Hindus on Abrahamics?

InterfaithShaadi has written on Bible, Koran and Torah on Hindus. To be fair to all, here we have included what Hindu scriptures say on Christians, Muslims and Jews (Abrahamic). If you could think of other Hindu scriptures against Abrahamic, please add below. Here, Isvara means God (or Allah, LORD God or the Father God).

mac says: September 19, 2014 at 1:23 am

Vedas, Manu on Muslims, Christians and Jews.

***Atharva Veda 20.96.4 …he slays, unasked, the enemies of Vedas.
***Atharva Veda 2.12.6 …Burn down the enemies of Vedas.
***Atharva Veda 20.93.1 …destroy the enemies of Vedas
***Rig Veda 6.22.8 …burn down the enemies of God, Vedas and the malice…
***Rig Veda 6.72.1 …ye killed all darkness and the Gods’ blasphemers.
***Rig Veda 6.52.3 …cast your destroying weapon for the destruction of the enemies of Veda, wealth and crops.

Rig Veda 2.23.14 Burn up the disbelievers with thy fiercest (showing a heartfelt and powerful intensity.) flaming brand, those who have scorned thee in thy manifested might…

Rig Veda 2.23.4 …and preservest men; distress o’ertakes not him who offers gifts to thee. You burns up the enemies of Vedas and Ishwar

Rig Veda 2.23.8 …Strike, O Brhaspati, the Gods’ revilers [or enemies] down, and let not the unrighteous come to highest bliss.

Rig Veda 6.61.3 Thou castest down, Sarasvati, those who scorned the Gods…

”Godly persons shall always be ready to kill irreligious people” -[Kshemkarandas Trivedi (Arya Samaj) on Atharva Veda 12.5.62, page 576] -Arya Samaj Website

Atharva Veda 12.5.54 ‘Vedic followers should destroy infidels”- page 574 Arya Samaj Website


The entire hymn of Atharva 2.19 is dedicated in burning those who hate Ishwar and to whom Ishwar hates.

Atharva Veda 10.3.3 This charm shall conquer and cast down thy foemen. Be thou the first to slay the men who hate thee.

”…O Rohita (King) agitate destroy and entangle in snares the man doing wrong to Brahman.” Atharva Veda 13.3.1, Tr. Vaidyanath Shastri.

Atharva Veda 12.5.52 Rend, rend (tear something into pieces.) to pieces, rend away, destroy, destroy him utterly. Destroy Angirasi! the wretch who robs and wrongs the Brahmans, born.

Atharva Veda 2.19.1 Burn thou, O Agni, with that heat of thine against the man who hates us, whom we hate.

Manu Smriti 8.417 A Brahmana may confidently seize the goods of (his) Sudra (slave); for, as that (slave) can have no property, his master may take his possessions.

”…By him we attack on him who hates us and whome we abhor(regard with disgust and hatred.). We overthrow and slay him through this knowledge, through this act and through this fatal weapon.” Atharva Veda 10.5.15

Atharva Veda 10.5.25 …from earth we bar him who hates us and whom we hate.

”O resplendent Lord, brave and opulant, protect us this day against our foes with many and excellent defences, may the vile wretch who hates us fall before us; May the breath of life depart from him whom we hate.” Rig Veda 3.53.21, Tr. SatyaPrakash Saraswati, Vol 4, page 1237

Yajur Veda 15.15 This one in front, golden-tressed, with sunbeams; the leader of his host and his chieftain are Rathagritsa and Rathaujas, and Puñjikasthalâ: and Kratusthalâ his Apsarases. Biting animals are his weapon, homicide his missile weapon; to them be homage: may they protect us, may they have mercy upon us. In their jaws we place the man whom we hate and who hates us.

”May you (O love divine), the beholder of the path of enlightenment, purifying our mind and destroying the infidels who refuse to offer worship, come and stay in the prime position of the eternal sacrifice.”- Rig Veda 9.13.9, Tr. SatyaPrakash Saraswati, Vol 11, page 3619

”May the fire divine chase away those infidels, who do not perform worship and who are uncivil in speech. They are niggards, unbelievers, say no tribute to fire divine and offer no homage. The fire divine turns those godless people far away who institute no sacred ceremonies.”- Rig Veda 7.6.3, Tr. SatyaPrakash Saraswati, Vol 8, page 2369

”Augmenting the strength of resplendent self, urging the waters and rejuvenating all noble acts and destroying the infidels.”- Rig Veda 9.63.5, Tr. SatyaPrakash Saraswati, Vol 11, page 3715

One who does not offer Sacrifice is inhuman ”May your friend, the cloud, hurl that infidel down from heaven who differs from us in rites and rituals, is inhuman, who does not observe fire sacrificials, and who does not show reverence to Nature’s bounties.”- Rig Veda 8.70.11, Tr. SatyaPrakash Saraswati, Vol 10, page 3319

”O Lord of knowledge, this laudation is for you…destroy the godless and the malice of our enemy.”- Rig Veda 7.97.9, Tr. SatyaPrakash Saraswati, Vol 8, page 2613

Rig Veda 1.84.8 When will he trample, like a weed, the man [Infidel] who hath no gift for him…

”When, with his foot, will he trample the unworshipping man like a mushroom”- Nirukta 5.17

”May our hymns please you; O lord of resolute will power, please display your bounty. May you drive off the infidels. May you crush with your foot the niggard churls who offer no homage. You are powerful; there is none so powerful as you are.”- Rig Veda 8.64.1-2, Tr. SatyaPrakash Saraswati, Vol 10, page 3289

”May you roaring flames, O adorable Lord, be manifest in the sky as sharp weapons, to destroy infidels. In his exhilaration may his shining splendour inflict destruction. The godless hands try to bind him from all sides but do not succeed.”- Rig Veda 5.2.10, Tr. SatyaPrakash Saraswati, Vol 3, page 1571

The powerful flowing elixir…It is the conferer of wealth, the king of vigour; It crushes malignities and harasses the enemies.”- Rig Veda 9.79.10, Tr. SatyaPrakash Saraswati, Vol 11, page 3857.

Both the heaven and earth shudder when you, O the resplendent Lord, uttering your fearful roar, crush down the infidel.- Rig Veda 8.76.11, Tr. Satya Prakash Sarawati, Vol 10, p.3343.

”Let this war drum made of wood, muffled with leather straps, dear to all the persons of human race and bedewed with ghee, speak terror to our foemen.” Atharva Veda 5.21.3, Tr. Vaidyanath Shastri.

”May you bring near to us those who stand aloof; may you strike terror into our foes; o pure flowing elixir, please transfer their riches to us.”- Rig Veda 9.19.6, Tr. SatyaPrakash Saraswati and Satyakam Vidyalankar, Vol 11 p.3631.

”He is an ideal commander of the army, who is swift, keeps his arms sharpened, fearless like a strong bull, a zealous killer of foes, strikes terror in men…”- Yajur Veda 17.33, Tr. Devi Chand, p.181.

”Let the King [Varuna] and Manyu, the warm emotion give us the wealth of both kinds-earned and gathered. Let our enemies overwhelmed with terror in their mind and spirit and defeated in their design run away.” Atharva Veda 4.31.7, Tr. Vaidyanath Shastri.

Nirukta 10.21 …These are hemistichs. Like a spear hurled, it
inspires terror (among enemies) or courage (among friends)…

”We learned persons accept as our ruler, thee, the introducer of new plans for our advancement, the master of loyal subjects, the embodiment of virtue, the most advanced in noble qualities and acts, the queller of the irreligious…”- Yajur Veda 7.36, Tr. Devi Chand, page 77

”…This fourth warrior, full of delight, should subdue the irreligious foes.”- Yajur Veda 7.44, Tr. Devi Chand, page 79.

”O king, make progress in thy duty of administration, extend happiness to the virtuous. O terrible chastiser, burn down the irreligious foes. O splendid person, humiliate and consume utterly like dried up stubble, him, who encourages our foe.”- Yajur Veda 13.12, Tr. Devi Chand, p.138.

Atharva Veda 11.2.23 He who dwells fixed in the atmosphere, smiting (strike with a firm blow.) the blasphemers of the god [or enemies of god] that do not sacrifice, to him be reverence with ten sakvarî−stanzas!

Atharva Veda 12.5.62 ”Rend, rend to bits, rend through and through, scorch (burn the surface of (something) with flame or heat.) and consume and burn to dust, the one who rejects the Vedas”

Hindu god Vishnu says,

”When the glorious Vishnu heard their prayers he emitted from his person an illusory form wliich he gave to the celestials and said. “This illusory form shall so deceive the Daityas, that being led astray from the path of the Vedas, they shall be slain (kill a person or animal in a violent way.) ; for all gods, demons and others, who shall transgress the authority of the Veda, shall perish by my prowess which I exercise for the preservation of the universe. Go then ; be not affraid ; this illusory form shall go before you. celestials, it shall be of great service to you, this day.”- Vishnu Purana 3.17

Killing Women and Children

*Atharva Veda 11.2.21 Do not covet our cattle, our men, our goats and sheep! Bend thy course elsewhere, O strong god (ugra), slay the offspring of the blasphemers!

*Rig Veda 10.118.8 So, Agni, with thy glowing face burn fierce against the female fiends, Shining among Uruksayas.

”To him, who is the performer of all deeds, the possessor and giver of strength, the truly powerful Lord, we offer devotional prayers. He a highwayman, snatches wealth from the godless exploiters and gives it to honest devotees.”- Rig Veda 1.103.6, Tr. SatyaPrakash Saraswati, Vol II, page 339.

Rig Veda 1.93.4 Agni and Soma, famed is that your. prowess wherewith ye stole the kine, his food, from Pani…

”The elixir of divine love flows onward, chasing the malignant, and driving off the withholders of wealth and thus it proceeds to the holy abode of the resplendent Lord.”- Rig Veda 9.61.25, Tr. SatyaPrakash Saraswati, Vol 9, page 3705

‘O bounteous Lord, pious devotees, skilled in reciting hymns, sing their songs to you for your adoration. May you select us also to join them who by their homage to you, have become entitled to appropriate the riches of infidels‘.- Rig Veda 7.19.9, Tr. Satya Prakash Saraswati, Vol 8, p.2409.

‘Leave us not in this conflict as a bearer of load; snatch up the wealth of infidels and give it to us.’- Rig Veda 8.75.12, Tr. Satya Prakash Saraswati, Vol 10, p.3339

”…May you come to bless our fire ritual. May you having scattered all our adversaries, bring to us the possessions of our foeman.”- Rig Veda 5.4.5, Tr. SatyaPrakash Saraswati, page 1579

”Having destroyed all assailants, bring to us the treasures of our enemies, i.e. having destroyed the forces of our adversaries, bring to us the treasures or the food from the homes of our enemies.”- Nirukta 4.5

”Give us not, O showerer of benefits, to the wicked. Relying upon your friendship, O Lord of riches, may we remain unharmed. Many are the boons you distribute amongst men; may you demolish those who make no libation, and root out those who present no offerings.”- Rig Veda 6.44.11, Tr. SatyaPrakash Saraswati, Vol 7, page 2101.

Rig Veda 1.176.4 Slay everyone who pours no gift, who, hard to reach, delights thee not. Bestow on us what wealth he hath: this even the worshipper awaits

Rig Veda 1.81.9 …Discover thou, as Lord, the wealth of men who offer up no gifts: bring thou to us this wealth of theirs.

Atharva Veda 20.93.2 Crush with thy foot the niggard churls who bring no gifts. Might art thou: There is not one to equal thee.

Atharva Veda 20.56.6 These people, Indra, keep for thee all that is worthy of thy choice. Discover thou, as Lord, the wealth of men who offer up no gifts: bring thou to us this wealth of theirs.

When two large, mutually defiant hosts, emulous in corporal vigour, contest, may you destroy the godless in favour of the god fearing and in favour of the person who pours out devotional sentiments.”- Rig Veda 7.93.5, Tr. SatyaPrakash Saraswati, Vol 8 , page 2601

Rig Veda 4.25.7 (Indra), the drinker of the effused Soma, contracts no friendship with the wealthy trader who offers not any libation; he takes away his wealth; destroys him when destitute; but he is a special (friend) to him who presents the libation and oblation.

”O bounteous Lord, of what avail are the cattle of infidels to you. Neither they yield milk nor do these faithless persons kindle sacred fire. May you bring wealth of these unbelievers to us and give us possession of people of low mortality and crush them.”- Rig Veda 3.53.14, Tr. SayaPrakash Saraswati, Vol 4, page 1235.

Nirukta 6.32 What are the cows doing in Kikata? Kikata is the name of a country where the non-Aryans dwell. Non-Aryan tribes are (so called because it is said),’What have they done? Or their assumption is that religious rites are useless. They neither get the milk to mix with the soma, nor kindle fire.

Maharishi Manu says that a Brahmin can even kill anyone who hurts him without bringing notice to the King.

Manu Smriti 9.31-33 A Brahmana who knows the law need not bring any (offence) to the notice of the king; by his own power alone be can punish those men who injure him. His own power is greater than the power of the king; the Brahmana therefore, may punish his foes by his own power alone. Let him use without hesitation the sacred texts, revealed by Atharvan and by Angiras; speech, indeed, is the weapon of the Brahmana, with that he may slay his enemies. -mac

Truth about Hindus

Please read these articles written by InterfaithShaadi: Koran on Hindus?, Bible on Hindus?,Hindus, Abrahamics and Intolerants, Can Allah be the Father God?, A Jealous and Angry God, One God, Allah?, Idol Worshippers: Who is and Who is Not, Circumcision: Science or Superstition? , Saif and Kareena: Religion and Marriage, Religious Conversion for Marriage, Ten Points of Interfaith Dating , FAQ on Interfaith Marriage, 45% of Muslims Marry outside their faith, 38% of Hindus marry Abrahamics,Hindu-Muslim marriages, Hindu girl/boy, Muslim girl/boy, Hindu-Christian Marriage, Hindu-Jew marriages, Follow Jesus not the church.
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  • mac
    November 24, 2014 12:31 am

    bhagvat gita chapter 2 verse 31-33

    31. “Considering your specific duty as a Kshatriya, you should know that there is no better engagement for you than fighting on religious principles, so there is no need for hesitation.”

    32. “O Partha, happy are the Kshatriya to whom such fighting opportunities come unsought, opening for them the door of the heavenly planets”.

    33. “If however, you do not fight this religious war, then you will certainly incur sin, for neglecting your, <b.duties, and thus loose your reputation as a fighter”.

    So it says you should kill irreligious people to enter into heaven easily and if you don`t fight then you are sinner, right admin,

  • mac
    November 24, 2014 12:05 am

    Admin please add this

    from gita

    Arjun: “How can we be happy by slaying our own friends, relatives or even the noble elders. Because even after killing</b< them, we will only enjoy the blood stained pleasures in the form of wealth and sense-enjoyments.”
    Krishna: “Happy are the warriors who obtain such an unsolicited opportunity for war which opens the door to heaven. Stand up and perform your duty and, therefore, fight with peace in thy soul.”

    and please do darken the word as i have darken so that readers get a better reading jus like you did with quran,bible

    • November 24, 2014 7:17 am

      Keep digging, bring more.

      • mac
        November 25, 2014 3:31 am

        so what you meant by that

        • November 25, 2014 6:54 am

          Are you done explaining Geeta on Abrahamics? Or there are more to come?

          • mac
            November 27, 2014 5:35 am

            As per Gita, Krishna was the first terrorist of this world .In 11:32, Krishna mentions that he has come to this world to destroy all people (i.e. millions of people in the battlefield), except few. Only twelve warriors, including Krishna & Arjuna, survived the war.
            Only a terrorist can think so.Only 12 persons should live and all others should die.
            Its sound like a deadly terrorist , OMG!!!

            The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: Time I am, the great destroyer of the worlds, and I have come here to destroy all people. With the exception of you [the Pandavas],Bhagvat Gita Ch 11 verse 32 http://www.bhagavad-gita.us/category/bhagavad-gita-chapter-11/page/3/

  • October 17, 2014 8:46 am


    I am not trying to mislead like you. I have suffered realities of islamic evil for years. I am on on this site since 5th June 2012 and writing logical texts on realities. You say so many times that Koran does not say this thing or that thing but even then same things are happening in the name of islam throughout the world.

    How recently thousands of girls and women from Syria have been made
    slaves in the name of Koran? Why maulvies and imam are training terrorists in Mosques, Madarasas, brain washing innocents and dragging them in the terrorists activities? How boko haram kidnapped thousands of school girls and still no trace of them?

    Every madarasa or mosque is the center of terrorist activities.

    • mac
      November 16, 2014 11:51 pm

      Sabana, you are misleading, i am confonrting here , you people come and give a false,fabricated info and then run away

      I didn`t say anything which is unquranic,or hadith of islam(as per best of my knowledge), i may have made mistake….

      You writing are not logical, your writings are illogical,stupid,bigotic,ok

      you said “Every madarasa or mosque is the center of terrorist activities.” now readers make your mind whether the madarsa or mosque(islamic center) you attended tought you terrorists activities, if not then shabana is a bigot, and her writings are not logical.

      Rapes heppen in mandirs,ashrams by pujari,babas, so is it logical to say every mandir is rape center. Even malegaon and dargah bomb blast were planned by rss leaders in a amndir, but media and bigot like you never potryed that every mandir is a terrorist making center

      Islam is what defined by quran and in some extent hadith, not by individuals sayings, so your another stupid argument failed.

      Not maulavis imam, a true maulivi imam never preaches terrorism, and in syria its your god USA who funded terrorists(then known as syrian rebels and now known as ISIL/ISIS/IS), gave them arms to destroy peaceful asad regime, same way they did in libya, they funded libyan alquida, gave them arms and now calls the, terrorists, these are CIA agent not islamic, we don`t support them

      Finally, i am telling you that your knowledg about islam is very very less, infact you don`t have basic knowledge about islam except copy pasting.
      Thanks 🙂

  • mac
    October 17, 2014 12:53 am

    Admin, i think you are a reader of deceiving anti islaic site answeringislam.org , now see what happened to it http://www.muslim-responses.com/rebuttals_to_answering_islam, now i realsed why you can`t answer a follow up reply coz you follow these sites who don`t know what they are writting

  • October 15, 2014 9:04 am

    Dear readers,

    There are 6 requirements for Islam to be from God:

    1. Every word of the Quran must be Moral Perfection. If just one word is immoral then the Quran is not from God but from man and ALL Islam is fraudulent.

    2. God cannot have as his prophet – a criminal receiving divine teachings otherwise God is equally guilty in all the crimes committed by his prophet and therefore is no longer Moral Perfection and therefore no longer God. ALL Islam would be fraudulent. The Sunna must be Moral Perfection. If just 1 Hadith is immoral evil then ALL Islam is fraudulent.

    3. It is central to Islam that Sharia Law is the divine constitution of God. To be so EVERY teaching of Sharia Law must be Moral Perfection. If only one teaching is immoral then ALL Islam is fraudulent and not from God.

    4. The equality of women with men, all human beings with each other, non -Muslims with Muslims is the very essence of a God of Moral Perfection. If there is just one word of inequality in the Quran, or Hadith or Sharia Law then ALL Islam is fraudulent and not from God.

    5. There can be not one word in the Quran or one Hadith or one Sharia Law teaching of slavery or sex slaves. Any word of God approving in any way of slavery, sex slaves, rape or Muhammad owning or trading in slaves or raping any woman including his wives or approving of his followers to own, trade or rape any human being or heavenly virgins then ALL Islam is fraudulent and not from God.

    6. In order for the Quran to be the divine word of God EVERY word must be translatable into EVERY language of the world. The word of God must be clear and for all mankind. There can be no mis -interpretation of God’s word. Any claim that any word of the Quran is being mis-interpretated or taken out of context or is not translatable then the Quran is the work of a man and that man was Muhammad. AND ALL ISLAM IS FRAUDULENT.

    • mac
      October 17, 2014 12:39 am

      Sabana or what ecer your real name is, you copied it nicely from chrsitian missonary site, inlike chand osmani who keeps some and paste some, but you are honest in this case, tell me if islam is fraud then which one is right, bible(more than 100 errors), vedas,gita or what, or atheism(thosands of questions yet to be answered)

  • October 13, 2014 6:38 am

    Dear readers,

    Since God is Moral Perfection, every word, every teaching of God must be Moral Perfection. If only one word/teaching of the Quran is not Moral Perfection – TRANSLATABLE Moral Perfection – Moral Perfection for all mankind for all time, then the entire Quran is not a work of Moral Perfection and therefore, not the word/teachings of God and therefore, Islam is totally and completely false. Any claim that the any word of the Quran is being mis-interpretated or taken out of context or is not translatable then the Quran is the work of a man and that man was Muhammad. Every word – every teaching must be non-violent. There can be no word/teachings of war, terror, extermination, torture, brutality, rape, murder, revenge. There can be no words of hate – no hateful teachings. Again, every word – every teaching must be Moral Perfection. If only one word, one teaching is violent – one word/teaching of war – if, there is only one word of hate – if only one hateful teaching – if only one violent or hateful thought, if only one word – one teaching that is not Moral Perfection then the entire Quran is not a work of Moral Perfection and therefore, not the word/teaching of God. God cannot have some perfect teachings and other teachings that are imperfect. In order to be the divine word of God, the entire Quran must be a work of Moral Perfection – the perfect moral word/teachings of a perfect moral God of Moral Perfection. Again, any word/teachings in the Quran and all Islamic texts (written or verbal) that are not Moral Perfection are not the word/teachings of God – a God of Moral Perfection but the word/teachings of man – the word/teachings of Muhammad and his phony Allah (the AntiGod) and ALL Islam is fraudulent.



    Following is a broad overview of the Quran:

    All teachings recorded in the Quran of extermination, war, murder, mass murder, killing, death and destruction, violence, terror, rape, unlimited sex with sex slaves, hate, violent jihad, terrorism, torture, brutality, savagery, maiming, beheading, wife beating, inferiority of women, honor killings, stoning, cutting off limbs, child sex, women as instruments of sexual pleasure in paradise, Sharia law, bigotry, intolerance, extortion, slavery, mutilations, looting, pillaging, sexual depravity, child molestation, oppression and subordination of women, inequality of kafirs, inequality of any human being, that kafirs can be murdered and their property stolen as a holy duty, that Muslims who renounce Islam can be killed, that Muslims (or anyone) who challenge the teachings of Islam can be murdered, that believers who slay and are slain in the service of God will ascend to a sexual Paradise of lustrous eyed, voluptuous breasted virgins who they can sexually molest for all eternity are immoral, evil and irrational and not the perfect, moral teachings of God – a God of Moral Perfection – a God of all pure love, peace and mercy – but again – the teachings of Allah (the AntiGod) – the teachings of Muhammad.

    To record in a Holy Book – the Quran – teachings of extermination, war, rape, slavery, looting, pillaging, hate, terror, etc. is a very great evil. The Quran is the most evil, evilest book ever written in human history. Just declaring that such immoral, evil teachings in the Quran are the eternal, divine word of God is evil incarnate and an obscenity against everything God stands for – a blasphemy and a crime against God himself. Again, Islam is a total and complete rejection of God, a very great sin and crime against God.

    Killing, murder, slaughter, rape, looting are all crimes to all normal, rational human beings. Murder is not a multicultural difference. Religion is supposed to represent the best of mankind not the worst.

    The most quoted Quranic verse by ISIS is:


    YUSUFALI: “Therefore, when ye meet the Unbelievers (in fight), smite at their necks; At length, when ye have thoroughly subdued them, bind a bond firmly (on them): thereafter (is the time for) either generosity or ransom: Until the war lays down its burdens. Thus (are ye commanded): but if it had been Allah’s Will, He could certainly have exacted retribution from them (Himself); but (He lets you fight) in order to test you, some with others. But those who are slain in the Way of Allah, – He will never let their deeds be lost.”

  • freethinker
    October 12, 2014 9:51 am

    Mac , give links for all your posts , we are not muslims hence not dickheads to believe on your shit ..

    • mac
      October 17, 2014 1:11 am

      who cares about you, why don`t you visit arya samaj and ask them to give you a fee copy of vedas, i don`t care if you don`t believe in this, i have given reference, you can compare it with your vedas,gita

  • mac
    October 8, 2014 11:10 pm

    but what about your wrong information that quran came from purana and shalom and oom are same thing

    • chandan.j
      October 9, 2014 12:56 am

      Dear mac
      howdo u say that iam hindu and ur muslim because u use logic that im talking about hindu belief and u about islam .same applys for my information.sanatan dharma has oldest books in history and sanskrit oldest language.puranas are also old books.the meaning of purana is
      puran+nav mean old and new that is everlasting.when phrophet muhammad says idolatory is not good drinking is haram giving money on interest is haram somebody should be following this.u know mohammad great grandfathers were prayin pagan gods.u can apply ur logic here about naming the holy book .just think why were sanskrit words were taken by many languages example matra is mother
      Bathra became brother.we have net today to search for truth.

      • chandan.j
        October 9, 2014 1:14 am

        Dear mac
        In some religions they say their way of preaching is the only way to find god happiness paradise bliss is like saying 4×4=16 not 8×2=16 not( 7×2)+2=16. This show all leads to one answer that is one god .ways are different destination is one.
        I think u agree with it

        • mac
          October 17, 2014 1:13 am

          i agree with you but quran means recitation where as as per your given meaning of puran it is no where near the meaning of quran.

  • chandan.j
    October 6, 2014 9:51 pm

    Dear admin
    This is for mac specially the concept
    of doing namaz 5times a day is very
    Good concept.in olden days people use to pray once in the morning and go to work and committ lots of sins and that is reason why islam says to pray
    5times a day which will avoid them from doing wrong.good thinking in islam

    • mac
      October 7, 2014 10:34 pm

      buddy your views about namaz is somewhat not accurate.

  • chandan.j
    October 5, 2014 11:31 pm

    Ramazan,moharam all have the word ram
    In it guess why.

    • mac
      October 7, 2014 10:41 pm

      Chandan.j , sorry to say but please don`t follow rss sponsored site which gives information like Ram is there is Ramzan, Christianity came from krishna-nity etc etc, even i found one hindu website where it says mohammad came from moha dev, brahma had relation with abram(abraham), sarah with saraswati, but what problem i find is that sarah is wife of abraham where as saraswati is daughter of brahma, same way krsihna was not crucified but jesus was crucified, so due to lack of knowledge of hindus on abrahamic or middle eastern religion they are making such funny statement, suppose if i say sanatan came from satan(evil), which is actually not true as sanatan means old,original or from beginning.. where as satan means evil, so here we see how we can play with these type words

      • chandan.j
        October 8, 2014 1:57 pm

        Dear mac u were right about satan shaitan taken from sanatan to show hindu as evil.i just tried to tell most the words are taken from sanskrit and ramayan and mahabharat are oldest books in world before other religions.hindus believe the world is one family . Please check it
        Out.about people not knowing about religion in hindus i agree with u many dont know it thats why they are converting.

        • mac
          October 8, 2014 9:38 pm

          i didn`t tried to show hinduism as evil i just showed you that sanatan word can be mutilated into satan ,satan is evil where as sanatan means eternal,original,old,etc,etc. so my point was that hindus those are showing that christianity came from krishna, abraham and brahma, saraswati and sarah,mohammad and moha dev have relation are nothing but fools, they should check the reality

  • chandan.j
    October 5, 2014 9:38 pm

    Dear mac
    We have four vedas rig yajur sama atharva.but hindus dont follow atharva veda.we believe muslims follow atharva veda.because vedas the oldest book in thr world.

    • chandan.j
      October 5, 2014 9:47 pm

      The word quran taken from purana , p was replaced by q.i said all religions taken their knowlede from sanatan dharma. For example even in
      Christianity the story of abraham and sara is from hindu beliefs.shift the letter a’to last in word it spells brahma and sara is short form of saraswati first four letters

      • chandan.j
        October 5, 2014 9:54 pm

        U have taken only some verses to proveyourself good.but wat about so many others.please see good in all religions not bad.sameway people showing some verses from quran and saying its not good shud not be encouraged.preachers are human they can do mistake not god.believe in allah truth shall win.god bless u.

        • mac
          October 7, 2014 10:50 pm

          mu point was about admin dual standard, admin gave selected verses saying torah,NT,quran on hindus same way i said vedas,manu,gita also goes against muslim,christians,jews, thats all

      • mac
        October 7, 2014 10:47 pm

        i said earlier and again telling you, please don`t five such craps, millions of people may read your comment, quran didn`t came from purana, i don`t know the meaning of purana but quran means recitation, got it. One thing i learned from this site is that hindus are not only blind about others religion but also blind about their own religion, so sad

    • mac
      October 8, 2014 4:10 am

      LOL, all four vedas are filled with filthy,dirty things, who said muslim follow atharva veda, are you mad….
      and rig veda has more killing verse than atharva veda

      • chandan.j
        October 8, 2014 2:08 pm

        Dear mac
        If u have any knowledge about vedas please let me know.for that u have to
        read them once.i have not spoken one thing wrong about islam not because i
        like it but respect ur sentiments .that is the difference between u and me.i look out for much tolerance from
        U for other faiths.we share good things about each other is good for everybody.if u expect respect u should give .law of karma.

        • mac
          October 8, 2014 9:45 pm

          you said muslim follow artharva veda, on what basis you said this, anyway, don`t take my comment personally, i am only giving reply to your comment, i respect you and your views, actually first time i saw a decent hindu guy and its you…

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