Hindu: I like Jesus too!

Vamsi says: May 10, 2019 at 2:48 am

Hi sir,
Myself Vamsi, a Hindu boy I want to marry my cousin who is converted as Christian since 12 years. I love her, and
I like jesus too. But my parents are not allowing me to marry her becoz of Hindu religion and they started harassing me. how I can I marry her? plz suggest -Vamsi

More information: Interfaith marriage with equality, Hindu-Christian Marriage, Bible on Hindus? Christian-Hindu relationships, Marriage & Divorce laws.
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  • May 10, 2019 8:00 am

    Hi Vamsi,

    There are several points to consider, so let us break them and answer all:

    I want to marry my cousin..:
    Legally you can marry but it could create lots of issues within family later on, but that can be worked out if you are committed.

    I want to marry …. who is converted as Christian:
    Her church may ask you to convert and raise children as Christian only. Being a Christian may mean now they will not want you to be a Hindu in any ways nor be a part of any Hindu ritual. Is that okay with you? Alternatively, is she willing to go back to her birth faith (Ghar Vapsi)?

    I like Jesus too:
    There is a big difference between loving Jesus and being a Christian (read). Jesus is not the one who created Christianity. Jesus, who taught us–love thy neighbour, will not have problem you remain a Hindu but their church will want you to convert for vote power and more reasons. Let us know if church is more important for her than you only accept Jesus in your life?

    But my parents are not allowing me to marry her becoz of Hindu religion and they started harassing me.
    Lets assume you married her against wishes of your parents. Tell us where will you live as a married couple? Will that be in your parents’ home and against their wishes? Why?

    how I can I marry her?
    Consider the Special Marriage Act 1954.

    • Unkown
      May 22, 2019 6:43 am

      A girl raised in christian family cant accept hinduism very easily its a difficult situation for her. The Love of God doesn’tallow to accept other religion.but she can show you that love throughout your life if you accept her as a christian and you dont allow her to follow hindu rituals.its true. If she truely loves God. She truly loves you.if any disturbances are created from your side she cant live happily with you.
      Let her be herself if you love her.dont force her to follow hinduism.

      • May 23, 2019 7:35 am

        Dear Unknown,

        Please answer…

        A girl raised in christian family cant accept hinduism very easily
        Why? why you will expect a Hindu to accept Christianity?

        The Love of God doesn’t allow to accept other religion
        We thought Jesus taught “Love Thy Neighbours”, was He telling only Christian neighbours?

        if you accept her as a christian
        Why? Why not both remain 100% the way they are (Godly people)?

        you dont allow her to follow hindu rituals.
        What is the difference between HIndu and Christian rituals? They are just rituals. Christians use a cross, an idol. Hindus use Murti. It is one and the same, it is not?

        Let her be herself if you love her.dont force her to follow hinduism.
        Same, let him be the same (Hindu) and don’t impose Christian intolerant ideologies.

        Explain us how Christianity and Hinduism are different?

        • Unknown
          May 24, 2019 8:31 am

          Why? why you will expect a Hindu to accept Christianity?
          I telling a hindu to accept christianity. It depends on their decision whether to accept or not by knowing about the christianity.

          We thought Jesus taught “Love Thy Neighbours”, was He telling only Christian neighbours?
          Yes you are right love your neighbours who ever it is. It is not the only word in the bible there are many things to learn which are related to life. What life is.And christianity is not a religion its a path.

          Why? Why not both remain 100% the way they are (Godly people)?
          Yes you are right
          Live the way you are now
          And let her live the she is now
          But many circumstances appear to you both in your family. Only experienced people know the pain.

          What is the difference between HIndu and Christian rituals? They are just rituals. Christians use a cross, an idol. Hindus use Murti. It is one and the same, it is not?

          There is no difference to any of us.
          Idol worship was created by people. Not God.Jesus didnot tell to praise cross. People habituated to it. I dont know about hinduism. We believe there is only one god , who created the universe people animals. If different gods created people in differnt religions. Then human appearance also should be different according to their religion.

          Same, let him be the same (Hindu) and don’t impose Christian intolerant ideologies.
          Yes let him be hindu
          And let the girl be christian and dont allow her to do poojas and all .

          • Admin
            May 26, 2019 4:03 pm

            Dear Unknown,

            Great answer, “Idol worship was created by people. Not God.Jesus didnot tell to praise cross. People habituated to it.” If all understand this, there will not be any wars and there was no need for Crusades killing millions. We agree, “Live the way you are now”, that he should remain a Hindu and she should a Christian. If her church (or his parents) demand a conversion, what would you suggest?

            Why you said, “The Love of (Christian) God doesn’t allow to accept other religion” and “It is not the only word in the bible there are many things to learn”. Is that because Bible’s God is a Jealous and angry God? Read this what we wrote (Bible on Hindus?). Explain why your God does not endorse other faiths?

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