Hindu: My girlfriend is a Christian from Gujarat

sky says: January 23, 2013 at 12:11 am

Myself sky from gujarat, india…

And am 25 years old hindu(ST) my girlfriend angel, 24 years old, Christian from gujarat, we want to marry each other. my family agree with our marriage and we want to go with court marriage procedure…so which procedure we should have to do…my girlfriends parrents are not agree with our action so we must have to do any thing with hidden procedure till the 4-5 months.

And also inform us that which complication we could get after marriage by her family against our court marriage.
Pls drive us on safe way…
We eagerly waitting for ur reply…

Pls, reply on,

Thank you -Sky


Admin says:


You live in a progressive state. If your parents are willing to support you, just go to a court and register your marriage. There may be a waiting period and the notice has to be posted. After that, the judge will announce you as husband and wife, simple!

Her parents may want a church wedding where they will ask you to convert to Christianity, don’t do it. Best wishes. -Admin


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Dharma is not the same as religion
Text book on How to convert Hindu Students to Christianity


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  • January 30, 2013 8:47 am



    Islam is a deeply twisted perverted ideology. Any parent who teaches Islam to their children should be charged with child abuse.

    To indoctrinate children to hate infidels and turn then into good little jihadists who will slay and be slain in the cause of Allah to enter the Paradise of big breasted, lustrous eyed virgins is evil.

    Here are some quotes from deranged Palestine parents:

    “I’m prepared to sacrifice my six children,” said Mahmoud Sumara’s mother, Halima. “I’m serious. I don’t mind if I lose them if that brings back al-Aqsa…” (NBC News)

    ▪ “I pray that G-d will choose them (to be martyrs),” says the father of a 13-year-old. (New York Times)

    ▪ “I am happy that he [my 13-year-old son] has been martyred. I will sacrifice all my sons and daughters (12 in all) to Al-Aqsa and Jerusalem.” (London Times)

    ▪ “If I had 20 children I would send them all down (to fight), I wouldn’t spare any of them. We’re not scared of death.” (Associated Press)

    ▪ Mother on PA TV, January 2003: “He would always dream of Shahada [martyrdom]. It was his first and last goal in life. I told him: ‘Dear, we all want to be Shahids.’ He said: ‘In this entire world, I can’t think of anyone to marry. I don’t think of any girls of this world to marry. I want to marry the Dark Eyed (Virgins of Paradise).’ I said: ‘If these are his thoughts, I wish him Shahada.’

    Ah yes, a mother’s love. Obviously, not all mother’s wish Shahada (martyrdom) for their children, but a Palestinian Psychologist, DR, Shafiq Massalha claims that “more than half of Palestinian children aged 6 to 11 dream of becoming suicide bombers.”

    And quotes from children:

    ▪ “When I wander into Jerusalem I will become a suicide bomber.” proclaims a young Palestinian, age 9. (Palestinian TV children’s show, “The Children’s Club”)

    ▪ “I come here to say that we will throw them to the quiet sea. Occupiers, your day is near, then we will settle our account. We will settle our claims with stones and bullets,” an 8-year-old boy announces. (Palestinian TV children’s show, “The Children’s Club”)

    ▪ “My heartfelt conviction is to launch a Jihad war,” says a 4-year-old. (Palestinian TV children’s show, “The Children’s Club”)

    ▪ “I want to die as a martyr. I will go straight to paradise if I do that,” said a 12-year-old Palestinian boy. (Times of London)

    Dr. Massalha conducted a study that has led him to believe that within 10 years or so, with the continued indoctrination of Palestinian children with hatred and the love of Shahada, they will be unleashing upon the west a virulent army of Jihadists.

    Mahatma Ghandi said that “To reach real peace in this world…. we shall have to begin with children”. It’s obviously not going to happen with the children of Palestine.

    What is most heartbreaking and disturbing is what young children suffer through as Muslims and non-Muslims living in Muslim majority countries. Like women, children are considered chattel, with not much more importance placed on their lives as a cow or a goat. They are offered up, at times, as human sacrifices for their parents’ perverse ideological and religious beliefs. Mothers in Palestine (and elsewhere) encourage their children to aspire to Jihad rather than a University education. Like British Islamic religious leader Yassin Nassari’s wife, Dutch national Bouchra El Hor , who actively encouraged her husband to embrace radicalism and offered herself and their 5-month old son for martyrdom!

    They were caught with missile blueprints and instructions on how to make a bomb (to be used against the West) on their way back into the UK from Amsterdam. The sad truth is that not all terrorist wannabees are uneducated, disenfranchised youth. This man was born in London and University educated, although he failed to obtain his degree because his interests turned to Islamic fanaticism instead.

    Disabled children are considered even more of a disposable commodity. Insurgents, In Iraq, packed a Down Syndrome child full of explosives and sent him off, as a suicide bomber, to blow up a polling place during the elections of 2005. He succeeded. And not long ago, U.S. soldiers discovered a group of naked, malnourished special-needs orphans in an Iraqi Orphanage tied, like animals, to their small cots. The soldiers initially thought they were dead. Surprisingly, there were cupboards full of food and new clothing that had obviously not been utilized for these young boys. 24 in total. They speculate that those items were probably being sold on the black market. The only heart warming aspect of the video is at the end where the soldiers are seen handing out stuffed toys, and stroking and touching the children’s hands. Something you won’t see much of in the msm. The boys were obviously starved for human affection

    Not only Muslim children suffer at the hands of Islam, innocent children of other faiths are often brutally murdered for being infidels. Remember the Indonesian girls who were ambushed on their way to their private Christian school? 3 of them were beheaded their heads found a few miles from where their bodies were found.

    And the children of Beslan? 1,200 people were taken hostage at a school in Beslan by Chechen Muslim rebels. 376 people were killed, 186 of those were children.

    Children are murdered in the name of Islam daily: collateral damage in suicide bombings, used as human shields in acts of cowardice, pawns in a deadly game of “Mohammed Says: kill the Infidels.” Mothers callously bid farewell to their suicide bomber kids as if they were simply sending them off to summer camp, as opposed to their death; proud that their little Ahmed will take his own life and the lives of the many innocents they might happen to cross paths with at the time. Children want to please their parents, and those parents who instill in their child’s mind that there is pride and glory in Jihad are as guilty of murder as their offspring who might end up splattered all over some street in Haifa.

  • January 26, 2013 10:33 am

    I’m 24, i know that dating is against islam and all and i feel totally crap about loving this boy (lets call him derek – not really his name) So derek is a christian and i feel really bad about it, but i know i’m in love with him, please don’t say that “over time i will get over him” because it’s been nine months and i just find myself loving him more every single day. He’s always my first thought in the morning and last thought at night and he’s all i think about 24/7. I hate this feeling of betrayal against both my religion and my parents, i hate it but i’ve tried so hard to get over him and i just can’t. It’s not like i can do anything about loving him because of restrictions from religion but i’m very mature, but also know how to live young while i am. I’m a very very strong muslim, i’ve never drunk, read the Quran 3 times through, pray 5 times a day and fast too so it’s killing me that i love derek but i just can’t stop, and then on top of that, he’s one of my best guy friends. He knows that i used to fancy him but when he asked me if i still did i said no, because technically i didn’t fancy him anymore, i loved him by then, and hes called me stunning and one of his favorite girls and all. it’s getting really hard to be around him because there’s so much i can’t say, every thought is about him and so when im with him (3 out of 5 lessons a day) i have to stop myself from bringing anything to do with him up. please please please can anyone give me any help? it will be well appreciated!I have no hesitation to say that we both have sexual relations too.

    p.s. don’t say pray to god asking to make me stop loving him, because i do that 5 times a day, yet it never seems to work and loving him is genuinely tearing me apart…

    thank you so much for your time

    Please reply to Parveen at https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=4268

  • January 25, 2013 8:46 am

    to sky from gujarat: Those who want to marry a person of different Faith are not giving marriage the important thought it deserves. We should love ALL other humans, & romantic attraction is possible with a certain few, but you must guard your heart until it is certain you both are in agreement about the Very Important Issues of Life! This not only includes your God-beliefs, but how you would raise children, handle finances, & run your life-style. Do you realize what the Christian faith is about? It’s about following the example of Jesus, who slept in a cave sometimes. He fasted often & made friendship with ANYONE who would listen to Him the main goal. Christian partners have to SHARE one another with the entire Christian Family! I have not come across any other religion or discipline which is on this Total Agape Love wavelength. When I got a new heart of Love from Jesus, I gave away all my money to the poor & found that it had made my family very angry with me. I would never try to get along with a husband who didn’t agree with me about asking the Lord about everything I decide. We would have to agree in prayer, hearing in the Spirit from God about all things. So I would only make a life-time commitment to a Christian man, & then only if I had prayed & was sure God was telling me this was the right person. Until you have this close relationship with God, being able to hear directly from Him in Spirit communication, you will find it hard to understand, & might even come to think the other person is “crazy!” So are you SURE you really wanted to be married to a woman that seems that way to you?

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