Hindu: My Muslim Friend Left Me

Asha says: November 2, 2017 at 8:10 am

Hi, my boyfriend who is Muslim has recently left me because he believes that he can’t have me. I am a hindu, I don’t follow the religion. so therefore I’m not a religious person. Me and my ex wanted to get married but our parents weren’t accepting us. We have been together for 2 years and even though he has left me, I continue to fight for him. I know to marry a Muslim I would have to convert and I was happy to do so. Though converting just to marry someone isn’t right, I had the intentions of learning Islam properly after I had converted and we were married.

We were going to run away, get married and not tell our parents but he has given up. He still loves me and he still wants to be with me but he just wants our parents to accept, which I don’t see happening. He hardly talks to me, he tells me to move on and to forget about him but I can’t because I love him so much. He tells me if it is written then it will happen and if its meant to be Allah will make it easier for us to be together.

I don’t know what to do, whether I leave him alone to think. He wants to get married soon and I’m scared he will never come back to me though I never did anything wrong to him. I feel as if he’s going to forget me and marry someone else. He tells me not to message him, that he is trying to get away from me so now he has blocked me and he wont even meet me in person to talk about this. we have only been texting and I feel so heart broken.

someone please give me some advice. Thank you. –Asha

More information: Hindu-Muslim Marriage, Sharia, Muslim-Hindu marriages, Hindu-Muslim lovers’ experiences, Koran on Hindus? Hindu girl-Muslim boy, Marriage & Divorce laws.
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  • Heerat Fatima
    January 15, 2024 9:41 pm

    I am a Muslim girl and I had a Hindu boyfriend . We were together for around 5 years . Recently , he left me because he thought he couldn’t convince his family for marriage.Earlier when we were together he asked me to convert to Hinduism to which I accepted . Basically I was so blind in love that I agreed to everything that was needed for the relationship to work . But even though after I agreed to do everything , practically begged him to stay with me he still left. Earlier he said that he wished to just talk to me like friends to which I agreed because I loved him so much that I just wanted to keep him in my life anyway . He did love me dearly I know that . This happened a few months ago when he broke up forcibly with me . Since then I had beed trying to convince him somehow , cry , beg and do everything that I could to make him stay but in the last 15 days he had become very rude towards me . I was hurt by his behaviour until one day he just blocked me from everywhere. Later he unblocked me but I was very very hurt by this behaviour . I never texted him after that . Can you advise me how should I deal with this situation ?

  • Arup Ahmed
    September 3, 2020 8:10 am

    Hi same thing happened to me I loved a Hindu girl I was so madly in love with her that I was ready to convert me being a Muslim guy….but she left me she also professed true love for me or so I don’t know anymore…she left me for a guy ..when asked about it she said she said she won’t be able to put up a fight so she chose the easy way out….I am heart broken…she still calls from time to time

    • Admin
      September 3, 2020 9:27 am

      This is just too sad. Why it has to be that way? What do you think she thought—what or how it will be very difficult marrying you?

  • luckyblogger
    February 28, 2018 11:31 am

    you are not religious even to ur faith how can he trust you is probably what he thinks. men dont like weak women.

  • November 2, 2017 9:49 pm

    Hi Asha,
    We have changed your name for your privacy, we hope that is okay.

    We are sorry to hear of this. If he does not want to talk to you, there is not much you can do. May be he was out to have fun with Hindu girls and never had intention of marry one. For two sets of parents to agree to this relationship is next to impossible. Further, if you are an atheist, what will you do converting to Islam? There are so many odds against what you wish for, we do not know how can we help you. However, do read some 900 other cases just like you on this web site and it will give you some idea where it went wrong.

    To learn of reality of life, why don’t you go and knock at his home. Meet his parents and give them a straight talk. What you have to loose? By seeing them, their home and lifestyle, it will give you idea if that is a right place for you to spend rest your life or not. Find out truth the first hand, go for it (consider your safety, take a friend with you)!

    Keep in touch and let us know what we can do.

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