My Mom is Muslim, I am Hindu

hardy says: November 23, 2015 at 11:41 pm
i m a hindu Rajput,
my mom is muslim (pathan),
in india you can marry wid whoever you want,

but here the silent question is “would your mrg-life be successful”? Could you or she manage your/her regular life with different religious?

answer is if you both are mature enough and understood so der’s no problem, der’s no any government law that you can’t marry wid hindu or jain whatever,
but if you prefer traditional mrg, there could be problem from your side or her relatives side that i don’t need you to explain, you can understand what types of problems could be,.

if you wanna do court mrg, just do it man,.
and hey i can say from both side, from hindu and from muslim cz my mom is muslim too that

“believe in humanity, believe in nature as my mom says always, human-human can married bcz its the rule of nature, yep human and dog can’t married bcz it is like againts the rule of nature”,, hehehe,

and its good if you believe in your god but remember they are not happy only if you do any wrong, and do love to someone is not a crime for any god or for any religious man. love is the greatest positive energy which made by god,.

so if you do love someone it means you have selected by them whatever they allah or bhagwan.

in short, if you both are mature enough and there’s no matter about your different casts, you can definitely do marriage.. -Hardy

hardy says: November 28, 2015 at 12:09 am

Hey admin,

Yes, I accept that I was confused when I was a kid, I couldn’t take a side and decide in which religion I should believe, because I saw many religion in india when we were lives in india. and my parents taught me both religion as a formality, not deeply. they taught me just their names and goodness. first I thought they are afraid of both of religion. But now? Now I understand why they were behaving like det…

1. nop. I am not confused, I am just living my life as a human.

2. First of all, my parents always teach me that “believe in nature,. if u believe in “nature” as your religion, no one will against you, every religion has enemies but say me religion is against of the nature?
nop. My mom never claims to be a Muslim or a Hindu or any other.
They did court marriage, and today also it’s not possible to do traditional marriage between two different cast, and if there is, so they are rare & not satisfied in mrg celebration.

3. yep she taught me just names, and their goodness, but she never wants me to think deep inside in any religion, she always says me that it is good if you want to believe in god, or Allah or Bhagwan, but the god is only one, it is positive energy, that helps you in bad situation, protects us from negative thoughts/energy. And if you believe in god so god gives us a good nature, a whole earth to live, an extraordinary Brain, so what more we expect? For what?
To get good facilities?
To get big money-tone?
To solve our family problems or other problems which we create by our own?
Even if we believe in god it’s not their business.

Yes, they exists if we truly believe but it doesn’t mean that they will help us in every single situation.

God is for them who is handicap, who don’t have eyes, in short for who is mentally or physically weak. So “if you honestly think and realize that you’re capable enough to live on this earth, to take decisions with time, you can’t ask to god about any kind of help”. It is not written in any religion but we, our family believe this.

My grandpa told me once when I was a kid that if you think about your self’s goodness, for your bright future you should believe in yourself, before you believe in god. We required god’s power and they will sure help us only when we realize about some tasks that “it is impossible but it should be done for all goddess. (‘For all goodness, not only yours)”

Yep I can say that in our family we have a different religion. Our religion theory is different, it’s boring, perhaps no one would like it, but I would like to share it:

As my mom says,
Everything on our earth … for ex… From Your computer that you are using right now to whatever your biggest guess, are made of earth’s elements/contents,
And our whole earth is made by the sun, So we should believe that the our sun is our first creator, and it’s approved in every religion I guess. Moon gives us the seasons that’s why moon is also important to giving us a good and suitable life. So we should be thankful to nature first, first of all nature gives us a life, If nature is not there where it should be so human kind cannot live anymore TO BELIEVE IN RELIGION/GOD.
And the point is if you believe in any specific religion, it means you’re making your enemies,
For ex… if you choose Hinduism, before you choose you will have enemy, Islam
If you choose Islam, so today most of Hindus are so against of Islam
Same in Christianity and all religions.


And select any religion, suppose, and think about your job, what is your job on this earth as your religion?
Answer is god made this beautiful earth for us, god made us to take care of it, to help each other, to take care of each other, to live with happiness wid each other,.
And what we are doing?
So first we made different religions, then fights wid each other, killing, belittling about each other’s religions/hope, destroying nature/atmosphere,.

And say me, “””””“IF THERE IS GOD, SO IN WHICH SIDE WOULD THEY LIKE TO STAY? With a particular religion? In which all the people are against of each other? Hates each other? Belittle about each other’s religion/faith? Hurting each other? Killing each other?
They would like to stay in peace with what they made beautifully by their own hand,.””””””?
I can say surely that even god is there, they would not sit on the chair of any religion because of violence of their people.

I m not saying that accept my thoughts, forget your religion,
Believing in god is good as my mom says and they are exists too, but believe with all goodness of your religion how god expect from you, and to know what they expect from you? Ask yourself what is good and what is bad? What should you believe and what you shouldn’t, how should you act about/on god’s name and how you shouldn’t?

I am saying about me only,
I believes only in nature and you can call it’s my religion.
And in my religion human-human can marry,. We humans are all the same separated by the places and language codes…

I know It’s a big lecture, hard to read this my big big reply but I always wanted a platform at where I can share my family thoughts without showing my I’d. So I did. -Hardy

View videos: Interfaith Marriage with Equality, All you want to know about the Hindu-Muslim Marriage, Sharia: Hindu-Muslim Marriages,
Also read: Hindu-Muslim marriages, Hindu-Muslim lovers’ experiences, Koran on Hindus?, Love-Jihad, Don’t fake-convert, Polygamy and talaak, Akansha unwillingly converted to Nusrat, Hindu girl-Muslim boy, Idols, pluralism, SRK-can you do it?, Zakir Naik, Christian-Hindu marriages, Sikh-Muslim marriages, Malaysia in love, Marriage laws.
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  • December 9, 2015 3:56 am


    your comments dt.Nov.25, 2015. My e mail belongs to rediffmail account which was not accepted by your system here and hence incorporated,other things remaining same.

    Any way I am not interested here now. I have managed the problems of my parents with the local police and going ahead with my plan of marrying my GF.Gone through various blogs on this site and found certain blogs are beyond the ambit of vision of interfaithshadi.

  • Mr 305
    December 7, 2015 9:03 am

    That girl is blackmailing me

    y r u deleting my posts ?

  • mac
    December 2, 2015 11:00 am

    Dear hardy, i disagree with you in many ways while i totally agree with your thoughts in most of the cases. I will not make this comment of mine a long one which i generally do. I will also refocus on what mohammed bro had pointed out will add my thoughts also. When muhammed bro said that then why in night sun disappears, at first it may look a childish comment but it is in deep an intellectual one in context to what you said above about sun that sun is our creator. Anyway, islam is a natural religion, you may disagree now but if you seriously study islam and try to understand it you will find why. The things that i will point out below from your above comment are the things that i disagree with you and the things which i agree, i will not mention below since we agree so i feel no debate/discussion is needed on those topic and i think i agree with most of what you said above except few things which i will mention below. Actually you are very closer to islam when you say you worship,obey the creator as the creator deserves worship which is again a natural thinking and this is the exact same logic islam gives when it says why people should believe in god. For you, sun is creator, and this is where i disagree, for me i don’t know who is creator as i have not seen the creator, but there is enough logical backing to believe in existence of creator. In islam, that creator is regarded as almighty and called by the name ‘allah’, the word ‘allah’ is an arabic word for almighty, arab christians and jews also use the word ‘allah’ to describe the almighty they believe in. In other languages this almighty is called by many names like ‘bhagwan’ , ‘ishwar’ , ‘khuda’ ‘god’ , ‘lord’ , ‘ellah’ ‘waheguru’ ,etc,etc. You said sun is the creator and for that you have given your logic that who we were created indirectly by sun. Ok . But the truth is the sun didn’t create us as per islam. As per islam, allah created sun for humans,animals,plants,etc,etc , allah created animals,plants for humans and so on, this is islamic belief, i don’t know which class your are or whether you studied plasma or not. In school it is taught that there are 3 states of matter i.e. Liquid,solid and gas, so if you make your assumptions based on your school science book then i am afraid to say that you will easily make false assumptions without realising it. There are now 4 states of matter and the last one is Plasma, i am sure you have heard this word plasma. Sun is made up of plasma but our body is not made up of plasma. 99% things in universe are made up of plasma. Clear enough that the sun didn’t create us, excessive sunlight is harmful for us. You think it is best to worship the creator who created all, i totally agree with you, you think sun is creator, islam says someone else created sun who is beyound human capacity to think of, and we worship that creator who created sun. You worship sun we worship the creator of sun. Sun is a creation, every created think has created, just like your computer has creator, iphone,mobiles all the things that you see have creator, sameway humans being have also creator. Humans need energy to survive and sun provides us that energy, you are honest guy as you are brought up in neutral way and thus you without hesitation accepted here that in india hindus are against islam, a pure or hardcore fanatic hindu like kartar,massey,admin,kumar,fi,etc will never say, instead they will circle around instead telling the truth directly. Hindus are against islam as they are taught to do so, islam which freed the hindus, now this islam is presented to them in negative way, so they have no option rather hating it, this is done for political goals, otherwise no one is born as hater, everyone is born pure,sinless, it’s the societies,parents,environment which make people hate someone which he has not met in his entire life but he hates him. We don’t love someone without meeting but we hate millions and millions people without meeting them, instead of having neutral opinion about it. This hate game was started by British for power and still going on for power,greed. Second thing is that u said attaching urself with any religion will make someone to hate you so u r natural but u attached urself as a hindu. That means the advise which u gave, u urself don’t follow i. Being indian, will make one enemy of china and pakistan, being american will make one enemy of russia, being iranian will make one enemy of israel, does that mean people stop being indian,american or iranian. Today i am finishing here. I have touched on topic in short. I can write as much as my entire comment on one topic if you want me to explain properly. YouTube Dr.Zakir Nayak and watch lectures of him about religion and creation and all these things, it will help you. Many people will say zakir nayak is this and that by cutting 2-3 seconds of his lectures, but if you listen to his full tape, you will not find anything to what you would have seen propagand against him.

    • ahmad noor
      December 6, 2015 10:24 pm

      bro. mac
      Humanity can not be an alternative religion to organize human life cz it has variable values changing by time & place ..
      as you see what was considered shame 100 years ago …today it is normal and not shamful ..
      and in same europe & us. what was shame 100 years ago is not

  • hardy
    November 28, 2015 12:09 am

    Hey admin,

    And yes,
    I accept that I was confused when I was a kid, I couldn’t take a side and decide in which religion I should believe, because I saw many religion in india when we were lives in india. and my parents taught me both religion as a formality, not deeply. they taught me just their names and goodness. first I thought they are afraid of both of religion. But now? Now I understand why they were behaving like det…

    1. nop. I am not confused,
    I am just living my life as a human.

    2. First of all, my parents always teaches me that “believe in nature,. if u believe in “nature” as your religion, no one will against you, every religion has enemies but say me religion is against of the nature.?
    nop. My mom never claims to be a Muslim or a Hindu or any other,.
    They did court marriage, and today also it’s not possibleto do traditional marriage between two different cast, and if there is, so they are rare & not satisfied in mrg celebration.

    3. yep she taught me just names, and their goodness, but she never wants me to think deep inside in any religion, she always says me that it is good if you want to believe in god, or Allah or Bhagwan, but the god is only one, it is positive energy, that helps you in bad situation, protects us from negative thoughts/energy. And if you believe in god so god gives us a good nature, a whole earth to live, an extraordinary Brain, so what more we expect? For what?
    To get good facilities?
    To get big money-tone?
    To solve our family problems or other problems which we create by our own?
    Even if we believe in god it’s not their business,

    Yes, they exists if we truly believe but it doesn’t mean that they will help us in every single situation,

    God is for them who is handicap, who don’t have eyes, in short for who is mentally or physically weak,
    So “if you honestly think and realize that you’re capable enough to live on this earth, to take decisions with time, you can’t ask to god about any kind of help”. It is not written in any religion but we, our family believe this.

    My grandpa told me once when I was a kid that if you think about your self’s goodness, for your bright future you should believe in yourself, before you believe in god.
    We required god’s power and they will sure help us only when we realize about some tasks that “it is impossible but it should be done for all goddess. (‘For all goodness, not only yours)”

    Yep I can say that in our family we have a different religion,.
    Our religion theory is different, it’s boring, perhaps no one would like it, but I would like to share it:
    As my mom says,
    Everything on our earth for ex… From Your computer that you are using right now to whatever your biggest guess, are made of earth’s elements/contents,
    And our whole earth is made by the sun, So we should believe that the our sun is our first creator, and it’s approved in every religion I guess,. Moon gives us the seasons that’s why moon is also important to giving us a good and suitable life. So we should be thankful to nature first, first of all nature gives us a life, If nature is not there where it should be so human kind cannot live anymore TO BELIEVE IN RELIGION/GOD.
    And the point is if you believe in any specific religion, it means you’re making your enemies,
    For ex… if you choose Hinduism, before you choose you will have enemy, Islam
    If you choose Islam, so today most of Hindus are so against of Islam
    Same in Christianity and all religions.


    And select any religion, suppose, and think about your job, what is your job on this earth as your religion?
    Answer is god made this beautiful earth for us, god made us to take care of it, to help each other, to take care of each other, to live with happiness wid each other,.
    And what we are doing?
    So first we made different religions, then fights wid each other, killing, belittling about each other’s religions/hope, destroying nature/atmosphere,.

    And say me, “””””“IF THERE IS GOD, SO IN WHICH SIDE WOULD THEY LIKE TO STAY? With a particular religion? In which all the people are against of each other? Hates each other? Belittle about each other’s religion/faith? Hurting each other? Killing each other?
    They would like to stay in peace with what they made beautifully by their own hand,.””””””?
    I can say surely that even god is there, they would not sit on the chair of any religion because of violence of their people.

    I m not saying that accept my thoughts, forget your religion,
    Believing in god is good as my mom says and they are exists too, but believe with all goodness of your religion how god expect from you, and to know what they expect from you? Ask yourself what is good and what is bad? What should you believe and what you shouldn’t, how should you act about/on god’s name and how you shouldn’t?

    I am saying about me only,
    I believes only in nature and you can call it’s my religion.
    And in my religion human-human can marry,. We humans are all the same separated by the places and language codes…

    I know It’s a big lecture, hard to read this my big big reply but I always wanted a platform at where I can share my family thoughts without showing my I’d. So I did.

    • Mohammed
      November 28, 2015 2:08 am

      I Dont know in what way you are thinking about god..

      you are beliving to god but not religion..
      According to oxford dictionary,
      The Definition of Religion is the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods.

      If you belive in god, then you are beliving in Religion too…

      // So we should believe that the our sun is our first creator, and it’s approved in every religion I guess, //

      I didnt read on any religious book that sun is our first creator. . where it says can you find and tell me. .
      According to you that sun is our creator. .so sun has made us.. right
      if so then why the sun doesnt exist in the night time.. why only day?

      // So “if you honestly think and realize that you’re capable enough to live on this earth, to take decisions with time, you can’t ask to god about any kind of help”. It is not written in any religion but we, our family believe this. //

      This is so laugher statement. . If you cant ask help to god who is your creator, who is your sustainer, then whom you will ask for help. .

    • Mohammed
      November 28, 2015 2:26 am

      // And the point is if you believe in any specific religion, it means you’re making your enemies,
      For ex… if you choose Hinduism,before you choose you will have enemy, Islam
      If you choose Islam, so today most of Hindus are so against of Islam Same in Christianity and all religions.//

      who told you that , beliving in religion making the enemies,
      no you are wrong.. In india.. Many Religion peoples are living happy with each other, and religion too doesnt thought like that.,
      we agree that there are some “thekedaar(leader)” in every religion who fought against on each other. . by this how you may come to calculate,

      As i told you before, if you belive in god you are beliving in religion too

    • November 28, 2015 9:31 am

      Hardy, Beautiful! Superb thoughts. Great teachings by your grand parent and your parents. You have learned a religion of humanity and nature, not the religion that taught to fight with others who are not your type.

      Hardy, this is not a lecture (to bore others) but it is a superb Godly message. We loved it. Please express more on this site and help interfaith couples fighting in name of religion. Go and educate the rest of world with your wisdom. Write in newspapers, some day even write a book. Keep in touch right here.

  • Yasmeen
    November 25, 2015 4:48 am


    Me an engineering working professional 29 yrs old,earlier married to a muslim business man of garments(marriage got registered after Nikah legally).Though business was good, but the mindset of my inlaws and husband was against female freedom reg.movement and profession.

    Ultimately with an year I hade to divorce himn facing lot of problems. Now in love with a Hindu boy of same profession( 30 yrs),knowing about me every thing and ready to marry me,without forcing conversion. I am too ready to marry him though my parents internally agree with me but not so bold how to face muslim community who are very orthodox. In my life I faced their negative mind set but my determination did not deter my vision for engineering study and job.

    I have satisfied fully from all aspects from Hindu BF, he is most compatible soulmate for me. Once I met his parents too. They have agreed to accept me as their daughter in law for wishes of their only son. I shall marry him no doubt, but how my parents will face pressure of muslim fundamentalist that is problem?

    • November 25, 2015 11:27 pm

      By the way, you have provided a wrong e-mail account. Why?
      We heard many stories like yours …I am a Muslim girl, got divorce and now happy with a Hindu. How do we trust your story?

      • hardy
        November 28, 2015 12:37 am

        what should she do to make you trust on her story,?
        by sending photograph of her happiness?

        • November 28, 2015 9:02 am

          She entered a wrong e-mail address, why? We request her to write us an e-mail at and we will ask her simple one question to prove her authenticity. With that, we will make a new post for her. If not, her story will still be on the site.

    • hardy
      November 28, 2015 12:25 am

      if you are thinking about your parents problem?
      so you should think before you agreed to marry him,.
      in india, they will have to face pressure of muslim community if they are connected wid community,.

      it is depends on your parent’s maturity,
      as my parents thinks,
      they should see your happiness first,. they could ignore that pressure when that happens,.
      the point is,
      human can live without any community or society or cast support…..
      believe me,
      they will be more happy if they leave that society / community.. 🙂

  • November 24, 2015 5:37 pm


    This is something different (novel?) on this site. Thanks for sharing your experience.

    People say that children raised in two faiths are confused, are you? (we don’t think so).

    Is your mother claiming to be a Muslim today? How did your parents married? By Hindu vivaha, Nikaah or by court marriage?

    Other than your mother teaching human-human marriage, what else she taught you about Islam, about Koran, about Muhammad and about Hindus praying to multiple devtas?

    Do you consider yourself as a Hindu, Muslim, both or atheist?

    • hardy
      November 28, 2015 12:09 am

      Hey admin,
      You can use the word “different” instead of “novel”.

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