Hindu: I am in Love with Christian Methodist

Hardik says: March 25, 2015 at 2:00 pm

Hello all,

First of all I pray for Ann that everything gonna be alright and finally you and your loved one get merry each other soon and live happy life ahead.

I think we are also facing the same problem as Ann is facing right now.
My name is Hardik (Hindu) and I am in love with Christian (Methodist) girl and we are in a relationship since last 1 year and 4 months.

Our relationship was going very smoothly with full of love in initial stage and we both decided to get merry with each other but suddenly the thought of our different religion came between us. She told me she don’t want to convert to Hinduism and Wants me to accept as christian only. I told her that I already accepted her as what she is and I also told the same thing to my parents and my parents are with me. And I being hindu, was not orthodox even my family is not too much religion oriented and I rarely went to temples, never played Garbas, never attend any social events, rarely participate any Pooja, Aarti and very rarely attend any of our rituals. I was really feel too much uncomfortable with the lifestyle of Hindus (Not to intend to hurt anyone’s feelings).

I am really too much comfortable with the lifestyle of christian as I came to know about it after she came into my life. And she is strongly believer in GOD JESUS, and by seeing her faith in GOD I also decided to be same like her. And I took decision to convert me as christian and I also shared this with my parents and they agreed with me. She has also told her Granny about our relationship and her granny agreed with her decision to merry me. She asked permission from her granny to allow me to come in Church and learn ways of prayer and all rituals and I visited Church for few Sundays. Initially I was too much scare and uncomfortable to attend Church but later on I was okay with it.

Unfortunately since last few months, her Granny stands against us and say NO to accept me, may be her Granny is scare of my decision to convert as Christian (as nowadays more issues are there related to religions). But we both are stick to our decision to merry each other. Nowadays her Granny stop talking with her and not pay that much attention to her. So she is upset with this and I am also upset because she is upset. We totally depend on GOD because he only can help us and We believe in GOD that may lead us and make us together. -Hardik

Also read: Interfaith marriage with equality (Video), Hindu-Christian Marriage, Will Gandhi go to Hell since he was not Baptized?, Bible on Hindus?, Idol-Worshippers, I am a Christian mother, I converted without knowledge of my family, I am Christian getting married to a Hindu, Do all Christians go to Heaven?, Ignorent Molly trying to convert a Krishna believer to Christianity ..a video, Namastey London movie…intolerant Christians ..a video, All religions are not same, A Hindu America?, Why I am a Hindu?, A fundamentalist Christian, Why I came back to Hinduism?, Dharma is not the same as religion, Text book on How to convert Hindu Students to Christianity.
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  • Hardik
    April 17, 2015 11:56 am

    Hello guys

    My warm thanks to all including admin, Pandora , reality check, cookie.
    I am happy to know your responses and feeling good to know your concern and suggestions for me.

    Ill look forward to discuss more with u guys.
    My approach to post my personal life here is only to get true guidance and hopefully ill get it from you, I pray to GOD Jesus for this.

    • April 17, 2015 1:24 pm

      So, what is your current status? Are you married?

  • April 3, 2015 10:34 pm

    Hardik, it is wonderful that you two are doing what you can to be with each other. Like some of what the others have said, I do question your conversion – are you really sincere or is this to please your partner?

    I am also the Christian half in an interfaith relationship (but with a Muslim) so here’s my 2 cents on it.

    – Expect initial rejection from families and/or religious communities. The more conservative/devout, the higher the rejection. This is because your beliefs are different, and according to how they are taught in their faith, you are that “unbeliever” who will at best be diverted, at worst be evil. It will take time, I have talked with a lot of Christians, Catholics and Muslims and encountered a lot of panic moments to be in a much better place with my other half.

    – Find more Progressive/inclusive religious communities within your faiths. Because one/both of you may want to keep your faith, and having a discoraging community that focuses on your interfaith relationship as your downfall is not going help. Find those communities that are supportive of the relationship and also be inclusive to your partner despite their faith so you can grow.

    – Know what your partner believes. In Christianity, Jesus is a manifestation of God as part of the Trinity – God, Holy Spirit and Jesus. If you read the Bible Christians always wrestle with a verse “do not be yoked with unbelievers….” (2 Corinthians 6:14) Many Christians will interpret this as the warning to not marry non-Christians because they will impede your faith. It took me countless consultations with Christian friends, counselors and readings who tell me it is more important for me to keep faith, find a Progressive community since it’s God’s plan on peoples’ spiritual journeys.

    – Discuss how you are going to respect each others’ beliefs and what to do if children arrives. This one’s important – will she let you celebrate Diwali, or will you have to only go to church? Can you grow in your faith(s) together? That’s something to consider.

    Also, if you have time, read J. Dana Trent’s “Saffron Cross”. She is a Christian minister married to a former Hindu monk and that may help you in navigating your interfaith journey. http://jdanatrent.com/about-saffron-cross/

    All my hug and best wishes to you!

    Reply to this post at: https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=9728

  • April 2, 2015 10:16 am

    Hello Hardik,
    Require some real advice? If you strongly believe that Christianity is the right path then I believe you should go ahead with it. Learn some thinhs about christianity and grow up as an open minded Christian and more importantly, a good human neigs. As for your kids, teach them about both the faiths. Tell them that a person’s religion does not make her/her a winner but his actioms do. Teach them about how good overpowers evil by telling them religious stories of every religion. And tell her Granny how you feel for your girlfriend. Don’t get entangled in the battle of religion. If you and your family are okay with this then nothing matters. As long as you arent upsetting anyone, no harm is caused. Also, being a believer of Jesus, I’d request you to follow bible and Jesus instead of the politics of church. May Jesus bestow upon you all the success in life. Amen.
    ps. My email Id is realitycheck.harekrsna@gmail.com
    Feel free to message and to seek advice.
    Hare Krsna.

    • April 2, 2015 8:44 pm

      Likewise, We love Jesus but not the church (read our views).
      Hardik, read on RealityCheck here.

    • cookiee
      April 2, 2015 11:51 pm

      Good advice sir /madam

      • April 3, 2015 7:22 am

        Cokkiee, we agree. She gives excellent advise. Read more her at above link. Teach her about Islam for what you learn and learn from her what she knows about Krshna. Knowledge is powerful!

        • cookiee
          April 5, 2015 5:32 am

          Hmm admin, actually I have already spoken to her sometime back..very nice person..:)..as for faith,I don’t like giving people unwanted advice..my conversion was my personal matter and I don’t like telling people what to do unless they specifically ask for my advice ;)..also before taking the big step of conversion i first read gita and then took my decision,so I know about Krishna’s teachings..i didn’t wish to change my born faith without even giving it a chance 🙂

          • April 5, 2015 8:27 am

            Glad you are connected. Yes, faith is a personal matter. As an adult you have to do that you feel is right.

  • Hardik
    March 30, 2015 10:32 am

    Hello Admin and Cookie,

    Thanks you all for replying me.

    Now first of all I would like to say Cookie that my gf is not asking me or forcing me to convert as Christian, this is my decision without anyone force. And I can say I am inspired by my gf seeing her faith in GOD Jesus. Her faith and believe in GOD Jesus inspire me to be closer to GOD as possible as I can.

    • admin
      March 30, 2015 8:34 pm

      Hallow Hardik and Cookiee,

      We are very happy that both of you are now enlightened! Now you found where the God is and know where that path to Him is.

      One thing common in both of you, that you found the God through your lover. However, it is interesting that one found Jesus-God while the other found God as described by Muhammad. Are you both talking about the same God and same path?

      Cookiee believes (or told to believe) that only Sunni are true Muslims and not Shias (and certainly all Hindus will get Hell Fire). Hardik, what did you learned from your church? Are only Methodist true Christians and not Mormons and Catholics? What your church has to say for Muslims, like Cookiee? Can you explain each other what you learned about your newly found faith?

      We are certainly naive when comes to matters about God. Over next years, we hope to learn from you both for who is the God. Keep in touch right here.

    • cookiee
      April 1, 2015 11:08 pm

      Lol,hardik I know admin is taunting us idiotic lovers for changing our faith For them but I still found it kinda funny :p :p..but as per what YOU told us here hardik *i got inspired by her faith in jesus pbuh*..see you yourself are admitting that it’s coz of her whether directly or indirectly..brother faith is not like pizza that because your gf likes it you will also adjust and eat the same pizza flavour..In my opinion,you respect jesus pbuh which is amazing as he’s one of the greatest men to walk on earth BUT you are doing it coz you are ready to do anything at this stage to prevent losing her..In said it before and I’ll say it again,read the bible which Methodists recommend and only then make such a decision..also try to live as a christian fore few months before talking the plunge to make sure your making the right choice..This is what admin advised me too and this really helped me when I was leaning toward islam and wishing to leave hinduism..One step at a time bro..also I didn’t blindly jump into islam..i first read gita and quran and made sure I wanted to take the plunge..i will advise you to do the same..otherwise you’re just insulting both Hinduism and Christianity..your gf is not the best info source on Christianity and should not be used as an example of how good Christianity can be, no matter how good she is and neither is what the admin is telling you that xyz things will happen once you become christian..only the bible is the judge of that..i appreciate that your gf is not forcing you and she sounds like an amazing person..but sometimes in love we see our lover through rose tinted glasses and outsiders may give you more sensible judgements for the same. .All the best 🙂

  • March 26, 2015 7:32 am

    Hi Hardik,

    If you two are firm, grany will come around. It is only a matter of time. Meantime, spend time understanding religions. Tell us:
    If she was a Muslim, would you have converted to Islam?
    If she was a religious Jain, would you have converted to Jainism?
    What do you mean by GOD JESUS?
    Can God have a Son? Daughter? Brother? Sister?

    • Hardik
      March 26, 2015 10:03 am

      Hi Admin,

      Can you please make me understand by the last 4 lines of your comment? I am confused what you want to say. Please reply I want to know what’s in your mind to know about me, it may help me somehow.

      Awaiting your reply….

      • March 26, 2015 9:10 pm


        You are in love and willing to merge in each other, and that is beautiful. However, we did not understand the need of you converting to Methodist. Are you converting just to please your girl friend? If she was a Muslim, would you covert to Islam? We are wondering why you decided to convert to Methodist; is it because Methodist the best religions compared to all other faiths?

        We are here to educate youths in interfaith love relationship. We wish you would have ever lasting happy married life. However, for this, you would have to make fully informed decision. A decision made in blind-love will not last more than a year into your married life.

        For example, one day you would have to answer to your daughter for who is God (Krishna or Jesus?).

        Which one of two you would say?

        1) Only Jesus is God. Hindus are sinners. They ignorantly say Krishna is a God. Hindus will go to hell, or

        2) Daddy’s parents believe Krishna as a God while mom’s side believes Jesus as a God. Muslims believe Allah as God while Sikh’s have their different belief. Beti, all are same, you have to love and respect all.

        Tell us which one of two answers you would tell to your daughter? What would you do if your church is upset with your answer (if #2) that you gave it your own daughter?

        You are intelligent and we wish to know what are you thinking about points raised. Thanks.

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