Vrati says: August 23, 2013 at 7:23 am
I am a hindu girl living in Mumbai, and I am in love with a muslim boy. I am 19 and he is 28, we want to marry. What options do we have? -Vrati
Admin says:
Hi Vrati,
Thanks for reaching out to us. First, we would recommend to wait for at least 1 year to get married. During next year, please come back here to read of other’s experiences and it will help you a lot.
After you are fully aware for what is coming, follow the lead of Kareena and Saif Ali Khan. Go get married by the Special Marriage Act of 1954, simple!
Hindu marriage is also a good option for you, if he is ready. He does not have to convert to Hinduism but will prove to you that he is not an intolerant for what you are (a Hindu).
Do not make a mistake of getting married by the Islamic Nikaah. That requires your religious irreversible conversion. Further, after Nikaah, all Islamic Saria laws may apply to your marriage. A Muslim girl may not be able to ask for a talaak, but the boy could kick you out of his life just by saying triple talaak. Where will you go if he kicks you out in the middle of a cold night? It is rare that a Hindu mother will get custody of Muslim children after the divorce. Further, a Muslim married to a Muslim girl could go have three addition wives. Why do you need all these headaches?
If you marry by the Special Marriage Act, he cannot marry to other girls (even by Nikaah) without divorce with you. Further, the divorce judge, in general, will favor the women over men. You will have a better chance to win the child custody. There is nothing you have to gain by the fake-conversion to Islam just for Nikaah, when there are good options available.
Please read Hindu Girl in Love with a Muslim boy article and get back to us with more questions. We are waiting to hear from you. -Admin
Fatimah says: August 31, 2013 at 2:26 pm
Hi there people
This response is to admins answer to Vrati. Well, first of all, no offence, I am not here to offend anyone but just to express my feelings as any other poster.
I cant understand why you say “Do not make a mistake of getting married by the Islamic Nikaah.” By what basis could this be a mistake. Well if the man Vrati loves is a DEVOTED muslim man, and he loves her truley, he would show the beautiful and true side of Islam, and explain his religion to her. If the muslim man is a person who has good knowladge of his own religion he would know that he can never marry Vrati without her coverting (unless himself-if his not devoted-is willing to blasphemy on purpose).
If she sees how much he loves her and if she feels like it she can convert. This makes it an option. She asked which options she had. Here is also one answer. I dont understand why you make Islam sound so horrible. You dont know if Vrati is really a religious hindu herslef. She could well also explain her religion to him. It goes the other way too. And converting to Islam cant be a mistake if Vrati herself wishes it. Then your arguments for why converting to Islam is a mistake are;
– “That requires your religious irreversible conversion. ” this argument is not valid because in Islam if Vrati just regrets that she is a muslim she has already made blasphemy- she is already not muslim anymore. So it is reversible.
– “A Muslim girl may not be able to ask for a talaak, but the boy could kick you out of his life just by saying triple talaak. Where will you go if he kicks you out in the middle of a cold night? ” first of all yes a man can divorce a woman with 3 talaaks BUT MAY NOT JUST KICK HER OUT OF HIS LIFE! This is a GREAT SIN!
If the boy Vrati loves is a devoted muslim he will follow the teachings and moral of the Prophet pbuh. In Islam men are responsible to treat their wives as QUEENS and the Prophet Muhammad is an excellent example.
In Islam men are head of the family, and responsible for the family. This is meant by ALL means, such as: cooking the food, cleaning, all the house jobs, making his wife happy, taking care of the children. The woman in Islam is not responsible of ANYTHING even breastfeeding her children. She is only responsible for protecting her dignity and for contributing to make a peaceful atmosphere in the house. And women has a right to claim a sum of cash in a amount only herself chooses and must be given to her at her nikaah. Her husband is bot allowed to take a penny from that money. IF now there should be a divorce the man is responsible to make sure that his ex-wife has a suitable place to live with her children and pay an amount of money called nafaka to her so she can go on with her life. And ofcourse since it obligatory for a man to treat his wife like a queen voilence and so on are totally out of the question.
Did you know that the Prophet was the most romantic man on earth? If any man follows his footsteps their wives will be envied by many… If the man still treats his wife the opposite as the Quran and Hadith proclaims, HE IS SINNING AND THE CONSEQUENCES IN THE HEREAFTER ARE REALLY REALLY BAD! (ofcourse unless he doesn’t repent and starts treating his wife better) all these stuff about women roles are actully not because of religion but traditions!
– and the issue of more wives. In normal circumstances its rare for a devoted muslim man to want to have more than one wife, cause as the Prophet has said it is risky cause if he can’t manage to satisfy them all he will ve risking a VERY PAINFUL PUNSIHMENT in hell. And knowing that it is not always easy to satisfy only ONE woman its not worth risking for more. Our Prophet made all his wives happy you know cleaning their houses making the food and small romantic surprises. Hey, not all men do that Unfortunately. And if Vratis boyfriend loves Vrati alot, he wouldnt even think of another woman. If he had his etes on other women he would somhow find a way of finding a woman. Yeah you all know muslim and non-muslim alike some married men date secretly with women. So its not got to do with anything about religion it about someones personality.
Stay Happy ♥ -Fatimah
More information: Hindu-Muslim Marriage, Sharia, Muslim-Hindu marriages, Hindu-Muslim lovers’ experiences, Koran on Hindus? Hindu girl-Muslim boy, Marriage & Divorce laws.
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आसमानी” किताब में लिखा ही है की ”काफिरो को धोखा दो’ उनकी,सम्पत्ति हड़प लो,काफिरों की बहन बेटियों के साथ बलत्कार करो जन्नत मिलेगी आदि आदि कई बातें लिखी हुई है जिसका मोमिन पालन करते है । हिन्दू मुर्ख लड़की और मुर्ख लड़की के माता पिता को इतनी अक्ल नहीं होती की सही सही जानकारी जुटाएँ फिर लड़की की शादी करें । मित्रो कभी भी ”शादी,ब्याह बिना जान पहचान के माध्यम से नहीं करें”,ठोस जांच पड़ताल करने के बाद ही शादी विवाह का निर्णय करें ॥
इस्लाम मे, एक शादीशुदा महिला को उसके पति की संपत्ति है। वह अपनी पत्नी को नियंत्रित करने के लिए हिंसा का उपयोग करने की अनुमति दी है। पत्नी की पिटाई दैवीय कुरान में अल्लाह और पैगंबर मुहम्मद की सुन्नत द्वारा मंजूर की है।
कुरान 4:34
this is sus, i read all the conversations . comments of Fatimah is most attractive to educate people. some people have negative which is real.
well ! Fatimah the study of a religious books explains most positive things and which feels good. But practically it’s not happens elsewhere.
recently one of my cousin sister (Hindu) left by his husband(Muslim) ! she has one 13 years daughter and one 11 months baby. when she came to know she was cheated by non other than her husband she shocked because he always treated very good to her.
even we also not believed. buts when she came to know he is staying in a different apartment nearby with a girl (17 years younger to him)
she reached his place and asked to him why he is betraying to her ?
his answer was , who are you to ask this question ? what is the proof that you are my wife ?…… and so on ..
she came back after beaten up by both the girl and her won husband. now she is searching for a job to feed her two children, because she doesn’t have any support as she left her house for him forever.
she can not go back to his parents after 16 years.
it may not be the reason that; he left her because he is a Muslim but again most of the cases of inter cast or inter religious marriages resulting a very frustrating future.
why this is so i do not know !
i am a hindu but most of my friends are Muslims still it is not clear that why this kind of relationships not success ?
why girls suffer very badly after marring a Muslim guy?
when i asked most of my educated Muslim friends, got horrible but quite true answers.
i don’t know how many of you agree with this :
because of the new trend guys (of any religion) are trying different new things to attract girls in collages and any parties and functions .
most of the Muslim girls are reserved by their parents and community so they never react or respond as the guy want; but the girls from other religion do. now this is the fact that the love is blind . they may like each other but when the times comes to unite , if they belong to different religion it makes very tragic situation to handle.
This is also a truth that; most Muslims do not support (family planing) it does not matter if they have more than two or three children but who are educated(any religion) they prevent 2nd child.
because it is true that; education is as necessary as expensive so before going for a 2nd child someone should think about the child carrier
in my view i am a indian 1st, rather than a hindu.
everybody should prefer to discuss with their parents before doing inter-cast or different religion mirage.
if i hurt anybody sorry for that.
thank you
Reply at https://interfaithshaadi.org/?p=11936
this is anil from mumbai, hindu boy 43, i am looking for muslim girl for marriage, if any beautiful girl is interested pls let me know on my id
Now tell me admin, who is trapping the most?
The muslim guy with hindu girl or hindu boy with muslim girl?
Hi Mohammed,
We agree — it is both, but we cannot say if one is doing it more that the other.
Hi Anil,
Why you said you are looking for (only) a Muslim girl? Why not a Christian, Sikh or Hindu girl? is it because you like Islam? Will your parents accept and respect your ‘Muslim’ wife? Alternatively, do you want to marry a Muslim to convert her to Hinduism? Let us know what you have in mind, thanks.
Dear Admin,
I request you the second time to clear those highlights on my statements. ALL of them
Thank you
This has been the style of this web site all along, but would consider your request. There are just too many (about 10,000) comments, please point us what are the most objectionable comments using “Respond” button and explain your objection. Tx.
if possible, leave him please.otherwise convert him to hinduism before marrying him.don’t do any mistake my sister
Dear admin,
I kindly ask why you havw highlighted some of my statements? And to me those highlightings are not revealing my point, because I have already highlighted my points with capital letters. Furthermore many of those sentences are half-highlighted, you should have highlighted the full sentence instead a part of it, because it doesn’t reveal my point that way.
I kindly ask you to remove your highlights in my post. If not I can tell you which of my sentences I would like to highlight so you could change it.
Thank you
This is called selective ignorance and is the lifeline of this site
A fair request, done!
We value Fatimah and Zara’s tremendous contributions on this site to educate Muslim-Hindu lovers to make “informed” decision, what ever that is.
you are on a suicide mission. You have to wait at least another 4 years that much it takes for you to come out of your Bollywood dreams and realize the facts of real life. Many hindu girls contributed to increasing muslim population in India and you will be just another of those losers. You will become an insipid and drained out soul left with no life in your eyes or soul at an young age of 25. I know you wont listen to all this now, ’cause you are a heroine in a hindi movie right now.Muslim men go after hindu and Sikh women in India and elsewhere abusing the freedom these women are given by their parents.
Fatimah wrote – “I am not a Sheikh those questions must be asked to the right person who has the knowlagde how to explain it to you. But I can answer as I much as I know. Living in a Kafirs country and folowing their laws are NOT haraam if they are not torturing or making it hard for you to live your religion. Like in any European country. Many prophets lived in countries that were ruled by kafirs think about it. That is te way you can make dawa and spread Islam.
plus there are Great sins and small sins. Small sins are like listening to music. Allah is the Most Forgiving. He gives many opportunities to cleanse those sins because he knows that we are bad at following orders and that we still do our best. Btw going out with friends is not haraam as long as its in the borders. You can be right by that haraam and halal are only part of what defines right and wrong. There are the Prophets teachings for example. And the teachings of the alims that all helps us to be better muslims. Hope you I could explain myself. And i didn’t understand what you meant by”irrespective of religion”
Yes, listening to music is haraam i dont deny it but insAllah i will repent. Repenting can cleansen ALL your sins. So cool !
– How many prophets does Muslims believe in? Isn’t Mohammed the last prophet? If there are other prophets, who are they and which Kafir countries did they live in?
– Do you believe that people belonging to other faiths can also think about spreading their religion? If Muslims feel they have a right to propagate their religion in Kafir country, why don’t they support the same to non-Muslims in Islamic countries? Isn’t it a hypocracy?
– So you believe that on judgement day, small sins will be forgiven. Does that mean there will be marks for each sin and some sins will get less marks & some more. How does one know which sin gets lesser marks and which will get more marks?
Hi tenali,
First of all; as i said i am not a sheik and i am answering you with what I know. Research is a much better way to get your information. If you are interested please do some research.
1st question: One of our principles of faith is believing in the PROPHETS. Plural. It is been revealed to be 24000 or 124000 prophets in total. The names of 25 of them are revealed in the Quran; among them are the first Prophet Adam, Noah, Moses, Jesus, Haron, Jacob, Joseph, Soloman, David, Jonas and the last of all prophets Muhammad. Peace be upon them all. Accroding to us, they all spread religion Islam. There were only changes in the sharia part but all of the Prophets had spread the same basics of Faith. And it is obvious that when most became prophets the country they lived in had a non-beliver as head of state- for example Moses was living in the country of the Pharoah who had his own gods(Kafir). The king Nemrut was a big, mighty kafir and the Prophet Abraham was ordered still to spread the word of Islam to him. There are many prophets such as these.
2nd question: In Islam a counry under a Islamic regime, it is demanded that non-believers are given rights to continue their religious practices, spread their religion and live in peace and under the protection of the government as long as they agree to pay a small amount of tax (cizya). It was like that in the Ottaman Empire for instance. But knowadays Unfortunately many muslim countries’ governments have their own interpretation of Islam (which is totally non-islamic) that works for their own benefit. If those governments where more eager to lead their country in a perfect islamic way as in the Sharia, non-believers would rush to live in that country even if the Sultân was the head of state
The Ottoman Empires downfall after KanuniSultan Süleyman was exactly because his sons started to care more about how much land they got rather than leading their country in a Islamic way.
3rd question:”So you believe that on judgement day, small sins will be forgiven.” This I have never said and the statement is not finished thats what makes it totally wrong. I believe that if you repent sincerely for you sin (big or small) and promise on not doing it again and Allah forgives you and if you sie that way it will be like you never have committed that sin. But if you didnt repent, and die that way, and Allah doesn’t grant you forgiveness and doesn’t allow that you get intercession from one or more of His chosen followers, that muslim will cleansen his sins(in the hard way) in the Hell fire. After his he has paid for his sins he shall be granted Paradise. I didnt quite understan what you meant by marks. A sin is a sin but some sins have greater punishment than others. Well you will learn all those details by research.
Hope I could explain well
But research from the reliable sources are always better.
The facts r amazing ppl only need to research them rather than prolonging religious debates
If you read the quran you will know dat the most mentioned prophet is Moses pbuh followed by Jesus pbuh and d least mentioned is Muhammad pbuh. Infact there is seperate chapter on virgin mary when not even one chapter on Muhammads mother or wife or daughter
This being said its not that muslims haven’t had their own innovation in religion but in the pure sense Islam is not man made.
124000 prophets were sent to every nation some with powers just like moses but he was considered a magician others might hv been considered reincarnations
You nvr knw. But Allah has said, there was not one messenger that He sent except that they were ridiculed, proof? Just look at how ppl treated Jesus Moses n Muhammad whem they came to them to give the msg
Let us continue the discussion.
Q1 – You meant all the prophets before Mohammed. But before Mohammed, there was no Islam. How would you attribute their behavior to Islam?
Q2 – So per Quran, non-muslims can continue to have their rights by paying Jijiya. If they convert to Islam, they don’t need to pay it. Right? Just by changing the faith, a person can obtain additional rights which were not available earlier. Is this the definition of equal rights for all? By same logic, Kafir countries also should tax Muslims because they are providing the equal rights. Isn’t it?
Q3 – If a person can be pardoned by repenting on judgement day, why did Sharia describe severe punishments for various crimes? Why not go by your logic? Give a chance to the person to repent, if he repents there is no need of punishment. Right? What is the need for defining punishments in Sharia and apply them in this life when Allah is going to review the crimes on judgement day and provide punishment?
Hi tenali,
Q1- you knew Muhammad pbuh was the last prophet. So this means you also knew that there were other prophets before him. According to our religion All prophets revealed the same pillars of Faith-Belief of Allah, belief of the Books, belief of the Prophets, belief of the angles, belief of the judgement day and belief that All good and bad in our fate is from Allah. All prophets believed they were merely servants of god (not like thay say jesus is the son of god or god himself). I prefer you find a Muhtasar to understand tgis concept of belief. You can find one from the Internet. It is is hard to explain a lot of things just by commenting I find it disturbing not to explain it more detailed. The only differences that the Prophets had were that their laws of sharia were sometimes revealed differently. We are the followers (ummah) of our Prophet Muhammed we pray 5 times a day. But the followers of Moses at that time had to pray 50 times a day.
According to Islam all prophets were to spread islam and all the books are revealed by Allah. Some prophets got pages. But out of these books right now Quran is the only true one we can rely on becaise it has not changed and will not change. The Bible has been duplicated and crossed over and got hunderds of versions each one suiting either the king or someone elses purpose. The same with zebur and Torah. We believe them but cant read the now because the original version is lost. Btw All prophets has revealed to their kavim about prophet Muhammed and everyone knew about him and blessed him.
Q2- the topic of jizya has many deep meanings to it. Yes you are right thay kafirs dont always attain many rights of muslims if they dont convert. But did you know that islam was the first religion to EVER give right to kafirs even in War?(admin make highlight that sentencd please) In the European countries under the Christian law men children very murdered women raped if they did not convert. The same with Romans and many others. That proves those muslims who kill innocent kafirs are totally wrong. Dear tenali read muhtasar as a start to understand Islam. I don’t have more knowledge on the subject of cizya. And zara has explained perfectly see up.
Q3: That’s were Big sins come in. For example there is adultry. If there are 4 witness who have seen the adultry committed with the naked eye and with no barrier such a veil, cloth or anything else that covers the adultry. If only one of the says that he there was a veil between him and them all of them will be looked down at and accused to lie against those people. There are many small details that has to be considered before it can be valid to punish that way. It has to be a very open and worst case scenario before it there can considered such a punishment. those punishments is a type of repent. If those people die under the punishment of earth they will be shaheeds and go directly to Paradise. So thise punished in the earth will not get punishment in ther hereafter. But this topic is a dangerous one. I don’t have enough knowladge to explain it to you in the best way you can understand its purpose. And I will consider you not only read about this topic but go to a sheik who can explain it to you. If I start telling your through here (Allah forbid) there can be many misunderstandings. Plus I have a feeling that there are people here that are waiting for my answer so they can use it against muslims(as always). But this topic is a topic you have to research really much about. And it is better that you listen to the sheik who can tell you the Alims viewpoint on this topic. Btw dont believe in the so called muslim countries that say they follow sharia when they jjustwhip and cut peoples hands off before even judging those people by sharia. And if you see such videos dont do it. They are first of all also punishing-doing the act- very wrongly. May Allah show those people to the right path.
Zara, Fatimah – I appreciate your answers and both of you look more liberal in your thoughts. You also seem to preach universal brotherhood as against muslim brotherhood. I am a keen reader of sub-continental history and I understand your thoughts with that historical baggage. Hence I am sorry to say that your answers did not make sense to me yet.
Q1 – If Muslims believe Mohammed is the last prophet and believe in all the earlier prophets, then do you consider Jews, Christians also Muslims? If in theoritical sense, a Hindu believes in single god ( some hindus believe in it ), can he be considered a Muslim? Who exactly is a Muslim? Can a Muslim believe in Mohammed but may not believe in all his teachings?
Q2 – Forget the context under which Zizya is levied. For a non-believer, the context does not make any difference. Do you support Zizya on non-Muslims?
Q3 – Do you support Sharia? Do you believe in universal human rights and secular justice system?
Well ok, those are your opinions. I cannot force you to change your opinions ofcourse. It really doesn’t matter for me.
Saudi is following their own sick and wrong interpretation of the Sharia. And that interpretation has NOTHING got to do with Sharia itself in Islam. The kings of Saudi have made that interpretation so it works for their own purpose. They are of the Wahabbi sect which is an extreme version of Islam which includes blasphemy actually. For example they believe God has a place. Anyone who believes this is an apostate. So they are not even muslims even if they call themselves muslims.
The state that is fully following the Sharia is like a welfare state. I have given you an example of the Ottamans who reigned most of the world for hundreds of years. Thanks to that great SHARIA STATE, THE WESTERN CIVILIZATION HAS BEEN SAVED FROM THEIR DARK AGES. So there is no sense in being scared.
And you don’t think sharia has universal rights? That means you have another definition of what universal rights really are. Well and that in the sharia state kafirs don’t have the same rights as muslims? Think about it. If you are a foreigner in a country you STILL dont get the exactly same rights as the one who is a citizen. But you still have protection, house, job, education, social life, right to live your culture and welfare at its best in the country. Then if you want you can apply for citizenship and get rights like; being able to vote(I live in denmark so Im talking with background of the country I live in). In a sharia state instead of applying for citizenship or anything you simply have to convert to islam. That is the difference.
See, Sharia is not very scary as the media makes it look like. And by the way did you know that many European scholars in bringing forth democracy used some of the systems they found out in the Ottaman Empire. The west has learnt more than anyone knows by actually muslims. But they don’t like to talk about it
If citizens are discriminated against the religion that they follow, they cannot be called universal rights! By the way, which country are you living in currently?
They re not “discriminated”. Its like me saying that just because I am not a citizen of Denmark(I live in Denmark btw) and can’t participate in voting I am discriminated. Well no I just don’t get some rights that are only for citizens. Do you think I am discriminated? Discrimination is when you leave someone out of the group and treat them in a negative way. Even though I may not vote or be judge, I feel happy in this country. Well its the same in a real sharia state. Its called WELFARE SYSTEM.
They re not “discriminated”. Its like me saying that just because I am not a citizen of Denmark(I live in Denmark btw) and can’t participate in voting I am discriminated. Well no I just don’t get some rights that are only for citizens. Do you think I am discriminated? Discrimination is when you leave someone out of the group and treat them in a negative way. Even though I may not vote or be judge, I feel happy in this country. Well its the same in a real sharia state. Its called WELFARE SYSTEM. Noone is discriminated or held out. Everyone is part of the society and may live as they wish, get a job, schooling, house all the basic needs/rights. But there is always a difference between the citizen and the foreigner. Is it not also like that in democratic countries. Why exaggerate?
Glad that you live in a secular country where you can freely express yourself. I am assuming that you are an Indian living in Denmark so pls read my responses with this assumption.
Having voting rights or property rights for non-citizens is a different issue. That has no bearing on universal rights. The Q is, does Denmark differentiate between its citizens following different faiths? As far as I understand, all the modern day secular countries ( including Denmark ) do not differentiate their citizens based on the religion. In fact, it happens in the Islamic nations which claim to follow SHARIA. You may disagree that it is not full SHARIA or right implementation of SHARIA. But who defines the SHARIA correctly? It is defined by different scholars differently. Typically, the behavior of majority followers of the practice is attributed to the religion. For example, every one curses the caste system in Hinduism though some Hindus claim that it is not correct Hinduism. Same will be true for Muslims & Sharia. Sharia may have been good when it was introduced but not suitable for current times.
When the Europe was in dark ages, I agree with you that some of the knowledge is preserved by Islamic kingdoms. It was pretty usual to borrow the knowledge from other kingdoms those days. However, I do not agree that Ottoman empire saved the entire knowledge. This is the view influenced by history literature created by Islamic supremacists. In fact, Islam destroyed majority of the local cultures wherever they went. Best examples are Iran & Egypt. Both of them had flourishing cultures before Islam but both of them lost it after conquest by Muslims.
What would be your reaction if Denmark levy a tax equivalent of ZIZYA on you since you do not follow the faith followed by majority there? Would you support it?
reading your comment it is obvious your only opposition is being differentiated on the basis of faith, that is your perspective ofcourse because according to you faith is something secondary in life, I am sure you follow your particular faith as a side thought or only on certain occasions
But the first thing you need to understand is Islam has been meant to be a way of life for the one who accepts it, the primary belief system on which a muslims life should be based, now not each muslim is going to follow it that way, some give religion preference and some others give things like money, house cars and love preference thats why we see muslims marrying non muslims and so on but that does not change the fact that all your material aquisitions are not going to intervene for you on the Judgement Day
The reason is we believe in the hereafter and that this life is temporary and we are going to be judged for each and every word we said or heard or anything we did we are going to have to account for it
Every human being is bound to taste death: but only on the Day of Resurrection will you be requited in full [for whatever you have done] – whereupon he that shall be drawn away from the fire and brought into paradise will indeed have gained a triumph: for the life of this world is nothing but an enjoyment of self-delusion. (3:185)
And fear a Day (of Judgement) when a person shall not avail another, nor will intercession be accepted from him nor will compensation be taken from him nor will they be helped.(2:48)
The Day whereon neither wealth nor sons will avail; But only he (will prosper) who brings to Allah a sound heart [26:88-89]
This is the basis of life for a muslim, a day where only deeds will matter, you will be judged on how well you obeyed your Creator. And thus the Quran is the guidance, this is why in muslim countries you will see faith is given top priority and if you really study Islam in that perspective you will understand why
Dear tenali
Yes it happens in those countries. Do you think they have the real sharia law? Their version of sharia only makes anti-islamic people happy so they can use them against muslims. You asked what defines Sharia? The answer is; not what the majority of how the muslims practice the religion, but the Quran the Hadith and ijma (consensus between the 4 imams). The “sharia” contradicts in many points with these three resources. For example in Saudi, as I have said, they follow Wahabbism, which is a relatively new and Wrong interpretation of Islam.
I didn’t say ALL the knowledge was learnt by the Ottomans, but I meant the most important factors of normal life were first seen in the Ottamans and muslim communities such as;
When europe treated women like garbage- there were Universities for Women in the Islamic countries. There were schooling for All people even for the lowest class. Because in islam it is obligatory to seek knowlagde for all muslims. In Europe only the few rich people finished their education. And that education was very low leveled.
There was a time in europe in the 1800s where it litrally drowned in their own poo. There were no pipe systems to clean out the waste of human being, the wc were only for the rich there wer no toilets and to bathe and be hygienic was an unknown factor to the people. When a French king was invited by the Ottaman sultan the sultan was outraged by the French kings smell so he ordered his workers to give him a bath in the hammam and a spa. The French king was so surprised he brought this idea to his country. For the first time in Europe there was something called a bath and it was to be made ONCE a year. MUCH later the bath became available to normal people. Muslims are very keen on hygiene because the Prophet pbuh said “Cleanliness is half of the Faith”
The Ottomans had hospitals and were already curing psychological illnesses while t the Europeans thought they could cure pest by using the bones of their so-called saints
These important factors are what create a good civilization. Can you imagine if the west did not get this knowledge, how would the world look like?
You say that political rights are not part of the universal rights? What are universal rights then and according to whome? And why should it not be suitable for current times? Is it because that the west is now more influencing than other cultures?
Islam is an universal religion and not a culture. That is why different people with different cultural backgrounds can be muslims and that is what makes Islam strong anf widespread. Because it makes a community of people all over the World. The Ottomans did not destroy thise cultures but the people themselves when they willingly embraced islam, they improved their culture by suiting it to the religion. For example many of those countries people sacrificed their own children to their so called gods. This act is already against the human nature and islam is suited exactly to human nature, that is why people came to understand hiw wrong their own religion was and they changed. Wrong things were removed and good things came. The culture remains, but ust in a improved way. And it was not forced but by the willing of the people. Muslims may not force anyone into their religion, so this shows how the people themselves preferred islam rather than their religion.
And you say this history literature is only written down by Islamic supremacists? That is absolutely not true. I go to school here in Denmark and we have read this in our history books, which are not written by muslims. Furthermore I go to a non-muslim school. Even in our math textbooks where it explains a little of the history of for example algebra, it staes that the first mathematicians who created the numbers where Arabs and muslims. Greeks came after them.
Cizya is only found in Islam. It is a very small amount comparing to the taxes we give here. If Denmark was a religious country and wanted tax for for example the church, I would prefer to live elsewhere. Because it does not help the country but the churh which I do no believe in. Cizya was given to state workes for example school buliding and things like that but not for islamic purposes because it is kafirs money. And cizya is also a veru small amount.
When people criticize cizya, many don’t know that in the US, there is a tax they take from ordinary people, called federal income tax which is totally unconstitutional. This tax is gone only for the sake of making the money-stealing interest banking system to go on on and the rest of the tax money goes to few ultrarich bank leaders who invest and live on those people’s money. There was a survey on how many citizens knew about where that tax went and unfortunately very few knew that they paid tax for absolutely no good purpose yet alone to the country itself. Yes, this is happening, secretly. Is this not aslo cheating? Is it not the right for people to know where ther money goes? Well, if people knew they wouldn’t pay that tax and those bank leaders will not be so happy about it, cause they don’t care if people work like dogs for them. It suits them well.
Btw my father is African and my Mother I Turkish and I am 16 years old. Don’t get me wrong that I am talking alot about the Ottomans just because they are my forefathers, no. I just want people to know that Shria Law worked quite well, and that they should not talk bad about it when it was a a system that made many happy.
I don’t understand why some people who call themselves secular try justifying themselves!!
Sabina-If you think its right for you then good for you but why are you justifying yourself by calling every other muslim and their opinion on this site and Islamic teachings wrong and biased and fundamentalist etc etc etc.
some people just love cribbing, don’t they
Hi there people
This response is to admins answer to Vrati. Well, first of all, no offence, I am not here to offend anyone but just to express my feelings as any other poster.
I cant understand why you say “Do not make a mistake of getting married by the Islamic Nikaah.” By what basis could this be a mistake. Well if the man Vrati loves is a DEVOTED muslim man, and he loves her truley, he would show the beautiful and true side of Islam, and explain his religion to her. If the muslim man is a person who has good knowladge of his own religion he would know that he can never marry Vrati without her coverting (unless himself-if his not devoted-is willing to blasphemy on purpose).
If she sees how much he loves her and if she feels like it she can convert. This makes it an option. She asked which options she had. Here is also one answer. I dont understand why you make Islam sound so horrible. You dont know if Vrati is really a religious hindu herslef. She could well also explain her religion to him. It goes the other way too. And converting to Islam cant be a mistake if Vrati herself wishes it. Then your arguments for why converting to Islam is a mistake are;
– “That requires your religious irreversible conversion. ” this argument is not valid because in Islam if Vrati just regrets that she is a muslim she has already made blasphemy- she is already not muslim anymore. So it is reversible.
– “A Muslim girl may not be able to ask for a talaak, but the boy could kick you out of his life just by saying triple talaak. Where will you go if he kicks you out in the middle of a cold night? ” first of all yes a man can divorce a woman with 3 talaaks BUT MAY NOT JUST KICK HER OUT OF HIS LIFE! This is a GREAT SIN!
If the boy Vrati loves is a devoted muslim he will follow the teachings and moral of the Prophet pbuh. In Islam men are responsible to treat their wives as QUEENS and the Prophet Muhammad is an excellent example.
In Islam men are head of the family, and responsible for the family. This is meant by ALL means, such as: cooking the food, cleaning, all the house jobs, making his wife happy, taking care of the children. The woman in Islam is not responsible of ANYTHING even breastfeeding her children. She is only responsible for protecting her dignity and for contributing to make a peaceful atmosphere in the house. And women has a right to claim a sum of cash in a amount only herself chooses and must be given to her at her nikaah. Her husband is bot allowed to take a penny from that money. IF now there should be a divorce the man is responsible to make sure that his ex-wife has a suitable place to live with her children and pay an amount of money called nafaka to her so she can go on with her life. And ofcourse since it obligatory for a man to treat his wife like a queen voilence and so on are totally out of the question.
Did you know that the Prophet was the most romantic man on earth? If any man follows his footsteps their wives will be envied by many… If the man still treats his wife the opposite as the Quran and Hadith proclaims, HE IS SINNING AND THE CONSEQUENCES IN THE HEREAFTER ARE REALLY REALLY BAD! (ofcourse unless he doesn’t repent and starts treating his wife better) all these stuff about women roles are actully not because of religion but traditions!
– and the issue of more wives. In normal circumstances its rare for a devoted muslim man to want to have more than one wife, cause as the Prophet has said it is risky cause if he can’t manage to satisfy them all he will ve risking a VERY PAINFUL PUNSIHMENT in hell. And knowing that it is not always easy to satisfy only ONE woman its not worth risking for more. Our Prophet made all his wives happy you know cleaning their houses making the food and small romantic surprises. Hey, not all men do that Unfortunately. And if Vratis boyfriend loves Vrati alot, he wouldnt even think of another woman. If he had his etes on other women he would somhow find a way of finding a woman. Yeah you all know muslim and non-muslim alike some married men date secretly with women. So its not got to do with anything about religion it about someones personality.
Stay Happy
dear Fatimah,
Really appreciate your view because it explains Islam in the best possible way, infact I was confused by the post “Islam half way” cos I thought it gave a wrong idea, infact guess thats why admin made it a seperate post. Now lets see whether they make your comment a seperate post or not
Just to let you know the admins and most ppl here think that converting to Islam means suicide.
By their own twisted logic if someone converts to islam even after liking it and accepting it that person is a fool and mad and admires all the supposed evils that these ppl themselves has created and some sadist who would want to live their life in hell
They don’t care whether the muslim guy is good or bad infact by their self claimed authority every muslim guy is bad evil and only wants physical relationship from every and any hindu girl who comes their way, also their only motto in life is to convert hindu girls forcefully or by their own words they only do love jihad, whether girl is living happy and a blissful life after marriage is none of their concern
If by mistake on this site a converted girl or a muslim girl comes and tries to show them the true islam and how positive it is ppl will abuse her to no extent
By some twisted psychology every muslim girl is living in a hell hole and secretly wishes that she could marry a hindu guy and by some psychic ability everyone here knows that she will be happier then heaven and on cloud 9 by doing so
The rights of woman you decribed and that of Prophet SAW is like a dose of poison for them, they will only vomit hatred for them and not try to take it as a cure for their ignorance
Praying for their guidance
You too stay happy
No problem
I dont know why my post of the porhibitation of interfaith gave a wrong impression of Islam. I gave the info so people who call themselves muslims knew what they were getting themselves into. Unfortunately it is seen as modern and wonderful to see a person who calls himself “half-muslim half-somthing else” and the media is contributing to this idea which many people who call themselves muslims regard as something good while they forget or ignore the basic teachings of Islam. Some people may think that the way we are thinking is radical and intolerant, even if we are like any other civilized person in the world. That is what makes Islam beautiful that we stand fast by our teachings and do alot to be like our Prophet pbuh who has fulfilled to be a perfect example of mankind. Haters look at some few misleaded hideous people who do wrong things in the name of Islam in order to provacate non-muslims and spread hate to us. Most of those people-terrorists- by misinterpreting the ayah of the Quran have committed blasphemy and are no longer muslims. But many doesn’t know that and in the end ordinary muslims become the victims. Think of a destiny that Wherever you go people will look at you with suspision, fear, hate and that it will always take time to fit in just because you are a muslim. It is happening in a world where “religious rights” “democracy” “free will” and “equality for all” is screamed through the media and forced in to everyones minds. This is what happens when even muslims get ignorant of their own religion. May Allah help us All. I hope that admin posts my comment so people would understand how beautiful Islam is, the reason it is the fastest spreading religion and why the Quran has survived for about 1400 years in peoples hearts without even one small line changed. All thanks to Allah and the leaders of the 4 schools of Faith Ehli Sunnah wal jamaat..
I mean no offense to anyone. I just want to enlighten people about Islam, and remove the prejudices and wrong thibkings people have about Islam.
Stay happy
Fatima, sorry to say your answers are biased. Devoted Muslim man should never look at non Muslim girl, then forget about love. Ask him to leave her coz he broke the rule the moment he talked to her. Don’t teach wrong things
Hey sabina,
I Think there is a misunderstanding. It is not haraam or shirk to fall in love in Islam. And anyone can fall in love with anyone else as long a he/she is loving the person inside the halal borders- such as not comitting adultry(zina) and shirk and so on; as said love comes from Allah, but the lust and wish to do zina comes from Shaitan. If the man is a good muslim and loves her vety much he would make dawa and educate her about his religion make her meet other sisters in Islam. In this way he is giving his true love by wanting her to come to Jannah with him. Yes, you are right if he is loving her in a wrong way.. but if he is doing as i have explained there is no problem in that and he thus be rewarded.
Is living in kafir land haram? Is following kafirs law haram, is allowing kafir to rule Muslims haram? Please tell me. You are missing the point, halal and haram are not the only lenses to see what is right what is wrong. If we follow only haram and halal doings, then SRK does haram, you and I and all Muslim do haram by listening to music and movies and dancing and going with friends. Why only follow selectively, we Muslims should then ask for moving to Muslim country isn’t it? Get the point? Its about right and wrong and be inclusive to all, irrespective of religion.
I am not a Sheikh those questions must be asked to the right person who has the knowlagde how to explain it to you. But I can answer as I much as I know. Living in a Kafirs country and folowing their laws are NOT haraam if they are not torturing or making it hard for you to live your religion. Like in any European country. Many prophets lived in countries that were ruled by kafirs think about it. That is te way you can make dawa and spread Islam.
plus there are Great sins and small sins. Small sins are like listening to music. Allah is the Most Forgiving. He gives many opportunities to cleanse those sins because he knows that we are bad at following orders and that we still do our best. Btw going out with friends is not haraam as long as its in the borders.

Yes, listening to music is haraam i dont deny it but insAllah i will repent. Repenting can cleansen ALL your sins. So cool !
You can be right by that haraam and halal are only part of what defines right and wrong. There are the Prophets teachings for example. And the teachings of the alims that all helps us to be better muslims.
Hope you I could explain myself.
And i didn’t understand what you meant by”irrespective of religion”
Have to say, great answers!!! I will pray to Allah to give me your kind of patience and calmness
Thanks for your honest answer.
Now it is up to the Hindu girl to decide if she is willing to convert (note: there is NO OTHER OPTION BUT TO CONVERT).
On one hand you say its up to hindu girls to decide on other hand you say “OH THERE IS NO OTHER OPTION BUT TO CONVERT”
Why the dual standards when you are preaching Shahrukh Khan as an example, either you understand Islam or you love to preach examples like Shahrukh, please stop the dual standards
We wish all Muslims be like SRK and Salman, They never asked their wives to convert, beautiful! India is a beautiful place to live for ALL, just because of people like these.
It is only people like Zakir Naik, Zara and Fatimah will ask Hindu lovers to “THERE IS NO OTHER OPTION BUT TO CONVERT”. If any Hindu wishes to convert, we do not have problem. But Hindus in love with Muslims have to find this out sooner than later.
Zara, you are a tremendous help to this site to educate today’s youths in love about Islam. Please continue.
Hi admin,
I have never said There is no option but convert. I said that coverting to islam is also an option. I mean so its not left out.
Thank you for understanding
Hindu-Muslim couple have different options…
1) Both remain what they are,
2) Hindu convert to Islam, and
3) Muslim convert to Hinduism.
For any Hindu-Muslim couple in your Denmark or any other place, which one of three options you would recommend? Our position is clear, we highly recommend #1. How about you?
First of all its obvious why you are requesting the first option, I am sure if you were a christian and were asked this you will definetly ask for conversion to christianity to a no christian but you are a hindu and because hinduism has no such code for religion you obviously ask for no conversion.
So basically its not equality from yourside but a hurt ego like behaviour.
You first need to understand why muslims have to give preference to their faith, some muslims understand this some don’t but that does not stop them from doing wrong things. But my personal request to you is stop giving such lopsided advice based, its ok that you do not understand the concept but its not okay to spread hatred based on your choice to not respect what another religion teaches
Problem we see that Muslims in love with a Hindu do not say the first week of their dating that “3) Muslim convert to Hinduism.” is the ONLY option. This request comes up only after months and years of dating and that is wrong.
Even Fathimah is not being honest by saying, “I said that coverting to islam is also an option”, here she is confusing non-Muslim dater that this is “an option” and not the “only” option.
Honesty and full disclosure in dating is what we wish to see.
Zara and Fatimah, we are wondering for your personal life. Did you ever dated a non-Muslim? Would you marry only to a guy who does namaz five times a day and follow all Islamic practices?
Who told you this?? Or is it one of your unverified surveys?? Do you think hindu, christian or any other caste girls are so naive and unknowledgeable that they do not the pre requisite of marrying a muslim
Keep you bias to yourself admin, because this is not stone age, its an age of technology and every hindu knows that he/she will have to convert if he/she wishes to marry a muslim.
You speak as if this is a national secret that muslims are hell bent on hiding in some pandora’s box that conversion is needed.
As if all the non muslims are so bhola bhala, simple village fools that they do not know this basic and just play along. Stop being such a prejudice
If you can’t accept that a mistake happens from both sides than its not a religions fault. Open your eyes and see it for yourself that both parties are in it together and its both of their mistakes
I am not even saying that its just the non muslim’s fault but I am actually accepting that its as much the muslims fault as the non muslims. talking about month and years of dating what was the non muslim doing for so long that they did not care to discuss the topic about religion and marriage and so on, aren’t these things needed to be cleared out at the earliest?? Is it not their responsibility
My response was for your answer ti Vrati. She said what options do I have and you did NOT give those three options as you stated previously. And on top of that you made option number 2 look bad and said it as a “mistake” thay is why I said that that option should be not left out.
Now you ask me the question straightforward. Which option would I choose. It would number 2. This answer could sound negative and maybe awaited by others who want to get a chance to make me look intolerant or whatever. I say number 2 because either options will make both lose their faiths and so in comes down tobif I would choose Hinduism or Islam. And ofcourse my choice would be Islam.
On the other hand the others are still options but on the fact that the muslim will lose his faith. If thay is what he wants nobody can force him otherwise. As it is stated in the Quran “Hidayah (guidance to the right path) is only from Allah”. So how matter I would wish a muslim not to lose his/her faith, if Allah has decided that he/she does not deserve that guidance, he/she will lose his/her faith. If Allah grants someone guidance to Islam, whether he/she is a Christian, Jew, hindu, sikh or an atheist at some point of his life he will embrace Islam. No matter what.
This is my belief.
And about my personal life, it does not concern anybody. I am only aiming to go to Jannah (Paradise) with those I love.
We are not surprised by your choice and we respect it. Why you said “an” option, you should have said “only” option?
However, before you date a non-Muslim, please ask him if he (or ready to) performs namaz five times a day; good luck! Alternatively, try to find well educated and good earning Muslim denise who is performing namaz five times a day, again good luck!
You are only 16 and in Denmark, lets see how your life evolves over years. Further, you are a half black, lets see how white Muslim boys accept you. You have not yet hit practicality of life, we wish you the best.
We are here to help people make an “informed” decision. Most Muslims are just like you who are looking to convert non-Muslim to Islam. For them love is a tool to proselytize others.
I said an option because there is no forcing in Islam. You choose your way; Either hell or paradise. Its up to the people who are about to marry. They must just know the consequences before doing anything.
Thank you for wishing me luck, even though I have it on my side. I don’t know if i will may a former non-muslim, and my parents and me don’t care which ethnicity he is from just that he is a devoted muslim. And luckily there are many who are like that around me in and outside my family. Btw i dont date guys, and that earns me respect from boys more than girls who date guys. They respect me they way I am with my hijab both muslims and non-muslims alike. I have friend who is a full black somali and she married a Danish white boy who converted to Islam recently. He loved her alot before he converted and she too loved him but they loved each other insde the islamic hala borders and she was wearing the ciljab, the long black one, and they met each other at school. He wad interested in how her religion was and when she told about her religion and brought him to the mosques he converted. Then he proposed to her and asked for her hand in marriage. Now they have children together. Like this there so many examples whom I know so I am sure I will be happy insAllah. Even a Japanese-Dane boy got married with a Turkish muslim girl after he converted.
This is the greatest about Islam that it embraces all.
So even Vrati can be happy if she converts. She just has to seek the knowledge
PS: And yes those who convert are typically more devoted than others who were born muslims. They all pray namaz five times, fast and do all those islamic things really well.. InsAllah I too will be as good as them someday.
PS PS: About Muslims use love as a tool. Ehm ehm… please read this once again:
As it is stated in the Quran “Hidayah (guidance to the right path) is only from Allah”. So how matter I would wish a muslim not to lose his/her faith, if Allah has decided that he/she does not deserve that guidance, he/she will lose his/her faith. If Allah grants someone guidance to Islam, whether he/she is a Christian, Jew, hindu, sikh or an atheist at some point of his life he will embrace Islam. No matter what.
Muslims are not here to force anyone to convert we ADVISE the non-muslims to convert, and remind Muslims what is said in the Quran about such type of relationship, so they know what they are getting themselves into.
Zara prefers to marry with multiple partners on contractual basis
to enjoy physical relations.
She is not clear in her statements what she wants. For marrying with mutliple partners she has to prove virgin every time,for that purpose she can a few artificial hymen kit to be used on the wedding night.
She is horny and sexy too.
Scroll a little more below and browse recent posts for my questions then you are free to go to that hospital of yyours
Zara asked – “What do you think this is??? A one way street?? You mean I am abliged to answer every question of yours but my own questions should go unanswered??? So where is that mental hospital again??”
I regularly go to all the Mental hospitals in India:) If you can tell me the city or area where you live in, I can suggest one closer to your place.
I would rather reply you here and see how you try to defend yourself by counter questioning, since you are left with just questioning as you dont have any answers yourself regarding anything
Counter questioning me? Where did you question me? Looks like I need to run to my mental hospital and get another electric shock!!
The boy has to convert to Hinduism as Islam does not allows marriage to kafir.
he cannot marry you since your are polytheist. if he marry you without your convesion to islam he will receive punishment of hell. quran strongly prohibits marry with polytheist except jewish and christian women
And do not marry Al-Mushrikat (idolatresses, etc.) till
they believe (worship Allah Alone). And indeed a slave
woman who believes is better than a (free) Mushrikah
(idolatress, etc.), even though she pleases you. And give
not (your daughters) in marriage to Al-Mushrikun till
they believe (in Allah Alone) and verily, a believing
slave is better than a (free) Mushrik (idolater, etc.), even
though he pleases you. Those (Al- Mushrikun) invite you
to the Fire, but Allah invites (you) to Paradise and
Forgiveness by His Leave, and makes His Ayat (proofs,
evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) clear to
mankind that they may remember.
Why didn’t you teach him these things when he was loving a Non-Muslim?
Becasue he didnt ask? Its amazing how you being a well thought atheist has such low level of understanding. Are you sure you an atheist? Have you really thought it well? Would you like to rethink it?
My comment was for all the Muslims who claim that their religion doesn’t allow marrying a non-muslim. Why didn’t they teach these things in your Mosques?
For making love, you need a non-muslim but for marrying him/her, he need to convert.Wah Wah! What a logic?
Dear tenali what kind of screwed logic do u have? I m sure u r frm a family following some or the other religion right? But u seem to follow ur own liking so did it occur to u. Not every born muslim follows his religion or is ur bias only muslim specific
Vrati asked, “What options do we have? ”
What would you say to her? Hindu marriage, Nikaah or the Special Marriage Act? Or not marry?
Its not that interfaith marriages btwn hindu muslims dont work. Its just that it is forbidden for a true religious muslim to do that. Even today muslims guys marry hindu or any other religion girls and make it work, depends on each ones perspective, but according to Quran it is forbidden and that is not to make someone devoid of love but as muslims its thought to us that love of God comes first, for those muslims who are not religious will give romantic love preference but this will be questioned on judgement day and we believe in that day so our main preference should be accordingly
If Islam forbids marrying non-muslim, then the person indulging in interfaith marriage should be declared a Kafir. Right? Why show leniency on them?
Admin asked a simple question. Why don’t you answer it? For interfaith marriages between Muslims and non-muslims, what is the best way out?
What is the problem with you? Is your mind contorted by an electric shock?? I have answered everything or do you need simplification because its in complex english. Then go and first learn advanced english
Haha .. I just came back from a mental hospital after taking an electric shock and started blaming every one on this forum. I also don’t know English language but it looks like it is Zara’s mother tongue.
For the sake of this low level mental guy, can some one please show me where ZARA answered the questions instead of blaming me?
What do you think this is??? A one way street?? You mean I am abliged to answer every question of yours but my own questions should go unanswered??? So where is that mental hospital again??
You are advocating islam always? Can you frankly tell, whether you like FMG, Mutta and halala marriages, as per koranic practices?
Gulfam you hate islam so much so can you tell me what you really hate?? Dowry to women, Saving women from being objectified, living life with strict morals, severe punishments for rapist molesters and other criminals. Just because you are not allowed to do anything anywhere anyhow or not allowed to live a life with basic morals, is that what you hate?
Zara, you are violating Islamic code of not speaking to kafir. And who gave you permission to use computer? Where is your male guardian ? Maa baap ne talim nahi dee kya kisse baat nahi karni hai kisse karni hai? If you have any shame left stop using kafir created computers and kafir language, Allah give u jahannum. Batzaat aurat
Hello V Rati
I am sure that you have been trapped emotionally.Muslim guys are interested only in sex and multiplication of their population.
Dont take hasty decision. Once you come in his trap, you will not stand any where and rather whole life you will repent. Muslim religion is a hell, full of restriction, just sex, oral tripple talak any moment. Husband can many marry another 3 wives, domestic violence are some common features.
Admin please just stop your crap advices about intolerancy, I want to now how tolerance are you dumb minds when someone wants to eat beef??? Will you allow that in a hindu home because that is definetly allowed for a muslim
If you wont then stop you intolerancy shit because neither you ppl are tolerant towards that ok?? Dont make it seem as if intolerance is done only by muslims. Neither are you tolerant
Just look at the comments and poss o n this site, that alone proves how tolerant you bigots are.
Don’t sing this tune of intolerancy, just because you know nothing of your religion doesnot mean even othres should follow their religion blindly
Just because you dont take religion seriously dont be so envious when we take it seriosly and stop talking this kind of crap
Ammi yeh sikhai tere ku? Kafiro se baat karna, sharam haya hai ya computer pe blue film barai, saali. Ghar ku bayth. Inloga se nipatna hum dekhte.
Kafir to tu hai, jiss desh mein khaata hai uss desh ke khilaf bolta hai.
Ammi ne tujhe sirf Nafrat failane ke liye Paida kiya hai.
Kaum ka Daag hai tu
Tumhare jaisw log Ladkiyo Ko faste hai phir unhe Convert Karte hain.
Kabhi dekha hai Allah ko jiske bare mein kasme khaate ho