Hindu-Muslim love ended in rage

Every girl wishes for a guy who relentlessly loves her, however dating time absolute love is not a barometer that the love will last for 30 years into your married life. Sometimes, compulsive and obsessive love could have a fatal outcome (read below). There are several tips to keep in mind while dating: 1) Love is blind, but don’t make life’s critical decisions blindly, 2) Don’t go by what the guy says (vocalizes) but critically look for warning signs, 3) don’t be pressured by the guy and don’t be submissive, 4) as hard it may be, but be bold and consult with your parents. Argue rationally with parents and in the end do that is right thing to do, 5) for any interfaith love, NEVER submit to a religious fanatic for a fake-religious conversion (especially for children, No BBS). -Best wishes. – Admin

Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/11/22/iftekhar-murtaza-convicte_n_4326625.html

MurtazaSANTA ANA, Calif. (AP) — A Southern California Bangla Desi man Iftekhar Murtaza was convicted Friday of the murders of the father and sister of his ex-girlfriend, Shayona Dhanak, and the attempted murder of her mother, in what prosecutors say was an ill-conceived attempt to reunite the couple.

A jury on Friday found Iftekhar Murtaza, 29, guilty of two counts of murder, one count of attempted murder and one count of conspiracy. The jury found that there were special circumstances of kidnapping during murder and multiple murders.

Authorities say Murtaza killed the relatives of Shayona Dhanak, who was a college freshman in 2007, after she blamed the couple’s breakup on her Hindu family’s opposition to her dating a Muslim.

The family’s home was torched and Dhanak’s mother left for dead. The bodies of Dhanak’s father and sister were found in a park the next day.

Two of Murtaza’s friends were convicted in the killings, and one of them was sentenced to life in prison.

Prosecutors say Murtaza plotted to murder the Dhanaks in an online chat with his best friend after the couple broke up in March 2007 because he hoped she would reunite with him once the relatives were no longer in the picture. At first, Gundy said, Murtaza wanted to hire a hit man, but he carried out the killings himself with help from another friend when Dhanak told him she planned to go on a date with someone else.

In May 2007, authorities found the family’s Anaheim Hills home on fire and Dhanak’s mother, Leela, stabbed and left for dead outside. Her father, Jay, and 20-year-old sister Karishma were missing until the next morning when their bodies were found burning in a park 2 miles from Dhanak’s dorm room at University of California, Irvine.

Murtaza was interviewed by police several days later and arrested at a Phoenix airport with a ticket to his native Bangladesh and more than $11,000 in cash.

During the trial, Murtaza testified that he told many people he wanted to kill the Dhanaks because he was distraught over the breakup, but he said he didn’t mean it literally.

Also read: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2512206/Muslim-Iftekhar-Murtaza-murdered-exs-Hindu-father-sister.html

Also read: Ten points of dating, Pride, Muslim girl, Hindu boy, Shasha, Intolerants, Idols, pluralism, SRK-can you do it? Zakir Naik, Can Allah be the Father God? Hindu-Christian Married Life in America, Christian-Hindu marriages, Hindu-Jew marriages, Jain-Muslim marriages, Sikh-Muslim marriages, Brahmin-Muslim marriages, Hindu-Muslim marriages, Inter-race-Inter-faith marriages, Jew-Muslim marriages, Christian-Muslim marriages, Who is God?, Bollywood and Interfaith Marriages.
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  • December 19, 2013 7:33 am

    Mr. Shafi,

    Mohd. propagated legal arabaric barbarism, as under”-

    Sharia Law & Freedom of Speech:
    · The punishment for apostasy (changing or discarding one’s Islamic religion) is death. Fatwa 4400, Part No. 1, Page 334 & 335
    · Mocking anything in the Qur’an or the Sunnah of the prophet Muhammad is apostasy and therefore punishable by death.Fatwa 2196, Part No. 2, Page 42
    · Criticizing Islam, shari’ah law or the Sunnah of the prophet Muhammad is apostasy and therefore punishable by death.Fatwa 21021, Part No. 1, Page 414
    · Any Muslim who states a preference for democracy rather than shari’ah law or questions anything in the Qur’an or Sunnah is a kafir (disbeliever), considered an apostate, and therefore sentenced to death.Fatwa 19351, Part No. 22, Page 239-248
    Sharia Law & Human Rights:
    · The punishment for theft is amputation of the right hand up to the elbow.Fatwa 3339, Part No. 22, Page 218 & 219
    · The penalty for premarital sexual intercourse is 100 lashes with a whip and one year of exile.Volume 3, Part No. 3, Page 359
    · The penalty for adultery between a married man and a married woman is 100 lashes with a whip and death by stoning.Volume 3, Part No. 3, Page 359
    · The penalty for homosexuality is death.Fatwa 4324, Part No. 22, Page 53 & 54
    · Non-Muslims living in lands ruled by Islamic law (shari’ah) must pay a poll tax (jizyah) in order to be subdued and feel subjugated to Muslims. Refusal to pay the tax grants Muslims the right to wage war against the non-muslims.Fatwa 4461, Part No. 1, Page 215Volume 3, Part No. 3, Page 183-190
    · Waging war against non-Muslims (jihad), even those who are peaceful, is encouraged so that other religions and atheism will be purged from the earth.Volume 2, Part No. 2, Page 437-440
    · If a Muslim kills a Jew or Christian dhimmi (one who pays the poll tax), he must pay only half the amount of “blood money” he would have to pay for killing a Muslim.Fatwa 5414, Part No. 21, Page 245

    Sharia Law & Women’s Rights:

    · Women are permitted an education in Islamic issues (religious education) and family duties, but academic study is not encouraged. Fatwa 9019
    · Women are not permitted to attend universities where both men and women are taught or all-female schools with male teachers.Fatwa 13814, Part No. 12, Page 150
    · Women over the age of puberty are not permitted to leave the house without covering the body (except face and hands). Fatwa 667, Part No. 17, Page 142-150
    · Women are not permitted to visit the graves of loved ones.Fatwa 2501, Part No. 1, Page 429
    · Women are not permitted to obtain passports (since their photographs in them may tempt men), unless for the purpose of making Hajj (pilgrimage to Mecca).Fatwa 2595, Part No. 1, Page 719
    · Women are not permitted to travel without a spouse or male relative.Fatwa 12139, Part No. 11, Page 38
    · Women are not permitted to be alone with men who are not relatives or spouses, and the punishment for such “indecency” is whipping or stoning.Fatwa 9693, Part No. 12, Page 381 & 382
    · Women are not permitted to speak softly to a man or otherwise provoke his desire with letters, phone calls or glances, the punishment of which is whipping or stoning.Fatwa 9693, Part No. 12, Page 381 & 382
    Sharia Law & Civil Matters:
    · A man may divorce his wife by simply giving her a triple talaq (saying “I divorce you” three times simultaneously).Fatwa 6542, 2nd question
    · A woman whose husband divorces her three times by simply saying “I divorce you”, even if divorced against her will, cannot seek alimony unless she is pregnant.Fatwa 20918, Part No. 20, Page 227
    · A man may not adopt any children, even if they are his stepchildren born to his wife from a prior marriage. Fatwa 5124, Part No. 9, Page 10
    · Men are entitled to twice the amount of inheritance a woman receives, regardless of what a person’s wishes are as detailed in a will.Fatwa 8778, Part No. 21, Page 234

    Sharia Law & Business Matters:

    · Since usury (charging or paying interest) is a sin, working at banks with interest-bearing deposits, keeping money in interest-bearing deposits, or accepting loans that charge interest is prohibited.Fatwa 4011, Part No. 12, Page 80
    · It is illegal to work in certain industries, such as retailers selling musical instruments, wine, tobacco, or music CDs; a photography studio; or any company that requires its employees to be photographed Fatwa 5436, Part No. 13, Page 42
    · Muslims are encouraged not to enter into business partnerships with non-Muslims.Fatwa 5855, Part No. 2, Page 98 & 99

    Sharia Law & Personal Hygiene:

    · Women are required to pluck, depilate or otherwise remove all facial and body hair, with the exception of shaving the eyebrows or head. Fatwa 5007
    · Men must let their beards grow without cutting but keep their mustache trimmed so as to appear different from non-Muslims. Fatwa 2196, Part No. 2, Page 41 & 42
    · Failure to take a ritual bath for the purpose of purifying oneself after sexual intercourse is a sin that must be repented from and will invalidate one’s prayers to Allah. Fatwa 11188, Part No. 6, Page 19

    Death Compensation

    As already stated in· Fatwa 5414, Part No. 21, Page 245 If a Muslim kills a Jew or Christian dhimmi (one who pays the poll tax), he must pay only half the amount of “blood money” he would have to pay for killing a Muslim. Following is a listing of the required death compensation.

    From the website of the Consulate General of India, Jeddah, who is recording these matters because they come up in connection with his people who are working in Saudi Arabia:

    Mode of Payment:

    All Death Compensation cases (except industrial accidents) in Saudi Arabia are settled through concerned Sharia Courts in accordance with the Sharia Law.

    Maximum Amount admissible:

    The maximum amount of Death Compensation (Diyya) generally admissible in Saudi Arabia, in respect of road/traffic/fire accident, murder, etc. is as under: Death Compensation in respect of a male person:
    i. Muslim – SR. 100,000/-
    ii. Christian/Jew – SR.50,000/-
    iii. Other religions: such as Hindu, Buddhist, Jain, etc. – SR 6666.66

    In the case of death of a female, death compensation allowed is equal to half the amount as admissible to males professing the same religion. Further the amount of compensation admissible, is based on the percentage of responsibility fixed on the causer e.g. if the causer is held 50% responsible for the accident resulting in the death of a Muslim, the amount of Death Compensation admissible will be SR 50,000 only.
    100,000 Saudi riyals = $26,665.25
    50,000 Saudi riyals = $13,332.62
    6,666.66 Saudi riyals = $1,777.69

    To truly understand the evil we face read the following quotation from the Secretary General of the Islamic Sharia Council Suhaib Hasan, describing his plans for Sharia in Britain. There are 89 Sharia Law courts presently operating legally in Britain. There is rapidly evolving two different systems of law, which will eventually merge into only one legal system – Sharia. Quoting “If Sharia law is implemented, then you can turn this country [Great Britain] into a haven of peace because once a thief’s hand is cut off nobody is going to steal.” Furthermore, “once, just only once, if an adulterer is stoned, nobody is going to commit this crime at all,” and finally, “ we want to offer it to the British society. If they accept it, it is for their good and if they don’t accept it they’ll need more and more prisons.”

    Recently the good people of Oklahoma voted by 70% to ban Sharia Law forbidding their courts from considering Sharia in any of its rulings. It is important to understand that Sharia has invaded the legal system of the United States. Under the guise of religious freedom, Sharia rulings are been made by judges everywhere. Incredibility an Oklahoma judge just ruled that such a ban is unconstitutional because it infringes on the religious rights of Muslims. The horror of Sharia has been given legal protection.

    In their defense of Sharia, Muslims hid under the cloak of religious practice stating that the ballot measure would infringe on the constitutional rights of ordinary Oklahomans — including the right to wear religious head scarves in driver’s license photographs, choose Islamic marriage contracts, implement Islamic wills, or to be buried according to one’s religious beliefs.

    This is a bunch of nonsense. The Oklahoma law forbids lawmakers from legislating for Oklahomans as a whole using Sharia rather than American law. It does not forbid private individuals from getting married or writing wills in any way they wish. The idea of the Oklahoma Sharia ban is to prevent judges from making decisions based on a legal system that contradicts the principles of American law in numerous particulars.

    Again it is imperative that Sharia be banned throughout the USA. Do not allow yourself to be fooled or tricked by the elites into any false sense of security. Islam is a direct threat to our way of life. Do not sit on the sidelines of life like the Germans did allowing Hitler to come to power. Demand from your congressmen the banning of Sharia, criminalization of Jihad and then the passage of the Democracy and Freedom Act, Constitutional Amendment: Equality of Women, banning Stealth Jihad and the other recommendations listed in the forth coming section – Plan of Action.

  • shafi
    December 11, 2013 7:46 am

    what r u williams did u study ur religion first before commenting on our prophet. u r also a educated illeterate, a fool living in ignorance

  • shafi
    December 11, 2013 7:45 am

    fuck ur ill concieved presumptions

  • December 11, 2013 7:20 am

    By nature, muslims are taught to be cruel against non believer and trap
    non muslim girls to multiply their populations. This is what Quran describes followers of Mohamad, who a monster, criminal and rapist.

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