Hindu: My Wife is Muslim in Fiji

Shaneil says: November 9, 2017 at 6:43 pm
Hi Sana,

My wife is from a muslim background here in Fiji. We couldn’t do wedding in religious way due to restrictions in islam. We only did legal marriage and a reception. Both our parents were present during our reception party. It has been 14 years and she just enjoys my culture to every bit of it. We have two kids. Here we cant discriminate anyone according to their race, religion, culture etc but it does happens with some who are very very strict to their religion.

Religion is enforced on us by our parents. We are not born hindu or muslim. If you were born in a hindu family, you would be practicing hinduism. Our birth place and religion we practice is due to our Karma. (Rewards from past actions). Have you noticed that there are little children in remote villages in India or Iraq suffering due to malnutrition. And there’s children in USA eating twice their limit and living a luxury life. Should we blame god for the kids that are suffering? No, God is not testing anybody. It is because of the law of Karma at work.
Regarding your marriage with your lover, you have spent 12 long years in a live in relationship and it proves that both of you are faithful to each other. The marriage is between you and your partner and not your parents. You will have to spend your entire life with your husband and not with your parents. Your parents will grow old and die but your husband will be with you always. Nobody has ever witnessed God coming down and enforcing rules on people on whom to marry or not to marry.
If you accept to settle with him, then do not practice two faiths as it will create conflict when you have children.
If you truly love him, accept him, his culture and be faithful to him forever. Unless he wants to follow yours which i might doubt from him. Your partner is also a creation of the same almighty god who has created you and marrying him is not breaking his rules. Only difference is he was born in different culture. After all you have lived with him for 12 years and just need to sign off papers and call him your husband. Best Wishes. -Shaneil

More information: Hindu-Muslim Marriage, Sharia, Muslim-Hindu marriages, Hindu-Muslim lovers’ experiences, Koran on Hindus? Hindu girl-Muslim boy, Marriage & Divorce laws.
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  • Gokusan
    January 19, 2019 11:26 pm

    Just because they are doing that does not imply it is right. They are doing shirk by associating themselves with hinduism which is paganism and associating itself to Islam is shirk a highest form of sin. And if she willingly and knowingly goes against it then she is a Kaffir as far as I read.

  • Shaneil
    November 12, 2017 5:15 pm

    Hi Admin,

    In world news i read about hindus destroying mosques in Indian states and about deadly riots in kashmir. This never happened in my region. I have noticed Hindu-Muslim unity depends on the geographical location. If you live in a country in my region such as Australia, New Zealand ,Fiji, there is more tolerance. People here have been influenced by the western culture, they work together and respect each other. If a religious sect tries to show supremacy, they will be looked down at. Although there are few who are bit of extremists mostly the migrants.If there is diwali, muslims join their hindu friends in the celebration and likewise during eid. You will see on facebook posts different faiths of people posting comments during any religious celebrations. Muslim girls in beautiful attires during diwali. Unlike in arab or any islamic countries which may be very rare.
    My wife’s parents who are muslims had doubts that our marriage might work but later on when they noticed that we are living a happy life, they gave their support. If i place myself in their position, naturally we will have such thoughts as theirs. My muslim neighbours and friends just don’t bother about us at all.

    • November 14, 2017 9:26 pm

      We are proud of you, you are a role model for many. We do not understand what conversion has to do with true love?

  • Dr. Sana Ansar
    November 10, 2017 5:36 am

    Hi I am Dr Sana from Lahore Pakistan i done my MBBS and started job in hospital there i neet with neeraj sweeper of our hospital from a poor hindu family everyone there in hosp used to speak rude with him just because of his religion and his race being him so black in color but when he become my peon i found him quite noble and submissive and i always beave well with him which he also noticed then soon we became close due to my status of being doctor here i could not express this to anyone but he n i know that we were frndz he was afraid of me because i am rich and doctor here but he is sweeper here but i asked him not to speak any one when ever i got chance i slipped him in my room there we eat together and some times due to my boldness or u can say my love for him we played romance game there but it was not proper place to love for and person like him can make anyone violent towards me or him so we decide to go his place there i allowed him to take me virginity he refused initially but i made his mind that all my body and status is yours then we did passionate sex and i became woman from girl by the hand of neeraj my sweeper and my love soon we are paining to marry and flay towards some peaceful place

    • mac
      November 11, 2017 3:40 pm

      Okay nice fake story

  • November 9, 2017 8:33 pm

    Hi Shaneil,
    We are happy to learn of your happy married life, best wishes.

    We heard Hindu-Muslim unity was good in earlier days but lately there are many divisions and intolerance towards each other. Is that true?

    How are Muslim parents and Fiji Muslim community toward your marriage union?

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