My Hindu Husband Hates Muslims

Stuck says: February 7, 2019 at 11:24 pm

In a similar situation to you only I’m a Muslim woman married to a Hindu. Pregnant and scared that life will only become hell after the child as my husband is very rigid and hates Muslims- not sure why he married me. We used to live in the UK and he decided one fine day to move to India. I stupidly followed him here and find life very suffocating. He is a very dominating man who always has to have his way. I just want to go back home to a life that I had some control over ? -Stuck

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  • bmniac
    April 11, 2019 9:57 am

    Gokusan is hilarious and he lives in a time warp.

  • Hanah Khan
    March 18, 2019 11:46 pm
  • Jainab
    March 8, 2019 3:01 am

    I think Aakash,Mac and Zia are gang members, always glorifying Islamic evils with different names.Hinduism is old religion preaching humanism, brotherhood,peace and harmony among different segments of society.

    • Gokusan
      March 18, 2019 1:54 am

      Don’t make me laugh. As if Hindu terrorism is ansent. And just because you are doing Haram things and commenting fornication everyday doesn’t imply we have to support it.

  • Hina
    March 7, 2019 8:05 am

    I don’t think it is a real story.My husband is also Hindu who never behave rudly, very kind hearted and helpful.Reality is that Muslims who are notorious to spread terrorism world wide,do attempt to multiply Muslim population.

    • Gokusan
      March 18, 2019 1:56 am

      I guess this is what happens when you do formication .Your statement proves you lost both this world and after world. You are a lost cause.

    • Gokusan
      March 18, 2019 1:59 am

      I guess this is what happens when you do formication .Your statement proves you lost both this world and after world. You are lost cause

  • Akash
    February 22, 2019 2:59 am

    I was a Hindu who became Muslim. So I will tell you the truth. The guy who married you is because you are a Muslim. Marrying a Muslim for him was his bit to win war against Islam, which he did successfully. Many anti-muslim Hindu boys have dream of marrying a Muslim girl just to reduce Muslim population. They will pretend super cool in front of Muslim girls and seize them from Muslim community. But you can smell anti-muslim flavour from him by his behavior after marriage.

    You must go back to UK. Your parents will become super happy seeing you back if you leave your fake husband. They will welcome you, mark my words.

    You disobeyed Allah by marrying a Hindu as it is not permissible for a Muslim to marry an idol worshipper. Infact your marriage with him is not even accepted in the eyes of Allah. It is only a Zina in front of him. So just book a ticket and come back to England. You can do legal formalities once you are back here with your family support.

    It has now become a trend here for NRI Hindus to target beautiful looking foreign Muslim girls who don’t have much knowledge about Indian Hindus.

    Ask Allah for forgiveness, Allah is oft forgiving and forget him.

    Just goto online booking websites or app, book your flight for UM, and one fine day without even telling them just leave all of them. Remember it will be very hard to get out once your child is born. Now your child is within you. So just take your flight back to England. Don’t worry about bags and your other stuffs because you will get them back through legal formalities once you are free from him.

    You are wondering why he married you if he hates Muslim. Well, that is exactly the reason why he married you. He has high respect in his community for this as he has penetrated a Muslim pride.( I have used the soft word)

  • Gokusan
    February 12, 2019 2:09 am

    I guess you should have clarified that you cannot be a muslim when you married out to a polytheist. So the marriage is invalid and your child is a bastard. So you have lost everything and now you are sulking that he is not good

    Only thing I can suggest file a case against your husband if domestic violence is there or proceed with divorce by a good lawyer.

    • harshit
      April 11, 2019 2:34 am

      Gokushan a terrorist appologist is here to applogise for fundamentalist Islamic terrorism.

  • February 9, 2019 10:20 pm

    Dear Stuck,
    Moving to India and probably living with in-laws is not a situation you want to be. As rightfully you said, you would have lots more control over your life (and somewhat on your husband) if you were in UK. Now having a child will make your situation even more “stuck” because you cannot just run away. Are you UK citizen? Do you have relatives in UK (or in India)? At least for sanity, can you go out of house to work in India? Let us know what other options are you thinking for your life?

    • stuck
      February 10, 2019 8:31 pm

      it’s a very complicated situation. I am not originally Indian so have noone here. I am from the UK and that is where my family are- but they are not supportive so going back will mean going it alone. I work- but at the same place as my husband. Unfortunately I married the wrong man and am now paying for it.

      • February 11, 2019 7:22 am

        Yes, marrying a wrong man is certainly a mistake. However, sometimes you can change things around and other time not. Always think what will be your plan if you decide to quit this relationship, how, where, when? Meantime, try your best to make it work. Please keep working and make sure you control money (your salary). Money will give you strength, someday. Find a better paying, and away from your husband, job. Please keep in touch!

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