Hindu-Muslim Marriage: First Love then…?

prapti says: November 19, 2016

i am a hindu girl and i am in love with a muslim boy and want to marry him.. we trust on eachother so much. And when it comes about marriage ..he says he dont want me to convert for sake of marriage. And he says rather than converting we must be apart though its difficult.. He is saying this for my sake and says’ i dont want to see you cry rather i would die”. But its not easy for me to leave him..rather i am ready to be converted to islam not for marriage but falling with him i am loving the islamic religion too. And he says me about every restrictions of his religion and says i cant sustain the life of his society.
We love each other so much ..and he is ready to leave me for the sake of my happiness but i cant leave him and marry any other person. -Prapti

View videos: Interfaith Marriage with Equality, All you want to know about the Hindu-Muslim Marriage, Sharia: Hindu-Muslim Marriages,
Also read: Hindu-Muslim marriages, Hindu-Muslim lovers’ experiences, Koran on Hindus?, Love-Jihad, Don’t fake-convert, Polygamy and talaak, Akansha unwillingly converted to Nusrat, Hindu girl-Muslim boy, Idols, pluralism, SRK-can you do it?, Zakir Naik, Christian-Hindu marriages, Sikh-Muslim marriages, Malaysia in love, Marriage laws.
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  • Riya Roy(formerly known as Ridha Sayed)
    November 21, 2016 6:42 am


    It appears you are landing in a deep trouble. You do not know criminal,cruel and discriminatory relion is islam. Initially, muslim guys are very submissive, adjusting because of Taqqiya doctrine in islam i.e. to adopt all deceptive tactice to trap non muslim girls for multiplication of islamic population to increase terrorist activities globally. Do you know, a muslim guy is allowed to keep 4 wives at a time, give orally tripple talaq and if divorced wife is to be accepted she has to practice halala, i.e. to sleep with other male for few months, then he will divorce and consider the previous to accept at his will.

    On the day of wedding night, bride has to bleed to prove virginity, are you ready for this? wear burqa? if ever you wish to come to back to your parental religion, you will be stonned to death.

    You are an innocent girl, dont get trapped, you will be divorced and forced to practice halala repeatedly, to lead a life of prostitute and no doubt you may be made victim of genital mutiliation and sold to ISIS, and other terrorist groups.

    Immediately dissociate yourself from him. I have faced so many problems in this religion and ultimately left islam.

    Hope good sense will previal on you.

    • admin
      November 21, 2016 6:34 pm

      Don’t be disappointed by comments by others. As a part of an interfaith marriage, you will have to be prepared to hear nasty comments from both sides, all times. People will tell you based on their life experiences, but you know your situation the best. We recommend to listen/read all suggestions, do not get disturbed but make fully “informed” decision. We hope you will continue communication with us, rather than closing your ears and eyes. We hope to hear from you soon, we are waiting!

  • prapti
    November 20, 2016 11:18 am

    To be exact its been only a year since we are in relationship..actually he is my friend of friend..firstly we started being a friend and we kept the limit too that we can’t be together regarding our religion but with the talks and chats we fell in love ultimately.. He is such a mature and understanding guy I have ever met in my life ..he knows me more than anyone else in the world and care about me too.. But when it comes about marriage..cuz every lovebirds want a happy ending ..we both remain tensed..and helplees

    • November 20, 2016 5:00 pm

      You must have heard before that Hind-Muslim marriage is like walking on fire. Issues will go on for next 80 years or so and even after your the last day (will you go in grave or Hindu final rite?). We are not saying you cannot be successful but we wish you make fully “informed” decision. If you were smart, you will decide that you will not marry till you are 100% clear for what you are getting into.

      Question is… what is his first love, you or his religion? If he truly loves you the way you are, then you are in good shape. We say, go marry like Kareen Kapoor did. That is a true love, not love for something else first.

      Another question is… who is he in love with? Is that you, the Hindu Prapti or some Nusrat or Ayesha (former Prati). It is very difficult to be in a situation when you know he does not love YOU and he wants you to be something you are not. What will happen if 10 years down the life and after children, he realizes that you are not exactly what he wanted? For these reasons, it is safer to marry someone who loves you the way you are.

      I am glad he told you, “he says me about every restrictions of his religion and says i cant sustain the life of his society.” What type of restrictions is he talking about? Why he said you cannot sustain life of his Society? Explain us and it will help us help you.

  • November 19, 2016 8:13 am

    Hi Prati,
    Sorry to see you are in a difficult position. We have a solution where you don’t have to convert, not follow all restriction and marry very happily to him for ever. Before that, tell us:

    1) How many years have you been dating?
    2) Tell us what were his characteristics and talks that made you fall in love with him (compared to many other boys)?
    2) How long before he learned of this conversion and restriction talk, and start telling you?

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