I am Hindu and I Love a Muslim Girl

prashant says: July 25, 2015 at 5:54 am

I m belong to hindu fmly bt my love belongs to muslim fmly, her name sheeba ,,,,so plz help me ,,,,it is possible????? -Prashant

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    November 24, 2015 12:39 am


    • November 24, 2015 5:42 pm


      Yes, it is legal. Can you tell us what is your concern or thoughts?

  • November 8, 2015 6:39 am


    Simply oil rich resources are not sufficient for prosperity. These countries
    lack in so many other resources. Remember when oil and natural gas resources exhaust, what these countries will do. As a geophysicist and reservoir engineer, I know how other countries working hard on other alternate resources of engergy to reduce dependency on oil and gas. Oil accummulation, migration and generation is highly probablistic and if other countries are able to get migrated oil resources through onshore and offshore exploration of similar geologically anticlinal fault traps or US and other countries are able to capture these fields, what will happen.

    Probably this is the main cause of terrorism in gulf countries.

    • ahmad noor
      November 8, 2015 1:25 pm

      Did you understand what i said or not ??
      the matter is not the oil itself
      the matter is about what (so called chand osmani said) : the evil practice of islamic clture
      i said if all muslims are as you said or same as isis that means we as muslims must destroy all oil world which is 60% of total reserve oil of the world to punish our non muslims enemies ..but this is not happening
      if you hate islam ..this much ..what forces you to keep this name (chand osmani)
      or just using it to cheat others???

  • ahmad noor
    November 7, 2015 10:05 am

    your marriage in our religion is illegal ..most of muslims whom you will meet in your life in future will think that you disgrace their religion
    and believe me no one court or law can make your marriage legal

    • SNEHA
      November 24, 2015 12:37 am


      • November 24, 2015 5:44 pm

        No, it is not. Why you raised this question?

  • November 7, 2015 8:05 am


    Does your GF is willing to marry you? Are you both working hand or you simply?
    What is the age of both of you?

    Regarding possibility, where there is a will, there is a way but depends how you both are committed and determined to be life partner after understanding each other. For muslim girl it is advantagenous to marry a Hindu boy, to prevent her from evil practices of islamic culture.

    • ahmad noor
      November 7, 2015 9:57 am

      if islam is an evil practice religion …as you said
      then 1 billion and 250 million muslims must act same as al qaidah or isis
      then we should explode all our oil fields and put 60% of oli reserve in the devil hand ..and as samsom said (greece legend ) ((my god.. i will destroy the temple on me and on my enemy ))
      still i hope you will change your idea about islam whether you are hindu or muslim

      • Momeen
        November 9, 2015 3:35 am

        Just have a glance at ahmed noor’s dream of India:

        /“yes i hope i see india one day become islamic (may be united again ) but by complete convincing and understanding”/

        You are more dangerous than alqaeda or isis since in case of extremist outfits, the enemy is known; but in your case the adversary mingles normally with the society while carrying such a vicious agenda in the mind and the general public imagines that you’re just one of those secular and broadminded Muslims.

        With such supremacist and totalitarian attitude, you slowly creep into the secular fiber poisoning the beauty and peace of a multi‐religious, multiethnic and multicultural society. Unless and until you become open-minded, people of your category, let them belong to any faith‐ are a liability to every forward-thinking and inclusive nation!

        • November 10, 2015 10:10 pm

          So true, well said!

        • ahmad noor
          November 11, 2015 12:30 am

          Furtunately…. any society (anywhere) are getting more cultured and educated day by day cz of comunication revolution..
          so day by day sure will know what is good for social peace and what is bad ..soon or later ..
          but since it will be their choice (no forcing ) freely with complete convince ..you have nothing to say !!!!!
          the day will come for you to know which is really dangerous for india and all other countries in the world …islam ..or ..western culture
          when you see family values starts vanishing here and there ( as jew are planning )
          also i have never said that i am secular (looks like you did not follow what i wrote)
          i am islamist without any violence cz violence is getting things worse for us (as you see)
          but i believe that islam is the solution for humanity problems
          including indian society ..and we are using the democratic methods and respect being refused or accepted
          so why are you dealing with us so sensitively ????

          • Momeen
            November 14, 2015 10:05 pm

            /“any society (anywhere) are getting more cultured and educated day by day cz of comunication revolution..”/

            Communication revolution is the result of Western intelligence; but the ‘pray, pray, pray’, ‘reproduce, reproduce, reproduce’ and ‘convert, convert and convert’ brigade will use it to trap the lambs, what a great intellectual contribution! How to manipulate, trick and con‐ Ummah’s mastery is world renowned!

            /“so day by day sure will know what is good for social peace and what is bad ..soon or later .
            the day will come for you to know which is really dangerous for india and all other countries in the world …islam ..or ..western culture
            but i believe that islam is the solution for humanity problems”/

            Pls refer to his psychiatric condition in the blogs:


            /“but since it will be their choice (no forcing ) freely with complete convince ..you have nothing to say !!!!!”/

            I’ve already stated the facts: Proselytizing has always been an one way traffic for Muslims; its their birthright to convert in both Islamic and nonIslamic countries! But can any Christian or Hindu proselytize in Muslim countries?

            Your cult nations push down the throat, your cult system; you begin by your sugarcoated trap: ‘complete convince’‐ Have the honesty to tell them that if they change to some other faith after accepting Islam, they would be killed!

            First convert them with by pumping delusion into them and then kill them, if they want to move to other faith!

            Crafty Wolf!

            /“when you see family values starts vanishing here and there ( as jew are planning )”/

            Islam has the best family value system in the world: Marriage is only for sex, sex and sex and never for a healthy companionship! Marry one, two or three or four, age of the bride never a problem, once you’re bored with the body of one wife immediately give her a talaq and hunt for a newer body; and there is a very gracious ruling, since god understands your endless lust and difficulty in maintaining so many wives, you need not shell out any money for alimony except for the initial ‘meher’! And of course, reproduce in dozens, brainwash them with the cult ideology…..this family system is the best in the world….

            /“also i have never said that i am secular (looks like you did not follow what i wrote)”/

            I regret for using the virtuous terminology to a parochial and cunning individual.

            /“i am islamist without any violence cz violence is getting things worse for us (as you see)”/

            Yeah! As long as his Ummah brothers targeted India and the West, everything was fine; Now when the seeds they sowed are bombarding their own cult nations, he has the audacity to say, “violence is getting things worse for us (as you see)”

            If he is not a crafty wolf, then what? And this parasite will enter ‘heaven’ for all his great intentions! His expectation from God is dizzying!!

            /“including indian society ..and we are using the democratic methods and respect being refused or accepted”/

            Now, that’s exactly taqiyya; now they will be democratic‐ to lure the lambs to their butchery! But once the nation becomes overflowing with their breed, democracy will be sent to the grave, sharia will be the rule, crushing and devastating others’ belief‐system, life, dignity and property will become their way of entering heaven!

            /“ and respect being refused or accepted”/

            Wow, what a magnanimity, OMG!

            The term called, ‘justice’ never exists in these wolves’ dictionary! Always only their demands and never even think that others too need an equal platform!

            How about permitting other faith followers to proselytize in your cult nations and give the options to the citizens to follow whichever faith they feel as the best? All other faith followers too respect being refused or accepted;

            Only a cult which is terrified would push down its belief‐system on people while a faith which is confident of its philosophy would give the liberty to the follower to learn about all the faiths and follow whichever suits him/ her the best!

            /“so why are you dealing with us so sensitively ????”/

            Sir, in spite of dealing with you sensitively, your people bombarded India and now after setting foot in Europe, they’ve made a blood bath of the peaceful nations and that’s just the beginning!

            Think what you’re capable of if you’re not dealt with ‘so sensitively’? India will become another Iraq!

            You and your ummah brothers will be in Paradise for all your eminent intention and deeds while all the innocents will burn in Hell!

            God bless you and your ummah‐ the cult‐enslaved wolves!

          • Momeen
            November 17, 2015 6:46 am

            See the live example of the statement: “How to manipulate, trick and con‐ Ummah’s mastery is world renowned!”

            mac says:

            /“Yes Sikh and muslim can marry. Both believe in one god, both the religion are against worship of statues,murtis..go ..get married with him”/

            So Islam permits marriage of Muslim to Sikh?!

            Imam mac, adopt more and more fraudulent ways to expand your cult!

            As I’ve already stated, you’ve buried your conscience in your desperation to enter heaven!

          • November 20, 2015 1:31 am

            most of what you said ..comes from your aggressive hating to islam
            wolves …crafty ..parochial..audacity
            for me i see that islam is the right way for humanity successful life
            this is not takkiya
            you are big ignorant abut history ..islamic and non islamic history
            you and admin are talking about the last 50 years
            cz you can not go further than 50 years to know who is the criminal us or non muslims (espacially the west )
            when you say takkiya means that you know nothing about islam
            this takkiya is used by your beloved shia to cheat others
            to cheat us mainly
            i am exposing islam to all very clearly ( not hiding anything )
            so take it or leave it
            what is wrong about that ??
            i follow (muslim brothers) school which deals with islam as a complete culture for complete life
            we do not need your believe to prove our honesty and faith
            our deed will prove that ..not our talk
            when we say that we believe in democratic election
            so many other extremist of islamic gruops criticized us
            and acused us that we do not respect shria (to be imposed on others )
            as an order from god
            we won the election in turkey eygept tunisia libya marroco gaza
            but secular muslims fought us savagely and unfairly
            also any country we won in we could not apply sharia
            cz muslims still not ready to transfer from secular life (western )
            to islamic restrictions as taliban cz muslim cuontries are not with same circumstances
            we have good popularity all aroud islamic world
            in india most of indian muslim scholars respect us as a moderate muslims
            our school has been established in 1928 concentrating in preaching muslims and educating them then participating in politcal process
            we believe in fighting enemy when is threating our religion as it is happening in yemen and syriia (sure you do not know what is happening in both countries )
            Proselytizing of christianity is still in indonesia ,algeria and bagladesh not accepted yes but not prevented in all
            people now are accepting islam by internet
            my advice to you to reduce you tension against islam
            it is better to your wife to go outside covered with veil than exposining her body to wolves eyes (your daughter your sister )
            it is better for your son to leave adultery , wine , drugs and smoking for better straight life ( i am giving exaples )
            or you want me to show you the difference between indian and pakistani society in rape rates

            Reply at https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=10736

  • November 6, 2015 9:15 pm

    Tell us how are you planning to get married by? Will that be Hindu wedding or Islamic Nikaah?
    After marriage, where are you planning to live? With your parents?
    Did you talk to her parents?
    Let us know and we will talk more later.

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