Hindu guy fell in love with an Australian Muslim

SecularSushant says: March 26, 2013 at 11:46 pm


I came across this forum and I am already a fan. This problem of interfaith romances seems to be all around. I bet when religions were created no one was thinking they would end up being the divide in love rather than being the path to love.

I am in a very similar situation to what you must have heard a million times.

I am a hindu guy living in the beautiful land down under, who fell in love with an Australian girl born into a strict Muslim Arabic family. She isn’t a practicing muslim but her parents have put immense pressure on our relationship, and my family being in India also feels it will be a challenge to face the society with the fact that their son went for a girl from another faith, particularly Muslim faith in this case.

Makes me wonder… given my current credentials, if I was muslim I would have a long line of muslim girls wanting to marry me. Given that I am hindu, I already know my parents keep getting offers for an arranged marriage from many families looking for guys for their girls. Just change one variable in this equation, and make the union between me and someone from another faith and it becomes a tragedy.

I didn’t post my situation here seeking help as I know that God, the one God up there somewhere, has some plans for me and one day those will come true. Till then, I shall wait, and I shall follow this blog and listen about others and hopefully be able to help others in similar situation.

I am a very strong believer of Karma and all I can say to anyone out there who is struggling in similar situation is… ‘Continue loving, continue on the path of Good Karma and your Moksha will come in the form of true love, sooner or later’ -Sushant


Please read these articles written by InterfaithShaadi:
Koran on Hindus?,
Bible on Hindus?,
Hindus, Abrahamics and Intolerants,
Can Allah be the Father God?,
A Jealous and Angry God,
One God, Allah?,
Idol Worshippers: Who is and Who is Not,
Circumcision: Science or Superstition? ,
Saif and Kareena: Religion and Marriage,
Religious Conversion for Marriage,
Ten Points of Interfaith Dating ,
FAQ on Interfaith Marriage,
45% of Muslims Marry outside their faith,
38% of Hindus marry Abrahamics,
Hindu-Muslim marriages,
Hindu girl/boy, Muslim girl/boy,
Hindu-Christian Marriage,
Hindu-Jew marriages,
Follow Jesus not the church,

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1 Comment

  • March 27, 2013 8:32 pm

    Yes, we will take your offer, “hopefully be able to help others in similar situation”. Please join our “interfaith family” to teach and learn (and vent your frustrations for today’s society and religious institutions).

    You have stated, “Just change one variable in this equation…..”, but you have to realize that this is a “critical” variable. Religions have killed millions of people and will continue to do so. With pluralistic teachings, we could, some how, reduce the damage.

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