Hindu: It is Impossible to Trust a Muslim Guy

SB says: January 28, 2015 at 5:02 am

Mosque sidewell, I seriously don’t know what exactly to comment here (to Nepali girl), I know its just more then impossible to trust a Muslim guy, my boyfriend was Muslim n he left me for a Nepali girl. he just left me with all d memories to cry on and as I really loved him my life has become a hell cause like him I just can’t and not been able to move on.. its been more then a year now and m still hoping for him to realise and b back but I know he’ll never..!! s soon s he got a girl he kicked me out of his life so now my dear that explains every confusion. I don’t want anybody to suffer like me !! -SB

Also read: VIDEO: Interfaith Marriage with Equality, Hindu-Muslim Marriage-video, Don’t fake-convert, Polygamy and talaak, Akansha unwillingly converted to Nusrat, Hindu-Muslim marriages, Hindu-Muslim lovers’ experiences, Hindu girl-Muslim boy, Idols, pluralism, SRK-can you do it?, Zakir Naik, Christian-Hindu marriages, Jain-Muslim marriages, Brahmin-Muslim marriages, Bollywood and Interfaith Marriages.
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  • May 12, 2015 5:46 am


    Reply to this post at: https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=9879

    • May 12, 2015 8:17 am

      How long have you been married? How did you got married? Did you communicated with his family before? Are you today a Hindu or Muslim (or converted but mix)?

    • ss khan
      May 17, 2015 1:50 pm

      sravani : oh u inocent woman pls do not take devilish step trust in god and be strong enough to face the difficult time.

      the guy u married and love is deceiver and liar and wanted to spoiled your life and i think his intension was not good. how come he left you in isolation and miserable life god will punish him.

      i suggest you to stay calm and tiem will come and god will help you and find best solution for you. i being a muslim support you and advise you to join ur parents as your parents only rescue you from this bad situation and never ever think of dying and pray god god almighty to give you strength and patience at this crucial hour of your life time.

      jsut be patient everything will be resolved at proper time. this time is a testing moments for you


  • January 29, 2015 7:10 am

    Dear readers

    according to Nasouh Nazzal, Correspondent Gulf News in December 2014,
    the Syrian girls are facing inhuman treatment in the name of Islam, as per details below:-

    Ramallah: The Jordanian Preventive Security Service has dismantled a professional Syrian gang which specialised in marrying Syrian minor aged girls off to Arabs of various nationalities, arresting several people.

    The arrests occurred in Amman of Jordan and the practice had been known in Jordan as the ‘deal marriages’.

    According to the Jordanian Al Ghad daily, the gang is led by a Syrian Imam and some maulcvies and the illegal marriages were conducted outside the Sharia courts. After the marriage, the men spend few weeks or months with the minor girls and suddenly disappear.

    Security sources in Amman told the daily that the gang is led by a professionals by imam and maulvies and four others, largely Syrian ISIS rebels who pay the father or custodian of the girl and get her to marry Arabs in deals worth huge amounts of money.

    The sources said that scores of such marriages have been conducted as the gang takes advantage of the miserable conditions of Syrian refugee families in Jordan and sells their underage daughters.

    The sources said that the marriage contracts are conducted outside the Sharia Courts and are fake contracts which often do not even bear the real names of the husbands. The “husbands” pay money for pleasure with minors who are not old enough to be true adults.

    The security sources said that the investigations about this gang are still underway and that while a large number of these deal marriages have been discovered, there are more to be revealed.

    Zeyad Hamad, who heads the Quran and Sunnah Association, said that his association has provided assistance for the Syrian minor female victims who usually approach the association to get milk for their newborn babies.

    He said that hundreds of these women cannot get their children officially registered as they do not even know the names of the men they married. He added that the women also rarely know the real nationalities of those men.

    He said that the minor Syrian girls have been suffering this problem in almost all the Jordanian cities and ISIS held areas.

    So how muslim guys can be believed?

  • s.b
    January 28, 2015 8:47 pm

    hello admin, we were together for a year n a half. religion was partially an issue but I was ready for anything. now the girl who’s with him is brahmin and its a fact she is also playing with his emotions but he’s too blind to see the reality. yes m ready to save and educate girls cause I know depression can lead to other numous things like suicide and all.

    • January 28, 2015 9:46 pm

      Dear sb,

      Tell us what were religious issues. Did he asked you to convert to Islam?

      There is no reason for depression. Believe us, many boys are out there for free sex and not a true love. In your case, what ever happened, happen for good. Lets start over a new life. There is some one even better waiting for you.

      This site is created to educate youths in love. We do not have any problem what youths do but they must make fully informed decision. Please come and educate other girls on this site, for example, start with https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=9129

      We hope to work with you right here for years to come. This will also help take your mind away from your problems. While helping others, you will also learn a lot.

  • January 28, 2015 8:08 pm

    Dear SB,
    Sorry to hear of your story, this is too sad. We don’t understand why boys are playing around with girls like sex toys. We assume you are a Hindu or Sikh. How long you were in relationship? Was religion an issue? Did you discussed religious differences and how you will resolve them?

    You said, “I don’t want anybody to suffer like me!!”. That is possible provided you are ready to educate other innocent girls. Are you?

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