My Hindu Mother Married to a Muslim

Raj says: July 12, 2019 at 12:17 am

Hello sir, my mom is a divorced woman. Now she tell me she want to marry again, its not a problem. However, she want to marry a muslim man. In our society it never acceptable, so what i do now? -Raj

He has already one wife, he is weak in financially. My mom has some property. He tell he will accept myself as a child -Raj

No relative want to interfere about her decision, and yes she is ready (to convert), no me and my mom not have any frank discussions. -Raj

RAJ says: May 18, 2020 (almost a year later)

My mom now married to the Muslim, younger than her.
She is a well earner professional woman, he is a car mechanic.

She has not started wearing burkha but all times has covered dress, I am wondering how a woman change in a short time. My mom does not talk with me about her married life.

Actually i noticed muslim man use muslim women to connect to a hindu gf or wife. A muslim women i know who works for this. She also brainwashed my mom and many other women also. Many Hindu women in my knowledge go to relationship with a muslim man.

My social life is destroyed, my friends troll me. -Raj

Sudhansu says: July 15, 2019 (Read on Sudhansu at A Great Pride Converting Brahmin Girls To Islam)

Hello Raj

Since i have seen something very similar in my life i can provide my 2 cents

– Firstly please don’t judge anyone because of their religion, hindu or Muslim

– Ask yourself, is this man going to take care of your mom, financially, mentally and physically

– Does he have any bad habits that throws out some red flags, excessive drinking, smoking, gambling etc. If so your mom and you should be careful

– Will his family treat your mom and you as part of their family. Read some posts here and you will see that Muslim families are normally conservative and may not be happy about a hindu woman entering their family. You should be aware of any wrong signals

– how did your mom meet her Muslim bf(i am assuming they are dating). In case they met through questionable channels I would warm you to be careful

– As i mentioned earlier Muslim families are quite conservative. I am sure your mom would have to convert to Islam for the marriage to go forward. Is she okay with that change in her life. It a big change potentially impacting her identify, dressing and eating habits

– Is his age compatible with your mom. I have noticed a strong trend of older Muslim man marrying much younger hindu women.

– Does he have any other wife or children. This should not be a big factor as long as long as he is able to take care of your mom and you.

– Does he have any other expectations/ demands from your mom. Ex: Children immediately after getting married etc

These are some questions that you and your mom should ask yourselves. I will try and provide input as much as possible.

SUDHANSU says: May 29, 2020

Hello Raj

I have a few questions for you before I provide my 2 cents.
– How old is your mother and her muslim husband?
– How many existing kids does your step dad have?
– Is your mom and his first wife living together?

Now for my opinion and I will try to draw parallels to similar situations. Few years ago I had gone through a similar situation in my life but in my case my mom married a much older muslim man who had 2 wives already (details at . Contrary to your situation my step dad is financially well off. I also have a cousin and a few friends who had married muslim men.

1. Now that she is married try to be happy fpr your mom. There must be some good reason why she married him. Try to understand her point of view and maybe it will help you. My mom married my step dad since she was pregnant by him and she had no other option. He did not allow her to get an abortion and the only logical path for my mom was to marry him. Not marrying him would have caused a lot of financial and social issues.

2. Be mentally prepared for a change in family surroundings. You had mentioned that your family members did not interfere I am assuming they have broken off contact with your mom and you. This is typical of a hindu family where they are scared of a pushback from muslim community. You will soon see that your hindu family completely distancing themselves. You can either move away from your city and start fresh or adapt to your new surroundings. You and your mom will be surrounded by only muslim family members who will make you accept their belief system.

3. Another point stemming from point#2 which is a bit controversial but I will say it anyhow is that muslims consider hindus inferior to them. Be prepared to be disrespected and humiliated for your religious belief. My step dads family absolutely hates hindus and he often ridiculed hindu traditions in front of us. My mom and me stayed quiet and didnt oppose to anything. Also please be mindful to not say anything negative or questionable about Islam in front of your muslim family. My mom learnt it the hard way initially when she didnt agree on wearing the hijab everyday

4. I am sure your mom has already converted to Islam before the marriage but be prepared to be pressurised as well for conversion and circumcision. I personally did not convert and since I live in a different country now there is not much pressure on me anymore. Initially my step dads family tried to coerce me via my mom which I am sure you are also probably facing. In your situation since i dont know your age and financial condition I would suggest converting to islam if things get rough. As you are aware there is a great amount of pride among muslim when they get hindus to convert to Islam.

5. Get ready to be surrounded by a lot of muslim brothers and sisters. Given that your step dad is relatively younger compared to your mom I am sure he will want to produce a lot of children quickly. I am not sure how many other children your step dad has from his other wife but since you are not muslim you will always be considered an outsider. For comparison my mom got pregnant 3 times in 5 years after getting married, not sure if my step dad wants more from her. My step dad also has 7 other kids from his other 2 wives. Your mom might be pregnant already but please be mentally ready for this and trust me neither your mom nor you will have any say in the matter. Also I will repeat what others have said, they will all be raised as muslims

6. Since you have not mentioned anything in this regard I would suggest you and your mom start contemplating a name change to a proper Islamic name. Since your mom is already married I would think it is already done. However if you are planning to stay with them and convert to Islam I would request you to seriously start considering this since it will help you integrate with your family. If you are planning to move away then its okay. My step dads family gave a new name to my mom when she converted.

7. I am glad that your mom is dressing conservatively. This is something that hindu converts should keep in mind since most modern hindu women (specially bengali) have a tendency to dress provocatively. My mom had a tough time adapting to islamic dressing habits but my oldest step sister who is close in age to my mom made sure that she abided by every single rule.

I have many more points but I think this post is getting too long. The moral is that in your new life your mom and you have to quietly adapt to the new lifestyle. My suggestion to your mom and you would be to obey, obey, obey your step dad and his family. The quicker you get closer to his family and friends the better it will be for both of you. If you have questions please dont hesitate to ask them here or you can email me at if you want to talk separately. -Sudhansu

List of “My Mother is in relationship with a Muslim

Name Relationship with mother
Sudhansu Sudhansu: My mother married her Muslim boss
Iqbal Sexual Relationship with My Friends Mom
Deepx Pakistani Muslim Student with My Sikh Mom
Raj My Hindu Mother Wants to Marry a Muslim

More information: Hindu-Muslim Marriage, Sharia, Muslim-Hindu marriages, Hindu-Muslim lovers’ experiences, Koran on Hindus? Hindu girl-Muslim boy, Marriage & Divorce laws.
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  • Tera baap
    May 9, 2021 3:19 am

    Muslims are filthy.animals.first they say hindu muslim bhai bhai n then they become bhenchod maa chod biwi chod aur beti chod.shitty people

    • Vijay
      June 20, 2024 9:53 am

      I’m also facing this issue

    • Vijay
      June 20, 2024 10:16 am

      I’m going to tell this happens today at my house

      • Vijay
        July 13, 2024 1:53 pm

        My mom is a good house wife and she is religious to Hindu and after she was been added to a college reunion WhatsApp group and later she finally got happy by taking to her old friends

        One lady naaz is mom friend were also there and they both satarted to chat

        And later my mom got infected by her words and now she slowly withdraws from hindu and start to practice islam and

        Now finally the bomb news that on she is convert and want divorce and she ready to have a Nikkah with her friend brother as a third wife

        Me and dad now in shock and don’t know what to do

        • Admin
          July 18, 2024 10:13 am

          Sorry to hear about this. Write to us at and we can plan a phone chat.

          • Vijay
            July 29, 2024 4:55 am

            Yes I gave that

            • Prasad
              January 15, 2025 12:04 am

              Vijay please share the full details of this incident. Where is your mother now?

          • Vijay
            July 29, 2024 8:06 am

            Sir please help me with

        • Prasad
          October 7, 2024 5:33 pm

          Hello vijay, What’s your mother’s present situation?
          Your mother’s age and Muslim Guy’s age?
          Now she is married him?
          Now i am facing this issue. My mother’s is trapped love jihad

          • Vijay
            January 1, 2025 11:01 am

            She is 38 and he is 41 ya she is married and she is supreme happy

  • Raj
    November 15, 2020 12:38 am

    Yes chitra may be You are right,but i cant tolarate a muslim man as my father

    • Sarthak
      August 28, 2021 5:46 am

      I know bro, and you shouldn’t if your mind doesn’t agree, just know that it was your moms decision to be with him not yours so if you don’t want to be with him, she needs to choose one of you, and just accept whatever her decision is and move on with your life indipendently, and happiy as your heart says, a person who loves someone else over you doesn’t need to be with you whether she is you mother or anyone else, just do as your heart says and let her do as hers, just be a man and have faith in krishna

      • Chithra
        August 28, 2021 6:04 am

        Why Raj’s mother has to choose between her son and her husband?can’t she have both…can’t raj leave his stupid ego and join his mother in her happiness and accept her right to choose the man she loves as her husband?

      • Raj
        April 20, 2023 8:07 pm

        Ya u right sarthak

    • Satyen
      August 28, 2021 8:39 am

      You will have to set priority either your Hindu culture that is another name of Humanity first or compromising with a cult full of cruelty that includes ravaging women of other faiths as the proceeds of plunder. Many people will be shocked to know these facts and may dismiss it without going further to explore the truth. However the fact remains the seme irrespective of how you treat it. This misunderstanding of Islam by denying the truth has changed the the Hindu Buddhist regions of Pakistan and Afghanistan as the fertile lands of Muslim terrorists. Needless to talk about the present miserable condition of the Hindus in general and Hindu women in particular in Pakistan and Afghanistan. Those Hindus were speaking the way the Hindus in India are speaking today. Where will it lead to? Think about it and at least start speaking the truth after exploring the real character of Islam. Read the life of Muhammad to start with as he is considered the ideal Muslim.
      Download ‘Understanding Muhammad’ by Ali Sina in your language free of cost.
      Watch youtube videos – Islam for Dummies by Neeraj Atri.

    • Nikhil
      July 30, 2022 8:16 pm

      Yes some muslims really love hindu women but that doesn’t mean it should be allowed & encouraged cause vast majority of the time their goal is to spread Islam.

      If muslims are really that loving & peaceful do we see these kind of situation in so called muslim countries which have majority of peaceful muslims?

      Forget about the muslim countries, even non-muslim countries the ratio of Muslim men marrying to non-muslim women is very skewed.

      Do those peaceful muslim men raise their women in liberal fashion & mentality such as yours?

      Do those peaceful muslim men give their women freedom to love & marry non-muslim men?

      Do those peaceful muslim men stand for muslim women marrying non-muslim men?

      Watch this if can –

      Love Jihad at your door step | Ft. Swati Goel Sharma | AKTK Podcast

      Its series –
      Forced Conversions || Ep 1A – Minor Hindu girls || Ft. Nitin Gupta

      इस्लामियों , इसायियों और उनके पाले NGOs द्वारा हिंदू संतों पर नित नए प्रहार || Manushi India ||

      What Muslims are really aiming in India

  • May 28, 2020 5:12 am

    hey guys something same happened with me
    i had a kashmiri muslim friend junaid pathan, we both were best friends and he even use to pass comments on girls and even married aunties whenever we travels in metro but one day he visited my home and seen my mom
    he told me my mom is sex bomb and he really wish to fuck her i got angry and broke my friendship with him
    but after somedays i seen my mom smiling while chatting i asked her whom she is talking she said no one just old friend, later when i checked her phone it was junaid and sexual flirting. I start ignoring it thought my mom is orthodox she will not do it in real but to my surprise my mom start wearing revealing clothes and start going out and on other hand junaid was not present in college it made me suspicious
    again one day i checked my mom phone i was surprised in her whatsapp it was all dirty they both shared nude pics and talked about their last sex
    i tried to fight with mom but she told me she is lonely and needs a man in her life too i must not interfere in that i am he rson not her husband thats was too upsetting for me with that she called junaid and told him from now on he will not live in rent but with us since then every night they sleeps together
    i felt helpless but biggest shock was she is 2 months pregnant now and blamed it due to lockdown, she wish to give birth to his child and wants me to accept him as my dad, while he also agreed to marry my mom all this is too upsetting for me

    • May 29, 2020 2:37 pm

      Hi Karthik,
      Is there someone in your community not ready to guide you or your mother? We have just too many such cases and don’t know how to help you here.

    • June 22, 2020 6:02 am

      i have similar painful experience my mother too have affair with my muslim friend

      • June 22, 2020 11:07 am

        Can you provide details about your situation?

        • July 22, 2020 6:22 am

          I am a Brahmin guy orthodox Hindu family but I always love being secular made a mistake by befriending a Muslim guy , i met him while playing cricket this guy is Afghani pastun living in Delhi as refugee and he works as gym trainer in local gym
          so when we becomes friends i invited him during diwali and other festivals and 2017 holi he gets very close to my mom which i don’t like but stayed quiet as it was holi and even his friendship with my mom grows a lot after that and mom end up joining his gym
          so one day that guy told me he loves my mom and wish to marry her and he is even ready to accept me as his son , that was way shocking for me ,what worse he is already married that day i came home and told mom to stay away from him in anger i told mom what he said mom start laughing and she said why you are angry then just cool down he is a man and got attracted to a woman its nothing wrong we argued later mom made me understand she will deal with this herself so I trust her
          i thought my mom will never do anything shameful but one midnight i heard some sexual noise from mom’s room she was very loud sexually that day, she was never this loud i never heard so much loud sexual sounds from her room but i thought just sleep but suddenly I remember dad is out on office tour then who is with mom?
          when i went to check her room was not closed and she was completely nude with my friend while he was holding her hands tightly and penetrating her roughly from behind while she was crying I thought he is raping my mom , their faces was toward balcony and door in behind , first i thought to stop them but as soon I step inside room my mom suddenly asked him to punish her and make her slut which made him more aggressive, so I just went back to my room quietly i felt like crying, the woman i respected a lot use to touch her feet every morning is actually like this doing such shameful sex that’s too with a Muslim man . I can’t sleep whole night and I even heard he leaving in morning but I stayed in bed when I wake up I didn’t touch my mom’s feet and later she asked me is everything okay I said yes, she behaved as if everything normal days passed and 2 or 3 nights in a week this was common when dad comes back they start doing it in noon.
          So suddenly I came to know my mom and dad both are having divorcee and when I asked what has just happened dad said nothing and he left I asked mom she answered as if u don’t know, she said she is going to marry my friend and I have to live with her as I am her son we argued a lot I hated all this but my mom later told me she is pregnant with his child and its good she is getting divorce soon
          Mom also told me she loves me a lot as a mother she have done everything for me but as a woman she have her needs and needs a man to love her who can take care of her and her needs and even dad was upset with me as I did not told him anything so I have no choice but to live with my mom now life is okay but sometimes I felt so bad when I see my mom gave birth to his child
          All I think is he is cleaver guy as my mom is teacher and earns a good amount of money also after divorce she got house which she sold and purchased another in other place
          Now life is..That guy opened gym in ground floor of our house we live in 1st floor and his whole family lives in2nd floor , their life is now wakes up early and his 1st wife prepare breakfast then he takes my mom to her school , later he came back for gym and then go to pickup my mom have lunch together with us again gym and every evening he brings jasmine flowers for my mom’s hairs and for his wife also he brings gift then they all go out for walk and goes to bed early with both his wife , movies in weekend all this is her life
          And according to my mom she is now happiest woman blessed with her new husband and lively family and according to me now I have learned to adopt we still have not changed our religion inside I sometimes feels bad but the way he take care of my mom I just expected for my mom’s happiness

          • Chithra
            November 8, 2020 7:00 am

            First of all,congratulations to your mother for finding a true love and such a wonderful man as a husband.You are trying to portray your stepfather as some kind of greedy,lusty and selfish man who married your mother for money,and it seems far from the truth from what you have mentioned.From the very beginning,he was ready to marry her and accept u as his son so it wasn’t merely a lust.He indeed cares for ur mom and u.Now that he is married to ur mom,he is letting u stay with them,providing for u,letting her work,taking care of u and ur mom,satisfying ur mom which ur biological dad could never do.Very few people r lucky to have a father like him,let alone a step father.So instead of trashing him on the internet,u should be grateful to him for what he has done for ur mother and u.

            If u r not doing already,start addressing him as “Abbu” or the equivalent word for father in pashto.Remember,real man is who raises his stepchildren as his own,teaching them his morals,culture,ethics and disciplines them to be a better people.Even ur mother would be happy to see u addressing him as “Abbu” or father.You can also learn some pashto to impress him.You can also help ur mother and stepfather in chores or babysitting so they get more time to spend together.
            Be part of ur beautiful family.Cherish it.Appreciate it.Be grateful.Don’t be a brat

            • June 23, 2021 4:31 am

              i am very confused , sometimes he is very good man sometimes he is evil and a sex animal, he made my mom gave birth to his second child and once my biological dad were here he was drunk and start abusing my mom from street , this guy went down punched my dad beat my dad very harshly’

              mom had to run down to clam him down but by that time dad was very badly injured and bleeding so neighbors were watching , mom tries to calm this guy , and took dad inside house

              she done first aid on dad but dad was so angry so he hit mom , this made him go crazy again he slapped dad too hard and fall down even peed in his pants and start crying , i had to beg him to stop beating my dad mom also begged him somehow he went easy , then mom told dad that they are already divorced and she is with her new husband please never disturb her life and family

              and this so called loving guy infront of my dad pulled my mom grabbed her and start kissing her told my dad she was your wife but now she gave birth to my 2 kids , she sleeps with me and moans very loudly and ask her did u ever gave her this much love and u cant u r not capable all this stuff , mom somehow calm him down to ease him anger and warned dad if he continues she will complain in police

              next day i took dad to hospital his ear drum got teared with his slap , dad even abused me and refused to see me so i came back

              and here in home he was still angry for that mom tries a lot cooked his fav dish said sorry a lot times wear those dresses which he founds nice and during night tries to seduce him shamelessly infront of me also but he did not talked with her whole day , and complained he is angry as she still took side with her ex husband , mom tries to show him love but this animal said he will punish her in bed then only his anger will ease . what next whole night she moaned too hard that even her voice must be reaching our neighbors and next morning the bed was really broken from one side .

              now u call it love or sex animal who is nothing but live son my mom money knows if she went away he got no money to spend and no home to stay

              • Sonu
                September 27, 2021 7:50 pm

                Hi keshav
                What is the age gap between your mother and her new husband?

            • June 23, 2021 5:14 am

              And i tried a lot to please him called him dad , did my best i understand to me he is good
              even teached me many things , but all his things are outdated lol he is old school .

              he use to say men should be strong as its natural for men to be masculine and woman to be feminine its god creation lol and man should protect their family behave morally and other stuff

              his thinking about woman is even more interesting lol …. acc to him even feminist are feminine he sayst they are insecure and all woman are naturally feminine just u need too be man enough to make them feel real self and feminine

              Though i feel worse when he quote my mom and usually says se ur mom was not this with her ex husband but she is too feminine now i know how to keep her happy and his evil laugh …….he usually joke a little such things to me

              And Yaaa i know he took care of my mom satisfies her like no other man can.. during lock-down he use to joke like i super busy i have to take care of both my wife , and once accidentally i have seen him making out with mom .. .. he was standing and his tool inside mom and mom was holding him very tight ..while it looks like she was just lifted on his tool … when i reach there mom got disturbed asked him to lift her down and rushed to hide herself while he was standing infront of me asked me why u came anything ,, i was so shocked as they were doing openly in our home stairs and asking me but since then i respected him i mean he is really very strong man and perfect too either sexually or physically and a good person at least he shows

              from then i am sure he is the only one who can sexually physically satisfy my mom and also its really good that he emotionally and mentally loves her but sometimes he become aggressive too so its doubtful

              to me ……he use to say join his gym workout and study hard too , he made me get circumcised which was hell painful for 1 week after surgery

              made me eat meat i find it yucky and he made me cut goat which made me hell scared i start shaking watching a animal dead ..,. he says be strong …
              sometimes mom insulted me unknowingly which i find offended she says he is like is dad ofcourse he would be scared of all this .

              • Chithra
                July 11, 2021 6:52 am

                I am sorry u had to go through circumcision, but the silver lining to this is that he is indeed seeing u as his son and wants u to follow his lifestyle and culture.Him making u eat nonveg indicates the same thing.I am not justifying any of this,but only finding silver lining. I am also a vegetarian and i can understand how u must be feeling.Also,ur mother shouldn’t have said that and as u said she must have done that unknowingly..she loves u and only wants u to be better.

                It’s possible that ur new father and mother feels that u r not following the new ways,or maybe u r still stuck up to ur old habits and not being part of the family culture.You can show them u r indeed enthusiastic about ur new family by taking some fun initiatives in which u r comfortable. e.g during these covid times,u organize a dinner date for ur mom and dad at home, and u cook the favorite dishes of ur mom and dad which u know how to make well and u would be their personal chef that day.It will be fun, and will give ur mother much needed break from the kitchen

                On the weekends u give them tea-breakfast on the bed.You also offer them to babysit ur siblings.You can join gym with ur new dad and do some light exercise u r comfortable in

                If they see u taking initiative to be part of the family,to be helpful,they also won’t force u to do things u r uncomfortable with.

            • June 23, 2021 5:32 am

              last thing … i have seen my mom 3 times in act with him .. and he talked to me every single time after such incidents …

              he told me mom usually talks about me with him and always ask him to be good to me … he taught me to to respect her and love her as a son and respect her even more so she can be proud of what she choose … while he said he will love her as a husband and even be my good dad

              i talked to my mom , loved her a lot and really respect her even more than before so she feels even more happy ….

              and yes she turned very beautiful now as her mental health is very good u see loving husband good son blessed with 2 more kids … and her beauty is reflected in her face and overall heath ,, looks way too young for her age now normally people says she looks like 10year younger than her age

              so i am not going to take any rubish advice which i use to take earlier that how to save ur mom from a muslim man but yaa still have concerns

              i just wish deep inside my heart this guy must never hurt my mom or using her sometimes its scary to imagine such things

              second concern is society… relatives calls my mom names and even few my frnds asked me like your mom sleeps with a muslim guy he will make her pregnant n number of times 2 is just a starting

              i feel bad and ashamed sometimes when people call her bad names and even abuse me for being a weak son ,, i am sure if abbu have eye on their mom or thier wives sisters , those girls will happily agree to be his 3rd and 4th wife and even leave thier kids behind .

            • Nikhil
              July 30, 2022 7:59 pm

              Chithra, are you a real person?
              As a woman you are literally supporting this love jihad mentality.
              Yes some muslims really love hindu women but that doesnt mean it should be alloed & encouraged cause vast majority of the time their goal is to spread Islam.

              If muslims are really that loving & peaceful do we see these kind of situation in so called muslim countries which have majority of peaceful muslims?

              Forget about the muslim countries, even non-muslim countries the ratio of Muslim men marrying to non-muslim women is very skewed.

              Do those peaceful muslim men raise their women in liberal fashion & mentality such as yours?

              Do those peaceful muslim men give their women freedom to love & marry non-muslim men?

              Do those peaceful muslim men stand for muslim women marrying non-muslim men?

              So please SHUT THE FUCK UP ypour liberal suicidal nonsense.

              Watch this if can –

              Love Jihad at your door step | Ft. Swati Goel Sharma | AKTK Podcast

              Its series –
              Forced Conversions || Ep 1A – Minor Hindu girls || Ft. Nitin Gupta

              इस्लामियों , इसायियों और उनके पाले NGOs द्वारा हिंदू संतों पर नित नए प्रहार || Manushi India ||

              What Muslims are really aiming in India

              • Chithra
                February 1, 2023 10:25 pm

                Don’t believe in this nutcase RW propaganda and be angry all the time over non-issues..Just remember women have the right to divorce and marry a man they love irrespective of his faith,caste or nationality, and moms don’t need permission from their children to marry and find true love.As a mom of 2, my kids r very important for me but my life is not just limited to motherhood,i have the right to pursue my goals,happiness and love.
                I was just trying to make that guy see positives,be happy for his mother and be accepting for his new father unlike most people here who were encouraging him to rebel against his mother and break family.I thought RWers care about…anyways,I stopped responding to him when i realized he is making up most of the things just for getting sympathy

                • March 5, 2023 9:30 am

                  We fully agree to your perspective from the mother or as a lady side. Yes, you have rights to do that is right and will make you happy. However, from your own child’s perspective could be different. Here, Raj is looking from his own side, that the mother who was dedicated to him at one point, now is dedicated to someone else; well he will have to learn of a new reality.

                • Nikhil
                  August 1, 2023 3:32 pm

                  Chitra, that’s why hindu women like you don’t deserve freedom & liberal environment.
                  The way you are outrightly calling hindu struggle a hindu propaganda shows what kind of sick society hindus have become.
                  I respect muslim women a lot who stand for their religion at all cost even their children & women rise up in riots which happened in Hijab riots.

                  Love jihad is continuously rising & yet women like you call it propaganda, hindus deserved to be treated as dhimmis,
                  Even married hindu women are getting targeted as well by muslims for conversion
                  In husainpur kala Jain community left village where 500 yr old Jain temple is present because of increase in muslim demography,

                  गुजरात के सूरत में जिहादी इस्माइल यूसुफ़ गौ माताओं को काटने के लिए पहले नदी किनारे ले ज़ाया करता था। और फिर उनके गौ मांस से समोसे बना कर बेचा करता था।
                  Six accused – arrested for mercilessly charging a Hindu boy with a knife for hanging out with a Muslim girl
                  नसीरुद्दीन के बेटे फरुकुद्दीन लस्कर को असम के करीमगंज में एक हिंदू महिला को उसके घर के सामने से अगवा करने के बाद पुलिस ने गिरफ्तार कर लिया।

                  Tale of Three Teenagers: Mohammad Afroz Vs Shubham & Parvesh || Manushi India ||

                  UP के Amroha से सन्न कर देने वाला Luv Jihad का मामला, नाम बदल फंसाया किया निकाह और फिर बेच डाला!

                  बजरंग दल के दबाव के चलते ये मामला सामने आया वरना पहले पुलिस के पास जाकर भी कुछ नहीं हुआ,
                  ये है मुस्लिम के दबाव और आप जैसे हिन्दू औरतो के मुस्लिमो पर के भरोसे का असर,

                  Inside Indian Muslim’s Mind | AKTK
                  जिस सेक्युलर लिबरल मीडिया के बल पर RW को प्रोपोगंडा बोल रही हो वो हिन्दू और भारत का कैसे दुश्मन है और आप जैसे हिन्दुओ को पैदा करने में कैसे सक्षम है उसकी मिसाल


                  Mouth-shutting reply to Americans for mocking Ramayana or Hinduism-inspired films…Karolina Goswami

                  क्रिश्चियनिटी और इस्लाम दोनों ही आज ही कन्वर्शन को ताकद के साथ अंजाम दे रहे है लेकिन आप जैसे हिन्दुओ को सिर्फ भाईचारा ही देखना है , जब की वेस्ट का लिबरल ग्रुप भी हिन्दुइस्म के खिलाफ है लेकिन क्रिश्चियनिटी और इस्लाम के लिए सॉफ्ट कार्नर रखता है क्यूंकि वो उनका मूल है
                  ये मैडम आप से ज़्यादा भारतीय है कुछ सीखे इनसे, पता है कुछ होना तो है नहीं वैसे भी,

                  English lady explains why Hindus are targeted in popular culture

                  Jai Ahuja Exposes Pakistani State & How It Is Systematically Against Hindus & Other Minorities.

                  गंगा जमुना स्कूल में हिन्दू बच्चो का conversion brainwashing तो एन्जॉय की होगी, और साथ ही भारत का आधा नक्शा भी

                • Nikhil
                  August 1, 2023 3:34 pm

                  Chitra, that’s why hindu women like you don’t deserve freedom & liberal environment.
                  The way you are outrightly calling hindu struggle a hindu propaganda shows what kind of sick society hindus have become.
                  I respect muslim women a lot who stand for their religion at all cost even their children & women rise up in riots which happened in Hijab riots.

                  Love jihad is continuously rising & yet women like you call it propaganda, hindus deserved to be treated as dhimmis,
                  Even married hindu women are getting targeted as well by muslims for conversion
                  In husainpur kala Jain community left village where 500 yr old Jain temple is present because of increase in muslim demography,

                  गुजरात के सूरत में जिहादी इस्माइल यूसुफ़ गौ माताओं को काटने के लिए पहले नदी किनारे ले ज़ाया करता था। और फिर उनके गौ मांस से समोसे बना कर बेचा करता था।
                  Six accused – arrested for mercilessly charging a Hindu boy with a knife for hanging out with a Muslim girl
                  नसीरुद्दीन के बेटे फरुकुद्दीन लस्कर को असम के करीमगंज में एक हिंदू महिला को उसके घर के सामने से अगवा करने के बाद पुलिस ने गिरफ्तार कर लिया।

                  Tale of Three Teenagers: Mohammad Afroz Vs Shubham & Parvesh || Manushi India ||

                  UP के Amroha से सन्न कर देने वाला Luv Jihad का मामला, नाम बदल फंसाया किया निकाह और फिर बेच डाला!

                  बजरंग दल के दबाव के चलते ये मामला सामने आया वरना पहले पुलिस के पास जाकर भी कुछ नहीं हुआ,
                  ये है मुस्लिम के दबाव और आप जैसे हिन्दू औरतो के मुस्लिमो पर के भरोसे का असर,

                  Inside Indian Muslim’s Mind | AKTK
                  जिस सेक्युलर लिबरल मीडिया के बल पर RW को प्रोपोगंडा बोल रही हो वो हिन्दू और भारत का कैसे दुश्मन है और आप जैसे हिन्दुओ को पैदा करने में कैसे सक्षम है उसकी मिसाल


                  Mouth-shutting reply to Americans for mocking Ramayana or Hinduism-inspired films…Karolina Goswami

                  क्रिश्चियनिटी और इस्लाम दोनों ही आज ही कन्वर्शन को ताकद के साथ अंजाम दे रहे है लेकिन आप जैसे हिन्दुओ को सिर्फ भाईचारा ही देखना है , जब की वेस्ट का लिबरल ग्रुप भी हिन्दुइस्म के खिलाफ है लेकिन क्रिश्चियनिटी और इस्लाम के लिए सॉफ्ट कार्नर रखता है क्यूंकि वो उनका मूल है
                  ये मैडम आप से ज़्यादा भारतीय है कुछ सीखे इनसे, पता है कुछ होना तो है नहीं वैसे भी,

                  English lady explains why Hindus are targeted in popular culture

                  Jai Ahuja Exposes Pakistani State & How It Is Systematically Against Hindus & Other Minorities.

                  गंगा जमुना स्कूल में हिन्दू बच्चो का conversion brainwashing तो एन्जॉय की होगी, और साथ ही भारत का आधा नक्शा भी

                • Nikhil
                  August 1, 2023 3:36 pm

                  यहाँ के मुसलमान तो बढ़ ही रहे है पर साथ साथ रोहिंग्या और बांग्लादेशी भी और पूरा विपक्ष उनके साथ खड़ा है और तुम सेक्युलर, लिबरल, भाईचारे वाले हिन्दू इन जैसे लेफ्टिस्ट लिबरल हिन्दुओ के साथ खड़े होकर अपना सर्वनाश ही निश्चित कर रहे हो ये याद रखना मुसलमान सिर्फ अपने दीन का है और तुम और तुम्हारा परिवार सिर्फ काफिर, जब ये तुम्हारे आसपास तादाद में बढ़ जाएंगे तब कम से कम भागने की तैयारी तो पूरी रखना मोहर्रम का आतंक

                  Modi & NEP । मोहर्रम का आतंक । Politics । BJP in Crisis । Udupi Case । J!had Exposed । Sarcasm News डरावना मोहर्रम

                  प्रभु राम लक्ष्मण सीता माता का अपमान । डरावना मोहर्रम । गांधी विवाद संभाजी भिड़े पर FIR । World News

                  तुम जैसे हिन्दुओ से मुसलमान लाख गुना अच्छा है जिसे पता है अपने धर्म और बाकी सारी चीजों में से पहले क्या रखना है.
                  तुम जैसे हिन्दुओ की वजह से ही हिन्दू कश्मीर से भागा, वेस्ट बंगाल से भाग रहा है, मणिपुर से भाग रहा है अब मेवात.
                  और करो “development and employment” ,
                  जिस दिन ये कौम के लोग तुम्हारे आसपास बढ़ जाएंगे तब पता चलेगा भाईचारे की असलियत, मेवात में बढ़ती हिन्दुओ की दुर्दशा को तो सुप्रीम कोर्ट ने तक नज़र अंदाज़ किया तो अपने घर के बच्चो को और घर की औरतो को, मुस्लिमो के और से भाईचारे का तौफा कबूल करने के लिए तैय्यार रखियेगा और बाकी आप सिर्फ “development and employment” और भागने की तैय्यारी पर ध्यान दीजिये, वैसे तुम जैसे हिन्दू इसमें कुछ ज़्यादा ही माहिर है.

                  Supreme Court of India, in 2021 – on the worsening situation of Hindus in Nuh, Mewat.

                  Hindus in Mewat

                  Nuh violence: Abhishek was first shot at, then his throat was slit and his face crushed with stones;

                  जिहादी रात का फ़ायदा देख कर महिलाओं का रेप करना चाहते थे… रोते बिलखते बच्चों को “टॉयलेट का पानी पिलाने के लिये मजबूर” हो गए थे लोग. पीड़ित हिंदू महिला.
                  चित्राजी अपने बच्चो को भी टॉयलेट का पानी पिलाये
                  आपके मुस्लिम पिता और मुस्लिम पति को बोहोत ख़ुशी हो गयी होगी

                  Mewat Issue: Riots Preplanned, Victim Card Out | मेवात कांड की पहले से थी तैयारी
                  और चाटो मुस्लिमो के तलवे भाईचारे के नाम पर और ८०% होकर भी अपने बच्चो को टॉयलेट का पानी भी पिलाएं, बोहोत पुण्य और ख़ुशी मिलेगी तुम सेक्युलर लिबरल हिन्दुओ को

                  Just notice how Jihadis had split open his chest with swords

                  Haryana में हिंसा क्यों हो रही है? | देश का फिर होगा बटवारा ? | बड़ा खुलासा | By- Mr. HariMohan

                  Haryana Nuh Clash LIVE Updates: Haryana CM Khattar Convenes High-Level Meeting | Dr. Manish Kumar

                  Exclusive Interview On Haryana Nuh Communal Riots | Dr. Manish Kumar | Ashwini Upadhyay

                  हर रोज हिन्दुओ के साथ होते अत्याचार के मजे लीजियेगा मैडम

                  GEMS OF ISLAM☪

            • Nikhil
              July 30, 2022 8:01 pm

              Chithra, are you a real person?
              As a woman you are literally supporting this love jihad mentality.
              Yes some muslims really love hindu women but that doesn’t mean it should be allowed & encouraged cause vast majority of the time their goal is to spread Islam.

              If muslims are really that loving & peaceful do we see these kind of situation in so called muslim countries which have majority of peaceful muslims?

              Forget about the muslim countries, even non-muslim countries the ratio of Muslim men marrying to non-muslim women is very skewed.

              Do those peaceful muslim men raise their women in liberal fashion & mentality such as yours?

              Do those peaceful muslim men give their women freedom to love & marry non-muslim men?

              Do those peaceful muslim men stand for muslim women marrying non-muslim men?

              So please SHUT THE FUCK UP ypour liberal suicidal nonsense.

              Watch this if can –

              Love Jihad at your door step | Ft. Swati Goel Sharma | AKTK Podcast

              Its series –
              Forced Conversions || Ep 1A – Minor Hindu girls || Ft. Nitin Gupta

              इस्लामियों , इसायियों और उनके पाले NGOs द्वारा हिंदू संतों पर नित नए प्रहार || Manushi India ||

              What Muslims are really aiming in India

          • Satyen
            November 8, 2020 4:53 pm

            How come seculars be called Brahmins, simply by taking birth from a secular parents who also happen to be seculars? Essentially, seculars are anti Brahmins, you take any secular. It is not your mistake though but your maternal and paternal grand parents in particular and Hi du ancestors in general. The Hindus are reaping the harvest of their ancestral folly. If you are really pained with this incidence, make it a mission of your life to change the situation of your family. I can help you in this regard and will definitely make you feel your life a worthwhile. get my email id from the admin and I stand with you in this predicament.

          • Ernesto
            July 5, 2022 10:48 pm

            Hey, Keshav, from where did you got your story, is it a book, a movie, a website or your own imagination?

    • Sonu
      September 27, 2021 6:21 pm

      Hi karthik
      Did your friend and mother get married?

  • Raj
    May 18, 2020 7:49 pm

    My mom now married to a Muslim, younger than her.
    She is a well earner professional woman, he is a car mechanic.
    Not burkha but all times covered dress, I am wondering how a woman change in a short time.
    My mom does not talk with me about her married life.
    Actually i noticed muslim man use muslim women to connect to a hindu gf or wife. A muslim women i know who works for this. She also brainwashed my mom and many other women also. Many Hindu women in my knowledge go to relationship with a muslim man.
    My social life is destroyed, my friends troll me.

    • May 19, 2020 2:02 pm

      Dear Raj,

      Thank you very much for this update. This will help others get educated about Muslim-Hindu relationships.

      If she is a professional, we wish she picked someone educated to be intellectually competent. We assume they had Nikaah and she converted to Islam for it. It is possible the man will slowly make her into 100% Muslim. You may see lots of changes in her (we hope not!).

      We understand “My social life is destroyed”, it is hard to see your dear mother marrying to someone whom you have concerns. We are upset about “my friends troll me”, why people are pointing fingers at you? That is not your creation and you have no contribution to it. It is sad that your mother does not care for what you will have to go through difficult times, she is being selfish for her needs. Well, she is an adult and has rights to do that she wishes.

      You said he is a married man, does he takes care of both wives or he took divorce from the former wife? Does he have any children from prior marriage? We hope he does not consider a third girl (four allowed at a time as per Indian laws) later in his life.

      This is sad to hear “muslim man use muslim women to connect to a hindu gf or wife”. This is collective Love-Jihad by one over the other society/culture. All these Muslims wish to go to heaven by converting Hindus (kafirs), unfortunately some Hindus does not have pride in their faith. We hope you will continue to keep educating us here.

      We understand you have difficult in writing English. Don’t worry, we will edit it to make the message clear.

    • May 28, 2020 5:30 am

      brother something same happened with me

    • May 29, 2020 4:36 pm

      Hello Raj

      I have a few questions for you before I provide my 2 cents.
      – How old is your mother and her muslim husband?
      – How many existing kids does your step dad have?
      – Is your mom and his first wife living together?

      Now for my opinion and I will try to draw parallels to similar situations. Few years ago I had gone through a similar situation in my life but in my case my mom married a much older muslim man who had 2 wives already (details at . Contrary to your situation my step dad is financially well off. I also have a cousin and a few friends who had married muslim men.

      1. Now that she is married try to be happy fpr your mom. There must be some good reason why she married him. Try to understand her point of view and maybe it will help you. My mom married my step dad since she was pregnant by him and she had no other option. He did not allow her to get an abortion and the only logical path for my mom was to marry him. Not marrying him would have caused a lot of financial and social issues.

      2. Be mentally prepared for a change in family surroundings. You had mentioned that your family members did not interfere I am assuming they have broken off contact with your mom and you. This is typical of a hindu family where they are scared of a pushback from muslim community. You will soon see that your hindu family completely distancing themselves. You can either move away from your city and start fresh or adapt to your new surroundings. You and your mom will be surrounded by only muslim family members who will make you accept their belief system.

      3. Another point stemming from point#2 which is a bit controversial but I will say it anyhow is that muslims consider hindus inferior to them. Be prepared to be disrespected and humiliated for your religious belief. My step dads family absolutely hates hindus and he often ridiculed hindu traditions in front of us. My mom and me stayed quiet and didnt oppose to anything. Also please be mindful to not say anything negative or questionable about Islam in front of your muslim family. My mom learnt it the hard way initially when she didnt agree on wearing the hijab everyday

      4. I am sure your mom has already converted to Islam before the marriage but be prepared to be pressurised as well for conversion and circumcision. I personally did not convert and since I live in a different country now there is not much pressure on me anymore. Initially my step dads family tried to coerce me via my mom which I am sure you are also probably facing. In your situation since i dont know your age and financial condition I would suggest converting to islam if things get rough. As you are aware there is a great amount of pride among muslim when they get hindus to convert to Islam.

      5. Get ready to be surrounded by a lot of muslim brothers and sisters. Given that your step dad is relatively younger compared to your mom I am sure he will want to produce a lot of children quickly. I am not sure how many other children your step dad has from his other wife but since you are not muslim you will always be considered an outsider. For comparison my mom got pregnant 3 times in 5 years after getting married, not sure if my step dad wants more from her. My step dad also has 7 other kids from his other 2 wives. Your mom might be pregnant already but please be mentally ready for this and trust me neither your mom nor you will have any say in the matter. Also I will repeat what others have said, they will all be raised as muslims

      6. Since you have not mentioned anything in this regard I would suggest you and your mom start contemplating a name change to a proper Islamic name. Since your mom is already married I would think it is already done. However if you are planning to stay with them and convert to Islam I would request you to seriously start considering this since it will help you integrate with your family. If you are planning to move away then its okay. My step dads family gave a new name to my mom when she converted.

      7. I am glad that your mom is dressing conservatively. This is something that hindu converts should keep in mind since most modern hindu women (specially bengali) have a tendency to dress provocatively. My mom had a tough time adapting to islamic dressing habits but my oldest step sister who is close in age to my mom made sure that she abided by every single rule.

      I have many more points but I think this post is getting too long. The moral is that in your new life your mom and you have to quietly adapt to the new lifestyle. My suggestion to your mom and you would be to obey, obey, obey your step dad and his family. The quicker you get closer to his family and friends the better it will be for both of you. If you have questions please dont hesitate to ask them here or you can email me at if you want to talk separately.

      • May 30, 2020 11:32 am

        Thank you for sharing these thoughts from personal experiences. Since we have not gone through this situation, it is less important what we say.

        This is an interesting statement, “My suggestion to your mom and you would be to obey, obey, obey your step dad and his family“. Why Hindus are so submissive? Muslims know this well that Hindus don’t have self pride and thus they have been taking advantage of weak Hindus at their low point in their life. Are you saying as far the Muslim party gives you bread and butter, don’t raise your head in self pride. Will a Muslim do the same (give up religious pride), even given 10 times more material wealth? Now I know why Britishers managed to rule Hindu majority India for some 250 years. Sudhansu, apparently now you live in the West and still you carry such submissive attitude? It seems nothing has changed even in year 2020 for Hindus–no dignity and self-pride, as far you get bread and butter. If this is universally true, this is just too sad and shame for Hindus.

        • Sudhansu
          May 30, 2020 9:30 pm

          I don’t know the answer to why hindus are generally so submissive. However I have some personal thoughts on this.
          – Hindus are generally not very united within their own religion and thats why it has been easy for other religions to dominate it.
          – Hindus are becoming more and more non-religious and hence they have less pride. Even when someone insults hindu traditions most of us tend to keep quiet. A muslim on the other hand would not tolerate even a word against their religion.
          – Some areas in india girls have a very special attraction towards muslim men. I know for a fact about Bengal where more and more hindu girls have muslim boyfriends and are in many cases marrying them willingly

          I have some more personal thoughts and I will share if anyone is interested

        • Satyen
          November 15, 2020 8:25 am

          Hindus have become submissive to following the misinterpretation of their dharma by the pro muslim seculars, garbed as Hindu saints such as Sai Baba, M. K Gandhi, Guru Maa, Ram Rahim, Rampal, Rdhe Ma, Morari Bapu and other Katha wachaks. Also the sufi saints working smartly to adopt some of the good Hindu practices but presented as Islamic one. The worst common thing in the teachings of the above mentioned group of anti Hindus is, they all preached that all religions are same and teach co existence of all the human beings! On top of that, the British education system further weakened the Hindus by providing a fake secular version of the Indian history. How ever, the root cause are theHindus themselves who did not recognize the impending danger on time. Specially the weak submissive hindus who will adopt other religions such as Islam, will have their progenies coming back as the enemies of the hindus. It will further erode the Hindu society. This phenomena becomes a chain reaction and has been going on for the last 8 centuries or so. However, due to the efforts of secular anti Hindu saints and intellectuals, the process has accelerated in the last 50 years or so. I have the solution for those who agree with my view points. Sadly, for those who are happy with the state of affairs and weakly willing to compromise, are laying the foundation of Islamic imperialism where women will be the first casualty as they have been in the Islamic states.

  • Raj
    May 17, 2020 12:07 pm

    Yes sudhangsu u right
    Many muslim women also work for Muslim man for take a hindu girl as gf/whore

    • Sudhansu
      June 2, 2020 10:45 pm

      What do you mean by the whore part, can you explain? Yes, it is true that there are muslim females that will purposefully work to make sure that their hindu female friends have muslim boyfriends. They know very well that once they start dating and eventually have sex the hindu girl will do anything to stay with the muslim guy including conversion and nikaah.

      • June 3, 2020 11:39 am

        This is interesting, “Yes, it is true that there are muslim females that will purposefully work to make sure that their hindu female friends have muslim boyfriends.”

        We learned of a case in an American university where a Hindu girl was invited to an event by her girl friends. When she reached there, she found only Muslim males (along with many other secular Hindus) were invited for the party. When she asked why Muslim girls were not here, she was told that (something like) it is not appropriate for a Muslim girl. Right that second, the smart Hindu girl walked out of that party/event.

  • Satyen
    April 24, 2020 9:15 am

    Dear Raj,
    Never be sad but take the situation in your hands. First understand the situation and its likely outcome and then its probable solutions.
    Following are the most probable outcomes of this marriage:
    1. Draining of wealth from your mom to your step dad as he is financially weak. He has his another wife and children. Find out correctly the number of children and you will be surprised.
    2. Your mom will have a ready made enemy fro day one – the first wife of your step dad.
    3. Your mother will give birth to as many as children as she can. Either she would be brainwashed or for the fear of second divorce from your Muslim dad. All your step brothers or sisters will be only Muslims. So. there will be at least 10 family members including your mom, step father, step mother step siblings and your own siblings.
    4. So, you a lone Hindu will be surrounded by a big Muslim family. In 5 years or so, your mom will have more inclination towards her own family including her husband and her own children from her. In such environment, you will have only 2 options. Either convert to Islam or leave your home empty handed on roads. If you convert to Islam, still you will remain the step son of your step dad who will control everything, even your mom’s property. You will be in the company of Muslims and being young, you may fall in a company of Muslims, some of them could be radicalized.. You can also be radicalized. Now you imagine your fiture.
    Solutions: Now is the best time than later. Still she is your mom and you are her only son. Only thing is she needs to be well counselled and married off to some good unmarried Hindu. This will solve almost most of the problems mentioned above.
    What you should do? Find any of your close relative – your maternal or paternal uncle/aunt grand father, grand mom, cousins or any Hindu family friends. Narrate all the above mentioned issues. Tell your mom that once your step father has taken her property she has become a little older after delivering 4 children or so, he may divorce her for another woman.
    Talk to lawyers what properties you can get from your mom now? Go to Vishwa Hindu Parishad or RSS office and tell them this problem and the above mentioned issues. There is always light at the end of the tunnel.

    • Sudhansu
      May 31, 2020 11:59 pm

      Hi Satyen

      I am sorry but I have to disagree with your conclusions. I dont think you have taken the time to understand Islam and its practices. What might seem wrong to you is something that could be right in someones elses eyes.

      1. Draining of wealth from your mom to your step dad as he is financially weak. He has his another wife and children.
      Sudhansu – So what if Raj’s mother wants to help her husband? In Islam it is the duty of a woman to support her husband. His other wife is actually supposed to support her like a sister. To tell you my personal experience my mom married my step dad and he had 2 wives, one of who is a hindu convert like my mom. Trust me both of them supported my mom a lot to adopt to her new lifestyle. They are honestly like sisters. On top of that my oldest step sister is closer in age to my mom and she was also very influential in transforming my mom.

      2. Your mom will have a ready made enemy fro day one – the first wife of your step dad.
      Sudhansu – This is not true in a proper Islamic family. Refer to the previous point

      3. Your mother will give birth to as many as children as she can. Either she would be brainwashed or for the fear of second divorce from your Muslim dad. All your step brothers or sisters will be only Muslims. So. there will be at least 10 family members including your mom, step father, step mother step siblings and your own siblings.
      Sudhansu – How many children Raj’s mother has is upto her and her new husband. Why should anyone else come into this discussion? You are right that muslim familes tend to be larger compared to hindu familes. In islam kids are considered a big blessing and this should be something that is cherished. Yes the kids will be born and raised muslim and why should it be anything else when both the mom and dad is muslim? My mom has given birth to 3 boys since her marriage and you wont believe how happy and proud she is to care for them. I would suggest you look into this youtube channel of a gujarati hindu convert who has 5 kids and is so happy about it, she explains it much better (

      4. So, you a lone Hindu will be surrounded by a big Muslim family. In 5 years or so, your mom will have more inclination towards her own family including her husband and her own children from her. In such environment, you will have only 2 options. Either convert to Islam or leave your home empty handed on roads. If you convert to Islam, still you will remain the step son of your step dad who will control everything, even your mom’s property. You will be in the company of Muslims and being young, you may fall in a company of Muslims, some of them could be radicalized.. You can also be radicalized. Now you imagine your fiture.
      Sudhansu – There is nothing wrong is being surrounded by muslims. I cant believe you brought in becoming a radical, i wont respond to that. After my mom got married I was always surrounded by muslims until I left for US for studies. I have written to Raj on this as well on a separate answer.

      Solutions: Now is the best time than later. Still she is your mom and you are her only son. Only thing is she needs to be well counselled and married off to some good unmarried Hindu. This will solve almost most of the problems mentioned above.
      What you should do? Find any of your close relative – your maternal or paternal uncle/aunt grand father, grand mom, cousins or any Hindu family friends. Narrate all the above mentioned issues. Tell your mom that once your step father has taken her property she has become a little older after delivering 4 children or so, he may divorce her for another woman.
      Talk to lawyers what properties you can get from your mom now? Go to Vishwa Hindu Parishad or RSS office and tell them this problem and the above mentioned issues. There is always light at the end of the tunnel.
      Sudhansu – I cant believe you are telling Raj to try and break up his moms marriage. Do you know enough to suggest him this step. What if his mom is already pregnant? In Islam getting an abortion is haram. What if his mom has found her mental and physical partner in her new husband?

      Reach out to me on if you want to talk more

      • Nikhil
        July 30, 2022 8:08 pm

        I think someone like dhimmy & spineless coward hindu like you should shut up.

        Trust me you will do a lot more help to Sanatan Dharma just by doing this.

  • karthik
    November 20, 2019 1:20 am

    there is no issue in ur mom marrying the person. the only thing is to find out if he will accept you. i have been through similar situation, and believe me you can find out if he will be a long term proposition. there are always hints. find out and take care

  • August 5, 2019 11:51 am

    You happened to know about some laws about inheritance after marrying a Muslim. Can you explain what is the difference between she marry by the Special Marriage Act 1954 and by Islamic Nikaah?

    Why she should not go for the Special Marriage Act for her good? What is problems you see in your society? Explain please.

  • Raj
    July 21, 2019 11:25 pm

    No relative want to interfere about her decision,and yes she is ready,,no me and my mom not have any frank decision

    • Sudhansu
      August 17, 2019 5:46 pm

      Hi Raj

      From what I have seen it is normal for hindu relatives to remain quiet in such situations. I am a little curious as to why your mom is marrying an older muslim man who already has a wife and is not even financially well off. I personally feel (I might be wrong) that she is getting married to have her physical urges met. Do you know if they are engaging in sexual activities regularly? Is she already pregnant? These might answer the hurried nature in which she wants to get married

  • Raj
    July 17, 2019 11:16 pm

    I know but how i prevent it?and food habits me koi prob nhi hain,,hum to non veg i hain

    • July 18, 2019 9:25 pm

      Help you mom. Do go research on the guy. Go find out where he lives, how he lives, etc. Go to a local marriage registration office and find out how many marriages/divorces he has registered. If he is working, find out what type of job he has. Alert your mom with any issue and all that you see. Find out any thing that you think your mother should know now.

      Has your mother met his other wives? Is she willing to change her religion? Remind her that after talk, still she will have to marry only another Muslim, not to any non-Muslim (view). Ask her if she is okay with teachings of Koran (read).

      Is there other relatives who can influence her? Has she other brothers/sisters who can help you? Is there any your local community leader who can help you?

      Let us know what you learned more and based on that we can help you further.

      • Imran
        April 10, 2023 10:16 pm

        The way this guy posses as Raj narrates it look like a para from sex story and the way sudhanshu seems like a boy having cuck fantasy for old man and his mom. And Kartik and Chitra are useless fake account of admin may be.

        This is worst propaganda to infuriate conservative Hindus. Please don’t spread this nonsense. This is not happened anywhere. No mother does shameful acts even the pornstars don’t shame their families.
        You guys writing these nonsense to anger Hindus so that they vote for conservative government. I guess you’re the hybrid terrorists working online.
        Dear Hindus, if you’re reading these stupid sex stories. Please ignore.
        I have seen many interfaith marriages. Hindu boys marrying Muslim women are very frequent. And muslim men marrying hindu women are rare because almost every muslim boy get married till the age of 24 because of family pressure And their arrangements. And all of them living peacefully, please don’t spread such nonsense.
        Live long communal harmony.

        • Anonymous
          June 13, 2023 11:47 pm

          I’m a Hindu and I absolutely agree with you brother. These are just sex stories and some crazy individuals with twisted thoughts and fetishes. Finally somebody said the sensible thing that needed to be said. And yes long live communal harmony bro

  • Sudhansu
    July 15, 2019 7:12 pm

    Hello Raj

    Since i have seen something very similar in my life i can provide my 2 cents

    – Firstly please don’t judge anyone because of their religion, hindu or Muslim

    – Ask yourself, is this man going to take care of your mom, financially, mentally and physically

    – Does he have any bad habits that throws out some red flags, excessive drinking, smoking, gambling etc. If so your mom and you should be careful

    – Will his family treat your mom and you as part of their family. Read some posts here and you will see that Muslim families are normally conservative and may not be happy about a hindu woman entering their family. You should be aware of any wrong signals

    – how did your mom meet her Muslim bf(i am assuming they are dating). In case they met through questionable channels I would warm you to be careful

    – As i mentioned earlier Muslim families are quite conservative. I am sure your mom would have to convert to Islam for the marriage to go forward. Is she okay with that change in her life. It a big change potentially impacting her identify, dressing and eating habits

    – Is his age compatible with your mom. I have noticed a strong trend of older Muslim man marrying much younger hindu women.

    – Does he have any other wife or children. This should not be a big factor as long as long as he is able to take care of your mom and you.

    – Does he have any other expectations/ demands from your mom. Ex: Children immediately after getting married etc

    These are some questions that you and your mom should ask yourselves. I will try and provide input as much as possible

    • Raj
      July 17, 2019 5:06 am

      Yea he is older than my mom,,,he has already one wife,he is weak in financially but my mom has some property,,and he tell he accpt myself as child

      • July 17, 2019 9:51 pm

        Hi Raj,

        Are you looking for a new dad? Is there any thing you have to gain from that guy? He could be a financial liability to you and your mom. After marriage, he may get hold of your mom’s property and leave you dry!

        Did your mom met the first wife? is she okay being one of many? What is the guarantee that he will not have two more new wives later in his life? Do your mom ready to adapt to Muslim eating habits and face cover etc? Does she understand the talaak practice?

        Is your mom really firm in marrying this guy or just exploring her options? Is she ready to be a true Muslim?

        • Raj
          July 19, 2019 4:03 am

          I know all this things,,but i cant stop her,,

          • July 21, 2019 9:53 pm

            Do you have open and frank discussion with your mom? Is she ready to convert to Islam? Did she met that man’s first wife? Is there any relative can get involved and help you?

          • Sudhansu
            September 3, 2019 9:38 pm

            Hi Raj

            I wouldn’t worry about it so much. You will kill yourself with worry. A Hindu woman marrying a Muslim man in India is pretty common nowadays. It seems your mom cares about this man a lot and maybe you should start doing the same.

            The fact that he is able to keep 2 women sexually happy talks a lot about his physical and sexual capability. Don’t be surprised if your mother gets pregnant very soon. Get yourself mentally prepared for a change in lifestyle.

      • Rahul
        August 4, 2023 2:43 pm

        Hello sir, my mom is not a divorced woman. She’s a married woman. My parents don’t have good relationship and my mom is not behaving good with my dad. Recently I got to know that she got married to her Muslim boyfriend secretly without getting separated from my dad. And still she’s living in our home as my dad’s wife.

        Her Muslim boyfriend/husband is 20 years younger than her and already have one wife and 3 children. He’s not financially good. He is working as a milkman. And already rented some money from my dad.

        Now I am so much disturbed with this act done by my mom. Because if I tell this to anyone then our image gets damaged fir life. And our family gets broken. And if I keep this as secret then it’ll harm us financially and mentally with time.

        I don’t know why in this age my mom takes this step?

        And few questions are also raised in my mind –
        Is this possible without taking divorce she’ll get married in different religion?

        Is she converted? Because if she’s converted thn why she’s doing all the rituals as a Hindu in our home.

        And last is why she’s still living at my home , why don’t she left us?

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