CP says: June 7, 2015 at 8:24 am
I am Hindu and in love with syrian orthodox christian for the past 5 years. We are happy together. But though my parents have agreed, his parents are opposing. His parents want me to convert. I donot want to convert because I donot believe in the religion. I donot want to use religion as per my convenience. Though my boyfriend himself doesnot want conversion, he is getting immensely pressurized by his parents. I am afraid that this tension will ruin our bond. Please suggest. -CP
Admin says:
Dear CP,
Sorry to get into this situation, however this is norm on this site….. that is ….An Abrahamic will fall in love with out side their faith, they tell you I truly respect you, you do not have to convert, I am pluralist and secular,…. and more bullshits. However under pressure of parents, they will ultimately cave in and start the conversion business. Actually it is not his parents, but deep in his heart he, probably, always dreamed and prayed to Jesus that one day he will be able to convert you.
CP, now if you wish to be successful, you will have to act like it is a business negotiation. The one who bargain hardest and smartest will win. Even you badly wish to marry him, you will have to act like a tough lady and ready to walk away any second. As soon he find that you are soft, he will hit harder to make you fully weak. If he realizes that you mean business, he will come to terms (no baptism for children).
Now you will have to educate yourself before you could educate him. Start reading all listed articles and videos below. Go tell him that I will accept Jesus, will have Christmas tree in home, will celebrate Ester Egg hunts, will have a big Jesus photo next to Krishna’s photo in your living room and you will attend church when time permits, BUT will NOT get baptized NOR will ever NEVER baptized our children. Ask him what the religious labeling has to do with your love, Jesus and God? We will tell you lots more but first start reading what we suggested. Come back again. -Admin
Please read these articles written by InterfaithShaadi: Video: InterfaithMarriageWithEquality (I’m WE); Bible on Hindus?, Follow Jesus not the church, Hindus, Abrahamics and Intolerants, Can Allah be the Father God?, A Jealous and Angry God, One God, Allah?, Idol Worshippers: Who is and Who is Not, Saif and Kareena: Religion and Marriage, Religious Conversion for Marriage, Ten Points of Interfaith Dating , FAQ on Interfaith Marriage, 38% of Hindus marry Abrahamics, Hindu-Muslim marriages, Hindu-Christian Marriage, Hindu-Jew marriages, Chritistian-Muslim Marriage, Love with Malay, Sharia, Koran, Bible, Marriage & Divorce laws in Malaysia.
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hi mam i am syrian malu christian and my boyfriend is hindu we are together from last 7 yrs we are in true love and want to marry but my family is not accepting him as he is ready to convert in christian and learn malyalam too ..but dont knw how to convence parents..and want to have christian marriage too..plz suggest
Reply at https://interfaithshaadi.org/?p=15065
Hi Sherry,
First, Happy New Year!
Please clarify, “but my family is not accepting him as he is ready to convert in christian and learn malyalam too” if he is or not ready to convert to Christianity? If he is ready, then what is your parents issue?
Let us know where will you stay after the marriage, his home, your parents home or you have a separate flat for you two? We will be glad to guide you at length, please get back to us. Best wishes.
after marriage we will take our own flat and he is ready to convert in christian the problem with parents is they are saying he dont knw malyalam how we will take him at native place if we go thr how he will communicate with our family bcoz theyonly knw malyalam no english no hindi …so confused what to do
and boyfriend family is also not supporting us
Reply at https://interfaithshaadi.org/?p=15065
Hello. My name is sachin and I’m in love with a Hindu girl and we wish to get married. I am a Christian, supposedly, but I’m not at all a believer in anything. Does not mean that I am against my girlfriend being a believer. I have no problem with anyone’s beliefs. My parents are also not believers
The issue is, I want to get married to her without getting her converted, but for family pressure sake, have to have a church wedding. So wanted to know if there is any way in which I can make the church wedding happen but I’m not willing to make my girlfriend convert at any cost. I am an orthodox and I am willing to convert to any other sect in Christianity as it does not make any difference to me, as long as I get to marry the girl of my dreams
Please help me out with the options that I have in front of me. Like I said, without getting her to convert.
Thank you
Reply at https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=10206
Hi, I am a Christian and I am engaged to the love of my life who is converting to become a Christian. His family is very supportive and loves me like their own daughter. My parents on the other hand are very strict and it took them a long hard time to ccept, but they are slowly coming along. I just have one concern that I really would love to get some advice and opinions on. He has a Hindu last name. I really don’t want to take his last name due to it’s Hindu meaning, however i am willing to compromise and hyphen the name. I have a very strong faith so this would be a huge sacrifice, but he has made so many sacrifices for me. I don’t want my kinds to have a hindu last name and I really don’t know how to plead my case to him because that is the last name he has had all his life. Also when the kids don’t hold the last name of the father, he feels it looks bad on him. Any advice and opinions would be great and I’m so glad I found this website.
Thank you and take care
Reply at https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=10027