Ray says: November 8, 2017 at 8:07 pm
Hi Sana, i am a hindu and my wife is from a muslim family. At first my wife’s parents were uneasy but when they met me, they liked me. Lucky us.
My wife didn’t know much about hinduism and neither she followed much of islam. Later on in our 11 years of married life, she did research on hinduism online and on videos and learnt a lot about the culture. She got to understand that God is one but with different powers and not many as some people perceive that hindu’s worship many gods. She now lives a western life.Wear all sort of clothes and she celebrates diwali in much big way than my relatives.
Regarding yourself, 12 years with him is too much. You have already broken the rules of islam. Leaving him and marrying someone else wont guarantee a happy life because your new partner will find it hard to accept your past. But, If you feel that you will not be able to adapt to your lover’s culture, better leave him and move on. If you have kids, what name will you give them? If you feel that you would be ok to learn and adapt his religion and culture, so be it. Go on. Go and settle with him. Later in life once you live a happy life, both your parents will cool down.You are not the only one in this situation. They are many who have broken the rules at home and settled with the person they love. But the rule of the thumb is that you have to follow same culture else it wont work. -Ray
Ray says: November 14, 2017 at 3:54 pm
Hi Admin, Sorry, i write too much. we had both islam and hindu wedding. My father inlaw had passed way when we were still dating. My mother inlaw said that her husband had promised her daughter that he would marry her to a boy of her choice regardless of the faith because every human is a creation of god. She didn’t want her daughter to elope with me and later on people look down at their family. She was binded by her husbands promise and requested me to attend a very short nikah ritual. Damn i was so nervous to my stomach during the nikah. I accepted it (Islam) and did it. My entire family and friends were there sitting around me. During my nikah, i noticed hindu and muslim unity. Later on in life when i researched about islam, i realized it was not right what i did. I didn’t fake the nikah but only did what i was asked. I should have just done legal and a reception party but still it would have been against my mother inlaws will. I would suggest to anyone just to do legal and throw in a big party.
Admin, i just read the link you attached in your reply asking if she is a true Muslim.
My wife no longer practices islam. Once a person starts to live a western life, its hard for them to follow strict culture. Wearing two piece clothes on the beach at the resorts and drinking till she gives up, my wife knows she cant look back at islam. She knows more then any ordinary hindu about hinudism after watching religious show on TV Channels such as Colors, Zee TV and Sony etc broadcasted from India.Recently she burnt midnight oil watching Sankat Mochan Hahabali Hanuman and mastered every bit of it. -Ray
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Hi Admin, Sorry, i write too much. we had both islam and hindu wedding. My father inlaw had passed way when we were still dating. My mother inlaw said that her husband had promised her daughter that he would marry her to a boy of her choice regardless of the faith because every human is a creation of god. She didn’t want her daughter to elope with me and later on people look down at their family. She was binded by her husbands promise and requested me to attend a very short nikah ritual. Damn i was so nervous to my stomach during the nikah. I accepted it and did it. My entire family and friends were there sitting around me. During my nikah, i noticed hindu and muslim unity.Later on in life when i researched about islam, i realized it was not right what i did. I didn’t fake the nikah but only did what i was asked. I should have just done legal and a reception party but still it would have been against my mother inlaws will. I would suggest to anyone just to do legal and throw in a big party.
Admin, i just read the link you attached in your reply asking if she is a true Muslim.
My wife no longer practices islam. Once a person starts to live a western life, its hard for them to follow strict culture. Wearing two piece clothes on the beach at the resorts and drinking till she gives up, my wife knows she cant look back at islam. She knows more then any ordinary hindu about hinudism after watching religious show on TV Channels such as Colors, Zee TV and Sony etc broadcasted from India.Recently she burnt midnight oil watching Sankat Mochan Hahabali Hanuman and mastered every bit of it.
What shown in Clours,Zee TV are not hinduism, they are fake version of dark india, they are mix of what westerners and mughals/persies/arabs brought to india.
Real Hinduism is what we find written in Vedas,Gita,Manusmirti,etc.
Hi Ray,
Show this ideologies of mac to your wife, let us know if that makes her proud of Islam? May be that is a real Islam.
On your comment, “i realized it (Islam) was not right what i did (conversion)”, then simply get it notarized/official signature that you are no longer a Muslim. You have full liberty and freedom to be who you are or want to be. This way, you will have right to have burial of your choice.
Hi Ray,
We shortened your name for privacy.
How did you got married? Nikaah, Hindu wedding or the civil wedding?
If she is celebrating Diwali, read this and tell is she is a true Muslim.