Hindu Muslim Marriage is possible

Here a moderate Muslim youth is expressing his view points on Islam. It is different compared to what Mr. Haque and mac expressed on this web site.

Khan Hussain says: January 28, 2019 at 1:13 am (Edit)

Q1: Is Koran 100% truth and Godly words? Are those who do not believe in Koranic teachings are kafir?
A1: Firstly I would like to say that being a human and a muslim too we don’t have any right to call anyone “kafir”.
Secondly this word kafir comes from root “k f r” which means who denies. So literally kafir basically means a person who denies the existence of the God in any name any language any culture so basically non-muslims are not kafirs they too believe in God we can call non believers to Islam but not kafirs. Further, the person who neither believes in any religion nor to any religious book, existence of God is kafir.

Q2: If someone is an atheist and lesbian or gay, but that person is absolutely decent person out helping all, is that person hell bound? Is that person kafir?
A2: Atheist is one who does not believe in existence of God is what we call kafir but no human have the right to call anyone a kafir
Gays or lesbians good or bad may not come under the category of kafir but yes as per what I understood about nature is men is created for his women/life partner and women is for her men/life partner but not men for men or women for women as it is against nature too.

Q3: If Hindus wish to see Allah in different forms like Lord Rama and Krishna, is that idol-worshipping?
Q4: If Christians wish to believe Jesus as a Son of Allah (God), is that monstrous falsehood and wrong teachings?
A3-4: To think someone as relative of God is shirk a (a type of sin) as per Islam and also to worship God is type of shirk as per Islam because in Islam God is formless without any relatives without any family

Q5: Is Hindu-Muslim marriage possible? Do Hindu have to convert to Islam as per requirement in Koran?Respected
A5: About Hindu Muslim marriage is I can say that as per holy Quran God sent his messengers to every part of world with respective books which today may or may not exist so as per Islam Hindu too come under people of books and marriage to the people of books is possible.

More information: Hindu-Muslim Marriage, Sharia, Muslim-Hindu marriages, Hindu-Muslim lovers’ experiences, Koran on Hindus?
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  • Gokusan
    January 28, 2019 9:39 pm

    The person is highly wrong in the context that Hindus are not people of the book ,they are idolaters which is shirk and if he can ask him to show proof regarding his statement. He is not a sheikh or a ulema so his opinion bis invalid. The sheikh are unanimous as Hindus are not people of the book because they do not believe in in prophets ,secondly they do not believe in the heavely books and they commit idolatory.

  • January 28, 2019 8:54 pm

    Hi Khan,

    Thanks for sharing, we love your messages and viewpoints.

    mac explained Hindu-Muslim marriage as https://interfaithshaadi.org/?p=10068. Let us know what do you agree or disagree with his views of Islam.

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