A Hindu Has a Muslim Girl Friend

pranoy says: June 11, 2015 at 12:47 am

Hello admin..i m pranoy and m a hindu.I have a muslim girlfriend.I am willing to marry her soon.but there are many issues.i dnt want to change my religion neither I want her to convert into Hindu.we both are happy by our religions.my family does not have any problem with a muslim girl.but her parents have issues.her parents want a muslim guy for me. Please help me. Suggest me how to marry her safely without getting my religion changed.please reply! -Pranoy

pranoy says: June 12, 2015 at 12:42 am

OMG wot a critical situation people are suffering from..bt I need a good solution ..as I would never dump her. And changing my religion will be an insult for my family.means if I am not forcing her to change her religion y do I get to change my religion forcefully..!!! I am a good person for her. I earn good. I can provide her a good future I love her. Andshe is a believer. A muslim ntjzt born muslim. But m jst born Hindu. I really dnt beelieve in God strongly! I pray to some gods jst coz my father does that.!! Please tell me a good solution. As getting religion changed is not that easy! Its like getting a new birth with a new god and dis respecting n dishonouringmy family! N I wantto marry my gf next year. Plz help -Pranoy

Admin says:

Hi Pranay,

Answer to your question is simple, go get married by the Special Marriage Act 1954 (if you are in India) or court marriage in non-Islamic countries.

Question is if her family will buy into it or not. A deeper question is who is she? Is she just born-Muslim or a Muslim? Ask her if she believes in Koran as 100% truth, Muhammad as the last apostle and the Judgment Day? If answer to any one of these questions is yes, then you have two choices left: 1) dump her or 2) you convert (convert today or after getting married even 20 years down in your life. Read .. Dee). Let us know what type of Muslim is she? -Admin

Also read: VIDEO: Interfaith Marriage with Equality, Hindu-Muslim Marriage-video, Love-Jihad, Don’t fake-convert, Polygamy and talaak, Akansha unwillingly converted to Nusrat, Hindu-Muslim marriages, Hindu-Muslim lovers’ experiences, Hindu girl-Muslim boy, Idols, pluralism, SRK-can you do it?, Zakir Naik, Christian-Hindu marriages, Jain-Muslim marriages, Brahmin-Muslim marriages, Bollywood and Interfaith Marriages.>Chritistian-Muslim Marriage, Love with Malay, Sharia, Koran, Bible, Marriage & Divorce laws in Malaysia.


  • unknown
    December 29, 2015 10:26 am

    its not just muslims…people of evry religion have problems in marrying their daughter into different religion….ask any hindu family if they are comfortable in allowing their daughters outsides their faith(especially islam) answr will be HELL NO….soo its in every religion

  • August 7, 2015 11:58 pm

    hello everyone please help me…I am a Hindu boy and I have a Muslim gf we are in relationship since last 4 years we are too young to marriage.my gf thinks we don’t have a future so we should leave each other we both love each other so much she thinks if we will stay toegther my life will destroy.I want to spend my whole life with her she wants too.it’s a family problem my family will accept her as muslim but her family will not yes I dont want her to convert her religion please help me how to convience her family she doesn’t want to hurt her family we both cry alot we both want to live with each other forever….what if we both convert to Christian so that we can marry
    help me please me nahi chata wo apni family ke against jaye main use jane bhi nhI dunga me chata hun uske gharwale man jaye please help me to convince her family

    Reply at https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=10302

  • Adi
    June 17, 2015 11:36 am

    Do a court marriage, and she will have to convert because the problem is what religion your children will follow, so make her convert this is what goes on . She needs to trust you.

  • June 12, 2015 10:44 pm

    hmm but dekhna
    wo ek prostitute hai !

  • June 12, 2015 5:02 am

    Hi Pranoy,

    Yes it is right that muslims have problem to marry their daughter in non muslim families. If a non muslim girl marries in muslim family they are glad and immediately they convert her in islamic faith. Islam is a most intolerant religion.

    By the way, what is age and education of both you, are you both working? In a working girl there is no problem to marry outside her faith.

    Unless the above inputs are known, it is hard to suggest you.

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