Hindus Should Not Socialize with Muslims at Family Level

This statement is made based on two cases:
1) (Muslim friend) Got My Mother Pregnant
2) Sexual Relationship with My Friends Mom

Satyen says: October 6, 2017 at 1:03 pm

Not only mothers of friends but also daughters of friends are on the Muslims’ agenda! Not many Non-Muslims know that Aisha was the daughter of Muhammad’s friend! Moreover, it is more attractive exercise to go for friend’s daughter than his mother due to obvious reasons. In recent past, Muhammad Ali Jinna snatched his friend, Dinshaw Petit’ s only daughter named Rattanbai who was 24 years younger than him. Moreover, Jinnah was already married and Rattanbai was his second wife. So, the Muslim culture is very different from that of the Hindu culture.

Though the Hindus might have shocked initially when they came in contact to the Muslims (meaning some 1000 years before) and that generation of Hindus might be forgiven. But who is to be blamed for the recurrence of such incidences even after hundreds of years?

The way Hindus look at the Muslims is grossly self defeating. Any average Hindu who has tried to make bridges with the Muslim men without converting them, has suffered losses. Almost all the Hindus especially of younger generations are under deep slumber and sitting ducks. The best bet for an average Hindu is not to socialize with the Muslims at family level. Never invite them at your home. Most importantly, tell the truth about Islam to your family members and relatives. First learn the Islam from the sites such as www.faithfreedom.org or wikiIslam etc that expose the true Islam. If you learn from a Muslim, you are bound to fail miserably. The reason is the concept of Taqia that allows the Muslim instructors to mislead the non-Muslims so that they may not come in the way of spread of Islam.

Your (Gautam’s) incidence is heart breaking and killing of a Muslim is not the answer. Converting the Muslims to Hinduism and protecting the Hindus by educating regarding the real face of Islam are the required duties of every Hindu. There is ample scope of converting Muslim women who are leading the miserable life due to the teachings of Islam. Only, you have to approach right person with right message of women emancipation. By doing this, you will be content to have brought light to somebody’s life.

Hindus must clearly understand how the Muslim men interact with non Muslim world. Their primary target are the women because they fulfill their two objectives. They give them sexual pleasure and strengthen Muslims by giving birth to their children. It does not matter if the Muslim man is married or unmarried, in his teens or in his sixties, poor or rich, friend or enemy, South Indian or Bengali or African or North Indian. Similarly, to the Muslim man it doesn’t matter who is the non Muslim woman – married or unmarried, mother’s age or grand daughter’s age, She is a toddler or in her fifties. The target woman could be very much the friend’s sisters and the only wife! Don’t forget that Muhammad himself married his adopted son’s wife! So, practically all the womenfolks are at risk to be the Muslim men’s victim. Probability of occurrence may be high or low depending upon the Muslim percentage in the locality but it’s always their.

To protect the womenfolk:
Teach them about the Muslim men’s behaviour in the light of Muhammad’s act towards the women and the Muslim history.
Never socialize with Muslim men at family level.
Help those who are trying to get rid of Islam and helping the Dalits in India.

Gandhi: Look Jinnah, I am a Hindu, I respect all other religions and believe them to be true and why can’t we take good from all and be respectful to others helping each other to improve. [may not be exact words but summary is]

Jinnah: That’s exactly what a typical hindu is and what hinduism is. But we muslims believe only in Allah, Quran and Mohammed we can’t add and respect other’s faiths as its against our quran… –Satyen

Hanah Khan says: September 27, 2017 at 7:06 am

Organized pattern of conversion to Islam by enticing young girls has been a norm throughout the world.
Especially read the part covered by Malayala Manorama to know the depth of depravity.

Now, cases have emerged where Muslim girls have involved in converting their Hindu friends.
Nauseating cases: Akila was indoctrinated by her friends, converted, given name as Hadiya and got married off to a Muslim(with criminal background). Now her marriage has been annulled by High court and SC has ordered an NIA level enquiry.
Athira, another Hindu girl was converted to Islam after being brainwashed by her friends, left her home for madrassa, hidden by Islamic groups; court intervened and sent her back with her parents. Please note that the girl agreed to go along with her parents only after they promised that they would let her practice Islam. Fortunately, in this case, the girl has come back to her original faith.

Now latest blogs in interfaithshaadi on Hindu mothers being targetted are sending shock waves. I still hope that these cases are aberrations and not part of the venomous designs of Islamic organizations, as usually is the case, involving young girls. –Hannah Khan

More information: Hindu-Muslim Marriage, Sharia, Muslim-Hindu marriages, Hindu-Muslim lovers’ experiences, Koran on Hindus? Hindu girl-Muslim boy, Marriage & Divorce laws.
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  • Badal das
    May 3, 2019 11:20 pm

    I’m married 45 male. A Muslim male 50 family frend used to visit us he did frendship with my wife gradually he succeeded in seducing her now I have changed cities.but he was successful in bedding my wife for a month. So care shud be taken in calling Muslims to homes

  • Satyen
    October 11, 2017 12:12 pm

    People should not take offence at not socializing with traditional Muslims at family level. The Muslims wh have adopted the modern ethno-socio cultural values and don’t hesitate letting their womenfolk meet non Muslim males are welcome to socialize. However, it will be suicidal for the Hindus if they invited the conservative muslims without their womenfolks at their own homes or visit their homes. Muslim women are always welcome as they are not a danger to the Hindu society as long as they do not entice the Hindus to convert to Islamic faith.

    India is an ancient country and it has its own cultural ethos that is very accommodative as it gave refuge to the Jews and the Zoroastrian when they were ferreted by the Islamic onslaught. The Hindus didn’t suppress them but considered them as part of their society. Even Christians have been accommodated by and large with some grumbling because the Christians cleverly converted many Hindus, mostly by unfair means. Still they have become the part of the larger Indian society. The other hand this is not the case with only one community and that is Muslims. The educated Muslims should think about it. What is the reason that people welcome Christians, Jews, Zoroastrians etc but hesitate albeit in a hush hush manner when it comes to Muslims. It’s the case only in India, but also in the western world. Is due to just due to sporadic incidences? Think again. Is everybody painting the Muslims in a bad light? Are the vast non Muslims being sceptical about Islam without any palpable reason? Why are the Muslim ghettos springing up? Why people scare in passing through Muslim ghettos in India? Why 300,000 Kashmiri Pundits left their homes where they had lived for millenniums and used to socialize with Muslims to their hilt?

    It saddens me a lot to see the society divide but it has been same way between the Muslims and the Hindus! History is the mirror but most of us want to be politically correct. Now a days it is heard more because of the advent of tv and internet and progress made in means of communication.

    Berating the Hindus or their religion at the top of the voice is not going to do any good. The solution is everybody should do self introspection and accept the facts instead being politically correct. Until we find a pragmatic solution, the status quo of not socializing with Muslim men without accompanying Muslim women must continue.

  • Rabia
    October 10, 2017 1:54 pm

    One more thing; the post said that Hindus must not socialize with Muslims on a family level. My inlaws have never really socialized with Muslims and unfortunately the area where they come from, the Muslims are quite different (culturally and social status-wise) so that prevents a lot of the socialising from happening between the two communities.

    I wish this wasn’t the case. If there was more Muslim-Hindu socializing, perhaps there would be more tolerance and understanding and genuine friendship between the communities in india. But the shadow of Partition and recent communal riots is still very much influencing people’s thinking and as long as the common man like you and me doesn’t change their attitude toward the other communities and doesn’t try to be more inclusive or at least understanding, india will Never get anywhere I’m afraid. I really do love the country despite
    Criticizing it a lot, and it saddens me to personally see communalism every time I Visit.

    Just because you go to the moon or advance technologically doesn’t mean you are developing. The mindset needs to
    Change before india can hope to become a developed country.

    • October 10, 2017 8:17 pm

      You are stuck between two arch rivals and 1000 years of dark history. We said in the book that the marriage is not between two people but between two communities too. You cannot fix all these in your life-time, sorry!

      We are in Greece for two weeks and have been to Turkey earlier. Ottoman (Muslim) empire ruled Greece (Christian) for some 400 years (1453-1821). Today Greece and Turkey have 99% of respective religious people as majorities, why? We can still feel the hostility of that Muslim occupation and brutality to Christians today. ALL Muslims were driven out (or converted to Christianity) after 1821. Compared to that, you should note that Muslims in India are growing and flourishing (probably not as much as you wish) while Hindus in Pakistan, Balnga Desh, Afghanistan and Kashmir are being drive out or converted (read). WHY? When we read the Koran, we understood why. Rabia, you should know that Dharmic faiths are fundamentally pluralist while Islam is totally an exclusivist faith (today’s Western Christians are less so). As part of your Islamic exclusivism, you also converted your husband (Shahadah before Nikaah) but your husband did not formally converted you to Hinduism (let us know if you were ever covered out of Islam (apostasy!) to Hinduism). Hindus know this very well that a Muslim will not rest till they convert (name sake or for real) Hindus. With all these history and facts, how can you expect all your Hindus relatives to be joyous from heart to welcome a “Muslim” bahu? We wish you married to your husband without (fake?) conversion and set a new tone for the future generation and for healing. Sorry to bring this on and on again but where else change will come unless you stop this conversion business?

      Now lets looks what Muslim thinks of Hindus (based on Iqbal):
      **Shonali converting to Islam, I will not compromise on that (even he ignore Koran 24:30)
      **conversion to Islam is an absolute must for us to get married (Rabia is not different here).
      **there is almost little to no chance that a married or widowed muslim woman would ever agree to have sex with her sons friend (Muslim women are pure while Hindu women…?? sex objects??).
      **bengali girls are very attracted to muslim guys and would go to any lengths to seduce them (superiority complex).
      **You should know that my family will not accept a Hindu as their sons wife. They don’t see Hindus in the same level as Muslims (so Rabia, don’t blame your Hindu relatives. It has to be two ways). –Iqbal
      Here, Iqbal is honest to state but most other Muslims will not say so in public.

      • Rabia
        October 11, 2017 3:28 am

        The example you gave with the Ottoman Empire is factually wrong; up to this day, there are hundreds of Christians and Jews living in Istanbul (mostly) and other parts of the country, especially the south east border near Iraq where Christian communities from centuries ago have flourished. Why didn’t the Ottoman Empire convert them all then?, if what you are saying is true?

        Greeks have an especially bad history with Turks which doesn’t only have to do with religion; they hate hue fact that ottoman Turks conquered their ancestral lands and took over. If you go to Albania, or other places in Balkans, they don’t think of Turks in a bad manner, they remember good times under ottoman rule. Ironically, some Arabia, who were Muslims like the Turks, don’t remember ottomans fondly because again, they think of them as 5he colonizers.

        So religion and politics are intertwined issues in what we discussed, but religion isn’t the only factor in the Greek-Turkish issue you mentioned.

        And talking about superiority complex… you are absolutely right. We as Muslims (the believing/practicing ones anyway) do think our faith to be the truest and best version of what God has sent down to humanity. Any Muslim who is being honest with you will tell you that.

        However, my friend, you are no different than those Muslims you criticize.

        Please be honest with yourself and admit this. Your posts also indicate that you think Hinduism to be the best religion/way Of life. Is this not true, admin? You always compare Dharmic faiths to Abrahamic faiths and make that distinction that Abrahamic faiths are horrible due to the conversion practice, which I understand you are against. But you never ever say anything regarding girls being converted to Hinduism.

        My father in law and I had an interesting discussion a few months ago. From that discussion it was clear that from the moment my husband and I got married, he lived with the hope and expectation that i would convert to hinduism and become a Hindu wife. I have wished them every single year for Diwali and Holi, even before our marriage, and yet my husbands family – including his sisters who are from the younger generation – have never wished me for wid (they call my family to wish them but not me.

        So im sorry to burst your “Hindus are so tolerant, unlike Islam!” bubble with facts but THiS is the fact in my life and I can tell you that some other Hindu families I know aren’t as intolerant to Islam as my inlaws. My husbands relatives, whose bahu is Christian, don’t act like this. They wish her on Christmas.

        You also said: **You should know that my family will not accept a Hindu as their sons wife. They don’t see Hindus in the same level as Muslims (so Rabia, don’t blame your Hindu relatives. It has to be two ways)”

        My husbands family has the same mentality; they think Muslims are worse than untouchables. So yes, i will blame mt Hindu relatives and anyone else for that matter for such prejudiced and regressive thinking in this age.

        • Rabia
          October 11, 2017 3:37 am

          I’m sorry I got a little emotional in the previous post and Perhaps said too much. I don’t mean to criticize anyone personally. I just wish we could all learn to get along and respect one another. Maybe my husband is right, I am too much of an idealist. You are right Admin, I cannot change 1000 years of bad blood between communities.

          But I have met amazing Indians who are so loyal to the values of secularism and have friends from all religions that I think there is HOPE for future generations to coexist in a beautiful and tolerant India. And I condemn anyone trying to forcefully convert anyone else, like that article mentioned about the Hindu girl forcefully converted and sent to madrassa. My kids certainly won’t be raised like that, I wouldn’t trust any maulana nowadays given all the scandals coming out…

        • October 11, 2017 1:19 pm

          Rabia, apparently you are not scientist. You said, “there are hundreds of Christians and Jews living in Istanbul (mostly) and other parts of the country, especially the south east border near Iraq where Christian communities from centuries ago have flourished.” That is true. Out of 79.51 million people in Turkey, if there are hundreds Christians, that is still a small percentage. This is from Wikipedia, “Islam is the largest religion in Turkey according to the state, with 99.8% of the population being automatically registered by the state as Muslim, for anyone whose parents are not of any other officially recognized religion”

          If this is true, “We as Muslims (the believing/practicing ones anyway) do think our faith to be the truest and best version of what God has sent down to humanity.” we must say that most other faiths don’t think as much as % of Muslim think this way. This superiority complex is always an issue in any relationship.

          On “My kids certainly won’t be raised like that”… we hope they won’t convert other Hindus and not follow their mother’s superiority complex.

          Interfaith marriages always carry lots of bags, especially when even one of them is religious. Your issues will continue till you (or your husband/children) will go to grave. Even then, two sides will fight what should be the final rite be performed. Your husband may be atheist today but may go back to his roots later. We are not trying to scare you but these are general statements for anyone contemplating interfaith relationship. These are facts of life, it is up to you if you (including your husband) wish to make religion as a fighting ground or just ignore all religion related talks and enjoy love for each other.

          Personally we feel you were a perfect person (congratulation to your parents) to enjoy an interfaith marriage during your dating time but later you went to an Islamic expert who installed this superiority complex into you. Lets see how this superiority complex is bringing happiness in your married life. You will have to decide if enjoying THIS married life is important or the life AFTER?

          We always enjoyed discussing with you, lets write a book on all our communications over last two years, any interest? Best wishes.

          • Rabia
            October 11, 2017 2:24 pm

            Dear Admin,
            I know you are not trying to scare me and I really genuinely appreciate all your great advice – thank you for your honesty and not beating around the bush.

            And you are elder and more experienced than me and I am very grateful to call someone like you an online friend with whom I exchange information. And I may disagree with you and others but Iike that we mostly respect each other. For me it’s a learning experience to read the interactions on this website between you and others because it shows me how different people think and prepares me for the future.

            What you said is untrue regarding me finding an Islamic preacher. I have no Islamic preacher in my life – my family and a few learned people I respect (all very pluralist Sufi types) are the only people I go to when I need spiritual or life advice. When I had doubts about marrying a Hindu, these were the people that helped me make the decision. To proceed with my marriage.

            You said “Personally we feel you were a perfect person (congratulation to your parents) to enjoy an interfaith marriage during your dating time but later you went to an Islamic expert who installed this superiority complex into you.”

            For me, my belief is not instilled in superiority complex. I believe in my own truth – yes – but I also believe in Allah being beyond any religion, what that means to me is that you can be a Hindu, a Jain, and even an agnostic without much faith in God but Allah (God) will guide you and reward you if you are a nice person who does good deeds and earns good karma. We share a lot of common beliefs, Admin, whether you know this or not 🙂

            I do consider myself a pluralist because of my liberal upbringing – I probably went to more churches than mosques overall – and now I am exploring different faiths for knowledge purpose.

            What I feel to be the truth may or may not change in the future. Will keep you updated. My spiritual experience with Islam has been positive but my experience with many Muslims has been negative; that’s why I don’t go to mosques regularly anymore. People can be very judgmental in Muslim Community just like I am told by Hindu friends some Hindu/Jains can also be very judgemental when a younger person doesn’t practice or follow the faith the way the elders expect them to.

            You will read about it in the book inshAllah; hopefully you will enjoy my mosque storieps 🙂

          • October 11, 2017 7:34 pm


            These site and conversations with you, for our objectives, are not to a person but to the world at a large and to the society. We felt sharing our views (hope good!) and thus opened this site. We truly loved talking to you. That is what intellectuals should do. We are not trying to change you a bit and truly respect you who or what ever you are. Keep it up.

            I am married for 38 years and within the same faith. Married life (true for life in general) is very complex and difficult. On top, you have interfaith issues to deal with. In spite of all these, the same difficult life can be converted into most blissful happy married life (also apply to life in general). Our destiny is in our own hands. Please don’t let these world’s issues and your own interfaith issues come in the way of your married life (and relationship with in-laws). Life is like a drama; there will be climaxes of ups and downs scenes, but we have to keep enjoying it. Enjoy your Hindu husband and in-laws the way they are (you don’t have a second choice!!!), then they will automatically reciprocate it. Make yours the best ever married life! Best wishes.

  • Rabia
    October 10, 2017 1:43 pm

    The posts in this website are getting more and more prejudiced…

    We are no longer advising interfaith couples it seems, we are on a spree to bash Muslims now! Great – shabash!

    Here is my perspective on this as a Muslim woman who has seen the other side of the story as well.

    I have no doubt that some of what Satyen and Admin are saying is correct. There are a lot of bad Muslim men out there who are probably taking pride in chasing non-Muslim women and you shouldn’t watch out for these antisocial elements…

    BUT your beloved India – and many other counties, for that matter – has no shortage of sexually-repressed men, whether they are Muslim, Hindu, or any other religion. Perhaps in places like Goa people are used to seeing foreigners wearing more revealing/Western clothing but as a young Muslim woman who has traveled to many places in India, I can tell you that some if my friends – and sometimes even I- got sexually harassed in the form of catcalling and staring and sometimes (sadly) groping from Indian men of all religions. In fact, none of the men who did this with me were muslims (I heard their names so I know those weren’t Muslim names) And one of them was even a so-called educated person in Mumbai.

    I guess someone should have told me before coming to India to watch out for İndian men, the same way you lot are now warning Hindu women against Muslim males…

    But here is the difference….Unlike you, I won’t go blaming all Hindu men for this kind of disgusting behavior – my husband is also a Hindu – so I know that we shouldn’t generalise and say these kinds of things about people. Muslims are not a monolith who are all the same – in fact, none of the Muslims I know would ever act like these people you and Admin are referring to.

    Satyen’s posts have made villains out of only Muslim men – as if they are the only “poisonous cobras” in the Indian society. Both of you are conveniently forgetting the point I have mentioned above, Satyen bhai sahab…

    Some food for thought for you all….

    • October 10, 2017 1:49 pm

      Agree, one cannot generalize based on a few cases here and there or what is heard on media.

      This site keep moving from one side to the other based on some posts or active users then. It is important for youths in love to hear from both sides. We love your contributions; it helps put things in perspective. We also miss mac there days.

    • Satyen
      October 11, 2017 2:51 pm

      Rabia Jee,

      I am so sad to know about how you have been treated by the hooligans who maltreated you. That’s the reason why I appreciate, UP CM Yogi jee has deployed anti Romeo squads to thrash such elements. People like you are gems of India and I salute your love for the motherland. I also respect your family who have inculcated such values in you. I have grown up waiting for days to see the Tazia procession and used to contribute donation for the same as there were very few Muslims in my village. Even Hindus used to play lathis with the Muslims to make the procession a success. I cherish those memories and hope soon similar atmosphere will return.

      • Rabia
        October 15, 2017 3:07 am

        Satyen bhai, I really hope those beautiful days of communal harmony and coexistence that you spoke of will continue/return soon. InshAllah, as we say 🙂

    • Hanah Khan
      October 15, 2017 12:28 am

      You get too hurt whenever Islamic reality is exposed! Your justification is nonMuslim men too are perverted and indulge in obnoxious activities.
      You’re conveniently mixing up social evil with religious cancer!
      What you’re forgetting is that Muslims commit the atrocity quoting theological sanction!

      Harassment of women in India is social blight while Muslim men allover the world treat even their own women as doormats citing religious order, no need to mention about plight of women of minority communities!

      Pakistan government has officially acknowledged that atleast thousand minority women are kidnapped, forcibly converted and married off to Muslim rogues every year‒ now quote one nonIslamic country in the entire world where the nonMuslim men kidnap any other community women for conversion‒ this scourge is exclusive to Islamic nations. https://www.dawn.com/news/1098452

      This is just the tip of the iceberg. Hell unleashed on minority women in entire Islamic world need not be elaborated!

      • October 15, 2017 1:31 am

        This is a good point, “commit the atrocity quoting theological sanction!” When ever there is any Islamic terror, American Muslim immediately point to killings in America (like recently in Las Vegas) implying Christians also the same; however most American killings are not by quoting theological sanction (not for religious reason).

  • Satyen
    October 7, 2017 10:50 am

    Only those Muslims who can allow the non Muslim men to mingle with their own daughters and wives or sisters without burka or naqab, can be the exceptions. Care must be taken to ensure that those Muslim men meeting non Muslim women is accompanying with his wife or sister or daughter or mother. But the moot question is how many so called good Muslims are willing to adopt the good aspects of non Muslim society? Always test the Muslims with what he does, not what he preaches.

    • Satyen
      October 7, 2017 12:01 pm

      There must not be any exception to a Muslim unweeded male and they must not be invited to homes or events where non Muslim womenfolk might be present.

      History has always warned us but we always turned a deaf ear to the past warnings. Ghaznavi, Ghori, Alauddin, Alberta, Aurangzeb, Nadir-shah etc. taught us in a hard way but still we interpreted the incidences as aberration. Lastly Jinna told us in no uncertain terms, still Gandhijee kept on persuading him and mistakenly considering him as his friend. The end result was the butchering of millions of deaths. How many times history will forgive you? Luckily side by side the naive Hindus, there has always been a minority Hindu mass that could foresee the crystal clear facts. Vidyaranya reconverted Harihar and Bukka brothers who established Vijayanagar empire and protected most of South and south eastern India for two centuries. Similarly, Shivajee, Rama Pratap, Guru Govind Jed and Banda Bairagi as well as the Marathas among others could at least took some steps to minimize the damage caused by the naive leaders of theHindus. This dichotomy among the leaders, masses and intellectuals is still going on as usual. The result is, Hindu are is shrinking day by day but it is slow due to the presence of a minority leadership among the Hindus that understands the reality but has limited political influence. But due to the internet, the truth is coming out and this minority leadership is gaining ground. Now, it is up to you which side you chose or sit on the fence.

  • October 7, 2017 10:08 am

    Hi Satyen,

    You are making a point blank statement for all Muslim men, but what about some truly good Muslims? However we do agree to keep Muslim males off from your family (earlier we used an analogy: never feed milk to a poisonous cobra). Muslims are smart and will never let mingle a Hindu with their women/girls.

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