Hindu Girl with a Syrian Orthodox Boy

RAMYA says: November 26, 2020 12:01 amEDIT COMMENTREPLY

Hi Admin,

I’m a Hindu girl and in love with a Syrian orthodox boy, both our parents agreed to our relationship. Now we have decided to take our relationship forward and get married however his mother wants a Syrian orthodox wedding and my parents want a hindu wedding. Can we get married both ways? Can we get married in Syrian orthodox rituals without me being converted? I don’t want to convert to another religion for my advantage as I feel it won’t be ethical. Please let me know if u have a solution.

Regards ,

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  • May 28, 2021 7:02 am

    test comment by Ronak

  • Admin
    November 26, 2020 5:50 pm

    Good that parents are accepting, now take your fiance to the marriage registrar, take an appointment for Court marriage under special marriage act, get Court marriage first’ with parents consent and presence..
    Retain your faiths and relationshipa, marriage the way you want.

    Next get married in a temple if possible.
    No need for church to get involved.

    It should be possible since parents are open and have given their consent..

  • November 26, 2020 11:15 am

    Dear Ramya,

    Simple answer to what you asked–a big YES!! Why not? You life in a free country and there are many ways to get married, if two of you are willing to live your life a progressive way (not orthodox).

    You first get married by the Special Marriage Act 1954 (we assume you are in India; if not, the civil wedding). After that, you ge married as many ways you want, including christian, Hindu, Buddhist and Sikh.

    There is absolutely no need to involve his church. Once his church is involved, they will not tolerate any Hindu or Hindu ways of doing things. They consider you a sinner. Why bother with such a sick ideology?

    You have nailed it with this statement, “I don’t want to convert to another religion for my advantage as I feel it won’t be ethical.” This is very honourable thought. Do not budge from it and go fool Jesus, Christianity and most importantly to yourself by fake-converting.

    Let us know what your boyfriend is telling you about marriage by the Special Marriage Act 1954 to register your marriage with government. There are many more point we wish to discuss with you, but lets take one step at a time. Get back to us.

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