Pariie says: July 24, 2013 at 12:59 pm
Hi, i m Pariie a Hindu nd my bf is muslim..
I am going to run away to get married. I am not going to change my religion or name. My boy friend has no problem with it. nd jaha tak its abt my conversion into islam, my bf dosnt want me to get convert seriously….and his mother too…..
He is very co-operative, we will not do Nikaah.. under special marriage act we will get married…
But my children will follow Islam, I cant do nothing in this regard.. But Hinduism will also be a part of their lives as m gonna do each and every ritual as m doing right now….
Any suggestions? -Pariie
Admin says:
Hi Pariie,
It is a beautiful name, we are sure you are pariie (ultimate beauty) in look too.
We are glad that his mom agreed that you do not have to convert and that you will marry by the Special Marriage Act 1954. How about his dad and other close relatives? Have you talk to them personally or you just heard these (conversion not necessary) from your bf? If his dad and close relatives have not agreed to this, your bf may change his tune at last second.
Why you wish to run away from your parents to get married? Remember, when you run away, it is possible that you will be ending relationships with your parents and relatives forever. Where will you go when you find out that there is a serious problem in your new married life (which it is highly likely after marrying a Muslim)? There is a saying that … don’t burn bridges behind you. Today, tell your parents all facts and face all fights and shouting. Wait for a year firmly with your belief and they will turn around to support you. Only cowards will run away.
To Kaveri and Pariie,
Why you must raise children as Muslim only? Who made that law? Will a Muslim girl marrying to Hindu raise Hindu children? Why are you so submissive women? Why are you giving into the male dominance? How much such crap you are going to take in your married life from the male? Why freedom and self-respect are not in your heads yet?
You are going to be like Jodhaa Bai, who will produce grandchildren like Aurangjeb. End this wrong practice; raise children in BOTH faiths.
Why not raise children as both, Muslim and Hindu. Why not have first child’s name Muhammad and the second Krishna? Why you are not expecting equality of faiths and all? Demand it from him and if he truly loves you, he will agree. If he is a religious fanatic, you have to know it now.
Why not let your child decide their faith at their age 21? President Barak Obama had a Muslim father and Christian mother, and was raised as both. When he was in College, he decided to be baptized. What is wrong with such liberty given to a child? Don’t agree to “label” your children now.
A legal point: If you marry with an agreement that children will only be Muslim, then there is a legal consequence while asking for child custody after divorce. A Judge will NOT give you (a Hindu) a custody of Muslim child, especially because you agreed to raise children Muslims. If you agreed to raise children in both faiths, judge in most cases will give child custody to the mother.
Do you know what does it mean raising Muslim children? Have you visited Mosques and madrasas? If not done, please go visit them several times and spend hours there. Learn what is being taught there (view Video) because one day you will have to teach it to your children. Ask Muslims on streets for who is God? Find out what they think of Hindus. Ask them for who is Lord Rama and Goddess Laxmi? Find out what they have to say.
Do you know that you have to circumcise (cut penis) of your sons, even there is no compelling scientific merits to it? What faith in God has to do with a little skin on penis?
Have you read the Koran? Are you comfortable your children reciting these words every day….
2:191 Slay then (Hindus?) wherever you find them. Drive them out of the places from which they drove you. Idolatry (ask other Muslims if Hindus are idolator) is more grievous than bloodshed.
2:193 Fight against them until idolatry is no more and Allah’s religion reigns supreme.
2:221 You shall not wed pagan (Hindu?) women, unless they embrace the Faith. A believing slave girl is better than an idolatress, although she may please you.
3:118 Believers (Muslims), do not make friends with any (non-Muslim including Jews, Christians, sikhs, Jains, Hindus) but your own people. They will spare no pains to corrupt you. They desire nothing but your ruin.
3:151 We will put terror into the hearts of the unbelievers. They serve other deities (Saraswati, Rama, Ganesh?) besides Allah for whom He has revealed no sanction. The Fire shall be their home; evil indeed is the dwelling of the evil-doers.
4:36 Those that deny Our revelations We will burn (them) in fire. No sooner will their skins be consumed than We shall give them other skins, so that they may truly taste the scourge. {read opinion of Madiha on this verse at}
4:91 ..lay hold of them (unbelievers) and kill them (your Hindu parents?) wherever you find them. Over such men We give you absolute authority.
9:5 When the sacred months (like Muharram) are over kill the idolaters whenever you find them. Arrest them, besiege them, and lie in ambush everywhere for them (ask your boyfriend if he followed this?).
9:27 Believers, know that the idolaters are unclean.
22:19 Garments of fire have been prepared for the unbelievers. Scalding water shall be poured upon their heads, melting their skins and that which is in their bellies. They shall be lashed with rods of iron. Whenever, in their anguish, they try to escape from Hell, back they shall be dragged, and will be told: “Taste the torment of the Conflagration!” (how will you explain this to your 10 years old daughter for these statement by God?)
36:7 We have bound their (unbeliever Hindus?) necks with chains of iron reaching up to their chains, so that they cannot bow their heads. We have put a barrier before them and a barrier behind them and covered them over, so they cannot see.
44:43 Like dregs (worst part) of oil, like scalding water, it shall simmer in his belly. A voice will cry: “Seize him and drag him into the depths of Hell. Then pour out scalding water over his head, saying: “Taste this, illustrious and honorable man! This is the punishment which you have doubted.”” As for righteous, they shall be lodged in peach together amid gardens and fountains, arrayed in rich silks and fine brocade. Even thus: and We shall wed them to dark-eyed houris (paradise of young attractive women).
47:4 When you meet the unbelievers in the battlefield (remember, life is a battlefield!) strike off their heads and, when you have laid them low, bind your captives firmly. Thus shall you do. Had God willed, He could Himself have punished them; (but He has ordained it thus) that He may test you, the one by the other. As for those who are slain in the cause of God, He will not allow their works to perish. He will vouchsafe them guidance and ennoble their state; He will admit them to the Paradise He has made known to them.
47:22 If you renounced the Faith (reverse the Shahadah), you would surely do evil in the land and violate the ties of blood. Such are those on whom God has laid His curse, leaving them deaf and sightless.
48:29 Muhammad is God’s apostle. Those who follow him (your boyfriend?) are ruthless to the unbelievers (you?) but merciful to one another (other Muslims).
60:4: We disown you and the idols which you worship besides Allah. We renounce you: enmity and hate shall reign between us until you believe in Allah only.
60:11 Do not maintain your marriage with unbelieving women (Karei and Pariie, remember this. If he a true Muslim and a follower of Koran, you will have to convert one day).
66:6 It may well be that, if he divorce you, his Lord will give him your place better wives than yourselves, submissive to God and full of faith, obedient, penitent, devout, and given to fasting; both formerly-wedded and virgins.
72:13 Some of us are Muslims and some are wrongdoers (ask him who is he?). Those that embrace Islam pursue the right path; but those that do wrong become the fuel of Hell.
If your bf says he does not believe in all these statements in Koran, don’t believe in Muhammad, don’t believe in Nikaah, don’t believe in circumcision, he will allow you to do pooja and aarti of Hindu Gods in his Muslim home, etc, then is he really a Muslim? If he is not a true Muslim, why he is demanding to have children Muslims only?
Let us know what you will gain by raising Muslim children? Explain it to us. -Admin
Pariie says: July 26, 2013
His dad also dnt have ne problem nd he dnt care about his relatives at all…..
once in my home there was satyanarayan puja,next day i wnt to der house nd i gave some prasad nd kheer to them to eat,nd i am so glad dat they dint refused..ulta unhone kaha ki next time puja hoga to phir se dena….
Nd i dnt think ALLAH (ishwar in hinduism) he is responsible for the negativety of this religion called islam…I hate Muhammad nd he is the main culprit nd the liar,hate him…showing wrng path to the people… -Pariie
Also read: Islamic Women Today, Muta, HRS, wife-beating, Muhammad, Hadith, Koran, Inter-race marriages, Hindu-Muslim marriages, Hindu girl/boy, Muslim girl/boy, Christian-Muslim marriages, Christian-Hindu a hindu brahmin girl planning to marry a Muslim Guy.
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poor pariie, you do not know what you are going to are just jumping to the are thinking only on your non-conversion to islam but you are not thinking about your kids.don’t increase rapists, terrors and killers please. better you convert him to any religion before marrying him and present all a good earth.don’t do any mistake……
Both Kavery and Parie are call girls operating in different hotels of Guwahati like Raj Mahal, Indira, Ritu Raj, Brahmputra and under fake names they have appeared here. There is already much mentioned about them and to the confirmed sources their cases are known in All Woman Thana, Pan Bazar, Guwahati.
Lets respect these two (and other) girls in need.
By saying unjustified bad words for them, it does not help any one. By being nasty to them, they will just get turned off from hearing good advise too.
Further, who knows who is right. It is quite possible that we (you) may be wrong. So lets give them a benefit of doubt.
We welcome all kind of advises from all angle for youths in love, however advisors need to keep in mind that we are NOT HERE TO DECIDE FOR THEM, but simply to give them tips. It is their life and ultimately they are the one to decide. We must respect their decision, even we feel that is wrong.
Hello readers,
Is there any religion in the world that:-
(i) practices female genital mutiliation,
(ii) sex with dead wife,
(iii) males allowed to keep 4wives,
(iv) female needed to be virgin and bleed on the wedding night,
displaying bed sheets before family members
(v)Mutta marriages,
(vi) Halala and tripple talak,
(vii) 4 witnesses needed to seek justice by a female in the event of rape against her,
(viii) females treated as whors, sex dolls and field to be ploughed like any thing,
(ix) has any prophet 0f 59 years old raped 9 years old girl, married and raped hundred of girls? and claiming to be messnger of God.
Did Allah find this rapist his messenger, no one was available for preaching noble things to the mankind?
(x) any religion preaching killing non-muslims?
(xi) any religion luring terrorists by false propaganda of 72 virgins for sex in the heaven, those killed as terrorists?
Shame on you and other propagators of climinal idelogy of islam
Hindu and Muslims girls must know it that the so called muslims follow Muhammad in the name of Allah. If not, why do they follow Quran which is given to them by Muhammad? Why do they believe in everything mentioned by Muhammad regarding Allah? All the Muslim laws and customes have been shaped by Muhammad. If the Muslims want to quit Muhammad, they must quit Quran and the customs such as sunnat(circumcision), burqa, talak, halal and halala, qurbani, hizab, Makka etc.
Most importantly, why Muhammad is required to be named in Shahada? True Islam is following Allah in your own way, not the way Muhammad has told you.
Dear Pariie alias Kaveri alias whatever,
Please read Mrs. Lia MirzaBasuRoy’s cool analysis …. Now it seems you need to explain why both of your cases are strikingly similar with almost similar coincidences and anomaly’s ……
Both of your story looks like a framed propaganda / fantacy world creation, which pervert muslims are very good to make to create illusions to misguide hindu women !!!!
We have come across two curious cases of Pariie and Kaveri.
Their names are different but both of their cases are very similar and contain all the similar ambiguities like:
a. For both of them, their hindu parent’s role are not explained. Apparently, they have no role (very strange !!!!)
b. For both of them, only their bf’s parents role are mentioned.
c. For both of them, their bf’s parents are very open and are not staunch muslims !! Even the story of prasadam and their acceptance of hindy puja etc are exactly the same !!! Isn’t it a very very strange coincidence ???
d. For both of them, their bf’s are staunch muslims.
e. Both of them are staunch hindu women, dislike muslim religion, yet choose staunch muslims as their bf’s.
f. For both of them, their bf’s (being staunch muslims) allow them to remain hindu !!!
g. Both of these staunch hindu women, who dislike muslim religion in many ways, have no problem to raise muslim children and give up their hindu right of mother on children.
h. It is also not clear why they came to this forum. Apparently, they did not want any suggestion from anyone but only wanted to inform what they decided …. but why ? As hindu women, they didnot do anything glorious and gave up their right to children’s religion …. yet they wanted to inform this in this forum !!!!
WHY ??
WHY so many self contradictory situation which are again same for each of them ????? As if it looks to be the idea of the same person !!!!!!!
Myself being from muslim origin and now with hindu’s, I know both of them fairly well and therefore, cannot digest the exactly similsr anomalies in all four families (both for these hindu girls and as well ad their muslim bf’s and their families) !!!!!!
Dear Pariie and Kaveri, you need to have a lot of explaining to clear the above strange anomalies and similarities in two different cases, to make one think that your cases are genuine !!!!
I think i dnt feel the need to explain u nething….
Thank u
Dear Kaveri,
Or you cannot ??
It appears Parie is not Hindu and in the disguised name attempting
to sympathesize with muslim guys, as her husband.
Muslim girls are fed up with muslim husbands with so many evils against female community. Why hindu girls will fall victim of such evil religion of the world?
It is a known fact that muslims are terrorists, trapping girls for their sexual entertainment, they do not spare even their sisters, baji, niece, school children in the mosque.
Dear Mr. Raman,
It is true that all muslims are not bad, there are good muslims too.
It is also possible that Pariie’s bf is a good human, then her point is also correct that as a open minded person, why can she not love him ? So, one should not comment on her judgement about the goodness of the person.
The point, as per me, is somewhere else.
That’s about leaving her religious right of her children, whom she will give her blood, keep in her womb for 9 months … so, they should also get their right and chance to obtain their mother’s religion. Thats her religion can duly expect from her as well!!!
Thats where she had succumbed to her bf’s pressure as a future father’s 100% right on children, which does not exist in today’s world. Today’s world, including educated hindu women, gives half of the right to mother and the remaining half to the father !!!!
Thats where she had succumbed to pressure.
Thats what is my opinion.
I dnt have ne problem in raising my children as muslims .
This website encourage muslims girls to get convert to hinduism nd discourage hindu gals in many aspect.. and same with a muslim website whr the admin is frm islamic wrld… leave it… this is afake nd faltu website…
I am Som, I read your story. Excuse me for my personal feeling, the story is good in many ways, except one !!!
In my opinion and feeling also, one basic thing is missed … thats about your responsibility of transferring your religion in your children just like a hindu woman does it to her hindu children !!!!
Both of you and Kaveri are missing there …. both of you are just selfishly looking for yourself and not your next generation, who will carry your hindu blood but will become muslims !!!! Hindu religion will loose the benefits of your blood. Your responsibility does not end with your remaining hindu only !!!!
They should be brought with both religion and later they can decide for themselves. Thats love and sharing between interfaith married husbands and wife !!!
By marrying you as a hindu and showing respect to your religion, your bf is not doing any favour to you. Thats a duty for interfaith marriages, while you see this as a grace !!! That’s where you have shortcoming in thinking !!!
Sorry, I also think that you have surrendered your religious rights on your children to your bf as a mother !!!!! Let them be raised as follower opf both the religion, later on they can decide theirs. No body will stop them … that’s equality in sharing fruits of marriage !!!!
If there is a chance to rethink, please do it !!! Thats my humble neutral suggestion.
Dear Pariie alias Kaveri alias whatever,
Please read Mrs. Lia MirzaBasuRoy’s cool analysis …. Now it seems you need to explain why both of your cases are strikingly similar with almost similar coincidences and anomaly’s ……
Both of your story looks like a framed propaganda / fantacy world creation, which pervert muslims are very good to make to create illusions to misguide hindu women !!!!
Hi Pariie,
I am Sabnam, a muslim with hindu bf.
I am surprised to see that the house we muslim women are seriously thinking to leave, you are entering there and agree to bear muslim child ?
Are you hindu women so dumb to not to understand that muslims prefer to marry hindu women to acquire the famous “Intelligence”, which made hindu’s so successful in the world ?
You should have asked your bf that if he is so staunch muslim, why he allow you to remain a hindu ? A staunch muslim can never do that by his religion, it is forbidden in Islam.
If he says for love, then ask him why he cannot extend love to share the children as well ?????
Just ask him, if you can !!!!
I myself am a muslim amd I know what a staunch muslim is !!!! The most close minded and anti-woman !!!!
If he cannot explain properly, then he (as well as you) have many contradictions in your saying !!!!!
On the contrary, a staunch hindu is more open, just like my bf, thats the difference between them.
I like my children to be raised as hindu, they will get huge respect from the entire world (even muslim world). I am not so selfish to leave my children badly in exchange of a personal discount / favour (not to be religiously converted !!!) like you).
So sorry to tell you the truth !!!!
You should not agree to donating your children to muslim religion. They carry your hindu blood. Why are you so happy to get the discount for yourself (no conversion) ?
If both of you have love to each other, he should accept you as you and your religion are …. and share the life together … that include the children and both of you should share !!!
Thats why they should be raised with both religions. Later on when adult, they can decide their religion !!!! Thats called real tolerance and amalgamation of interfaith love marriage, your muslim bf and his family have that ?
Can you see your children reading Quran to learn that “Hindu’s are Kafers” ? They will be looked down and disliked as muslims when they visit any European or American countries ? Security will make special body search for them !!! They will carry your blood … how could you tolerate all these ?
Sometimes, it seems that “Open mindedness of hindu women are CURSE and not blessing. Please differentiate between openness and surrender !!
To me, your decision of donation your children carrying your own blood is just surrender.
Why you women are so weak in negotiating such matters ?
One day, you may lament your decision !!!!!!
Please reconsider your decision of donation your children to blatant and dark minded muslims.
Dear Parie,
The issue does not end whether you convert or not. Even if he does not trick you to convert (in some tricky or hidden way), the issue just starts from there !!!!
The issue is love and sharing, which is violated in this, when he says “The children will belong to muslims only”. WHY ?
You should understand, he should take you and your everything with all respect. Even your religion !!!! So, he should agree to have the children with both faiths and when they grow up, let them select their own religion !!!
If he does not agree, he very clearly, does not share the children with you, which you two are supposedly getting out of love.
Is he not using you, a hindu women, for his muslim child-producing machine ?
Please think again before agreeing to him for muslim child only. THIS IS UNFAIR ….. to impose his “Muslism” on your blood, i.e. the children and sadly you seem to be agreeing !!!!
Sorry to say, this is clearly where an open minded hindu loses to the darkness of muslim mind and religion !!!
His dad also dnt have ne problem
nd he dnt care about his relatives at all…..
once in my home there was satyanarayan puja,next day i wnt to der house nd i gave some prasad nd kheer to them to eat,nd i am so glad dat they dint refused..ulta unhone kaha ki next time puja hoga to phir se dena….
Nd i dnt think ALLAH (ishwar in hinduism) he is responsible for the negativety of this religion called islam…I hate Muhammad nd he is the main culprit nd the liar,hate him…showing wrng path to the people….
Dear Parie,
The issue does not end whether you convert or not. Even if he does not trick you to convert (in some tricky or hidden way), the issue starts from there !!!!
The issue is love and sharing, which is violated in this, when he says “The children will belong to muslims only”. WHY ?
You should understand, he should take you and your everything with all respect. Even your religion !!!! So, he should agree to have the children with both faiths and when they grow up, let them select their own religion !!!
If he does not agree, he very clearly, does not share the children with you, which you two are supposedly getting out of love.
Is he not using you, a hindu women, for his muslim child-producing machine ?
Please think again before agreeing to him for muslim child only. THIS IS UNFAIR ….. to impose his “Muslism” on your blood, i.e. the children and sadly you seem to be agreeing !!!!
Sorry to say, this is clearly where an open minded hindu loses to the darkness of muslim mind and religion !!!
We are glad to hear for what you told us about them. These are good signs.
Now resolve the last issue of concern in our minds. Raise children secular (like India, but not like Saudi Arabia) and pluralist (Isvar Allah tero nam), meaning Muslim as well as Hindu. When they are at an adult age, like President Obama, they would be what ever they wishes. Fair? Let us know what he has to say.
You should not agree to donating your children to muslim religion.
If both of you have love to each other, he should accept you as you and your religion are …. and share the life together … that include the children and both of you should share !!!
Thats why they should be raised with both religions. Later on when adult, they can decide their religion !!!! Thats called real tolerance and amalgamation of interfaith love marriage, your muslim bf and his family have that ?
Can you see your children reading Quran to learn that “Hindu’s are Kafers” ? They will be looked down and disliked as muslims when they visit any European or American countries ? Security will make special body search for them !!! They will carry your blood … how could you tolerate all these ?
Sometimes, it seems that Open mindedness of hindu women are CURSE and not blessing. Please differentiate between openness and surrender !!
To me, your decision of donation your children carrying your own blood is just surrender.
Why you women are so weak in negotiating such matters ?
One day, you may lament your decision !!!!!!
Please reconsider your decision of donation your children to blatant and dark minded muslims.
You should not agree to donating your children to muslim religion. They carry your hindu blood.
If both of you have love to each other, he should accept you as you and your religion are …. and share the life together … that include the children and both of you should share !!!
Thats why they should be raised with both religions. Later on when adult, they can decide their religion !!!! Thats called real tolerance and amalgamation of interfaith love marriage, your muslim bf and his family have that ?
Can you see your children reading Quran to learn that “Hindu’s are Kafers” ? They will be looked down and disliked as muslims when they visit any European or American countries ? Security will make special body search for them !!! They will carry your blood … how could you tolerate all these ?
Sometimes, it seems that “Open mindedness of hindu women are CURSE and not blessing. Please differentiate between openness and surrender !!
To me, your decision of donation your children carrying your own blood is just surrender.
Why you women are so weak in negotiating such matters ?
One day, you may lament your decision !!!!!!
Please reconsider your decision of donation your children to blatant and dark minded muslims.
Also the Hindu girls should learn from Amir Khan who never converted his Hindu wives but always raised the children as ‘MUSLIMS’ only! These children were given birth by our Hindu sisters! Now the Muslims have changed the strategy to emphasize raising the children as Muslims instead pressing hard for the conversion of the brides. Adopting this strategy, they are able to have carnal pleasures from the Hindu brides and the Muslim children as well. On the other hand, the girl is a loser in every respect as she doesn’t give birth to any Hindu from herself. Thereis a 500 hundred years of Indian history behind us. All of Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afganistan used to be Hindu nations reverberating with Vedic Mantras, but now all these countries are being used to train the Jihadis to eliminatethe Hindus. It doesn’t matter what way you marry with a Muslim, you are bound to be a loser! Only way is to ask them to leave Muhammad completely including a oath in court that the children will not be raised as a Muslim i.e. follower of Muhammad. It’s the only way which people must understand sooner than later. Make sure, you may not be too late!
Hi every body,
I am from Pune India, born and brought up in muslim environment. Seen pathetic condition of my mother and elder sister, always in burqa restricted movement, domestic violence.I cannot forget the horrible scene of genital mutiliation. Beating of my mother by my dad, abusive language, having sexual relations with his younger sister, all in the name of Islam, that I have observed in my childhood. Is it religion?
My mother and sister died of tortuous life and my brother, who studied Koran in Madrasa was sodomized and I was also attempted by Maulvi.
What a cruel religion, how terrorists activites are taught in madarashas, that is an open secret now for every body.
I wanted to lead an indepent life and with a great difficulty I could study upto BA and got some job and associated with a Hindu boy, who loved me and married. How happy I am now with him, cannot be explained in words. I hate Islam, a criminal religion really, no humanity, every time horny, sexy and antisocial acitivities are their focus of point.
I doubt the truethness of above stories of Pariie and Kavery, why Hindu girls would like to jump in such a cruel relgion and lead a miserable life. It is all false and bogus to mislead the readers.
For muslim girls it could be a reason to marry hindu boys for self respect,blissful life, security of married life, avoiding of triple talak orally, and husband keeping 4 wives, mutta marriages etc.The prophet was a rapist, who lured youth to indulge in terrorist activities to get sexual pleasure with 72 virgins in heaven, if they die.Can it be true ? Can a God be so cruel, It is shame on this cruel and antihuman religion.
Hii…i am a muslim boy (27) nd i am in love with a hindu gal (22) …
I love her a lot nd above all at the same time i love my ALLAH nd religion.. i am serious abt her..
we r going to marry very soon, bt i dnt want to rn nd marry… i am scared of her parents,cant tok to them,they r very strict….
what to do?
please Advice!!!
Hello readers.
It is shame on these girls, that they have opted to marry BFs, of most criminal religion of the world, who treat women just for sex only.
These girls will realize their mistake, when they will b e kicked out after their BFs will become fed up with their sexual interest and bring another wife in the home.
Before that their genital will be mutiliated, kept in burqa
only then thse bitches will realize and shall try to come back to their relgion, but instead of that they will be forced to practice halala,i.e. entertain other males sexually, like prostitutes and finally stonned to death.
That is their ultimate faitaccompli.
We feel Kaveri and Pariie are smart girls. We trust they will make a right decision in life, even that is to marry their Muslim bf.
Not all people from the religion xyzs are good or bad. Lets hope their bfs are not religious fanatic. We have provided them tips to be careful of. If kaveri and Pariie sense trouble, they are smart to take right decisions for their lives.
Kaveri and Pariie, please keep in touch!