Naush says: September 11, 2015 at 2:46 pm
i hav also same problem..he want to convert infact he loves islam .evn prayz namaz.. do good deeds..he is a good boy indeed.his mother n sis is against ..they also respect me bt dnt want him to convrt -Naush
Naush says: September 15, 2015 at 1:30 am
He wil convert fo sure.adawise i m nt gonna marry him.we wil stay as a partner foreva.he wil avoiusly be my he dnt evn lyk his for the sake of his mother he does sumtyms wot she says.after marriage we wil go forward as a muslim couple inshallah.. bt my parents wil neva accept us even if he wil his mum n sis wil accept us fo sure..Lets hope good.. -Naush
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Assalam alai kum.. plz dnt fi8 guyz…. n thankx for all ur suggestion. It made me feel good… n he is praying namaz since b4 he met me…so he is nt doin anythng to impress me i think…lets hope fo gud…n the good news is we r luking forwrd for nikah!!
How long do you know him?
After marriage, where are you planning to live as married couple? Are you going to live in a separate private flat or with his Hindu parents?
Dear sister Naush, if you need any help, inshallah i am there for you, you can directly contact me trough fb, my fb id is *** deleted by Admin ****
Consider these 6 points while you think about marriage with a non-muslim especially hindu, read these 6 points here
Dear sister Naush, assalamuwailaikum,(peace be upon you), do get help you can contact akash,Aakash Mallik who converted to islam and they had/have muslim gf, also you can contact me through *** deleted by Admin *** where i will be able to give you fb links of hindu guys who converted to islam. Thanks.
mac, why are you not advising people openly and instead taking blogger to your own web site to impose personal agenda? What you have to hide? Be bold and open on this site, don’t try to promote your agenda behind doors.
Stop this practice on this web site. This is an advertisement of your web site that we do not promote. You will be banned from this web site if continue to advertise your web site.
hahahaha so admin is afraid of me, hehehhehe

ok ok if you fear that i have the influence to guide people to right path, then let it be, i will not disclose my id, are you happy now mr.admin
“hahahaha so admin is afraid of me, hehehhehe”/ Language of any cultured person?
“ok ok if you fear that i have the influence to guide people to right path, then let it be”/ Why predators don’t know how to hunt for their prey? There are enough lambs here, ready to march to the butchery thinking that the butcher is their saviour!
This website is for guiding people towards enlightenment not to send them back to a stone-age era cult!!
We like this ..”…the butcher is their saviour!”
To the best of our knowledge, this is a false statement, “Aakash Mallik who converted to islam”. mac, show where he said has has converted.
Akash Mallick had confirmed it many times in this website that he is muslim now, not a hindu, you raised this same question earlier once, where he clarified his belief
Mr. Admin i have read number of your comments, But why are you stuck ok the converting thing Mr. this is 21th century and in which century you are leaving. in a part you said that “it is your life and your decision you can do any thing what ever you want we are not stopping you to do any thing, just ask to convert, just ask to convert. on the name of conversion he will left you or she will left, i mean what is the meaning of all the rubbish things” They both are together from 7 year and really it is a very long time to understand each other and i hope it is more older then you blog. So rather to guide people you just misguide him on the name of religion. What do you want to count your self as a terrorist. We muslims always check that “if she/he loves you then ask him to converted” We always check to the other one what if it’s our tern to be converted for some one. What do you think only by this thing “GOD IS ONE NOTHING ELSE” over religion is become right there are nothing which is illogical, like every religion ISLAM is also have some thing which are incorrect.
Like such kind of attitude that “to convert” as much as our religion will spread as it’ll become bad because every one can’t follor this.
So stop such thing to misguide people.
Dear Haush:
Allah never says that you don’t have any right to live happily. If you feels comfortable with him then get merry to him and behave good with and his family then you can easily spend your life with peace and calm. What ever it’ll be in future it’ll only and only the god almighty’s wish and it is also true that the voice of your heart is the voice of allah. And as ruksana says:”that religion, and cast are only the man made things. “He create the world he batter know what is good and what is bad” But it is conformed that to merry to that guy you definite will be happy and feel free in your life if he really loves you.
So go ahead My best wishes and blessings of allah with you.
If you loved him truely, why religion should come in the way of long term relations? For the sake of conversion, you wish to marry him, it is not a equitable sense of honoring sentiments of the each other? Religion is a man made system of belief, whereas love is a divine phenomenon based on true spirit, belief,commitment,loyalty.
Superb message, Rokhsana!
But my question is tat it wil gud to convert him . Mother is a religion itself . So it wil be gud to go against her. She loves him alot. As he doesnt hav his dad. Her mother is the only parent he has.i really dnt want to make her hurt juz fo my my happiness. Bt i wil nt evn wanna make my allah upset.. really dont knw wot to do. We cant evn break off. Its a 5 years relation…
It is your life and you could do what ever. Only think you should know that you are responsible for your own acts. Don’t involve your parents if you get into Lubna condition, do you have your back up plan?
No i dnt hv any back up plan now bt in future fo sure.. i m a self cofident girl..i cn earn fo myself.. i m nt frm a gud family background bt i think dey wil help me in my bad i trust my bf he neva left me in any circumstances.. he wil neva leave me i knw in future. We ws besties.. since 7 years v knw each other.n in a relation since 5 years happily he nevr offended me. He wil do wot i wil say bt i m worried bwt his mother as he hs the only son…it wil b btr to convert him or nt..
Every Muslim in love uses some excuse to convert you, one or the other excuse like “bwt his mother as he hs the only son”. Convert, convert, convert, that is what LOVE-JIHADI do.
If he really loves you truly, ask him to accept you the way you are, a Hindu. We bet he will walk away in one minute. Prove us. Tell him that after marriage, you will study Islam and may convert after 5 years, not now, and he will not even marry to you unless you convert. His first love is not you, but Islam.
You have your birth mother and he has his mother (to be your mother-in-law). Why you wish to hurt your mother at the expense of his mother? Make both mothers sacrifice, by marrying that guy without conversion (to your mother) and not converting (his mother). Show us his true love for you.
This conversion is a dirty game to convert all to Islam. One day, are you also going to ask your parents to convert to Islam?
Have you read Koran, read here what it says for Hindus? Is it logical?
Again a fake story posted by vested interest persons like Mac, Mohammad etc.
This a motivational technique to attract towards islamic evils.
Dear how can u say its a fake story.. wot is fake in dis..plz explain me.. plz dnt command anybodys feelings as a fake thing.. its a 100% true story fo sure.
Dear Naush, becasue Roskhana,Massey,Chirchill,Human,Abdul,Chand Osmani,Shagul etc are all fake person , they are all one person under different names, that is why their writings are same, their propaganda is same, he is actually a rss person getting butt hurt seeing hindus converting to islam, that is their problem, they want to stop people from worshipping true god as they are agent of satan. hope you understood what i meant
Hi Naush,
Do you think he will go against wishes for her family?
After marriage, where are you planning to live? .. as a part of his Hindu joint family?
If he does not convert, would you dump him?
He wil convert fo sure.adawise i m nt gonna marry him.we wil stay as a partner foreva.he wil avoiusly be my he dnt evn lyk his for the sake of his mother he does sumtyms wot she says.after marriage we wil go forward as a muslim couple inshallah.. bt my parents wil neva accept us even if he wil his mum n sis wil accept us fo sure..Lets hope good..