firmness to the Believers: I will instill terror into the hearts of the Unbelievers: smite ye above their necks and smite all their finger-tips off them.”

    There are 75 teachings of beheading in Quran.


    Quran-8:67: “It is not for any prophet to have captives until he hath made slaughter in the land. Ye desire the lure of this world and Allah desireth (for you) the Hereafter, and Allah is Mighty, Wise.” (Allah insisting Prophet to kill all the prisoners, and should not keep any surrendered prisoners alive until He (Prophet) occupied entire Arabia.)

    The Quran is a mine of most evil teachings human history has ever seen. Islam is out and out Evil in the Name of God™.

  • June 11, 2014 2:59 am

    Mac, BASTARD,


    Muhammad had sex with a dead woman to qualify her for the perks of a prophetic wife.

    According to Hadiths and Sayings of Prophet on issues of women in “Al-Jami Al-Saghir” written by Jalal ul-Din Al-Suyuti.

    Narrated by Ibn Abbas: “I (Muhammad) put on her my shirt that she may wear the clothes of heaven, and SLEPT with her in her coffin.”

    The prophet was referring to Fatima, the mother of Ali, his son-in-law. Commentators have offered differing views about the significance of Muhammad’s sleeping with the dead-body of Fatimah in her coffin, some emphasizing that it had no sexual side. But Arabic scholar Demetrius explains that to express Muhammad sleeping inside Fatima’s coffin with her dead-body, “The Arabic word used here is “Id’tajat”, which literally means “lay down to have sex.”

    Muhammad is also understood to have said that because he slept with her, she has become like a wife to his; so she will be considered like “mother of the believers”.

    After Muhammad slept with her and “consummated”, Medina women routinely offered themselves to Mohammad for sex so that the holy fluid of the prophet released into them will qualify them for paradise. Here is a hadith.


    Sahih Muslim, Book of Menstruation, Hadith 525:

    “Our companions have said if a penile head has penetrated a woman’s anus or penile anus, or an animal’s vagina or its anus, then it is necessary to wash…”

    Watch this video for more detailed discussion on this topic.


    Egyptian husbands may be legally allowed to have sex with their dead wives – for up to six hours after their death (sex performed after six hours will be considered adultery and the husband will be beheaded and buried with the wife)

    This law is part of measures being introduced by the Islamist-dominated parliament under ‘religious interpretations’. The subject of a husband having sex with his dead wife arose in May 2011 when Moroccan cleric Zamzami Abdul Bari said marriage remains valid even after death (Al Arabiya News)

  • mac
    June 1, 2014 7:42 pm

    In the Smriti(method of turning women back to virgins):”A woman who has been unchaste should worship Siva in his calm aspect, Siva who is Kama. Then she should summon a Brahmin and give herself to him, thinking, ‘This is Kama who has come for the sake of sexual pleasure.’ Andwhatever the Brahmin wishes, the sensuous woman should do. For thirteen months she should honour in this way any Brahmin who comes to the house for the sake of sexual pleasures, and there is no immorality in this for noble ladies or prostitutes.” — Matsya Purana 70:40-60; cf. Mahabharata III:2:23.

  • mac
    May 27, 2014 6:03 pm

    Rangella why suzane left hrithik even they having two nice kids??? why zia khan was killed/forced to suicide by her hindu boyfriend suroj panchali?? First u answer me and then i will answer all your questions.

    • Admin
      May 27, 2014 7:10 pm

      We don’t know. Can you explain?

      • mac
        May 30, 2014 1:30 am

        Foolish Admin ur comment”We don’t know. Can you explain?”- can i ask why you didn`t ask the same question to Rangeela, why you(admin) can`t b liberal

  • May 18, 2014 8:30 am

    We see problems and limitations in ALL faiths.

    If you are in love relationship with someone from other faith, best would be to interpret all these in its context and take the best and live the rest for others.

    For sure, keep religious labeling and conversion business out of interfaith marriages with equality.

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