A Hindu and Muslim cannot live together

Rakesh says: May 5, 2014 at 9:44 pm

Okay.. The main thing is. I had the same problem with my girlfriend and i finally got converted to islam. But no she is very co operative. And her dad is also a converted muslim so she knows how to treat me. Well sister (Tamanna) dont panic. I am ok if u wanna stay hindu. Its not a bad idea.

Well let me tell u about the sex thing first. Allah knows the best.. He created man and woman but with different feelings. Both have equal rights but the feelings are different. Beigh a male i feel kinda odd but yes, a male wants to have more women even if he gets married. This is hard but thats the truth. But the woman have that kind of ability to stick with same man forever. Its not that u can marry 4 wives just like that. No thats not true. To marry a second wife, u should take permission from the first wife. And allah said ” if you cannot give both of them equal love then just marry one”. It indirectlys means that marry only one. If he is not able to do justice among both of his wife qually then he will be a sinner .

May be your boyfriend is very religious. A hindu and muslim cannot live together thats for sure.

And about the hijab and burkha. A male always wants his wife to be secured from the evil eyes of people. And who would even like another man staring at his wife right? Well yeah, so that pretty much it i guess. -Rakesh

Also read: Muslim girl, Hindu boy, Shasha, Intolerants, Idols, pluralism, SRK-can you do it? Zakir Naik, Can Allah be the Father God? Hindu-Christian Married Life in America, Christian-Hindu marriages, Hindu-Jew marriages, Jain-Muslim marriages, Sikh-Muslim marriages, Brahmin-Muslim marriages, Hindu-Muslim marriages, Inter-race-Inter-faith marriages, Jew-Muslim marriages, Christian-Muslim marriages, Who is God?, Bollywood and Interfaith Marriages.Married life is very complex and full of difficulties. If you wish for an ever lasting happy married life, you will have to learn to make many adjustments all along. If you are stubborn and your ideology are in stone, it is better to end your relationship right now.

Today, there are 2.2 billion Christians and 1.6 billion Muslims on this world, who is forcing you to marry a Hindu only? If you cannot tolerate Hindus, why you even started the love with a Hindu?


  • December 28, 2015 12:37 am

    Osumashi Kinyobe One good thing this article relves. Is the way this was expressed & by who. This means the Catholic Church takes this seriously at its highest levels.The Pope of course has to keep his mouth shut being this, Church is part political.In the end you can bet an organization thats lasted 2000 years, has a plan.This is just an open gambit. Expect a lot more from many directions in the future on the reality of Islam.JMO

  • Mohammed
    August 9, 2014 6:32 pm

    dear admin,

    stop this non-sense things, ok. . .what do u knw about Islam. . .what do u know about kaaba. . . .we are not praying stones which u pray. . .there is .great different things which u pray n we pray. . , does u thing that may lord has a human shape, does u thing that lord can have their wives. does u thing that lord has their children . .if it so then what is the difference between lord and human. . . .
    we are nt praying to stones as u pray. . .we r assuming and praying to one God that is Almighty Allah. . .do u knw kaaba is the centerest of the earth and its proved by scientist also. . .
    before say something before Islam search out of it. . .Ok
    first think ur self which is right and which is wrong then tell to others. . dont brain washed urself. .okay

    • February 19, 2015 9:03 pm

      It is one and the same “we are not praying stones”. Kaaba is your idol and you guys pray to it 5 times a day! If you don’t like such statements, then stop criticizing other and let them pray the way they wish.

      Jews (Jerusalem Wall), Muslims (Kaaba), Christian (mainly wood cross), Hindus, Jains, …etc are all using stone objects to pray to God. Even Hindus know that it is not that stone Murti God but they use it as a medium. For example, on the visarjan (departure) day, Hindus throw Ganesh-idols into ocean. The symbol being it is not stone important but God.

      • mac
        February 19, 2015 10:50 pm

        God is image-less as per all religion, then how come Ganesha is god, of Ganesha is just the name of the creator almighty like Allah,God,Ishwar then its fine but if you say Ganesha is that elephant headed man then it is wrong.

      • Mohammed
        February 20, 2015 4:53 am

        Admin has many doubts on idol worship amongs all the religion hence he is saying all religion doing same thing including islam. . but fine i will clearify your doubts. . .

        You tell muslim prays to kaaba which is idol worship but i will proove you that muslim not praying on any idol except one God ..i.e., Allah(s.w.t) the unseen creater

        i think you didnt read this, Read block letters on that page

        2nd hadeeth of Jaabir (may Allah be pleased with him) who said:
        We were with the Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) on a march or a campaign, and it became cloudy. We tried to determine the qiblah and differed concerning it, so each man prayed on his own, and one of us marked the direction he faced him so that he could check it later.
        The following morning we looked and found that we had prayed facing a direction other than the qiblah. We told the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) and he did not instruct us to repeat it, and he said: “Your prayer is valid.”

        This statement its self proof that muslims are not worship on kaaba

        3rd..If a muslim wants to offer salah(prayer) he wants to make intention before he starts to pray by
        Saying, “I pray two rakah (or as many required for that time) Fard (if its Fard or say Sunnat if its Sunnat or say Wajib if its Wajib or Say Nafil if its Nafil) for Allah Tala Face towards Kabah” . If praying behind Imam add “Behind this Imam”.

        further check thisthis

        but hindus and christian are worship on idols which going against veda and bible. .they are accepting that they are worshipping on idols

      • Mohammed
        February 20, 2015 4:59 am

        mac bro has correctly pointed
        ” God is image-less as per all religion, then how come Ganesha is god, of
        Ganesha is just the name of the creator almighty like Allah,God,Ishwar then
        its fine but if you say Ganesha is that elephant headed man then it is wrong.”

        Tell to this admin, dont divert as usual u are doing
        and you have says
        “Hindus throw Ganesh-idols into ocean. The symbol being it is not stone important but God.”

        i laugh on this because hindus are finding to the God if not found on that stone then they throw to the ocean and make a new stone…this is the admin and hindu idealogy

        • admin
          February 20, 2015 7:21 am

          Very sad to learn of your message of exclusivism.

          There is only one God and that is mine!
          There is only one book and that is mine!
          There is only one true religion and that is mine!
          Only Sunnis are true followers of Allah!

          Shia don’t have rights to follow Ali!
          Christians cannot believe Jesus as a Son of God!
          Jains cannot follow Mahavir.
          Hindus cannot follow Ganesh and Krishna.

          This is called EXCLUSIVISM!!
          That is why there was 9-11.
          That is why Middle East is burning, even all are Muslims.
          More Muslims are killed by other Muslims, in the name of Allah!

          Do you want all Indian Hindus to become Muslims to make India peaceful and progressive like Pakistan?

          Learn to respect others and their beliefs!
          Let people have liberty and freedom to pray God the way they wish.

          What a pain… your exclusivism!!

          • Mohammed
            February 20, 2015 7:54 am

            admin not accepting the truth that why he is turning back .

            shame on you admin.. admin ideology is waste and he is brain washed too

  • sidratulmunataha
    May 24, 2014 9:01 am

    I was an hindu girl, during my college time i fell in love with a very religious muslim boy…he is not talikng with any girl and not even look at girl..we girls always tried to talk him but he always escaping..during his birthday i tried to shake hand with him but he rejected to touch my hand when asked the reason he told me that my hand is only for one who coming to my life..that attracted me too much. i thought how would be royal his wife for him..later i proposed him for marraige..he told me we cannot marry one who worship other the creator..then is tudies basic principles of islam and i converted to islam and get married with him…m feeling luckiest girl by marrying a very religious muslim guy..am saying from my heart he loving me madly till now and m feeling xtreme pleasure..later my whole parants and sister converetd to islam…one word that still exist in my mind about husband and wife in islam is..”when husband and wife look eyes to eyes with love then Allah look at them with his mercy”..dear sisters islam is the right place for every one who wanted to live in right way…am very much happy about my husband and his family..

  • May 22, 2014 4:24 am


    You must accept the realities of islamic evils world wide. Boko Haram terrorist group is a new threat to the world. All terrorist group get their support by the evil teachings of Koran against mankind and in return they are offered sexual pleasure of 72 virgins in the heaven.

    The Islamist group Boko Haram has killed more than 54 people in attacks on two villages in north-east Nigeria, close to where hundreds of schoolgirls were seized.

    Gunmen killed 37 people in the village of Shawa and a further 17 in Alagarno, police and witnesses said.

    The area is near Chibok, where the schoolgirls were abducted last month and there is no trace of them.

    On Tuesday 318 people died in a double bombing in the central city of Jos, also blamed on Boko Haram.

    The abductions of more than 200 girls caused international outrage and prompted foreign powers, including the US, to send military advisers to assist Nigeria’s army.

    In another development on Wednesday, US President Barack Obama said 80 military personnel had been deployed to neighbouring Chad to help search for the missing girls.

    “These personnel will support the operation of intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance aircraft for missions over northern Nigeria and the surrounding area,” Mr Obama said in a letter to Congress.

    Many parts of restive north-east Nigeria are no-go zones for the military and insurgents operate freely there, correspondents say.

    For SEXUAL criminalS and murders ISLAM IS A BEST RELIGION TO FOLLOW.

  • arif
    May 13, 2014 9:31 am

    I think this is paid site to spread propaganda against muslim.
    Muslims are humans like others not angels,no body 100% follows religion so why writing non-sense.
    Good and bad is every where,it is just like how the way you take it.

    • Pakhi Begum
      May 22, 2014 4:49 am

      You are hundred percent right. This is the site where Muslims are always condemned. The admin creates fake identities where they use names of some Muslim girls showing that they are interested in hindu boys in the matter of marriage and that in this way they try their best to cause damage to Muslim society. But by the Grace of ALLAH ISLAM IS THE FASTEST GROWING RELIGION TODAY.
      Pakhi Begum (Formally Mitali Mukherji)

  • May 9, 2014 5:53 am

    Dear readers,

    The islamic terrorism propagated by Koran has been showing monstrous face against humanity and in particular against females

    A new Boko Haram massacre has killed hundreds in Nigeria’s northeast, a senator said Wednesday, as police offered $300,000 dollars for information leading to the rescue of more than 200 schoolgirls held hostage by the Islamists.
    The latest insurgent attack targeted the town of Gamboru Ngala on the border with Cameroon, where gunmen this week razed scores of buildings and fired on civilians as they tried to flee.
    Area Senator Ahmed Zanna put the death toll at 300, citing information provided by locals, in an account supported by numerous residents.
    Zanna said the town had been left unguarded because the soldiers based there had been redeployed north towards Lake Chad in an effort to rescue more than 200 girls kidnapped by Boko Haram on April 14.
    The shocking mass abduction has sparked global outrage and offers of help from the United States, Britain, France and China.
    Nigeria’s response to the kidnappings has been widely criticised, including by activists and parents of the hostages who say the military’s search operation has been inept so far.

    The police on Monday offered 50 million naira ($300,000, 215,000 euros) for any information leading to the girls’ rescue.

  • rajeev
    May 8, 2014 1:57 pm

    i think Abiral is scared of getting killed by the girls family (honour killing). he was pressurised to convert to become a muslim for a girl. abiral who will perform ANTIM-SANSKAR of your parents could you plzz tell us??? your parents are now kafir,so what will u do?

    u have been brainwashed with sweet words. and u have digested it for the sake of a girl. when thousands of muslim girls are marrying hindus, non muslim boys u r creating pakistan in india!!!!!!! !hope u revert to sanatan in arya samaj (idol worshipp not required here). dont be an insect thats get attracted to light at night and then dies by the time its morning.

    • Ibrahim Raffi
      July 17, 2014 7:48 am

      Lol aint no body touching this nigga… I’ll woop them inside out if they touch me

  • May 8, 2014 9:25 am

    Hi Seeba sister,

    Nice to see your blog. I am also muslim girl and married with a Hindu guy after long struggle. I like Satyanarayan Katha and method of puja, which gives utmost satisfaction to me and experienced trendmous positive effect in my life.

    The puja starts by a prayer to Lord Ganesha, to remove all obstacles that may occur as a result of incorrectly performing the puja. This is done by chanting all the names of Lord Ganesha and offering prasad (a food offering, usually consisting of one of Lord Ganesha’s favorite foods – modak, a sugar and coconut mixture, or laddu) and the showering of flower petals.

    Another part of the prayer involves a prayer to the Navagraha’s – the nine important celestial beings in the universe. They consist of Surya (the Sun), Chandra (the moon), Angaaraka/Chevaai (Mars), Budha (Mercury), Guru aka Bruhaspati (Jupiter), Shukra (Venus), Sani (Saturn), Rahu (the head of the Demon snake), and Ketu (the tail of the Demon snake).

    The rest of the puja consists of worship to Satyanarayana, an extremely benevolent form of Lord Vishnu. First “panchamritam” is used to clean the place where the deity is placed. After placing the deity in the correct position, Satyanaraya swami is worshipped. Names of Satyanarayana are chanted along with offering of a variety of prasad (including a mixture of milk, honey, ghee/butter, yogurt, sugar) and flower petals.

    Another requirement of the puja is that the story of the puja be heard among all those observing and partaking in the puja. The story involves the origin of the puja, the benefits of it, and the potential mishaps that may occur with the forgetting performance of the puja.

    The prayer concludes with an Aarti, which consists of revolving a small fire-lit-lamp in the vicinity of an image of the Lord. After the puja is over, participants and observers of the puja are required to ingest in the prasad that was offered and blessed by the Lord.

    • mac
      November 15, 2014 7:02 am

      jupitar,saturn also has satellite, what abt them

      how u knw dat those were blessed by god, did vedas, gita said that a mere stones, idol made up frm mud can bless fruits, think again, the god that u r worshipping can not move his head , hand, and hw u knw these useless statues r god, u worship ganesha, i really feel soory for him(ganesha), his father cut his head into pieces and he being a god couldn’t protect him hw will he protect u, and that supreme god shiva who couldn’t identify his own son and chopped off his little son’s head, ech!! Then how will he identify u, sounds wrong ;-( , coz this r all made up myth, these r behaivour of human not GOD, think again, ask question to urself, think logically, don’t waste time, start to worship the creator nt creation, hinduism is the world’s oldest mythogy and islam is the world’s oldest and true religion.

      • November 15, 2014 8:00 am

        Hindus don’t pray to the marble statue but to God through a media.
        Just like that, Christians don’t pray to that two pieces of wood, but to the God through a media.
        Likewise, Muslims also use an “idol” call Kaaba. It does not talk, speak or hear but still every Muslim wishes to go there any pray. Muslims pray to Kaaba stone cube five times a day. Again, Muslims are not praying to the stone cube but to Allah through the idol.
        You stop idolizing first before telling others.

        • mac
          November 15, 2014 9:32 am

          LOL 🙂 some stupid hindu fanatics may have brain washed u badly that u believe kava is idol, its a mosque nt stone with black cover. We don’t pray to kava, we pray to god directly. When we ask for forgiveness, we ask it directly, we don’t say kava is god, bt hindus say ganesha is god, ram is god, krishna is god, hanuman is god, so many gods, u keep counting ur false manmade gods, i am going to sleep .

  • May 7, 2014 7:11 am

    Hi every body,

    Looking the above blog, I am thankful to the God that I could marry outside muslim family and now very happy with my Hindu husband and working women, financilly independent, no restriction. Though I have not changed my religion, still following some practices, but totally against evil practices of islam. I take keen interest in Hindu method of worship, gone through various Hindu religious books and feel that almighty is present every where. The symbolic method of Hindu religion, like keeping idols of different forms of God, using various items of worship, like flower, water, termeric, fruits and using to please the almighty in various forms of God and goddesses, give me utmost pleasure and satisfaction. I take only vegetarian food and bringing up my kids as per hindu religion. I observed my other friends who are married in muslim family are leading a very miserable life, some of them divorced, some are subject to domestic violence and facing restrictions in various forms of life style.

    • mac
      August 12, 2014 3:40 am

      Dear Seeba, nice to read that you are happy and my dua/prayer to allah swt that allah keeps you happy and gives you a long life to live and enjoy this beatuful life in unislamic way
      but stanged to see that you being a educated girl saying “The symbolic method of Hindu religion, like keeping idols of different forms of God, using various items of worship, like flower, water, termeric, fruits and using to please the almighty in various forms of God and goddesses, give me utmost pleasure and satisfaction. ” this type of things, god is every where, you do not have to offer god fruits,milk,water,turmeric,flowers etc etc , it has given this to world for human benefits not for god`s benefits, instead if you give this fruits,milk,water,termeric to needy,poor people then god will be pleased,happy and god will be happy on you too and this is one of the way for salvation for rich people and it is one of the pillar of islam i.e zakat and this is the difference between monotheistic(ISLAM) and ploytheistic(HINDUISM) religion
      and my admice to you that you fully convert to hinduism and what ever islamic pratice that you follow, leave it, why you are following some islamic practices if you hate islam and muslims, if you think islam is a criminal ideology and nice to know that your childrens are brought as hindu as they will be free from all god made rules, they will be free to have sex before marriage, destroy anyones virginity, adulltery, murdering, lying, gambling

  • Raesa Sing
    May 7, 2014 12:24 am

    @Rakesh: You must become another Potential Terrorist, Because, ISLAM is suitable for Terrorists, Rapists, Smugglers.Muslims ahve no respect in this Living World. Wher ever Muslim Goes Creates Problem, I am proud that, You Left Hinduism, Because Hinduism only for Human Beings not for Criminals, Rapists, Terrorists Like You, And I am very Proud to Convert to HINDUISM from ISLAM upon Marriage, Because I am Human being first.You Muslims all r Jumbo Nuts since 610 A.D.

    Raese Singh ( Formerly Known as Raesa Khan )

  • May 6, 2014 4:03 am

    Hello Dear Rakesh,
    Why a Hindu and a Muslim cannot live together? And if not, why only Hindu have to convert? Tamanna and Geet do not see any problem with their faith, why they must convert? Why can’t they have interfaith marriage with equality? Why some Muslims are not honest on the first date to disclose that the Hindu MUST convert? Did God made these laws or men made it?

    • Rakesh
      May 6, 2014 5:23 am

      Happy to hear that from you, but u know i was a hindu before. From those muslims who try to forcfully convert others i ask for forgiveness from their side. Maybe they are over doing what they are suppose to do. We muslims just want peace and want everyone to worship the almighty God. Who is the most greatful. He forgives our sins.

      I didnt mean that hindus and muslims cannot live together, im talking about the faith. As a human i love every religion, every religion has its own beliefs and way of worship but i seriously reject the idol worshipping. Everyone knows that when we are small our parents tell us that God is our protector and creater. But when u later worship a stone it makes no sense. The stones or the idols which is made by humans, so in that case we are worshipping a thing which is made by humans bot the actual god.

      I know that hindusim says there is only one god.in rigved(8:1:1) it says “Ma cid anyad vi sansata sakhayo ma rishanyata” which means oh friend donot worship anyone but him alone, the devine one. And in another verse it says “na tasya pratima asti” which means god has no images, no idols, no photograph (yajurved 32:3) . Ekam Brahm, dvitiya naste neh na naste kinchan” it means god is one without a second, not at all not in a least bit. (Brahmasutra).

      And now putting the faith aside i wanna talk about family problems. When u are married to a muslim guy he wants u to take u to paradise with him. He doesnt want his wife to worship a non living thing or an animal. And let me clarify the fact. People ask how can u go to paradise just by being a muslim, this is not true. U dont become a muslim just by saying la ilaha illallh wa anna muhammadur rasul allah. To become a muslim you should take care of your parents whether they are muslims or not. Give charity to the poor, respecting elders and worshipping the almighty allah.

      I am like 22 and my parents ask me to marry a girl abd i told them that if she agrees to become a muslim then i will marry her, otherwise i am staying unmarried for my whole life.

      Well there are many misconception about islam. And the main one is terrorism. Ok let me tell u, they are just terrorist nothing more than that, they call themselve muslims because they submit to the will of allah. Thats all. It has nothing to do with the religion.

      And i highly respect what geet and tamanna said. I just wanna say that if u wanna follow your religion thats fine. But dont debate which religion is better coz this may create a big problem. If anyone muslim tries to convert someone then he is the biggest fool. Muslims love everyone. They just hate those who go against their faith. I am a muslim now and trust me i love every person whether he is idol worshipper or whatever.

      • May 6, 2014 8:23 pm

        Dear Rakesh,

        We hope you are educated and intellectual. Lets discuss who is Idol-worshipper and who is not.

        What is wrong if a Hindu sees God through a Krishna marble murti, a Christian through two pieces of wood cross, while a Muslim through a stone-clothed-Kaaba? It is one and the same thing. If so, then how come Hindus are idol worshippers while Muslims and Christians are true God worshippers?

        What all that you said also apply to the Kaaba, “But when u later worship a stone (Kaaba is made of stone) it makes no sense. The stones or the idols which is made by humans (again Kaaba made by human), so in that case we are worshipping (exact five times a day) a thing (Kaaba) which is made by humans not the actual god (as you know, Allah did not made the Kaaba).” Further, two most idolized human beings on this Earth are Jesus and Muhammad.

        Five times a day when you bow, think if you are 1) bowing to Saudi Arabia, 2) that Kaaba complex with many buildings, 3) that black cloth over kaaba, 4) that stoned walls or 5) all idols inside the box?

        You are doing the same what you said not to do, “when we are small our parents (now girl friend) tell us that God is our protector and creater. But when u later worship a stone…”. Now you are grown up, don’t listen blindly to your girl friend, stop black-cube-stone worshipping! Kaaba is neither protector nor creator.

        Abiral, why the medium (marble, wood or cubed-stone) to pray to God is important and not karma and good deeds of a person on this World? And if good deed is important, … “why i finally got converted to islam”?

        Remember, you have converted to Islam not because Islam is great, but your girl friend is Muslim. If she were a Christian, you would be saying today glories of Jesus!

        You are now 22+. Do not be brain-washed by others, think critically yourself and get back to us. We are waiting!

        • Mohammed
          August 9, 2014 6:32 pm

          dear admin,

          stop this non-sense things, ok. . .what do u knw about Islam. . .what do u know about kaaba. . . .we are not praying stones which u pray. . .there is .great different things which u pray n we pray. . , does u thing that may lord has a human shape, does u thing that lord can have their wives. does u thing that lord has their children . .if it so then what is the difference between lord and human. . . .
          we are nt praying to stones as u pray. . .we r assuming and praying to one God that is Almighty Allah. . .do u knw kaaba is the centerest of the earth and its proved by scientist also. . .
          before say something before Islam search out of it. . .Ok
          first think ur self which is right and which is wrong then tell to others. . dont brain washed urself. .okay

          • August 11, 2014 7:27 am

            We respect your feelings for Kaaba and Muhammad, and it must hurt you when other criticize it. We do not have any such intention. No one should criticize others faiths. If someone wishes to see God through two pieces of wood sticks or through a marble statue, it is their personal matter and other should respect their feelings.

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