Hindu Wants to be a Second Wife of a Muslim

Can you share love?
Can you share love?
Rita says: December 29, 2015 at 5:50 am

I stay in Dubai so is it different……

hi wanted to know can a muslim man who is already married to a muslim women, marry again and his second wife being a hindu. Is it allowed and if he has to have second marriage what are the formalities since the second wife is hindu. -Rita

Rita says: December 29, 2015 at 10:30 pm

Brother (Mohammed) I seek your advice as I am very upset and confused. The man I love is muslim as we have been in relation for 5 yrs he wanted to marry me n I was ready to convert to islam and ajust, his family didn’t approve and he married the girl they looked for him, for his families’ happiness he got married yet he still has love and affection for me and we are still in relation. i gave up everything for him I didn’t get married to anyone neither am I planning to, he promised he will never leave me and still care for me and he is my big support. his wife stays in india and we work 2gthr so our communication is almost everyday. we understand each other so much and he is happy with me. ofcourse he gives full respect to his wife but he has love for me and shares everything with me than her. he said he is very happy when he is with me as we support each other and in his difficult time I m always thr. at the moment his parents are happy he takes care of every1 makes sure thr is peace at home.and he manages well.

but my life is hanging on to something where I have not progressed anywhere.

he does want to marry me but it is difficult cause when thy hv not accepted me b4 why will they accept me now his brothers had also tired to convince his parents but they didn’t agree b4 only cause I am hindu. i understand parents are imp but what about girls like us who give up everything for them we (women) have family as well yet we sacrifice a lot for men.

am in a situation vr I cant move on with some1 else and I deeply love him. I never have greed for money, or I dnt want to marry him for my advantage or sm benift. i nvr asked him anything all I asked was to get married. I am ready to be his second wife despite all odds. but I feel he will not as he dsnt want to hurt his family. but I stand no vr I feel helpless. its easy to say move on find sm1 else but at the stage I am its not easy. -Rita

mohammed says: December 29, 2015 at 11:29 pm

dear sister,

we respect ur situation, I understand about your situation, but i only give suggestion only on the based on islam because you are in love with muslim boy.. thats why i told you before converting to islam. learn and understand islam because its your future..Masha Allah , Allah wants to give hiday in the way of true path i.e.. islam besides ur false religion but please dont fake convert it will give problem to your future because Islam doesnot permits for fake conversion

and by the way as i above mentioned that if you want to become second wife he wants to give justice to you as well as his first wife equally.. and marriage will be valid through nikah as per islam.

Becoming a Muslim is a simple and easy process. All that a person has to do is to say a sentence called the Testimony of Faith (Shahada), which is pronounced as:
” Ash-hadu an laa ilaaha illaallaah,wa ash-hadu anna Muhammadan-ar-rasool ullaah ” (In Arabic)
“I bear witness that there is no God worthy to be worshiped but Allah, and I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.” Pronouncing the testimony of faith is sufficient to make one a convert to Muslim. Once a person says the Testimony of Faith (Shahada) with conviction and understanding its meaning, then he/she has become a Muslim.

Go to the near mosque and testify or if you have your any muslim friends testify it near to them for creating the evidence -Mohammed

Momeen says: December 30, 2015 at 7:12 am

At first, I just thought of ignoring your idiocy but you’re being completely deceived by everyone you trust that I’ve been forced to reply!

The only party in this clumsy matter who have helped you is the rogue’s parents‐ by rejecting you!

You started dating him believing that it would end in marriage and as per today’s modern girls’ ways, must have developed physical relationship with him. When his parents rejected and he married another girl, the very same day you should have moved away from this criminal and started a new life. But given your innocence/ idiocy and his vicious nature, the relationship continued…

You’re an educated and earning woman and if you don’t have self‐respect what’s the use of education and career? This fellow has been thoroughly manipulating you physically, psychologically and even financially and you’ve become a pawn in the crook’s hands.

You want to enter into second marriage with him which is absolutely permissible in Islam and here you’re beginning the journey with your trusted brother, Mohammed.

I think it’s written in your fate to trust charlatans as trusted mates!

What your new‐found trusted brother (Mohammed) will not tell you is that the rogue who has been cheating you for years can trap another girl and marry her too and that will also be legal! He can marry four and you’ll end up as one of his doormats!

The scoundrel who has completely destroyed your life, what’s the guarantee that he would not entice some other girl and add on to the list?

There are thousands of women in this world who’ve divorced after having children, remarried and lead a happy life. So, when you’re not even married, what’s the harm in moving away from this fraudster and find a new, good‐hearted man?

Resign the job, move out of Dubai, start a new life ‐ you may find a suitable partner or if you don’t want, remain single; by opting to marry him, you’re pushing yourself into the hellfire!

Read this eye-opener to understand how lovers can end up as monsters!

This is my suggestion, its your life‐ your decision will make or mar! -Momeen

Admin says:

We are shocked to read advise of Muhammed. Muhammed’s only interest is to convert you to Islam, that all, and at any cost. It does not bother him that your boy friend, who is already married to another innocent Muslim girl in India, is doing non-Islamic activity. Koran (24:30) says Muslim men are not supposed to look at women. If they (Muslim boys) see other (Hindu) girl, they are supposed to lower their gaze. In this respect, your boyfriend is not a Muslim at all. This point is completely ignore by Muhammad and he (Muhammad) is happy to trap you (Rita) into polygamy!! Further, your brother Mohammed is not telling you that before accepting a second wife, your boyfriend is suppose to ask permission from the first wife. Would you ever give him permission to get a third and forth wife? It is impossible that the first wife in India will ever give permission for you as a second wife. What Muhammed is teaching you is a classic example of Islamic taqiyya. Shame on you Muhammed!

Rita, you are walking on fire. Your boyfriend is milking you to satisfy his lust. One day, he could have up to 4 wives and may have talaak, talk, talaak to a few others like you.

Before accepting Islam, learn from Google on “wives of Muhammad” and on Sharia laws applicable to you after conversion. Further, even after talaak, you cannot go back to your birth faith because punishment for apostasy is death.

Think on your brother Muhammed’s advise “true path i.e.. islam besides ur false religion”, he is telling us that only Muslims (meaning Sunnis) follow to God, not Shias, not Christians, not Jews, not Buddhists, not Jains and not Hindus. If you have little IQ, does this sound logical?

Momeen, a (former) Muslim, gave you an excellent advise “Resign the job, move out of Dubai, start a new life.” Best wishes. -Admin

Rita says: December 30, 2015 at 10:42 pm

Hi Momeen, i agree with u infact I thgt abt ths b4, u have written to me I appreciate it. i knw am dreaming smthng tht will nvr happn but wht to do. i was feeling so frustrated. but every girls situation is diffrnt..im nt muslim I hv no problem against any religion I respect all. i just wanted to knw few things that’s n clear my doubts. thank u for ur advice. i was looking at diffrnt views..in the end its me who has 2 move on .

I hv faced a lot. so was confused n lost. I hv faith in God I worship. i personally dnt believe in changing religion but wanted to knw hw things wrk out. -Rita

Rita says: January 2, 2016 at 10:18 pm

I see and read lot of comments and views on this matter and I appreciate the time each one of you have put in to help me out.i do not want to create a fight.i thank u all again.

The man I love is not religious himself and we had discussed about our future and he had said he is ready to do register marriage with me as he himself dsnt believe in me converting to marry him.but yes I don’t keep any hope in this relation even though he is not a religious person. he said he is wrong but I will move on with my life as I dnt want 2 keep any hope.

I will never feel nice he leaves his wife to marry yes she does knows about me and she does knw im close to him and she feels insecure just like me. even if I marry him why will she accept it and it will be wrong..i don’t feel rite. yes unless thr relation is not going on well its a different matter. He does give her support as a husband he does his duty but he has affection for me. anyway its messed up and I dnt want to spoil her life. it will hurt her and that is wrong. I will move on and see what is best for me. -Rita

View videos: Interfaith Marriage with Equality, All you want to know about the Hindu-Muslim Marriage, Sharia: Hindu-Muslim Marriages,
Also read: Hindu-Muslim marriages, Hindu-Muslim lovers’ experiences, Koran on Hindus?, Love-Jihad, Don’t fake-convert, Polygamy and talaak, Akansha unwillingly converted to Nusrat, Hindu girl-Muslim boy, Idols, pluralism, SRK-can you do it?, Zakir Naik, Christian-Hindu marriages, Sikh-Muslim marriages, Malaysia in love, Marriage laws.

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  • Momeen
    January 6, 2016 10:11 pm


    Hopefully, you must’ve chosen on the future course of your life. Just remember that if you’re afraid to face the pain of current separation, future will bring nothing but torture. The process will be agonizing but once you withstand, you’ll emerge as a stronger woman.

    And one more thing about your perception on non‐practising Muslim‐ read Aisha Christine’s story from the blog:

    Break the shackles and step out from your den‐ there is a very big world outside, waiting for you!

  • Radha
    January 4, 2016 10:19 pm

    Hi iam hindu girl and i got marriage with Muslim guy which is special marriage act 1954 in presence of Registar on 5.jan.2012. My husband is alleady married with the same religion girl. On 9 july 2010. and i agree to stay with him as 2nd wife. But now iam not at all willing to stay with him as 2nd wife my parance olso forcing me to get onother marraige it is possible for me to get another marrige without divorce? Please help me sm 1.

    Reply at https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=10901

    • mohammed
      January 4, 2016 10:27 pm

      According to indian goverment law you should be divorce if you want to marry with another… There is no option except divorce

      • Radha
        January 4, 2016 11:43 pm

        Thanks Mr Mohammed. but i dont think so my husband will give divorce and from 1yr i didn’t hav contact with my husband and dont have sexual relation also from so far .

      • Radha
        January 5, 2016 12:17 am

        Near 2years we r staying seprate. Not even had sexual relations. in this issue still our marriage will be valid? Please tell me.

        • mohammed
          January 5, 2016 4:32 am

          only two option left to you sister,

          Either you should divorce him for another marriage or solve the problem to get back your relation..
          If you still wants to divorce him go to police and case a file
          pls give more detail to help you more

        • mohammed
          January 5, 2016 4:36 am

          Though you didnt have any sexual relation but have been registered under special marriage act still your marriage is in a valid state..

          • January 5, 2016 5:46 am

            Thank you again Mr Mohammed. Actually mistake is mine only i should not get the marrige with married man. He told me every thing clearly that he alleady married i only puts lot off love on him and forget my parantce opinion. Hez redy to do all for me i belive him i hav lots off hopes on him. 1 and half year ago One day i fight with him that i told him and keep forced him to give divorse of your 1st wife and come bak to me bicose i cant imagine him with her first wife. But He refused my request and clearly told me that he wont leave her 1st wife and frankly told me that as our personal agreement u hav to stay with as my 2nd wife otherwise leave me i dont mind. Then i gone bak from him. Bifore that we leaves to gather for more than 1year even 2 time i break pregnancy to scare my parance. Now we are not in phisycal and sexual contact from near 2yrs. sm time he will calls me for my opinion. i will repply the same give divorse your 1st wife. Now i feelt bad that i cant stay with him as 2nd wife and he wont leavs hes 1st wife. So finally i desided i will get another marrige. But without knowing him and without Divorse from him bicoze iam not shure whather he will give divorse or not i dont want to publicity this issue silently i wanted to get marrige. In this case please tell me the legal advise. Kya mera ex-husband ko patha chalega ki main shadi karli kisi our k saath tho wo mujper koi legal case dalsakta kya? Kyou ki wo bhi allrady shadi shuda hai our main bhi 2nd wife banke rehna nai chahri isleyi shadi karli bolsakti hu kya mere husband ko? ya wo mere khilaf kuch case karsta without divorse shadi karutho pleas mujhe batawo sir..

            Reply at https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=10901

          • admin
            January 5, 2016 7:17 am

            We have a lot to say to you and will create a new post for you in details soon.

            You are legally married today. Since you have registered married, to break that, you have to go through regular divorce proceeding and be a single woman again. You do not need his permission for the divorce but you will need an attorney to help you. Your case should be easy to get divorce because he was already married (what did he wrote in him SMA application, married or single?), you do not have sex and are separate for 2 years. Contact a lawyer.

        • mohammed
          January 5, 2016 8:34 am

          Its my pleasure sister,

          Please dont do this.. first get divorce legally and then marry to another.
          otherwise you will get suffer a lot in your future. . you may get problem. . so get divorce first

          • Radha
            January 5, 2016 10:04 am

            Thanks to both mr Mohammed And Mr Admin. But sir my problem is that only. i dont want to get in troble and i dont let my husband get in to troble. I need safe solution mistake is isn’nt my husbands and mine, unfortunatly or unexpectly mistake is happend from both side thats it. Please be like our elders and find out best solution for us this is my pray for all readers thank you.

          • Radha
            January 5, 2016 10:50 am

            SMA Statuis my husband put single i remember way admin its use for my problem

            Reply at https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=10901

    • Sameer
      December 3, 2017 6:47 am

      Dear sister Radha
      As per both law in Islam and Indian law you can not marry without divorce, whatever problems are there between both of you,you should try to avoid divorce but if it is necessary then as per Islam you should ask him the divorce which he have to give as if he continue to deny without any valid reason he will be punishable (as per Islam). Our prophet, Mohammad PBUH said leave your wife if they are not like to be with you, they are engaged with someone and do not ask them the (Meher) money back which given at the time of marriage.

  • Rita
    January 2, 2016 10:18 pm

    I see and read lot of comments and views on this matter and I appreciate the time each one of you have put in to help me out.i do not want to create a fight.i thank u all again.The man I love is not religious himself and we had discussed about our future and he had said he is ready to do register marriage with me as he himself dsnt believe in me converting to marry him.but yes I don’t keep any hope in this relation even though he is not a religious person.he said he is wrong.but I will move on with my life as I dnt want 2 keep any hope.
    I will never feel nice he leaves his wife to marry yes she does knows about me and she does knw im close to him and she feels insecure just like me.even if I marry him why will she accept it and it will be wrong..i don’t feel rite.yes unless thr relation is not going on well its a different matter.He does give her support as a husband he does his duty but he has affection for me .anyway its messed up and I dnt want to spoil her life.it will hurt her and that is wrong.I will move on and see what is best for me.

    • January 2, 2016 10:52 pm

      We are very proud of you. You have taken the right decision for many reasons. Today should be the day of celebration for you, you have a bright new life waiting for you.

      First, your are saving a life of an innocent Muslim wife sitting in India. It is not fair for his wife to go through pain of sharing husband with another woman (or women). Her blessings will be on you.

      We condemn polygamy practice and we are glad you decided not to sponsor such male-dominant practice.

      This guy is a cheater and looking for extra marital relationship. Now if not you, he will find another girl, however at least we are glad you are out. He has no moral character. He married to some one and not informing her that he is in relationship with other girl, that’s cheating.

      You said “The man I love is not religious himself”. Does it mean he is not a Muslim? Is he atheist? Does he believe in Allah, Koran and Muhammad? We believe he is just a cheater and lier, nothing more.

      As a husband, it is not sufficient to “He does give her support as a husband he does his duty”. First duty as a husband is to be truthful to his wife and he is not. He is not fulfilling his duty as a husband and also not as a Muslim. He is disgrace to Islam (unless Muhammed has different view on him).

      Rita, we are VERY proud of you for taking a right decision of 1) not converting, 2) dumping this lier, 3) saving life of an innocent Muslim wife and 4) not supporting polygamy.

      Now expect him to come begging to you and asking you to show mercy to him. Don’t trust any thing that he says and keep at 100 ft distance from him. Never meet him in person (1-to-1). Be strong, be brave. Make new friends and keep busy with new activities. Go back to your roots and reconnect with your family. BEST WISHES.

      • mohammed
        January 2, 2016 11:13 pm

        I Agree with some points of Admin, but i also disagree with some other points too..
        Polygamy is a solution to the problem in islam but any way it doesnt apply to this guy..

        • Rita
          January 2, 2016 11:28 pm

          Thank you Mohammed for ur advice u have also shared ur suggestion on the questions I asked,Yes he is wrong that he is cheating his wife and he is not a true muslim he is just doing what he feels comfortable.He should not cheat his wife.but yes if he does not want to b with her he shld leave her than having enjoyment with both of us.Thank u for all your help.

          • mohammed
            January 2, 2016 11:38 pm

            Sister.. Its my pleasure to help you.. . I love to help peoples.. be happy and God bless you..

          • mohammed
            January 2, 2016 11:56 pm

            First of all its a fault of our parents and society….most of the Parents doesnt give correct teaching to their children. .

          • January 3, 2016 10:16 am

            On this point, “than having enjoyment with both of us” is not allowed in all world religions except in Islam polygamy is allowed. It started with their founder and still continues today. Today’s women should demand for equality in married life and should not settle for 25-50% of husband. Rita, you deserve someone who loves you 100% and does not share his love to any one. Now you are on track, bravo girl!! Very smart, we are very proud of you. We wish you could come and educate other girls in your situation here.

            Muhammed said, “Polygamy is a solution to the problem in islam”, but we differ in our opinion. We feel polygamy is an evil in Islam. There is no good justification today to allow polygamy.

      • mohammed
        January 3, 2016 7:51 pm

        lol – we have logically prooved several times on your questions..

        why polygamy is a solution for humanity and why it is allowed in islam

        • January 3, 2016 8:50 pm

          If you believe “polygamy is a solution for humanity“, then we do not have any thing more to talk to you, sorry. Let other readers judge on your views and your Islam.

          • mohammed
            January 3, 2016 9:40 pm

            yah.. Let others judge between you and me…
            wheather you correct or my correct

  • January 2, 2016 4:03 am

    Hi Rita,

    Be cautious, dont get trapped by islamic terrorists who pose intially very kind hearted and liberal but once you are trapped, then see their monstrous face like ISIS cadres.

  • January 1, 2016 9:23 am

    Dear Rita,
    As per your request
    , we have made some adjustment to some prior comments. We value and respect your privacy.

    Now this is a New Year and a Golden year for you. Forget your dark past as a bad dream. Now get reconnected with your other good friends and family. Go visit your home back in India. Now live your life with dignity and pride. There is nothing wrong with you and trust yourself. Smile! Keep in touch with us right here.

    • Rita
      January 2, 2016 10:37 pm

      Thank you admin for ur comments and suggestions.I will decide according to whats right for me and based on the situation.

      • January 2, 2016 11:09 pm

        We are happy that you dumped this bastard. You are certainly smart to realized in just a few days for what is truth. You certainly don’t have any future with him, so might as well get out of the current situation ASAP. Once your mind is clear of this devil, you will feel good and you will gain strength to do things that is moral and right to do. This web site is your new family. Please, please keep in touch with us. We love you and our blessing will always be with you.

  • mohammed
    December 31, 2015 11:30 am

    admin, Instead of advicing on the future to the harshita sister simply he is arguing on past..
    I dont think it makes sense..
    I dont know sister wheather it sounds to be Good for you

    • December 31, 2015 12:24 pm

      Mohammed advise is you move out of this both sides or balanced advises to ISLAMIC ONLY advise so you could be easily converted to Islam. Sorry Muhammad, this girl is smart enough to learn on her own.

      • mohammed
        January 1, 2016 12:37 am

        She asked me in the term of Islamic..
        so my advice will be in term of Islamic only…

  • Rita
    December 30, 2015 11:21 pm

    Dear Admin thank you for your advice and outlook on this matter .yes I have thgt about this in all angles. i have faith in my religion and I respect other religions as well.
    all I know is that I love a man who is married and I find it hard to go ahead.so was looking at options as him being muslim hw things can wrk out.i appreciate your concern.

    Dear Momeen,i agree with u infact I thgt abt ths b4,u have written to me I appreciate it.i knw am dreaming smthng tht will nvr happn but wht to do.i was feeling so frustrated.but every girls situation is diffrnt..im nt muslim I hv no problem against any religion I respect all.i just wanted to knw few things that’s n clear my doubts.thank u for ur advice.i was looking at diffrnt views..in the end its me who has 2 move on .I hv faced a lot.so was confused n lost.
    I hv faith in God I worship.i personally dnt believe in changing religion but wanted to knw hw things wrk out.

    Dear mohammed

    u have advised me on ur side.thank u.but yes truth is that my boyfriend did wrong.and am stuck at a situation vr I love him and we are still 2gthr.

    • December 31, 2015 8:55 am

      Dear Rita,

      There is a lot we like to talk to you.

      First, you are innocent and a good human being. However, there are many con-artists out there cheating innocent people. Your boy friend is one and you should kick him out ASAP.

      He is not a Muslim by being with you without marriage. Think of the innocent Muslim girl in India who married him? You are responsible for her miseries in life. How would you feel one day when he cheats you and start sleeping with another girl (along with two of you wives at home)? If you are a sensible woman, please please kick him hard where it hurts him and get rid of him.

      Do not be nice to others at your expense. Do not waste a single dollar for him, you will need all money for your own survival.

      Now on Islam. You said “i have faith in my religion and I respect other religions as well.” Accepting Islam means you have to 1) remove all your faith from your Hinduism (0%) and 2) stop respecting other religions. In Mohammed’s words “true path i.e.. islam besides ur false religion”, means only Islam is 100% truth and all other faiths are false (and thus cannot respect them).

      We give you a home work today. Read what Koran has to say for Hindus. Is this logical? Do you wish to believe in such God who teaches you all these?

      • mohammed
        December 31, 2015 9:15 am

        when i said to come on true religion besides ur false religion i doesnt meant i do not respect other peoples.. below i have proved points when u said according to me only islam is truth , others dont follow God,. There is no answer does come from your side. .

        And Rita sister you can koran on hindus , bible on hindus here making points with out of context to make people fool like you sister. . ask him while he makes such things then why he doesnt created post on veda on muslims or veda on christians, ask him .. you seems to be a logical and educated girl

        • December 31, 2015 10:29 am

          Rita, you said “I hv faith in God I worship” but Mohammed said “others dont follow God”. Can you tell Muhammed that you (a Hindu) follow God (if you believe so).

    • mohammed
      December 31, 2015 9:19 am

      sister. .I tried my level best to advice you
      its your wish to take it or drop it !!

  • mohammed
    December 30, 2015 7:28 pm

    // doing non-Islamic activity. Koran (24:30 ) says Muslim men are not supposed to look at women. If they (Muslim boys) see other (Hindu) girl,
    they are supposed to lower their gaze. In this respect, your boyfriend is not a Muslim at all. This point is completely ignore by Muhammad and he (Muhammad) is happy to trap you (Rita) into polygamy!! //

    admin is get so frausted and fear where harshita gets converted thats why he is doing a silliest activity. .
    Yah admin, he wants to lower his gaze but he(her boyfriend) not asked any advice her so that we can quote this verse from the holy Quran and more over islam thoughts to lower his/her gaze both for men and women when they look non mehram then why u didnt want to give same answer to the jainab(a former muslim).

    I will quote fully the verse
    Allah says in the Quran in surah nur chapter 24 v 30
    ” Say to the believing men that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty: that will make for greater purity for them: And Allah is well acquainted with all that they do.”

    immediately the next verse says
    in Quran surah nur chapter 24 v 31
    ” And say to the believing women that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty; that they should not display their beauty and ornaments except what (must ordinarily) appear thereof; that they should draw their veils over their bosoms and not display their beauty except to their husbands, their fathers, their husband’s fathers,their sons, their husbands’ sons,their brothers or their brothers’ sons, or their sisters’ sons, or their women, or the slaves whom their right hands possess…”

    so why you(admin) didnt say to their gaze for jainab when she gots trapped by her boyfriend?

    // Further, your brother Mohammed is not telling you that before accepting a
    second wife, your boyfriend is suppose to ask permission from the first wife. Would you ever give him permission to get a third and forth wife? It is impossible that the first wife in India will ever give permission for you as a second wife. What Muhammed is teaching you is a classic example of Islamic taqiyya.
    Shame on you Muhammed! //

    oh common admin, I clearly indicates with the quotation from the glorias Quran from surah nisa chapter 4 v 3
    ” And if you fear that you will not deal justly with the orphan girls, then marry those that please you of [other] women, two or three or four. But if you fear that
    you will not be just, then [marry only] one or those your right hand possesses.
    That is more suitable that you may not incline [to injustice]. ”

    Its clearly states that if a man marries more than one wife he sould be justice on every thing equally. why you ignoring this part

    // Before accepting Islam, learn from
    Google on “wives of Muhammad” and
    on Sharia laws applicable to you after conversion. Further, even after talaak, you cannot go back to your birth faith because punishment for apostasy is death.
    Think on your brother Muhammed’s
    advise “true path i.e.. islam besides
    ur false religion”, he is telling us that only Muslims (meaning Sunnis) follow to God, not Shias, not Christians, not Jews, not Buddhists, not Jains and not Hindus. If you have little IQ, does this sound logical? //

    Many sites are anti islamic while you search on google instead why you are didnt say to her to read islamic books(sahih hadith)

    [In the next comment In Sha Allah i will give what is taqqiya and does sound gets logical]

    • mohammed
      December 30, 2015 7:44 pm

      There is a constant stream of Islamophobes (haters) carping on about how Muslims are allowed to lie to non-Muslims whilst appealing to something called “taqiyyah” (also spelled, “takiya” and “taqiyya”)

      What is “Taqiyyah”, “Takiya”,“Taqiyya”?
      This term is spelt variously; “taqiyyah”, “takiya” or “taqiyya”. “Takiya (A.), caution, fear (see glossarium to Tabari S.V. T-K-A) pr kitman, “disguise” is the technical term for dispensation from the requirements of religion under compulsion or threat of injury.”

      “Taqiyyah (From the root word waqa “to safeguard”; “self-protection” and hence “dissimulation [in order to protect oneself]”).”
      So, taqiyyah (takiya, taqiyya) is concerning dissimulation due to force
      – i.e. when an individual is forced to conceal.

      Sadly, Islamophobes and Christian missionaries – in order to obtain an unchecked platform and/or demonise Muslims – have misapplied this term in their exaggerated claims of
      “Muslims are allowed to lie to the unbelievers”.

      One may ask, what type of “disguise”
      is allowed under takiya (taqiyyah,taqiyya)?

      Let’s be clear about takiya(taqiyyah, taqiyya); “The principle of dissimulation of one’s religious beliefs in order to avoid persecution or imminent harm, where no useful purpose would be served by publicly affirming them.”

      So takiya (taqiyyah, taqiyya) is not used to convert folk to Islam nor is it used in Islamic text books or anything of such a nature. It is simply a form of concealment used to avoid persecution!

    • December 31, 2015 10:35 am

      So Muhammed, are you endorsing what her boy friend Muslim guy is doing? He is already married but still have extra marital affairs with a kafir, is that acceptable by Islam? Apparently, you do not see any problem with that Muslim guy, correct?

      If the Muslim guy wishes to marry this Hindu, will he have to ask permission/approval from the first wife? Yes or No? (the equality question comes after marriage).

      • mohammed
        December 31, 2015 11:12 am

        // So Muhammed, are you endorsing what her boy friend Muslim guy is doing?
        He is already married but still have extra marital affairs with a kafir, is that acceptable by Islam?
        Apparently, you do not see any problem with that Muslim guy, correct?//

        I didnt endorse any one, instead i have given advice according to sister side. .
        If her muslim boy friend is suppose to be asked here for the advice then surely i will tell him that what you are doing is wrong thing in islam..but he didnt come ask how i can explain him..that you should lower your gaze when u look at to the non mehram girl.

        more over in hinduism also says to lower their gaze for hindus
        Rig Veda Book no. 8 Hymn no. 33 V. no. 19
        “When Brahma has made you a woman, you should lower your gaze and should not look up. You should put your feet
        together and you should not reveal what the garment and the veil conceals”

        So the Rig Veda says that the woman should wear the veil. They should lower their gaze and should not stare.

        does Rita lowered her gaze? no ,so its a fault of both,

        more over a hindu cannot marry a muslim that i have already said in the original comment

        • December 31, 2015 12:39 pm

          Koran, Veda, Muhammed, Momeen and we all agree to end your relationship now.

          Think over if you wish to be a Muslim or Christian or Buddhist or atheist, independent of your love.

          • mohammed92
            December 31, 2015 8:53 pm

            It is her wish to decide her future who are we to interfear inbetween. .
            Let decide by herself what she want to do

    • December 31, 2015 10:47 am

      If Google is anti-Islamic, Muhammed, tell from Islamic sources to Rita all names of girls/women (about 30?) that Muhammad slept with.

      • mohammed
        December 31, 2015 11:17 am

        // tell from Islamic sources to Rita all names of girls/women (about 30?) that Muhammad slept with //

        There is not a single hadith which you are describe about to 30 that intentionally prophet mohammed(p.b.u.h) slept with non-mehram. .

        Allah says in the Quran in surah baqrah chapter 2 v 111
        “produce your prove if you are truthfull”

        I request you to produce your prove which you claims

        • December 31, 2015 12:43 pm

          Muhammed, for Rita’s knowledge, can you list all women/girl Muhammad slept with, like Ayesha, …. fill in blanks.

          All others, if Muhammed cannot do it, can you help Muhammed with references?

          • mohammed92
            December 31, 2015 8:52 pm

            You are beating around the bush,
            you didnt proved your point which you claims,

            I ask you to produce your proof but you failed to produce proof this shows how u are cruel for Islam and you are saying to Respect Faith, shame on you admin

          • January 1, 2016 10:31 am

            Dear Mohammed,

            Happy New Year and best wishes to you for your health, wealth and spiritual progress.

            We are not against any faith but when one down plays all other faiths for benefit of his/her own faith, that is time we end up writing something against their faith to balance it out. We are sorry if we said any thing against your faith. Lets try to respect all others and each others faiths. Everyone has rights to believe what ever they wish, including not believing.

          • mohammed
            January 1, 2016 10:32 pm

            I asked you to produce your proof which you claims but still you are beating around the bush. if you doesnt have any solid proof then why you claiming into our prophet mohammed(p.b.u.h) with lie to misunderstand for other readers..

            readers will though it is there in islam which you claims but actualy it will become false, any may Its okay
            we are human beings, so we do some mistakes..
            when some anti islamic person makes such false comment such like chand osamani,kartar,etc on Islam then where your respect has gone.. tell me admin,
            If you do and belive in equality then why u didnt reply when anti islamic person makes such comments

            Dear Reader,
            See how admin get caught when he lies on Islam, Admin says he respect all faith then why he created post koran on hindus, bible on hindus but there is no such post called vedas on muslims,vedas on christians?

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