Ganesh says: March 27, 2015 at 12:53 am
Hey. Am in desperate help. I am a hindu guy aged 22. Am working in an MNC with a good enough package. Ive been in love with a Muslim girl from the past 5 years. I am the only thing she knows in her life . She loves me more than anything else. Her parents have started searching for matches and are planning to take her to UAE very soon . I can’t leave her at any cost. She is ready to get converted to Hinduism for me. Kindly suggest what we can do. Thanks in advance. Kindly respond asap. -Ganesh
Also read: VIDEO: Interfaith Marriage with Equality, Hindu-Muslim Marriage-video, Love-Jihad, Don’t fake-convert, Polygamy and talaak, Akansha unwillingly converted to Nusrat, Hindu-Muslim marriages, Hindu-Muslim lovers’ experiences, Hindu girl-Muslim boy, Idols, pluralism, SRK-can you do it?, Zakir Naik, Christian-Hindu marriages, Jain-Muslim marriages, Brahmin-Muslim marriages, Bollywood and Interfaith Marriages.
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Nice to see your experience. Dont believe on the remarks of Mac like person, whose family was earlier Hindu and his mother converted under compulsion and trapping by islamic guy and now Mac is the pleader of criminal religion of world,known as Islam, which has created terrorists every where. Have you seen any religion that propagates, burka, FMG, 4 witnesses to prove rape, tripple talak, halala, stonning to death only for females(No male has so far been stonned to death), testimony of female half of male, female only sex toy etc.
It is better opportunity to get rid of islamic evils for ever.
Dear Asma,
If your love is earning hand,intelligent, kind hearted, adjusting nature,
go ahead to strengthen your bonds of love and marry him under special marriage act. I am muslim by birth but married hindu guy, very happy with him, no restriction and now working as software engineer.
God bless you.
Dear Chand Osmani, could you please give me your personal email? Should talk to you . kindly help.
chand osami is a big lier . . .
what he/she tell are big lier. . . you can check the site. . he has posted some time with name harjeet or some times gulnor or some times some other muslim name to trap muslim girls like you asma ji. . .dont listen his talk
hii i am asma i am in relation with hindu guy since 6years…i cant leave without him… my parents are not accepting as a hindu guy can you give me any suggestions i am not having any religion feelings i cant leave with out him plz help me out
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Dear sister asma, you said you cannot live without him, bcoz you love him, but what about death, will he accompany you after your death, will he save you from death, remember this life is temporary, Allah loves us 70 times more than our mother, then imagine how much Allah loves you, do not go against Allah, if Allah is on your side, no one can stop marrying you from your lover, also in halal way of marriage, you will not only be partner in this life, but you and your lover will live together in paradise for eternal life, also in halal way of marriage, your parents will also accept your marriage.

aur tum shaadi ke baad tum apne pati ke sath gai vesh kutto ghar me majud bahut sarre doll ko puja karna
Her family doesnt know about this thing we have. My family kind of knows it. Am planning to completely open up in my family next month. My family is not an orthodox one and I am sure they will agree eventually. Given that my sister knows it totally and she is ready to help us.
She is not particular about religion Kuran and all. So she is ready to convert to hindu and get married to me. Could you help us with the legality and the procedure for getting her converted to Hindu ?
The answer that you looking for is go to any Arya Samaj office or a Hindu temple and they will help you. However, what will you do with her (fake?) conversion to Hinduism without understanding what she is doing. Why don’t you start discussing differences between two faiths and let her make fully “informed” educated decision, rather than a love-blind decision?
First, we would recommend to talk to both sets of parents. Expect fierce resistant from them. Over a year or two, it will become more manageable.
If you are financially independent and adult, then you could always do that you wish to. No one should be able to stop you.
We recommend getting married by the Special Marriage Act 1954. It take about a month of notice and waiting time. After court marriage you could marry any number of ways without conversion (or conversion if you wish).
Let us know what else we could help?
Hi Ganesh,
Five years is a long time. Good that you are financially independent thus you will be somewhat more independent.
Did she told her family about your affair? In Islam, it is very hard for a Muslim girl to marry outside the faith. Expect fierce resistance from her parents. Is she and you ready to face it?
Why she has to convert to Hinduism? Does she believe in Koran, Muhammad and the Judgment Day? Can she not convert and marry to you? The Special Marriage Act 1954 is a good option for it.
Are your family willing to accept a Muslim in their Hindu home?
Let us know what specific question you have. Good luck!