If you are a Hindu/Sikh/Jain girl in love with a Muslim boy, you are not alone. This is a common theme on this site. This one page (and cross references) is all information that you need to know, so relax! [If you are not a Hindu girl, visit Muslim girl, Hindu boy, Muslim boy for more relevant message for you]

If you are one who is a secular and not a religious Hindu girl, an easiest way to solve all problems is your religious conversion to Islam.
What will happen if I convert to Islam? If you are curious, here is a list:
- You will take the Shahadah oaths, that is, conversion to Islam. It is only a 15 min ceremony, simple!
- You will have the Islamic Nikaah (marriage). Your name will go in a Nikaah-nama as a Muslim. It is a legal document as per most country’s laws
- You will be given an Arabic name. Sharmila Tagore did, why are you hesitant?
- You will not have your original name on your wedding card, but only a Muslim given name!
- The Muslim boy cannot be a part of Hindu wedding because it is idol-worship prohibited by Islam
- You will not be allowed to use Facebook any more (read Akansha to Nusrat).
- Your Muslim lover cannot enter a Hindu temple and bow to Hindu Gods because it is prohibited in Islam. However, your Muslim lover will expect you to accept 100% Islam and quit 100% Hinduism. Why will you not insist him to show the same respect that SRK is showing to Gauri Khan by joining for a pooja in your temple?
- You cannot carry any Hindu god photos or Ganesh murti in your new married Muslim life home because, as per your Shahadah oath, there is no God but Allah
- You cannot (should not) enter a Hindu temple any more because Hindus pray to false gods
- You will not be encouraged to go for further education or a job
- You will be rushed into having several kids. If you are smart, do not plan a child at least three years into your marriage life. Plan for a child only after you are 100% sure for your decision
- Your children will have Arabic names and circumcision
- Children will be taught only from Koran, not at all from Geeta
- Children will not be allowed to be a part of Holi, Janmasthami and Diwali, not even when they are at your parents home. Instead you will celebrate bakra-id and Ramadan
- Your children (especially daughters) will not be allowed to listen to Muslim, learn dance and play sports.
- Your Muslim sons will be allow to mingle with your Hindu relatives and girls, but not your Muslim daughters
- Your children can marry to their Muslim cousins
- Your children will marry to (former) Hindus (after converting) like their mom did. This saga will continue for another 1000 years till no more Hindus left to convert!
- You will have to reduce association with your Hindu parents and Hindu friends, and ultimately forget them. You will have a new set of Muslim relatives and Muslim friends
- You will have to cook and eat meat
- Your husband and his family may ask you to start wearing burqa
- Your Muslim husband has rights to get three other young girl as wives stacked next to you. If you behave well, you will get more love from your husband compared to the other three wives
- If you don’t behave well, you husband may (lightly) beat you. It is good for you!!
- If you are tired of your married life, sorry you cannot ask for a divorce. A Muslim wife don’t have that right
- If you continue not behaving well, your husband may say talaak, talaak, talaak and you are out of that marriage, simple! See, there is competition (like an open market business), so if you don’t behave well (or get old) you will be fired and replaced with another young one
- If you get talaak in the middle of a cold night and asked to move out without any bags of your own cloths, where will you go from here? Your Hindu friends? Back to your Hindu father and Hindu brother with whom you spoiled relationships with? If you are smart, you got to have a back-up plan for this day
- If your former Muslim husband#1 realize his mistake of talaak, he cannot take you back. You MUST marry another Muslim, have sex with this temporary husband#2 then get (hope) a divorce to remarry your #1 husband.
- You (a Muslim after shahadah) cannot convert back to any other religion EVEN AFTER your divorce, otherwise punishment could be stoned to death (as per Islamic law)
- If you are divorced, most probably you will not get your child custody
- You (a Muslim lady) MUST marry only a Muslim
- After Shahadah and talaak, if you re-marry to a Hindu by a Hindu ceremony, your marriage may be invalid (read Supreme court’s rulling). Check with a lawyer for these legal complexities before taking the shahadah oaths
- If you die, you will be put in a grave and given Islamic final rites. On the Judgment Day, Allah will need your body to unite with your soul
- You will be happy to know that Islam is the only true religion; others are false (including Christianity, Hinduism, Sikhism and the rest). Further, on the Judgment Day, you will go to heaven; while your Hindu parents, Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Teresa, Barak Obama and all non-Muslims will get Hell of Fire.
It is possible that we may be wrong in some of above information and thus go and ask 100 other Muslims to confirm for facts and request them to speak out on this post. We will correct it, thanks.
If you don’t like all that is written above, please sit down with your Muslim lover and (most important his) family and ask what will be…is that (this) or [that]?
Talk to his Muslim parents ASAP. It is possible the boy may be just out to enjoy you and keep lying to fool (and enjoy) you. Most talk of conversion comes up just 6 months before the marriage. At that time, you will hear that….
- Sorry it is my dad…,
- I did not knew this is coming…,
- just do for heck of it,
- shahadah does not mean anything,
- every one does that,…
- I will let you practice your religion even after conversion,
- I truly respect Hindus but you convert,
- why can’t you convert for our love?
- you are creating problems by not converting,
- if you convert I will marry you today,………………..
……bottom line…..CONVERT, CONVERT, CONVERT or else I am walking away.
If you are secular, why are you dreaming for someone’s religious married life? Ask your Muslim bf what religious conversion has to do with love? Most Bollywood stars marry without religious conversion, why your lover cannot do for you? If he wants to change your name and religion, meaning he has allergy to them, why he is dating a Hindu girl when there are many pretty Muslim girls around?
Are all Muslims bad?…not at all; as a matter of fast, most secular Muslim boys today will not ask for religious conversion (like Salman, SRK). If your Muslim boyfriend is not a secular and out loving a Hindu, you have to wonder if is he a Sikh-meat love-jihadi? An absolute insurance again a love-Jihadi is “NO BBS“, simple!
How about fake-convert? Convert to Islam only if you want to be a Muslim. Why to make lies and deception a foundation of your married life? If you don’t have intention of following Islam, why to fool to Allah, Islamic institutions, imams, his Muslim relatives, and most important, to yourself? You will ultimately pay severe price for this fake-conversion.
“By nature girls are innocent and emotional, whosoever respects them (even falsely), they get trapped. There are so many anti social elements in the society who are disguised as gentlemen but internally conspirator” –Abida
Chand Osmani: Hindu girls should understand that Islam leaves no room for tolerating non muslims. They reserve pure contempt for Hindus. In one of cases, I remember how badly after marriage muslim guy used to beat his non muslim wife.. I do not find any place for non muslim girls to get interested in muslim guys to adopt burqa, restrict their fundamental freedoms. This is all due to evil and anti women teachings in the islamic religion favouring criminal, hyprocrate and fundamentalists. I know how cruel are the muslim guys under the pretext of religion cover.
Tabbu (a Muslim girl): Hello Priya, if you want to jump in to a well, it is your choice and luck. No Hindu girl can live gracefully with a muslim guy, On the wedding night you have to prove your virginity,.i,.e. blood stains on the bed sheets and even then, you can be divorced any time, when your husband is not satisfied with you sexually, he can marry 4 wives, every time a virgin wife, you will be beaten violently, you will be forced to use Hijab, no freedom to move or meet your relatives, no job permission, just a sex doll and even if you die, he will have sex with dead body. May be you forced to get mutiliated your genital? …. all sorts of evils in the muslim community. Right now he may be very polite, after having sex for 2/3 months, you will be ignored or tortured physically. You will have no point to return. Muslim girl can lead a graceful life with Hindu guy but not a Hindu girl with a muslim guy!
Well, there are not two interfaith marriages similar. So, why not learn from these good and not so good Hindu-Muslim dates/marriages below and make an informed decision from other’s experiences:
Girl | Details | Conversion?* | Status?* |
Sara | You want me to convert and forgo my religion??? | Asked for | |
Zoya | I’m Jain girl in relationship with a Muslim | ? | ? |
Radha | I am a Brahmin girl dating a Muslim Shia… | Agreed for court | ? |
Rajanpreet | A Sikh girl with a Muslim guy for 10 years… | ? | ? |
Kajol | He expects me to convert to Islam | Requested | |
Sheila | You are 200% right on conversion.. | Asked for | |
Pia | Muslim family has accepted me, but the problem is my Hindu parents | Yes | |
Poonam | I am a Brahmin dating a Shia | No? | ? |
Nupur | Me Hindu Brahmin and he is Muslim | NO? | ? |
Monica | I’m a secular Hindu girl and deeply in love with a Muslim boy | ? | ? |
Flora | I’m a Sikh in love with a Muslim | ? | ? |
Meghna | I told him I will not change my religion | Yes | |
Suman | Sick and tired of this sick society | Yes | |
Sara | You want me to convert and forgo my religion??? | Yes | |
Jashwant Kaur | (Muslim) has 3 sikh girls on the go and will slowly persuade them to convert | Yes | |
Pearl | Jain…planing to marry a muslim guy | No | |
Ahalya | I want both my parents and my lover | Yes | ? |
Ganisha | i am a sikh girl who is in love with a muslim guy | ? | ? |
Shalz | Hindu girl in a relationship with a turkish muslim boy | No | ? |
R | I’m punjabi, in love with a muslim bora | Yes | ? |
Niharika | Hindu girl in relationship with Muslim Sunni | Yes | |
Priya | I am Brahmin in relationship with a Muslim boy | ? | ? |
Stuck up | Hindu girl: Stop this conversion business ASAP | Yes | |
Neha | I am a Jain girl and I love a Muslim | No | ? |
Anmol | Muslim-Sikh: His parents wont accept me without conversion | Yes | |
Agnotist | (Muslim) couldn’t understand the concept of pluralism | Kids must be Muslims only | |
Priya | We will marry by Hindu then Muslim ceremonies | Yes | |
Mansi | Hindu girl: Should i go with my love and run away with him (Muslim)? | ? | ? |
anon | Hindu-Muslim Marriages: Is the trend changing in America? | – | – |
Kamaljit | he asked her to marry and convert to Muslim | Yes | |
Priya | I am Hindu and like a Muslim guy | ? | ? |
Anita | …(Nirmla) a shoulder to cry on | Yes? | |
Amrita | Sikh-Muslim marriage with equality – a MUST read | No | |
Roma | No Hindu girl can spend her life with a Muslim boy | Yes? | |
Nirmla | Life has been sooo difficult | Yes | |
Anita | Your family will be unwelcomed and disgraced as ‘those Hindus’ | Yes | |
Leona | …love and respect all religion. This was until I fell in love with a Muslim. | Yes | |
Roop | A young Hindu woman (of Indo-Guyanese parentage) got married to a Muslim | Yes | ? |
Friend’s Sister | Tortured by her husband to pray 5 times a day | Yes | |
Ajit‘s S | My sis married to a Muslim | Yes | :-(? |
Madiha‘s mother | I am a Hindu now: A former Muslim’s life story | Yes | |
* These “expectation of conversion?” and “Status? of the blogger” are arbitrary based on limited information provided. It is highly recommended to read individual full story to make your own assessment.
Also read: Muslim girl, Hindu boy, Muslim boy, Koran on Hindus?, One God,
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Muslim men who try to do love jihad deserve lynching.
Are you talking about taking laws in your hands? What if the other party also decide the same? Is it the kind of world you are looking for?
When you point a finger at someone, remember, there are always three fingers at you. instead of blaming others, why don’t you look for improvement on your own side? Why not educate Hindu girls not to fall in love to start?
We highly recommend you go and sit in any local collage and sit there for 2 hours and observe what is going on there. Let us know if girls and boys are following your expectations? If not, what are you planning to do about it?
yes they do.
This page is designed in such a way to spread hate for islam.. Admin you are supporting many idiots who are talking rubbish.. Why don’t you take action on them ???
Dear Educated,
We asked you earlier and again asking… Can you point out what is anti muslim talk here?
This admin is anti muslim guy.. And he always bark against islam and try to create communal disharmony here.. He is bhaktt
please stop spamming here
Dear Educated,
Can you point out what is anti muslim talk here? Actually we are trying to create communal harmony here by teaching interfaith marriage with equality, meaning no conversion. Is this not beautiful? What does this mean..He is bhakt, do you mean he is a devotee?
Rape Jihad/Forced conversion/Abuse of Non-Muslim women is common by Muslim men. Muslim men try to breed with Non-Muslim women to increase the Islamic population (love jihad).
Such marriages should be banned and prosecuted with the death penalty.
Hindu Muslim bhai bhai….
muslim gaar me dam nahi hum kisi se kam nahi
And its a instruction to the hindu girls dont fall into the traps layed by those muslims
Bekar wahiyat hai muslims or unke law sbewakuff apna apna relegion follow kro or bhadakana bnd kro kuch kam kro
Respected Authority;
I am hindu girl sincerely in a true love with amuslim boy..We are in a relationship since 6 years and personally i love islam and had great respect for islam and there is no force which insist me to follow….But his family became a great hurdle sir how to cobveince his family
Reply at https://interfaithshaadi.org/?p=12383
I am a hindu girl. I am madly in love with a Kashmiri muslim guy. I have been dating him for past 5 months. I love him so much that I am ready to do anything for him, even convert to a muslim. But he says he can never marry me. He says whether I convert or not, his parents, being kashmiris, will never accept me. He is the eldest son and has a sister too and saya that it will affect his sister’s future in getting married. Please tell me how to convince him to talk to his parents and to marry me. Whoever feels that they can help me with an answer.
Reply at https://interfaithshaadi.org/?p=12100
Never put your real name on any public forum. It could hurt you later in life. We have changed your name for your protection. Of listed some 30 points above, how many are you willing to put up with? Are you okay if your Brahmin parents break relationship with you after conversion? If you get a talaak, where will you go? Once you are convince for what you want to do, later we will help you convince his parents.
Hello admin,
Thanks a lot for changing my name. Currently I can’t think of anything except for the fact that I can’t imagine this life without him being by my side.i think I can convince my parents. But ya I donno what will happen if he ever gives me talaaq. But his parents are happily married. So I hope he would never go till the extent of talaaq and would try to keep the family together. But he himself is not ready to talk to his parents. He says that it’s never gonna happen. But I don’t wanna lose faith and that’s why I am seeking your help. I don’t wanna look back at life and think after 10 years that what if I had tried, my life would have been different. Atleast I wanna try 100% from my side. So that I have the satisfaction that gave my best. Result is in God’s hands. I feel lost. I could be getting really emotional and may be that’s why thinking like this but I donno what to do at present. At present my happiness lies in this. I have never felt like this although I was in relationships before also. I feel i will never be able to love anyone else again.
Reply at https://interfaithshaadi.org/?p=12100
Mai ek muslim ladki se pyaaar karta tha maine usse shadi ki par maine uska Mazhab usse nhi cheena
Jaha Pyaar hai vaha mazhab ki kou ehmiyat nhi or jaha mazhab cheena pade convert hona pade thats Love Jihad (Y)
Dear Shashwat,
So you married to a Muslim girl (maine usse shade ki)? How did you got married, the special marriage act 1954? How about your children, will they have Arabic or Dharmic names?
I think its not just about religion.
Ita about the bonding between two people who.love each other and want to live forever.
Why do u guys want to convert them from hindu to muslim or muslim to hindu. just let them live there life as they want..why u r interesting between them. Why do u teach them that whats r8 and whats wrong. Who told the r8 and wrong things
Just be silent and live ur life.
If u want to marry someone just do it. And be prepared for the result.
Don’t give anyone a single chance to speak wrong about ur relationship.
We agree to all what you said except “Don’t give anyone a single chance to speak wrong about ur relationship.” Why not speak out and learn from others? When there are high rates of divorces in interfaith marriages, why not to make fully informed decision? Let every one say what ever, but in the end, make fully informed decision that you feel is right.
Hello…I am a Hindu girl…I love a Muslim boy..but he strictly told that in his religion a muslim should marry only Muslim so is there any way for me to convert to Islam…I am completely ready for it..no prblm for me to convert
Dear sister priya,
According to Islam, A muslim men/muslim women is stricly prohibited to marry a mushrik men/mushrik women untill they belive to accept islam…
According to Islam your muslim boyfriend does a sin, He should suppose to lower his gaze and do not see any non mehram(unknown women wheather a muslim girl/non muslim girl)..
In the religion of Islam, There is no compulsion in the religion, so he can’t force you to accept islam
According to hinduism you also does a sin, you also lower your gaze and do not see opposite gender..
you say that you are ready to accept islam to marry him, what i say sister to you is please dont (fake) revert to islam for marriage purpose. Its will give a big problem to both of you,
instead study islam and then ready to accept islam as a free will. .No body force you to accept,
can you give answer for my questions
Are you ready to accept Islam as a free will?
does some body forcing you to accept islam including your boyfriend?
does some body gives pressure (economy pressure/physical pressure) to you?
Shame full , your family and your bro and sister and all ,, are yu gone mad ,, there no boy in Hindu ,, what did yu thing it is good ,, no it is not … Plz I request yu
Iam hindu i want to marry muslim boy.. One doubt to me is thr no chance to live as a hindu after marraige also.. No chance mns i will definately converted bcuse iam askng like tht plz reply me.
Reply at https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=11056
Let me firstly clear that, Islam strickly prohibited for muslims to marry any non muslim untill they belive in islam(means revertion)
Secondly, There is no compulsion in Islam, so he cant force you to accept islam
In your case, The muslim boy who loves you, he did a sin according to islam and this makes both of you a big problem in future
Muslim men/women should lower their gaze and not to look any non mehram(means not to look opposite people wheather it will be muslim or non muslim except the permssion has been given in the Quran)
And according to hinduism also, a men/women too low their gaze
And it is not possible to marry with different faith and belives, Its a logic
for eg: if a bycyle contain one wheel of truck and another wheel of cyle then the vehicle wont be run.
Iam hindu i want to marry muslim boy.. One doubt to me is thr no chance to live as a hindu after marraige also.. No chance mns i will definately converted bcuse iam askng like tht plz reply me. /i respect allah nd i respect hinduism also lk tht/
Reply at https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=11056
That a fuck , nonsense it is … Plz I request yu all , don’t try to take a help of this … Yu can go in a wrong way ,,,so plz yu may remember your father and mother and your family… Plz plz
i am a kashmiri muslium boy i want to marray a hindu girl
Why not Muslim, why only Hindu?
This page is designed for scaring Hindu girls converting to Islam but still the trend continues throughout the world.
Mac is placing false and fabricated texts on this site. He is an associate of all terrorist organizations like ISIS, Boko Haram, Hizbolla, Alquaida and attempts to glorify misdeeds of rapist Mohammad.
How could a criminal who drugged women and then raped their passed out limp bodies ever be a prophet of God.
But what of Muhammad who was a rapist par excellence He raped 261 women and a child. He didn’t use drugs but force and imitation. ALL sex between a master and his sex slaves is rape. ALL sex between a man and a child is rape. ALL sex between a husband and his wife which is non consensual is rape.
Muhammad was according to God total Moral Perfection How do we know this.. Because God tells us thru Angel Gabriel that Muhammad was perfect. The perfection of perfection
In fact, the Quran, the holy book of Islam, does claim that Muhammad was the most perfect human being ever created who must be emulated and obeyed.:
“Ye have indeed in the Apostle of God a beautiful pattern (of conduct) for any one whose hope is in God and the Final Day, and who engages much in the Praise of God.” (Quran 33:21)
“Say (O Muhammad to mankind): ‘If you (really) love Allah then follow me (i.e. accept Islamic Monotheism, follow Quran and the Sunnah), Allah will love you and forgive you your sins. And Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.’ Say (O Muhammad): ‘Obey Allah and the Messenger (Muhammad).’ But if they turn away, then Allah does not like the disbelievers.” (Quran: 3:31)
“And whatever the Messenger gives you, take it, and whatever he forbids you, leave it. And fear Allah: truly Allah is severe in punishment. (Quran 59:7)
“And verily, you (O Muhammad SAW) are on an exalted standard of character.”(Quran 68:4)
God Almighty says, “And We have not sent you but as a mercy to the worlds.” (Al-Anbiya’ 21:107).
Muhammad – God tells us was an exalted standard of character.”, “a beautiful pattern (of conduct)” to be emulated by all men for all time.
The most important duty of a man is the care and protection of the young. A child is the very essence of Moral Perfection. To take a child and sexually molest the child is evil. The crimes Muhammad committed against this poor defenseless child are horrific. He ruined her life for his own sexual gratification. Being raped at 9, he damaged the child so she could never have children and when Muhammad died – he forbade her at 18 (and all his wives) to never remarry. For the great crimes Muhammad committed against Aisha and his wives: http://www.godofmoralperfection.com/new-page-42.htm
Since girls at that age are not fully mature either physically, emotionally, or psychologically, we know that it is wrong for a man, regardless of his age, to engage a child in sexual relations. No other conclusion can be drawn. No one would expect a real prophet of a righteous God to engage in, justify, allow, and prescribe for his followers such a malignant act.
Muhammad established an appalling precedent for Islam, Muslims, and young girls. This was not based upon wisdom, knowledge, or science, but only upon his desires, actions, and teachings. He should be judged as a man who established child abuse as a norm in Islam.
The prime duty of mankind is to raise the children in a safe environment and properly care and educate them, so that they can progress into responsible adults. Sexual exploitation of children is a horrible crime, which totally destroy their self-esteem, and mentally condemn them to a life of psychological torment. Their innocence thus spoiled, they become part of the living dead.
Prophet Muhammad,sexually abused and molested a child, namely Aisha. Muhammad, aged 51, married Aisha, aged 6, and had sex with her when she turned 9. But sexual abuse started immediately after the marriage at six, as Muhammad used to do thighing with Aisha until she became capable of sustaining penetration. All acts of sexual gratifications and penetration by an adult man with a child, whether 6 or 9, are sexual abuse and rape of the child.
Remove this post.Allah will punished u soon.
Hi readers,
I am muslim girl age 22 years, in love with a hindu boy(28 years age) for the last 3 years.Both working in a company and wish to marry now, but my parents
want me to marry my own cousin,running a meat shop. I dont like him and
his business and islamic practices against females.
Am a hindu girl(married),i never got any respect and physical satisfaction from my hindu husband… Which made me to take a better way,got involved with a muslim.. He never forced me to convert
Reply at https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=10313
I don`t know why you people cite blogspot, people can make blog on anything, i can show you blogs where islam,Christianity is proven 100% right and Hinduism proven 100% wrong, lets directly deal with texts.
Here is the direct interview of renowned Vedic scholar Sri Sri Ravi Shanka in Bhavisya Puranas and Muhammad
Dont trust on Mac. He is an associate of ISIS. Here are excerps of Koran, that legalizes sex and treating women only sex toys.
Sex with slave-girls in times of peace
Sura (Chapter) 23 was revealed during Muhammad’s life in Mecca before his Hijrah or Emigration from his home city to Medina in AD 622. During the early years of his ministry, he never waged war on anyone, so these were times of peace, although he suffered from a measure of persecution. For more information on the historical and the literary topical contexts of Sura 23, click here.
The Quran in Sura 23:5-6 says:
5 [Most certainly true believers] . . . guard their private parts scrupulously, 6 except with regard to their wives and those who are legally in their possession, for in that case they shall not be blameworthy. (Sayyid Abul A’La Maududi, The Meaning of the Quran, vol. 3, p. 237)
The key words are “those who are legally in their possession.” Maududi (d. 1979) is a highly respected commentator on the Quran, and he interprets the plain meaning of the clause, saying that sex with slave-girls is lawful.
Maududi writes:
Two categories of women have been excluded from the general command of guarding the private parts: (a) wives, (b) women who are legally in one’s possession, i.e. slave-girls. Thus the verse clearly lays down the law that one is allowed to have sexual relation with one’s slave-girl as with one’s wife, the basis being possession and not marriage. If marriage had been the condition, the slave-girl also would have been included among the wives, and there was no need to mention them separately. (Ibid. p. 241, note 7)
The main point in this section, which Maududi overlooks or refuses to criticize, is that Muhammad himself endorses not only the entire institution of slavery, but also sex between male owners and their female slaves within this institution. But how can he and devout Muslims criticize their prophet without seriously damaging Islam? But Muslims must do this, if they think clearly and critically, and for the good of humanity.
It should be noted that Sura 70:29-30, also revealed in Mecca, uses nearly the identical words as Sura 23:5-6. Men must guard their private parts from everyone but their wives and slave-girls, meaning that men may have sex with both “categories” (Maududi’s word).
If readers would like to see these verses in multiple translations, they should go to this website. This one has three translations, and this one is funded by the Saudi royal family.
Sex with slave-girls in times of war
Now Muhammad has emigrated from Mecca to Medina. By the time Sura 4 is revealed, where our next Quranic verse is found, he has fought many wars and skirmishes. For example, he fights the Meccans in the Battle of Badr in AD 624 and again the Meccans at the Battle of Uhud in AD 625. He also exiles the Jewish tribes of Qaynuqa in AD 624 and Nadir in AD 625. He carries forward this policy of sex between male owners and their female slaves to his new city of Medina, with the added twist of enslaving women prisoners of war and permitting his soldiers to have sex with them. For more information on the historical and literary topical contexts of this next sura, please click here.
The Quran in Sura 4:24 says:
And forbidden to you are wedded wives of other people except those who have fallen in your hands (as prisoners of war) . . . (Maududi, vol. 1, p. 319). (See also Suras 4:3 and 33:50)
Thus, women captives are sometimes forced to marry their Muslim masters, regardless of the marital status of the women. That is, the masters are allowed to have sex with the enslaved human property.
Maududi says in his comment on the verse that it is lawful for Muslim holy warriors to marry women prisoners of war even when their husbands are still alive. But what happens if the husbands are captured with their wives? Maududi cites a school of law that says Muslims may not marry them, but two other schools say that the marriage between the captive husbands and wives is broken (note 44).
But why would a debate over this cruelty emerge? The answer is obvious for those who understand simple justice. No sex should take place between married female prisoners of war and their captors. In fact, no sex should take place between women captives and their Muslim overlords under any circumstance.
This sexual injustice is reprehensible, but Allah wills it nonetheless—the Quran says so.
Predictably, the hadith perpetuate this Quran-inspired immorality.
The hadith are the reports of Muhammad’s actions and words outside of the Quran. The most reliable collector and editor is Bukhari (d. 870).
The hadith demonstrate that Muslims jihadists actually have sex with the captured women, whether or not they are married. In the following passage, Khumus is one-fifth of the spoils of war.
Ali, Muhammad’s cousin and son-in-law, just finished a relaxing bath. Why?
The Prophet sent Ali to Khalid to bring the Khumus (of the booty) and . . . Ali had taken a bath (after a sexual act with a slave-girl from the Khumus).
What was Muhammad’s response to the person who hated Ali for this sexual act?
Do you hate Ali for this? . . . Don’t hate him, for he deserves more than that from [the] Khumus. (Bukhari)
Thus, Muhammad casually believes that slave women who are part of the one-fifth of the spoils of war can be treated like sexual property. Ali is a Muslim hero. He was the husband of Fatima, Muhammad’s daughter by his first wife Khadija. So why would the model prophet for the world scold his son-in-law for having sex with a slave-girl? After all, slaves are fair sexual game. The Quran says so.
Moreover, holy jihadists may not practice coitus interruptus with the women they capture, but not for the reason one expects: simple justice.
While on a military campaign and away from their wives, Muslim jihadists “received captives from among the Arab captives and we desired women and celibacy became hard on us and we loved to do coitus interruptus.” They asked the holy prophet about this, and it is important to note what he did not say.
He did not scold them or prohibit any kind of sex whatsoever, declaring it haram (forbidden). Rather, he gets lost in theology and the quirky doctrine of fate:
It is better for you not to do so [practice coitus interruptus]. There is no person that is destined to exist, but will come to existence, till the Day of Resurrection. (Bukhari; for parallel hadiths go here and here)
That is, these enquiring Muslims should stop doing coitus interruptus, but instead go all the way with the enslaved sex objects. Fate controls who should be born. Muhammad does not prohibit this extremely immoral practice just when the time was right to forbid it.
It is one thing for some soldiers in any army to strike out on their own and rape women. All armies have criminal soldiers who commit this wrong act. But it is quite another to codify rape in a sacred text.
Islam codifies and legalizes rape.
It is disappointing that the Quran does not abolish this sexual crime in the clearest terms: Thou shalt not have sex with slave-girls under any circumstance!
hi,many things are tough to me.But after converting to Islam there is no other choice,just follow. Pray and love Allah and face the consequences.
Life is not that simple … it is only after being there you will realize. Read …
Also read each and every of above life experiences.
Don’t just jump into, no one is forcing you, but think!
To niya, my mother was also brahmin hindu, and i don`t think she is less happy than any other hindu brhamin women, but onething that she reverted to islam by her own will.
And I would like to question niya on 5 things, which will make her decision easy, if her answers are yes then it will not be difficult for her to leave Hinduism and embrace islam and islamic way of life.
Qn. 1 :- Do you support Rape, Do you believe Rape is a Holy act?
Your Ans :- Yes/No
Qn. 2 :- Do you believe a woman is born sinful,lower-grade? Do you believe you are born fro sinful wombs.
Your Ans :- Yes/No
Qn. 3 :- Do you believe Dog=Women(you) ?
Your Ans :- Yes/No
Qn. 4 :- Do you believe women are idiot ?
Your Ans :- Yes/No
Qn. 5 :- Do you believe the incident of a mother giving to female child birth is bad,unfortunate?
Your Ans :- Yes/No
My answer is
Ans no 1 : NO
Ans no 2 : NO
Ans no 3 : NO
Ans no 4 : NO
Ans no 5 : NO
I am waiting for your answer..
No,no for all questions..!
Just ask this question to her…and ask her to give a 100% genuine answer by the name of God…..I am sure she won’t be able to give…..
Thank You..!
Bunch of lies. Don’t believe this website. It is misleading .
If a Muslim woman plans to tie the knot with a Hindu man she should convert before marriage, otherwise the alliance could be declared illegal in the eye of the Hindu Marriage Act.
This edict came from the Supreme Court on Thursday in case of an IAF officer who had appealed for divorce from a Muslim woman who also had two kids from her first marriage. She was a Hindu before her last marriage.
The young officer had met the woman on board a flight to Hyderabad from Delhi. They got married at his native place in Rajasthan. But the relationship soured and the IAF officer sought dissolution of the marriage on the ground that his wife was a Muslim at the time of marriage.The plea was accepted and the marriage was declared void.
But the woman produced evidence in a higher court that she was a Hindu before her first marriage and thus there was no violation of the Hindu Marriage Act.
admin says:
November 5, 2014 at 7:47 am
After life is your faith and NOT fact. Again, we don’t have problem if you wish to believe in it but don’t impose it on others. Christians have right to believe Jesus is a begotten son of Allah. Buddhist have rights to believe in reincarnation. These is one God, different paths. All are God’s creating and loved equally by Her/Him and no one is superior over others. This is call pluralism and tolerance.
then jesus as begotten son of god is also not fact, buddhism reincarnation is also nit fact, you and your bunch of liars were imposing falsehood on inncocent muslim girls, i just replied according to comments of other evil minded users,
tolerance, lol, will you allow any muslim girl taking beef hindu hindu household, have you advised any muslim girl to ask their bf,in law to have beef on their home, so keep your tolerance and pluralism chocolate in your pocket
Yes, “jesus as begotten son of god is also not fact, buddhism reincarnation” are their faith and they have rights to believe what ever work for them. Hindu could eat beef if they wish to, we don’t have any control over what they wish to do. We are here to help youths make “informed” decision, that’s all.
admin says:
November 3, 2014 at 7:09 am
Most of 1.6B Muslims don’t perform namaz five times a day, that does not mean they are not Muslim. These are Christians fundamental belief. Learn to look problems in your own side, rather than looking for problems in all the rest.
yes, but not praying five times a day doesn`t make anyone non-muslim, but jesus as the begotten son of god is the main belief of christianity and this is the main difference between christianity and islam, i am sure you know that very well.
you said learn to look problems on your own side, yes you are right, but this advice fits for you and the other goons who copy paste in this site, they look for problems in islam, afgansitan,paksitan,somalia where as india ranks number 1 in rape, even bangladesh is ahead of india in gender equality, bangladesh ranks 75, india ranks 101…………in india, even a two years girl is being raped…so tell your so called humanists of this site to first clean their shoes and then talk about others
We approve and respect Christian’s belief that “jesus as the begotten son of god”. Let them believe what they want to. Same way, performing namaz five times is Islamic one of 5 pillars, and again, go ahead do it.
good, now you came to line, you should have realised it two three years ago when you were constantly making anti-muslim comments,anti-christians commennts
also stop telling others that after life is not true, man made, i observed you said to many muslim girls, now advising me to respect others feelings, you are 100% a double standard biased admin in any internet forum
After life is your faith and NOT fact. Again, we don’t have problem if you wish to believe in it but don’t impose it on others. Christians have right to believe Jesus is a begotten son of Allah. Buddhist have rights to believe in reincarnation. These is one God, different paths. All are God’s creating and loved equally by Her/Him and no one is superior over others. This is call pluralism and tolerance.
admin says:
October 30, 2014 at 6:44 am
Jesus is a Son of God is a fundamental belief of Christianity. Go ask any church. Those European Christians killed millions in name of religion but now they come to senses and are now pluralists/atheists. Islam is some 100 years behind them opening up but we are hopeful.
by the way, what do you mean by pluralists, accpeting different culture or praying to multiple god
don`t say any church, there are many churches who don`t beileve jesus as god, it is the main beilef of catholic/protestent church and the church under them.
there is not a single backward beilefs in islam, we believe in one god, that god is so powerful that we can`t see him with eyes, we don`t say god has son, we don`t say god came to earth and raped lower caste women,
when indian hindu women were burnt alive on funeral pyre of her husband, muslim women on the other hand in 8th century were going to university for studies, here is the link http://www.scientificamerican.com/slideshow/forgotten-history-muslim-scientists/
without algebra and algorithm, we wouldn`t have reached this far interms of technology
History of algebra. ..
“…… The Arabic word for
restoration, al-jabru, is the root of the
word algebra. ) In the 9th century, the
Arab mathematician al-Khwarizmi wrote
one of the first Arabic algebras, a
systematic exposé of the basic theory of
equations, with both examples and
proofs. By the end of the 9th century, the
Egyptian mathematician Abu Kamil had
stated and proved the basic laws and
identities of algebra and solved such
complicated problems as finding x, y,
and z such that x + y + z = 10, x 2 + y 2 =
z 2 , and xz = y 2 .
Ancient civilizations wrote out algebraic
expressions using only occasional
abbreviations, but by medieval times
Islamic mathematicians were able to talk
about arbitrarily high powers of the
unknown x, and work out the basic
algebra of polynomials (without yet
using modern symbolism). This included
the ability to multiply, divide, and find
square roots of polynomials as well as a
knowledge of the binomial theorem. The
Persian mathematician, astronomer, and
poet Omar Khayyam showed how to
express roots of cubic equations by line
segments obtained by intersecting conic
sections , but he could not find a formula
for the roots. A Latin translation of Al-
Khwarizmi’s Algebra appeared in the
12th century. In the early 13th century,
the great Italian mathematician
Leonardo Fibonacci achieved a close
approximation to the solution of the
cubic equation x 3 + 2 x 2 + cx = d .
Because Fibonacci had traveled in
Islamic lands, he probably used an
Arabic method of successive
unlike admin and others, you give links of hate site like faithfreedom ,answeringislam, wikiislam, i give authentic links like algebra.com,scientificamerican.com, which r neither hate site not their purpose to give bias information.
Pluralism: In an interfaith marriage with equality, pluralism is acceptance of the concept that two or more religions with mutually exclusive truth claims are equally valid.
We did not say “beileve jesus as god” but Christians believe Jesus as a Son of Allah and that Jesus resurrected after death. Go check with any church.
but those christians are not 2.4 billion as you said
2.1B, correct.
What do you mean?
2.1 b dont believe jesus as son of god, if u want i can show u statistics as well as vdos
Most of 1.6B Muslims don’t perform namaz five times a day, that does not mean they are not Muslim. These are Christians fundamental belief. Learn to look problems in your own side, rather than looking for problems in all the rest.
Whoever has written this article,is for sure a dumbass
Get your facts right and then you can preach about islam and muslims.
By the way all muslims dont ask their wibes to wear burqa or even hijaab and they dont beat or marry 4 more girls you bloody shitload.
Polygamy is allowed but there are rules if some one is willing to marry more than once.
and all muslims dont sire dozen of kids, they dont ask the girl or the wife to stop their education
n as far as the backward people are concerned then muslims can also say that hindus make their children have “Baal Vivah”
but we dont say that because we dont believe in being snobbish about other people.
Just because you came across a few incidents or some people u better not blame the entire community u bloody pathetic hypocrite.
Other religions also have backward people and they beat their wives after becoming an alcohol maniac.
why didnt you mention this for the sake of muslim girls?
I am a muslim girl and I am in a relationship with a Rajput boy and we both reapect each others religion.
so better learn to show some respect or ask ur mother to teach u to respect others.
And finally a little knowledge is a dangerous thing… jerk !!
Reply at https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=8617
There are no two cases same, but we are glad your situation is is not as listed above. BTW, how are you planning to get married with the Rajput boy? Will there be an Islamic nikaah (and conversion of Hindu?).
Anonymous, glad that you point out biased info of this site, but critism is necessary, i learnet lot of things about islam when i came to this and then checked it out by myself what is truth and not, let them spread flasehood, but its truth who laughs at the end, i know there are problems in muslim society which needs to be deleted but not like what this site has exaggerate by admin or other memnber, but i don`t agree with you when u call admin hypocrite when you are in a relationship before marriage which is haram in islam and awarded with 100 lashes, so be careful before calling others hypocrites when you are potraying yourself as muslim and disobeying Qurans(allah`s) commandment
I love dis guy and he loves me and we respect eact other.
we are not sleeping together.
He knows islam has limitations and he respects it.
He respects it so much that we dont even hold hands we just love each other and we like being the way we are.
And besides everything we are most of the times in different cities or different countries due to our professional requirements.
and i dont agree with u on the disobeying thing cuz we dnt do zina or anythng we have feeling of love for each other n not lust and as long as u dnt lust for someone it cannot be haram.
If you are reading about it then didnt u come across the rulings on it?
Love is not haraam nor being with other ppl is haram.
It can only be haram when u have lust in ur heart for d person u r with.
N I really cant help it if so many ppl fall in love or act so to get laid
I dont do it n what i m doin cannot be called haram.
Reply at https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=8617
Okay Anonymous,
I am sorry if i hurted you, i thought that wau coz in this world,,,,you know what i am saying,,….and please do viist this site to point out their lies, by the way, what about your marriage, are you gonna marry him, if yes, how? converting to hinduism and marrying in mandir(illegal is the eyes of allah swt) or civil(which is again illegal as indian marriage law don`t cover all the requirements of islamic nikahh) or is it by islamic nikahh……
Well as far as marriage is concerned I am not very interested in getting married and as marriage is not farz its sunnah so i can opt for no marriage.
As you know i cant convert to hinduism and I wouldnt want him to convert to islam just for the sake of marriage cause if anyone converts to any religion it shuould not b for d sake of love for a human being it should come from the heart and should be for the love of the almighty.
If people think thay they are moved by the rulings and preachings of a particular religion then only he or she should opt for it.
And itz not becoz of this guy that I dont want to get married.
I have always had this thing of no marriage at all and this is basically the reason why me and him are in a relationship.
He has alwz had this no marriage thing all along.
We have planned to adopt two girls and we will raise them as per our own beliefs.
And we try to help as many people we can and our love for the underpreviliged people is anothr things that has made our bond strong.
I love dis guy and he loves me and we respect eact other.
we are not sleeping together.
He knows islam has limitations and he respects it.
He respects it so much that we dont even hold hands we just love each other and we like being the way we are.
And besides everything we are most of the times in different cities or different countries due to our professional requirements.
and i dont agree with u on the disobeying thing cuz we dnt do zina or anythng we have feeling of love for each other n not lust and as long as u dnt lust for someone it cannot be haram.
If you are reading about it then didnt u come across the rulings on it?
Love is not haraam nor being with other ppl is haram.
It can only be haram when u have lust in ur heart for d person u r with.
N I really cant help it if so many ppl fall in love or act so to get laid
I dont do it n what i m doin cannot be called haram if u go by d rulings
Reply at https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=8617
Dear writer,very well you tried to convince Hindu girls to stay away from Muslim boys,a good try.But truth cannot be denied inspite of all your bullshits even continued today Islam is the fastest growing religion.The above statements clearly shows your anger may be your sis/daughter did marry a Muslim guy.lol
jisne tere dharm ko banya wo khud apni beti ka balatkari tha and fastest growing nahi balki you are pigs thatswhy you are growin
allah don`t have any beta , beti , stop lying and accept the truth
Where did you found the truth from? Understand that it is your faith (or book) and not facts.
2.4 billions of Christians have faith that Jesus is the son of God, while 1.6 billion Muslim’s faith is Allah can’t have beta beti. So who is right? Whose god is a true god? Who gave you rights to say that 2.4 billion Christians are fool? Why are you out insulting every one’s feelings?
Jesus is a Son of God is a fundamental belief of Christianity. Go ask any church. Those European Christians killed millions in name of religion but now they come to senses and are now pluralists/atheists. Islam is some 100 years behind them opening up but we are hopeful.
You will not be encouraged to go for further
education or a job???
Makes no sense at all.
Dear All
Love is something between two hearts. And I do agree marriage is between two religion. I am a born Hindu girl married a Muslim guy and being in relationship for three years now. What I understood and consoled my self from the beginning is God is one and we are all human beings. God didnt created religion and we are the one who did it. If he likes me wearing Hijab or Burka or if he wishes me not to go temple, I will do it for the sake of him. Because I love him. If your love is true and you really love him, you will sacrifice. Never see your sacrifices because God is seeing it. God is just one and this what Muslims, Christians, Hindus or any one preach…
But yes, I get upset because of my parents and in laws feelings. They dont like me to see in bindi and my parents doesnt like to see me in Burka.. This is the problem which I face personally. No body can work under two bosses as the same no body can be in two religion. Though I know it sometimes I feel why God has made me to take this decision. But atlast I strong believe God is taking all inter caste or inter religion marriage is been done only for a goodness. It will either gives you wisdom or a lesson. Both is good any how. Life is short enjoy and make others happy , you too will be happy….
With lots of care
Hemapriya Mohan / Yusra
Welcome to reversion to Islam the Religion of Peace. Hijab is required in Islam but that does not mean you will have to wear Burqa. You have to cover only your body with a sheet of cloth and have the option to keep your face and palm open.
Md.Zia-ul-Haque,Alim & Advocate
You people seriously need a reality check. Islam is a peaceful religion and does NOT force or push it’s values onto people. The extremists (sorry to say) which fits EXACTLY by the people which have agreed to the above are the wrong doers..not the religion itself. There are many many activists of many faiths, sad to see that you didn’t even address them too.
P.S. I know a couple who are happily married as Hindu – Muslim with beautiful kids. They have benefited in both faiths, hats off to them – maybe you could try and learn something here. Stop your dirty hate and grow up in world of peace.
love you all
If you are Muslim then kindly let me know as to under Islamic or Shariat Law marriage between a hindu boy or a girl with a Muslim girl or a boy is valid?
Md.Zia-ul-Haque,Alim & Advocate
Hi.. I am a 25 year old Hindu girl in a relationship with a 33 year old muslim sunni guy… we have been in relation for around 4 years now.. Initially he would say that he is ready to live seperate from his parents n i need not convert.. but as years passed i understood that he is very much attached to his mom and cannot leave her for anyone… also later on things like conversion and wearing a burqa came up… I love him a lot.. but I am not too sure if i should take this forward and get married to him.. he loves me too.. but the fact that he is too attached to his mom makes me insecure too at times and i also would not like to get converted.
This comment has been moved to https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=3129
You remind us of chand osmani on this blog, read what she wrote and email talk with her. Your movie is over miss, now you are facing the life after all your dreams have disappeared. What he is saying is that love is gone and only life is there left to live. You are a door mat from now on. Get a job even if it means working as a servant maid and live with self respect and more importantly with independence. Hindu families gave you independence and that’s what you lose in your marriage with this selfish man. Otherwise alternatively live as his slave. Once you marry him you are a slave and slaves wont get any love.Run when you still can….away from him.
Tell your would be husband that wearing Burqa is not mandatory in Islam. A Muslim woman is required to cover her head and body with a sheet of cloth and may keep her face and palm with fingers open if she wants.
Md.Zia-ul-Haque,Alim & Advocate
This entire explanation is awesome, hats off to who wrote it
Glad you liked it, pass the link to all your friends and post it on as many web sites as possible, thanks!
Ya, he did tell me that if i have 2 marry him then i’ll surely have to convert since a Muslim guy can perform nikaah only with Muslim girl. But he did add that i’ll be allowed to visit temples and that i can keep idols of God along with me. But now am going to tell him that am not going to change my religion at any cost. Let me see if he can accept me that way.
Anyways, thanks for your valuable advice Sir! I’ll surely get back to you for more guidance.
Reply to Pia at https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=2537
I am a 23 year old hindu girl in a relationship with a muslim boy for the last seven years. We both love each other alot and his parents have even accepted me. But my parents are against this relationship and above all I am the only daughter of my parents. So i am in a big dilemma now. Neither can i leave my parents nor can i stay without my boyfriend. What should i do? Please help me to make a decision . please.
Reply to Pia at Reply to Pia at https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=2537
You have left out the most critical information, does he or his family expect you to change your religion? It does not matter what excuse he uses, bottom line, do you have to convert?
If conversion is expected (in almost all cases), have you read all these above carefully and are willing to live through proudly? Considering risks are VERY VERY high, it is worth putting your parents to shame? If you get the talaak after marrying him, what is your back up plan, we hope not your parents?
Tell him that you will never ever convert in this life, this is who you are and will remain that way. Take it or leave. He will accept you as it. If not, you are only 23 and a long way to go for your life, you will have other options. Get back to us for more guidance. Don’t jump into the well blindly!
If a Muslim woman plans to tie the knot with a Hindu man she should convert before marriage, otherwise the alliance could be declared illegal in the eye of the Hindu Marriage Act.
This edict came from the Supreme Court on Thursday in case of an IAF officer who had appealed for divorce from a Muslim woman who also had two kids from her first marriage. She was a Hindu before her last marriage.
The young officer had met the woman on board a flight to Hyderabad from Delhi. They got married at his native place in Rajasthan. But the relationship soured and the IAF officer sought dissolution of the marriage on the ground that his wife was a Muslim at the time of marriage.The plea was accepted and the marriage was declared void.
But the woman produced evidence in a higher court that she was a Hindu before her first marriage and thus there was no violation of the Hindu Marriage Act.