Hindu-Muslim Love – What Should I do?

Shruti says: November 7, 2016


I am in love with a muslim boy…and I believe that I can’t live without him. His parents are very nice even I know all the family members. At present he is my only friend, he forces me to go mandir and celebrate all the festivals in return he just wants me to not hate muslims, he always justifies the fact islam is peacefull religion. Till now he is the only person to whom I can trust. My family is scritly against this inter religion marriage…what should I do… -Shruti

Shruti says: November 9, 2016

Hi, We didn’t discussed about this so far, but it will be fine for me if my children will follow islam, I am not against of any religion but it is difficult for me to change faith suddenly, but in child case its different however, its up to them.
About parents : I dont think they will easily accept us, they know about our frindship.
We have planned to tell both the parents next year i.e why before taking decisions we will have to check all the consequences…. Shruti

View videos: Interfaith Marriage with Equality, All you want to know about the Hindu-Muslim Marriage, Sharia: Hindu-Muslim Marriages,
Also read: Hindu-Muslim marriages, Hindu-Muslim lovers’ experiences, Koran on Hindus?, Love-Jihad, Don’t fake-convert, Polygamy and talaak, Akansha unwillingly converted to Nusrat, Hindu girl-Muslim boy, Idols, pluralism, SRK-can you do it?, Zakir Naik, Christian-Hindu marriages, Sikh-Muslim marriages, Malaysia in love, Marriage laws.
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  • December 1, 2016 2:19 am

    hi i m akash i m from my girl is a muslim and his family is very high class.And i belongs from a middle class family.I love very much with each other.i wants to marry with each other.please guys tell me what can i do.My whatsaap no. is xxxx

    Reply at https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=11818

  • B.Ramakrishnan
    November 28, 2016 12:18 am


    I am Hindu. I am in love with a Muslim Girl and I want to marry her. Please advise me.

    • November 28, 2016 7:23 pm

      We can help. Let us know what is the situation between two of you? Did you talk to your parents? Does he expect you to convert to Islam? Can you go marry her with the Special Marriage Act 1954? Get back to us.

  • Tarik.
    November 26, 2016 6:13 am

    I am a Muslim boy aged 23 . I want to marry my Hindu girlfriend . Our parent are not allow us. but we are 100% sure about marriage . Plz suggest us the legal court marriage processor. We don’t want to inform our both families . After marriage we will inform them. and how to get marriage certificate . we are legal aged of 23. plz plz help us.

  • November 14, 2016 1:27 pm

    i am hindu boy but i love a muslim girl.our relationship is year continue. after four year my girlfriend starting read quran then now her decision is she did not want to take relationship with me.so then i tell her i change my religion to hindu to muslim because from my point of view i love very much and in love no religion has not come.now what can i do.if u give me suggestion

    Reply at https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=11751

  • November 12, 2016 7:04 pm


    You said today that “It makes me feel so depressed…. ?” That “being depressed” is the last thing you want to do in life. It make your mind weak and lead you to make a wrong decision. Life is pain. Lord Buddha said “Pain is compulsory but suffering is optional.” In you your case, decide that you will acknowledge your pain but will not suffer a single day. Narendra Modi and other leaders have bigger issues on their hands (compared to yours) but they keep doing that is best to do in given options. God has given you nice parents, beauty, smart brain, intelligence, education.. and what not. There are many people in this world who don’t have food to eat, a place to sleep or suffering from terminal cancer, why will you not be happy to feel blessed?

    Further, Shruti, you said, “I dont know what to do?” Answer is simple, do nothing till you are 100% sure what you are getting into. Just enjoy your friendship with your bf. You should not feel pressured to get married fast. Further, be BOLD and fear-free. Argue with your parents for your wishes. Likewise, go meet his parents now and tell them that you will never convert for marriage and further raise children two faiths. When you are bold and fear-free, truth will come out. When you are 100% clear for your path, then only make a decision to marry him (or dump him). Does this sound like a rational plan? Do you have any better plan?

    Shruti, can we give you one assignment? Understand that best way to learn is to teach. Can you communicate with Neha? Lets assume you are in exactly the same condition as Neha after 5 years, what would you do differently than Neha. So, get connected with your elder sister Neha. This will also help your depression and will make you think more rationally.

    We will be always here to guide you for what YOU want to do. Best wishes.

  • Riya Roy(formerly known as Ridha Sayed)
    November 11, 2016 7:57 am


    You are jumping in a hot pan. Are you ready for (i) prove viriginity on wedding night by bleeding and display of blood stained bed sheet before family members (ii) FMG(iii) face oral tripple talak , then(iv) practice halala (v) wear burqa(vi) face restrictions (vii) face presence of another 3 wiveskj.

    What pleasure you find in a muslim guy, who are notorious for terrorist activities, adopting deceptive techniques through Taqiya doctrine, treating females a sex toy, DENYING THEM NATURAL JUSTICE.


    • November 11, 2016 9:04 pm

      People from both sides will tell you that you cannot hear, and will continue stereotyping till your last day. You will have to be prepared for it. Sorry, this is a reality of life!

      • Shruti
        November 12, 2016 2:01 pm

        Hi Admin,

        I dont know if I will get married to him or not, but one thing is for sure I will never say a wrong word about any religion(including Islam) :). I dont care a bit what other people say about me. I just wanted to discuss it with a single person coz I dont have much friends already told you about this… 🙂

  • Shruti
    November 8, 2016 9:18 pm


    There is no reservation like stuff…we didn’t told our parents yet about this relationship…but gathered their views about inter cast religion marriage which is higly negative.
    But my b.f told me that for nikaah you should marry a muslim girl/boy, he told me not to convert i.e why he is in favor of court marriage, which definately not includes in islamic law…He also suggested me a convertion for mrriage is stricly prohibted in islam, if you really believe in allah and allah rasool (SWT) then you can convert, but other than this any reason for conversion is haram…

    • November 8, 2016 9:35 pm

      If you marry by Nikaah, means you will have to convert to Islam. Further, it also mean, the talaak and polygamy laws apply to that Muslim-Muslim marriage (view). For these reasons, to marry in a court is a great idea (you will stick to it if you were smart!).

      Does he say that children must be Muslims? It is not smart of you to agree to raise children in a faith you don’t want to be in. For now, settle for children will be 50% Hindu and 50% Muslim. Tell him after marriage and children, we will discuss if we wish to teach 60%-40%, but now. Clarify this with his “very nice” parents.

      When are you planning to inform two sets of parents?

      • Shruti
        November 9, 2016 2:12 am

        We didn’t discussed about this so far, but it will be fine for me if my children will follow islam, I am not against of any religion but it is difficult for me to change faith suddenly, but in child case its different however, its up to them.
        About parents : I dont think they will easily accept us, they know about our frindship.
        We have planned to tell both the parents next year i.e why before taking decisions we will have to check all the consequenses….

        • admin
          November 9, 2016 10:02 pm

          It is smart to know all consequences (before jumping into the well). Read all recommended articles above.

          You know it well that maintaining Hindu-Muslim marriage is like walking on fire, don’t go along, walk with us. We ask you to buy to insurances ; 1) Do not to throw sand in your parents eyes. You will need them one day again. It may take a year or two more to convince them, do not run away to marry. They will come around later. and 2) Stick with a request that you will make children Hindu (50%) as well as Muslim (50%). Keep that option open and that way, in your words, “however, its up to them (to pick their faith)”. Let us know which one of these two suggestions are not rational?

          • Shruti
            November 12, 2016 1:53 pm

            Hi Admin,

            Thanks for your help, I guess I need to check every pros and cons…I think to convince parents is a big deal here…I dont think they will ever understand us or even society…so what will I do?

            I dont know what to do? It makes me feel so depressed…. 🙁

  • November 8, 2016 8:30 pm

    Hi Shruti,

    Thanks for reaching out to us. We have experience dealing with some 1200 youths like you. We will work with you step-wise.

    To start, tell us if you have any reservation converting to Islam? If you have reservation converting, is that from you or your parents?

    Tell us what are your parents concerns? List them and we will help convince them.

    • sunny
      November 10, 2016 10:07 am

      hey shruti,, dnt misguide the comman people…. all knw you are a stupid extmist muslim group.. and try to misguide hindu girls…
      fake id…. go to hell
      if you like islam …you are same on your family and sociaty…

      • Shruti
        November 12, 2016 2:14 pm

        Hi Sunny,

        We are not here for debate about the religions…citizens of India are smart enough to decide what is right or wrong for them…infact I find you the foolest and extremist one..
        #If you have nice suggestion then do tell me… 🙂

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