I am a Hindu Girl was in Relationship with a Muslim

Pinky says: January 10, 2016 at 1:13 am

Hi All,
In response to the above messages I would like to add few details. I am a hindu girl was in relationship with a muslim guy. I never actually saw him in that way and for me he was a human first. I believed each and every words he said though I knew he lied now and then to show that he is lonely. My friends were always against this relationship. they thought it is not possible to marry by staying away from parents. i believed on him he said we will marry under special marriage act and will settle somewhere. I trusted his plans but was bit scared too as I was the only child.

In between my parents fixed my wedding with someone else and I got more tensed as my father is a very nervous man he might not able to take the shock if I elope. I was confused too as there was a time he was not attentive towards me because he was talking to other girls. I even neglected that and moved on with him but it was in my mind always that if he finds another girl again he will neglect me so because of this I was not able to take decision. The boy with whom my parents fixed my marriage was not a good boy too but we found it very late and because of my parents pressure I had to get married (to a Hindu).

But before I got married I asked my boyfriend whether he would like to elope with me in this current scenario. He suddenly denied and said he cannot because it will ruin my parents reputation. I even asked him if you really love me why you are letting me get married to someone who is not a good person. He said now there is no option left and you have to get married. So I had to get married over here and I am not happy.

He (Muslim bf) had promised me that he will help me get out this situation as my husband is not a good person. But now suddenly he is ignoring me. The guy who always had time for me is now saying he wants to work because he had already wasted alot of his efforts because of me. My other friends are trying to cheer me up in this situation and he knows I have not established any kind of relationship with my husband still he is nowhere to seen. He knows I am in a lot of trouble but now he is saying I have to listen to him then only he will marry me or if I call to know something he insults me over phone.

Nowdays he even say that my attitude and behaviour is not good and I should change it. I dont understand if he had so many issues with my behaviour why didnt he leave me earlier? Or why didnot he say that you should change your behaviour? Also now he is not asking me to leave he is saying to listen to him then only he will help me in this situation.

Recently I found that he is even oogling on other girls. He told me these days he sleep early but I have seen him online till late night. But when I ask him he denies and say that stop all your allegations and even say I reaped what I sowed. I always trusted him even I saw alot of stuffs that were against him, people spoke against him but I ignored each and everything. Now I regret trusting him. I regret that I wasted my few years for him. I did alot of mistakes I agree but love is not something which gets vanished within a short span of time. With his present behaviour I can assume he never loved me actually. -Pinky

View videos: Interfaith Marriage with Equality, All you want to know about the Hindu-Muslim Marriage, Sharia: Hindu-Muslim Marriages,
Also read: Hindu-Muslim marriages, Hindu-Muslim lovers’ experiences, Koran on Hindus?, Love-Jihad, Don’t fake-convert, Polygamy and talaak, Akansha unwillingly converted to Nusrat, Hindu girl-Muslim boy, Idols, pluralism, SRK-can you do it?, Zakir Naik, Christian-Hindu marriages, Sikh-Muslim marriages, Malaysia in love, Marriage laws.
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  • January 11, 2016 12:22 am

    Hello admin.

    Due to my hectic schedule i can’t keep in touch with u.
    But today m here to inform u an important thing.

    We (me and my saba) are done with our 7th sem of BE. still one more sem to go.

    So we have planned to marry on 24th of September 2016 (on my b’day). We are planning to marry according to Hindu customs first. Later we wud deciding abt nikaah.

    and Admin, i would be inviting u , mac, ahmad, fi, kartar and momeen for my marriage.

    Hope u ppl shower me with blessings.

    Reply at https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=9928

    • January 11, 2016 7:27 am

      Congrets. Did your parents agreed to accept a Muslim in their home? You said you will consider Nikaah later on, are you ready for conversion? Did her parents agreed to it?

      Reply at https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=9928

      • Kumar
        January 11, 2016 9:33 am

        No admin V have not informed our parents, soon i wud be informing.

        If they don’t agree then they will loose me.

        Most probably i wud be marrying under special marriage act.

        Soon we both wud become independent since we already got placed.

  • January 10, 2016 8:39 pm

    Dear Pinky,
    Sorry to hear that you are not happy in your married life. Once you are married, you cannot expect your Muslim boy friend to help you out or now take you back. Your love has left lots of scar on you, but you will be better of forgetting the past (the boy friend memories) and look forward to your life on your own.

    You married to one person but love another. This is a mess. Now forget your past (bf) and focus on your husband. Give him lots of love and put your heart in him and his family. After two years of such efforts, if you are still not happy, get divorce and start a new life. Best wishes.

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