Geet says: February 24, 2014 at 10:45 am
I m a hindu girl. One of my muslim friend is in love wd me. I dnt know wat to do. I really respect his feelings and also felt something in my heart for him. But it s the start. I dnt knw hw to pursue everything. We decided to wait until we both get good jobs on our apart. I m vry pure frm heart about any religion. I always feel dat god s inside we people, we jst gave him different names, bhagwanji, allah, jesus, waheguruji. But nw m very confused. He said dat he also eats cow’s meat but i worshp cow. In returned he said ill stop eating dat. I dnt knw wat to do. I m so confused. But also wanna wid him. But i dnt know anything about islam. I dnt know how to cope up wd my situation. I want a sudden help, splly from hema and tamanna. -Geet
Admin says:
Dear Geet,
You are certainly a very smart girl. Most Hindu girls first get into deep love relationship with their Muslim lovers then raise questions when it is already too late.
You ask him these three questions:
1) “If we ever decide to marry, do I have to convert for the Islamic Nikaah wedding?”
2) “Why Muslim-Hindu children must be raised only in Islamic faith (read Hindu girl for what may come)?”
Further tell him,”I know you are going to say that you are a different Muslim and #1 and #2 above don’t apply. However, ask your parents and imam before replying.”
3) “If your sister ever get into love relationship with a Hindu guy, would you support her?” Challenge him on his answers. This will inform you if ladies have equality in their home.
Yours is the Hindu way of saying, “god is inside we people, we just gave him different names, bhagwanji, allah, jesus, waheguruji”. However, Muslims will say there is only one God named Allah who is (to be prayed) in the direction of Saudi Arabia. Further, Christians, Sikhs and Hindus are going to get Hell Fire on the Judgment Day (Read Koran, exclusivism).
Best way to learn is to teach. Please read Tamanna and Kaveri, and you (even with your limited knowledge, don’t worry) try to guide them what would you do if you were in their situation?
Please update us in a month for how it goes, thanks. Good luck! -Admin
Geet replied: February 25, 2014 at 7:34 am
I asked the above questions.
#1. He replied, we will do marriages of both religion.
#2. He replied, we will teach our children the ethics of humanity, we will nurture them in both religion. They will celebrate both id nd togethr etc.
#3. He replied, that no he will nvr let his sisters to marry a hindu guy.
Now again i m feeling vry cnfused. Ive decided that ill not play with his feelings. We r educated we know dat wat s good for us. I dont want to vanish his parents emotions. I dont want to hurt both families, i ll ask him to stop thinking abt me as a partner. May b this s the onli right decision, plz help me admin. -Geet
Admin says:
Dear Geet,
We are not here to decide what is right for you, but our job is to make you think, thats all. In the end, it is your decision and your life.
These above 3 are typical answers given by Muslims and Hindu lovers get confused to accept Muslim’s relationships. Lets critic his answers:
1) “…marriages of both religion”: It mean you will have a Nikaah that require religious conversion (legal and moral) to Islam. Are you ready to be a Muslim? Next, he will try to convince you that just do a “fake-conversion” for marriage and he will allow you do all Hindu things behind doors. Your answer to him should be “I do not wish to make lies and deception (fake-conversion) a foundation of my married life. I am Hindu and will die as a Hindu.” What conversion has to do with your love? If your bf wishes for a Muslim wife, why he is dating a Hindu?
2) “..nurture them in both religion”: You (a Hindu) are a non-believer in Muhammad’s teachings and not following Islamic rules. Read what Koran has to say for non-believers, meaning you and your parents. Are you ready to recite these verses with your children every day? To reciprocate, ask him to join you for pooja (like SRK) to a Hindu temple and you go with him to a Mosque. Let us know what he says.
3) “..he will nvr let his sisters to marry a hindu guy”: Here he is “open minded” dating to a Hindu girl, but why he is “closed minded” when it comes to his sister? Why women don’t have same rights? Is this not a double standard? Does he believe that Muslim girls are clean and to be protected while Hindu girl are . . . (dirty?).
Please have more discussion on these points with him and get back to us. Thanks Smart-Geet!
Geet says: March 6, 2014 at 12:41 am
I have already kick him (Muslim bf) off. -Geet.
Geet says: December 7, 2015 at 10:44 am
This was my blog. And today m feeling very very happy dat m no longer in relationship wid dat guy. Admin once again may b after two years, I want to say u a big THANKs. I am glad I chose a right path. I am glad dat I didnt hurt my parents. Thanks to all. I am very happy infact alone but very happy. This site s very helpful. Thanks to all once again tcc. -Geet
“By nature girls are innocent and emotional, whosoever respects them (even falsely), they get trapped. There are so many anti social elements in the society who are disguised as gentlemen but internally conspirator” –Abida
More information: Hindu-Muslim Marriage, Sharia, Muslim-Hindu marriages, Hindu-Muslim lovers’ experiences, Koran on Hindus? Hindu girl-Muslim boy, Marriage & Divorce laws.
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This was my blog. And today m feeling very very happy dat m no longer in relationship wid dat guy. Admin once again may b after two years, I want to say u a big THANKs. I am glad I chose a right path. I am glad dat I didnt hurt my parents. Thanks to oll. I am very happy infact alone but very happy. This site s very helpful. Thanks to oll once again tcc.
We are very happy. This is inconceivable that he is not ready to let his sister date a Hindu but he is out to have a romantic relationship with a Hindu girl. We are glad you kicked that Love Jihadi out of your life.
Can you summarize in details all other things went between two of you that other Hindu-Muslim lovers should benefit from learning. We wish to educate others with your experience so details it all, thanks.
Dear All,
This website is related to VHP, please dont take suggestion of this websites admin, becoz he is showing Quran on hindus (which is created by VHP associates) take your parents decission. Dont read false thoughts Admin is showing 100% wrong history about islam,
I ask admin one question from where did you copy and pasted the Quran on hindus, The title self telling that the quran on hindus is created by hindu miscreants to misguide the humanity.
The Koran, N.J. Dawood, Penguin Press.
Is the translation in this book not correct? Tell us which one of these is not Muhammad’s Allah’s message.
Nice to see that few are using my past argument, i.e my advise, though that answer will not say everything all the time. There is nothing like conscience in Islam. Or moral standards. That’s precisely, even when he wanting to marry a Hindu girl he firmly said no to any of his sisters marrying any Hindu guy or any Non-Muslim guy.
Logic tells that any one should be able to see this kind of one sided behavior from them as clear sign. But emotions are controlling major part of them.
Here, even this definitive ‘no’ from him has not made this girl realize what kind of forces and consciousness as a Muslim are shaping his behavior.
If for her it is emotionally wrecking, as I can see from her comments, then it is sadism and joy, and even may be sexually exciting, of getting forbidden fruit, for her b.f. He has nothing to lose in any outcome.
It only furthers the goal of Islamic expansion at the cost of others.
He is serving his egoistic and Muslim male superiority complex too, as Koran tells Muslims that they are the best of all man kind, after all LOVE IS ANIMALISTIC TOO.
But most Hindu girls do not have courage to put this question, i.e if they allow their sisters to marry Non-Muslims, be it Hindu or Christian, to their Muslim b.f s and, to bypass this they rationalize it by saying that they do not want to be hurtful to their lover s.
In hindsight, these girls say ‘LOVE IS BLIND.’ while they made themselves immune to any foresight. Ohhh…the emotions. They lost their entire sense of existence to cheap commercial Bollywood cinema.
When I was reading Islamic history, what happened in Moplah rebellion in 1921 and who were these Mappila s was shocking, as initially all Mappila s were born to Hindu women and Arab Men who settled along Kerala coast in medieval times – much before Islamic invasions began; but as their numbers, i.e. Muslim population, grew, their real face or colors showed.
But what can be said of Hindus who can not learn from history ? Yes, this question should not arise here for this website is for personal relations.
But how would it be to feel when these secular girls see their off spring born and grow up as Muslims to become Jihadists to rape Hindu women and destroy the very same temples her parents or siblings visited once ?
Here the progress or evolution of mind of any Muslim man is clear. After gratification of body or sexual needs, comes a time when he tries to fulfill his religious aspirations.
And there is no bigger religious aspiration for any Muslim, as Koran makes it clear in number of verses, than to spread their faith to make it dominant in the world, in which others have no rights.
geet.. u talk with his parents…..thats the only way to clear all your doubts,…even i fell in love with my muslim friend b4 1 yr…i planned to talk with his parents abt conversion blah blah……etc…all the best for ur future……
My question is, i want to marry a muslim boy
he is doing job outside, what i have to do ?
Can you give more details since there are no two cases similar.
Normally Muslim will want you to convert to Islam, change your name to some Arabic name, give up your job, minimize visiting your parents after marriage, cover your face and raise Muslim children. Read
hi geet
why don’t you meet your guy’s parents and have conversation with them .. it will remove all the confusion prevailing in your mind and will help you to act wisely and also you can ask your guy to meet your parents and give them a share of your decision , I hope it won’t go wrong . Please do it if its possible
Yes sis , i am also thinking about this. But we dont hve time to meet each other, it s almost impossible to meet each other parents. And besides all this, both of us are busy in making our career and not in our home town. But thanks alotttt, admin also advised me this thing, and u too,. I think i hve onli this option to act n think wisely about my relation with him.
Like Nusrat said, if you are serious about this relationship, meeting parents is a must. Real truth will come out only when your meet parents. We wish you good luck!
Now spend time understanding Islam. Read Koran with him and ask why Allah is against all non-Muslims. Why Muslims cannot tolerate Hindus in their home? Why the Muslim family did not tolerated Akansha and converted her to Nusrat? Are you ready to tolerant this intolerance for what you are?
Further ask him if he really believes in the Judgment Day? What is going to happen to Christians and all Hindus on the J-day and why? Why Akansha cannot go to heaven while now Nusrat will? Why humanity and doing good karma are not as important as converting to Islam? Is it logical? It is rational thinking? is it the way whole India and the world should think?
I hve got fed up of discussion over hindus and muslims.
I respond on a blog jst for seeking help. No doubt i received a lot of help , and m very thankful to admin. But i dnt wanna discuss over any religion anymore. I asked for a help for marriage , for testing a relationshp compatibility but never ask to criticize any religion.
I am a educated girl. I can never be the part of a criticizing discussion over any religion.
Evn on my blog there are 72+ comments, but there s no comment frm a muslim. One or two muslim girl who hve been converted in hindu religion , did comment but same like criticizing others.
i am feeling depressed coz of copy and pasted comment of saying bad things about this and that religion.
I am very religious girl , but people r touching me about my own religion. Seriously…dnt know wat to say.
Admin!!! Ur comments, for asking questions , about marriage act, about conversion, about children religion, helped me alot, dat really meant help for me.
i really dont think i wud be able to come again on this site, there s full of discussion over religions but not over the person, who s seeking for help, people are unable to understand one’s mental condition who s suffering frm those circumstances.
Lots of gud wished for admin . Thanx everyone.
You have done a right thing … that is to come here to gain knowledge. People will say what ever, but it is up to you to take what is appropriate for you. No one knows your situation any better than yourself. Further, your decision will impact you (and your parents) most, rest will forget in two days. We are confident that you will make right decisions in life and will have a very successful and happy life. We respect you and your feelings. From our heart, we wish you the best.
Thanks loving admin.
I hve one ques i came to know dat if we do marriage under special marriage act, then there would be no forcible conversion, after marriage , is that true? And wat are the benefits i ll get if we do mrge under special act??? Pls throw some light…
Reply at
Muslim is a fake religion. There is no science in religion in hot of arab
muslim girls wearing black hijab. Muslim dont know what is sun what is other planet.
Muslim only becoming only terrorist under name of their god.
Muslim religion teaches kill who is good. Muslim kills cow with pride because cow is good animal.
Muslim can not do wrong with sun because it is hot. Means Muslim kill who is good.
Muslim destroying environment.
Muslims only passing wrong knowledge’s.
And i dnt wanna disclose dis thing too early, coz admin i know myself, if i find anything dat will make me comfortable with his place, i will say no. I really dnt know, why sometimes i start thinking without emotions. In order to see my fam reaction,, i discussed over this topic wd my father, but my father is too religious about islam religion, like he used to take blessings frm maulvi sahab daily, and have some written prayer of islam in his room and daily worship dat. Acc to me, my father will hve no prblm. Also we used to visit dargah once a week .
i told about this proposal to my aunt, her respinse was also too positive. She answered dat if u feel u r happy with him then go ahead. But she asked me to take some time.
About his family, he also told about me to his aunt,her response was also positive.
Besides family, i wanna see what he is in actual. I hope it will take some time. But i wud able to hve a right conclusion.
Admin! Please keep asking me such questions, so that i cud b much intentive.
You said, “i discussed over this topic wd my father”, does it mean you asked your parents that “you are in love with a Muslim and one day may marry him”? It is one thing to take some part of other faith and another to let their daughter accept Islam and to live in an Islamic community.
Don’t believe what he said, “he also told about me to his aunt”. You do not have to deal with that aunt, but with his parents. Go meet them in person and tell that “I am in love with your son, who has agreed to marry by Hindu wedding. Further, our children will not be Muslims but secular.” Let us know what they say.
Ok admin.
And i ll nvr lie,dnt wry admin.
Thanks for ur respond.
Ill discuss over those pts.
But admin! If we will disclose this thing so early den i hve to face so many problems. Noone will allow me to go out of town for further studies. I hve already planned the things and courses i hve to complete in cuming three years. I dont want be a ‘Abla naari’ as the girls used to b after marriage in India.I want to make my future very bful with my hardworking. I dnt wanna loose chance i hve.
What shud i do now?
shud i ask him to tell about me to his elder sister/??? Atleast ill come to know about there expressions.
So you know wishes of your parents and wishes to go against for your love. Remember, it will cost you.
Yes, it is a great idea to find out what is planned for you, Akansha or Nusrat? To expect any thing other than Nusrat is delusion. Go meet his sister and also parents ASAP. Why to waste time and mind?
Meantime a suggestion: It is natural for a girl to love to hear words from a boy that “Geet, you are beautiful and I truly love you”. Don’t let him make you weak. Remember Abida: “By nature girls are innocent and emotional, whosoever respects them (even falsely), they get trapped. There are so many anti social elements in the society who are disguised as gentlemen but internally conspirator”. Never be physical, because after sex the girl gets weak.
I do understand ur pt admin. Dnt wry we will b in our limits. It was the onli reason i did nt met him in previous mnths. Now i hve decided to meet him in cming mnth so that we can hve some face to face conversion
I do understand ur pt admin. Dnt wry we will b in our limits. It was the onli reason i did nt met him in previous mnths. Now i hve decided to meet him in cming mnth so that we can hve some face to face conversation.
Geet do you forgot that your mulim boyfriend ” he will never let his sister to marry a hindu gay ” so he is not good gay. He is love jihadi
I dnt know wat he s,but the best thing i know about him is that he was my best friend even still we r best friends.
u r right, he will not allow his sister to marry a hindu guy, but if i think about myself, evn i ll nt allow my brother to marry a muslim girl.
i know onli one thing now, i must not concentrate on my partners religion, i should concentrate over him, i must pay attention on our relation compatibility. It doesnt matter to which community or to which religion or to which country , a guy belongs to, but the most essential thing dat one must concentrate over, is partners nature, his or her humanity, his or her good or bad things.
And i adopt these wonderful views from a guy naming “shyam” on this site.
It also doesnt mean dat the help i got from this blog is of no use, each and every discussion, respond helped me alot.
I m not sure whether i ll adopt him as a partner in future but i came to learn so many things.
Dating could be between two people only, but marriage takes more than two individuals. Your and your husband’s surroundings and parents will greatly influence your married life. For this reason, what ever you do, please be honest to both sets of parents and keep them informed as you go along. Best wishes.
Thsnku admin
Admin! Pls read the respond and my comment jointly.
It doesnt mean dat i ll nevr allow my bro to marry a muslim girl or a girl of any other caste. We hve almost all marriages even of my mom n dad have, in my family, an intercaste marriage.
I meant to say that it is obvious dat there will b some shock at first.
Hi geet,
We have not heard from you in a while, any progress in your relationship?
What would you say to Akansha converted unwillingly to Nusrat Khan? Please guide her at
Hello admin! I am glad to see ur respond. M sry i didnt respond , i didnt come here. U ask for a progession, my answer is that there is lot of progession, as i told u dat i said to him no. He discussed after that so many things. I told him about nikaah need conversion, he said then its ok na we will live with each other. I simply said to him dat i will nvr change my religion. After so messy conversation, his reply was we will do onli hindu marriage , and if u want ill become hindu. I said to him dat if u truly love me den pls dnt ask me to do conversion and pls be a muslim. I dnt want him to leave his religion for me. Evn i also gave him time to think and to discuss with his family member. At last his reply was i onli love u. And wanna spend my life with u without any religion interruption.
There were so many things happened, like holi,there were celebrations of holi festival in his more beautiful than in my home. Navratras came, i told him about my fast, he didnt eat non veg on dat day.
Now these days his fully concentration is on his carrer . Sometimes i feel he will not live with his family after marriage, or if he will live, he has a long list for my needs, like no non veg coking frm me, my fasting, my religious activities, my religious books. I found so much dedication and enthusiasm in him to live his life wd him.
I still dnt wanna take any decision. Coz we hve five years in between to see our compatibility. I respect his feelings but i dnt wanna be get so much serious, until i dnt found my future safe and contending.
Now a days my fully concentration is on my exams and m also gonna pursur more higher education . Ur advice was very nice dat anyone can do a simple job . I wanna do something different.
Everything in god’s hand , i left everything to him.
M nt a emotional fool, and respect his feelings, so i used to b in touch with him.
Admin! I hve a question, if we do marriage by Special Marriage Act. After that can we do nikaah as well as hindu marriage???
Nikaah means you must have shahadah, a religious conversion to Islam.
Be a Muslim only if you truly committing to be a 100% Muslim and 0.000% Hindu. A Muslim cannot be a Hindu too. If you are not sure, go ask to 100 imams (don’t ask your boy friend, he will lie in love).
After conversion, and even after your divorce, if you (now Muslim) wishes to be a Hindu, punishment is STONED TO DEATH.
Thanku admin. It ws already in my mind dat ill not do nikaah. Can we do hindu marriage? Because he used to say dat he love hindu marriages
Yes, there is no religious conversion involved in a Hindu Vivaha. If he is ready, that is the only marriage needed.
However, don’t underestimate his parents and Muslim community. Always think .. can you ever end up in situation like Akansha after marriage. What will you do if he changes after marriage? ..after child birth?
To avoid all these issues, be honest to all. Tell all facts to your parents and his parents now. It will be hard initially, but after marriage there will be less surprises.
Yes admin! I hve in my mind watever happened. I wanna take moves slowly.
In India , is it necessary dat children will adopt religion of his father???
Because wen i discuss wd him about the religion of children and about their marriage, his answer was ofcourse muslim but we will celebrate customs nd festivals of both religion. After dat my reply was we will not force our children to follow hindu or muslim, it will b their wish which religion they wanna adopt, and they can do marriage in any religion, both of us will never force them.
Pls share ur pt. Of view over this..
There is no law for it, it is up to the parents to decide the faith of children.
Now he will say it is a matter of practice and custom. Tell him that Hindu-Muslim marriage is not a practice nor custom in India. Now we are in a new territory where both are 50-50%.
If you are looking for equality (why not!), make a point to have kids a neutral names (not Arabic), no circumcision and will be taught both from Geeta and Koran equally. They will go to a temple and mosque every week. Make sure his parents agreed to all these. Otherwise, after marriage, like the case of Akansha (now converted to Nusrat), your situation will be exact like Akansha.
Dear Geet,
I apologize on behalf of others for the coarse but sympathetic and benevolent suggestions/comments from the guys at this site. Most of the people are overwhelmed with their emotions and unknowingly hurt others even though their intention is good. The same has happened over here.
And don’t worry about anything if you read the Geeta. Only thing is try to understand it properly and then follow it in your day to day life. Unfortunately, very few among those who read the Geeta, are able to grasp its meaning and intention!
For you I would like to narrate two shlokas as follows:
Uddhretatmana atmanam, Naatmanam avasadyet.
Aatmavhyatmano bandhuratmav ripuratmanah.
Shlok-5; Chapter-6
Bandhuratmatmanashchav yenatmaivatmana jitah.
Anatmanastushatrutve, vertetmaiv shatruvat.
Shlok – 6; Chapter – 6
Now, it’s your home assignment to know their meaning and understand them properly. Take a week or so and then apply to yourself.
Don’t forget the Geeta was narrated in the battle field when Arjun was in depression. After imbibing the message of the Geeta, he shrugged off all his cowardice and filled with virility! That’s the effect of the Geeta!
Om Namah Bhagwate Vasudevay.
Thanx satyen ji. I daily read Gita and most of my time spent in ‘simran’ and serving poor people. Thanx for ur advice, ill go through it.
And its olways,”Om namah bhagvate Vasudevaye Namah”. The word “Namah” ends the whole mantra.
Well, it is another home assignment to explore the correct mantra. I am giving you a clue. Narad jee had taught this mantra to the prodigy child devotee Dhruv and it is also called ‘Ekaadashaakshar Mantra’. So, you can count the letters in this mantra to kno if there shoula be additional Namah at the end of this mantra.
Om namo Narayanay.
Hello frnds! I refused him for marriage. I rejected his proposal. Nw pls oll of uh stop saying ill to me.
Admin! I got inner strength from ur site.
but nw m feeling dat my confidence s almost nill nw. I jst take a step to hve wise decision for my life. But nw m feeling so much distracted. It seems i did a very big sin, it seems to share our feelings is crime. No doubt i got vast knowledge frm here but m completely disappointed nw.
Anyways god bless uh oll of uh.
We have always keep our position that you are one of smartest girls we have come across.
Most Hindu girls fall in love and then after 2-4 years, start looking into what she has got into, while you came to this site BEFORE falling in love. This is the right way to take important decisions in life, that is to fully know what you are heading for.
Let us further remind you that we are not against you marry that Muslim guy. If he is willing to marry you without religious conversion, his parents are happy to accept you as a “Hindu” daughter-in-law in their home and you are allowed to raise children in TWO faiths, there is nothing wrong marrying that wonderful human-being. However, if he is a love-proselytizer (love-Jihadi), kick him in ….you know where?
There is nothing to be distracted or get frustrated, now your should focus on your career and new life. We wish you the best.
thanx admin. Thanx for being my courage and strengh . Thanx to motivate me. Thanx for everything.
I hve already kick him off. Nw definitely ill concentrate onli on my success and future. God bless u
I hve bcome fan of urs
@Geet: Thanks , Sister for your Courage to deny his ( That Muslim Guy) Proposal.I am looking for your better future as a Pious Hindu Girl.Lord Krishna Bless you.
Thanks and Regards,
Raesa Sing ( Formerly known as Raesa Khan, An Ex- Muslim ).
Thanks raesa. God bless uh.
Dear Ms. Geet,
I read all the messages, replies in this blog. I am one of the ill-fated parent, my daughter being legally abducted by a muslim. Their strategy is to show artificial love and affection and create ill in the mind of the girl against her parents. Then get the marriage registered, so that no one can complaint. This is called legally abducting. My daughter believed in him and dejected us one fine day and ran away with him. All our love and affection shown to her for 22 years has no value and she felt that that muslim boy could take better care than us. Me and my wife cried a lot, did whatever possible (praying to God), but in vain. We now decided that its her fate and her decision. But, we have taken a stand that we will under no circumstances leave our faith, dharma and religion. We are even not in contact with her either personally or telephonic, although staying in same town. But, dear Ms. Geet, please note our each drop of tears will kill each one of all those people who are involved in this henious crime. Somewhere I read, Allah takes the muslim boy to heaven if that boy converts a girl of other religion to muslim. I do not believe in this. Allah will never say this. Whoever has made this rule, never though about girl’s parents situation. The curse they give will not go waste. We appreciate your decision to remain in your own faith. May God bless you.
Mr. Margao Goa,
Yes, Geet is a smart girl. Again, it is people like you who have guided her here in right time to rescue from making a mistake. You cannot save your daughter but we are VERY happy that you are out saving others’ daughters. Please visit this site every week and guide to innocents from getting trapped. This is Godly work.
Thanks Administrator. While reading your reply, my heart is crying. We have lost our loved daughter in front of our eyes. We will do all that is necessary to save other daughters.
if the guy loves u test his love,ask him to become a hindu,why will you become he ready to sacrifice his own life for u,even if death comes?ask him”kya tum mere liye jaan de sakte hoo?agar karte ho toh apna haath kaat ke dikaho?”and geet if he cuts his hand’s nerves i will say he truly loves u.then marry your true lover.i will support in your marraige. jai shri ram.and if he doesnt plzz dont marry him.
i am extremly sorry for losing another hindu girl to another religeon. swami vivekanda said”a person leaving his own religeon ,create an enemy for that religeon”.all commentators all comment we made is useless for this girl geet.she is day dreamer and lost in love for that non hindu boy.unfortunately geet sri krisna is not an idol of just peace ,he killed kansa while he was 10 year and 8 month old.if you are are peace liking girl then throw away any krishna idol you see(you will do this after they forcibly convert u as a muslim).every comment from our hindu brothers and sister were in vein. my grandmother were raped and forcibly converted( to islam by muslims whom u are a die hard fan even if they rape your mother infront of you, you will still worship ur mother rapist by saying RADHE RADHE and spread peace and secularism) and she was kept for nearly 2 months during partition in rawalpindi,then sikh soldiers rescued grandfather married her in amritsar even after she was raped.(becoz he was a hindu).i dont know what kind of love you want.even after repeatedly telling you that he will never marry her sister with a hindu boy (becoz according to that guy hindu boy and muslim girl love are fake and muslim boy hindu girl love are true as he said )you are still jumping like a frog to marryinf him.if he cant the understanding the meaning of love,cant respect the love for others then how come he loves u?????????but still ur hell bent marrying this guy,becoz he will not marry any other 3 girls and sleep with him along with u.okk geet one last request even if you marry that guy plzz dont make your children terrorists.all muslim are not terrorists but all terrorist are muslims.being a woman you will never have a right to speak ,but being a mother dont give him jihadi trainig to kill non muslim(your father and mother falls here),raping hindu girls(your cousins),destroying temple ,forcibly convert non muslim to islam and the last love jihad.hope you give some lessons from vedas,ramayan,mahabharata and bhagwat gita(if ur husband allows).atlast spent ur goodays becoz ur baddays are coming soon.
I wished, u read my responds. I didnt even said dat m marrying him. After my yesterday’s respond nobody bother to ask me dat wat s my condition or wat i did, or wat happened. I refused him olready. And i was nvr in love wd him . Each n every person here s blaming me frm very first day, but may b everyone here wants to express his/her views, noone wants to read peacefully. Anyways tcc oll of u
This s for each and every person present here, responding here…
“Once a muslim man was in a barber’s shop. There he saw a picture of Lord Krishna . He had been got so much impressed by prabhu’s beauty dat frm his heart he was full of love for thakurji. He asked barber, “who s dat child?” Barber smiled and said,”His name s Krishna”. The muslim guy asked “where do he lives?” Barber again smiled and answered, “In Vrindvan”. Then the guy said,” He s so beautiful,it seems belong to a very rich family but i cant understand why he didnt wear his footwears!!!” This time barber laughed and said, “If u really want to see him in his footwears then go to Vrindavan”
The muslim guy took him seriously and bought a beautiful pair of shoes and went Vrindavan. Thakurji’s picture was in his hand, he asked frm people about thakurji’s home. People showed him the path of “Shri Banke Bihari Ji Temple”. He reached there. He asked panditji ,” A beautiful child lives here. I brought shoes for him” He requested to let him go inside. But panditji thought that he s mad. And scold him. He sat outside the temple and decided in his heart dat he wud nt leave untill he gave dat pair of shoes to beautiful child.
Noon passed, evng passed, it was time of midnight. Doors of temples were locked. The muslim guy was still outside the temple. At that time, thakurji himself came out of temple and came to muslim guy. The muslim man felt so much happy. He gve prabhuji pair of shoes. Thakurji wore them. The next day when panditji opened temple’s locks. He saw prabhuji in shoes and was surprised.
Even lord fall in love wd muslim guy. Prabhu always waits for the real love. If krishna can love a muslim guy then we r simple human beings.
I always worship my thakurji. For me he s everywhere, he s with those who worship love and belive in love. Who used to b get mad in love.
This s my request to everyone, nvr feels hatred for any guy who is in love wd guy of another religion. We learn about love from our family, society, from our religion too. Then why feel hatred for people who love guy or grl of different religion.
It s good to provide knowledge about traditions or customs of opp religion. But atleast dnt speak ill to one who s already in trouble.
God bless u oll , love s life and life s love <3
@Geet: I am Raesa Khan ( Now, Raesa Sing, A Hindu ),Your this type of Attitude never works in real World, And this is just a Story, Idol worshiping is Haram ( Prohibited ) in ISLAM. Girls like you are always been a Soft Target by Muslims! Muslims can Easily lure Girls like you! Better you ask your so called Muslim Lover to accept HINDUISM! Each and every body have right to show Love, But Muslims never Understand the language of Love. I know this better than You because, Once I was also a Muslim, Now a Proud Hindu. Loving a Muslim guy is Equivalent to loving a Human Bomb .Hope, You Understood!
Thanks to everyone here who responds. Thanks to share some precious moments of ur life for me. God bless h both. May god bless all of uh wid real happiness and success. Take care oll of uh.
Spl thanks to admin .
Perhaps you are determined to spoil your life. Muslim guy is attempting not to leave any stone unturned to get you as sex object only. You know what will happen on the first day when you marry him and reach his house:
i) You will be forced to eat cow meat(beef),
ii) in the wedding night if you dont bleed you will loose your credibiility and soon you will be forced to practice halala.
iii) you will be forced to wear burqa and not to move out without
iv) you will not be allowed to do job,
v) you will loose your parental support for ever,
vi) your clitoris will be removed as part of compulsory circumcision, ,known as FMG.
vii) you will not be allowed to go back to your religion, if you ever attempted you will be stonned to death.
viii) you will not object, if your husband brings another wife, he is allowed to keep 4 wives, give talak to them orally, and bring another 4 wives.
Hi Human! May b u r elder than me. But m sry if u feel disrespect in my words. U said dat m a foolish girl. No sir, m nt a foolish girl, m jst a simple living creature. U said dat girls like me gve bad names to hindu religion then i must say people like u gve bad names to hindu religion. In our religion, we dnt say ill words for girls, we say that they are one of a beautiful creature of lordess durga. We worship them on durga ashtmi. We wash their feet and please them. Our religion , never say a single ill word for any religion, in our religion, we worship one God.
Lord krishna in Gita says that he s everywhere, he lives inside us.
if u r really a Hindu then u did nvr say a ill word for me. U dnt hve any right to take decision about my good or bad evils , God s always wd me and i always ask help from my krishna. Keep ur ill words and ill thoughts to urself. Radhe Radhe.
@human -2 what u know abt Islam Islam is pure religion and it teach good things to all if u follow Muslim religion u can live peacefully and happily in Quran Allah said we should not criticise other religions but u can’t understand what is Islam
Hello Geet,
I know the mentality and psychology of muslim guys very well. For trapping non muslim girls they can go to any extent, make false promises, posing very liberal and committed. Once girl is fully trapped, then see their attitude, day by day changing and becoming cruel and harsh.
You forget him. He is making false statements about not wearing burqa by his sisters. He is trapping you for sexual game only. Your life will spoil.
Straightway refuse to marry him and stop all communications with him.
Dear Geet,
See the writing on the wall. What a miracle that a person transformed within a week to such an extent!
My suggestions are as follows:
1. Tell him that I want to settle in my career. That’s my first priority. The minimum it will take, is 2 years.
2. There is no promise, not even a good possibility that I wioll marry you after this period.
3. In case, I find my soul mate within this period, I will go with him.
Marriage is probably the most important decision of a Hindu’s life as traditionally, there is no concept of divorce unlike other religions where it is embedded in the concept of contract marriage. Don’t forget that a Hindu marriage is a solemnization of partnership for the life.
So, take time to think all the pros and cons without rushing to delusional mirage of dreams. For a Muslim, Hindu marriage doesn’t have any meaning as they are allowed to use it as means to propagate religion. He could be a good person, but it will take time to verify what he is up to.
Moreover, from your perspective, you should seek for the best boy as your hubby available in the market. There could be many others who may be more suitable to you than this guy. I don’t know how good a Hindu he can prove to be such as celebrating Deepawali, Navratri, touching the feet of elders etc. Will he like to be burried ater his death or cremated? Will he cremate you with all the hindu rites?
Finally, most important aspect is the upbringing of your children. Why dilute their free thinking by giving them Arabic culture which are known to be cruel such as circumcision and qurbani etc ? What is the guarantee that he will remain a Hindu for the whole of his life? What if he reverts back to Islam?
Bottom line is, take a period of two years without any promise of marriage with him. This will give you enough time to think about your marital life.
May mother Durga bless you!
Hi m again in trouble:(
My friend s saying, dat his family s modern. His sisters are at good posts in our Indian Services and both of them live out of town. No one wears burqa in his family. About marriage he s saying we will do only hindu marriage, wat shud i do now????
Pls dnt scold me and clear my confusions
This is what we expected. It is very risky to marry him. That is why we wanted you to take away your focus away from this love thing to your career. You are already 24, how many more years are you planning to waste after him?
If he is a “true” Muslim, you should not marry him. Because after marriage, he will follow Zakir Naik and slowly and constantly let you be less Hindu and more Muslim till you convert.
Alternatively he may be very honest guy and this may be a perfect opportunity for you. We recommend to now go “open books”, no more secrets. For that do four things: 1) Be honest and tell your parents 100% truth. 2) Take him to a Hindu temple with your other friends and ask him to do pooja like SRK. Is he comfortable to be part of such rituals? 3) Go meet his sisters and ask them if they fall in love with a Hindu what will happen? and 4) Go meet his parents and tell them that their son agreed to marry you by a Hindu ritual (no nikaah) and you will want your children to be Hindus (names, no circumcision, taken to temple). Let us know their comfort level. Get all these 4 done in a month. Remember, you are getting old and don’t have too much time to waste.
beaware of lovejihath we have to save our culture and tradition first think about our parents and do prayers properly try to read bhavatgita at least few lines daily then u will get cleared muslims and christians are targating hindu good and soft nature hindu familys paticularly
@Geet: My Beloved sister, I am an Ex-Muslim ( Raesa Sing, Previously known as Raesa Khan ), Married to a Hindu Boy and Living Life Happily, My Suggestion is Never ever get Married to any Muslim Guy, They will make your life Hell.I have a Fascination to marry a Hindu Guy, Because Hindu guys are thousands time Liberal than Muslim Guys. NEVER EVER Get married to a MUSLIM Guy, It’s my Suggestion to you, My Sweet Sister, Take Care.
geet, thanks for taking such a important decision.But unfortunately this guy might missed his shots this time(in ur case) but will definately lure another hindu girl into love jihad.thats in his blood,you cant change it.he’s not religeous but knows that a muslim girl should not marry a hindu boy( biggest liar and also the most close minded). Geet insects get attracted to light during night time and then by morning they are all death.i am pleased that you are not that insect. jai shri RAM.hope you live a peaceful life .
thaNks for ur respond rajeev ji. I dnt knw hw to thanks each n every person responding on my blog. All of u make me so much confident m feeling very gr8. And m really contended wd myslf . Gbu oll
Dear Geet,
I think good sense prevailed on you. Muslim guys are trapper and specialists to use non muslim girls for sex and multiplication of their population. Initially they are pose very polite, compromsing, honest in dealing with females, but the movement their objective is achieved, they start putting restrictions and forcing them to covert to islam. Once converted, it is hard to go back to parent religion because of fear of stonning to death.
Cruelty is also overwhelmingly reflected in the Koran. Allah urges Muslims to mount cruelties and bloodshed on the kafirs, apostates, heretics and hypocrites. Islam’s message of the hereafter is also overwhelmingly frightening: horrible punishments and tortures of all sorts for infidels and deviants. One may recall here the legacy of horrible punishment by Muslim rulers in India for nearly 700 years. Ordered by revered Aurangzib, three disciples of Guru Govind Singh were murdered with extreme cruelty. Bhai Moti Dass was sawed alive like a log, Bhai Dyala was boiled alive and the third disciple was burnt alive. Firstly, he was wrapped with cotton and linen, soaked the cotton with oil and then setting it to fire.
It was a normal practice for the Muslim rulers to kill the kafirs, even suspect/deviant Muslims, arrested for any pretext, with extraordinary cruelty. Smashing the head under the foot of an elephant or under a heavy log, and tearing the limbs apart by pulling them by elephants etc. were common as well as amusing to those barbaric rulers. There were people who could invent newer kind of cruelties like flaying a child in front of a mother, flaying the husband in front of his wife and force her eat the flesh of her husband, cutting a child into pieces on his or her mother’s lap and so on. Even today, in Saudi Arabia, Iran, Afghanistan, and Pakistan, women suspected of adultery are stoned to death in front large assemblies of common Muslims, who rejoice at the barbaric act.
Prophet Mohammad himself had taught his followers many such extreme brutalities, and it will be relevant to narrate one here. On one occasion, eight people of the Ukl clan came to Medina, embraced Islam, and became very dear to Mohammad. But the climate of Medina did not suit them, and they fell ill. Mohammad prescribed camel-milk as food and camel-urine as medicine for their recovery. They were shifted to stable of camels in the desert. Within a short time, they recovered from their illness. But after that, they committed a crime. Betraying Muhammad, they murdered the stable keeper, and fled with the camels. They were pursued and soon captured by Mohammad’s men, and brought back to Medina.
They committed three very serious crimes: 1) murdered the stable keeper; 2) stole the camels; 3) betrayed Muhammad. The first and the third crime deserved death sentence, while the second crime demanded chopping their right hands off. Mohammad decided to punish them with exemplary punishments, and, that too, by his own hands. He took two iron rods, made them red-hot and then pushed the rods into the eyes of the victims. Then he chopped the limbs of the victims off, and left them in the hot desert-sand under mid-day sun. Within a couple of hours, all the eight victims bled to death. They were denied water as they cried for it. If the Prophet could have exhibited such examples of cruelty, what can one expect from his followers?
What is most instructive to take note is that, Muslims around the world quickly pick up this pastoral cruelty, after conversion to Islam, through Koran and Hadiths, and the teachings of their Imams. It is needless to say that Islam has instilled similar cruel instinct in Mohiuddin of West Bengal, India, 14 centuries on.
Thanks massey! I said to him no. M very happy with my decision. And feeling vry proud dat m still hindu. M feeling gr8 dat everyone here helped me alot to take a right decision.
I said to my friend ‘No’. And m happy. He s not religious, so he had no information about all those things dat r related to islam , about those we used to take discussion this blog. He apologize himself and said dat if u r happy by taking this decision then he s too. We r again nrml frndsss. But m happy atleast everything gotta ends in peaceful manner
All s well that ends well. Thanks to everyone here.
To your point: “He s not religious, so he (muslim) had no information about all those (conversion) things”
Is he mentally retarded? Being raised in a Muslim family, he never learned that the Hindu must convert to marry a Muslim? However, he clearly knew that Muslim girls cannot date a Hindu. Lier, lier, lier.
This is the exact same innocent playing answer we expected (read Pride, Hindu Girl). A year later, this guy will be dating another Hindu girl (again, playing innocent). One or the other Hindu girl is going to get trapped.
Muslim (and Christian) youths raised in a secular society learned in colleges to talk of pluralism and respect for others (even idol-worshippers; against their Torahnic, Biblical and Koranic teachings). This goes well during 2-4 years of dating with a Hindu, however hell gets loose as soon as they talk to their parents and their intolerant society. All of a sudden, these secular posing Muslim/Christian youths now become religious fanatic and start asking their Hindu lover for religious conversion. (read exceptions)
InterfaithShaadi’s position: To ask for religious conversion for marriage after years of dating is sin. And the worst sin the victim party could commit is to submit to such religious fanatic’s irrational BBS demands.
This is the exact reason we have created this web site (to stop BBS for interfaith marriages with equality). What love has to do with religious conversion?
We thank each and every one of you readers for your comments and support.
Thanks admin. I came to know about some more info. I mentioed dat he said i did nt know abt dat . I wanna know wat will be the responds by my caring frnds, present here. Thanks again admin,
Dear Geet,
Dont believe on that guy. Disassociate yourself from him. Right now
he may agree with you on all points. Once you are fully trapped, then see his monsterous face and your bad days will start. No body knows what
a miserable and shameful life you will be forced to live.
I am a working english teacher in a Govt. school and in love with a Hindu teacher, almost my age group in the same school and wants to marry him. My parents searched a muslim boy to marry me but when I talked him, I found he was not suitable match, just a black smith professionalist, living hand to mouth and very harsh in talking.
I have now decided not marry any muslim guy, otherwise I have to live a restricted life. He said that after marriage he will not permit to do job in the school.
Muslim girls need freedom and blissful life, which is not possible in islamic culture. Muslim girls married in hindu families live gracefully, but unfortunately any hindu girl marries in muslim family her bad days begin to ruin her life. No respect in muslim culture to the ladies, they are just sex toys.
Thanks ashgari ji. I got ur pt. Also i read so many responds that were also like urs. Ive already decided to say my frnd ‘NO’. And m feeling contended ovr my this step. Thanks alot for responding, for sharing ur views,:) may god bless uh
Muslims youths use three stages to lure non-Muslims to Islam.
1) Date for years and then innocently ask for religious conversion for marriage (Sharmila, Saif’s first marriage). If that does not work, then …
2) Marry without conversion (Saif’s second marriage)
3) After marriage, demand that children must be Muslims only (Aamir Khan) and pressure the Hindu spouse to convert.
Not all Muslims youths are religious fanatic like described above; we honor proud Muslims like Salman, SRK, Seema and Shamim.
Dear Muslim readers, let us know what type of Muslim are you?
It is openly preached in the Madrasas to trap non muslim girls not only for sexual purpose but also multiplay their populations and Koran also encourages to lie, cheat, kidnap and rape, kill non muslim girls.
One more thing that I did not mention, that is once Geet gets married, her CLITORIS will be removed as part of compulsory circumcision.
It is truely said on the site at various places that Islam is not a religion but a CRIMINAL IDEOLOGY, which is full of evils and mal practices against mankind.
Well, at least this time, we have a smart girl and now ready to say NO.
After reading all above, i hve decided that i wl say him no. Dis s not bcoz he s muslim. He s my best friend, always support me. But i realize dat m very freedom loving girl. Most of my time spend in serving poor people or doing some social work. I realize dat i cant accept islamic traditions. They r vry different. Every religion is true on its part. I cant live in a family where there r lots of restrictions on girls. I myself criticize lots of differences between boy and girl in my own hindu family. But in islam, there r olready so many things dat i cant criticize coz islam has already given permission to its followers to do lots of bad things acc to me. ill simply say him no. May be my decision will hurt my friends feeling but i cant hurt his parents nd mine parent’s emotions. Coz according to me i will b disable to become a good partner for a muslim guy or a good daughter in law for a muslim family.
i still want advice frm my friends, if any of my view pt s false then pls tell me. Admin i ll w8 for ur optimistic views…
Like you, here we are also doing social work helping needly (like you). This site had 7 million hits/year and we could make money by advertising but we have decided to stay non-profit and genuinely help needly. Please come join us guide other youths getting trapped in love-proselytizm.
Now your former bf will move to another Hindu girl to convert and marry her. Please educate all your girl friends in colleges, that is a social work.
Thanks admin to being my courage. Thanks to make me confident.
We are glad you had this wonderful experience dealing with a con artist (or an ignorant stupid). This will prepare you for the real life.
Now lets change the subject to something new. You are 20 something. As much as this dating and love is exciting, focus on your education first. The world is VERY challenging and there is fierce competition for good jobs. Having an ordinary education and being little better than others will not “cut the cake”. Focus all your energy now on top-notch education and prepare yourself to be an executive of some international firm, nothing less. Believe us, you will do it. Do not plan to date any one till you are done with education, and later do not rush to marry someone till you are sure. We wish you the best.
Hi admin, m 24 plus. And over wd my higher studies. Thanks for ur optimistic views. But my views r open onli coz of mu studies. May b coz of education, i first detect the traditions of islam, before saying to him no.
Thanks for ur support.
I did also tell him no so many times before . But nw when i say to him no, i had the perfect evidences, dat i cant b get in relationship wd him and he was speechless. M glad for this. Thanks for ur support and efforts . Gbu.
Admin i need to talk u personally, wanna consult for my further step in my life. I first waanna to b self independent spl financially onli then i wll think abt marriage. If u can then pls talk to me personally . I m sure u will show me bright path . god bless uh .
It appears you are a foolish girl. Islam is a criminal religion against non muslims and you are under trap just for sexual pleasure.
Dont you know, that muslims are allowed to keep 4 wives, trap non muslim girls to increase their population, as part of love zihad?
Do you want to remain in burqa, lead a restricted life?
The day he is fed up with you for sexual pleasure, he will bring another wife and if you object, you will face physical and mental torture or you will be handed over to the terrorits to lead a life of prostitute?
Koran openly says that trapping non muslim girls is allowed to islam to increase their population world wide?
Every where in the world muslim terrorits are working to kill non muslims and increase their population by trapping non muslim girls.
Do you know that on wedding night you have to bleed and as part of your virginity bed sheets with blood stains is displayed before the family members in the morning and if you did not bleed you will be kicked out.
You may be victim of oral tripple talak and if you insist to be his wife, you have to practice Halala, means you have to sexually satisfy other males and later if you are accepted by you ex husband, he will get your hymn repaired to make you artificially virgin, then he may marry you.
Most probably girls like you are giving bad names to the society and knowing the cruelty of islam and restrictions on women, if you are in love with a criminal mind that is your ill fate.
Hi Human,
We agree to most that you mentioned, however we do not agree that Geet is a “foolish girl”. Contrary she is very smart to reach to us BEFORE getting into love. Most other Hindus do the other way around, that is to be in love for 2-4 years and then find out facts. We are confident that Geet will do that is a right thing to do, not that what we tell her or what that Muslim boy friend tells her to do.
Geet, my sister, pl take a test of his love. Ask him to convert in your religion and see what is his first love. If he agrees, I would say he loves you above all, otherwise it would prove that his priority of love is any where else. His initial pretention will cheat you in later life. This is the teaching of history.Don’t be the victim of LOVE JIHAD.Be happy with your own culture and be proud for your ancestry of the great Hindu Civilization.Love is emotion and life is practical. Live a happy life which will make you and all your near and dear ones happy.
Thanks kafir. Ur viewpt was very nyc. I asked him for conversion and he agreed. But kafir, i cant ask his whole family for conversion. I respect the emotions of his family too. He s a son, a bro, and hve lots of bful relations. I cant b get selfish. So i dropped dat pt.
but ur viewpt was vry wide, it helped me alot to take right decision.
I m born hindu and i will die hindu
whats you age geet?are you student or working?let me tell you clearly geet,this guy will convert you to Muslim at any cost by hook or crook before marriage.if a Muslim boy marries a Hindu girl the whole secular world would clap and say Hindu Muslim bhai bhai.but when a Hindu boy marries a Muslim girl then???? radar (VIDEO),ishaqzaade and many more.either the Hindu boy is killed or he is force to convert and become is blind but marriage open everything.go to Hindu samhati website and see how honour killing takes place by killing Hindu boys who married Muslim girls.the famous murshidabad beheading .plzz search it in Google.and refering your case .you are not confused for love but actually its an inflactuation that muslim boys are good looking and kind jihad is spreading in every nooks and corner of our country.dont forget your mother kept 9 months in her womb,and you want to leave them just for a boy who came for few months.jai shri ram.
Rajeev ji! Pls dnt take me wrong. And once again read my blog. I mentioned dat it s jst a start. And he s my friend, evn childhood friend. He has developed feelings for me. And i didnt answer to proposal. I dnt want to take any wrong decision dat may spoil future of both of us. And i m very possessive about my parents dats y before getting in an relationshp i wanna clear oll my doubts. Even i respect his parents too coz he s also somebody’s son , brother… I wanted to hve a glance at my future . I have dat now. Thanks alot to this website. But now my problem s hw to handle oll this calmly????
and rajeev ji, i dnt like him coz of his beauty, both of us r beautiful on our part, infact sometimes i felt dat may b my beauty s the reason of oll dis mess. I want to sort out my problem in a calmful nd soft hearted manner, nw pls help me in that ease…
We are glad you are beautiful, however you will realize in life that your beauty will attract all sorts of con artists to trap you (like bees around a beautiful flower). However, we are double glad that you are smart too (like in this case), not just beautiful. So, you have a perfect combination. Thank God for all these.
Thanku so much admin to appreciate me. In the beginning i was afraid that m getting selfish and thinking so much abt myself . But nw m contended wd my this step. God bless u admin, i got so much strngth frm this site.
You are not being selfish, but simply smart. Knowingly fall into a trap is ultimate stupidity. You are not out to cheat others, however you are not gullible to be cheated by others.
We are waiting to hear for what he has to say for above 3 points raised. Remember Geet, unless you help us, we cannot help others like you. Enjoy this process of finding truth for the benefit of other innocent girls. Now you are going to do godly humanitarian work.
Please continue your healthy conversations with the Muslim friend. Do not hesitate to challenge him or to put him on the spot (like a double standard for his sister vs girl friend). Do not let him evade a question (like conversion a must), poke him till he tells you the truth. For his every one answer, ask him 3 additional truth-seeking questions.
Thnx for responding rajeev. I did the same. But now how to handle the whole situation.?
geet …m a hindu guy…i percieve you as a sister form my own religion…dont fall into tht guy’s trap…you will destroy ur life if you marry him…imagine burqa, not letting out from home, no job, no restra, no movies…plus u might have to suffer with other girls as his wives. he might physically and mentally torture u after marriage. read some past stories on net and then take a step
Thnks for ur respond ankit ji. Ankit ji ps read all the comments plus responds made by me, then express ur precious views. I admire ur concern. Thanks. I ve already said that m gonna say my friend no. Pls read my cmnts again.
I asked the above questions.
#1. He replied, we will do marriages of both religion.
#2. He replied, we will teach our children the ethics of humanity, we will nurture them in both religion. They will celebrate both id nd togethr etc.
#3. He replied, that no he will nvr let his sisters to marry a hindu guy.
Now again i m feeling vry cnfused. Ive decided that ill not play with his feelings. We r educated we know dat wat s good for us. I dont want to vanish his parents emotions. I dont want to hurt both families, i ll ask him to stop thinking abt me as a partner. May b this s the onli right decision, plz help me admin
GEET just ask ur boyfriend a simple question will he allow any of his sister to get married with your hindu brother?(even if his sister loves your hindu brother -i hope he forced to convert then only marry,his sister will never be a hindu after marraige.)hope you understand .we hindus have been butchered thosands of year under muslim rule and you want love???