I am Hindu and want to marry a Roman Christian girl

anand says: December 20, 2014 at 5:44 am
How could admin say that the lord RAM, KRISHNA, SHIVA, they are fake? They all are in real. I believe in Jesus and it’s doesn’t matter for me to marry in any religion.

I am Hindu and I want to marry a Christian Roman (Catholic) girl. Now she want me to convert but I don’t want. How can I leave my Hindu friend and special my mom and dad? I am ready to marry in church style but it is necessary to convert but I don’t want. Please suggest me what can I do. I cry so much for this. Please help me, please. Anand.

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  • anand
    December 21, 2014 7:01 pm

    Thank you very much to all repliers …. Now every thing is good and my love agree now that the girl have to leave her papa place and go with his guy I just want her to understand this only and now she got what I mean so every thing is good and peace .. Thank you very much

    • December 23, 2014 5:38 pm

      People in love have to understand one important point. The Christian and Muslim lover will bring this conversion business. If the other party stay strong and say “NO”, all of a sudden they will come to sense and now look for secondary options. If the conversion is a must, then you have to decide why you wish to marry this religious fanatic anyways?

      Anand, you may have solve this first problem but don’t underestimate what will come later in life. How are you planning to get married? How are you going to raise your children? As a Hindu, Christian or both 50-50%?

  • Avira
    December 21, 2014 3:38 am

    Hii Anand!!
    Congos to you first of all for believing in Inter-faith marriage. Tell your girl that since the birth of civilization, its Hinduism that has prevailed, its the only culture that treats all the faiths as paths to the realization of the Almighty. Its not like Christianity or Islam which claim their own religion to be the one and only path of salvation. Its owing to this very claim that they are hard bent on conversion tactics based on coercion or emotional traps. I believe that your love for your sweetheart is an honest one. Hence kindly save her from the death trap of cult beliefs preached by Christianity. Help her become a true human by becoming a HINDU. She will definitely obey you if she is understands your heart and doesn’t instead use your selfless love to satisfy her proselytizing ambitions.

    • mac
      December 21, 2014 7:05 am

      So finally you came to Hinduism, if we said this then admin would have labelled us as …… , and in case of Hindu , admin is silent

      Avira, hinduism needed ban even in its birth place to survivie i modern era like ban on sathi,dev-dashi,rape,dowry,caste discrimination

  • December 20, 2014 1:06 pm

    Dear Anand,
    Thank you for reaching out here. We do not preach, “the lord RAM, KRISHNA, SHIVA, they are fake?” When comes to your faith, you have rights to believe what ever you wish.

    You have raised a concern, “Now she want me to convert..”. Christians and Muslims don’t bring up the conversion business in early dating period, but when you are hooked up in “love”, they bring this out. This is too sad.

    We are glad you don’t believe in fake-conversion just to please the church. Now only solution is to educate your girl. We have written enough on this web site to educate her. Meantime, tell her sternly and forcefully that conversion is absolutely NO NO. After 6 months, she will comes to terms and then you go get married by the Special Marriage Act 1954. Keep in touch!

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